this ABANDONED Minecraft Base has *$10 MILLION* INSIDE.. (MUST WATCH!)

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so like usual I was gonna start this video off normally turns out we're doing this for you with with the devil incarnate and we've also got a guy from skate 2 over here so these guys are my new friends hello yes I like you you you scare me a little okay no I like you cut back cut back everything's okay everything's okay I will look after you psych about I said welcome back today oh my god my voice is just doing bits to another episode of factions where today we're gonna be doing intense things over here on the channel alright we're gonna be doing scary things the devil incarnate is still following me he wants to take my money you guys if you guys don't know over the last few days or the last week and a half two week I've been kind of in and out of hospital I haven't been very well there will be a full video on that soon which will kind of explain everything I've got some operations booked soon but sometime will be taken off but right now I'm feeling okay apart from a cold i also have a cold everything's going our everything's going wrong for me okay everything that could go wrong is going wrong but we are not going to be worrying about that today because today ladies and gentlemen we do have a raid hopefully on the channel it's a pretty dumb idea I say this a lot if you guys can smash two thousand likes that will be very much appreciated we're gonna head over now the home raid home raid is where we are going to go four three two and this will take a little little bit of explaining now this obviously from first glance looks awfully raided if I do F map is well you guys can see there are three claims right here are three claims and there's one claimed by are two claims by a guy called dad stuff and one claimed by faction called Valkyrie if alpha Valkyrie you guys will notice these guys are worth ten point eight million dollars a title probably say fifteen it's accurate rounding but pretty much these guys have 48 claims and ten million dollars in spawner so if I go to I think they have top for all of their spoilers are stored okay and this base it may look grated but it's not on the inside now the good thing about this is there is chess so this could be a raid it could be nothing all their spoilers are stored and these are the only claims I can actually find I've looked for most of the morning but the easiest way we are going to get into this base it's honestly it's a talent at this point being able to do stupid stuff like this so the chests that we won't actually get into the chests that we want to actually go have a look at they are right here that leather literally they're literally here and here is pure wilderness so all we have to do is F claim s1 I can't claim an unclaimed what is this I can't even okay my plans been ruined take I guess we're not claiming I guess this is what happening now so pretty much what we are now we're gonna have to do is we are gonna have to create ourselves a cannon now obviously this is gonna have to be very very high-tech we're gonna I want the best cannon in the world obviously that's why I've signed up for the job and hopefully today we are gonna become 10 million dollars richer alright we could leave with nothing we could have wasted money but that's that's the fun of it think I'm the only one not having fun but hopefully we should be able to pull this off now the idea I have it's very very upper class it's very you know technical project years scientists been trying to replicate what I like to call the master cannon master cannon it's taken me six seconds to me okay a little bit of time right it's passed probably bout six seconds I am now noticing a flaw at the fact that you know the big explosion is gonna happen probably about three feet from my face this could go entirely wrong or this could go fantastically this is this is what we do on this channel we we make memes and we ruin people's dreams right that's not a good thing okay so what we're gonna have to do is Boop this into this this is then gonna boot that to there and then we're gonna become rich I'm gonna click Play and this videos gonna get a million views okay here we go breast flicky flicky flicky area obviously hi-tech I have just killed myself I'm alive I knew this was gonna happen I thought of everything so main problem it didn't work it didn't go according to plan obviously this this obsidian base has been built with the highest amount of security I didn't network I can't like it in this it's literally an obsidian bar okay we're gonna try what I like to call bland B now this plan is obviously it's a bit of a bit of a different plan gonna go for the old pushy pushy technique so you do this and you do that you know what why is this not working it's literally the tiniest base in the okay I'll be right like yeah if you just walk up there is okay I'm gonna say this and you're not allowed to laugh and unclaimed okay like imagine this right there is one claim I am physically incapable listen I said I wasn't gonna ask to help Mikey I'm asking for help okay Mikey this is not time to laugh because everyone in the comments is gonna laugh at me I had to get help I know okay yes it's funny get over it's very difficult I'm almost killed myself trying to do this all I need I do Mikey I don't even know if anything's in there okay all I need is your help getting in it's one claim one claim it's dry obsidian and I can't get in that's I bought dispenses as well I wasted so much money on this raid I wasted so much money dude I bought dispensers I had a really cool cannon lined up it blew up it tried to kill me I almost died I blew up TNT that didn't work I'm out of options I'm a genius so I did it oh I'm gonna cough thanks Mikey I can't stop coughing thank you for the help I don't need you anymore you are useless goodbye Mikey thank you for the help yeah thanks loser oh I just need to tap out and the discord cool Thank You Mikey I love you the rest of the rest go bye-bye okay we managed to do it okay we had to get Mikey my reason not because I didn't know how to do it because I was letting someone else take over that that's really my plan but what we broke into seems to be a melon farm now this obviously not worth money if I have topped for these guys do have 78 spoilers stores we have a look through they've got some cows they've got 15 skeletons which is four point five mill at they've got some zombies some squid no spiders or anything so it's looking like like a good variety of spawn us that may be in their space now obviously they could not be in this base is a sign here afk corner loll that must be that must be for whether the FK people sit we've got some steak it looks like I mean we can sell this