The Trash Taste Awards | Trash Taste #50

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(dramatic music) - Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, welcome to a very special episode of the Trash Taste podcast. I'm with the boys, all suited up, gamer, gamer, and pro gamer right here. - Normally, we are the boys, but today, we are the men. - The men. - No, the gentlemen. - The gentlemen. - Exactly. - I do wanna say, Joe, your JoJo suit looks fantastic. - Well, I wanna say, Connor, your JoJo suit also looks good. - No, you Garnt, he tried. It's a suit but it's not a JoJo suit. Garnt, I'm a little disappointed, but it's fine. - I did actually buy a JoJo suit, but it came in and I thought L size would be big enough here, but I forget that Japanese sizes are like one size smaller than the rest of the world. - Their L size is basically just a kid's size everywhere else, isn't it? - You're wearing the Bucciarati suit, are you, Joey? - I am wearing the Bucciarati suit. - You look very fly. - The full set up. You're wearing the Kira suit. - I am, the Yoshikage Kira suit, got the full outfit. - Is this out yet? - It is out, it is out now, you can buy it now. - And it's a three-piece, so you got this, I mean, I would show it all off, but it'll-- - Unfortunately, our debut with the suits on the "Trash Test" podcast is not the JoJo episode. - No. - It's not. - But we got something even better. We've got the annual, I guess it's gonna be the first annual Trash Taste Awardw. (everyone applauds) Everybody clap. - Yeah, and everyone clapped. - And everyone clapped. Congratulations. - I think we've had enough cringe-worthy moments, I'd say. (Joey and Garnt laugh) - We've had a lot of moments in the last year. I guess this is like literally the fucking Obama meme where we just congratulate ourselves, right? - I want to, frankly, yeah. I want you. - Why do I not do this on my main channel, Is the real question. But yeah, so to address the elephant in the room, this will technically be the one year anniversary of "Trash Taste", 'cause we've been doing this for a whole year now. - 'Cause this is episode 50. - Episode 50, hopefully. - And I mean, it's not episode 52, 'cause we've had two specials, which is, frankly, amazing that we could have fitted already two specials in in the current world climate. - I'm just more shocked that we've been doing this for a year now. - God, it feels like- - It's gone very fast. - It feels like it's been like two months and it's also felt like it's been 10 years at the same time. - You know what as well, I re watched a little bit of the first "Trash Taste" episode as well. - Oh yeah. - And I was like, "Wow, it's so different." - Really? Are we all still like awkward as fuck in that, or? - Yeah, a little bit. And we're all very considerate of when each other are talking. (Joey and Garnt laugh) - Like, "No, you," "No, you." - Yeah, I mean, "Joey, go ahead. "You tell it, you tell the story." And now it's just like, "Wait, hold on, I'm talking." - "Everybody shut up, my time." - We're also sitting in the exact same spots as the first episode as well. - I suppose it fits actually, I don't know if the counter is right, 'cause we swap every episode, but. - The counter isn't correct, but we are sitting in the same spots. - Coincidentally, we're all in the same spot as the first episode. - By complete coincidence. - God, I wanna see a comparison of this episode with the first episode, like side by side. That'd be crazy, but yeah. So we asked you guys over on the subreddit and also, was it on Twitter as well? - Yeah, we asked Twitter as well. - Basically, we asked you guys around our social medias to give us some awards to give to ourselves essentially. (Garnt and Connor laugh) That's the only way to describe it, really. We were just like, - That is what we asked them. - Yeah. - We were just like, "Hey, we gotta bunch of categories for a bunch of different awards, and it's all voted by you guys, the 'Trash Taste' viewers." So right now, us three have no idea. - We don't know who's gonna win. And by the way, shout-out to our intern, Ashley, who helped sort out these awards and these beautiful, beautiful envelopes, which we are going to be opening. - Yeah. - It's the "Oscars". - This is as legit of an awards show as we can get. - This is the first time we've given him a job that's not "Get us coffee," so he really pulled through with us for that. - I shall open the wine. Carry on, carry on talking. - Yes. - Please open the wine. - And a shout-out to Ashley as well for actually dressing up, even though he's not technically gonna come. Do you wanna come on camera quickly, Ashley? - Yeah, come on, look at that. - Look at that, look at that. - We didn't even ask him to wear a suit, he just rocked up with a suit because he's a professional boy. - Yeah, and then Meilyne shows up with the tackiest way. (Joey and Garnt laugh) With just your bog-standard T-shirt and we're like, "Meilyne, come on Meilyne." - This is the Trash Taste Awards. - Yeah, we were like, "Meilyne, this is the "Trash Taste Awards, so you know what to do, right?" - We might get more viewership than the Oscars. - Who knows? - It's entirely possible. - Well, I mean, that's not surprising, to be honest. But yeah, so I don't know. I guess before we start, and while Connors opening this, I guess we can do like a quick little reflection of the year. - Oh, by the way, it's called Awardw because in the original Reddit post, Connor misspelled "Awards" and I guess we're just rolling with it now. It's the Trash Taste Awardws, not Awards. - It's literally like the same root as how like the word kek was invented. It's just a mistype. - Is that how kek was invented? - Yeah. - I didn't know that. - Oh no, no. It was a how pwn was invented. - Oh yeah, that's true, isn't it? - Because the O and the P is right next to each other and then it became pwn. Yeah, so there you go. New meme, Awardw. - So how many categories do we have today? - 25, I believe, if I recall correctly. - 25. - 25 categories with, I think, over 24,000 votes. - How many votes did we get for the survey, Ashley? If you wanna put that up. (wine cork pops) - [Joey] There it is. - Whoo! - Wine time. - The wine is open, there you go. - All right, while we're waiting, let's pour some wine. - Wait, this is a Hokkaido wine, right? - It is Hokkaido wine, yeah. - Is that the one you bought? - Yeah, this was like five months ago. And we never drank, for some reason. I think it was buried in the fridge, even though I don't think we should put wine in the fridge. - We have like a bunch of alcohol, that's just buried in the fridge. - We have a lot of alcohol on standby for a moment just like this. - Finally, the wine glasses fitting with the outfits- - Exactly, right? Look at us. - Look at us, look at us. If only I could recreate my, (Garnt laughs) I still can't do it. I don't know what it was. - Cheers. - Oh, cheers boys. - To a very successful year. - Yes, absolutely. - To an awesome year. - [Ashley] I have the numbers. - You have the number, Ashley? - What are the numbers, Ashley? - [Ashley] 24,210. - 24,210 votes. - Yeah, so 24,210 of you voted for what we are going to present. So if there's any salt, you can just blame yourself. (Joey laughs) And if you didn't vote, well, you kinda missed out. - Yeah, exactly. - Next year, next year. - Yeah, exactly. Because yeah, as I said, this is probably, I said "first annual" because hopefully, as the years go by, we can kind of keep doing this every year. We can make it like a yearly tradition, if you guys enjoy it, of course. - Yeah, make it a chill little episode where we just kinda. - Reflect. - Look back on. - Yeah, we look back. - Not a filler episode. In the "Trash Taste" law, this is not a filler episode. - No, I've been looking forward to this episode, 'cause like, I've completely forgotten so many moments that happened throughout the year until we went through the nominations that you sent. And I was just like, "Oh yeah, that did happen, didn't it?" - Well, because if, you know, simple maths, right? Like, what? It's 100 hours of us talking for the past year. That's 100 hours of content over the year, if not including the specials. - Yeah, it's like 120 minutes per episode, so. - I don't really wanna know. - It's like two hours an episode, that's like a 100 hours, right? Which is a lotta talking. So no wonder we've forgotten some and, to be honest, every time a new episode goes up, I genuinely don't remember what we talked about. - I don't remember the fuck I talked about. You guys know what we talked about more than we do most of the time. - You guys know the law better than we do. Definitely. (Garnt laughs) - I'm excited to jump in, to see what our categories are. - Yeah. - Sure, sure, sure. Let's go towards our categories. - So we asked you guys what categories you'd like to see. And based off that, we chose these 25. There's quite a lot here, as you can see on the screen. - So just to read them off quickly. So we've got Best Intro, Hot take of the Year, Best Out-of-Context Clip, Screen Grab of the Year, Most Degenerate Moment, Saltiest Moment, Most Monkey Moment, I love that, (Garnt laughs) Best Story, Biggest Clown, Biggest Chad, Best Nickname, Best Complaining-About-America Moment, because you know that's what this podcast's all about. - Of course, of course. - We've got the Best Meme, Best Tangent, Best Trash Taste Special Moment, Best Drip, Laziest Drip, which is, I thought I'd never say that in my life, Best Trash Taste Animated, Best Rant, Catchphrase of the Year, Guest of the Year, Best Argument, Best Trash Taste Special, Best Trash Taste Moment and the Best Episode overall. So lots to cover. - I'm very excited to see what the gamers out there chose. - Yeah, right? ' Cause there's some of them where I feel like I think I know what's gonna win, but there's some of them where I'm like, "I genuinely have no idea." - I think some of them were pretty close as well. - Yeah, because a lotta the nominations, I guess, were differing on how we felt about it, right? Like for one category, there would have been one nomination where I personally was like, "Well, that's gonna win," and then you guys were like, "No, no, it's this one." So yeah, we don't know. - And there were some categories where I thought I knew the winner of that nomination, and then the actual nominations came in, I'm just like, "Oh, I completely forgot about this one. "Oh, this is getting really hard now." - Exactly, exactly. So all we know is the actual nominations, but we don't know at all who the winners are gonna be. - So I guess we. - Without further ado, lets- - We've got a lot to get through today, so let's just jump right into it. - So, let's start off with the first category. That, of course, being the Best Intro. - [Garnt] Best Intro. Just the tip. - [Joey] Just the tip. (Garnt laughs) We asked Ashley to put these taglines for each of the ones as well, which I'm seeing for the first time. - I didn't realize we asked him to do that. That's the first I've heard about this. - "What is the Best Intro nominations?" you're probably wondering. Well, here they are. Let's find out. Oh God, Ashley, you just, - (laughs) No. - Ashley, you just spoiled the winner! - All right. - So the first one is the "Salty Salmon Slices" from Episode 04, I don't remember this one. - This is the first one that I did which was different. - Okay, okay, let's listen to this one. - What's up, you salty salmon slices? (Garnt laughs) Welcome back to another episode of the "Trash Taste" podcast. - I'm sorry, what? - You know how old it is when you see how long my hair is in that. - Oh yeah, 'cause this was before you got the haircut. - This was before I got the haircut. - I remember you didn't, did you? I don't think you told us that you're just gonna do a random introduction. I think that's how it started, right? For when you were hosting. - Yeah, I was like, - "Joey's dumb intros "begin from this point onwards." - [Joey] Yeah, exactly. - I mean, I think that's where they started. - Yeah, yeah. - 'Cause most of these are just Joey's intros. - Most of these are mine. - [Connor] All right, and Episode 14, there's "Delicious Dickheads". - I don't remember saying that. What's up, you delicious dickheads? Sorry, welcome back to another episode of "Trash Taste" podcast. - What was that? Did you say "you delicious dickheads"? - Yeah. - I don't remember any of this. - I don't remember this either. Then we got "New PP," "Big PP Nation". - "New PP Nation." (Garnt and Joey laugh) - Where'd you get the "new" from? - That's after the coup d'etat. - Okay, of course, of course. - What's up, big PP nation? Welcome back to another episode. - Oh no. - I tried to say it with a straight face, I'm sorry. - I love how Joey just laughs to himself about the dumb shit that he says. - Because, like, no, I laughed at that one because I was like, "Oh, this was 10 times funnier in my head." (laughs) The moment I said it out loud, I'm like- - It was like a school kid saying, "69". - The moment I said it out loud, I was like, "This isn't funny." (laughs) But it made it on here somehow. - And then, apparently, we have Episode 40, 43 and 44. So we had like three apparently banger intros. - [Joey] Yeah, wow. - So this is the "Crazy Conbini Cunts" which I wasn't very happy, 'cause I was like, "Good, Joey, you're gonna get us demonetized." - I think this episode is demonetized. - This did get demonetized. - So don't say it, bleep it when you're done. - Yeah. - What's up you crazy conbini (beep)? (Garnt laughs) Welcome back to another episode. That wasn't my idea. That was Garnt's. Yeah, that's right, it wasn't my idea. Garnt told me to say it. - Why would you believe him? If Garnt told you to put your hand in a fire, would you do it? - Yeah, Garnt quietly was like, "You should say this at the beginning." - I don't know what you're talking about. - Then Joey's like John Travolta meme, looking around the room, "Why is it demonetized?" - Yeah, why isn't it allowed on YouTube? Come on. - I'm so sorry. - And then we got Episode 43: "Connor Shits On His Phone". - I don't remember that, man. - Well, okay, we can already tell this is not me. So this is a Connor intro. - I actually wash my phone like once a week. I don't like it. It gets shit on it, I don't really like it. - [Meilyne] Gets shit on it? (everyone laughs) I shit on my phone, Meilyne. - I don't remember that at all. - I don't remember that either. - I don't remember that. That was like five, six weeks ago, I don't fucking know. - Yeah, right? - I don't remember saying that. - And then we got the final one, Episode 44: "Ladybeard Counts Us In". - I remember this one. - I remember this one. - I don't. - Out of every intro, this one's the only one I remember. - This is the weirdest intro by far. - Play it, Ashley. - Play the clip. - And we're live in five, four, three. - (laughs) Hello, everyone. I love the edit on this, how it just slowly fades into color. It's slowly going live. - I do not remember this at all. - To be fair, the entire "Ladybeard" episode is a fever dream to me. - It is. I don't know how you handled sitting next to him, right? - I didn't. Did you see how quiet I was in that episode? I didn't handle it. - I just remember the "Ladybeard" episode because it just took me back so much about how much energy was just radiating for the guy. - It was that episode where I was like, "Oh, we really must be like low-energy on our episodes." Either that, or this guy is just absolutely insane. - I think we were an appropriate amount of energy. I think Ladybeard has far too much energy for any one human being to have. - That's true. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, I feel like maybe he's siphoning everyone else's energy, 'cause you just feel tired around him. - Yeah, yeah. - "Fuck, "how do you do this? "This is impressive." - So which one do you think is the winner, guys? Let's give our- - I mean, our intern messed up. - Let's pretend that we didn't accidentally get spoiled on it. - Let's just talk about our favorite one then, I guess. - Yeah, what's your favorite one? - I honestly don't have a horse in this race. This isn't a category that I feel too passionate about. (Joey laughs) I'm gonna be honest with you guys. This is one that I'm like, "You know, "I don't really mind who wins this one." - Yeah, look, I'm in most of these horses and-- - Yeah, so what's your opinion, Joey? - Yeah, but the thing is, I'm most of these horses and yet, I don't really care either. (laughs) All of my intros is just as dumb as the next. - True, true. - Well, I'm like five, so I'm like, "'Big PP Nation', hilarious." I hope that one wins. - Yeah, I hope "Big PP Nation" or "Salty Salmon Slices", just 'cause it started the tradition. - "Ladybeard", I guess. I don't know, it was just weird. It was like a fever dream. - Joey, do you wanna- - I have the cards right here. - Who won, Joey? Please let us know. Build up the suspense. - And the winner for the Trash Taste Awardw Best Intro goes to (drums playing) "Big PP Nation". (Garnt and Connor applaud) We are 10-year-olds. (everyone laughs) - Wow, this is epic. How many votes? What was the percentage that it won by? Do we know? Or how many viewers did it get of X amount? - [Ashley] I'm trying to bring up the stats now. - I'm glad that we can confirm- - It gives you a pie chart, though. - [Ashley] Yeah, it's loading. I think there's just too many responses. - All right. - I'm glad that we can confirm that our audience are as just mentally young as we are. - Yeah, as mentally young as I am. Laughing at my own big PP. - Everyone's just immature, which is why, I guess, everyone loves talking about shit here. - I wonder if it's a case of like, people didn't really feel that strongly about any particular intro, and it had the funniest name. I wonder if that happened. 'Cause if I saw this, I think I would see "Salty Salmon Slices", I see "PP Nation? "Okay." - Yeah, "I awake." (laughs) Also, can I just say, opening this up, feels so good. - Oh, I'm excited. - I look forward to my turn. - Again, Ashley did these for us. It looks so nice. - That looks so good. Yeah, shall we go to the next award then? What is the next one? - Let's go to the next one. - Yeah, we do want the stats, yeah. - What are the stats? - [Ashley] It won with 22.6% of the vote. - With 22.6% of the votes. - And what was the next one? What was the closest one? - [Ashley] Closest one was "Ladybeard". - Weird. - Of course. - [Ashley] 21.8%. - Oh, wow. - Wow, that's quite close. - So it's a 1% difference. - 1% difference. - [Ashley] It's about 200 votes. - About 200? Wow, so "Big PP Nation" won by 200 votes. - Rise up, big PP nation, rise up. - Confirmed, the only thing that can beat Ladybeard is big PP nation. - What's the difference? (Garnt and Joey laugh) - He's the leader of the big PP nation. (everyone laughs) All right, let's go to the next category. Hot Take of the Year. - Well, we're getting right into it now. - Wow, this is getting out the big guns already. - I have a feeling that, I can't remember what the nominations are, even though we chose them, I have a feeling that most of these are Garnt, 'cause Garnt has just the fucking stupidest takes, to be fair. (Joey laughs) He does. Garnt is a very smart and wise man, but then sometimes, Garnt says some- - Sometimes he's like a little too woke, you know? - [Connor] Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Where it's like, "Where did that come from?" - I'm just too woke when it comes to my food opinions, apparently. - I don't think it's woke, I think it's broke, bro. - Yeah, that's based as fuck, dude. - We'll see, we'll see. We will see, let's get on to the nominations. - What are the nominations, Ashley? - What are the nominations? - [Joey] So the first one we have is "Crusts are the worst part of the pizza "and I don't eat them." - [Connor] Let's play it, play the clip. - Why does crust on pizza exist and why does everyone pretend that it-- - It taste good. - It taste good. - No it doesn't. (everyone laughs) - What a clown. What a clown. - I still stick to this opinion to this day. You know what? I think, I remember when I tweeted this out and I think people who got canceled get less hates than when I tweeted this out. I thought I knew what a hot take was until I tweeted it out. And I don't think I've had more replies to a single tweet than this one. - It was the first time I looked at a tweet and I was like, "This is why we needed a dislike button." (laughs) - It's just, frankly, I hate to use it, it's a cringe opinion. - Yeah, it's cringe. - I have some opinions where I don't like something, but I recognize that I'm in the wrong still. (Joey laughs) And I think that you should kinda, you know, come to terms with it that you're just wrong and that you're-- - You know what? It's after this episode I've gotten so many secret messages- - Fuck off. - From like friends who has just been like, "You know what?" - Pizza Crust Anonymous. - "I actually kind of agree with you." "You know what?" - The Pizza Crust Resistance. - I will be the pizza crust martyr so that all of us who are, the crustless gang can exist. I will be the fucking martyr, so that people will know that- - Martyr? Get over yourself. (everyone laughs) It's like, you need the crust, right? So when you're eating, you get a little break from just pizza. As good as pizza is, you get sick of eating one noted flavor. - Yeah, exactly. - You dip in the garlic and herb, the ranch, whatever you do, you know? It's fantastic. - With ranch, it's game over. - Okay, but that's the point, right? If you need to have stuffed crust or dipping sauce or whatever, then that just means- - [Joey] No, no, you don't need dipping sauce. It's a bonus. - That's like saying like, "Oh," you could make the same argument, "Why put a pizza on the bread?" - Yeah, that's like saying, "Why put anything on bread "when you can just eat the bread?" - Yeah, "If the bread is such an inferior ingredient, "why would you put ingredients on top of it?" Fuck off, Garnt, man. - Because the crust is just bread otherwise, right? - Why would I not put any viscous breakfast spreads on my bread if I could just eat the bread? - If the bread is great, then why do you need stuffed crust? - That's like saying, "Why ever expand on base ingredients?" - Are you trying to get another nomination on this? (laughs) - We'll see if they decide, we'll see. - I've chosen a hill to die on and I'm dying on this hill, to this day. - Okay, and a hill that I'm not proud of is the next one, which is, "I think steak is fucking mid." Play the clip. - God. - I don't like steak. - Oh my God, bro. - I think steak is fucking mid. - No, man. - Okay. - That was an opinion where, you know when you hear something, you have to double take. You're like, "Wait, what?" - Yeah, that was like the blinking meme. - [Connor] Do you still stand by that take? - Okay, yes, in a sense. But I say it's mid, look, okay, I don't say steak is, look, sounds like backpedaling because it is. (Garnt laughs) Steak is mid. I didn't say it was bad. I'll still eat a steak, but it's not- - Maybe it's inherently bad. - But it's not my go-to. - No one has ever been happy about being called mid in any capacity. - If I were to go out and have like, all right, let's have like a slab of meat for a meal, right? Like chicken, pork, beef, whatever. However you cook it, whatever. Steak for me is like option number five or six. - No, no, no. Steak is like the top tier if we're talking about a slab of meat. - If money is no issue, it's steak. - No, no, okay. So after this episode went up, I actually went to a really nice steak place in Akihabara where I was like, "All right, it went up a few places." - Backpedal of the year for the next year Trash Taste Awards. - Yeah, backpedal of the year. You can include that. - 'Cause nothing can beat a good steak, and I remember when I first heard this, if my ears could vomit, that's what they would be doing right then. - I think what this just proved is that I just grew up eating really mid steak. - Probably. - I probably didn't have a nice steak. I'm sorry, Father, your steaks were pretty mid. - And then, actually, it's great 'cause you also have another shitty opinion. - Oh yeah, this one. "I think bacon is just not that great." - Was this Joey? - This is Joey. - Oh, I thought it was you both, I thought it was you. - Play the clip, play the clip. - Bacon is the cheapest part of the pig. - Right, right. - And it's shit. And gammon's like the actual meat-- - Bacon's the best part of the pig, thank you very much. - You've been fucking brainwashed, Garnt. Oh, it's me? (Garnt and Joey laugh) I thought it was Joey. - No, I just agreed with you. - Plot twist of the year, 'cause I remember I was on the other side of this argument. - Well, no, I agree that it's not that great, to be fair. - Yeah, it's not that great. - It's fucking great. Everyone loves bacon. - Steak is above bacon for me. (laughs) - It's like, "Wait, I don't agree with that. "Oh, wait, it's my opinion? "I agree with that." - Steak is above bacon, because steak's one of the best meats, but bacon is just like- - No, no, no, steak is like in the middle and bacon's below that. - Oh my fucking God. (Joey laughs) Oh my God. - Okay, I backpedaled the steak argument, I stand by this bacon argument. - Any other part of the pig is better. Like any other part. - Yeah. Belly, shoulder. - That's what I mean. You remember like back in 2012 when it was like a personality trait to say that you like bacon? Do you remember that, when that was a thing? - It's the epic mealtime. - Yeah, it was like, "Oh, I like bacon, I'm quirky." (Joey and Garnt laugh) "Okay, you like a widely available, cheap product. "Okay, cool." - "I has cheeseburger? "No, I has bacon cheeseburger." - You know, I think it's been sold to us a little too much by these corporations. They put bacon on everything. They make it seem like it's amazing. It's not. - It's really not. - It is amazing. - Okay, I feel sorry for you that you're falling for this corporate greed. - Out of every part of the pig, you cook bacon, people know you're cooking bacon. Why? 