- Is this the kind of
show, where like, if I win, at the end of the day I still don't win. 'Cause like, they'll come back
(laughing) and be like, maybe I should get a hobby. (laughing) - This is your hobby. - Oh.
(laughing) (rock music) - Welcome, everyone, to
Stan VS the Internet. (oohing and ahhing) Today, we are putting, Damien, an anime otaku, against Courtney, the Internet. - And a fast typer. - So, the way that this game works, is I'm gonna be posing a question. Damien will have 30 seconds
to answer that question, and when you know the question you-- (ringing) If you get it wrong, or
you don't know the answer, then we go to the Internet. Which will have 30 seconds,
to try to find the answer. Once they find the answer, they will-- (ringing) If they get it correct, they get a point. If he gets it correct, he gets a point. That's right baby, it's Stan, - [Courtney and Ian] VS, - [Everyone] The Internet! - [Stan] We are world wide web! - Real quick, before we get started, what's the Wi-Fi password? - All right, are we ready?
- Yeah! - These questions were selected by Shane. - Hmm.
- So if-- - Wow.
- Hey buddy! (twinkling) Oh, okay. - So, if you got-- If any of these questions are
incorrect, you can blame him. - Oh, yeah, no. - [Courtney] Oh, yeah.
- I will for sure, I'm just gonna be like-- Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! You don't even watch
the show I've watched! - Human error!
- Ha-ha-ha! - Here we go! - Okay. - Damien?
- [Damien] Nervous. Yeah, what's up? - What is the name of the
principal in "My Hero Academia?" - Oh my God.
(laughing) I like literally, no,
this morning I was like, someone is gonna ask about--
- Wow. - The faculty of my hero. What is the name of the princial? The little, white mouse boy. - Oh, Damien. - I have to say, disclaimer. I like a lot of different anime shows, I'm not like, I'm not going-- - You're running out of time. - You're wasting time.
- Don't run the clock. (ringing) - Ah, principal god mouse, the smart man with the construction work. - Internet, you have 30 seconds. What is the name of the
principal of "My Hero Academia?" (typing) - Oh, Damien, this is not, not a good start. - I mean, I'm wearing a
"My Hero Academia" shirt, that counts. - [Ian] Ooh, that makes you a fake stan. - Matt was saying, it is bonus points so--
- Nezu! (ringing) Nezu! - It is Nezu! - Nezu. - Okay, if she pronounces it super wrong, does that count? (laughing) - Yes, 'cause she is not the stan. You're supposed to be the stan. - Yeah, but she's literally reading it. - It's Google, Google doesn't
know how to pronounce stuff. - Aw, no. (laughing) All right. All the, all the stans are very angry at you right now.
- Yeah, I know. I'm sure gonna get a lot of anime hate. But like, disclaimer, like, I
just, I just enjoy the show. I just enjoy the show,
that's all it's about. - Stan? How many episodes of
"One Piece" are there? - What? - Oh! Wait a minute, I think they just celebrated
a big ol' milestone. I think it's something like-- (ringing) - I don't know, there's something like 738. It's something crazy like that. 738.
(ringing) - Stan. You are incorrect. - Dammit. - Internet, how many episodes
of "One Piece" are there? - Oh, God. Nine hundred and--
(ringing) Nine hundred and nine? - Correct! Internet!
- Wow. - I didn't even have to press ENTER, it popped up. (laughing) Wow. - That's a lot of episodes. - Stan, she didn't even
have to press ENTER. That's how easy it was. - Ooh, I'm so happy for both of you. This is gonna be fun. - If you get this one wrong, Damien, we're taking your otaku card away. - Good 'cause I'm a weeb, not an otaku. (Fire style, Fireball jutsu) It's completely different. - How many city walls are
there, in "Attack on Titan?" - Oh, well there's-- (popping) Are we including the bubble cities? Like that outer-- Shane, who's made the quest--
- [Ian] No, no, no. Main walls. - Oh, there's three. - You are correct! - Eh!
(clapping) [Shane] Humans on the board! All right! - Nice!
- All right. I can't even draw--
- Oh, there's points for naming them?
- A straight line. Nope. But you can if you want to.
- That was sweet, though. - It's Wall Maria, Wall
Rose, and I think Wall Sina. - I think that's correct. Yeah, yeah. - Zenu, or Nizu, whatever, it is. - All right, are you ready
for your next question, stan? - Uh, my name is Damien, and yes. - All right. What is One-Punch Man's workout routine? - Oh. (hits button repeatedly) - Oh! - [Ian] You broke--
(ringing) - 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, 10 kilometer run, everyday. - You are correct! - Woo!
