I Have NEVER Played An Animal Crossing Game Before

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what's up all right animal crossing let's go let's play Deshawn even my switch doesn't know who I am look incorporated deserted island getaway package oh my god they're so cute good evening we're so excited to have you here have you here let's be the first to congratulate you on your wise decision to sign up for this adventure welcome to the check-in counter for your deserted island getaway package that is terrifying why are you looking at me like that are you are you trying to hypnotoad me into this Jesus there is so much to look forward to but first let's introduce ourselves I'm Timmy with nook incorporated and I'm Tommy from Cooke incorporated we've been fighting for the island with you to help you get settled we're in it for the long haul so let's get started shall we no then you need to look up your application can we have your name and birthday birthday what did he talk like that and alright so my name of course my name is penis man nice boy let's see oh yes here you are could you really just call them something horrible like [ __ ] looks like [ __ ] [ __ ] ah yes here you are right in our system um okay let's get my boy oh my god he's cute already um I kind of wanted to look like me so milk bottle it is don't look how cute he's so adorable there's a tiny little sir these all the hairstyles [Music] beautiful gorgeous like tiny episod is wha my name DAWs boy I'm here to tell you all about my Island welcome yes I want toss play to be a crackhead listen up everybody the name is toss boy welcome to my island I'm here to tell you all about what's going on with Tom Nook his I don't know what his deal is he just steals everybody's money if you want you are yourself dude just live a nice life you stay the [ __ ] away from this island what's up I want to head on into the island y'all walking in right retching Rick you're all set all set clapping he looks like he's just smacking his own tits like yeah that's boy I'll just go ahead and add that picture to our records and now we're talking about your new home so exciting exciting he's like the characters from Hot Fuzz it's for the greater good the greater good you know what and now let's start talking about your new home so exciting hey you see we're quite proud of the work we've done to help you feel comfortable in your new life oh yes in fact if you want you can even experience the seasons the same way you're used to them what I mean is we have islands in both the northern hemisphere recommend choosing an island that has the same seasonal pattern as your current home okay see these are the gatekeepers to hell are you gonna be bring one thing with you to a deserted island what would it be sleeping bag a lamp some food somehow it's something to kill me I just bring something to kill me you know if I'm going to hell you know just get it over with good evening everyone thank you for taking this chartered flight as part of look Incorporated's deserted island getaway package please sit back relax and enjoy the complimentary video presentation about deserted island life okay just get me there there she is he'll just jump out where we dropping boys animal crossing battle royale that sounds fun whoever catches the most butterflies wins but there's also shotguns Here I am we're here now I know you must be incredibly excited to explore your new island home but I have one small request please join us for a short orientation session in the nearby Plaza our fearless leader himself will be giving a presentation so I'd hate for you to listen we're heading there right now if you'd like to move follow us now I'll stay here this is like getting to the good place oh you gotta get a move on come on his name is BAM we can chat later I want to see where this is going racy there pinky by placing key oh is that him is that our fearless leader himself mr. Nook is Shari here how about BAM and there's toss boy of course great I told you mr. Nook our three adventurers are ready to get started yes yes very good let's see how shall I begin yes of course welcome everybody welcome to your new Island my name is Tom Nook and I'm the founder and president of Nook incorporated yes yes I can wait give him this voice today is the first day of your new life in this pristine lovely island so congratulations and this is a package deal okay cooperate and staff will always be here to support you and ensure your comfort and safety but first things first yes yes I don't like it you need to choose a spot of your own it's the first step to putting down some real wreaths I'd like you to dream big I do have certain connections in construction and real estate okay but I'm getting ahead of myself let's just get started with a simple tent shall we please collect your tent from Timmy and Tommy and then choose a spot to place it don't be fooled that's Satan in our world Tom Nook is Satan this is hell and oh you got a little flag you're so adorable your very own tent thank you the perfect spot