'Cause it smells fucking great. It gets the taste buds going. - It smells very good, but the flavor is just- - The flavor tastes like the smell. - That's why they don't make fucking bacon ramen, dude. They make it out of the other part of the pig 'cause it's way more flavorful, man. - Way more flavorful. - There's so much more richness going on. Come on, Garnt, come on. I'm not gonna argue with a client like this. - All right, let's look at this last one, though, which is, "To me, music is just beeps and boops." - At least two of these are mine, I guess. - Play the clip. - Yeah, two of these are of Connor's, I guess. - I think I actually am like a caveman when it comes to music. I'm like, "Ooh, the beeps and the boops are very pleasing." - Music goes, "Boop." - Yeah, yeah. Music goes "Whoo-ooh." (Garnt laughs) - I think this was the start of the monkey brain meme, wasn't it? - This was, this was. - It was literally the, "Wait, what? "Is that just how "your mind works?" - Before this episode, you were a man. And then this episode, you went down to monkey. - Well, I mean, I also got a lot of messages. People were like, "Yeah, I totally "understand what you mean." They're like, "It's the same for me." I felt like I met other monkey brethren. - No, no, I know a few people- - That's how I feel with the pizza crust thing. (Joey laughs) - You met fellow, just like, you know that meme where it's the black outline of the person, the brain caved in? That's the crust one. The monkey one is the brain with the chair, that guy that's sitting on his own brain. (Garnt laughs) Have you seen this one? - No. - You've seen this, you've seen it. I'll show you later. - Okay, okay. - Yeah, I mean, you know, it is what it is. I feel like this is just like, I don't know if it's like genetic or mental. Whatever it is, I literally cannot care about music. - No, no, no. I completely get this one because like, for me, this isn't so much of a hot take, 'cause I know plenty of people like that. It's just, I've never heard anyone else describe it as beeps and boops. (laughs) - Yeah, I would say, out of all of these, this is not so much a take, you know what I mean? - Well, yeah, it's also, 'cause when I used to try and explain it like, "Yeah, I don't really listen to the lyrics," like, "Oh, what, why?" And then eventually, I just realized, "Just say you like the fucking beeps "and the boops of the music." Everyone gets it. I don't really think it's a hot take, to be honest, but you guys chose this. - I mean, look, let's be real, I probably already know what the winner of this one is going to be. I think it's a unanimous vote. - I'd be very surprised if it's not what I think it's going to be. - Can we appreciate that three of these came from one episode? (Garnt and Joey laugh) - Did it? - And can we appreciate that three of these are from, no, there's three different episodes, but three of them are food opinions. - Oh shit, I thought they were all from the same episode. - No, actually, these are all from different episodes. - Yeah, they're all from different episodes. - Oh my God, I thought all of them were from the food episode. What was going on? - But we just talk about food that often. - We talk about food way too much- - And we have differing opinions that often. - Yeah, these are all from different episodes. - This episode is sponsored by Atsuko. Gentlemen, what is that drip you've got on there? What are you wearing, Joey? What are you wearing? - I thought you'd never notice. (laughs) Well, I'm wearing the Cowboy Bebop beanie, as you can see. - I'm wearing JoJo. Don't pay attention to Joey. Look at my drip. - I'm also wearing JoJo. - Nice drip, Garnt. - Thank you. - Good series. - Nice drip. - No, nice drip to you, Garnt. - No, you. Nice drip to you. - Thank you to Atsuko and their officially licensed apparel and accessories from all your favorite anime. Meilyne, tell us what amazing series Atsuko has to offer. - [Meilyne] "Aggretsuko", "Attack on Titan", "Avatar", "Bananya", "Black Clover", "Bleach", "Dr. Stone", a lot more. - This is in alphabetical order. We only just got to D, so you can imagine how many series they have, including JoJo. - [Garnt] There are tons of new exclusives not found anywhere else, and there are new items every week. - And gentlemen, you boys know I love my drip. I love my JoJo sweater. - Of course. - I'm never taking it off. I'm gonna sleep in it. I'm gonna bathe in it. I'm gonna do everything in it. And thank God that I got 10% off with the coupon code TRASHTASTE at the checkout. I am so goddamn happy! - Everybody claps. Plus, you can catch Atsuko online or at both New York Comic Con and Anime NYC later this year, so keep your eyes peeled. - So go to or just click the link in the description to get your drip today. And don't forget to use coupon code TRASHTASTE for 10% off. - Hell, yeah. Nice read, Garnt. Nice ad read. - Thank you very much. - Back to the episode. - Oh my God. - Drip. - All right, I guess let's get to the announcement then. I think this is me. - Yeah, it'll be at the top of your pile. (drums playing) - Hot Take of the Year. And the Trash Taste Hot Take of the Year goes to-- - Not me, please, not me. - Crust, crust, crust. - Oh my God! - "The music is just the beeps and the boops." - What? - How did that win? What the fuck? - What an upset. - How is this a hot take? - What an absolute upset. - What? How is this a, what? We were just saying. Wait, what was the percentage? - Not gonna lie, I thought this was gonna be the lowest one. - Yeah, I thought so too. Can we get the statistics, please, of that? - [Ashley] This won with 37.5%. - 37.5% of the votes. - Wait, what was the second place? - [Ashley] Second place was "Steak is fucking mid." - What? - Where did the pizza crust come? - [Ashley] That was third. - Oh my God. - There's too many crustless motherfuckers watching this show. - I was right. I was right. Crustless gang rise up, crustless gang rise up. - What the fuck is wrong with our viewers? Why would you not vote this clown into oblivion? - The resistance was too large. - Gentlemen, I have a dream that one day- - Fuck off. - One day, you will not be judged for your preference of food before your love of cuisine itself. - Is this how Britannia felt when Lelouch came? - I have a dream that one day, the crustless gang and the crust gang, and maybe even the only crust gang, can sit on the same table in peace. Thank you very much. Crustless gang, rise up. - The moment I go to a restaurant and there is an option for crustless, I am walking out. I'm done. I'm like, "What do you do with the crust? "What happened?" - I've never been so fucking proud in my life right now. - I'm so sad. - This is how Britannia felt when Lelouch came through, right? (Garnt laughs) He's like, "What?" - How did I get that one? - "They're so much bigger "than I thought they were gonna be." - Next category. - Next category, fucking hell. - I don't wanna see this shit anymore. - All right, let's get the next category up. - I can't believe this. - Best Out-of-Context Clip. - This should be an interesting one. - So many good ones. - You mean 50% of the subreddit is this. - I think here's what we should do, we should just play all the clips, not say anything. - Yeah, you're right. - As you would experience these, out of context. - So these are the top four nominations of Best Out-of-Context Clip. Bang, bang, bang. Bang, bang, bang. Bang, bang, bang, shh. (everyone laughs) - That one always makes me laugh. - I love that one. For the longest time, I didn't know what episode that came from, though. - No, I knew exactly what episode that was from, because I remember doing this, actually, and I'm just like, "Wait, shit. "I probably shouldn't have done that." - It's a GIF, it's immortalized as a GIF forever. - Yeah, I knew it was gonna be taken out of context. - That's from the "Hentai" episode, right? - Yeah, it was from the "Hentai" episode. - Second one. - That's the opposite way. - Oh, the opposite way? - I'd rather something up my arse than down my throat. (everyone laughs) - There is no way you stand by that. - I stand by it. - Oh, fuck off. - What I love about this clip is that the way you say it with such conviction. - Yeah, it came outta nowhere like RKO. - I stand by this. - And this one is actually from one of the "Trash Taste" streams which, if you're not following our third channel, then you would have- - Trash Taste After Dark. Subscribe. - Probably missed this one. - When I worked at fucking McDonald's, that wasn't challenging. And I'd go home and I'd be like, "Right, now, I wanna be fucking mentally challenged." That sounds awful, saying that. (everyone laughs) It was a very poor choice of words. Very, very poor choice of words. - That was just like phrasing the clip. - It was terrible phrasing. - You could've said that in any way. - I know, it was a terrible choice of words and it's haunted me to this day. - And then this one, oh, this might be my favorite. - For fuck's sake. - This, I think, to this day, is still the highest rated- - Why is this the top-rated clip on Reddit? - To be fair, it is very funny. - Yeah, play it. - But that one that just sticks out to you that's just like, you meet somebody, or I should specify, that one convention story where somebody was the biggest fucking asshole. - Oh, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, because- (everybody laughs) - Get someone who looks at you the way Garnt looks at the Corona. - Do you remember why you were laughing? - I do not remember this at all. - What were you thinking about? - I have no fucking clue. Because the thing is, this was like a clip where, you know when you just do things when someone else is talking and you forget that you're on camera? I have no idea what the fuck I was doing. - You just kinda hope that when you do something weird, that it's on someone else. - Yeah. - Like the camera's on Joey. - I do not remember what I was thinking. I was thinking, "Yo, Sydney was probably talking. "No one's concentrating on me." And if it wasn't for "Trash Taste", then this would have never been filmed. And it's now like the highest rated post on Reddit. Why? I don't know why-- - 'Cause it's so funny. - Good job, guys. - There's so many other good fucking clips and fan art and everything. And this, this is the top clip of all time? What? - It's because the mind boggles, right? It's like, "What was he thinking there? "What was going on in his head? "What made him laugh at that moment?" - It's like the inside-out meme where they go like, "I wonder what he's thinking about." - Yeah. - Which one do you want to win, boys? 'Cause I personally, I want the bang-bang-bang one. - I really want the "Bang-bang-Bang" one to win. - I really love that one. It literally encapsulates "out-of-context" perfectly. - I think I want the "I'd rather something "up my arse than down my throat." - That is a good one, that is a good one. - Just because it was like such, it came out of fucking nowhere and that line hit like a truck. I'm just like, "What the fuck?" - Deadass, I don't even remember saying that. All right. - Should we find out who won, gentlemen? - All right, let's find out. - The Trash Taste Awardw Best Out-of-Context Clip goes to, (drums playing) "Garnt realizes he's drinking Corona". - Yes! Thank you, subreddit. Thank you, we did it, subreddit. - Why, why? - And remember, this is from Episode 20. - Your upvotes were not put in vain. - Get this off the top-rated. Get it off. Stop upvoting this, get this off. - I wanna know how much, did it win by a landslide? - [Meilyne] 36%. - 36%? - 36%, that's pretty good. What was the second place one? - [Meilyne] "Garnt Without Context". - "Garnt Without Context" was second. But with how much of the vote? - [Meilyne] 22.9. - Oh, wow. 22.9% was the second best one with Garnt's bang-bang-bang. - So clearly, the subreddit came through with this one. - Well, Garnt clearly is just the most out-of-context person in "Trash Taste". - Obviously. Well done. - Congratulations. - Fuck's sake. - Well done, Garnt. - Congratulations. - Well, I'd never had to deal with this in my life before, because I've never had a camera- - 'Cause you're never on camera. - 'Cause I had never had the camera pointed to me, so I didn't know I was doing this shit and now, I'm just like, "Man, I do a lot of weird shit when I'm not thinking." (Connor and Joey laugh) You know what? The day that something tops this for the top-rated post of all time, I'm actually gonna open a bottle of champagne. - I'm excited. I wonder what could top this. What could possibly top the wholesomeness of Garnt just laughing at a Corona beer? - I don't know, there's a part of me that just forever wants this to be at the top, you know? For as long as we do "Trash Taste". - I don't want this to be immortalized. All right, let's move on to the next category. Next category is Screen Grab of the Year. - This is fucking hard. - There's so many good ones. - Yeah. - This is one of the, like, it could easily be like a 15-nominee category. There's so many good ones and there's just, every single week, I get a laugh just seeing the stuff that we get. But there are some ones that stick out. - Every time I go onto the subreddit, there's a new screenshot- - Every episode. - There's a new screenshot that just makes me laugh. - Here you go, guys, here's one. (Joey and Garnt laugh) - All right, let's look at the nominations. Oh yeah, of course. (Connor laughs) The classic "Connor Wine". So we got "Connor Wine". - That one's a fucking immortalized classic. - I've never been more like the Barack-Obama-give-yourself-a-medal meme, because I can't recreate this. And have you seen the GIF of it? - No. - The buildup to it is even better. - What episode is this from? - The food video. Episode 17. - What were we describing, or what were we talking about? - I was joking about peasants or something and being rich. And I was like. (Garnt and Joey laugh) Some how- - This is the perfect- - And I can't recreate it. No matter how much I try, like. - It's got about seven different emotions all packed into one. - I can't recreate it. This is why I wanna drink wine- - It's just like the perfect emotion. - Yeah. And then we got me stirring the Umeshu, this is from the stream. That was from the stream right? - It's just me fingering Pekora juice. - Yeah, I completely forgot about this screen grab until it got nominated again. - [Joey] And then we got "Degenerates vs Normies". - [Garnt] We can't see the entire one. - [Connor] We'll have to show you the full thing on screen right now. - But it's pretty good. It was used in a lot of memes. And then we have, I think Garnt's favorite, right? - Yeah, this is also one of my favorites where- - Joey looking up the skirt while me and Garnt are talking. - This is like the equivalent of the Corona bottle thing where you didn't realize you were on camera. - Because you guys were talking about it and I had it in my hand, I was like, I was just curious, I'm like, "Is she wearing pants? "Let's find out." - It was just such a cultured man moment. "Yes, hello. "I'm a fellow gentleman of culture." - The man couldn't wait until we were off camera. He was like, "I have to look right now." - Because you two were talking, I thought it was this camera, and then Mudan used the fucking middle camera where it's showing me doing this. So that's all Mudan. (Connor laughs) And then, my favorite one is "Garnt's Crooked Sip". - [Connor] Why are you doing it like this? - [Garnt] I don't know. - [Connor] Who sips like this? - I don't know. - And your face is utter disgust. - I love this photo because it's usually paired with the Connor Wine photo. - The gentleman versus the peasant. - I feel like this is just yin and yang, you know what I mean? - Oh man, I don't know. All of these are so good. I wouldn't be upset if any of these lost, but- - I mean, I think the wine one is probably the most iconic. - Yeah. - I feel like that one might win. - My personal favorite was the "Degenerates vs Normies". - I like that one a lot. - Because it's just such a- - Perfect. - It's such a perfect juxtaposition. - Yeah. - And I'm glad it was like you can see that me and Sydney were on the same wavelength. I can't even remember this moment, but I'm just like, there's nothing that encapsulates when me and Sydney hang out with these two more than this one screen grab. - Every time we hang out. - There are some other screen grabs I liked, like we had the one where the cycling special where Garnt was cycling and I'm at the window, smiling. - Yeah. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. And the one where me and Joey are sitting in the chairs watching- - Oh yeah With the green screen right? - That got turned into a meme. - Yeah made its rounds. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. - I also liked the one where like, lady bead is like sharing the mic. It's like whispering. - That was pretty good. - So many good ones. But all right, there can only be one winner ladies and gentlemen. - Screen grab of the year. - Let's go a Trash Taste awardw screen grab of the year goes to (drums playing) the Connor wine face. (Garnt and Connor) Yes! - I can't redo it. - It's classic. - Did this one win by a lot? I'm curious. - I assume this one's going to win by a landslide. - [Ashley] 50.4% (everyone laughs) - Wait, what was the second place? - [Ashley] Second place was the one with Sydney- (everyone) Oh, okay. - [Ashley] with 24.1% up-vote. - Very good. - Yeah I mean, there was no beating this. - I mean, this was the iconic one of the year that was I think used the most. - Yeah. - We need like one of those North Korean esque, shrine pictures of this- - Just like that. - In the office. - An army needs to walk past this photo. (everyone laughs) To like pay tribute. - Pay tribute. (everyone laughs) - Pay tribute to the wine meme. - This is probably the one, there are a few, some of them where I was like, I'm pretty sure I know- - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - There are actually many where I think I know what's wrong. - No, no. - This was one of them just because I've seen this picture so many times. - When I tweet, I just get like five replies of this. - Its the perfect reaction. - Yeah- - And I'm not even mad, I'm like, you know what I like seeing it is that vain of me? I don't care, It's funny. - No If that was me- - It's just a great fucking face. - I feel like I don't even see me when I look at it. I just see a funny ass reaction. I don't know why. - It's just like the perfect twitch emote, you know? - It's one of my twitch emotes. - All right, let's move on to the next category. Most degenerative moment. - Oh God, God knows- - This was one of the hardest categories to pick from I think. - Yeah, there's just so many. - We're pretty fucking degenerate on this podcast. - Look at us, look at us. - Look at us, look at us. - Degenerates here. - Men of culture. - All right, let's look at the nominees. All right we got- - [Garnt] Meilyne's 3x3 and Body Pillows - This is a true degenerate moment. - God, that just like, I was like so impressed by this three by three because we didn't, we didn't share it beforehand. And I didn't know how hard Meilyne was going to go. - I love how much of this clip exploded as well. The clip is like 300,000 views or something like that. It's actually, it's actually a ridiculous. Meilyn, you did it, Meilyn. - 'Cause I think it just shattered. Like, everyone had this image of Meilyn being like, okay, she's prim and proper, she brought the boys together and then she reveals like this, she drops this fucking bombshell. - I'm actually a degenerate. Are these videos or? - [Ashley] Videos. - Oh shit Play it. - Play them up. - "Monster", "From the new world", "Uta no prince Sama", "Jojo", "Vampire Night, "Golden Kamuy", "Story of Saiunkoku", "Ceres", and "Hakuouki Shinsengum". - What I remember about this moment is when Meilyn talked about her body pillows- - Yeah. - It's like how many, there's like 50 or something? - And then she put scents on them. - I think it was the first time where all three of us were just like gobsmacked that we just, that was like just a five second silence where we were just like, "what the fuck did we just hear?" - Isn't there that picture of me that's like. (everyone laughs) That's like making its rounds from this moment. - And then obviously we have the next one, which is, oh- - this is - Just play the clip. - Yeah. Just play the clip. - And it was just like this giant fleshy, It's this fleshy giant roll of a bunch of pussies. (everyone laughs) - But that's all you need to know. That's that's all the context you need. - (mumbles) That's the free degenerate. - Never been on Sydsnap channel, there you go. That was a five second sales pitch of her channel. - Oh God then Joey- - And then the next one is, this one is, let's just play it. Let's just play it, let's just play it. I really like A: I really like elf girls and I really like tan girls. - Dude, dark skin elf girls- - Dark skin elf's- - Dark skin, elf girls, man. - Replace every hentai with a dark skin elf. (Joey laughs) I stand by this. - I mean fair enough. I feel like this clip went very fair on Joey. This could have been one way where he's talking about gang bang. Got the one where he was just being nice. - This is the fucking like predator meme with like the muscly guys like hand shaking like Garnt and I are doing that under the table right now. That was such a fun argument. I think the Hentai episode was definitely like one of the most fun to film as like a, as like a host. And I remember filming this and just losing fucking my mind. - This is a very good- - And then there's another one actually from that same episode. - Oh yeah. - These are from the Hentai episode. - Oh yeah, it is. Yeah, yeah 'cause we got like a Steve Handjobs. - All right, let's play the next one. - Play the next one. - How does anyone get on to get off to this and like 2020? - Okay, well, first of all, I don't really care about like animation. It's more like- - Yeah, no shit. - Listen, I also saw a funny thing the other day about Mother knows Breast, someone posted on the subreddit. They were like, "oh, someone bought a copy of "Mother Knows Breast", they should tell Connor so they can get a physical copy." And it was like my picture of my physical copy. - [Joey] Really? - "Mother Knows Breast", I think they grabbed off Google images. I was like, it's mine. I own the physical copy. - I should let you know about your own physical copy. (everyone laughs) - Connor, hey Connor should get in touch with this guy. - Yeah. - He owns a physical copy. - It's like oh really? All right. - Play the next one. - This one's good out of context. It puts me off, so that's why I Chromecast it. - I'm just going to message you every hour now just hoping that I'll catch you. - That's why, that's why I Chromecast it to my TV. - Listen I stand by it's convenient. - Do you still do that? - What you mean? Like I changed my ways after this episode came out. - Well, I don't know man. - How you can tell someone lives by themselves- - Yeah right. - Living with a significant other, right? - Listen I would like my partner to understand what I mean to do. - Just be like darling, stay in the living room for twenty minutes. I have business. - All right, and then this last one oh man, this is from the figurine episode. - Oh, episode 4, wow. - Play the clip. - I remember it being way over my budget. - How much? - This was 170.00 dollars. - Garnt what the fuck? - See we say degenerative moment, this Garnt got the W. - (mumbles) I was just, cause I remember you both were playing the game and I'm just like, I just want to see titty and it somehow ended up, she fucking solo carried my performance there. - The titties won, man. The titties prevailed. - Exactly. - Oh man, this is hard. This is so hard. - Any of them I'm fine with any of them winning this one. - Yeah, really, honestly, these are all just as degenerate. - I can't pick. I'm glad I didn't have to pick- - All I hope is that, at least one of the ones from the Hentai episode one, right? 