this RAIDED Minecraft Base was SECRETLY HIDING *$40,000,000* (MUST WATCH)

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this probably is and I know I say this a lot on my channel my dumbest idea yet now basically if you guys don't know it bring back the start of my fashion series I was in a faction called hope so they changed their name now they're called food but I found something today which is perhaps the weirdest thing in the world if I head over to home raid it's my hotbar you can see it and press Enter takes five seconds but that's what time is about basically these guys did actually end up getting raided now the fun thing about this is they weren't fully radiant I know it sounds a bit weird but pretty much let me put back the the good pre person will get the poopy ones back if I head into here you guys will see these pillars here these pillars here these watered ones are full of money these are full of skeletons bonus and we have the easiest way in the world to raid them so right here you guys can see skeletons are right here if I do chunk info below this there is 8 million dollars here and if I head over to this other one if I just take my time here we go it's 36 million dollars in this base we're getting close to 40 million dollars pretty much out of this their mistake that they've made is one chunk of this base in this little corner here it's unclaimed so pretty much all I have to do is fire like all bits with sand over on here and we're eight million dollars Richard that's that's literally how this is gonna be be if you guys do enjoy micro functions make sure you guys are liking subscribing watching to the end the video and obviously turning on post notifications wow I'm really out of breath from doing all this so the thing is I kind of blow up my staircase so we're gonna have to we have to redo the staircase I'm honestly I'm fantastically known for having really bad ideas this is actually one of them because the main thing is we obviously need to get through to the other side and and I can't really do that without blowing it up so we're gonna have to go back around and do it that way but hopefully today we could actually be leaving with probably about 10 million dollars which is a lot of money let's see if we can smash deme you'll get yourself over here right now because okay right how many likes are we gonna go for in 24 hours it's key that we get the right amount we obviously want a good amount which is obviously gonna you know I pop the video because this video is hype I'm totally not wasting time waiting for my pearls so any time today that we're really be appreciated thank you you want 14 likes you heard a six-and-a-half likes in this video and she will do nothing this is pointless okay so pretty much I think we're here we coulda need to break that top block as well so maybe if I have a levitating creeper okay so what we'll do is we'll put our levitating creeper here and we will do all T to block the roof okay we're good and now what we can do is all we have to do now is just fire stand that is literally our job let's disconnect the scatter make sure everything's okay and if we face and nail right and I hope to god this works we do that and the sand had chilly stacked okay this is the best idea I've ever had why don't I do this more often this is amazing okay right I'm ready for this I'm hyped but basically the way I'm able to do this is one chunk in there base is fully unclaimed so now what we can do is just sit here and read ten million dollars it's never been easier for someone like me honestly but I think my ideas just get weirder as the videos go on I'd have to say but that that's always the fun of it right let's stack up again just so we know we have enough sand and it's fun it's stacking one at a time so a few more shots and we should be okay where's that gonna land I can I can see it landing I can see it making progress so at least we're making a fair bit of progress the one thing I am worried about is we're not gonna be able to get that 40 million dollars made for the fact that it's in the other corner now I can't obviously cannon sideways I can't get that over there so I might maybe get a friend and see if a friend knows how to do it but we are getting very very close I mean this nicely we are getting very very close and obviously these guys are my old faction but we want the loop we want the free so that's what we're going for here on this channel free stuff and that's it here we go this should now stack again now it's been a long time since I've done a cannon raid or especially like a small light cannon raid but we basically have to stack think maybe this shot we might be able to do okay this shot we're gonna go for it we're gonna see if it's gonna work I need all of your love in the comments down below otherwise this will not work like Demi said six likes or it doesn't work let's do this come on please all I want for Christmas is a trillion dollars worth of bonus if you could just give it to me we in we are not in are we not in at all that's do nothing okay I only go get a potato and as you see if this obsidian is breaking because otherwise we're gonna be here for a while so what I might have to do is I might I say might lightly I might have to take a cut here and come back when we actually do have eight million dollars because we want the eight million dollars obviously at one potato if I was Ryan that's why I'd say and let's see did it do anything or it's one out of three durability okay right what I'm gonna do is take a cut here and do some one stacking I'll be back with you guys hopefully when we have eight million dollars all right a little bit of time has passed and now should be the time where this works I say this lightly if this works we get 8 million dollars if it fails I have to sit here and do it again though we're gonna ditch fire and hope to god that it breaks maybe please don't break all the spoilers we in we did it okay we actually managed to do it that's a free eight million dollars just sat right in here come on give it to me oh my god here we go okay let's do this nicely okay well we get the first one this isn't a silk touch okay I knew that okay and now have a silk touch six skeletons bonus that is so much money okay Oh God what's in here in here we have ten skeleton spoilers which is even more money ticks is that way ten is higher than six I didn't say that okay we're quickly gonna have to head back a home base just so we can actually put these away because I'm scared otherwise someone's gonna come back and kill me I don't think anybody's actually in their faction well it's always the thought okay it's always the thought I just have to be safe oh my god alright we're doing fantastically well today but if you guys to enjoy there say she you guys are liking and subscribing if you guys do enjoy writing another ten skeleton spawner is the easiest thing in the world I've never found it so much easier to get three things but now what we have to do is we have this whole base to look at right because we have this chunk right here that we can do whatever we want with we can do anything we want with this actually what I can do is I've just realized if I F claim as one if Matt let's see if they're actually over claimable what they are they over claim ball no not over claim ball we need like one more person to leave that faction and we're gonna put on slash fly and then what we're gonna do is be able to obviously like have a little look around because there is actually more low this base as you guys see here there's a like a cobble box they've got an obsidian box here which we could