this rich faction made one of the BIGGEST mistakes.. which let us raid ALL their spawners!

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so today's video needs a little bit of backstory one I sound so tired in this I'm so sorry I was very very tired at the time of recording it but I'm okay now I hope you guys it's okay so basically this faction they tried to do something and it didn't really work I'm not gonna say much I'm just gonna kind of let you guys watch the whole video but basically these guys just for a bit of backstory sponge too close they put a sponge down too close to their wall which left a dry spot that we could seg in and that's all I'm gonna say guys if we can hit 300 like I'll be fantastic you guys have been smashing that recently we've been getting like 100 and a number hope you guys do enjoyed this upload make sure you guys like and subscribe if you guys do like I said let's see if we can 300 likely's and I will see you guys tomorrow with another factions video inside the base which made their baseball on the outside dry are you ready I'm on top I'm ready I thought you were no I'm good I have everything I have emphasize eggs I've got fireballs I've got pearls I'm good you kidding me let's go show this this this is gonna be fun we have to go this way this could be incredible there's so many we have the faction ready I know and like I would love to TP the faction right now but it is a crafty and sneaky operation running around in the base I can see him running around in the base let's just do it let's just do it are you ready I'm gonna levitate in creeper yeah yeah and we do have to go through okay now we're gonna have to pull onto that back obsidian bog up here and then you see their floor is done just fireball up and then were you telling me I'm telling both okay look the snowmen are somewhere around this back box okay so justifiable go in and then TP the factional fireball but both fireball at the same time I don't know risk it just save my fireball for getting up to the actual base pipe this is the actual race they may not even box is it not where that guy is no it's not might be here as your box I think it's right here it's right here right here right here - we missed we missed we miss us yet right that's Coco Coco Coco the other five pull in pulling them TP the facts more grab these Oh cup the mushroom another squids on the other side we need to go crafter squids go cry from cooker half of go get him go get him go get him which guy the reddish guy yeah let's go from you ready oh no okay I click okay grab my stuff lovely okay we need to whitelist each other so yeah okay if you want to you can I guess I thought this was gonna be a lot harder to do he only has two thousand dollars or what hello everybody we just got which are very rare spawn is because you can't get them anymore and they give you forty dollars and four and ten souls that are pretty sick it's a good amount we can probably fireball the region's yeah we can let's go for the ones without you stuff in it cuz like miss stuff he'll are in doubt it's Lighting's chestplate helmets or expenses over here but they've just ignore this I'm assuming there's nothing good they go for expensive stuff yes that sounds like Bay to me I did it nothing happened - nothing at all nothing expensive it's right in the middle I'm not come on please cheap stuff I think cheap stuff would be the rich stuff I think yeah Thank You Jenny spawning one that's one we want to go for sword a pose they're just swords helmets to stop flaking it's not that she'd the grave got a guy down below is there any way of getting those boxes got stuff to the boxes below I'm don't think so people here they're fighting other factions killing two guys in peak we might want to go help wait someone has a goat someone has a good sword have you trapped a guy in their base thought this might happen we just keep knocking him up so he keeps heading up the war but he's like like the region chests that make sense just not dying suddenly back Hey no you get back up there you get back up there you're staying up there this is where you're going to die if you were going to die right here did you kill a guy okay went with me and uplink to fighting some guy who I think has a good set of some I kept getting poisoned by a guy and that could be his leggings toxic toxic on the school yeah I keep getting poisoned I mean if we can just say gout the side work we can get out toxic it wasn't even a god set really six I go toward four as well shop five feminine one I'll take it so bad just get me in the corner get on the corner leave one guy got trapped like we just knocked him up and he couldn't move but he actually not move he can't hold it with six of us always helmet is helmet are you gonna come yep probably we haven't really we haven't really lost everything though we haven't lost anything at all okay this more from again more them again I gotta wake up Oh XF is Troost apparently okay I'm gonna get us a way out just in case I'm getting us a way out just in case but then again we can just say downwards to go yeah that that works I guess and stuff below I'm not sure if we have to bust until we go oh look if you paint it you know I was wondering earlier why my fireballs weren't working yeah [Laughter] cobblestones broken on this we can get in these regions here you sure the whole thing is no it's that's such a shame why to empty I have region chess we're gonna have empty why would you do that to another faction radio and you know there's nothing check out the other ones popped open are there any of these ones broken oh god okay all right I'm actually gonna for one actually fire bullets will me to fireball a king's chest plate cheap stuff pickaxes go for go for chess play things that break them now I can't get it though no there's nowhere else we can go I don't think that's what you want to try go below we can try come back over to the snowmen we'll have a look from here at home oh yeah it's a good idea I'm just saying like in the state of panic let me go and so actually I'll show you just one right here the reason why we were able to get inside the space is because look what they're trying to do they're trying to make like that box is clean and obviously they win wait I went one block too close to the wall yeah and it's just made it dry pretty much I see you gotta Boris like watch and see if he breaks out Dow it but just see because if we can get into another box like gonna go on top of it maybe my mind I'm on top know when our own is dry that's the box it be sacred yeah I just there's a way we did it in yeah it's pretty just his on his own we killed him before because no I was gonna say afk knock knock Oh buddy boy oh my god are you are you okay it's a hit though unless we ya know that probably is the raid I feel like they might be coming back for a trade what just to try to kill us like to attack like wouldn't be in that box move and stuff out because they don't need to like we can't get into it unless they don't think unless I think we can maybe I think someone's inside because it's they think we face so guys that is the raid over predominantly actually I'm very very happy with what we got we actually if we I think it might've updated by now okay it hasn't actually updated but these guys had they to spawn is placed and twelve stored I don't think we got the stored but we did in fact yeah I don't know if it updates live so if we go to the snowmen okay we did actually get 10 snowmen and stuff from this I'm quickly is gonna have a look through this chest and just see okay I don't know do you think they're there I'm gonna be honest right now I don't know whereabouts I think some similar like me my PV okay the staple these out my PV right now I think I got five snowmen I think Ryan I got five snowmen which is good enough honesty I'm surprised we did that well just for a base that literally didn't have that many walls to begin with but the fact they're an F top faction definitely kind of like it's definitely boosted what we like had an expectation of I'm so surprised we actually did it and it actually went that well I couldn't gonna move this out cuz I feel like this with me and someone's gonna kill me eventually but honestly GG to the faction peak I'm very very sorry up receipt you thought we were cheating you thought we faced obviously there is video proof of no cheating allowed in my minecraft Christian server I said good night guys I really did hope you guys enjoyed this video today if you guys did leave a like and subscribe if you guys are new and I don't know if you guys can maybe leave in the comments I'm not sure how I wanna do this if you guys want longer videos but more than one segment or just like the raid clip so if like if I do a raid it's just the raid if I do like PvP it's just PvP maybe a bit after but let me know what you guys think because I definitely I definitely like worried about your guys opinions you guys obviously the people watching your videos and if you guys like it then it's good with me thank you guys so much for watching today's video like I said if you guys did enjoy if it likes just go bigger than you and I will see you guys tomorrow good bye
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 130,581
Rating: 4.90095 out of 5
Keywords: this rich faction made one of the BIGGEST mistakes.. which let us raid ALL their spawners!, factionsraven, raven, factions raven, minecraft, mine craft, creepersedge, creepers edge, raiding, minecraft raiding, saicopvp, minecraft action, missing block, rich raid, pg13, factionsraven raid, missing block raid, missing block in base, factionsraven rich raid, factionsraven house
Id: lH0Vrh8K_Cs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 20 2019
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