'Cause that would be somatic. - I think that would somatic. All right. The winner of the most degenerates moment is- - Please not me, please not me. (Drums playing) - Sydsnap pussy of the round table! (everyone claps) - Oh wow. - Relatively speaking. - Understandable. - That's about as degenerate as it gets. - Right, understandable. - Well, she just earned the title of queen of degeneracy. Congratulations. - She'll lead by her name. - Was it a landslide? Was it close? What are the- - How close was this? - [Ashley] This was, she won with 32.3%. - Oh wow, this is quite a bit. - With six nominations. - Six nominations. - [Ashley] Second place was the orc gang bang. - The orc gang bang? - [Ashley] With 30.2%. - Pretty comfortable margin. - Pretty comfortable margin yeah. - Yeah, wow, congratulations. - Congratulations Sydney. - There you go Sydney you can, hold on to the title loud and proud now. - No doubt we'll be getting a tweet about this. - Live tweet on this entire episode from Sydney. - What is the next category, actually? - Saltiest moment. - There is many. - The amount of sodium this year was very high. - I actually don't even again, I forgot what the nominations were. There's so many. I get angry about everything, So it could be frankly anything. - I mean every upset we rant about something- - Exactly. - What all the nominations Ashley? Please do let us know. - Connor after losing at cycling! Play the clip. - Play the clip. - We'll cut to when we're not dead. - Yeah, Bye! - Boys, I have to ask one question, how does it feel to be a cheater? A dirty little cheater! - I feel good. - I hate how this actually turned into like a full on argument. - Yeah. - Amongst the viewers, even though I didn't even cheat, people were saying I did, I can't believe. - Right, right. Keep telling yourself- - I am still salty. - You can see, you can see the salt- - I am still salty. - Radiate to this day. We didn't cheat either, we just played the game like differently. - Okay, I don't want to get into this, I don't want to get into this! Give me the fucking- - Oh, this next one is from one of the live streams actually. - No actually three of these. - Oh yeah, three of these are from the live stream. - None of these are from normal episodes. - Three of these are from live streams. - These are all from live streams specials. - I guess this is just like the "Trash tastes after dark Highlight". - Catch-up on "Trash taste after Dark". There's only three episodes out right now. - Also, follow us on twitch, if you wanna catch these live. - But play the second one, this is from the "CrunchyRoll anime Awards". - [Narrator On TV] "Kaguya-sama: Love Is War". (Joey laughs) - [Garnt] I'm not okay, I'm not okay. I'm not dissing Kaguya. But I am not. Okay. - I'm still not okay about this. I like the fact that Connor tried to like justify this. - You know, we were sponsored. I was, I dunno, (mumbles) trying to keep the ball rolling. - Yeah, I can understand that we were sponsored and I knew that's what you were trying to do, And I'm just like, "I cannot stop visible disappointment right now". - You can do it, and then I'll like, I'll like save, you know? - There's also, a great moment in that clip from the live stream right? It's like Jerry was saying something, I was like, "shut the fuck up Jerry don't say anything". - Oh yeah. - I remember this also gave like a really good out of context screenshot when it was just like my visible disappointment and Joey just looking at me, like fucking losing it. (Garnt and Joey laughs) - You know that could easily green screen guys. - I honestly did not even care, I was just loving the fact that Garnt was being so salty. But this next one when Wales doesn't have the best flag. - We have the coolest flag. - Yeah. - It's just straight up. Like you can't deny that, right? England flag? Boring. Wales flag, fucking dragon. Like shits bad-ass and there's a cool story behind that. - I remember, this was the first live stream as well wasn't? - I don't know if this counts as a salty moment, as much as it was just yet another trash tastes argument. - Well I was quite salty about it. - This clip, is like kind of the beginning of it. And then Connor ranted about it for about 45 minutes. Just being like, no guys, no, no. - Yeah, it was, the folks at the live stream. - That's right, because we also went on to like top 10 flags in the world and Wales was on none of them. - Play the last clip. - Yeah play the last one, called a Karen. - Did Joey wake up and choose to be a Karen? (Connor and Garnt laugh) - What do you mean? I don't know what that means, but that made me laugh. - Joey got so angry about this one. - No, I didn't, it wasn't even me being angry, honestly. I get a lot. Let me, let me reiterate all right? (everyone laughs) - I love this. - I wasn't even angry- - Go on Joey. - Dead ass I wasn't even salty, I just was confused, 'cause it came out of nowhere. - I okay- - It was like one person in the chat said it. You picked it up and everyone was like- - At the time I remember the context, but now I totally forgot. - Yeah, right? - I can't remember the context. - I don't even know what I said that turned me into a Karen, but apparently I became a Karen. - And then you'd get annoyed 'cause you didn't know why. - I got annoyed because I was like, explain yourself. There's no explanation. - Twitch chat, explain yourself. - Twitch chat, explain yourself. - All right lets find out. - I fucking love that moment. - Anyway, who'd you guys want to win? - Oh God, any of these could win honestly- - Honestly, I want the Joey being a Karen. - I think the saltiest moment is actually Connor losing at cycling. - Well, the one that still makes me laugh to this day- - Is the Karen one. (everyone laughs) I wouldn't be surprised. - Every time we mentioned this- - It's like, why? - All right, gamers let's find out who won the Trash Taste Saltiest Moment of the Year. (drum roll) All right, ready gamers? Oh, it is the Connor when Wales doesn't have the best flag. - Wow. - Wow, really? - I am really shocked by these choices so far. - I am shocked! - That's an offset. - I would have put that at number four. - Yeah, I would have put that as number four as well. - We clearly don't know our audience. What was the results? Can we get the results? - Yeah. - [Ashley] 36.6%. - 36.6%? - What was second place? - [Ashley] Second was Connor losing at cycling. - Oh wow. - I'm just the saltiest trash taste member. - Yeah, clearly- - Which is fair enough. - Wow, so what we prefer and what our audience prefer clearly is very different. - I mean, I thought the cycling one was going to win. - I thought the cycling one was gonna win. - I was very, very salty. - I'm surprised that there are that many "Trash taste after Dark" viewers. - I wonder if this might be a reoccurring theme where, you know, perhaps some recency with the staff might play into the voting, maybe. But the Joeys a Karen is a more recent one. - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah, but the Wales one was the first live stream. So that was ages ago. - I think no one's really talked about it on the subreddit or even mentioned that moment. - I mean all good moments. - It's very interesting we're getting a lot of like data- - Right? - About you guys there. - Let's go on to the next one, number seven are we? - I think so. - Yeah we're on number seven is the next one. Next category is- (all) The most monkey moment. - Well, I might have a bit of an advantage in this one. - This is like saying best Quentin Tarantino movie and they're all Quentin Tarantino movies. It's like of course, who else is there gonna be? (everyone laughs) - Connor, Connor, do you want to read out the nominations for this one? Why don't you read out the nominations? - I think only two of are me. I think some of them are very funny actually. - Really? - I think because there are some very monkey moments of you fellas. - Okay, let's find out. - It would be like the plot twists of the year if you didn't win this award. - Well, I actually think there's a good chance that someone else could win this one. - All right. - Let's look at the nominations. - Let's have a look, shall we? - Oh okay, Connor breaking a bike, play the clip. - Look at the view! Oh shit! (laughs) Did you get that on camera? - I'm surprised you didn't fucking fall on your ass. - Monkey has a good balance. - I'm surprised it wasn't the you breaking two cars, 'cause I feel like you'd breaking two cars, is even more monkey than just breaking a single bike. - True, true, true. - Oh yeah. - This was pretty monkey- - This could be a winner. Joey's unused GPU. - This is easily my most monkeys moment. Play the clip. - Joey, for five years used to have a 980 graphics card that was plugged in, powered and never used it. - He was still using a Intel CPU graphics card. - I completely forgot about that. Yeah, that is pretty monkey actually. - Don't worry, audience, I properly plugged it in now. - No, I plugged it. - Connor made sure. Connor literally held his hand and was like, "Joey, do this." - This is where you plug it in. I was like, "okay, father." - Me skipping cut scenes. - Connor skipping cut scenes in games. - I stand by this. - Let's play this clip. - I don't know what happened to me in the womb, but like I can't pay attention to story in games. The moment story comes any video game, I'm like, "where's the skip button, where's it?" - Really? - It's true, it's true. - As, as Nikki Jakey says, you have that "goopy goblin gamer brain." - I do man, I can't pay attention to cut scenes. It's just what it is. - Text and dialogue and listening. - Reading, you know? - There's no gameplay loop, in pressing "A" the button. - I was, Mudan asked me to make a thumbnail for my second channel, and he was like, "can you just like grab a few books for the thumbnail?" I was like, "I don't own any books." And I was like, he was like, "you don't like Manga?" I was like, "no, I don't have any books." I literally don't have any books. - Yeah, Connor's house and my house is the literal opposite. - Not even like Manga volumes? - I own one single Manga book. And that's just for show- - And that's the extent. - That's for aesthetics. - Yeah, that's that book on the coffee table. - I literally don't own any, I don't read books like straight up. That is what it is. Monkey. I admit that's monkey. I have a feeling that, you know, because here there's three Connor moments, the vote could be split between three- - [Joey] Could be. - And giving Joey the edge of being the most monkey brain maybe. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - But there's also another one of Ladybeard being a monkey. - Ladybeard is, and I say this in the nicest way possible: is one of the hardest people to work with. (everyone laughs) - Oh, shit! - To this day Ladybeard is the only guest that has like done permanent damage to our sets. - He dented our fucking sliver play button. - He dented our play button. And I remember afterwards he still like was moving around so much and it was just like giving me so much anxiety whenever I see him move back and forth. You can tell he was like a proper pro wrestler. Like he was proper manhandling that mic. - That man just throws his massive body weight around. - 'Cause when we told him before the podcast started that like, you need to have this mic up to your face, He was like, "got it." Just fucking grabbed it like this and was like, "okay, so!" - We normally have to turn guests microphone up, 'cause their not used to it, but we actually have to turn his down. (Joey laughs) Which is a first, I think it will be a last honestly. - Yeah, the man had a better handle of that mic then I do with my life. It was like, it was impressive, honestly. - All right, and then this last one is an absolute classic trash taste moment. Play the clip. - Sometimes if I'm like real angry some days, or I wake up and I'm upset, I'll just go in the mirror and I'll be like, "come on!" (everyone laughs) - I still do that, I still do that. Sometimes you got to do it. My neighbors probably don't appreciate it. - [Joey] Absolutely. - Frankly, they probably in a worse mood than me, so who cares? - It's just like, it's sometimes I just hear some lines from you and it's your like brain is just like literally that monkey picture that's just like neuron activation. - That is. - That it's like sometimes when I see some of the stuff you do, it's just that little picture. - All right, so which one do you think is going to win guys? I have a feeling it's going to be one of Connor's, but I secretly hope me with the GPU wins. - Honestly? On paper it's the GPU is the most monkey. - Right. Out of every one of these single moments, it's the GPU one. - I think I embody monkey, the dumbest moment. - The standout out one, right? - In my opinion. - It's the juxtaposition. - Again, like I said, I think because people who might think I'm the most monkey, they might spread their votes- - Yeah. - I think there's a chance (mumbles)- - Yeah, 'cause these ones are just like monkey moments. But I think like, you literally regressed in evolution when you did this Joey. (Joey laughs) - I can hear "Guts" theme playing when I opened up your PC. - Yeah, this is like momentary monkey, this is five years monkey. - All right. - All right, I have the winner right here though. Let's find out. Trash taste awardw most monkey moment goes to: (drums play) Joeys unused GPU. (everyone laughs) - Let's go! - You know what? I ain't even mad, I ain't even mad. - The upsets, the upsets. - The upset. - Fantastic, great moves. - Wow, was this a landslide? - [Ashley] Not really, 31.2%. - 31.2%? Okay. - What came last? - Well, what came next? - Yeah. - [Ashley] What came next was Connor skipping cutscenes. - Connor skipping cutscenes? - And then? - [Ashley] Coming last was Ladybeard. - Oh yes see- - Oh yeah. - My theory Was right, that all the monkey moments were spread out - Yeah, and then Ladybeard, that was just one monkey moment out of a two-and-a-half hour monkey episode. - Yeah. - Man, I'm glad you won that one. - I'll take the dog. - I'm really happy you on that one. - I'm glad you won that one as well. - This is the most honorable dishonorable mention. - I mean, it was just like, I'd say it's an upset, but it was also well-deserved. - Well-deserved, well-deserved. Well done me, give myself a metal for that one. - What's the next category, gentlemen? - Lets find out. - [Garnt] Let us find out. - [Joey] Best story. Oh man, there's so many great stories that we've told. Give me some more wine there, buddy. - I'll get you all more wine. - I can't even remember half the stories we tell. - We all just come to the table with some great stories, what can I say? That's why you guys watch the episodes, hopefully, right? - I know, I think it's the stories. It was the stories that first distinguished "Trash Taste" from, like an anime podcast and everyone was just like, "wait, we don't give a shit about you talking about anime, just give us more stories." - Just give us more stories. - My parents sometimes message me like Connor, you got that one detail wrong- - Yeah. - I guess it doesn't matter. - I get that all the time. - It's theatrics- - Yeah. - It doesn't matter. - I get that from my parents as well. - They always remember different. But let's look at the nominees for this one. - Yeah. - All right so, (everyone) Joey came out to his friends. - [Connor] Oh, I love this. Just play it, just play it. - [Joey] Let's play the clip. - [Connor] This is so, so good. I don't want context. - That was the point where we basically him and I, we found out that we found out from each other that we're into those kinds of shows. - We're just into each other. Like it keeps getting worse and worse though. - I didn't even do that on purpose, I was like, "how do I structure this story?" - Like cause I was like, I remembered like losing it when you were telling the story, because I was like, "there's no way he is not doing this on purpose, right?" And it just kept getting worse and worse it was not like the, if, it wasn't the award for best out of context, moment- - Yeah. - This was just the best out of context like, story. Like everything like this encapsulates everything about out of-context. It's fucking amazing. That one little clip doesn't do this entire story justice. - Yeah. - Go watch the full clip on the highlights channel. But what's the next one? Garnt drew a huge dong during his job interview. Play the clip. - My career is on the line here, I just want to get a job! What could you possibly be laughing at? And then I look at what I drawn. I've drawn a penis. (Joey laughs) - I love that clip. That clip is so good. - That's such a good story. - Oh my God. I still like, I remember telling that story and my parents didn't know that that happened during my job interview, so they found out that that was the reason I got rejected from my first job interview from watching "Trash tastes." - Hell yeah. - A very stern text from your mom followed. - I was about to say, keep the fans coming you gotta get a tease in. - And then this one just inspired an entire special, didn't it? Play The clip, play the clip. - How I ended up playing professional chess is weird to begin with because I never like played it much I just liked video games alone. - Yeah, I mean, it was, it was a very long story. I think this was less of like a funny story, more of just like, this is like a character development story, right? - Yeah, that was like one of the clips I feel that you're like, "whoa, what the fuck?" - Yeah. - I was like, "well, what the fuck"? - Yeah, 'cause I remember you telling that story to me beforehand and I was just like, "you've got to tell this somewhere." - Yeah, right? - This is an amazing fucking story. - And I'm glad I got to tell that and I'm glad that people really enjoyed it. Like I remember when that clip came out, or the episode came out, people we're like, "whoa", everybody went, ran with it. - I remember "" hit us up after that- - Yeah. - And then it tied the chess tournament. - [Garnt] Throwing poop at- - [Joey] This is such a great story, I love story. - Out of so many poop stories that we've told on this podcast, I think this is probably my favorite poop story. - So disgusting. - Play the clip. - Getting that shit, putting it in a Halloween, pumpkin, sorry. And throwing the pumpkin at one of my friend's windows and then exploded. - That's one of those stories where it's like this story would have been a hundred times funny if you were there. - Yeah. - But it's still hilarious. - It's hilarious. - Well it's like disgusting in the moment. But then the moment you have to tell it the first time- - Yeah, it was just hilarious. - How fucking absurd, how funny it is. And also the, my poor mate, who was like two windows over from me who had to clean that shit off because the school said that it would take them a week to get there. - Right. Take a week to get there? - To come and out and clean it, And he's like, "I can't leave shit on my window for a week." (everyone laughs) So funny, such a good story. - And then this is another story too. - Second character development story, I guess. - Normally when you want to give your family, like, good karma, everyone in my family has been a monk, like, twice in their life. - What happened there? Did I really? - Yeah, check the suit, check the suit. - We're good,(mumbles)- - Oh, no, no, no. (both gasp) - Ashley, do you have a paper towel? - Paper towel, paper towel. Emergency situation- - Add that to the monkey moment, ladies, and gentlemen. - Add that to the monkey moment. I mean, this was, I guess this is the first time I've ever talked about being a monk in public despite how long I've been on the internet. And even like for the longest time, even for like my closest friends, nobody knew I was a monk and I can't remember who- - You told me this story- - Yeah, yeah. - And you have to like drag it out of me. - Yeah, because I was like, what? (Joey laughs) What? 