(clapping) - [Courtney] Wow! - It's actually, not that
crazy of a workout routine, until I get to like ten k, and then I'm like, oh, I'm not gonna do that.
- Yeah, that's like-- How many miles is that? - That's 6.2 miles.
- [Courtney] All right. - It's a lot of miles. - All right, uh--
- Tied. - You are tied.
- Crazy! - We're all counting on
you to beat the Internet. - Why? What are the stakes? What do I win? - If we lose, humankind loses. - [Shane] You can never watch anime again! - Oh my god! - Who is the number four ranked
hero, in "My Hero Academia?" - Dude, you--
(ringing) Insult me! Best Jeanist, baby! - You are correct! - Woo, easy!
- Wow, Shane, are you picking really easy questions? - No, this is hard, this is-- But that's the thing, this is his power, he's the best at jeans.
- [Ian] Yeah. - He's the best--
- [Ian] He's pretty good. - At making denim. And that's why he's the Best Jeanist. - [Shane] It's really great. - Wow.
- It's a pretty, specific-ass question. But I love Best Jeanist. - Damien, we all know this has been your favorite anime, of 2019. Or maybe ever.
- Oh! - Uh, so you should probably get this one. What demon slayer rank is Tanjiro? - Tanjiro is the--
- Wait! The buzzer!
- Oh, uh. Well, I'm talking it out, before giving the--
- Oh, sorry, sorry. I'm just a computer.
- That's okay. Can we, restart my 30 seconds? - No, it's going. - Um, he's the lowest rank, and I forget the name of the rank. So, he, I'm sure, will one day be the-- I'm not.
(laughing) - He is, oh, I can't even
remember a character being like, "They sent blanks? No, they should send blank." I don't remember the name. - Ooh. - Sorry. - Time! - Ian, ask the questions again. - Internet, what demon
slayer rank is Tanjiro? And I will not spell that for you. - [Damien] It's pronounced "Nizu." - He--
(ringing) He is a Kanoe-ranked member
of the Demon Slayer Corps. - You are correct!
- [Shane] Yeah! - Yeah, whoa!
(clapping) - Dude, this is--
- I typed in, what rank is Tan--
- [Damien] Good job, good job. - Damien--
- What's up? - What stuffed animal is
left behind by Connie, in "Promised Neverland?" - Oh!
(ringing) - That's name is Mr.
Bunny, and it's a bunny. - Ooh, Damien. You are correct!
- I was like, what? - He loves the fake-outs.
- Dude, I was like, what-- Am I have a stroke? - Courtney just might know this one. Off the top of her head.
- Too bad, I get 30 seconds. (laughing) - Damien--
- What's up? - Which Sailor Scout has green hair? - Oh, that's, um, well-- I know this, because
I have to do the like, "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire"
thing, and be like, "Well, my sister always watched
this, so I always knew." (ringing) - That's gotta be Sailor Neptune, my dude. No wait, no that's Sailor Pluto! She's got the dark green hair, sorry. Sailor Pluto. Are we talking teal or dark green? (laughing)
You gotta tell me which, 'cause they are both green. Neptune--
- Final answer soon! - Neptune is teal, Pluto is dark green. You gotta tell me which
kind of green we're talking. - Green. - Pluto is dark green. - Well, neither of those were correct. (dramatic effect) Courtney--
- You're wrong. - Which Sailor Scout has green hair? (typing) - [Damien] You're actually wrong. - [Ian] Shane--
- Oh god. - [Ian] Did you mess this up? - Shane, buddy, get a shot
of Shane's dumb ol' face. Nah, we can't, that's the thing. - She frequently defers to
Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune. Sailor Senshi... What? Setsuna Meiou, is her name. She's a college student--
- [Ian] Are you gonna hit-- (ringing)
- Oh, shit! - [Ian] What's your answer? - It says Sailor Uranus or Sailor Neptune. - Yeah, you're wrong, my dude.
- [Courtney] It's the both-- It's the same name for her. - Well, that's-- This, Shane, says Sailor Jupiter. - She wears a green outfit,
she's got brown hair. - Sailor Jupiter is brown hair. - [Shane] Well--
- Ohh, Shane! - Human error! - So, the correct answer would be Sailor Pluto or Sailor Neptune! That's a point!
- You were right! You were right! - Damien!
- I don't even see, a teal, Sailor up here. - Damien, you have not
only beat the Internet, you've also beat Shane, and the person that was
compiling these answers. - Wow.