press X to access your inventory and then select the tent places don't worry you'll get a chance to see what it looks like before making your final decision so take your time finding a space that works for you oh I should probably set you up with a map to it silly me please find your way back here use your map if you need it Oh off you go I hope you find a great spot thank you where do we go dass boys looking real good I took some mass on the plane on the way over here and I'm feeling real [ __ ] knives well [ __ ] out right today I'll learn the alphabet now dammit I [ __ ] it up again the education system failed me yes this is the spot right next to the book trees they just please chop down that tree to put down my tent did I just DeForest that's the first step you're so cute toss boy I just destroyed a tree ton up is gonna be so upset with me I'm gonna get I want to get sensors that circles a hell for this one you must have found a suitable spot for your Tim the first one bag so I suppose the others might still be searching for the right location dumbasses it's easy to put down a [ __ ] tent you know since you've done some scouting and the others have appreciate your assistance yes yeah okay what's up monkey but you're wait I got it don't tell me your toss boy right boy it looks like he just shot up in the parking lot no he's just like what your tent is nicer than mine looks nice don't it that's great well Beecher's anywhere on the island throw me my home sweet home I can't believe I got such an awesome spot that you rock cheeky cheeky I wonder how that BAM guy is doing he might be having as much trouble as I was huh maybe we should go ZV needs help too okay see you later monkey ass like steal your tent i'ma steal oh I'm gonna take all these little butts these those butts are gonna be mine later I'm adorable I'm adorable and I have a zest for life I got the zoomies what's up Bam Bam Bam it's your toss boy right nice to meet you these characters are really gonna test my patience I really am in hell you know you set up your 10 a I'm trying to find a perfect some serious cardio so it's gotta have lots of fresh air do the drink the island is like a mile squared just piss somewhere pick that spot right there should he go his tent I ruined someone's life welcome back everyone I hope you all found just the right spots and set up your new homes yes of course you can sleep on it for a while really get a feel for how it suits don't trust mr. nuke look behind those eyes there is an evil there and with that taken care of we can move on with more business like throwing an island warming party we'll have it right here in the plaza with a roaring camp there's just something about fire that I really like really warms my soul we just need a few supplies to get started yes since we will be all be living here together this will be a good test of our teamwork let's see Timmy Shari Tommy and bam can set up things here in the plaza boy I have a new thing for you you'll be working on gathering firewood and perhaps a little snack all right everyone let's get to it nice boy you come see me for a moment no God I'm gonna get my hel contract this is what they're doing you're gonna send me on a big mission this dude's sweeping dirt great Oh all clean BAM you're also welcome for I put your tent a branch for me and a branch for me what I could steal everything check out all the ice I got this is adorable so far this is delightful my branch is do I have nine okay Oh almost done mr. Satan I'll be back in two minutes all right there we go what are you doing hold on any weeds you pull up while you're gathering branches in your future we don't want to buy them from you we're gonna buy weeds ah hell yeah dude I got six weed going on welcome back I trust you had some success foraging for tree branches very well allow me to lighten your load ego yes yes that should be plenty for our campfire you make you made real quick worth of that almost as if the whip of Satan himself was behind you the entire time I'm quite glad that I'll be sharing this desolate island with such a hard worker oh and speaking of surviving on a desolate island our next task is to round up something to snack up you know they came to me and they were like here is your deserted island retreat you know go on vacation have fun go out and be stress-free and go out onto the island then as soon as I came here they put me to work this is a prison this is not a deserted island getaway this is a prison he's Satan and warden all-in-one funky put poor BAM on to clean the floor the floor never gets clean it's dirt it's just the ground they look like peaches they smell like peaches leaving taste like peaches I'm a call to Mapple in fact they are going 100% without a doubt genuine peaches so will you collect six of them for me I watch days you've already collected enough peaches for everyone haven't you my mind what a good little work anyway thank you once again I'll go ahead and take those off your hands and get started on the preparations there you go take my ass oh yeah