'Cause I don't know anyone around me who used to be a monk. That's fucking cool. - Yeah, yeah. I love how, at this rate, my character development is me literally coming out to my friend. - That is your character. - That's my character development. - Joey was just like, I was a degenerate, I still am a degenerative, and I always will be. - That I got very homoerotic with my friend while watching "Kisses". And then what's the last clip there? I can't see the last one. - Oh, the most awkward elevator ride ever. - Oh yeah, this is my story. - This is a good one. - Play the clip. - This is a good one for the action alone. - Door opens and this like, black guy walks in, he walks in really quietly, door closes, starts going down, and then he just goes, "oh yeah, everybody's shuts up when the N word walks in." - I can only just fathom. - You can't make that shit up. - What I love about this story is like how I can relate to that story even though I wasn't there, 'cause like I can exactly see that moment happening like that could have happened to any one of us. - To this day, that is still the scariest experience I had in America. Like hands down, but for like a different reason. - Yeah. - Oh my God. [Joey] Like honestly, what's gonna win? - [Garnt] I have no idea, I can't pick one- - Because like it's a nice mixture, right? Because it's a mixture of like really hilarious moments versus like really kind of wholesome deep moments. - I think that maybe the monk one will win. - Maybe. - I feel like that's the most iconic. - I don't know. I'm thinking either the monk one or the chess pro one. - I mean in terms of like the stories, people remember the monk one and the chest one I feel stand out because that's like playing a huge part in like our characters. - True, true, true. - But I feel like, I feel like there were even more stories in this that we didn't get to put in on nomination- - [Joey] Oh absolutely. - Because there were like, there's been so many good stories that I've told and you guys have told over the years that I don't even remember all of them right now. So I can't pick one. Honestly, this was fucking difficult. - Garnt, tell us who. - Oh yeah, it's me. - You can't pick, so let's just find out who did win. - Well I'm glad I didn't have to pick because the viewers picked. And the best story of the year goes to (drums play) Connor becoming a chess pro. Yeah. - I mean look, it inspired an entire special so it makes a lot of sense. This is deep in the "Trash Taste" law, all right? - It is, this one probably has one of the most effects on like the trash tastes, law and fucking character development. ' Cause I feel like- - What is this fucking screen grab? (Joey laughs) - I even feel like this was the first big story told on this podcast. - I think so. - Yeah, I can't- - How much did it win by though? - [Ashley] 30%. - Oh very (mumbles) - What's the second place? - [Ashley] Second play was Garnt's penis with, 26%. - Don't say Garnts penis. - What? Garnts penis? - How he drew a penis. - Oh, okay. - Not his actual penis. - Hey guys, here the length of my ding. (Joey and Garnt laugh) - Wow, okay. - Fair enough. - Fair enough, fair enough. - What's the next category, Ashley? - Let's go the next one. Biggest clown. - All right, I'm a head out. - Yeah. - Honestly, Garnt could win this one. - I could win? I thought I was going to win this one for the- - I think all three of us can make it- - For my crust opinion alone, but apparently that didn't win. - I don't remember this. - Let's take up the nominations though. - All right. - [Joey] So we got- (Joey laughing) Oh my God these photos! - [Connor] I love how we chose the guests. - [Joey] Oh yeah, we have, So we have me, Connor, Garnt, Sydney and Chris. - I want Chris to win this one. - I want Chris to win this one too. - I would laugh if Chris- - I hope Chris wins it ' cause Chris would be annoyed about it. He would joke about being annoyed about it, but he would actually be annoyed about it. - I can't get over Garnt's picture, it's so funny. - When was that taken? That was at "AX" like, three years ago. (Joey and Garnt laugh) And I think that picture of Connor is about six years old. - Yeah, you look so young in that picture. - I hate that photo so much. - And this was last week. (Joey laughs) - Yeah, last week. - I mean, (mumbles) find out who won. - Yeah, I don't think we need to go over the nominations. - Yeah, this will be pretty self-explanatory honestly. - I've got to show this to the camera. Got to get our money's worth. - Yeah, exactly. - Oh, look at that texture. - Thank you, Ashley. - Boys, who do you think won the biggest clown? - Honestly, any of these guys. - I honestly like as much as I want Chris to win, I kind of think I want Garnt to win. - Really? - Just for the crust. - For the crust? - It depends, there's so many different elements that could play- - I think you could also win it just for being the monkey, right? - Let's find out. - Let's find out. - All right, all right. (drums playing) - Fuck sake. (Garnt laughs) - It's Connor. - Yay! - The clown! - How much did I win by? It's gotta to be neck and neck. - [Ashley] 58. (everyone laughs) - 58%? 58%? - 58%! - 50, what the fuck! - Wait, who was second place? - [Ashley] Second place was Chris with- (everyone laughs) - 58, what? - 58 to 15. - Chris came second. - I was in a landslide what! That's the biggest win we've had yet! What! - [Joey] Oh my God. - This is a personal attack and I won't forget this viewers. - Oh my God. - There's so many, It's all flooding, right? It's all flooding. All the reasons are flooding into my head. But of course he's the biggest clown. - It's not like I just got a drink or anything. God damn it. - My God. - I hate it here. All right, fair enough. - What's the next nomination? - What's the next one? - [Garnt] Biggest Chad! Bigger than Johnny sins. - Oh my God. - Oh God. - All right, let's look at the nominees for this one. All right, we got. Oh, I love the difference in the pictures here. - Chris Broad, has X to doubt on that one. - Why does this look like a mugshot of Chris? So we got me Connor, Garnt, Chris and Ladybeard. Again, I love the fucking difference in photos here. - Yeah. - We had the clown photos before and now we've got the Chad- - Great job, Ashley. - You know in those pictures of those Giga Chad pictures, like the actual Giga Chad- - Yeah, the chin one. - When you found out like, that's a real person not a CGI image. That's how I felt when I met like Ladybeard. Because that blew my mind when I, thought it was CG, everyone thought it was CG, And then it was real- - What part of him is CG? - No, no like the Giga Chad meme. - Oh, the Giga Chad. - The jawline. - Yeah, because everyone though it was CG, but it was a real dude and he has brothers and they all look and it's insanity. And that's what it felt like meeting Ladybeard. - He is the Giga Chad after all. - I mean- - On paper Ladybeard wins. - On paper I don't think anyone can argue with Ladybeard being the biggest Chad. - Like, this isn't about being like subjective, like objectively, he is the biggest Chad. - Even if the voters say otherwise it's Ladybeard. - Yeah, it's gonna be Ladybeard. - It's the first time I've like been in the presence of a Chad I'm like, I know what it feels like to have your empty sock towel and just like taking everything just to be in the presence of this man. I have a feeling I know who won this. - All right, let's find out. "Trash Taste" awardw biggest Chad that goes to the Giga Chad of the year. - Yeah. Goes to, Ladybeard. - Oh! - Well deserved, well deserved. - Well deserved Ladyberd. - I want to know who came last? - Yeah, that's what I want to know. So go in order, from first to last. - [Ashley] First is, Ladybeard, Connor, Ladybeard had 40.4%. Connor in second place with 36%. - Oh, your pretty close. - [Ashley] And a third is, Chris with 13. - What! - Chris is more Chad than you two! - What? That's a fucking lie. - Wait, 36, 32? - [Ashley] Chris had 13. - 13? Oh I thought he said 32. - And then? - [Ashley] Fourth place is Garnt. - Oh, Joey's the lease Chad! - Oh, I'm the lease Chad? - [Ashley] You came in with 4.4% - I love you, 4.4%! (Connor and Garnt laugh) - Ladybeard, well-deserved, well-deserved. - Yeah, Ladybeard well-deserved- - At least your not the biggest clown, Joey. - Yeah, exactly. - It's all good- - I got biggest Chad, I got biggest clown. I mean what's the point anymore? - I thought there was going to be like the dichotomy there, but no, you couldn't beat the Chad energy from Ladybeard. - It's impossible- - It's impossible. - This is like the final boss you see, I am buttered me arm hair compared to Ladybeard. - This is just a picture and I'm still sitting here sweating, man. Like Jesus. - Things you don't want to see at night. - Well-deserved. - Well-deserved Ladybeard. - This guy slapped your woman on the ass, what'd you do? - Nothing - Thank you, thank you honestly. All right, what's the next category? - What's the next category? - Best nickname. - Oh, all right. Let's look at the nominations. Monkey brain Connor, Steve Handjobs for Garnt, Karen. (everyone laughs) Is that a nickname, really? - It's gotta be now, I guess. - I am going to quit this podcast if that wins. And then we have- - Hey did you boys vote? - Huh? - Did you vote? - I didn't vote. - I'd vote Karen. - I would vote Karen. And then we have Garnt for God. That's not a nickname, that's his real name. And then the 93% for Connor. Honestly, at this point, I want Karen to win. - Do you like any of your nicknames? - What do you think? What do you think, Connor? - This is the most current picture he could have chosen. - Where did we get this picture from? - What is that picture from? - This is when I did, I think it was on like, I did like a sushi video with Chris on like a different channel this was like four years ago. And I'm wearing like the sushi hat. Yeah, Jesus Christ. - Steve Handjobs, do you like that nickname, Garnt? - I fucking love that nickname. - I gave that to you. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, because I'm the only one out of us three of that parody wears turtlenecks. - I can't pull off a turtleneck, I look like a rapist. - Steve Handjobs. - Personally, I've been battling with the Grant nickname for my entire life, so I've really, really, I really hope to God that does not win. - What do you think might win here? - I have no idea to be honest. - I feel like because I have two nicknames that the vote could be split. You know what I mean? - Honestly, like, I feel all of these kind of, you know, scratch a different itch for the viewer. I mean I really don't know. But let's find out, Connor. - What's your favorite nickname of the two? - Steve Handjobs. - Hell yeah. - I hate Garnt. Are you kidding me? - What about you? - If that wins we're gonna get a new saltiest moment on "Trash Taste'. - Wait, why you put monkey with a "Y", Ashley? What the fuck is that? - Yeah, It's "M O N K E" - Come on, that was pretty monkey of you Ashley. - I will say the one downside having the 93% nickname, is that whenever I fucking even interact publicly with a girl everyone's like it's a 93% of like, no, no, no, no, no, no, I'm just having a conversation. Please stop. Stop, you're making a weird, please. - The things about 93%, Is that, that was something that that's the longest lasting nickname, right? 'Cause that was mentioned in episode one. And it's just stuck. - I don't mind. I just, sometimes I worry about the other person when there like talking to someone- - Their like what does it mean? - Connors trying to put the moves. I'm like, "no, I'm literally talking to woman, please stop." - Who knew you could have a platonic relationship. - And the "Trash Taste" awardw for best nickname is- - Not Karen, not Karen. - Steve Handjobs! - Yay! - No way! - I'm so happy about that. - You know what? I'll fucking take it, I love that nickname. - Oh, things I named never win. - Can we get the breakdown of the votes? - Lets get a break down. - [Ashley] Steve Handjobs, won with 32.3%. - That's pretty comfortable. - Yeah. - [Ashley] Second place was Connor monkey brain. - Of course. - [Ashley] With 25.2%. And last place was the 93%, with 19.2. - Vote got split. - Yeah. They all scratched different inches, right? - Yeah. - I think when you have two ones that contend really well, I think the vote might be split because I think Steve Handjobs is better than Garnt. - Yeah, I think so. - Like it's easier to vote. - I think so. No bias there, I think it's better. - It's definitely better. I'm so fucking glad Garnt came like last, right? Did they come last? - [Ashley] Garnt? No, Garnt was fourth. - Karen came last. - Are you happy Joey? - I love you guys. - Gamers, gamers, PC gamers. We have an extra special stream coming up next week Connor, give us the details. - I'm glad you asked Garnt. On the 2nd of June in Japan or the 1st of June, if you're in America, we will be doing a PC building competitions stream. Where we will take it in turns to build the ultimate gaming PC from "Gigabyte". Who's been kind enough to send us all the parts. So we'll see who can build the most monster PC in the timeframe- Yeah - That we have, which is unlimited. Whoever does it, fastest wins and whoever designed it nicely. That means wires boys in the right places. We'll also get bonus points. - Yes, If you'd like to catch that live and watch us make a clown of ourselves, then make sure to go over to links down on description below. - And we'll be streaming at these times on screen right now. - No doubt it will be a very long stream. 'cause we're fucking everything up. - See you then. - Anyway, the next category actually hit it. What is it? - Best complaining about America moments. You mean the entire pod cast? - Oh, well, well. - When did this start to become a thing? - I don't know. I think I started casually complaining about America and we will joined in. - What was the first complaining about America? - I can't remember what started this and then it just like- - There's so many to choose from. - So many. - I feel like this wasn't a thing at the beginning of the podcast and then something happened and then like the flood gates just opened. - Right? - Like I can't remember. - I think it's when our audience kind of caught on being like guys to complain about America for some reason. - I'm taking my jacket off for this one. I'm getting hot over here. - Its gonna get heated. - Is a heated topic. My favorite one. - Let's look at the nominees though. - Let's look at the nominations. - Wearing your shoes on your bed. - For fuck sake. - I feel like we're going to be like this for every single one. - This is just gonna be like a (mumbles) mention of all our points. - Like, "yeah, this is fucked up." - Play the clip. - They put like a cloth on the bed, like a little, like, I don't know- - Apparently it's so that you can wear shoes on the bed. - I still feel that way. - I'm pretty sure that's what it is. - Since I found that out, I just, I hate that thing now. - No, I didn't mind it. I thought it was nice, but not legit. - Ever since I found out about that, the first thing I do when it gets to one hotel, rip that off, put it in the corner. - Are you sure, it just breaks the fucking Geneva convention, right? Like, how is this allowed. - There is some really important issues going on in the world? And this should be up there, but number one, this needs to be sorted out. - The other one is American pint versus British pint. Play the question. - It's just true. American pint the biggest scam ever, by the way you guys got ripped off. I don't know why. When Americans took the pint from us, for some reason, they made it smaller. This is true. Yeah. - Why would they do this? And everything else bigger. The only thing that matters. The only thing that matters, a pint. A pint. How do you fuck that up? - Literally - How do you fuck that up America? - the only thing where you actually care about your cost to quantity ratio is when they're like, "whoa, hold on a second Hold on. Let's make it smaller. Let's not get too big with this." (Joey laughs) It's like, no, no. - Especially when we were talking about American beers as well. You don't need less American beers to get you drunk. You need more of it. - [Joey] More of it. - What's this third one? America is dangerous. That's just a general statement. Isn't it just a statement? - Real nice. I've never been to a motel. So I don't fuck with those. cause that's where people die in films. - That's where fugitives like hide out. Right? - Every single thing that's bad happens near a motel. - Oh man. I don't even remember that episode. - I don't remember that episode. - But I guess we'll talk about how dangerous American motels are. - I mean, it is. America is dangerous. - I've never stayed at a motel before, but I can just already tell. - I mean, I really want to. I want to simulate near death. So I do want to say to my, that. - I want to simulate my favorite Quentin Tarantino movie at a motel. - Say somebody like changing identities in the room next to them and blowing up their car. - I've actually stayed in a motel before. - [Joey] Really? - Yeah. I felt sketch as fuck. - [Joey] Yeah right. - Cause I remember like the first time I take stayed in motel was like before AX. And I remember getting to the parking lot and I'm just like, there's at least like been five people who've been shot here. (Joey laughs) - I feel like, oh my God. I feel like with someone doing heroin around the corner or something, it felt sketchy to be fair. You can say that about any street corner in LA. - I'm sorry America. - It was my first time in LA. - I am sorry. I like you America but come on. - Yeah I love you too. But come on now. American Food is Disgusting, this title. - These titles are not being generous are they? - Taki took me to a Steak 'n Shake once, which is where like the optimal place of where you do that. And I just saw like six Americans dipping their fries into the names of their shakes. I'm just like, "I can't, I can't be here." Yeah, no. I couldn't. It literally ruined my Steak 'n Shake experience. - My initial reaction there is interesting because I am, I don't really that against it. Right. I, I don't, I don't hate it. I've done it before. I thought it was okay. I understand the flavors and why you'd want to do that. - I love your fucking face there. - Yeah. I know. I don't know what my face is there. (laughing) - That's the kombucha meme. - That's a pretty good screenshot. - Put that on The Best Screen Grabs. - The thing about American food is that I don't actually think American food is disgusting. - It's either a one or a 10. No in between. Yeah. Exactly. - It's a one or a 10. - They either absolutely nail it and they have the best food on earth. Yeah. Or they have like White Castle. Yeah. - Yeah, yeah. It's either Five Guys, a White Castle. It's top or the bottom. - It's like, you, you either, you either way you destroy your body, but it's like, is it, does it feel good or does it feel bad? - Was it worth it? - It's like the, you know, the, what was the show that did like the crazy/hot scale? - [Joey] Oh yeah. - For like what's it like, what's that show. - I haven't got a clue what you're talking about. - I forgot the name of the show. - I know what you're talking about. - That I had an analogy there then I completely lost it. And then the last one is, Americans Are a Different Species of Human - Well it's true by the clip. When was this clip? - I love Americans, but there's just like just general life stuff that's like what? - Every time I go to America, I'm like, this is another planet. Like I can't relate to these. (laughing) - Well, thats that's obviously a bit of an over-exaggeration I can relate to wonderful Americans, this is some things where I'm just like, alright, I can't believe this is a thing. - I couldn't remember all we complained about that one. - I can't relate to them at all. I feel like America is a very, just, you know, out there in a good way. Most of the time. I really appreciate how open Americans are. Sometimes you just wish they weren't. But I mean, that's what anyone, yeah. Actually people wish that I would shut the fuck up for 10 minutes sometimes so I understand. - Yeah. - Man. I mean, I, I feel like the reason we love complaining about Americans is because we hang out with a lot of Americans. - Yeah right. - I mean two of us are dating Americans. - This is the thing as well why people are like, "Man, you know nothing about American culture." I'm like, "Man, you really don't realize how, how outside America works, do you? It's literally all we get is your fucking leftovers. That's like leftover movies, your leftover tv. Unfortunately I do know how it works." - It's until you see yourself in the third person that you realize, "wow, we're weird". - Like out of all these, hearing all of them again, I'm just like wearing shoes on bed. - Yeah. I'd say wearing shoes on bed. - Because like, I think like most of these, I just like, you know, some of them are annoying, some of them are offensive, whatever, to me, I think this one offended my entire generation. Like my, like my fucking my ancestors are like turning in that grave right now hearing this opinion. - Every Asian is pulling their hairs out right now. - I mean, it's true. Yeah. - Yeah honestly. - Your opinion. We, we, we kind of grouped. I remember, I remember like we grouped like the entire Western world and like the Europeans are like, "no this ain't our mess". You know? - No in the UK, some households in the UK do that. And that's how you know that they are the weird kids, you know? - Yeah. - I am curious because I feel like most of the people voting on this, are going to be American. - Yeah. Right. (laughter) - I'm going to enjoy to see what the Americans from the south chose as the best Americans. - Let's find out. - All right. - All right. - As the one who apparently complains about America the most, I'm very honored - Go on. - to read out this award. - Go on. Go on Conner. - Oh this might surprise you. - [Joey] What? - Well, which one do you think it is? It's I'll give you a clue, it's not, it's not the one. - Really? - It's not the first one, which one you think it is? - Americans Are a Different Species of Human. - Hit the nail on the head Garnt. (cheering) A Different Species of Human. - Wow. I wasn't- - What percentage? Can we get the breakdown? Joey, go ahead. - I was not expecting that. - [Ashley] 41.9% of them. - 41.9% of the votes? - What's the second one? - [Ashley] Wearing Shoes on Your Bed - Good. - Good. - [Ashley] With 25.3. - That should've won. - That should've won. - Yeah that should've won. That should've won. Well the thing is, we think that shit is absolutely vile. - To every American voting on it, they're like, "well that's normal". - A lot of them, they just don't think of it as a big deal. Yeah. - I mean, fair enough. Fair enough. - Hopefully we have opened your eyes just a little bit. - Honestly that's just more OP for them. For them. They can never take their shoes off. - I guess, but everyone around them is going to be grossed out. - So I'm pretty sure like humanity, regresses, every time someone doesn't take their shoes off when they get on the bed. - I remember. I hate to call Rustage out like this, but Rustage is when he came to my house in Japan- - Did that? - He, you know, cause in Japan you have the, what is it? - Genkan. - Genkan. - Genkan, I was like, yeah, this is my house. And I'm showing him, cause the bathroom's right next to the front door. And he's like, "oh, cool", starts walking in with the shoes on, dirty into my- I'm like, "Rustage! What have you done?" (laughing) - I am ashamed of you, Daniel. You're better than that. - I'm like scrubbing the floor. - Come on, come on. You're not even American, Rustage. - I was like, "You're not American Rustage. What's your excuse?" Sorry to call you out like that. - It's not too late to change for us. - It's not too late to seek help. - You can change your ways. - You can change. - Sorry, I know you say I forgive you. - Yeah. Now you know it for next time. - All right. Next next category. - Next category. - Best Meme. - This is gonna be a contested category. - This is so fucking hard. - The subreddit was just fucking came out like all right, let me see what we got. - There is countless. - I had so many. - I don't even think five or six nominations or whatever can do this job. - I'm pretty sure like going through this is like when humanity first discovered oil, you know, it's just a goldmine. You can't lose. - But what do we do with this? There is so much of it. (laughing) - All right. Let's find out what the nominations are. Four. - Oh, there's only four. Okay. So we got - [Ashley] Page one of three. - Oh wow. - This is page one of three. (laughing) - That's what I like to hear. - Very nice. - So the first one is Bottom Gear Mates. - Which will have the full, have the full screen version on the site I presume. - Yeah. - We've got the Quote Collage. - I love this one. - This one goes on everywhere. - It goes everywhere. - I don't know why. - It's like these two, the Watching The Drift one. I remember the Watching The Drift one was just like we got on r/all for this meme I think. - Yeah yeah - And that's how, you know it was a good meme, right? - It's made it on every subreddit. - Because this was the only meme that- - It was on Lwiay as well. On Pewdiepie Lwiay. - Lwiay? - Oh really? - Oh yeah that's right. I think this is the only meme out of all of these, that didn't, wasn't actually upvoted on our own subreddit, but just got spread around every other subreddit. - I love this one though. The Before and After the Hentai Episode. (laughing) - This is just the culmination of the best screencaps. - Yeah right? - It's just meme made in Heaven. - Yeah. - All right. Let's look at the next page. Don't Quote Us. - Quotes. - Ladybeard Man hug. I like that name. I like that meme. Connor Reacts. I love this Connor reaction image. - Do this on purpose. Do you remember doing this? - No I don't remember. - I don't even remember the context. - I don't remember. - Like what did Reina say that made you do that? - I know she was saying something weird And I was like, yeah, I don't know. - And then we got, I love this one. Garnt's Middle Finger. - The middle finger one. - Yeah. That one is so good. - Oh this is the one I mentioned earlier. I forgot it was in this category. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah yeah yeah. - That was like a good out of context. A screenshot, almost a good meme. ( Connor mumbles) And the last page you got Strange Things to Ask. I'm surprised, I'm surprised this clip didn't come to come out on like The Best Out of Context Clip. - [Joey] Yeah right. - Put your finger- Have you ever fingered yourself? And I remember being like, what? And you were like- - Oh, me neither. (laughing) - Have you ever fingered yourself? Uh what? Me neither. Weird question. I fucking love this, meme. This is such a multi-layered meme. That's so multi-layered, that's like you have to be integrated into the Trash Taste Law, to get this meme. - You need to understand the law here. And the American Trash Taste is a fantastic edit. - [Garnt] This is a fantastic meme. It's such a good idea. And then this is a very recent meme, which is hilarious. - It's not really a Trash Taste meme. - It's not really a Trash Taste meme. - It's more of a my channel meme, but I mean it works. - It's just a Kaho meme actually. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Maybe I guess maybe just how, how, like wide the Trash Taste law goes that this counts as like a Trash Tastes meme. Even though it's something like, something I would say is like in the extended Trash Tastes cinematic universe, I would say that that's that goes there. - Do you have a favorite meme? - Oh man. - I don't know if I have a favorite meme because all of these memes are fucking fantastic. - Can we go back to the first one? - I would probably have to say the Watching the Drift meme, just because there were so many iterations of it and it made its rounds so far. - I do like the Bottom Gear one. - Bottom Gear one. - Bottom Gear one, I fucking love that one. - It's just a good pic of like three mates. - Yeah. - Honestly that pic could go my wall when I'm like 80. And I was like- - I remember that! - Just me and the boys living our best life. I love that one. That was great. I just like that one. - I think, oh, I dunno. This is, this is difficult. - This is difficult. This is really hard. - I also love the fucking- I mean, this is just best screenshots. I love the American Trash Tastes meme because I feel like that just like epitomizes Trash Tastes and like- - This single handedly, motivated me to not get fat. (Garnt laughs) - I was like, if I'm going to look like this, I am fucking not going to get to this point. - Health and health defects, and all their problems, looking fat, na- This coming after the Complaining About America Moment Category. - It's beautiful. Right. Can't make this up. - It's such a beautiful, right? It's such a beautiful- - I'm interested to see the order of- - Yeah, yeah, yeah that's what I'm wondering too. - But let's find out who the winner is there. - All right. - All right. What do you guys think? You got to say one. You got to say one. - I don't know, I don't know. Honestly. I think I'm Gear Mates. I think it could be quotes of us three. - Quotes? - Us three, our quotes - - All right. Let's find out. - 'cause that's everywhere. Trash Tastes Awardw with "best meme" goes to the Quote Collage. (Cheering) - I was right. - I mean, this did make the rounds. - Should we all read the quotes? I'll read mine. "If everyone is rich, then nobody is broke. Right?" - [Joey] I don't remember you saying that. - I remember saying this one. And I was immediately one of those things. I was like, I hope no one noticed how stupid that thing I said was I meant to say something else, but I just said that I totally did not mean to say that, but it came out and I was like, no, one's going to notice this.. People noticed. - And then my one is a "Young people are young, dumb, and full of cum." That's not even that shouldn't even be attributed to me. 'Cause my dad used to say that. And then yours is- - "If you set your mind to it, you can jack off to anything." - Was this from Trash Taste? - I don't think it was. - I think this was from my own channel. I don't even remember which video it was. - But what were the percentages? Ashley? - Yeah. What was the percentage? - [Ashley] Uh the winner was Was the winner with 19.9%. - Oh my god. - 19.9%. - Oh, that was actually quiet. - Yeah. - Actually if there's 12, at 19%, is considered percentage. - Well, what was second place? - [Ashley] Second place was a Conner as the fucking T-Rex. - Oh! - Oh! Really? - I would have loved it. - T-Rex came second. - What percentage? What percentage? - [Ashley] 11.4 - Ah 11.4. I would have loved to have won. I would've focused on one more. - So that's a really, that was a great meme. - That was a great meme. - That was a great meme. - That is such a mult- that's like, that is such a Trash Taste meme. - Yeah, yeah. - Go through them all. - Yeah, go through the all. Third place? - [Ashley] Third place, in, with 10.9% is Kaho. - Oh. - Really? Kaho? Recency bias. Yeah. - [Ashley] Fourth with 9.7% of the vote was, it was A Strange Question to Ask. - Oh. A Strange Question to Ask. I do love that. - The thing we missed. - That was like a perfect combination of two different memes. (laughter) - That's when Trash Tastes and any memes can connect. (laughter) - [Ashley] Fifth with 9.5%. is the Before and After Hentai Episode. - Oh yeah, that was good. I love that one. Honestly. They're all good. - Yeah. - [Ashley] Sixth with 7.5% was Bottom Gear Mates. - Bottom Gear mates. Oh I wish that was a little bit higher personally. - I do wish that was a little bit higher. Yeah. - [Ashley] 10.2%. One is Garnt's Middle Finger. - Oh, the screenshot. - Oh. - Whoa. - Oh which one came last? - [Ashley] Yeah, the one that came last was number six which is, Ladybeard's Man Hug. - Oh yeah. Okay. Okay. - I mean out of a Ladybeard episode, I think the one where he like leans into my mic was a better one personally, but yeah. Well-deserved I guess. - What is up? - Those were so many good memes. Sub Reddit doing its work. I hope you guys continue to do your work. - All right. What's the next one? - Let's look at next category. What is the next category? - Best tangents. This whole podcast is a tangent, damn straight. - I dunno how we like narrowed this one down because I feel, I feel like the entire podcast is just- - Every moment on every episode - I think this one is based on the severity of the tangent. - Yeah. - How far it went like that. - Yeah, how far. We just did a 90 degree turn and yeah, there's a lot. There's an awful lot. - Let's look at the categories though. All right, Ladybeard's Show Curtain. This one is by far, my favorite. - I could see this one winning based off how strongly people will remember this one. Yeah, because it was so recent. I remember this one. And from when it came up, when it came up, we all were like, what the fuck is this tangent? So I could just on that. I could see this winning. - Okay. Play the Clip. - I have, I have, sewn my shower curtain. (laughter) - What is going on? What is actually going on? (laughing) - I love the like just half a second pause of just our brain's processing what he just said. - It just came out of nowhere. Absolutely out of nowhere. - I don't think I've ever felt physical whiplash from a conversation until like I was on a podcast with Ladybeard. - This is true. This is true. - Like, you know, you like compared to the drifting episode where we were like feeling the Gs turning the corner. Now the Ladybeard episode was like, I felt more gs, having a conversation with Ladybeard than I did ever did during the drifting episode now. - And then the second one is Talking About Poop. I mean, - this could be, could be any of them, we'll play the clip. - Why do we talk about shit as like, every time we start? - No we don't. Don't fucking use this. - Use this. (laughter) - Is that a tangent? More like a Best Intro. - Intro tangent, because we couldn't even do an intro. - Actually tangented right at the beginning. - I think it's supposed to symbolize as going off about poop in general. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Isn't that like the clip, but it's kind of like symbolize about it. - I mean, it's just like a theme. Whenever we talk about poop. It is a big tangent. - Yeah. Chris Hijacks a Yacht. I remember this. - I remember this one. - I got really drunk and nearly hijacked a boat with my Estonian friend in London. - Wait what? You can't just say that. - I can't go into detail. - Why come on? (laughter) - I love, I couldn't even like talk about it. He's just like, I'm gonna just drop this bombshell and see you later. - Can't make this shit up. - I remember there was like a few stories that Chris told on that podcast. We were just like out of nowhere, like how he's like surfed with Elon Musk or something like. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. And like a castle, right? - Yeah. - I remember the exact moment. 'Cause I, cause like I dropped, I was opening a bottle of wine and I dropped the wine bottle bottle opener with such discuss that he hadn't told me about this before. - Why Chris? - And then I'm talking about Saber. Phase zero, watch, watch unlimited blade works. And then that's, that's like the mainline timeline. So you can enjoy Heaven's fuel. And then if you want to enjoy more of the fate franchise, you can, because none of it's technically Canada. - This as the only episode where I was like, "when are they going to stop?" - But I legit was like I zoned out and I was like, I'm going to come back into this. - And I remember this episode because it was, it was most, it turned it to mostly a fate episodes, even though we didn't plan it at all. And that started completely just from a tangent. And then that's turned into like a 17 to 20 minute tangent. That's a kind of like rotted your mind. I think. - I think I was actually, I'd never wanted like to stop recording and be like, can we, can we change the topic? We've never done that before. I've never, we've never asked to like move on. Yeah. That was the one time in like, I'm going to do it. I'm going to ask. - I'm gonna say it. - Luckily he stopped. - Stop. - Talk About America, play the clip. The way I talk about Americans is like the way I liked, like to shit on my cousins. You know what I mean? It's it's, it's like the distant cousin that I just like to talk shit about. - We don't hate on America. We just like making fun of America. - I love that that sentence alone could have been so out of context. I love talking about Americans. like I like shitting on my cousin. Just stop the sentence there. - Then you have this one. - Yeah I got this one. I mean for this one, post biased Ladybeard Shower Curtain. I think that was the tangent that sticks out to me the most. - Oh, that's hundred percent. - I think Trash Taste is like, I mean, we talk, we tangent about poop and tangent about America all the time. - They're just not like strong enough in the memory of an iconic moment. - In terms of the biggest whiplash. Ladybeard, number one, I say Chris Hijacks a Yacht, number two. - Cause like the shower curtain moment was like a buildup of about 15 more tangents that we were like building on to that. And it seemed like the dumbest of all. Yeah. I've never heard a sentence that started with, So my shower curtain- until this episode. - You really pushed the limit. So yeah. - All right. - Garnt, who won? Let us find out. So the best tangent goes to the Ladybeard Shower Curtain. (Clapping) - [Joey] Unsurprising. - Well deserved. Well deserved. - I wonder how much of a landslide this one was. - This one, what was the percentage for this one? - This, this should have been one of the biggest ones. - Yeah probably. - [Ashley] 29.4 - Oh, not that much. - Not that much. - 29.4 - [Ashley] Second place was Chris Hijacking a Yacht with 22 points. - Chris Hijacking a Yacht. - Yeah, yeah yeah, as I said, one and two. Yeah, those are definitely the biggest ones. Oh good. Well done Ladybeard. - Well done Ladybeard. - That's two awards you've won so far. - Biggest tangent and biggest Chad goes to you. - What is the next category? - Let's find out. Best Trash Taste Special Moment. Oh, okay. So I mean, this is going to be pretty narrow down I guess, because there's only been three specials. - Originally we had Best Trash Tastes Special and then we kind of realized there's only three specials. There's not really much to choose from. So let's narrow it down to the best moments you enjoyed from the Trash Taste specials. - All right, let's look at the nominees. So what are the nominees? Conner Breaks 2 Cars. Of course. Play the clip. (tires screeching) (whimsical chiming music) - 'Cause eventually though, I might've done a small oopsy. - Your fucking face is priceless. - I heard the fucking clutch- - I heard it from all the way up the top. We were like, whoa, what the fuck is that? - I just fucking died and was like, oh fuck. - My favorite shot of this is when you were just like, "I bet Garntz, giggling away at his car" and I'm just fucking losing it in my own car. - I know you too well, okay? - I remember seeing you break it. And I just, I just, I just couldn't contain myself. I thought it was, I thought it was like the most on-brand kind of thing that could ever happen. - What can I say? - Monkey brain breaking two cars. - And then I was like, all right, we got the dub and then Conner like, "finna break another one." (laughs) Yeah, honestly. And then next one is Garnt Wins the Chess Tournament arc. - Oh man, this was, I can't rewatch this. - This was the biggest upset, wasn't it? Play the clip, - Play the clip. (Laughing) - Fuck you Conner! Fuck you! Oh my God. You were the protagonist the whole time? You were the protagonist the whole time? Oh my God. - Look at her. Look at her. - I threw her. I threw her. - Look at your face man. - You were like nutting there and what an, what? An amazing moment. - What amazing w that was. Probably like top five best moments of my life. - I never threw so hard in my life, you know? I just played shit. I was like, this, - This wasn't so much funny as much as it was just like, you couldn't script this, right? If like I'm, I'm surprised how well the Trash Tastes Toilet Arc was just like came out, like, like it was like an anime script. - Yeah. Honestly, you know, - Like all three of us got top three even though- - The most proud third place I've ever taken in my life. - And like biggest plot twist of the entire arc, which is me coming out on top. - It's the protagonist powers, man. That's another piece of the law, right? - Protagonist Powers. - Protagonist Powers. We have the protagonist arc. We have the antagonist arc. - I don't want to talk about it. - How do you feel about this Conner? - Not good, not good. - All right this next one is probably my favorite. Garnts Cycling Meltdown. Play the clip. (Classical music) - You know what, fuck listing off things I like. How about listing things off I hate? Joey, for being an Australian dickhead. Who's fucking ahead of me right now. - I love the classical music in the background. It's so fucking perfect. - It's very fitting. - I'm just like this moment would have wouldn't have worked so well if you didn't film yourself eating the ice cream, - Honestly, a hundred percent coincidental. I didn't even know it was recording. - We never turned the cameras off, that's what I keep telling people. - We never turn the cameras off, exactly. - Honestly, I think what this, like, this was the most British moment of my life. I don't think like, I don't think I, because I don't think I've complained about things more in my life than like this exact moment, because definitely I was just dying by this point. I just, I just needed to let out some complaints, man. - Sorry Garnt. - It got you through, man. - Got me through. You got me through. - And then the next one is almost dying in the backseat of a drift car. To this day this is still, this was still terrifying. (upbeat music) - [Garnt] I love you guys. (screeching tires) - The Gs felt insane. Insanity. - I still remember his like maniacal laughs. - I wish that we got picked up more on. We all were there. I kept fucking laughing. Like he'd be like drifting around the corner, pumping this handbrake, and looking at it us like- I've never seen anybody move a handbrake like this in my life. - Like the adrenaline rush after. - It's very intense. - It's not anything that I could ever describe. Right? Because the adrenaline rush for that was by far the biggest adrenaline rush I had felt in my entire life. Hundred percent. - I can see how people get addicted to adrenaline after doing that. - Oh yeah, I wish I could drive that good. - Yeah. Right. - Instead, I break the cars. - I was like, "is this handbrake even working?" You're like moving it around so much. Like I don't even know we're not doing anything. - And the final moment, the boys cheated, cycling. - My favorite. - Those boys, not me by the way. - Play the clip. - Garnt, over? Hey Conner. Bye! Hey Conner. Bye. - Oh. - You're fucking "Oh," is so funny. - I'm so sad to this day to this day about it. - All right. Let's find out the winner though. Honestly. Fuck man. Any of these could win. These are great moments. Just were all great moments. - Just reliving these moments is just, we- I like, what I love about the specials is that I have a fucking great time filming the specials. Ya know? - And it's a fantastic trip down memory lane, right? This doesn't feel like six months ago. - I thought the drifting one was difficult to film. And I was like, oh, that stuff's hard to film. And then we'll get the cycling. I'm like, oh no, this is hard to film. - Oh yeah. - This is very difficult. - I'm I'm surprised how well the cycling moment came out, which like fucking mvp of the cycling special, Mudan, going through a hundred hours of footage. - Like I got a hundred hours of footage. Like slots like six, eight cameras, six GoPros, which we're constantly filming. We dead ass went, "Hey Mudan, here's a hundred hours of footage, turn it into one." - It was like half a terabyte of video files. It was a lot, a lot in this audio and stuff. It was Snapchat. Yeah. - Mudan's a beast. - MVP Mudan. - Yeah. But that can only be one winner, unfortunately gentleman. Who do you want to win again? - Ahh, fuck me. These are all so good. I personally want Garnt Cycling Meltdown to win I think, cause that just was hilarious. I don't know yet. The editing was hilarious. Garnt going off was hilarious. - I think, you know, objectively, I enjoyed the chess winning by me the most. - Fuck off. That better not win. If that wins, I'm not reading it out. - That's just me. I think my cycling meltdown is weird because during filming, I hated it, but like it was, it was, it was just like the moment where I look at it and I'm just like, okay, I'm glad my suffering made for good content. - Exactly, exactly. But let's find out who's suffering made for the best content in this award. Oh it's upside down. It's like this. Okay. (Drum rolls) It's Garnt's cycling meltdown. - Aye! (clapping) Well deserved! Well deserved! - The worst screenshot right there. - Did you think it was me then for a second or the chess? - Yeah I did. - My heart skipped for a second. - I wanted to do a little bait and switch there. - Good on it. - Congratulations Garnt. Your meltdown is the most iconic moment of the Trash Taste specials. What is the percentage of the votes that Garnt got? - [Ashley] Garnt won with a 28.5%. - 28.5%. Oh it's pretty close. Relatively close. Relative. - Second place was Garnt winning the chess tournament with 24.6%. - Wow that was close. - Glad I didn't win, fuck Garnt, its what I'm missing. - Jesus Christ. - I mean okay, yeah. - It's okay Conner. One, one day. You'll have your time to shine. Hopefully next- - Well deserved Garnt. Congratulations on your win yet again. - Please look. - Maybe. One day you'll win your own Trash Taste Special. - Please look forward to more Trash Taste Specials because they are on their way. - I'll win the next one. - And we'll get some more fantastic moments from the specials. - What is the next category, Ashley? Best Drip, even Goku doesn't look as good. I doubt that. (laughing) - No one looks as good as Drip Goku. Yeah. - What are the nominees? - [Garnt] What the fuck is this? - [Joey] So we got Garnt's Steve Handjobs turtleneck. - [Connor] Of course, of course. - [Joey] We got Ladybeard's outfit. We got my tophat. That's not even drip. That's just like a piece of clothing. - [Connor] It's drip. It's drip. - [Joey] My Berserk shirt which is very recent. I don't even remember that episode. - [Connor] I think that was because we mentioned it on the live stream. - [Joey] Yeah on the live stream. And then Connor's t-shirt that you see him wear like five times in a row. - The Emiya shirt, yeah. One of the memes that didn't get shown here, which is kind of unlike Shirou Emiya but he wouldn't get it because he doesn't watch Fate anyway. - I've seen Fate/Stay - Night. - Night. Unlimited Blade Works. - Just name them all, just name them all. - Something, Grand Order. - Yeah, there you go. Nailed it. If there's anything I don't want to win. It's my top hat because that's not drip. That's literally just a hat. - I really just want the turtleneck to win. - I want the turtleneck to win. I love how it's Steve Handjob's turtleneck, not Garnts. - It's not my turtleneck. - No, it's Steve Handjob's. - It's the Steve Handjob turtleneck. - You would think if Steven Handjobs was in the nickname category, there might be a bit of, a bit of a leaning towards this. - I have a feeling. - Yeah. - I have a feeling. - So let's find out who won this category. - Best Drip goes to, Steve Handjobs. (clapping) Look how happy my boy is! - He knows he's going to go and buy as many turtlenecks- - You got to do the go-to flex. Oh yeah. What was the percentage Ashley? - [Ashley] Garnt won with 49.9 percent. - Whoa. - Whoa. - 50%. Oh my God. - I'm sad I'm not gonna be able to wear turtlenecks till winter rolls around again. It's fucking boiling right now. - In second place? - [Ashley] Second place was Ladybeard with 23.2 %. - That is a Gigguk Chad dream. - Who came last? Was it Jerry's top hat? - [Ashley] No it was Joey's Berserk shirt. - Oh okay. - I mean, yeah, because that's just, that's just, a shirt. - That's just normal. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Grasping at straws for that fifth nomination. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Jesus Christ. - All right. What's the next category Ashley? - [Ashley] Laziest Drip. - Oo. - Fuck. - You'd swear this person only has the one outfit in their wardrobe. - So the laziest drip to explain- 'cause it probably doesn't make a whole lot of sense, person I think who wore the same amount of shirts for the longest time, right? - Yeah. - Something like that but let's, let's, let', let's see you. Let's see you. I remember. - Oh Wow. We old. Okay so there is me and Connor, and Garnt. - But didn't Chris get nominated in this originally? - He did? - I swear he did, and like- I remember when we got like the original nominations from like the survey, Chris was on there for some reason. And we had to remove him. - Did he wear the same shirt twice? - I don't know. - No, he didn't. - I was going to say- - I'm excited. I don't know where my Trash Taste t-shirt is. I've lost it. - Really? Lost it? - I don't know where it is. - I mean, I personally haven worn I personally have worn this Junji Ito shirt on the podcast. - I've worn that Nerf shirt many times. - I thought it was okay to wear the Trash Taste t-shirt multiple times. - Yeah. The fucking real winner of this is? The fucking Jojo shirt that we got from Glamb. - Glamb. - Glamb. - They already got some good promotion out of us. - They do, they do. The amount of times like collectively between the three of us we've worn the Glamb Jojo shirts, every episode secretly sponsored by Glamb. - We aren't sponsored by Glamb by the way. We just loved their show. Exactly. - [Ashley] FYI, Chris was on the poll. - Chris was on the poll. - Chris was on the poll. - Oh, okay. Wait, wait for the, for the votes? - [Ashley] Yeah, for Laziest Drip. - Why was he removed? - 'Cause he's only been in two episodes. - How many votes did he get? - [Ashley] Well, you'll find out. - Okay, we'll find out. So Chris was on the original poll. I mean, there's not much to say. - Who do you think is going to win it? I feel like it might be me. - It's you feel like it it is you, yeah. - I feel like it's me. - I feel it is is you. - I think it's me. - Yeah. - Garnt is always insulted by my t-shirts. - I think I've seen your Emiya shirt about 10 times. - I like that shirt. - It's a nice shirt. - I mean, it it's, it's like, I, I, I can remember when you wear something different because if it's not the Emiya shirt, or one of like your drab kind of like t-shirt colors- - Drab? How dare you! Brown is a great color for a t-shirt. - So one of the, one of the, in one of the Netflix specials, Joey only bought like one outfit or you didn't bring enough outfits or something like that. - Yeah, yeah. - And so he had to borrow Conner's shirt and of course it was just like a dark red gray. - You can immediately tell, it was like the color of drywall. (laughing) - Joey walks in. - I'm just like Joey, this looks like the least Joey outfit I've ever seen you wear. - I would never wear this personally. - I need something to tone down my white, white, white skin. - Just wear black. - I do. But I like- - I like how all the screenshots are us wearing black. - We're all wearing black, yeah. There was a guy on Reddit who actually did the calculations and went through every single episode. - He actually quantifiably figured out who had the laziest drip. - Oh okay. - The Trash Taste one, Runway. - This took way too long, it's not even funny. Looks like a 3rd grade project. ( Joey and Garnt laughing) - Actually counted every single shirt that reappeared and was worn twice now. - So do we have the results of this? - [Ashley] I have the results of this on the next page. - Oh okay, so let's look at the results then. - So scientifically speaking, Conner had 29 unique outfits. And so you wore the Trash Taste shirt four times. So you're repping in the show the most. - I wore it two episodes back-to-back as well. - Okay. - I think that was the two episodes we promoted it. - Probably. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I think we all wore it that episode, but- - [Ashley] This is the only page I have of the Trash Runway. - Oh this is the only page? - Why? - [Ashley] I just didn't include it. - Okay. I mean, it doesn't matter. Yeah. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Conner came last. - Yeah. If you want to look at that, if you want to look at the full thing of this, then we'll leave the link to this in the description, I guess. But yeah, a shout out to Nopir389 on Reddit. - You did it! You did God's work. - Who was the winner Garnt, of the Laziest Drip? - The winner is- - Voted by the viewers. - Voted by the viewers. (drum roll) (laughing) - All right, I have a feeling it's not Conner. - No! - It's Chris Broad! (laughing and clapping) - Yeah! - You did it Chris! - You did it Chris, you've won an award! - You won an award for the Laziest Drip. Even though you've been on the show twice. - What was the percentage? - [Ashley] He won with 50.8. (laughing) - 50.8%. - 50? - 50%! - By a landslide! - I want to see the other shirt he wore, other than this one, what was the other shirt he wore? - [Ashley] The navy blue collared. - Oh my God. Which is in that video, there's a navy blue shirt. - Wait, wait. Oh, wait. So who came a second? - [Ashley] Uh, Conner. - Yeah Conner, yeah, yeah, yeah. - [Ashley] Third was Joey with 9.7. - Wow. - This is hilarious. Best moment so far. - Chris, Congratulations. - Congratulations. - You won an award. - You won the Laziest Drip award. Congratulations, Chris. Congratulations. - Next time we meet up we'll we'll give you an a, physical award. - I think we are good mocking Chris, that's why we put it in, we were like, "Yeah put Chris in". - I think this was meant to be like a joke nomination, right? - Right. - Yeah, because the results are already there. Right? We already know quantifiably who won. - Well we know who is scientifically proven to have the Laziest Drip. We know who is the winner in everyone's hot. - It doesn't matter the science, it matters with a feeling. And we all feel that Chris is the laziest guy we know. (Joey laughs) - So it's just like, you know, you know, obviously everyone got the same feeling, just emanates, lazy drip energy, - Exactly, exactly. - Obviously. - Come on, Chris, you gotta, you gotta up your drip game Chris. - You gotta step it up Chris. - Yeah. - But the next category is one of my favorites actually. [Conner] The Best Trash Taste Animated award. - [Joey And Garnt] Oo. - [Conner] And God knows we've got way too many to choose from. - Yeah we've got a lot of animators to choose from. - There's a lot of really good channels of them, honestly. Like I don't think anybody expected the animations to be made, but we're so flattered and honestly we are really really grateful. - And so many of the animations are so good. - So good. - They're fucking fantastic. - Please keep them coming. We always share them on our channel as well. But yeah let's look at the nomination. So we've got The Great Burger Debate. I think it's by Man in a Motel. - Very good. Just tons of clips. Go check out his channel. - Some of the hardest parts were actually picking which video to put on this nomination. - Oh are these videos? - [Ashley] Yeah. - Oh yeah, show the clip. - Yeah show them off. - The best part of a hamburger, it's like the pizza thing, dude. It's the synergy. It's all the accumulation of the tastes that come together and they strike slightly, moderate. (Joey and Garnt laugh) - Slightly moderate. - Nice. - It's so good. I love as well how he makes all of us like really look like how we are. It's so perfect. And then we have the Jujutsu Kaisen Trash Taste collab. - Can we play this audio? - Yeah, I don't think we can play this audio, can we? - Can we share some of it. We can play the audio out loud now but in the video we have to- - Yeah we have to sensor it unfortunately. (hopeful rousing music) - God, the amounts of references, they were able to grab in such a short time span is like incredible in this one. - Honestly, all of these, honestly, are just crammed with references. Yeah. I mean, if we're talking about references- - Oh this one, this one. - This is Conner Wakes Up. - This one is pure references. - This one is fucking amazing - Let's play this one. - I just imagined you in the morning every, every morning, like in the mirror going, "You got this Conner, you got this." (punching sound) - C'mon. - You fucking got this! - Okay. So good. - It's so good. So well animated. Absolutely fantastic. And then we got Mori Calliope, Can't Say the F word. This one made its rounds because of the Hololive subreddit. - Yeah, yeah of course, of course. - But, uh play the clip. - [Mori] Sorry I really shouldn't curse anymore. - [Joey] You can curse on the show, it's alright. - [Mori] I can? Is it okay? - [Conner] Yeah. It's totally good. - [Mori] You won't get mad? - [Garnt] She's gonna say it! (Garnt laughing) - She's gonna say it! (Conner laughing) - [Mori] I can't do it on command. - Oh, it's so good, - Trash Taste On the Rocks, one of the earliest ones. This is good. - Trash Taste of the Rocks. This one is fantastic. - [Conner] We got to do a scene with Kermit. I didn't even get to say anything. He's fucking laser beamed onto this Kermit. - [Joey] Finally, something I can fist. (maniacal laughing) - I love that one. - Honestly, I can't even choose a favorite, these are all so good. - I mean, we could only have five nominees for this one, but honestly, every single animated we've received has been fucking fantastic. So please, keep it up. - We really love your work and we love watching them as well. Yeah, absolutely. - But unfortunately, as with every award show, there can only be one winner. - Viewers got to vote that choice. We'll see which one is their favorite. And I honestly, I have no idea- - I don't know either. - Any of these could win man. - I have a feeling which one might win, but we'll see. - Okay. - And the winner is- - Oh, oh okay. It's the Jujitsu Kaisen X Trash Taste. - Oh okay, okay. - Okay. In terms of like animation, this one is like, wow. - It's pretty cool, it's pretty cool. - The thing that was cool about this one was that it like the original ending for Jujutsu Kaisen was like original enough. And they managed to get the style down to a T. - Yeah, insane. - And that's what I think that's what impressed me the most out of this one. Honestly, they all impressed me. - Yeah. Honestly. - Anyone like, I feel like out of like, we, it feels weird, tough to award one of the winners. 'Cause I would just want to give everyone a voice. - You're all winners. You're all winners. - Everyone's a winner. - Everyone's a winner. Everyone claps. - But uh what were the percentages? - [Ashley] Uh, 20. This one was the one with- - The two vote difference. - Oh - Oh Okay. So this was the one with the two vote difference. - Okay so out of what, 24,000 votes, this only won by two votes. - Oh my God. - Wow. So what was the, what was the second place? - [Ashley] Second place? Second one was Mori Calliope. - Oh! - I thought that one was going to win. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. That has a lot of views too. - And Third, fourth, fifth? - [Ashley] Third was A Great Burger Debate with 22.9%. - [Ashley] Fourth was How Conner Wakes Up. - I love that one. - Mhmm. - [Ashley] And in Fifth place was Trash Taste on the Rocks. - Well they're all, they're all bangers obviously. - They're all fantastic. - Fantastic stuff. Yeah. - Honestly fantastic. But if you guys want to submit animations, then just make sure to title your videos, Trash Tastes Animated, so it's easy for us to find. And then yeah, go ahead and animate any moment of us. - Yeah please @ us on Twitter. - This actual winner, I think it was three weeks after it was uploaded before either any one of us saw it. Right. Because nobody saw it at all. - Please @ us on Twitter or at least title it Trash Taste Animated, so it's easy for us to find. Yeah. But yeah. Keep your animations coming. We love all of them. - And the next category is actually, what is it, Best Rant? - Best Rant. - Oh God, there's so many! - There's so many! - This is, this is just like 90% of the podcast, right? - This is like Best Tangent, right? It's like there's (indistinct) That could be like four or five nominees from each episode. - When aren't we ranting about something? Jesus. - There were some standout rants I will say. These are some of my favorites. - Let's look at the nominees. The Great Burger Debate. I mean, we just saw the Man in the Motel animation (indistinct). Play the clip. - Let's see it in 4k. - Hamburger is not- - Do you know what by itself means? - A hamburger is not a patty by itself. You got like potatoes, you got vegetable, you got eggs. - You can put some cheese on that shit if you want. - You got cheese. - Oh my God. That's a good rant when we just fucking screaming from the get-go. - I do not remember being that heated. (Joey laughs) - What? I, We couldn't shut you up. - I remember you being heated. 'Cause I was laughing the entire time. - This was obviously me running on pure adrenaline and rage. - I think so. - Because I do not remember this. I'm not looking at this and I do not remember saying the words that I did or being that. - I've never seen you this angry. - Yeah. It's every influencer apology, "I don't remember the words that I said. I do not apologize." - Real Lapse of judgment? - A severe lapse of judgment. - Honestly, I- I- I would give, I would like, If if I sound like this, I'd give an apology video. I don't remember that. That ain't me. I don't get heated. That wasn't very monkly of me. - I've never seen you this angry in my life, it's so funny. - I think I was more angry here than I was breaking in your videos Joey. - What's the next clip? - There Are Too Many Sabers in Fate. - We're just talking about the series. We haven't gotten into Fate law itself. - We're not getting into that. (Garnt laughs) - Yeah this podcast will be, almost a Fate podcast. - This was the moment when Conner was like, "I'm done." - Conner was like "No, we are stopping this topic." - Yeah, yeah, yeah we need to do something, anything, literally anything, but this topic, anything. Please, I beg of you. - This next one is my personal favorite, School Days Is A Masterpiece of Our Generation. - Episode three I believe it was. - Yeah. One of our early ones. - It's so funny that you say it like the school days, like now is either like a 10 or a two. I was definitely one of those people who put it as a 10. - I know you did, you piece of shit. (Joey laughing) 'Cause, 'Cause I know exactly what my- - What is going on here? - God, look how bad the studio was back then. - I think this is the first time we ever got heated on the podcast. Yeah, it didn't take us long, three episodes. (laughing) - Three episodes? What were we doing for the first two episodes? - Who knows? - I don't know. - Being civil? Were we civil in the first two episodes? I guess we were. - Yeah I mean this, this is a classic moment for me. - I like this one. Yeah. This was, I'm still proud of this moment. - This is a- still an awful opinion. Awful, awful, opinion. - It is awful. Terrible. Despicable frankly. - And I don't know why he has a job judging other people's mouths when this exists, right? - I'm clearly not fit for the job. Next one is Bowling is Boring. - It is dude. This is, I was very passionate about this. - I remember this one actually. I still am very passionate about this. - Play the clip. - Bowling is like the most depressing activity out of all of the activities. - Really? - I think so. - I feel like bowling with alcohol is fine. It's fine. But bowling without alcohol is boring. (laughing) - Describes a 95% of activities. - Why did you sound so unsure? You're like bowling is- Is it boring? I think? - I think cause I just realized I was just like talking shit. - You weren't talking shit, you were saying it. - It was like, he was like, yeah, the floor is made out of floor. (laughing) It was kind of that moment- - Then sentence was generating as it came out of your mouth. I'm pretty sure I just auto-generated that sentence. I, I was like moving my mouth. That was like text to speech. (laughing) - No, no. It's like the phone auto predict an activity, Bowling is an activity which is bowling. And finally, The Dragonball Fan base is the Worst. - I love this clip. - You just see the dumbest take. It's always from a Dragonball avatar or like someone who like just tweets about Dragonball Yeah. - It's still a true up. I think out of everything. This was the most rantiest episode of all. - Oh yeah. - 'Cause we're like, no, no one was safe that episode. - We were like, "If we're going to shit on one fan base, we're shitting on everything". - We literally shit on like every anime fan base that existed. - It makes it it if everyone is rich, then nobody is broke. - Yeah, exactly. - Exactly. - I think honestly that's my favorite. That was my favorite to film in terms of just ranting about different things. - I 100% I think that's going to win. - I don't think that's going to win. - [Joey] I don't think that's going to win. - Because I feel like that was just an entire episode of ranting and you couldn't like, the Dragon Ball one stood out the most, but yeah, we could've, we could've put any kind moment in there. - I genuinely believe the saber one is gonna win. - Really? - I have a feeling. - I have feel The Great Burger Debate is gonna win. - Mmm, I have a feeling the saber one is going to win. - [Garnt] It's either going to be Great Burger Debate or School Days - I feel the Great Burger Debate is going to be powered by the Men in Motel animated, 'cause that went quite viral. But it's only one way to find out, I guess let's do it. Trash Taste Awards Best Rant (drum roll) goes to The Great Burger Debate. - Whoo! (Clapping) - Again, not surprised there. - I mean, it's, it's hard to nail down- - You went off! - It's hard to nail down a more like one of like, I mean there's so many iconic clips, right? The Greg Burger Debate is an iconic clip for just Trash Taste in general. - It's still wrong in general. - Yeah, no because for how right he is. - No, no, no. I like, I like- - Clown shit. - I like how it, whenever, whenever like someone outside of the podcast hangs out with us, they get surprised that we do the actual, the actual things that we say on the podcast. - Yeah were like, "I thought the Hamburger thing was a bit." You you actually like it? - I remember the first time, like I remember the first time we were interviewing Ashley and we were at the Dennys and I ordered a hamburger, and Conner gives me the most evil look and Ashley's like, "Oh, this was real?" (laughing) "You guys actually do this shit?" - We do, we do. - "This isn't just for entertainment purposes?" - Yeah, but I remember like when Ken came on as well, like we, we went, we went to like a, went to an Italian restaurant afterwards and we ordered pizza, but I didn't eat my crust. - And he was like, "whoa". And Ken, Ken's producer was like, "Oh this is, this is a thing that you, you weren't around." - It's a reference to Trash Taste. - Wow it's like watching Trash Taste. You're like that guy from Trash Taste right now. - What were the percentages? - [Ashley] Great Burger Debate won with 32.6% of the vote. - Mm, pretty interesting. - [Ashley] In second place was School Days. - Of course, yeah. - [Ashley] With 23%. - What came last? - [Ashley] What came last was Bowling is Boring. - That's fair enough. It's probably not as memorable as the other ones for sure. - Yeah. Yeah - Not bad. Not bad. - What's the next category Ashley? - [Joey] Catchphrase of the Year. - [Conner] Oh God. - [Joey] I have a feeling I, I know what it's going to be. - I know this ones. - Let's see the nominees. - Let's see the nominees. - [Joey And Conner] "It hits different". - [Garnt] "I fuck with this". - [Joey] I'm proud of that one. - [Joey] "X with attitude". Again, this is attributed to my dad not me. - [Garnt] "I worked at the BBC". - Classic? Is that a catch phrase or- - Yeah its classic. - or just, or just a thing that, I know upstate? - And I say that the diamond in the rough right here, "Why are you laughing Meilyne?" (laughing) - I love that we have friends that literally like text her and it goes to Garnt, like, "Garnt do you work at the BBC?" Everyone jokes to Garnt about working at the BBC because he says it so fucking much. - Like off, off camera this probably is like the, probably the biggest in joke within our like friend group. - Yeah a 100%. - In terms of the iconic catch phrase- - I think this completely goes down to like how much it was memed, and how often we actually say it. - Right. - And I feel- - I mean, it hits different hits different. - It hits different or- - I mean, I know we say that a lot. - We didn't invent it though. - Yeah we didn't invent it either. I would say the one that we say the most that we invented was "X with attitude", right? - Hmm. Right. Yeah. - Yeah. I mean, I've, I've liked I've I think I've been hanging out with Joey too much cause I I've started to say, I fuck with this more often. (Joey laughs) - Really? - And like you know, - Oh no. - You know that phrase that you start off saying ironically, - Yeah - because you want to, like, you want to like, yeah, - Joke. - you want to joke around and then it's turns into like, "oh, I'm just saying this all the time now." That's me with "I fuck with this". - What can I say? I'm a trendsetter. (laughing) - There's a doubt on that one. - Oh my God. I mean, honestly I probably think it's going to be, "It hits different". - I mean, it hits different. - But it's going to be bittersweet if that wins. - I think it won't win actually. - Really? - I feel it could be something else. - I'm hoping like the black horse right here is the "Why are you laughing Meilyne?" I really hope. - Meilyne's favorite. - Yeah I really hope this wins. Yeah. So let's find out Garnt. - You have the award card? Let us know who wins. - Let's find out. Find out. This will forever solidify- (drum roll) - Okay the catch phrase of the year is- Is "It hits different". - It hit different! I mean it do hit different though. - I am a little sad because I do feel like it's so generic and not. We didn't make it so it's a bit sad that that one won. - It's bitter sweet, but we appreciate you guys for (indistinct). - Does that mean we have to come with a new catchphrase for next year? - Yes. Yeah. Every year we need a new catchphrases. - We need a new catch phrase. - What was the percentages? - [Ashley] "It's a different" won with 49.7%. - Fucking Hell, that was a landslide. - Not even close. - Yeah not even close. - Second place? - [Ashley] In second place with 21.4% of the vote is "Why are you laughing Meilyne?" (laughing) - Ahh there it was! - Yeah there we go. - At least it got, at least it got second. At least it got something. - It got so close. Oh man. - What was after that? - [Ashley] Third place was, "I worked for the BBC". (clapping) - I got to find somewhere else to work so we can start a new catchphrase. - [Ashley] I apologize. In third place, it was "X with attitude". - Ahh. Okay. That makes more sense. That makes more sense. - So yeah, I'd say that makes sense. - Makes sense. I'm a bit disappointed, but it makes sense. - Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Alright. Let's look at the next category. Next category is Guest of the Year. - Now we've had a lot of guests on Trash Taste this year. - All of them are right over there. - Chris' one is about to fall off. (laughing) - When did Chris' one fall down? - It's been like that the whole episode. - Has it? - Yeah. - Since when? (indistinct chatter) - Leave it. Leave it. - It's good. We good. - Now obviously we don't, you know it's obviously not the nicest thing to rank your guests in order. - No. - But. - But in our hearts and everyone's hearts. Everyone's a number one. - Yeah. We each wanted to see which ones you guys liked the most actually, I think we're just curious, and we're very grateful for all the guests that we've had on. - Yeah absolutely. - And you know- - I guess this is less to like rank everyone, and more of just like awarding, you know, awarding someone who really left an impression on the viewers. - I agree, I agree. - And that's how I see it. - [Joey] Yeah, absolutely. - 'Cause I don't think we, we haven't had a bad guest. - No. I've enjoyed every guest. - No absolutely not. Everyone's been great. - Except for Chris, I mean by the way. (laughing) - Well, let's look at the nominees I guess. Just to refresh our minds on who we've had this year. - Yeah. (laughing) Jesus Christ. Chris is gonna fucking hate you. Chris is going to kill you, Ashley. (Garnt laughing) - [Conner] Ashley, you're gonna, you're really gonna do our boy like this? So for context, this is from the webtoon that's someone who's making of us and they decided to make Chris into this like bowl of lard for some reason. That's the only way to describe it really. And yeah, Ashley was like, "that's a perfect picture of Chris". Chris came on episode five, and episode 30. - Yeah. So he's the only one who's had two. And then we had the lovely Shibuya Kaho. - Yeah. And then we had, Meilyne obviously. - Remember being a guest on here Meilyne? - [Meilyne] I don't. (laughing) - Meilyne tries to forget it every day. And then we had the queen of degeneracy herself, Sydsnap, come on. And then we have, of course Mori Calliope. - Who could forget? - Noriyaro, Alexi. We had Ken Arto, a wonderfully talented Ken Arto. And the wonderfully talented Nano as well. - [Joey] And we had Aki come on, Ladybeard, and last but not least Reina Scully. - We've had a lot of guests on. - I did not expect ourselves so many guests that started this. - What's that 10 guests? - Well. Yeah. I think because, you know, because the borders haven't been open, we haven't really been able to get a lot of international guests on. - I'm honestly surprised we got as many as we did. - Yeah honestly. 