do some TNT with as I think their claims start oh wait this is ours okay I can just mine into this okay no we're doing a pretty good job right now because this base is actually raided this still might be some stuff or was this okay we got p3s alright I'll take that like I was saying there might actually be some stuff left over in this base from when they actually did get raided as you guys couldn't tell there are holes in the walls everything is blowing up in this base oh my god okay that's like a dub of like half a dubs re I can't I can't see apparently okay we've got a load of armor in here so this base is actually not as raided as I thought it was which is a massive surprise some some poopy swords some bows but in here hello he will take that that's obviously good honesty right I think we've made so much money already from this tiny tiny little bass or the bass that was actually raided I still can't believe this bass was previously raided and they didn't move any of the skeletons pawn us out and we were able to get eight million dollars now like a good few dubs of armor as well honestly though like gt2 these guys these guys are actually my old faction but obviously I didn't even know this was gonna be a thing I just saw one missing claim I was hoping they'd be over claim ball because then we'd be 40 million dollars richer instead of ten this base is actually hiding 40 million dollars I I know it seems like a lot when I say it that's a lot of spoilers it's a lot of money forty million dollars could easily put you at eff top like number 11 like if I F top 2 it could put you probably around number 14 just the spoilers alone though with everything else in this base it's definitely worth like such a good amount of money obviously this is gonna be going straight back to my new faction if you guys are wondering what faction I am actually in I am in my old faction free camp with I only remember who was in the fact with Mikey yep Mikey's brilliant that looks like pretty much all of it from that vault we seem to have grabbed pretty much everything we didn't plan to oh no we still got some legs so we did a fantastic job I mean honestly I'm very surprised this actually did happen let's turn our flight back on in terms of the fly back out of here they've got another box at the bottom they've got a box in the corner a lot of these we could get very very easily literally by just slicing some TNT next to some of the stuff but what we'll do here is we will just get a little bit of TNT and what we'll do is we will just light it because this should get us into this box and hope to god that we get in maybe there's something amazing in this box there could be it didn't blow up at all by it's going on it's it's the Raven away for things to not work at all we place on this block or we can't okay hey let's just blow it from here then let's just blow all this up there we go is it are we still not in am i failing to do this okay listen box you have outsmarted me this time but when I happen a second time back it looks like generally just so maybe like member boxes and stuff down here it doesn't look like anything great but does it like is this base still hasn't recovered from when it was previously raided because if you guys don't remember this was the main base from earlier on in my series this is the main thing what we can do here we can buy a few sponges and sponge the wall here and then what we can do is on top of this just place one bit tea tea and we should actually be in yet my dog agrees but it's not a happy boy but pretty much right I think that is basically it for this raid I'm pretty sure I don't know there's a box here and we get in this box if we've been in this box no we haven't okay right the raid it does not end here the rate does not end until I say so board do is we will blow this whole area and hopefully we can get in this box okay now we blow up some infuse buckets and stuff it like great gear what I do wanna figure out is how we can get into here because in here like I said earlier if you guys were not paying attention it's 36 million dollars now if there's a way we could maybe get in that'll be amazing I'm not sure obviously we can't cannon or anything so I might just try some creepers obviously the cannon we have is there we can't make it go like all these sideways if we could that'll be amazing but I might just try maybe some like charge creepers and stuff okay it doesn't look like charge creepers are gonna work at all I don't want to do anything without like having to fully raid the base it still might be worth it like raiding the entire base maybe get like these boners right here because like I said it's so much money it is 40 million dollars I just messed that up for myself their old place like in this tiny tiny little thing here if we can actually manage to get in that would be fantastic by honestly I don't think it's gonna work because right now we just keep messing ourselves up no it looks like we're not getting any luck and looks like we have actually ruined it by flooding the entire area maybe if they go over claimable that would be a way we could get it is we could just claim the spawn ACEF who food it looks like they don't have that many people like actually online maybe if they like no like one person left the faction teen let's check out or row to see if he will like seven hours okay I think we might be literally out of luck I think that 8 million dollars was definitely hello six hours ago yeah I think that eight million dollars definitely a flu I'm gonna go with it being a good fluke because this base is hiding forty million dollars and you better know I'm coming back for the rest I'm coming back for this right here this is what I want I want those 40 million in spoilers even have like a gap here space is not very well protected like at all especially because they had that one chunk unclaimed it's definitely made it like so much easier to raid he's guys don't have that many walls maybe we could Oh they've got a fair bit of walls I think okay we might be in trouble looks like definitely there is a lot of a wall yeah that's that's still going at the back okay I don't think raving this with a cannon is gonna be an option because of how much stuff or how many walls they actually have so at this point my audio cut out when it was the end of the video now that is where we are gonna leave today's video I did open some chomp which you guys can do if you guys do buy ranked every Friday with flash claim perk you guys can see if you get general rank you get all these charms for free every single Friday if you guys did enjoy this video and enjoy this raid make sure you guys you leave a like and subscribe we're leaving this rate with near enough probably about ten million dollars which is a lot of money from a raided base now thank you guys so much for watching like I said if you guys do subscribe with TNT coming out of my body I see you guys tomorrow good bye
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 97,031
Rating: 4.911521 out of 5
Keywords: factionsraven, factions raven, factionsraven raiding, raiding in minecraft, mine craft, minecraft, minecraft factions, raven, minecraft video, minecraft funny, no cursing, kid friendly, minecraft base, minecraft tnt, 1.8 minecraft, this RAIDED Minecraft Base was SECRETLY HIDING *$40, 000, 000* (MUST WATCH), rich minecraft faction, rich minecraft house, hidden minecraft base 1.14, raiding rich minecraft faction, factionsraven rich, cursed minecraft, unlucky
Id: 9rBju3riqK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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