this RICH Minecraft Skybase was actually GUARDED by TWO online Minecraft players.. (INSANE)

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did it work I think about I might kill myself okay I survived I killed ladies and gentlemen welcome back today to another episode of factions where today you may you know see in chat slightly I tried to open an extreme treasure I'm sorry it fails not my fault Matt's fault please give me more like loser so me and Jerry over here basically since the last video what's happened is it turns out a fact remember 40 Pro 13 actually blew up their bait which is it very nice I was going to leave it as it is mister foot you blew it out so guys I need you in the comments right now to leave a punishment that me and Jerry you're gonna do over here this is Jerry to footy Pro because honestly I don't like when people blow up other people's things from on touch of me doing it to a thousand people but guys today's video is gonna be a lot of fun make sure you guys do like and subscribe if you guys are new as I go up the spiral staircase let's see if we can smash 1000 likes in 24 hours you guys have three seconds to like it if you don't I will no I will no I will I will find out and cry until you do hey guys today's app video if I go to sludge home raid I'm looking down at the floor right and there's a reason for this because if I go on f1 when we get all you know cinematic on it and we slowly scroll up with the mouse okay you can't that was really healthy climactic okay there is something up there I promise you there is a sky base there should be a sky base if it our G has been blown up I'm gonna cry this is everybody's most fun thing it's it's me building and probably gonna fall off I refuse to fall I refuse I am a climber and I know okay we've made pretty good progress I think this is where we leave like a little we'll set home pray to and then we keep going because if you guys don't know psycho gets in a bit glitchy when you place blocks to pretty much what happens is you like glitch into the one below you and fall out I thin it countless times I trying to raid stuff either raiding sky bases or either trying to raid anything in general but today seems to be like a good day I'm recording this pretty early in the morning it's like 9 a.m. right now so I'm getting my video done you know we're getting out of the way okay now's the time again we set a home raid too just to be perfectly safe and if I look up there's a guy online he's just seeing me hasn't they they can see me okay eff claim s2 is if there's stuff in this they're gonna end up taking it this could go completely wrong I'm not gonna lie this could go completely downhill 3 2 1 okay how close actually are we okay I can see the top 3 to hurry to set home raid 2 right there keep going dramatic music on black pearls on grey screen on K if we don't panic we'll be fine cuz if we panic we're dead okay there's two people online in this scare base right now they could be taking anything they could be taking the stuff they could be not taking the stuff this could be rich and we're gonna completely lose out which is gonna suck if it is okay we're literally like 10 blocks off and I can see a guy up there the good thing is they can't hit me because they're not actually enemy to my faction like we just found out he's not enemy to me goodbye mister let's have a look through these chests and see what's going on all they have spawn us all okay okay grab these grab these there we go and this could actually okay we need to PV all of these oh god I can't spell PV I'm in combat so anything in here oh my god took a dub of p4 okay I need to go quickly we have room on my HS I don't have room okay let's go home base and we could oh wait let's go it let's do it on here to home base and then we can come back and we'll put all those spoilers in a home base this is what we're gonna have to like transfer everything the good thing is now they don't have a home in that sky base so either way I could technically go down and fight the guy right now which would probably be way more fun it's set home rage right here and let's it go down and fight the guy if he wants to fight me I'm down to our weight I don't have any depth strategies or anything oh Jesus Christ now he hasn't found I don't really have anything this was a really better okay he just piled the wrong way we should be okay dodge oh thank you good thing is now this is my claims right so we should be okay to get out cuz this guy looks like he has a lot of stuff so let's just go below the ground let's just do this say never mind it didn't work we're gonna drown oh stop bowing me it's like okay we just need to play loop-d-loop with him I don't know why I jumped a loop-de-loop didn't work I just want to be after just give me that give me the dirt I just want to raid your skype base look I'm friendly really and friendly friendly this guy's not my friend his friend could actually be reading this stuff right now that's the issue can you stop okay yeah actually yeah do that I can just run away that works too backed right into water here we got a piece of dirt we're in lucky buddy Oh bye buddy I'll go this way now see you later this guy is the least friendly person not like I've just raided his base but that's not the point okay let's just run its hide in the trees he'll never know he's coming I dodged