at last allow me to properly welcome you to your new Island I participated in many ritual ventures and endeavors over the years but this may be the most exciting doping develop a thriving new community entirely from scratch will truly test my business acumen and perhaps my skills as an outdoorsman hmm now we may not have the kind of numbers that are really invisible but that's okay a lot of people here for hell today I got to itching I'm all go [ __ ] yourself I do what I want but that just means we all have to rise to the challenge and I have no doubt with hard work and perseverance will shape this deserted island into I suppose we can call it a deserted island anymore hmm what should become what has a nice ring to it what just sounds real good just rolls off the tongue for the type of location that you're in right now is a great opportunity as the first residents of this island we should be the ones to name it and in the spirit of democracy we should put it to a vote majority rule but I get the final say cuz I'm Tom Nook [ __ ] when I do whatever the [ __ ] I want so take a little time to think and when everyone is ready I'll present your ideas I mean I've already made up my mind welcome to hell everybody are you ready you've included order phrasing abused censorship if I want my island to be hell it'll be hell [ __ ] hate this I had this big plan I had it all ready to go can I do this oops I'm gonna break something are you okay with hell the world of Animal Crossing is welcoming to all so don't include personal info or offensive words I couldn't if I wanted to Animal Crossing Nintendo because you [ __ ] didn't allow me to well if I could have called it heck nah it's hell all right is everybody ready just try saying our ideas all at the same time ready go man wanted to call it eyelid to biceps Timmy and Tommy wanted to call to Timmy land and Tommy land I don't know what Shearer was [ __ ] smokin the fumes of the fire must have gone up her monkey knows what splendid variety yes yes each one a potential jam now for the voting I'll say each name in order and you can clap for the one you think is best now remember to clap your titties instead of clapping your hands together it makes it better sound nice boy seems to have the enthusiasm and the naming sensibilities let's start there so toss boys suggested hell hmm there's just something about that that really sings to me something about that sounds real good everyone smacking the tits wow that's an overwhelmingly positive response I swear I didn't have any sort of say in what was going on I'd like to rely on you for other critical decisions we need to make on this out like who will sacrifice of the burning pyre behind me and whose feet we will eclipse then without further ado a toast to hell and the happiness to hell everybody Cheers okay well then I guess it's speaking in tones toss boy has just joined a cult Oh actually that's pretty nice No can i and they move it wasn't God I don't want it here it's blocking the door Oh No raise my head for a little while sure why not I'm getting sleepy is good did I my bed [Music] who is just like a little sir okay so looks like you've decided to make your own way in the world get out there explore new frontiers that's all the way right daddy oh it's a dildo you don't need to live by anyone's rules but you're home sweet sexy guitar playing dog man but take it from a cat oh it's it's a cat it's like a dog or is he saying like a cool cat you'll dig this island a whole lot more if you shared with some friends if that's your scene daddy oh yeah an island paradise with your best pals sounds pretty groovy to me cool when you wake up you'll be in sync with real time dig dead island life and I'll catch you later daddy oh now here's a little ditty here hey Kate might be my favorite character he is my son and I love him he is best boy and I will treat him as such DAWs boy are you in there oh I hope I haven't woken you abruptly ah but I do wish to discuss something with you yes yes I'll be there I'll be here playing you ready how did I sleep with this guard infernal music playing what are you doing waking me up in the middle of the night ah there you are I hope you had a pleasant yeah oh well I suppose it was more than a nap wasn't it it's a brand new day did you wake me up at like 4:00 a.m. are we going on a hike I slept that long oh yes it's quite normal to be worn out from such a long trip and a major laughing speaking of which have you seen a BAM I have a few more things that you might find useful as you adjust your life and our little parables first you'll need one of these yes it's a shotgun oh it's your very own Nook phone don't talk about those [ __ ] over at Apple they stole my design I swear I had a patent on it a year before Tim wasn't I'm Tim curry went up on stage and [ __ ] start showing off his phone and saying that it was so small and had an a 12 processor and that was my [ __ ] design [ __ ] that guy anyway I had these made especially for Allen residence I have one more thing for you it's a death