we couldn't raid this faction base.. until we looked down and saw THIS! | minecraft factions

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hi guys we are at the main clip did I just voice crack Jesus I can't put that in I'm gonna have to cut that guy's welcome to the main clip of the video where we're gonna be doing an insane Impossible raid with this guy because I don't have any other friends as you guys can tell cuz they're only record with two people and he's one of them it's like the most basic intro ever says hi the twin Ivan told you literally anything about this video I wish it just told you like hey done a free video yeah sure so who you know it's another one of these things that's what you think my guy I mean has anything been taken from your account recently make sure you drink up your inves by the way oh you ready but don't think you ready I don't think you ready I'm sorry twin is what I would say if I was doing it I spent a troll I got you I got you prank we're in the middle of the world no it's not the thing is if you f map you'll see who it is there are about 40 chunks that direction so we're gonna have to run they are literally so far just follow this this line this line over here just this one this specific one over here you know this is the trees it's all we need to do we're just gonna be here for like you know like an hour let's be - I'm prepared I got one of those 15 minute elixir things I think my dog is abusing his bowl well I can hear him distrait abusing it in the background but that's where the fun lies we're still so far from the actual base but this base right we couldn't raid normally mainly because we can't Cannon and we have no TNT left off we raided that faction they've made like this most stupid mistake I think you can ever make in factions I'm not gonna tell what it is twin it to a massive surprise because I like surprises over here no okay listen we're not all tech is with different now twin all right we're different but we're getting up to the base Jeff vanish hello terrifying if we F who the noobs with two Z's these guys have three people online so I'm not sure if that's actually anyone inside the base we need to get up there do you have a pearl for me I saw you try it how dare you we're gonna have to eat it over here I did it no what'd you do did you jump off now we we need to get to the top this is all we need to do they don't have that many walls right it's just the issue of it's gonna be so much fun the way they've planned this base out and like the like exploit actually happens it's I don't really know what I'm saying I'm gonna be on I'm first that means I get to know I'm first I mean to get to make the rules I just look it up a lot you were looking at you these guys have hacks though they'll notice in the base all right we're gonna have to go straight for the spawn is by the way but there's an issue with that don't particularly know what why level they're on being honest with you we'll just have to get in and just I mean you might have already said it I might just be messing with you that might be a thing that you know it's prank season you can prank to an Imagine I actually claimed this whole base on an old faction just to give you a dispenser troll oh my god I'm so doing that twin we are so getting Ryan doing that no it's not what it is but we need to do it you have to go like that complete long wait I've got four minutes left of mb's I don't know if it'll be enough come over here do not see it these guys have got this going from this is the funny bit one box all the way down to the next one like tip from the top to the bottom this is like how we get in the whole thing so we're gonna have to go to straight for the spawner the question is I don't know where they are I'm gonna be honest with you I haven't got a clue we'll just have to just say get it random points oh that's it you go dear could we like we like okay so this is the big open box we don't want this one who you want like it's like a spawner room with some chests nope not there yet more down is it this this my level nope still down is it this is gonna take a while twin yeah we get the whole bit because we can go to every test room we can go to every single chest room that's the issue we need to get down to this box first low down is why 150 I think we're getting there I think this is it this isn't it this is that's not yet further down here it's for the lower the obsidian box I think I'm gonna be honest I don't know where it is to reduce egg in and Troy I find it alright I'm going I'm down here so I'll just eat it yeet we're too far down we have to go up it's a little bit up yeah yeah it's right here it's right here we will in here about five blocks we tried that's motive right you ready eat and there we go we got this POTUS I'm taking mine off and taking mine off at 1 2 3 4 there we go I've been taking please take this I got one cow and like this - rabbit did you get the rabbit all right there we go legit it was that easy to get those foreigners they've got a little bit of TNT in the chest it's not looking like much but they've got some p3 some p2 there's some like general armor so you want to take all of this it's probably worth taking right it's like every single last bit I mean it's the p1 isn't worth anything ryan told me a few days ago the p1 is worth absolutely nothing it's not probably worth taking that but I just put me how it likes them but we take this you've got the TNT right yeah but we're gonna get like dubs on dubs on dubs I'll take these sponges you know just it's like a I'll set home raid in and we all go back to the box their name oh dear I go back to the box go back to the box go back to the box just all this stuff the guy doesn't know that's the good thing the guy has no idea I'm down to do it don't go up there give any more sex I have instant and that's it I need 11 we actually like creeper there's just invincible non aah we need a levitating FP p1 there's some in fpv there's one I'm gonna borrow one from fpv I'll buy it back I'm sorry team team I'm sorry new faction we will give it back to you eventually I'm / backing I'm going right into the base I'm gonna hold I'm gonna hold my sword oh poor kid this you I just got terrified the guys names gone please I need one look after me by telling you fold