Animal Crossing Christmas With Marzia Special

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] merry christmas gamers and welcome to a special christmas episode marta is going to join me in animal crossing damn i'm getting good at the flute she better have a flute it was i was about to say i have not played in so long but now there's christmas yeah look at this what is this it's missing a piece in the ground must fix immediately oh i'm making it worse so this is how parents feel like when they play games i understand so i finally got it working i have my uh switch from the uh dbrand so cool right and i can't even show them either way i can actually record animal crossing finally thanks because before whatever it's a long story oh look at that we got christmas tree anyway this is my island here is my little stage area if you want to perform oh i don't have a flute it's pretty nice you have your friends over two people can watch epic i'm just gonna do a quick tour no one cares about my island we're gonna go over to martinez in a sec i am proud of my tulip tulipins is that what it's called i don't know got my gas station i really want it to be like a an urban cozy feel slash japanese style you know it's cool the amount of time and effort i spend into this it's just ridiculous i don't know where how do i begin how do i begin to get back into this but i never showed it simple park here yeah it's epic we got the lights we got the we got the stuff does it bother people that i have branches i'll pick it up uh and then over here in the east we have the neighborhoods everyone have their little house neatly organized which again i was very oh can you catch these you can catch these right oh sweet i got the tsuki merch oh no my my net all right whatever all the neighborhoods i don't know i feel like this isn't impressive anymore everyone does this but at the time it was cool right i even had my stone farm i haven't been here in a while uh ignore ignore it's been a while guys my little outdoor work area and this is cool right so ignore all the flowers i'm just breeding stuff oh hold up oh i'm good at this thank you okay all the fruits all the different trees bam bam ignore the flowers bam bam bam yeah i'll probably organize all the flowers at some point i'll definitely do that but i was just breeding i was trying to get golden tulips it didn't work i did something wrong but i have a bunch of different ones roses i mean of course this is where the bears chill yeah they enjoy it thanks for asking listen i spent a lot of time on this watch it okay here's my theme park i'm still breeding these that's why they're all over the place godzilla's of course it's a nice little playground i like it you can talk to turtle if you want he's cool is it a turtle i don't know i kiss him we got the video games we got the darts we got the beautiful scenery of the ocean it's got the water theme it's whatever it's the greatest park of all time do you know how much time i spent on this say that it's nice thank you thank you because there's you know there's a symmetry but there's always an asymmetry and there's a fine balance in today that a lot of people don't appreciate the nuances of yeah yeah i don't really have much here i don't know why that's there more flower breeding oh ignore ignore flower for breeding a nice little kissing spot maybe i'll bring my tea here later there used to be two waterfalls to make it epic but it was too intrusive you don't want to overdo it in animal crossing you know oh look there's christmas tree they got lights in them i'm definitely gonna get back oh long boy you've been here so long he's longing for the ocean he can't wait i love my island i think it's cool now if we head over to the west of the island we have more flower breeding i spent so much time and now i i did nothing with it it hurts oh gosh what's happening what is that whoa what is this oh my god it's a ball i'm making a ball i'm making a snowball is this how you do it whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what is this we're making a meatball oh there's another ball do i merge the balls how does this work no more flower breeding i am so mad at myself for not doing anything with that hey guess what guys more flower breeding so this is my camp area i was going to organize all the flowers because you know it matches background and here's a little cinema wall where you can watch look there's a projector back there it's cozy say it's cozy and nice thank you yeah you can just camp out welcome to uh i named this island wakanda i'm really glad i did that definitely and then we have what everyone did apparently now i swear this is the most basic at this point but here's my viewing point so you got cars there in the distance you got mountains here we have our holy gnome where you have to sacrifice uh three of your dreams to pass okay all done thank you gnome little spa