him maybe oh the tree okay he's he's definitely cheating he's not cheating I'm just terrible at this game okay run run let's get out of here and then we can go raid a sky base and then we can have the big PvP fight because this isn't usually where I wanted to do a big PvP fight go over here he's still chasing me okay I think they're both chasing me I think I saw two nametags life I so nervous I'm actually so nervous okay just run run into the hole f claim s2 lovely they jumped in with me it's exactly what we wanted we wanted this guy to jump in with me he's now in serious trouble he has pots and everything I don't I might die oh I'm dead I'm actually okay what dying's fine if you think about it right dying's okay wait I have a pickaxe oh I can get out of this I can't get out of this I died okay that's fine let's go home braid and go grab their own P for unless the guys the guy hasn't raided it okay we're fine do they have any p4 likes it's just we can have a look round they can't get back to their sky base right so let's just quickly nab everything before it all goes severely downhill that's what it the worst start to a raid I think I've ever had I don't think I'd all they have oh what's that East one person told at all that's mine we should really put armor on actually before before I play smash I rub that from a guy yesterday the day before I don't you know when it was okay so we can literally just like chill here now we don't have to worry about it they have to charm pages let's see if we can put these in our PV or HS do we have our charm pages we don't have any any chart pages okay we'll check out this TNT just put those in there and have a little look around they've got some instant creeper eggs some charged creeper eggs Oh a lovely set a p4 in here do they have p4 legs ok p4 legs if we look for one there should be one right why do you have everything but a helmet come on guys what are you doing oh that they also had pots I also could all that head cells at 85 K and we have two of them so let's stop panicking let's just go back to raiding this base sell that for some money and then we will go home base and getting really scared that they're gonna be like right below me let's put all this stuff away as quickly as we can and get ourselves geared back up just in case they do decide to like come straight back okay I need it I need up need helmet I need a p4 helmet okay people helmet lovely crapples okay we're nailing this right now and they have a load of pots in their base it's drinking in visits well just in case if like they look out its head back and start grabbing the rest of this stuff hopefully I can see the building up okay they want this sky base this is gonna be Oh leave me alone this is my Nelson I'm gonna make a defensive barrier okay defensive barrier has been made they do a cheat oh god I don't have any arrows oh no they have to have our O's I'm Taylor okay let's let's Knightly cut it out oh they have a bow I got em is one gone I killed him Bob okay go get his stuff that guy had a squid mask on and everything die go to it I'm gonna go try get it pulse pulse pulse pulse pulse I gotta manage to get him okay grab his stuff okay we got his squid mask that's lovely he's got a really cool bow which is now mine thank you okay this has gone way more personal than I thought it would these guys are now like instinctively just trying to kill me to get the guy stuff but even his stuff I know it's you like protection this guy's over here him or this guy has a full godsword okay we're getting out goodbye buddy you like ice back naked what are you doing there we go hit me hit me come on okay we can get out of this there we go we're out that's lovely okay okay I just need to stop panicking and we need to start raiding this base we need to go home braid we need to get off compact we have six seconds Oh God I could probably trap him right if I get an annihilation call and jump off I could kill both of them okay let's try it let's go home raid and what we need to do is try survive long enough to annihilation call beneath them okay let's head over to shop this raid has gone from actual raid to like a whole killing session you know probably gonna get me to monetize but that's fine okay we need base shop I don't know where base shop actually is okay we can buy anihilation course it's by three that's you know a lot of money and these guys are I'm not sure whereabouts they are let's drop down and see if they are down here hey they're not down here they might be getting like pots and stuff so while they're doing that let's actually try raid just to grab like the rest of the p4 and stuff because there's some pots in here confuse the look so we could do with those it's also a PV 1 here's squid mask just for you know the sake of it and let's see what else it's in this base so they've got like a little bit of like general p4 which was I think over here this is all p3 p4 which we are at you get a take let's put the pots away for a second because I don't think we'll die I say that we're probably gonna die the guys obviously if you guys are new this is a raiding server this is how these servers do work I think the fraction of us could do duo's I'm gonna message the punk og go and say where did you go it's in a friendly nature so I need to prepare myself here for actual like proper PvP I'm not actually ready like