for money right sell and oh no no sellable items okay yeah we can't sell the steak we can however sell the lever and we can also sell the raw beef we've got chess here you guys can use the spoilers but after you're done mind them up a silk touch in the same chest a Healey now is this guy f who le ok this guy is actually the owner of the faction so this could be bass where the good things happen this could be the base where the clickbait happens this is a Healey stuff he's got some armor and hit now these chests we're gonna leave til last because this mentions spaulos and is silk touched in the same chest so it could be here at you what's this oh okay I think we managed to find the sporters oh my god okay oh my god okay ladies I'm just repeating myself at this point I don't even know what I'm saying but this is a lot of money this is Shelton spoilers we've got the zombie spawn us we also have a pig spawner we won't talk about that one what we're gonna do is head over to home vault but all this awaits we're not even done looking at the rest of these chests I actually just wanted to open up the little stray one and that means that double chests probably does have this bonus if you guys do enjoy or like my craft raid in case you guys do like in subscribe okay listen I've said it once this video I've said it once okay oh my god hello now if we just have a look through everybody's stuff see if there's anything worth taking aquatic blade 5 ok that's rare corrupt or a 5 across to play for we won't take that toxic spore 5 don't take others things without asking I'm not taking I am borrowing I am borrowing everything ok this guy's got some fishing rods hot dog you have not really that much good stuff damn Cass also you know not like getting that much stuff okay we've gotten over at TNT we've got annihilation course creeper eggs okay so this base Oh backstab five these three space is actually insanely rich my question is right and maybe you guys can alter this in the comments why would you have a base may or may not have ten million dollars in it with one claim they said this is the only claim they have in this base is right here I'm failing to understand what's going on we've also got some cobwebs and stuff so we will actually just move everything back to the vault I think that's gonna be the best thing to do because this base is obviously very very well defended also if you can hear it in my voice alright yes I have a cold leave me alone but all this now has made us an insane amount of money they need these annihilation calls right here they are two hundred thousand dollars each okay this isn't close there's so much money on the server right now it actually insane so pretty much this looks like I think all of this from here is there a ladder further down or maybe a ladder further up gains some more chests up here a little bit of obsidian we'll take all this as some diamonds there are lucky diamonds sell thank you very much they've got up here it looks like this is where they maybe had this bonus a skeletons and stuff may have been like right here and obviously the cows and stuff were above gray so now we need to go back to the chests that makes sure nothing else in these two nothing hidden in any funny illnesses and this is the chest okay we saw at the beginning of the video this is the chest that could make us insanely Remi come here this chest I know I've got a I don't know I'm quarantined in this in this section of the room in the corner okay this this chest could have roughly ow if we're doing statistics right like eight million dollars in it this chest so I want you to press it because then if there isn't anything in it it's it's your fault and it's not my fault so I have a wireless mouse so I'm just gonna pick it up I'm gonna give it to you and you are just gonna press right click you know what that is don't you it's about reading we're gonna count down from five to get this video to ten minutes just to generally count down from five okay you ready five four three two okay you lied you liar but there's things in here okay okay if these bonus are not all level one this is a massive win no okay okay we found the rest of this bonus Danny you are an absolute legend okay this is I think glitch eat the majority by Demi what we now have is everything these guys had stored but why in the world do you put it in the tiniest most unclaimed base ever I mean even though it's claimed it's basically unclaimed it may have taken me 15 minutes to hello but why would you not put this in an actual base these guys have the opportunity if I F who Valkyrie have almost 400 claims and these spoilers are in a base currently with one claim one right not two not three what the what going to do now is just scoop the rest of this stuff up this is ours now it's our property I haven't asked before borrowing like the sign said but it's okay I honestly think that is gonna be the end of this video I I know my voice is going you don't have to laugh at me in the comments everybody's gonna make some comments like voice it's gone I don't write that's what cold still to you welcome to the United Kingdom okay I'm joking I love you all please don't leave me but there is basically everything we have been just taken ten million dollars on this faction from a base that look lately empty we got so lucky I don't see if you guys did enjoy this episode of factions we are now gonna leave this base I'm gonna go tend to my illnesses maybe record another video we'll see how it goes if you guys did enjoy it make sure you guys do like and subscribe with post notifications on I'll be very much appreciated let's see if we get smash 2000 likes for this rate it will be very much appreciated okay listen it's my first video back I'm out of hospital I have a cold you basically have to like the video otherwise you're just a bully thank you guys so much for watching though it does mean the world to me and I hope you guys did enjoy me and my new Chester's bonus we're gonna go have some fun and this faction probably gonna be very mad I will see you guys tomorrow have a good day good bye now
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 62,775
Rating: 4.9326348 out of 5
Keywords: factionsraven, factions raven, factionsraven raiding, raiding in minecraft, mine craft, minecraft, minecraft factions, raven, minecraft video, minecraft funny, kid friendly, kid friendly minecraft, minecraft base, 1.8 minecraft, secret minecraft base, raided minecraft, hidden minecraft base, hidden base, rich minecraft raid, must watch raiding, insane minecraft raid, insane minecraft, funny raid factions, this ABANDONED Minecraft Base has *$10 MILLION* INSIDE.. (MUST WATCH!)
Id: -UWSSCIs5xg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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