certificate you actually died on the plane ride here [Music] it's your itemized bill um what my bill though this includes everything airfare accommodations labor tax and of course your Nook phone ringing your grand total in the modest sum of I told you this is hell they told me that I was having a nice deserted island getaway and then they turn around and say Oh everything that we did for you that you actually paid for to get here yeah you always more it's like going to a travel agent and being like I would like a holiday for a week in Lanzarote and they're like no problem at all that'll be 2,000 euros and then you go in you give it to them and then you get there and at the end of the week actually the end of your first night they're like yeah you all about 15 grand now my characters face makes a lot of sense so the bottom line is you need 40 9800 Belle's to pay for your moving fees but with these new service would you believe it it only comes to 5,000 miles yes tinnie claps all round I'll just uh go it ray hyman dead that's how everyone leaves college in America burn up miles for completing island activities then trade those miles for various perks and goods at the Nook stop in the resident services center this is also how I imagine hell would be like that Satan would name everything after himself look welcome to the Satan subway you can actually sit down over there at the Satan stand and wait for the Satan boss well you pay your satan taxes to come on in get your hell miles today I can make my own custom clothing um okay I would like and you know it's got to be allowed because I was able to name my aisle on this this is looking really nice I would wear this hell it's just gonna be called hell hell ah can I wear it facepaint I could just paint hell on my face oh no oh no that definitely looks like you're in a cult I mean take oh no how do we just how do I go back to Annie oh no oh my god how do I get this off my face ah dicks I put a self portrait flag on my face he's got eyes on his cheeks [Music] hey my name cos boy welcome to Hale you see that guy walking down the street with just he'll written all over him hey it was supposed to say hello but we ran out of shirts yeah toss boy welcome welcome I see that you're sporting one of our nice shirts here inhales good job as you can see it is quite cozy in here a lot different than your tent your tenant was a desolate barren cold piece of [ __ ] of a place this place is nice and cozy I I'm collecting weed I'm just gonna collect weed all night you know even in hell you got to make a living you got to start dealing in hell they got the best weed in hell you know what the currency in here is called hells bells what are your orders and 30 bells that's at least four grands worth of high-quality premium weed all right time to make more held bells so slow run getting weed sorry what are you doing up at this hour I got my tent all up and running thanks to that pepto solo I could totally go for having rockstars like you around though sorry are you getting high on your own supply tell me all about where their tent is located and how comfortable their tent is now they're hitting on me at nighttime do you want me to come back to your tent Shari because I won't know what an outfit like that you need a hell shirt I can't get him damn Tony I had a pistol okay just so everyone's aware they're done Oh amazing just they're everywhere nose Hey hey bamm-bamm right did you see what's on the bulletin board dude it's so weird said the Sherry's a [ __ ] narc I wonder who wrote that wait can I edit it BAM that was you just riding around like that good information though Thank You bam thank you dude sorry I don't know if you know this but Bam's ratting you out you go to a [ __ ] narak dude we see somewhat tape in our house you have sorry tint yeah [ __ ] ooh did you see what they're saying about you hey you showed up cheeky okay does she want me to look at that adorable boy look at that super cute little toss boy if that's not the cutest picture ever I don't know what is toss boy resident rep right fast eat ass hell peaches could I get rescued please I need off this [ __ ] God forsaken Island oh there's my map check them out for your current location you guys press X to change the settings and choose whether to display the mini-map showing your day ah that's what I want yes always on what oh so a big spider yeah okay can I poke it the dangerous gonna kill me Oh take a bleep I can't pick him up we need a net or something how much will you give me some fur peaches ten beaches how much ten little asses some peaches sure whatever house and bells dude all I need is 49 bells 40 49 patience I'm good at math before I forget I want to tell you something about the fruit you just sold me it's mine now [ __ ] when you eat food like fruit you'll find yourself energized it's more power than you might have imagined it well power than you might have imagined what does that mean Timmy what does that mean here on Hell Island what does more power than I could have imagined me does anyone