you go first eat it lost my legs as well I found my legs I just scream it's like I saw your them so mind that I just went so wrong so quickly so whereabouts what's the guy okay so we should go look it up just in case I can't see him oh I see him I see him I see I see sir dear about you realize you're invisible right I dare but we want to go to the level that right I'm gonna just spam it here just BAM right click you ready go oh it's a knobby box you're a naughty boy I'm gonna drown burning is not a good idea Johnny's bad do we know it's water oh that's okay I've now realized my mistake oh it's a chest room it looks like you go to the wall border you can f5 yeah and look hello anyone home I'm gonna get rid of her lover eat this eat this I got him it's so pretty but we know for a fact the rest of the basis has to be below us so we need to go back down maybe there's something past the melon farm if we go to the melon farm again I saw chest when we went in the first time but we can't get in this area which sucks so we'll just have to have to take a swim back down twin oh we can't break any more anyway because we messed it up oh we could just keep taking that off the thing I'm a genius honestly there are some chests in here there is like so much before this if I could and nice melon phone it doesn't really look like anything that we can I won't be able to get into that OB box only if there was a way I mean surely they go to a home lower right high always see I'm halfway through swimming and I literally was thinking to myself that's probably not a good idea but that's just like my opinion you know what I mean like it could not be a good idea in total should we grind their mobs I'm gonna get I'm gonna get them some chicken heads they have to put the six eggs we place I found all of them thinking they have to further its messaging but we need to be up near the top for that though right oh let's measurement F who the noobs let's see who did we see is er D 3002 yo I said 3002 is afk I may respond on messages earlier one oh dear one is here he said question mark can I borrow your spoilers I said can I borrow your spoilers okay I said he hasn't responded he was very fast to respond before he's not responding please can I borrow them Lisa please he said what's bonus the ones in your base what the spawn is in our base he's I'm like hiding in the corner I don't think he sees us he said sure the guy replied sure enemy the noobs with two Z's there we go kill the guy kill the guy oh my god you message me how did you get in bro there's a hole all the guy open his a chest he put away sex I think you may have had like a good acts on him I killed the guy I'm comin I'm comin I'm comin this guy hit a lot of melons one guy was cool about it the other guy was like how did you get in the other guy was like can we be in a video this one guy was cool about it right look at me go I'm killer like it's no one's business you party I'm with him I'm with him twin he's above you is above you blow it up I made us an escape content crew has arrived come back here this is my leave me alone he wants to fight though Oh knock back bro you hit him so he's trying to get pots and stuff oh he's just said it in public chat he's just that in public chat TP for factions or even to employees hope important to impart to him he the faction I'm just spamming TP twin I'm kind of stuck factions getting good bro I'm almost trapped twin have you got sex bro I'm dead no I kick if I get out of combat I can get sex just keep him off me for a second eveyone I'm sorry fraction atleast all the sex I did I did I took away from the faction about to kill him no I need pause I need pause have you got pulse on you what's with this lag right now it's so laggy just drop pulse two and drop pulse quick okay thank you there we go killer killer get on get on them come on yes there we go but his friend go he's just bombing in chat TP keep always go up cydia now he's tried to pull where do you go he got out you got I'm gonna I'm gonna open it a little bit I think I'm sure I'll just open it a little bit so we can get out they all came back naked I just killed three full I just got a head that sells a 36 grand I think he's just keeping people in like I can just spawn kill them all the guy still outside faction I'm really sorry for stealing all the sex I will give them back oh he's sleeping the sovereign that's what he's doing it's so laggy I unsubscribing not cold though I think this is GG a faction I think they gave up honestly that's a massive GG like thank you very much for that twin that was a lot of fun get back on that I honestly didn't think that that was gonna be that good of a raid on its he I don't think the value was like amazing I think we might you go like most like 500 600 K from it it's the fun that we had while doing it that's the experience that I like in factions it's it was so much fun just like just the PvP and how everything turned out and very very happy with it guys if you guys have enjoyed this video make sure you guys slept a like down below please thank you very much I even sync that I'm so fantastic subscribe if you guys aren't you with post notifications on obviously so you know when I go when I upload a video obviously guys as you guys are seeing this video now I am now in Holland this video will be coming out Tuesday the 8th year this is Tuesday okay I just have to be sure for a second so every guys every other day will now be a video from what you guys are seeing now thank you guys very much for the continued support and I will see you guys in on Thursday and Thursday just got to get my words out for the next video okay so thank you guys thinking you support and I'll see you guys soon
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 27,160
Rating: 4.948998 out of 5
Keywords: factionsraven, raven, factions raven, minecraft, mine craft, raiding, minecraft raiding, saicopvp, minecraft action, missing block, rich raid, pg13, minecraft factions raid, missing block raid, raiding on factions, exploit, base exploits, factionsraven raidig, factionsraven raiding, we couldn't raid this faction base.. until we looked down and saw THIS! | minecraft factions
Id: jst-bdOZfdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 08 2019
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