mentally or physically ok we lost our arrows we're gonna have to I think I peed them right we have a bowl infused alixus we've got anihilation course now we just need obsidian there we go and we have a good pic out there we sure do k I say should this might go very badly ok I can see him down there I can see him K let's give it a go but this my f claim s3 ok I got all those chunks now I have your bo buddy I need to be out of combat to get it to work so this could work this could not work okay they're both TPD to get up there without dying my heart is beating so fast okay may have got myself killed almost okay I just need to get out of combat and we'll be fine because as soon as I get off combat I can literally just place that annihilation call we need to get back at our claims though okay let's go this way so we need to only buy like seven seconds of time so if we get back in like another like obsidian thing we should be okay I can do it on the water too so if they hit me in we should be okay let's go this way let's go this way okay they both pulled that solves my problem hey this might actually work I had a pearl I could do it so disparate everything below it roof blocks from the wire level so I need them both here okay it's not work might work I just need to go right over them then we can do this did it work I think about I might kill myself okay I survived I killed okay that guy had a good oh my god this guy had like a natural good set and everything he sets us for nine hundred K okay let's just take a breather for a second - oh my god oh my god they messaged me bro you're so bad let's head back to home base I think that's them giving up but there's a sword over here that I might want to grab it see if there's anything actually on here no just peace just shut this for her looks like another helm over here not anything on that okay we're gonna go put that in the base and then we can finish off this raid oh my god he actually had good like a good set I'm putting on his set oh my god they had a really good bow as well okay let's put all this away let's put all the poopy stuff away that we're not you're not going to use put on annihilation cos await and were actually gonna put on this p4 set so let's put on his leg suits helmet chest plate there we go and also grab his tainted web sword as well okay we're now in a position where I think we win I think we've won that purely on the base of light like the fact they said like obviously gge like they said they had I had to do that so we're gonna look have a look and just see what else is left in this base before we end this video because there's actually there a bit of p4 left damage to get like a few spoilers I'm wondering if there were more that's my that's my question because these guys obviously like saw me I looked up and saw them and they were looking at me which means like they may have been able to take their stuff they said pathetic ace they've got some custom enchants in here I suspect six that's pretty good valiant for remedy tainted web miracle it will take I suspect six there's also another I suspect sixes take their it got cast away three I think this is really it for this sky base I'm not sure that actually is like that much left a little bit of p3 and I think that's gonna be our last inventory so what I'm gonna do is unclaimed this F unclaimed by for that be enough hey there we go that's enough so we're gonna leave put this all on our base and we're gonna end this video by opening up we're gonna open up one enchanted charm which obviously if you guys do have a rank you can't do every Friday flash claim perk I've already done mine today but I will show you guys in a second what an absolute anger right there that is crazy so if you guys do such claim per you guys will see every Friday if you have general you can actually claim an enchanted charm so I'm gonna open one right now I'm gonna head over to crepe gonna open it up and hopefully we're gonna get something worthwhile of that rage because that Raider was absolutely fantastic it was like a massive mix which I'm not exactly used to but we're gonna chuck it in okay it looks like in chat we got an arcane bow out of that that's actually a punch to bow which I think in itself is crazy because we actually just got punch one bow I mean punch dude right and we also got ourselves some creepers and what looks like a fabrication elixir so this is gonna be it for the end of this video thank you guys so much for watching make sure you guys do like and subscribe if you guys are new to typical smash a thousand likes I will see you guys tomorrow with another video thank you guys so much for watching that was crazy I need a lie-down
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 206,856
Rating: 4.9232721 out of 5
Keywords: factionsraven, factions raven, factionsraven raiding, raiding in minecraft, mine craft, minecraft, minecraft factions, raven, minecraft video, minecraft funny, no cursing, kid friendly, kid friendly minecraft, minecraft base, minecraft tnt, 1.8 minecraft, this RICH Minecraft Skybase was actually GUARDED by TWO online Minecraft players.. (INSANE), minecraft skybase, minecraft sky, rich minecraft raid, rich minecraft, minecraft pvp, minecraft skybase ideas
Id: CqaOG24t_yc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2019
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