share that with you what I mean is you could break open rocks or even maybe dig up a whole tree okay can I can i crack the the planet in half now give me more money it was 100 miles in that tree he'll Bella okay what if I eat ten of them can I can I upgrade this just eat ten at once I'm eating ten most of your face is just head I would like to build a machine gun let's do toss boy hook it up I made a flimsy fishing rod that I'm not a flimsy fishing rod it's just a toolbox here fishy fishy there's a fish all around and scared oops fish fish busy fishy I want a fish Paula you how do I cast my line he's working come on fish you're fit here fishy fishy first to present anything when I when I get it in okay and what a toss-up right in his face this is way they call me toss ball yeah how dicks it's a big lad yeah nice get him you swimming upstream but he'll like it have it taste it feed it feed it like it taste it lick it lick it eat it oh look at that big lads yes i coded ace oh by fans from space that's how you know we're in hell every talk some [ __ ] riddles and ponies I'm gonna [ __ ] dates dude I'm an expert fisherman Tom looking done nothing on me hey Cherie yours you might expert fishing skills what's this okay that was a bad toss I'm not living up to my name right now he's right there sniffing come on here fishy fishy your your sniff sniff sniff the Boober what again hey I got a crucian carp my skills are sharp hey big boy yeah wait past it breezy not casting the rod here you go he's ghost [ __ ] BAM Bam's houses in the way well I put it there is with my fault mine come on I can't throw in front of your face BAM Bam's an [ __ ] here there you go that's Rachel apparently hold on what the perfect toss for a boy go yeah yeah have it do Steve even even come on now there you go oh yes oh oh yeah yes I go to sea bass no wait it's at least a C+ I can't I can't [Music] you're so cute eat one show it off hell yeah this is my fish you'll like it smell it still alive as well kill it toss the white Jesus all right they've to shake the molasses out of the tree hmm I wanted em how do we get it back over here I'll study your shoulders shake all the trees you're bound to have something wrenches falls go to room in a [ __ ] tree of all things [Music] yes stung by wasps God plaster over my eye like it's still in the eye by wasps touch but you don't look so good in fact I dare say you look like absolute garbage I got stung in the face by wasps it [ __ ] hurts real bad there's real [ __ ] bad damn I didn't know about the frickin bees sort of is no welcome pass boy I see that you've met our local wildlife toss boy hello hello what would you like to talk to me about talk to me I'm all ears I told you no you're all head why should I do about my eat face all in here [ __ ] this design doesn't even work anymore Tom I'm dead he's just putting spyware on my phone the critter pedia it helps to figure out which critical role character you are I saved you the critter PDAM it's a terrific resource for an aspiring Island researchers such as yourself with this one app you will get all the important details about the bugs and the fish you catch yes yes I do hope you'll continue to fill it up with your discoveries and share them with me - it's called a pokedex tom is easy to puke is he gonna barf I know what you're about to cough up a hairball I've seen it what are you doing you need an inhaler Tom Tom I got it I got it Tom Tom puffs take a paw of time wait I couldn't just let him die but they wouldn't have to pay my day hey I made a flimsy net is awesome once per day accessing the Nook stop will award you a bonus daily miles day 150 bonus miles nook shopping rain rain boots outdoor shorts cute their oval glasses a rain hat an outdoor bench kind of with the rain hat oh by the rain oh I get the Rain Man I want the rain hat hmm there's a whole other tab I would like a single please cuz I'm broke and poor and I have no money are you you're selling my peaches for 400 belts you bought ten of my pages for a thousand Belle's I know you're selling them for 400 apiece you shaft e bastard wait well the medicine fix me I'm just takin ah back to normal okay is this it the way hello just passes in real time this is horrific on a time travel I just led for 400 seconds okay oh no I'm right next to the bees are they gonna attack me again I stole her house take that you're freaking be 56 57 58 69 dude 69 weed sup did it I concur dynamic awesome [ __ ] out of everybody watch where you swing okay I'll watch rice soup in coconut core has Oh perfect perfect attaboy toss boy yeah get him it's a [ __ ] boot I caught a boot it uh wasn't made for swimming just find another boot right I've got an idea for a DIY recipe don't make your boot or the boot grab my fishing line wow that's a cool one that's how to loach it's looking at me with reproach you ever think about that one there didn't you toss boy I got a fish it will make a nice dish money dude they said money doesn't grow on trees Oh God they don't chase her oh no oh no oh [Music] god damn it