very nice and then i think this is the last thing i was working on a little marketplace which is kind of sad because i'm the only one here anyways let's head over to march yet see what she's doing oh yeah this is the back entrance to the to the viewing point it's pretty cool it's whatever spend a million hours on it it's cool it's whatever don't really care but yeah that's my island let's go visit marx yeah because that's why everyone here mad what's that why i can't hear you can you write me on whatsapp my channel has been working hard on this say that it's nice okay say a single hate comment you're banned for life we go whoa that's like a whole city i want this i am [Music] oh it's snowing cute whoa there she is cute how do i emote oh sorry wrong merry christmas everyone [Music] what is she doing all the little doggies are these gifts for me i'm gonna guess oh i get christmas gifts what are they oops it's a rain yeah where's the other one oh no call me [Laughter] all right time for tour uh we got the beach what a cute little pen and look you can sit here this is nice christmas at the beef some stuff hasn't changed well it doesn't have to if it looks good hey what are you doing with that shovel oh it's like she was attacking me oh what have we got i remember that this is how the tambo stuff started oh i get a balloon amazing oh how cute let's watch out for her actual demon creations oh god i'm easily entertained don't judge me where did she go listen i gave her a lot of these flowers so i deserve some credit what all right cute little garden house very nice i see what you did there that's smart greenhouse that's what it's called thank you very cozy you got some weeds here is that that's intentional it's a static this is my favorite emoji in case you haven't noticed oh sorry am i too slow okay cute seashells hey hey oh she looks like she's about to murder me what did she do i'm here what what was that hey this is cool whoa whoa there's octopussies that's so cool i don't even know they ah that's dope so you got these flowers on your own these purple ones [Laughter] cute very cute i'm giving it christmas spirit it's gonna taste better trust me just okay i'm done oh snow boy wait what's that yo glory mushroom i want this oh my god what is this painting you wouldn't know oh okay maybe i would oh delicious what is this called like a chinese buffet table or something what's a chinese restaurant that's so cute [Music] oh what's happening oh i guess i guess i'll still look like this [Music] nice ah this has been improved that's cool it's like we're in japan where we were supposed to be oh nice oh there's a spot for me too to sit next to you in the park that's so cute [Music] wow cool hey gutilazan still there nice ouch what happened this is marching being marcia she falls all the time yo oh she's all right oh we can finally sit together here we [Music] go [Music] see i know oh there we go very nice little mini camping section i like it whoa you got venus beautiful did you draw this of course thank you i appreciate it beautiful capture my beauty nice nice what a christmas mood everyone hope you're having a great christmas oh they got the missile thingy oh we got a snow version too cute let's get them synced perfect [Music] oh you go no i had it all right watch out for bears got it i remember this whoa you got the golden rose how how i'm bro yeah well we know that [Laughter] oh we got maya look down whoa cozy i like that wasn't there a haunted mansion before where'd she go oh there's snowman where did she go yes i know exactly where that is comment [Music] all right let's see the inside does it match the outside oh cozy i like it oh this is awesome which room are you in oh there you are you missed me yeah the bedroom doesn't look like a massage room oh yeah i'm missing i remember i'll be the judge of that oh you're right that's cozier i like it very nice bedroom she left okay oh there's lots to see gotcha i'm a little sad i don't have my candle but you know what at least this time i have it in real life this is great cozy bathroom some things never well not if they're good oh no no no i know no no help help me stop it stop it change things back oh the toilet move there's ghosts ah stop oh god that she was referring to the furniture it's like it never happened this is your crafting area oh oh we got the puffer fish a little puffer martial loves pugs puffer fishes and then somewhere at the bottom is me oh looks similar oh thanks [Laughter] is this where all the devilish creations are made yeah i did yeah [Music] nice are we going upstairs okay downstairs how is she so fast i'm supposed to be the gamer hey you got mr turtle too [Music] this no it's been confirmed oh i see it this is a crafting cute nice i feel like she yeah she would make it like this in real life okay so now let's burn it hey okay let's go whoa whoa that's so cool that's so cozy i like