i was raiding this rich Minecraft base.. but then i noticed ANOTHER PLAYER inside! (CRAZY)

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it honestly feels like years since the last time I've recorded obviously the last week has been like purely hide or hunt so we haven't had the opportunity to log on factions I haven't really logged on Skyblock I've taken this full week just to do absolutely nothing i sat at home and I did absolutely nothing but guys welcome back today through another episode of micro factions where today we are gonna be back at it with a raid you guys know it makes you guys do like the video subscribe if you guys are new with post notifications on let's see if we can hit TNT just uploaded from my body let's see if we can hit 1000 likes in under 24 hours if we can't that'll be fantastic guys we're gonna hop right into today's video after we wait for seconds we're gonna drink up an envious guys while searching for rate in the end I came across this bad boy look at those entities look at that eeen umber look at the e numbers you guys don't know entities are thing that's going on in a chunk so right now there are 70 things below me it could be spawn as it could be a farm it could be it could be Ryan it could be it could be otakus it could be the return of otakus we're not gonna know until we try it but no one I don't know actually know if anybody's online cuz if I f map right there's no one here there's no claims nothing we'd like the entities fluctuating I have like a weird feeling there might actually be some people online as you guys can see there's a hundred and seventy entities oh it's gone down to 74 K we should be getting pretty close now to the floor I'm so nervous okay we're gonna dig in a - we're gonna dig in a two-line just to be safe because I don't want to do is start mining and fall they will get into y27 right now we're 25 okay spongebob we should be getting close I'm a bit worried I'm not gonna lie because we're now at white 17 and there's nothing here this isn't normal okay we found quartz we found quartz the server is slightly laggy but we found quartz I don't hello hello nyeh oh whoa and Master banana face what are you doing over there huh okay it's time bring out the full inverse hit one of them's left they died okay this might be my chance going go and block up there we go we're actually in the base okay set home raid very very quickly you guys can see this is what people this is what must be causing all the entities of these item frames over here there's so much stuff to look at okay so this must be like all the entities I'm not actually sure what's this over here P for set P to set P one sir it's three of them a factions called go or power these guys have 300 claim that nothing claimed here they've got like a little vault okay we're gonna got these stairs what's up here people run run away okay do I claim this now or do I not that's the question we have to try figure out because I'm terrified we're gonna get ourselves caught like we're gonna die pretty much either way I'm terrified because what they could do if there are a T spawn is is they could just like claim their base and just run away I'd get nothing from this they've got a ladder that's a bad idea why did I do that oh my god they've got skeletons they have zombies okay let's hide in this corner it's set home rate - in here so we have one in each room now so worst-case scenario if we do actually die we do get the spawner what's in here they've got Wolf's bonus attack squid squid realm psycho PvP dough calm they've got skeletons in here that person has a blaze mask do I need help nobody's online that I know I have no friends online it's literally just me but it is going to be possible to kill these guys because we could maybe claim it after we've got these faunas so let's let's try it out actually let's just do it let's just go for the spawn us and if we get them we get them if we don't oh they're gonna know it's that it wasn't me it wasn't me it wasn't me it wasn't me there we go we're in here okay they don't have any zombies up at them in it I swear they shoot right and we've got skeletons over here they've got magma cubes over there do they tick I think they might have like mind they're zombies or something I'm not actually sure let's go back in this other room and drink another invisi let's just be safe drink our chug chug mine jump jump there we go zessica items up here dude err mining their spawn us or something the skeletons have all gone and we're gonna have to go back down back down we go has no one noticed I don't think anybody's noticed okay we're gonna have to be so careful about this because there's a person there on the squids bonus we bow nyah they are worth 150 k bow let's go 1.1 million dollars okay this could turn out to be insane raid or we could die they've turned around or out the wolves and run away I think anybody noticed they noticed it they notice I don't know okay we might have to claim F Maps they still haven't claimed was still good these skeletons must have been mined like fairly recently we still have like a whole chest room to look at as well with it's killing squid I need this person to leave this room we can steal their magma tubes okay let's go okay okay okay sorry I'm really sorry pv-1 let's get rid of all these wolf spawn it's just so if we die we still get something out of it though you're over here you are getting magma cubes