'Cause I thought with, you know, the world situation being the way it was, that we would be really really limited with the guests that we could find. - Yeah because what is that one every, one out of five episodes was a guest episode. - And I, you know, people always, you know, there was complaining being like, "oh, you should just waive the rule for X, X situation". - [Joey] Yeah. - It's like, no, it's like, I dunno. I think to us, it's like the, the, the, the importance of Trash Taste is getting to be with them in person and the chemistry, and also getting to meet with them before, getting to hang out with them afterwards, you know, making sure that it's not just a, "Come on my show, fuck off", you know? - Yeah like come hang out with us. - 'Cause like every single guest we've had, we've really had like a proper like connection after their episode has aired. - And like, I hope that conveys to the audience as well, because one of the biggest things that before we decided to have guests on is that we didn't want to just interview our guests. We wanted the guests to be, you know, part of, part of the round table. Part of the boys. - There's nothing better than an in-person interaction in my opinion. - Probably part of my favorite part of having a guest on isn't just the recording of the episode. It's just hanging out afterwards as well. - Right. - [Joey] Yeah absolutely. - We just enjoy, we just enjoy hanging out and meeting people. - And Chris getting us violently drunk, the normal stuff that happens when you have Chris on. - Of course. - But everyone has been fantastic. But of course they can only do one winner. - Let's find out who the viewers have voted for. - Yes. I'm. I'm, I'm curious if it will be a correlation of views on the episode to the guest. - Yeah. - Yeah, but we'll have a look. It's gonna be interesting. Let's find out. (drum roll) - The Guest of the Year as voted by the viewers is- - Fuck off! - [Joey] What? - Open it up. Get this shit out. Get this shit out. - My man Chris Broad. (laughing) - Oh my God. - Get this shit out of here. - The secret fourth member of Trash Taste. (laughing) - Oh my God. Cockroach of the year. We can't fucking get rid of him. - Was the percentage was probably fucking ridiculous. Wasn't it? - [Ashley] He won with 37.2%. - That's quite a lot considering the amount of guests. - That's pretty high considering there was 10 nominees. - Can't believe Chris fucking won. - That means Chris has won Best Guest and Laziest Drip. - And Biggest, No I was the Biggest Clown. I wish it was it was Chris. - He was the greatest guest, but God damn was his closet game weak. - Maybe Chris will be in the running for the biggest clown next year. - Next year, next year. - Yeah. I bet next episode Chris is going to fucking rock up. Suit, blazer, and the works. I hope he does. I hope. (laughing) - Whenever Chris is next door. Yeah. - When he inevitably comes on. I'm sure he will. - When he inevitably comes on. - We don't have a choice. He just turns up. - It's like dun, dun, dun. - Yeah on Tuesdays. He just turns up. Like, " what's going on lad?" - It's like "well fuck." - I think that was the last recording. Right? He just texted us one day and was like, "Lads recording?" Recording? - Yeah recording. (indistinct) - Well I guess so Chris. - Alright, cool. - I loved how he was like, "I didn't know people were gonna watch this podcast when I first came on, so I didn't care." (laughing) I think that's why he won Laziest Drip because he turns up in shirt a second time. - He didn't give a fuck. He was like, "No one's going to watch Trash Taste, so why would I care?" - "This, this podcast is going to go down after three episodes. It's fine." - Now he's like, "Please let me back on." - Look at us now Chris, look at us now. - Yeah well done. - I understand why, you know, I think as Chris fits in so well, it's understandable why people love Chris. - It's nothing but (indistinct) with Chris. - It's fine that we're giving him shit now. Now, you know, just guest shows. - I'm sure. I'm sure he'll give a shit now. - But again, please go and watch every single guest episode that we've had on. Every single guest has been fucking amazing. So shout out to you guys for helping us make the show better. - Yeah. Thank you. I mean, thank you to everyone who came on. We had a fantastic time in every episode that we filmed so far. And anyone, we'd love to have you on again. Hopefully we can add to this wall this year as well. - Yeah. Hope so. - And a new wall. - I hope this doesn't give the impression that we can only re-invite, Chris. - Yeah. - Anyone anyone is welcome to come back. - Anyone is welcome to come back. - Exactly. Let's look at the next category. Best Argument. - [Joey] Well, I mean, we've probably had about 50 arguments just in this episode alone. - Like the most heated argument or like the most memorable. I wonder what the view is of choosing basically. - Yeah right? - Because if it's like strictly speaking the most argument- argument, it's gotta be the Gacha thing, right? - [Joey] Oh yeah. - That was by far the biggest argument I think we had, - [Joey] Absolutely. - That was probably actually an argument, I'd say. - But I guess. Let's, let's look at the nominees for this. - Oh yeah we got Gacha is Gambling, here he is. Play the clip. - You don't join the Gacha Community unless you fucking gambled a thousand bucks and haven't got the one with thick thighs that you forget about three months later. Fuck! (laughing) - It's true. It's true. - It is true. And then we got the Hamburger Debate again. We've gone over this one. The Crust or No Crust we've obviously got. - Play this clown shit. - Then Bidet or No Bidet. - Oh I forgot about this one! - Can we play the crust one? - Sometimes it crumbles without the crust. It's like the integrity of this sandwich has been ruined. - It's it's been optimized. - It has not been optimized. - You cut off all the useless pieces, - Although- (laughter) - Although, and this is when it starts to spiral out of control. - Moments before a disaster. (laughter) - Play the Bidet clip. Garnt, not realizing how lucky he is. - I don't want a wet fucking ass. - You don't have to be. Wipe. That's what toilet paper was invent for. - Then I don't want wet fucking fingers after I wipe. That's just- How fucking wet is your ass? - Are you wiping your ass you fucking gremlin? - To this day, I still revisit this to this day. 'Cause it's so funny. - I just can't believe this man doesn't utilize the bidet. - Just the lack of logic in this argument was so funny. - I mean, the thing that, the thing about bidets is I still stand by heated toilet seats. Bidet I'm still just like, if, if the toilet paper I got here, wasn't so thin and breaks up easily, then I would use the bidet more often. But it's it's the wiping afterwards that gets me mad. It's the wiping afterwards. - My God. Such a clown Garnt. Were you always this much of a clown? - I'm sorry. Who won Biggest Clown, Conner? I'm sorry. (Joey laughing) - Unjustly so I would say. - He can't say anything. - I would like to believe that that is more clown shit, then what I've said. - We have an Uno Reverse card ready at all times now. (laughing) - What do you thinks gonna win this one boys? - Oh God. I mean any of these good honestly win. Fuck man. I genuinely have no idea. This is one of the most iconic things in Trash Taste, which is our arguments. And I feel like- - I feel like the Gacha one is just such an intense argument, it's got to be the most memorable, surely even out of those. If you think argument. - Yeah, I mean, it's okay. - It's literally the Great Burger Debate, no argument. You know what I mean? Like the Gacha one is a real fucking argument. - I would say the great burger debate was like more heated. Quote, unquote. The crust one was pretty heated as well. - I guess. - The Gacha one. I dunno like I- - You guys should rewatch the bidet one, 'Cause that got fucking heated. - How much heat did this one get? - I can't remember exactly. - It got pretty fucking heated. - I just remember the Gacha one. The Gacha one sticks in my head so much, I don't know why. - Yeah honestly like, I mean, I look at all these and out of all of them, the Gacha one sticks out as the one where I'm just like- "Yeah I don't really agree with what I said on that one." I'll back peddle on that one. - Yeah everyone had some pretty shit taste on that one. I guess that's what made it interesting. But yeah again there can only be one winner. So Garnt. - It's you. - Oh it's me. - It's you I think Garnt. - Nope it's me, nevermind. (laughing) All right, here we go. (drum roll) Best Argument for Trash Taste Awardw is Gacha's Gambling. - Ahhh. - I told you. - That, you know what makes sense. I think it was by far one that made the viewers be like, "Are they okay?" - [Joey] Yeah, yeah, yeah. - "Are they going to be okay after this argument?" - Watching a friendship shatter. - Oh yeah, that was the case, wasn't it? - All the other ones were you know, were hehe funny, but that was the one where we got so many comments of people like, "Oh god, are they going to be okay?" - We were okay, don't worry guys (laughing) - We are still friends. We are all good. - 'Cause I commented, "Guys, guys, seriously, it's chill." It's chill, chill. Don't worry. It's fine. - We were just in it. - They were getting so worried because we were all really going at it. - What were the percentages on that? - [Ashley] Gacha's Gambling won with 36.2% of the vote. - 36.2% - [Ashley] In second place was the Steak Debate with 24.4%. - Okay. - Oh. - Okay, okay. - [Ashley] Crust or No Crust came in third with 23.4 % - Bidet one was last. - It's because I feel they came in last because not many, not enough people have experienced the bidet, to have an opinion on it. - True, true, true. - I personally advocate for the bidet clip though. It's so funny. - It is a good clip. - It's so funny. - Yeah. - All right. What's the next category Ashley? - Best Trash Taste Special. I guess we did leave this one in. I thought we cut this one out, but I guess we did leave in the Trash Taste Special. - I guess we left it in. - I guess we left it in. - There's only three- - Wow, Garnt don't you look like a clown right now, huh. (Garnt indistinct) - Uno Reverse card. - Now we're already getting nominations ready for this next one. - Look at this try-hard. - It's the new season Garnt. This counts as the next year. You can already be nominated. - Get the nominations ready guys. (laughing) - I guess there's only three nominees for this one, but let's, let's check it out. - I'm actually curious to see which one people liked the most. I would say. Cause people voting on this must be, I would say the, the more like dedicated Trash Taste fans. - [Joey] Oh yeah yeah yeah. Hundred percent. - As opposed to like the casual ones. I'm curious to see which ones they'll pick. - [Joey] So we obviously that our first one was the Chess Tournament Arc. - [Garnt] Yeah The Chess Tournament which was insane. And then we got the Trash Taste Real Tokyo Drifting. And then the Cycling Across Japan Special. - I like all of these for their own reasons. - [Joey] Yeah. - I think that the best story is the chess one. - [Joey] A hundred percent. - I think the most fun to film was the drifting. - Yeah. - [Joey] Yeah. - And then I think the cycling one showcases our chemistry. - I feel cycling, we definitely like perfected like how Trash Taste Specials go. - We learned a lot from the drifting special. - We did. - And like, I don't know if we've already mentioned this, but by far the best thing about this was having the walkie talkies, because how boring this would have been if we didn't have the walkie talkies? - Hundred percent. Hundred percent. - I feel like the, the drifting one to me was a proof of concept to be like, okay, Trash Taste is cool, but can we take this outside and bring the same chemistry? - [Joey] Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I also, think that the thumbnail is like the best one. I made that thumbnail. I love it. It's so good. - They're all great thumbnails honestly. And they're all great videos, but yeah. - This one you liked, like we've already said I'm, I'm like surprised how much the stars aligned for this one. - This one was a real script. - This one- I mean I love all of them. Yeah. - [Joey] Yeah, they're all great. - There are a lot of people who watch the Trash Taste podcast who don't watch the specials. Please do. Please consider watching. - Please check it out. We put so much work into these and it's fully backed by the patrons. - Yeah. It's really fully done. Like honestly we try to get it as close to like TV quality. - Honestly. I think the biggest thing is we try to get it as close to TV quality without having a TV crew behind us. - It's just a couple of cameramen, that's all. - You do not know the fucking logistics that went into filming this one. Oh my God. - We have to bust out the blue prints for this one. - Meilyne was lucky that she didn't have to help with that one. - She would have lost her mind. - Truly, truly Hell on Earth. But I guess without further ado Garnt, let's find out which Trash Taste Special- - There is only one. - And- (drum roll) The Best Trash Taste Special of the Year goes to- The Cycling Special. - Well deserved. (clapping) - I'm not surprised. - I'm not surprised. - Well deserved. - If I was a betting man. I would put cycling, drifting, chess would be the order. - Yeah. Is it cycling, drifting chess? - [Ashley] It is cycling, drifting, chess. - Yeah. What is the percentage? - [Ashley] Cycling won with 60.1%. - Wow. 60.1. - That's the biggest margin we've had of any of these. 60.1. - I mean, I, I was like, I was honestly surprised because after the drifting special, I was like, this is our Magnum Opus. I don't think we can stop this. - I don't know, man. 'Cause it took us like what? 15 drafts to get something that was good. Like we had so many drafts that sucked and I was like, Oh God, is this video just bad and are we fucked? - 'Cause I knew when we were filming. I think when we switched off the cameras, I knew we would film the banger. - [Joey] Yeah. - But then like, what I didn't realize was how much of the editing we would have to put into it, to like convey the feeling that I felt when I was filming. - Big, big shout out to Mudan once again, man. Like he fucking brought this video to life. - Honestly, MVP of the specials. Mudan, not us. - Not honestly. - We just, we just show up and we just do random shit. - I wouldn't say that man. There's a lot of planning that we had to do that was fucking hell. - True. - [Joey] Yeah, yeah. - Our bikes were a monstrosity of cables and batteries. - All the cameraman then helped us out as well- - The amount of times I had to rewatch the cycling special it's like create a coherent narrative out of this because 'cause it was just like so all- like the first draft was so all over the place, and trying to like weave that into something that you guys could follow was probably the biggest challenge I've had all year actually. - Alright let's find out what the next category is. - [Joey] Best Trash Taste Moment Oh this is in general. - Let's have a look at the nominees of the Best Trash Taste Moment. - God, there's so many to choose from. Oh this is, this is when this is when it gets really, really fucking hard. (laughing) - I love how the first two are from the Hentai- - We don't actually need to play because you've already played them. - I mean, I feel like when, when we made this, this was just like the highlight reel of some of the best moments that had gotten nominated from other categories. - We obviously we've got the Kuroinu Orc Gaming Debate, Conner's Mother Knows Breast Debate, Rias Solo Carrying Garnt's Figure Challenge Win, The Great Burger Debate, - Uh, page two, - Me Coming Out Moment, Meilyne's Three By Three, and Bidet Debate. That rolls off the tongue, the Bidet Debate. - I don't even know. Honestly, I, I I'm, I'm I'm biased, - [Joey] Fuck man. - Mother Knows Breast has a special place in my heart. - Honestly, any of these could win, man. - I, it's like picking between your children. The it's this is way too hard for me. There's so many iconic moments that have happened throughout the year. And none of these were planned. - [Joey] Yeah exactly. - I I'd say the only one out of all of these that we knew what was coming was the, Kuroinu Orc Gangbang Debate 'cause I knew- - 'Cause we, we planned that. - I knew, I knew. - We were gonna lose our fucking minds over that. And we did it's an to a great, like it was, it was one of the moments where I knew something was going to happen. And I'm glad that it kind of lived up to what was going to happen in my mind. - Definitely. - God, I guess there's only one way to find out really. - Should we just start? I really don't know. - This is one of the biggest awards. The viewers decided for the Best Trash Tastes Moment, of I guess, 2020-2021, Season 2020-21 I guess- - Season One. Just keep, just keep it simple. - The Best Moment of Season One of Trash Taste is- (drum roll) Can we get a drum roll in post-Mudan? It is, oh, it's upside down. (laughing) - What does it Moonlight? Finding Nemo? The Best Trash Tastes Moment of the Year Season one is- Connor's Mother Knows Breast Debate. (Cheering) - Wow, really? - Wow. - I'm not surprised because that is the one that to this day, I still get people talking to me about. People always talk to me about Mother Knows Breast and I feel like it's such a visceral clip. It's such a like, oh God. - That's not a clip you can share with the family. - No, no, no. I mean, I'm not surprised that one won if I'm honest. - I love how the Best Moment is Mother Knows Breast. - When they all played, I'm like, yeah, I think this one's gonna win. - 'Cause all the other one's are good, don't get me wrong, but none of them give you a reaction like that at least from the viewer's perspective. - What was the percentage on this one? - [Ashley] This one won with 19.8. - Whoo, it's close. - 19.8%. That's so close. - And what was second place? - [Ashley] Kuroinu Orc GangBang Debate. (laughing) - Of course. - [Ashley] 18.3% - 18.3 % - One percent off. - That was one percent off the Hentai episode. - Oh my God. - I wonder if that'll be a little hint as to what might win Best Episode. - Yeah. - Maybe. - I don't know. People clearly liked the Hentai episode. - Yeah. Wow. - What came third? - [Ashley] Third was Joey's Coming Out Moment. - Wow. - What an amazing moment, amazing moment. - I'm glad, I'm glad I did that. Yeah. Wow. All right. And last but not least we have one more category left, but before we get into that, we have to give some shout outs to you guys. - Yep. - And that's all the people who sent us fan edits and fan art because the sub Reddit and the Twitter wouldn't be where it is without you guys. And there've been some fucking amazing fan edits and fan art that we've received. - Here's just like a tiny amount that Ashley found in 10 minutes. - Honestly, this is just, yeah. - Ashley, next slide, please. (laughing) - This is just like a, really really tiny portion of the fan edits and fan art, fan, everything that we got. - Play some on screen right now while we're talking. - Here's here's a hot, here's a highlight reel of everything that came out. - Yeah while we talk yeah about fan art and how good it is. And thank you so much. And we, we couldn't just one. Because there was just so many and they're all just so amazing in different ways. And we really, really are like grateful. We're always like whenever we hang out or just chatting, we're like, "yo, do you see this piece of sick fan art?" - Yeah - Send it to each other. So again, we all really, really, we really do appreciate it and keep 'em coming. - And I do have a surprise for you boys. - [Joey] What? - Oh shit what? - Do you wanna bring it out Meilyne? - Wow. What is it? I'm scared. - So I, you know, it wouldn't, it wouldn't feel it- - What the fuck is this? - What the fuck is that? - [Ashley] Am I coming out? Okay I guesso. - Okay, Ashley. I guess you'll bring it out. - [Meilyne] Ashley is better dressed. - Just give it to Garnt. - [Joey] What the fuck is this? - What the fuck is this? - So like, it wouldn't feel right having the viewers, you know, having to like narrow down all of the fan edits and fan art that we got, but I felt like the fairest way was just to look on Reddit. - Right. - And see what was, what did, what did the community vote as like the one that was like most memorable was like the top voted fan art candidates. And so I got it framed for you boys. (laughing) - Ah ha, no way. - So this was, unfortunately, this was second just behind my Laughing at Corona Moments on our subreddit. But this was the highest rated fan edit that was voted on this year. - I remember when I spoke with this at my meme review video, I was like, look at the Garnt's hands. 