so i almost couldn't raid this Minecraft base.. but then I found some breakable blocks in the walls!

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all right so we came across this base right here now this base at first glance looked very very difficult to rate until I had a closer look and I noticed this block right here it was able to be fireballed into let's say this rate was insane I hope you guys do enjoy make sure you guys do subscribe on the road to 50,000 subscribers and let's get this underway but these guys have severely messed up right this base would be completely unreadable by myself I am NOT like skilled enough at all to can in this base what I am just good enough to do is to look for things like this now if you guys don't know what this does basically it creates a thing which I can do another thing into another thing too if I fireball okay preferably act the thing that probably might help we've bought a stack of fireballs this is what we wanted this is the situation we needed for and here we go hopefully there we go we are in near enough to this space right let's chuck a pole in right now there we go right guys make sure you guys liked today's video if you guys do enjoy Minecraft raiding I post new enough every day now had some issues with content last few days but you know we back with a banger and we're gonna have to wait again for another fireball because these guys have severely made a massive mistake by placing one nether AK right here it basically allowed their whole base to get raided but we can go either way right now we can go up or down guys make sure we smash over a thousand likes on today's video I would say it's a large to go you know but it's something I feel like we're gonna hear so what we did there is fire balled up into here and this should actually be spawn as in this room this is what we should actually be going for hopefully hopefully if everything goes right because if I F who smite there should be yeah there's four people online right now as CSIS segment you got Christian emerald numbers and Joey and Joey seems like a cool guy but we should have a fireball now three seconds everyday we are in to this base fully I don't know whether I ruined it all that he wasn't any spawner let's see if we can pull up onto here so we can take a better look at the situation oh here we go there are mushrooms there are rabbits cows we've got ourselves what is that what are you what are you Carol's more cows yes nothing and nothing is that it is that a we go all right to be honest I'm gonna take it oh wait are those horses not cows okay my comets are gonna roast me for that one bite wanna see what we need to do is just raid pretty quickly to be honest we're in this like massive obsidian box like I said guys make sure you guys do like and subscribe if you guys do enjoy factions raiding we're just gonna PV these spawn us there we go it's the best thing to do all right we need to be sneaky just in case honestly if anyone comes back because I know we're the only people like in this base right now because we'd be able to see a nametag hopefully we'll grab these cows too that's another two cows we'll take those two because we need to raid this sneakily this is what we need to do we need to go around very very carefully and take all their spawn as it's looking like this not that G that many looking like 2 to 3 in each tier Rajanna see isn't that bad of value but oh we've got 5 mushroom out of that that's a good amount I'm happy with that honesty I probably want it expecting it to work that easily they do have a load of chess here I am actually quite scared to open this because okay we're just gonna we're just gonna fly through these chests as fast as possible just because if anyone cuts back I don't get caught - mushroom heads we'll take them and three of em FH cow they will just sell these it's looking like all the loot is near the top there's a sword there some leather I'm gonna sell all this leather and raw beef because honestly it sells for money let's just sell hand all all of these get as much money at this rate as possible shot miss 5 magmatic blade for dual strike four that's a pretty good sword I mean that's our sword now right let's take the rest of this stuff here we go and sell hand oh and then grab this back and sell hand oh so hopefully no one actually does come back into this base raw beef again I'm breaking he's got some wood stuff I do want to check every single chest just before we move any further like up or down into this base mainly because I don't want to miss something that could potentially get us a lot of money okay look like the base is completely empty apart from these bonus so let's go out the way we came in and let's fireball down apparently not we didn't want to do that one but honestly I can't believe people who still do things like this it's absolutely nuts we actually should be able to see through the border of what we're looking at right now so above us looks like oh I don't think we can able to get above us because of that obsidian there okay I think that obsidian mighty stop are so you might just have to go down but looks like an obsidian box there hopefully there should be a way into it and then I think we can just continuously go down that's what I'm gonna guess this they've done this on one floor they're gonna really come on really is fireballs do they just not work are they in destructive it's netherrack indestructible have we been stopped mid raid by a piece of nether act the one thing that goes into this base is now gonna stop us getting in cuz we can't even