that's love while they still have spawner sat here let's go to home radar first one and have a look through these chests because that's gonna give us some time to have a look through so they've got tea and tea and here load a charge tea and tea let's take all of this they've got some regular tea and tea some trenching TNT which we don't need and some like chess below I can't actually get those ok so let's have a look round they've got cobwebs in here we don't need those we need to have a look for the armor they've got some redstone stuff which we don't need all heads ok let's have a quick like whip through update every head see if anyone sells for money all $10,000 Oh ek 10k will leave the one that sells for 2k that's probably not gonna get as anything ok I think they're the only ones actually worth something so let's sell all these okay so this is what says p4 set so let's grab they've got people ok oh oh I saw someone face let's get out of here for a second let's put our armor back or put the armor back and let's like put all this away too if we die we don't lose everything let's put it in our very fancy chests we need to make sure we still have our set on us let's put away this get this back out and we will slash back it well drink another inves quickly before we go and we are gonna now try grab usefulness we're gonna give it our best shot they've got some bandits stuff in here well looks like just some random stuff in these chests we obviously come have a look later guys if you guys enjoy minecraft raiding obviously this isn't minecraft like raiding server make sure you guys do like and subscribe we post a vacation zon I actually did just get discord partner as well obviously this is a bad time to say it all but guys you can join my discord out a discord GG such factions Raven link on the screen right now thank you easy plug right there at the squids I need hexa to leave to I can grab what's he doing like so what are you doing but how many are there can I check ok there's 6 magma cubes that's a lot of money for us I'm really scared about trying to get these spawn as though mainly for the fact that like these skeletons have disappeared like completely disappeared like there's no zombies there's no skeletons there's actually nothing hey there grinding skeletons now that's good I need you to leave the squids so I can grab those I want to see very surprised they haven't seen particles in litchi that looks like nobody on this server has particles I think we're gonna have to go with the old fybel tactic so let's drop a fireball here did anybody notice nobody notice I dropped a fireball in everything we literally might just have to go all out right now I don't want to do this I might have to claim and just start slaying people oh I'm gonna feel so bad but this is obviously a factions raiding server this is what the server is all and it will give us a chance because we've had a look through the chest and it's not looking like they have like quite a lot of stuff they do have a lot a lot of Spawn --is so that's gonna be what we've come here for and if we have to claim to do it I'm okay with that you know I I would be okay with that personally hey they've got another p4 set let's take this some crapples as well put all this away there we go and let weekly okay we're gonna claim and we're gonna go for it guys drop a like right now for this endeavor we're gonna give it a go I think we should go straight for the person with the magma cubes this is my thought there's two people in there okay if I f claim okay we're going we're going we're going all right that's two gone now we need to quickly go get these magma cubes come on go go go let's go let's go get over get them I think they got rid of their grinding sword oh I didn't think about that okay we got him nice okay why am i panicking so much these guys had a blaze mask on okay I didn't want to have to kill them I think that stitch is the only way we were gonna be able to get these spoilers these guys were sat here ready for us this herd sells for 200k this head to here sells for $30,000 there's another one in here wrap this this one sells for 73 K and we also got a blaze mask out of it which is actually you know that's pretty nuts getting a blaze mark I think that guy actually did get rid of like his actual stuck his sword I think we were just a little bit too lately maybe we should have gone for him first now we just have this base to roam around him at the end of video I will be unclaimed nging it back to the people it's only so I can raid it I know but let's PV these squid spawn us and let's have a locate these magma cubes are gonna be mine now okay I'm still curious to where these skeletons went because wait someone just messaged me I am here raiding is well in this base invisible is this the guy that stole the skeletons okay this videos has taken a turn message footed protégée take the skeletons okay if this actually is true me and this guy have both been raiding this base at the same time okay he said he took the skeletons and zombies and they didn't notice I said come out we can raid together me and his guy I've been in this exact same base I how I say that people need to like check with particles and stuff and there's been an invis guy in here the entire time okay I'm gonna TP footie Pro here back and hit him this is what has happened I only came to trailer base because I saw a hundred entities and this guy right