Can We Stump Pokémon Stans?

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- What is Ash's mother's name? - Wow. - Serena Ketchum, Delia Ketchum, Lillie Ketchum, or Lisa Ketchum? - Like release them and catch them. (upbeat music) - [Announcer] Stan vs the internet. (laughing) - Good luck, welcome to Stan vs the internet! - Yay! - Yay! - We are live boys. - We're live? - Yeah, we're live. - No more dead boys, we're live boy. - Yes, welcome to Stan vs internet. This is a game show and it's all about, Pokemon! How do you guys feel about your Pokemon knowledge? - I don't even know what that is Sarah, but Pokemon I really like-- - I feel okay. I think I've played all of the generations, but I'm not always very good with names-- - Did you guys watch the anime as equal? - I did-- (crosstalk) - I watched Indigo league. I didn't watch anything beyond that. - I did everything I could consume Pokemon wise. I missed out on a couple of generations that Shayne has played, but I'm really good with remembering names and stuff. So I feel like together we'll be a good dream team. Well like even if I don't know something, I'm be like, "What's the one that they're talking "about that looks like a flipping ice cream cone?" You'll be like, "Oh yeah, you know" - But I do know some of our editors came up with the questions and they don't mess around. - No. - That's true. They don't play about-- - Yes, there were some questions I had to cut because I think they were way too hard. - Really? - Yeah, Rock was literally-- - Rock doesn't mess around. - Yeah, Rock was like, "There's a Pokemon stand by me reference." What is that? - Oh, oh! It's when you're on the train tracks-- - Nope, that's wrong. - You wanna see a dead body? - (laughing) Name your favorite Pokemon on three, one, two, three? - Chancey. - Oh, probably a FarFetched. - You failed, all right. - What! - So let me explain today's rule. We are doing a live version of Stan vs the Internet. So we have our two Stan boys here, Shayne and Damien. And then we have the internet, which is the Twitch Chat right here. We've got an Ash, Ketchum, Twitch Wizard here. - That's horrible. - And whenever I ask a question, there's going to be four multiple choice questions. The chat here will have two minutes to answer the questions. Ideally, ideally gang at home, I would like you to not cheat and not Google, ideally. - They're gonna Google it. - They're gonna Google it. - Just the honor system. (laughing) - They Googled it last time that's why they got some of them wrong. - Some of these are not Google-able. I'll just say that. Question number one, I also have this chalkboard where we're gonna put the points. - Is this like a normal Stan vs Internet where we have time to deliberate, and then lock in and then the audience? - So in theory, you have two minutes because the chat has two minutes. Also it's multiple choice so it's a little lot of easy. - Oh, okay! - You got a 25% chance. Question number one. - Oh god I don't know this. - In the anime series, what was the first legendary Pokemon that Ash saw? - I know this. - Chat, your first option is Latias. Your second option, Ho-Oh, third Zapdos, and the fourth option is Moltres. - They're gonna know this. They're gonna Google this one. - Oh, that's not one of the options I said. - It is. - Are you sure? - Yeah. - How sure are you? - Almost 10,000%. - The chat, they're pretty confident, the internet has answered Ho-Oh. What have you guys answered? - Shayne you do the honors. - Ho-Oh! - Ho-Oh! - Well, that is correct! - Yeah baby! - Everybody gets a point! - When I was a kid I thought it was Moltres, but the second generation wasn't even out yet. - Yeah, that's true. - So how was I supposed to know? - But the thing that's digestible about it still is they follow the same format. Like, there's always going to be a normal type on the first route and then a normal type bird on the first route too. There's always gonna be a ground type a little bit after that-- - They make the same exact game-- - Same exact, they do. - Every other year and they have done so for 30 years. - That's true. - Okay, let's move on to question two! - Okay, I had a Red Bull Sarah. - Chat, listen up. How many Pokemon Leagues has Ash won? First option one, second option none, third option two, fourth option five. How many Pokemon Leagues has Ash won? How many Pokemon Leagues has Ash won? How many Pokemon Leagues has Ash won? (laughing) - The anime series is definitely tougher for me. Like I said, I played all the generations. I stopped watching the show back in like '99. - Yeah. - Okay, the chat has locked in. How many Pokemon Leagues has Ash won? They said one, just one. - Wow, just one? - They just said just one. What did you guys say? - That's a crazy answer 'cause I said one as well. - Then you guys are correct! - I believe he only recently, he's 13 years old or 11 years old or however old Ash is but, it took him 30 years as an 11 year old to win finally. - That's great. - Question number three. Who is the leader of Team Rocket? One, Giovanni, two, Claudio, three, Leonardo