creeper it because there's no like available air pockets because I do it you have water breathing on right now unlike envision stuff - one okay no it did work eventually just took like four tries as usual so this just looks like a big obsidian box I'm not sure what's gonna be inside of this it seems to be a dry spot there but I really you can't break obsidian without like TNT so we can't a creeper I get I mean we can try places take some we're honestly not sure if it's worth it to be honest we might just want to go down to the next floor and just kind of see what goes on let's do that let's try fireball this spot here and if it breaks it breaks if it doesn't it doesn't okay looks like nothing broke honestly fireballs hate me today if we get stopped mid raid because the fireballs I'm not going to be happy come on we just got a little bit further to go just another 18 seconds this whole video is just gonna be cut into me and fireball it's pretty much 8 seconds it's all we have left in our lives I guess while we're waiting we could actually try grab a creeper egg and just try like flint and steel it just see if it's gonna pop anything inside the base if we just spin still this guy nothing at all okay do I have any more I've got 15 I'll take the four normal creepers and what we'll do is we'll just race say go just around the sides just if we can get into this obsidian box it would be nice I'm not really gonna like worry about it if we do get in on up but if we do if we do if we don't if we don't there we go we fireball down now to the next here okay I'm good right hang on a sec this is obsidian right now they have two cobblestone blocks here and it looks like another boxes maybe planned to go there so I think what we need to do is just creep rake in this corner here luckily we bought our so did it do sex just not want to work what everything is indestructible today why is it breaking why is it breaking that are you broken is this block broken hello there better be a charge creeper somewhere right I need to ask my faction if we have charged creepers because apparently normal creepers don't want to work try again why isn't that working okay we got it we got it okay I just have to hit it slightly we yet you didn't need a good creeper you know we just have to use a normal one I don't know why people are making Falls like this right there it's literally breakable blocks you can just walk into the base like this oh this is a chest room okay right I'm gonna raid this probably full invisible to be completely honest this is what I'm planning on doing if I rate this full invisible the leader of the faction has just messaged me are you here no no sir I am NOT I am nowhere okay let's just look through these chests because if someone comes back into this chest room and we get what was that head is that worth anything no it's completely worthless lovely this one is called arrow food anything in arrow food or a sword in an axe efficiency 5 not really that important some starter armor looking like this base is actually pretty empty your pie from spawn us maybe the people living here we're using it as more like a spawner base so this looks pretty good set p2 we might go back and take that if there is nothing else some wood sword we've still got one more little row of chester o through and we all actually have this whole room to go through so we do have actually quite a lot to go through p1 still so maybe I'm thinking this might not be the main box because obviously these guys are worth like eighty million dollars so this is their main base I'd be very very surprised to be completely honest but we have all this to go through so let's just shift our way through it's like oh is that tea and tea we'll take two stacks to charge tea and tea why not it's free it's in p4 there we go we're getting to the good stuff I can already tell that we've we had to go through the poopy stuff to get through the good stuff five diamonds lucky diamonds of course awesome p3 let's take all of this right now this is actually gonna be nuts we'll take all this back to the vault okay I've ended up just go get on my legs this one's good spawn us nothing in obsidian nothing in that was the TNT one think we have run out of luck when it comes to chests rooms because we're usually pretty good with spoilers right easiest thing in the world to rage you know you just mine and then you leave but chests are always a bit fishy because you don't know what's actually inside the chests I guess it's just literally a search feeding game right now seeing if anything is worthwhile in any of these alright so this water is actually I'm gonna put my other back on I don't think anybody's gonna ever come back to this base so we should be okay let's just sleep in through all of these right now and hopefully after this there should be something else I'm not sure we'll just continue to try go down or what we can do is try go to the top and try get to that a new area like the area we couldn't get to because it was obsidian let's try it let's give it a go obviously first we want to make sure that we've lured every single thing from this chest area right now yeah it's looking pretty much like it a lot of these are just empties I don't know whether it's like a noob living here or like someone we don't actually know right let's go through this last row I'm so quick at this honestly like this is one of my many talents if you guys don't get a thousand likes on this video I'm gonna I'm gonna raid your base - where's that p21 because we need to actually take that that's a - worth quite a little bit on