here let me hit him so he's out of him was there you go you're good dude this guy it's been just everywhere what's he been doing was he okay I think we're gonna start raining together I'm gonna leave all the p1 and stuff for him because he obviously seems like a new player I honestly can't believe this guy could have claimed it any minute and completely ruined my rate he could have completely ruined it but this guy's been in the base this entire time with me and I didn't even know okay let's give him this p4 set there you go but and well also I think we'll split some of the supporters with him we'll give him like two magma cubes and one squid because obviously this guy right now could have literally ruined our raid generally just completely ruined it honestly I've never had that happen before I've never got into a base and then another guy be in there too at like the exact same time so these guys have a few custom in chance it's not looking like I think I will leave this game they betrayed me you're welcome to join sub - rayvin don't mean this guy we've hit it off he can join subterra even because obviously I mean Ryan moved out of a faction but I kind of had to leave his 1 because I wasn't actually promoted so I actually had to leave it so I could like claim and like unclaimed stuff or like enemy people which is many the video I did here so we're gonna have to get Ryan back on this and let them know what happened so YF invite a tour t pro you can join raven gang or subterranean whatever you guys do want to call okay so the p1 and stuff can be all here so we'll take all these p3 helmets and stuff yeah they've got some pots in here or mod footy pro why not a guy I have literally just met day looking like there's not that much left in this base obviously the blaze mask I'm gonna I'm gonna stick it on right now look at that it's almost over for as well these guys have a lot of war zone XP pay no more crapples did we checked all these heads but there's a few who that sell for like 4k maybe if I update them they might be worth a bit more no it will sell these too because it's a little bit extra money I think we actually got near enough like 400k from that like from are selling their head so they've got some armor in here another p3 set which we're gonna take lovely they've got a silk touch pick and some more crap boys and obviously guys like I've said this is a raiding server so obviously the whole point of this is to raid is to like find people's bases and stuff and I think what we're gonna do right now is we are gonna leave this guy's base we're gonna leave their base and honestly I'm not sure whether I actually do want to join an eff top faction because obviously me and Ryan are living unclaimed right now but there's we see a lot we need to do so the next few episodes of overlord until reset are going to be like some leveling out a lot of grinding we're not going to be doing that many it's also we're gonna have Skyblock as well but I think what we're gonna do is we're gonna leave this right here we're gonna oh I don't mean to do such wild I already use that we're gonna head over to spawn and we are gonna be leaving their base I don't know how I went to spawn when I kind of have to go to my base I kind of have to go home home base like that uh I hate this glitch okay there we go we're back put all this stuff in the chest and we actually did get quite a lot of money from that quickly if what I do is we go to spawn a shop and we have a look at what we got we got five wolves got six magma cubes and two squids I think that touchu what we got so we'll have a look at how much that is so two squids okay I'm gonna I'm gonna need my calculator because I'm not as smart as I used to be back in back in the day one hundred and seventy thousand times - okay and then we got ourselves we got ourselves five wolves so then okay and then we got ourselves I think it's six magma cubes so that's another 1.5 mil so we actually got ourselves a ten gentleman drumroll please make sure you guys people like 2.5 million dollars worth of spoilers just from that face what's Mikey doing Mikey's impressed aren't you Mikey but we've got 2.5 million dollars worth of spoilers out of that which is actually crazy but guys honestly thank you so much for watching today's video I think that is where we're gonna leave it our new friend soccerpro hopefully should be killing it right now thank you guys so much for watching hope you guys are excited now for some more actions some more Skyblock obviously Tyler hunt now being overthink I thank you so much for watching I hope you guys did enjoy make sure you guys who like and subscribe like I did say let's see if we could smash 2,000 likes and I will see you guys tomorrow with another episode of skywalk
Channel: FactionsRaven
Views: 187,024
Rating: 4.8891058 out of 5
Keywords: factionsraven, factions raven, factionsraven raiding, mine craft, minecraft, minecraft factions, raven, minecraft video, minecraft funny, kid friendly minecraft, minecraft base, old school minecraft base, underground minecraft base, minecraft tnt, 1.8 minecraft, i was raiding this rich Minecraft base.. but then i noticed ANOTHER PLAYER inside! (CRAZY), rich minecraft base, rich minecraft faction, factionsraven face, factionsraven factions ep 1, minecraft hide or hunt
Id: nd_ot20kzzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2019
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