or four, James. - Man, I thought you going to be asking very specific stuff about specifical Pokemon. We're talking about people? - See that's the stuff I don't know. - Oh, don't worry. - I got you, buddy. - We're just warming up, these are very easy ones. These are the warmup ones. - Okay, I'm almost warm at this point. - Sarah, I'm just being sassy 'cause I've had a lot of energy drinks today and not a lot of sleep. - Mm-hmm (laughing) Overwhelmingly, who is the leader of Team Rocket? It looks like they're going with Giovanni. Who are you going with? - Giovanni! - Wow, you guys are all correct! - I remember in karate as a kid, you'd be talking, you're like, "Have you gotten to this point yet?" And none of us knew how to say this Italian name. So everyone's just called it guy-oh-ven-eye. You're like, "Have you beaten guy-oh-ven-eye yet?" No, I haven't gotten to guy-oh-ven-eye. - That's my life, I've seen so many words, but I've never heard them out loud. - Hyperbole. - Hyperbole. - Which sounds awesome, yeah. - Apropos, I said a-prop-rous. I had no clue. - A-prop-rous is also a Pokemon. (laughing) - Guys, this is very superfluous so we don't need to worry about this. - Question number four, starting with Pokemon Crystal, what is the first thing that the Pokemon games ask you? One, what year were you born? Two, what's your favorite color? Three, what's your name? Or four, are you a boy or a girl? I played red, initially. - I was blue and gold and I also played yellow and then crystal. - Chat is locking in. What's the first question asked in Pokemon Crystal? And it looks like everyone locked in with are you a boy or are you a girl? What's your answer? - Oh, boom! - Are you a boy or are you a girl? Well, you would be correct. - Yes. - So crystal version was the first time that you could choose the gender of your player. - Yeah. - So everyone gets a point! - Yeah! Yeah, they had never had the female sprite before. - Right now we are tied four to four. How are you guys feeling? - I'm feeling pretty good. - Do you guys think you can beat the chat today? - You know what's nice about this? We are facing the internet 'cause I know for a fact that a lot of people are googling and that's fine 'cause that's the original point of this show is to see if we can beat Google. So look, I think we have a shot. - Question number five. The Premier Ball does what? First option, nothing special, it's just the same as a regular pokeball. Two, it can hold more than one Pokemon at once. Three, has 100% success rate when using it to catch wild Pokemon. Or four, increase Pokemon friendship level faster than normal? - I think my issue with Pokemon still is that some of them are just straight up people. Machoke is a dude. - It's a man, it's a man. - It's just a man. - I also don't like it when Pokemon have clothing built into their bodies, huh? - But don't you love seeing a little puppy with a t-shirt on? - I wanna put it on that puppy. If the puppy's breed has an extra layer of skin that functions as a big, bright red shirt jutting out of it's body, I'm going to vomit. - The Pokemon world is a hell world. - You're going to suspend your disbelief. - It is for sure, 100% a hellish nightmare. - All right, so the chat has answered that the Premier Ball does nothing special. Oh boy. What is your guess? - Nothing special, this looks nice. - And you would be correct! - Now I do want to point out we won 100% chose that they only 81%. - That's true, between the two of us, we knew it. - Yeah, the Premier Ball is just for funsies. It just looks cool. You get it after a while and it's just cool. - [Jackie] I knew that one. - Hi Jackie. - Jackie knew it oh, Jackie's coming. Here we go. (laughing). (crosstalk) - Thank you. - Thank you. - Oh, I love it and then how is your Pokemon knowledge? - Pikachu. - Yeah. - Question number six. - Let's do it. - How many generations of Pokemon have there been? How many generations of Pokemon have there been? 10, nine, eight or five? Kimmie, you totally know this, right? - It's definitely 12. - Yeah, Jackie? - Yeah, same. (laughing) - Yeah, go out. - Oh, they're writing it out. Shane's writing all the generations out and counting. - This is even better than the answer. They actually wrote. - That's so easily Google-able. - Keith is joining too. (crosstalk) - Well, the chat has answered eight. What did you guys answer? - We answered eight! - You're celebrating like that's correct. - It is. - Oh, its definitely right. That's because it is. (audience applauds) Everybody gets a point. - That was so impressive, y'all wrote them out. You guys knew them. - Well, Shane wrote that out. - There was a couple of people that answered for an option I didn't even name. - Oh, then that's lucky as hell. We counted black and white too, but X and Y was actually Holy crap-- - I didn't play X and Y. - Wow, by mistake we guessed the right answer. (laughing) - All right, question number seven. Chat, listen up. - Uh oh. - Who is the Pokemon God? Option one, Arceus, option two, in Empoleon, option three, Reshiram and option four Haxorus. I apologize