sherry you let this happen she just walks away come on Bertha come on Big Boy [Applause] this is another sea bass same joke as well jeez come up with a new joke cause boy ya piece of [ __ ] puppets are for hey you gotta go sell some stuff okay I'll sell you some coral how much would you give me that five hundred bells for some [ __ ] sea dirt I'll take it I found this one oh what a catch I do believe this is a dace would you mind if I sense this magnificent creature along to my museum curating friend as well sure should I craft something using Tom work Tom works nook bench sure booties oh and a sacrifice torch a flimsy axe well I can make it the thing it's so much stories do you think I didn't sell anything I made of limb DX you want to see it cuz I'm [ __ ] camp eyes all covered over oh yes oh sherry sure you where are you dearie all Jackie boys got something to tell you well Jack a boy's got something that he wants to say oh sherry Brian sherry come out and play Hey oh yeah can let me freeze no I'm actually tuck them down no did you swing it like a tiny baby oh yeah I have this recipe I should learn I leave home brother sweet I should see what it takes to actually make that and then go to sherry and give her [Music] did I get pleasing by a spider oh I don't feel so good nice boy just got [ __ ] wait tarantula haha I got the butterfly eat it Dean its courage that's had a mouth and I had a ball doing it oh god it's not just the fish stop drop and roll there that's bait for Shari she can't resist a good striped shirt wait let's go see with the leaf umbrella he's so cute Mack nice here I put it in a nice Tupperware container so you can eat it fresh sure send it to your curating friends and give me something it's all part of that Islands give-and-take oh the phone someone's calling you hold the phone then blathers is that you Oh what splendid gems yes yes do you remember the venture we discussed the money laundering scheme well it's come to fruition yes I got somebody in my Ned got somebody in my sights right now so to speak sorry sorry toss boy it's just a it's just a personal call nothing got to do with you yeah he's an idiot yeah I'll start the ritual right now the fire is lit yes it starts now brother it'd be a good place for blathers his tent let me imagine it this is a good spot hell yeah it is toss boy I take it you found a suitable spot for blathers to set up hmm I did I did in its perfect time I knew I can count on you thank you I'll let bladders know that he can move in as soon as he wants in any case you just got here so I'd hate to see you push yourself too far on day one yeah it'd be so bad if I push myself on day one where you told me that I was 49,000 and debt you're an [ __ ] Tom you just have a thin veneer of niceness but it's no fur off my nose it's no sweat off my sac if you want to rack up those nook miles and pay me back quickly I've got a few tips for racking up the only note mouths so don't hesitate to ask if you need a little advice now get on your knees all right let's craft this little umbrella that is not at all what that look like oh wow look at that I'm some sort of a decorator you know it's no big deal could I put my little Nintendo switch on it ooh I can oh it's cute oh I can play Animal Crossing what I animal cross maybe they're gonna say it's now the fish can actually play with it but those days that's so fun I wasn't doing anything you um maybe you're going for a new look but that seems a little bit extreme complying well whatever you guys definitely not been skipping stinger days okay it's a medicine to give you because your faces oh my gosh oh you had to make medicine is easy you do this and then this I think you got it Oh fainting really cuts into your lap times make sure you some medicine on you to blame that was actually really nice sherry you know how you give me the Hat he was hoping that if I if he gave me the hat that I would cover up my face because he thinks it's disgusting he's very rude but he did give me medicine recipes so it balances it out to blank KaBlam whatever [ __ ] your name is I'll kill you okay well I think that's gonna do it for our little Animal Crossing adventure for right now that was really fun I want to come back to this very soon and attack more people [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 5,726,331
Rating: 4.9523859 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, animal crossing, animal crossing new horizons, animal crossing switch, animal crossing gameplay, new animal crossing, animal crossing new horizons gameplay, nintendo switch, animal crossing: new horizons, new horizons, nintendo, animal crossing jacksepticeye, animal crossing 2020, animal crossing nintendo switch, tom nook, new horizons gameplay, new horizons switch, ac new horizons, animal crossing switch gameplay, nintendo switch animal crossing, funny moments
Id: Chm3WgzvvC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 1sec (2941 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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