- You are actually correct! That means, you get a point! - [Courtney] Wow, five!
(cheering) - Okay, Damien.
- What's up? - This is also a question
that I had to check Shane on. - Sounds like a good call. - Damien, what color is Tanjiro's sword? - The first one?
- Yes. (ringing) - The first one's black. - You are correct! - No!
(clapping) - Hey, none out of you, Internet. - Is this the kind of show, where like, if I win, at the end of
the day, I still don't win. 'Cause like if someone rags me like, "Maybe, I should get a hobby." (laughing) - This is your hobby. - Oh.
(laughing) - All right, Damien. What is Mother's first name
in "Promised Neverland?" - Oh my gosh, wait. (eerie music) I can like, I can like, hear it. It's so--
(ringing) It's something like, Annette, or Nanette, or something like that. I think it's Annette, I'm
gonna go with Annette. - Well, Damien, it is not right. Internet, what is Mother's first name, in "Promised Neverland?" - Wow, that's a good show,
by the way, Courtney. I think you would like it a lot. - I think I've, you've told me about it. Oh!
(ringing) Isabella. - Isabella! - It "isa" Isabella! - It is!
- Wow! Yeah, no, you told me about that one. I do wanna watch it.
- Please do. - It's the orphanage one, right? - Yeah, Isabella!
- [Courtney] Yeah, I wanna watch that one. - Damien.
- What's up? - What is Katsuki Bakugou's Quirk? - Um, he has napalm in his sweat. Excuse me--
- What's the quirk called? - Oh, no. Oh, no. His quirk is called, uh--
(ringing) They all have goofy names, so, I'm just gonna guess
something like, um-- Oh, it's just explosion. - Final answer?
- Yeah. - It is explosion! - [Damien and Courtney] Yeah!
(clapping) - What? But it was napalm sweat?
- Yeah, no. He has like, nitroglycerin
or napalm in his sweat. I forget which. But he just like, that's why
he makes explosions everywhere. He's concentrating his sweat. - Whoa.
- It's pretty dope. (weird noise) - All right, this one's a,
little bit of throwback. I guess, maybe.
- [Damien] Oh. - What is Goku's wife's name? (ringing) - Uh, his wife's name is Chi-Chi. - Well, Damien. You are correct! - Woo!
- Wow, I'm falling behind, Ian!
- You are. We're down to the final three questions. Which means, we're gonna do a, lightning round! - That was technically thunder. - So, in this round, I
will give the question, and both of you guys are going to go. First person to know the answer-- (hits button) (ringing) - That's gonna be a problem. - And you have to,
immediately be able to answer. - [Courtney] Okay.
- You can't just hit that, and by like--
Uh-uh-uh. All right, y'all. How tall is Jonathan Joestar? (ringing) - He is 6'6". No, he's six-- Dammit, yeah.
(ringing) - He's 6'5". - Boom!
(laughing) [Stan] That was rough! (laughing) - Oh, ooh, okay. (clears throat) Well, you're gonna get this. What show is Zenitsu Agatsuma from? - What is Zenitsu? Wait, why can't I think of this? It sounds so familiar. I'm gonna--
(ringing) I'm just gonna guess "Demon Slayer," 'cause I gotta get an answer out there. - You are correct, it's "Demon Slayer!" - Whoa!
- Dang it! - [Shane] Courtney, be quicker! - I was, I had it, but it said here-- It's all gibberish to me. - Final question. Computer, pick it up!
- Okay. - All right. In "Dragon Ball Z," what is the name of the planet Saiyans are from? - Oh, um. Wait, oh, no.
(ringing) - Planet Vegeta. - You are correct! (laughing and clapping) - How do you properly say it? - It's Vegeta. - Vegeta?
- [Ian] Yeah, yeah. - [Damien] Yeah, good job. - Well, guys, that is the end of, Stan VS, - [Together] The Internet! (clapping) - If you guys wanna see us put
more stans in the hot seat, against the Internet,
please do, let us know. Suggest some things that
we should put stans in. Like "Star Wars" stans, maybe sport stans. Anything like that, let us know. Well, congratulations again
to our stan of the day. You did okay, computer.
- I did pretty good, considering.
- You did all right. And if you guys want to
see more awesome videos, we got a video that YouTube
has selected just for you. Right down here. And then also, we've selected
a video, just for you! Right here! Click one of them. Either way, we'll see ya later! - [Courtney and Ian] Goodbye! (guitar strum)