if I butchered... (laughing) (crosstalk) So, chat looks like they're pretty locked in. They say, Arceus. What is your answer? - Arceus. - Arceus! - RC car. - You're correct! (audience applauds) - RC Cola. - This is pretty neck and neck and actually, I will say I'm impressed, it seems like you're writing down the answer before I'm even giving the option. So I will give you kudos for that. Question number eight. In the English version, what is Ash's mother's name? - Wow. - Serena Ketchum, Delia Ketchum, Lillie Ketchum or Lisa Ketchum? - Like release them and catch them. - Kimmie, if you had to guess, what would you say? - It's Lily. - And what would you guess Kieth? - Lisa. - Okay and then what would you guess? - Lisa. - Okay and then what would you guess? - Bobby Moynihan. - Yeah! - Bobby Moynihan. (laughing) - All right, it looks pretty locked in. The chat went with Delia. What did you guys go with? - So we had more of an interpretation on the name Delia. We wrote it as option number three, Lily. - Yeah. - But it's pronounced- - It's Pronounced, De-Lilly. (crosstalk) - So, the internet is correct. - Wow! - Do you want to guess how old she was when she had Ash? - Is gonna be a not so chill number? - I mean, it's fine, it's fine. - 19. - 42. - 19. - Wow, it's cool. - 19. - How did I guess that. - Wow, you know all about her age, you don't even know her name. (laughing) Man, easy! - All right, so internet has taken the lead. - (laughing) Don't know her name, just her age. (laughing) - Question number nine. So, earlier we were talking about how there have been episodes that have been banned globally. Usually for flashing lights or problematic things. What Pokemon was introduced in one of those episodes that was banned globally? One, Raichu, two, Porygon, three, Thundurus or four Clefairy. - We got this already so could we get bonus points for doing that? (laughing) - So chat has-- - I actually don't know how you knew that. - (laughing) I don't know. I used to not sleep very much, I just... I think I have really good retention for just random things that are interesting where if it stimulates your brain, like oh, that's a cool fact then for some reason, that just gets locked in. - 'Cause that's how I feel people, 'cause people ask me every three weeks, they're like, "Did you know your name's in Jumanji?" And I don't, what character in a movie do you remember their first and last name? - Ethan Hunt. - Damien Thorn. - I don't know what you're saying. - In The Omen. All right class. Okay, so the question was, what Pokemon was introduced in an episode that was banned globally? Chat very confident with 94% of the votes, Porygon. Damien, you answered before I even gave you the options. What did you answer? - The answer's got to be Porygon. - Well, the answer's got to be Porygon! (audience applauds) All right, here's the last question. - Oh boy. - And the only way that you boys can win, you can't. - Is if Google shuts down for the day? - Yeah, so right now, internet is ahead by one. If they get this correct, they win. If you guys get it correct, you tie. - What happens if we win? - I'll give you guys a high five if you want that? - It's quarantine, you can't touch me, no. (laughing) - Last question. What Pokemon is the disaster Pokemon? One, Sunkern, two, Absol, three, Guzzlord, four, Mega Gyrados. - Gyrados. - Gyrados. - That's that Greek sandwich. - I didn't know that at all. - No, I just see the word and I pronounce it how I want. - They always give it a weird name as a descriptor and it's in the Pokedex, but then they always give a little description about it. So it'll be, blah, blah, blah, the disaster Pokemon, found on mountains during avalanches, blah, blah, blah, or something like that. and travelers began to associate-- (crosstalk) - I would never read that stuff. I just wanted to get to the game. - Yeah. - All right, so chat has locked in with Absol. What is your answer? - Absol, the disaster Pokemon. - That is absolutely correct! (audience applauds) - We did it! - Twitch chat won! (audience applauds) Score is 10 to nine. Great job chat, you really did Google a lot today. How do you guys feel being defeated by our Twitch chat today? - Congrats on knowing Ash Ketchum's mother's name. - Yeah congrats on writing all your Ash's mom fan fics and that's why you all knew that. - All right, well thank you guys so much for watching. Go ahead and subscribe. We do a bunch of these kinds of shows on here, and if you're not done watching some Smosh Games content, we've got more videos here, there's one for here, and one over here, and you can watch it and maybe avoid your family. Maybe just space out, maybe just learn a little bit more about Pokemon, who knows?
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 583,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh games, gaming, comedy, funny, Can We Stump Pokemon Stans?, stan vs internet, stan, pokemon stans, twitch, trivia, challenge, game
Id: HfUJKvKyy1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 25 2020
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