that this is my favorite room whoa it feels like you're upstairs too that's cool i like it yo you got a dollar house what i didn't know they had that these are like swedish um i don't know what it is oh what did i just do [Music] hey dance with me [Music] oh [Laughter] knives powers what are you cooking pasta or pizza [Music] she's actually making pasta fine you know what fine oh you got ping pong so fun absolutely amazing so interactive i should play vr ping pong with my dad and my mom the other day it was so funny is this your snowman very nice very stylish yeah oh they're so cute oh you got a little gaming area i like that hey i gave you these i gave you these say it say it are you serious all right cute little camping a little are you making pizza nice cool oh we got different treats cute cute oh you can roast marshmallows hey if i roll an apple you have to make me pasta do i have to press thank you thank you so nothing changes full viewing area nice oh wow for you all oh okay the sash on this girl oh a cute christmas tree i didn't realize hey lights turn on oh nice that's okay oh yeah this uh kanji means tomate i know that now which means stop look at that i'm sony hungo i think you missed that oh you missed it again [Music] yeah damn there's so much to see i don't know how to get this stuff oh i can open the oh it's a volcano no it isn't your camping ground it just looks like it oh cool i told me where's she going hello oh she got one of these uh beef thing do you think she's making pasta she's cute okay and she even made a little sand castle very cozy yeah oh it's a bus station you're improv day nice wait stop it cozy hey why is there a melon get rid of it no oh it's a oh oh yeah let's kill it coco mill in bed a panda on whoa what bro what is this whoa what i never seen this oh all right bye oh yeah there was a bunch of stars and stuff i never got these that's cool we go to school but it's christmas holiday i remember you showed me this this is cool got a classroom nice very nice oh let's see [Music] what oh it's like a classroom or kindergarten and cake amazing is that stone she put stone in her bent though oh she's got acquired taste oh it's cl uh fair ah nice that's cool that's smart this is me in school basically [Music] i like his shirt that's fire dude hell yeah you don't are you okay bro is she treating you well you can talk to me just blink just blink if oh [Music] okay i lost you there you are oh god put down the shovel oh it's a clay a pottery classist every sunday can i sign up nice i didn't realize you can decorate other people's houses oh cool damn what no way whoa i like that she looks like a waiter or a chef oh it's a hint sorry croco all right what's next we'll see bear hey we're matching yeah oh look at this [Music] secret t-spot all right yeah i love how you did the city that's so cool i saw it on the plane oh sit ah how do you even do that oh i see how that's cool cool nice yeah oh little doggy we've been here oh god who's that what what are you ugh no thank you matrix what that's so awesome ah we're in the spoopy area oh god what did you do marzian this is where the real demons are spawn from the furbys mass produce headquarters oh god oh no right there going inside i'm going in oh god no oh god this is actually spooky oh god amnesia all over again you can't do it oh my god we play so well this is creepy you look so crazy [Laughter] this is too evil help me going to sleep [Music] how do you get this creepy soundtrack no no go back to sleep i wake up from this nightmare no no the true horrors oh god let's get out of here no there's more ah what happened oh i see oh god let's not wait wake the demon [Music] what are you doing oh she was like father to me all right i'm placing all my animal crossing coins on red [Music] what do i win oh great hey i got balloon back yep i like this area more nice [Music] thank you for the tour i'll write it four out of five i mean five five of course 10 out of 10. okay it's my time to go five out of five five out of five i was joking come on what is this whoa [Music] nice amazing wow happy holidays everyone and happy new years five now five out of yeah now it's five out of five you're right by luna greece amazing hey stop it yeah thank you all right on that now that was the animal crossing christmas special thank you marcie for showing your island bon [Music] what is that oh i see okay on that note thank you for watching this year it's been incredible i really appreciate all the subscribers look at the graph one last time and i see you guys have an amazing christmas
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 3,931,697
Rating: 4.9681168 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: l2uq9D_Y_dE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 14sec (1694 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 25 2020
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