'Cause I'm the only one in this picture who is actually me. Your bodies are someone else. - Yeah, yeah, yeah exactly. - These are the veiniest fucking hands of all the time. - Look at this man's hands. - [Joey] Garnt like I don't know, he drank, he drank the ooze or something like he's like, he's mutating . - These are the hands of a man who's choked a hundred people. - [Joey] That's like some Thanos hands. - It's weird. - It's like pro gamer hands man. - [Joey] It's a pro gamer picture! - Oh my God. - [Joey] I fucking love this art. - I do love this picture. - I guess from this point on with every year we're going to be framing the highest top voted one . - Yeah. The highest voted. - I mean, I guess I wanted to surprise your boys 'cause I'm just like, I feel like since we're moving studio soon, I, I want it to have something for us to remember season one by. - [Joey] That's so cool, I love that. - And this is, this is going to be our memorabilia. - Well thank you Garnt. (clapping) - Oh yeah, that's fucking awesome. - Oh my God. - That's such a nice -. We dead ass didn't know that was coming. Holy shit. - Can you get the champagne as well Meilyne? And I think, I think it's time to get the champagne out before our- - Before we talk about the Best Episode of Trash Taste that we gotta, we gotta crack open a bottle- - [Joey] Oh absolutely. - To celebrate. - Exactly. This is a celebration after all. - I wonder, I don't know. What, what did you guys think going into Trash Taste? Like what did you think was gonna happen? When you join a podcast I feel- like we've all been on a podcast. We don't have the podcast experience. Yeah. So I wasn't, I wasn't expecting that, exactly. But I wasn't expecting anything different. - [Joey] Yeah, yeah absolutely. - I wasn't excited anything crazy either though. - I think the biggest thing is that obviously none of us expected for Trash Taste to be this successful. - [Joey] No. - Because we were, I remember when we were planning this, the reason our studio is so small right now, and the reason we were moving into a new one, is because we were literally just paying for this out of pocket. And we, you know, we didn't know how successful, or if this was even going to make money within the first year. Like I remember- - Put in a fuck ton of our own money just to feel like, "We think this can work, let's give it a chance." - I remember, like I keep saying this on episodes, but I remember still during the first week or two, when Garnt and I would be like, "Be nice if we could hit a 100k by the end of the year. And now approaching this one year anniversary, we are almost at a million! - That's crazy. - This is the end of the year. - Just fucking nuts. - I mean, I can't believe we're just approaching a fucking million. Right? That's insane. - I think it's safe to say that we kind of like underestimated the potential of a podcast. Right? - I mean, I remember before we even started this podcast, we looked at some of the other competition out there. Right? And we were just like, okay, here's, here's a reasonable estimate of where we might end up. And it turns out we were just like five, like 10 places too lower than what we thought we were going to where we thought we were going to be. I guess before we unveil the last award, we'd like to say, we'd like to say a few words. If that's cool. - Shall I crack this open now or before? - Go ahead now before crack it, crack it open now. - Crack it open now! - Crack it open now! Pop the champagne baby! (cork pops) We're known, we're known for talking shit a lot but- - Congratulations! if we could get real for a second, Joey, just wanted to say something to you. - Okay. Like before, you know, you are one of my best mates before we started this podcast and- - And now you're not. (laughs) - And like, like especially being on this podcast every week and just sitting next to you every week discussing all that of our shit, fucking like blows my mind how similar we are sometimes. (Joey laughs) Like it's, it's, it's fucking insane that sometimes you say something, I have a thought, I'm not just like, God damn it Joey, - I was gonna say that. - Stop being the same person as me. And it's, it's gotten, it's gotten so much. I think we've just like kind of assimilated, our like nuances and everything, which you can see by the amount of clips we have of just me and Joey being in sync. - Syncing up. - Like that. It's not just what happens when you sit next to your best mate for life. - We both took the red pill and- (laughing) - Fully assimilated. Yeah, yeah, I know. And like, I couldn't be happier to be sitting across you. One of you having like you as a co guest, co-host sorry. - Absolutely. Man. Gonna make me fucking cry bro. - Conner. - My heart, my heart. Conner, I know you were like fucking nervous as when, before starting this podcast. - I was, I was. - Because I know like compared to me and Joey you're you are, I like, you were like, you weren't small, but you're like way less established than you were, than us. - You know. - This is true. - I was very concerned about that as well. - And I know you were concerned coming into the podcast that people would just be like, "Who the fuck is this guy?" - "I want anime. Who is this guy?" - Who is this guy? He does like Black Butler fandom, Like who the fuck is this guy? You know? But like, I couldn't be more proud of you as a mate to see how much you've grown in the last year. I've done. No, because like, I, I think, I think out of everyone you've like grown the most, - [Joey] Absolutely. - You have Trash Taste and you've definitely like established yourself. And like you know, like, you know, as a mate, I couldn't be fucking proud of you. - Come on. Give me a hug Garnt. - Aww. (clapping) - Oh, I'm sure you hugged too. - And everybody clapped. - And I guess the last thanks I want to give is to Meilyne. - Yay! (clapping) - Honestly, Mei- we wouldn't be here without Meilyne, honestly. Yeah. Me and Conner would not be here in Japan. And you did a fucking like, I know you told the story about how you just brought us here because it was like a company competition, but I couldn't be more thankful that you basically just created the boys, Meilyne. - Yeah. - Do you wanna come on camera? - [Meilyne] No. (laughs) - Come on, you're nicely dressed. Come on, Meilyne. - Everyone claps for Meilyne. (clapping) Everyone give a round of applause to Meilyne. Take a bow Meilyne. [Meilyne] I had to buy this outfit. (laughing) - That's why you bought the outfit. - Yeah aren't you glad you didn't come in a t-shirt? And be like "yeah I made the boys." (laughing) - Yeah. And I guess, I guess last, but not last, I guess off the Meilyne is obviously you guys. I mean, we have just talked about how we did not expect the audience that we were going to get. And I certainly didn't expect to have an audience that was like this dedicated. The subreddit is a lot more popular than I thought we were going to be. The meme are fantastic. The fan arts, fantastic. The animation, the animations are fantastic. You guys are just fantastic. - Just how dedicated you guys are to just ask rambling every week for two hours, it's just fucking nuts. And I think like biggest thing more than anything, it really gave me personally, a lot of confidence in just me as a person. - [Conner] Yeah me too, me too. - Like completely separate from my personality. And like, I dunno, that's like, it feels great, right? It's like, oh, I'm getting validated for just being me. And there's no better feeling than that. So yeah. God, it feels, it sounds like we're about to like end the podcast. - [Garnt] Yeah. (laughter) - Here's our final episode guys. - It's nice man. I feel like, you know, you, you already feel like you've made friends for life. I really do. I'm very lucky to have, you know, you guys. I'm very very grateful. - I'm really happy as well. Let's all get our hands off our dicks and get get to the final- - Back to shit talking. Back to shit talking with the final category. - The Best Episode of Trash Taste. Now, obviously we have taken out any other guest episodes because the guests are on a completely different caliber. This is just the boys chatting as the boys do. - Honestly, we kind of pick these episodes. So this was nominations nominations for so many, so many episodes. So we were just like, what were the funnest ones for us to film? So this, this not only is like our favorite episode, hopefully, you know, one of our favorite episodes, but these are the episodes that we want you guys to personally go check out. Cause these are the ones that we personally love, but yeah, let's check out the nominees. All right. So How to NOT Buy Anime Figures. I remember filming this episode and this was the first episode that I filmed and I was like, holy shit. I didn't know being on camera could be that fun. (laughing) - Because that was one of the first, like times where you were like fully, fully like outside. - Yeah, right? - Yeah, fucking Hell. - Just the, just, just the Rias Solo Carrying the performance and just like the, this was the first one where I look back at it and I'm just like, man, that was, that was a banger episode. - One of the things though, when we had all our videos ready to go and the episode wasn't out that we, I think we were definitely like, I think we've just done like a genius, big brain play. - Yeah, we did. - We really did. - We were like, I would have went live. - Even though I remember I fell asleep, I didn't schedule my video on time, so this whole thing had like three videos on our own channels to go up at the same time. - Yeah. - And I, I was asleep and I forgot to schedule it. So when both those videos when up, I got so many messages angry, like "where's Connor's part?" And I panic and worked up later. - Yeah. Like a cumulatively between the episode and our three individual episodes, I think this amassed like 9 million views, 10 million views or something, which is fucking nuts. - It's fucking insane. - Crazy. I really do think that this was the episode that really shot Trash Taste up and put us on the map. Basically. - [Joey] Definitely. - It pushed a lot of our audience who maybe weren't too, you know, you can say, check out my new channel. It's like, well so does everyone. Everyone fucking does. To actually give them an incentive to go check it out. And then, you know, maybe stick around. - I feel like this was the difference between our core fan base being like, oh, it's my favorite big YouTubers collabing together to Oh, they actually make really funny and good content. Right? - 'Cause this was, I was really proud of this episode. - Me too, me too. - And how it turned out. - [Joey] And then we got episode 12, which is the College Horror Stories, which I personally fucking love it. - [Connor] It's just like a comfort episode. I like this one. - To me, to me, this has like a, in terms of like density of great stories. This one's a fucking badass. - True, true. - I just had so many good stories. - So much weird happens in college, right? It's like calling for content. - I remember like going, like before going on this episode, I was like, maybe I'll have, like, I have like a clue of what I'm going to talk about. And then they go on it. And then so many different stories just like flood back in. - Flood back in, yeah, yeah, yeah. - And I was like, oh, I forgot that happened. - This was the one episode that made me regret, not living in a dorm. (laughing) - Dude you get such insane stories. - I was like fuck. I wish I lived in the dorm after hearing your guys stories. - Anyone who is deciding to go to college, go to the dorm. The life stories and experiences you get will be worth it. - And then we have episode 16, The Worst Fandoms in Anime, the one where we- - It's a personal favorite of ours, probably not the fandom but this yeah this is one we love. - Yeah. This was fucking so fun to film. And I'm sad that it didn't get nominated for more other categories because he was just so fun ranting about being in the anime community, which we are. Right. And I feel like that's why not many people like think about this or remember it, but like me personally, I remember this episode, whenever I want to rant about anything that's going on in the anime community. - [Connor] Look how we had two best episodes back-to-back 16 and then 17. - [Joey] Oh, The Japanese Food You Never Tried episode. I fucking love this. - This is fucking amazing. - This is where the wine meme came from as well. - Oh this episode. - This episode, yeah. - This episode is just iconic. - I can't believe it took us like 17 episodes to argue about food. And then this, this just like opened the flood gates. And after this episode we couldn't stop talking about food. - This feels like episode seven. I was like, what are we doing for 16 episodes? Like arguing about food is like an iconic part of Trash Taste. And it took 17 episodes for that to happen. It does not feel like 17 episodes for that to happen. And then of course we have the infamous episode, 25. - I love the Hentai episodes. - Oh, I love it too. - I just think there's just like, we nailed everything in there. Like we hit all the beats, just like I, we, we, we, that, that, that episode perfectly showed our personalities I think. - Yeah, yeah. - [Joey] Definitely. - Food porn. - Food porn, for better or worse. For better or worse. - That, that episode to me, like filmed that episode was so fun because not only was like everyone on their A-game, but we were just bouncing each other, bouncing off each other so perfectly. Like I remember filming this, filming this episode and being like, wow, we really are drift compatible. (laughing) - Man our horoscopes really do align. (laughing) - [Joey] And then we have episode, what numbers that? - [Conner] Roasting Our Horrible Anime Tastes. - We like to say that we're not an anime podcast, but Goddamn was this fun to film. - [Joey] Oh yeah. - I think we're a podcast that just happens to have three people who watch a fuck ton of anime. - Or used to watch a fuck ton of anime. - And who like to talk about it occasionally. - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah, exactly. - And I mean, to me, this was just really fun to film. And just like, I just, the Meilyne moment was just like the cherry on top. - Oh yeah, very good. - Like I feel like out of everyone, this one ended ended on the biggest bang of just Meilyne really revealing her degeneracy that just came out of fucking nowhere. And we revived the three by three trend as well. Which I, - Yeah, fucking nuts. - Which I guess we'll be doing more of in future, I guess. - Yeah. I mean, it's just, it's just a great format to judge tier lists. - Three by three is back, bring back the three by threes. - Ahh man. - But we can only choose one. - The viewers can only choose one. - The viewers can only choose one. And this is biggest one of all. - I mean, I narrowed it down to six personally. And how'd you guys choose the top one? - I feel like if you're a- I feel like the hentai episode perfectly sums up Trash Taste. - I feel like that. - I feel like that could- I will be surprised if it's not that just because it's so visceral, you see that you see that title. I mean, it's like you react. - Yeah. - It's Simple is Best, right? When it comes to the titles. - It is man, it's like, oh, the other ones, you know, maybe you skipped it, but you didn't skip the Hentai episode. No, one's skipped that one. - Nope. Everyone watched it. I do- all my homies watched the Hentai episode. - I do feel like if you want to sell someone on Trash Taste, people are just going to show the Hentai episode just to be like, "what, what is Trash Taste?" - It does sum it up pretty well. It's obviously not the episode. You can't show your friend who is not really into that kind of stuff. But if they're chill with us, show 'em that episode. But maybe we'll see, we'll see. I don't know who won. - By the way, I think every episode deserves it. But again, you guys decided on it. - Drum roll, please Mudan. - This is the ultimate winner. So the final award for The Trash Taste Awards, (drum roll) the First Annual Trash Taste Awards, Best Episode for season one goes to- the Hentai episode. (cheering) - Yes, yes! Well deserved! Well deserved. What a banger! What a banger. - Well done us. Well done. - Let's all give each other medals. - Congratulations Garnt. Congratulations. - Congratulations Connor. Congratulations. - Congratulations Joey. Congratulations. - Great work guys, really great work. - You know, who's awesome? You're awesome. You're awesome as well. - You got it, you got it, you got it! (laughing) - Oh my God. - I'm curious though, what was the percentage? - What was the final percentage? - [Ashley] This won with the 34.6% of the vote. - Okay. - And second? - [Ashley] Second place with 19% of the vote was How to NOT to Buy Anime Figurines. - Okay. Yeah. - I guess I guess people do remember. - I thought the Japanese food one would've been up there. - Yeah. Yeah. - But again, like, yeah. Every episode was an absolute fucking banger, or we wouldn't upload it. - What? (laughing) - You guys don't even know how many episodes I thought were weaker than others. But there weren't any episodes where I thought, "Oh we did a bad job". I was like, that's not as good. But sometimes you need the mundane to make you appreciate the really good ones that come along. Ya know? 'Cause we don't do shit every week. - [Joey] Exactly. - In the future, there will be episodes that you might think, "Oh, they're not really talking about anything interesting." We record every week. That's going to happen. - Yeah. That's like real life. Right? - [Connor] Yeah true, true. - Like, you know what mate comes to you every week with like a banger of story? Right? Not everyone does. - I mean, I feel like honestly, Trash Taste just represents our friendship off camera as well because sometimes it, it gets weird after having recorded this for a full year. Or you have a conversation, I have a conversation with one of these two and I can't remember if I've had this conversation on Trash Taste or off Trash Taste. - It like blends into reality. - It does! Now I'm just like, "Wait, did I already tell you this story?" I can't remember anymore. - And you go "Oh yes, I did share this story". - But yeah. I mean, wow. - I don't even know what to say, man. - Well, I've, I've said everything that I managed to say. - I'm very grateful for everything. You know, some great mates grateful that the channel is doing so well. - Thank you guys for an entire year. It's been fucking insane. And man, there's plenty more where that came from. - Yeah I mean, again, like we're moving to the new studio soon, so we're hoping to, spruce this up. - That's going to be like the real end of season one. - Yeah that'll be the end of season one. - There'll be a bunch of episodes after this one goes up, but the real- exactly it's the OVAs the real the season two starts at the (indistinct) - It's like the Spider-Man movie after, you know, after what was it off of like Avengers movie. Like, this is the real end of phase three. (laughing) - Okay. Okay mom. Yeah. Guys, hopefully you enjoyed this episode and yeah, there is again, plenty more where that came from. - There's a, I mean, I don't think Trash Taste could be done without the beautiful patrons. - I mean, look at them all. - My God. - So many of you came after the degeneracy, that was the Hentai episode and most of you stuck around. - Most of you stayed, yeah. - We do appreciate it. - If you enjoyed this year of Trash Taste and you'd like to continue supporting us, then please go over to our Patreon. And also follow us on Twitter. Send us your memes on the subreddit. And if you hate our faces, listen to us on Spotify. But wow. Okay. - I guess final thoughts. What do you guys want to have next year? - I want to do more specials. I definitely want to do more specials. - Yeah. It's very difficult right now. - Yeah. - But I'm hoping that we can, we have, we've had one big idea, which I'm not going to say, that we put on the back burner for a while because of Covid obviously, and I hope we get a chance to do it. - [Joey] I hope so. Yeah. - Like the biggest thing I'm looking forward to is one having more specials, because by far the biggest limiter to having more specialists has been COVID, but there's, there's just, we haven't been able to get around it. And the fact that we've made and managed to make the specialist that we did with two of them being outside was just like the stars aligning and having this particular week where things were open and the country was in a good enough condition where we could film, you know. I'm also looking forward to having more international guests on. - Yes, hundred percent. Hopefully we start getting them soon. - Hopefully. - Hopefully. And I'm also just looking forward to like more kind of casual content as well that we can hopefully start, you know, putting up on After Dark and stuff like that. More streams, hopefully. - Yeah. - I mean We haven't been uploading much to After Dark because we kind of want to get everything set up in the new studio and get everything set up there. So that it's way easier to make content. - Also the new studio just looks way better right now. - We are extremely cramped in here. - Yeah. - Just wait, just wait til you see Season Two. - Season Two is going to be good. Yeah. But anyways guys, that's, probably going to do it for this. Thank you for joining us on the First Annual Trash Taste Awardw, - and hope you hope you enjoyed it. - Yeah, hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Please look forward to more content coming out soon. So this, this is just the beginning. We're going to keep going on from here. - Yep. - All right. But hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Have anything else to say? - I don't have anything else to say. It's over. - It's over. Ggs. - That's it lads. It's sad, you know? I mean, I feel like it's, it's bitter sweet. You know, it's been a good year. It's like, oh, okay, next year now. - Yeah. Enjoy the OVA episodes that are going to come out after this. - Going to be so weird. - No, no, no. Okay. Having already filmed some of them, there were some banger episodes coming out. - The OVAs are just as good. - Honestly. Honestly, if you think, if you think Trash Taste is peaked, you're wrong. - Honestly, some of the ova are just- (chef's kiss) chef's kiss. - They're just, they're just, they're just, they're just banging her episodes before we get to our new- - New place. - Thank you for the year. We'll see you next week. Every week. We'll see you every fucking week. You can't get rid of us. See you next week gamers. - See you later guys. - BYE! (inspiring music)
Channel: Trash Taste
Views: 2,479,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TrashTaste, Trash, Trash Taste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Podcast
Id: 3aM1rVv2T3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 159min 55sec (9595 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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