f time let's just take all of this let's take let's go and back in this corner and go to home vault and what we would do is we will like we'll just go back and forth between the two to be honest and we'll put all this in just like the general storage area right here this is what we do we'll just get rid of it all by lucky diamonds I'll never see you again you weren't really lucky we need our pearls and make sure we still have inves we have another three minutes it does she use it now that one says raid spooler but this is now done let's use a seg just to try get down into okay that I didn't actually mean to do I'm in some place to say I just kind of Miss click okay so sorry sorry I didn't want to do that lateral damage buddy I'm sorry whoever the basis is listen all this stuff was here when I got here it wasn't my fault I don't think we're gonna get any further through this base especially going downward we might be able to do it going upwards I'm not sure that's safe in our way back to the top it slowly starts women you know let's make our way just keep swimming just like Dory said up we go back up to this floating obsidian box thing and already we made it obviously I don't think there's a way we can get into this I wish there was honesty I really did because I'm guaranteeing there's probably some good stuff sat in here but no it wasn't meant to be goodbye over city inbox you've been nice until next time buddy okay so this is the spawner box we're in at the very very beginning we let's pile back up to here that what we did originally so what we'll do is we'll look outside of the wall border and just kind of see cuz the whole thing looks pretty obsidian to me right it looks like there's no way of us being able to get into this unless they messed up like somewhere up on the line is another AK on this side there's no no there like any other side other than the cyberiad he just got into no look at this I really don't think we can I really don't think there is a way for us to do it I mean I guess worst case I will just Chuck a charged creeper in the corner and it's hope something happens I mean if it does it does but if it doesn't that I'm gonna be very very sad we'll check out this p1 I don't remember picking this up I think it might have been with the the accident explosion down below I don't think our faction has any otherwise you know they'd probably give it to me can we not like go out the corners or anything looking at this base no I think the whole thing is completely obsidian apart from that bit right there honestly I don't know why people still do this type of thing I actually want to know whose base this is I'm actually quite curious I don't know if there's any like signs or anything anywhere I don't know block much else I don't to be like too mean but you know I've just raided them so they're probably gonna be sad anyway that's that's really not the point oh I wish we could get up one floor I just want to get up one floor but I don't think it's as he meant to be I don't think we could do it just go to let my faction know where was he back in our little chests room right now just I would check in to be honest I want to fight it come on smite you have to come back to the base eventually see I feel like that's gonna be the end of this unless the guy actually does come back I might I'm gonna message the guy this is what I'm gonna I'm gonna message the owner of this function f whose my ID you got my full name austrie message dinner whose box it would be this raided one of your member boxes I think sorry cuz obviously you have to apologize because otherwise you know my comments are gonna yell at me and that already happens enough he said oof I don't think he cares I think we got away with a gang this is the most important thing ever we got away with it well I see I feel like that is now gonna be the end of this video I'm not sure there is much else we can do to be completely honest I'm not sure there's much else we can do obviously I don't think that guy cares to be honest his reaction was just poof but honestly I think we're gonna leave that video there like I said guys let's see if we could smash a thousand likes on this video right now I want everybody to like it this video right now right this very second if not I'm gonna be severely angry with all three of you who watch this video because they only have like three viewers anyway let's face it guys like I said that if we could smash a thousand likes in under 24 hours last time I set the goal at like 400 likes and you guys did like 1.2 K in 24 hours which was not thank you guys so much for watching the today's video it makes you guys describe with post applications and you're on like I said we're on the road to 50,000 subscribers you guys so much for watching we're gonna leave it here I'm sorry to the faction I raided I really didn't mean to it wasn't my fault and I will see you guys tomorrow hopefully with another episode now see you guys then good bye maybe
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 185,366
Rating: 4.7621398 out of 5
Keywords: factionsraven, raven, factions raven, minecraft, mine craft, raiding, minecraft raiding, saicopvp, minecraft action, missing block, rich raid, pg13, so i almost couldn't raid this Minecraft base.. but then I found some breakable blocks in the walls!, factionsraven raiding, missing blocks in base, factionsraven house, factionsraven girlfriend, factionsraven mansion, unclaimed base, factions missing block
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2019
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