this regular Minecraft Player was AFK in his underground Minecraft base.. (RAIDED!)

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so you guys have probably been wondering where has factions been well I have a very simple explanation at the last new videos I recorded both corrupted I mean the audio did basically it's just me doing things like I made this this is new I was doing things over here things over here all of it was just like this content in its finest but today ladies and gentlemen we are going to be back with a banger we're gonna be back with hopefully an actual raid if not I will cry but that's that's me anyway if you guys do enjoy my craft videos my craft raiding minecraft fact you know the usual plug makes you guys do like and subscribe if you guys are new because if you guys are 86 percent of people that watch my channel are not subscribed let's see if we could smash 2000 like so today it's the usual you guys can see there are six entities in the top left hand side of the screen that pretty much means there are six things going on in this chant so I could be missing I could be not listening I guess it's it's gonna be fun to find out but this whole thing is unclaimed there is a guy right there Andreas Stoll he's a warrior ranked thank you thank you for supporting service means a lot and he's in the faction why and be you a okay that was YMCA he's worth $0 it's only him in the faction which means you know it's exciting whenever I go filling this because it usually means I'm gonna die or something's gonna go horribly wrong I hear a chicken okay the idea right let's block this back up set home raid right here looks like you just gonna run in circles I think the guy is just literally in an afk pool okay there's nothing here there is a ladder there is a sugar cane farm so we could be in luck we could make some money could farm from sugar cane but we could also rage mr. Andreas pace okay there are spoilers we got chest we got furnaces we got a crafting table we got a door that's gonna be a painter with it he's taking damage Andreas what's this called afk pool reapers edge where's my sign do I not get a do I seriously andreas my ego is now shot because of you mister you have 10 hard I am fuming why is Ryan on here but I'm not what's your balance alright I'm mad at you that's his $14,000 so his head isn't actually gonna be worth much I like I said that this whole thing is unclaimed and he's afk and I'm just stealing his sugar cane that's what we're gonna do we're gonna sit here and mine it and sell a hand oh there we go 105 dollars take that andreas still not happy with you I think the main thing in this base it's actually gonna be these spawn is right here so we have we have cows bonus we've got chickens bonus we've got sheep and pig I did that the wrong way around at night but looking at me which scares me he's looking directly front so when he goes behind that's when we're gonna rob the spawner so as soon as he goes behind take the spaulos hope he doesn't notice mr. Andreas looks like he doesn't actually notice so the dog decided that would be you know a fantastic time to bark right in the middle of her ate had to go make sure he's okay but we've got three minutes left tonight envious we have eight minutes and we've got a few more I bought like five just in cases that she was a raid let's drink another one and that should go back so the plant is still the same as soon as he goes round the circle that's when we nab it so we're gonna nab the pigs nap pickup okay there's only one spawner don't make like this bass is that rich in terms of spoilers the guy if I fo my nwa has zero land claimed he has zero spawn of value zero a fraction value and it's only him in the factions let's do the same thing soon as he pops his head round I have to keep looking at that creepy surge sign it's gonna kill me as soon as you goes round then we'll grab these chickens as well okay we need to wait a second just give him a second and nab two chickens for this that's not bad at all his skin makes it look like he's always looking me in the eyes I really don't know if I like this I told it the thing we need to do now it's actually start looking through the chest this guy seems to be pretty much afk I'm not gonna lie he just seems to be sat there look like it's not actually a lot in this base in terms of actual value out there's a spider mask and a cowl mask I mean I'll take both of those they're pretty rare that could sell for like a good bit of money maybe he's got some Hummer in here and pickaxes some pearls and stuff I mean I guess we'll take everything no it's better to take everything and be richer and be poor it that's though that's the code I live by I'm we're not really gonna bother with he's got some Bailey bows and stuff in here looks like he hasn't used his kits in a while to infuse Alexis he's got her I think that's it for these charities doesn't look to see be that much 36 bits of iron so hand oh there we go this is ours now and he's got all these mobs over here as I which are the ones from the spawner so I mean I guess we can this farm is sugarcane while we wait for him to come back it's even if he does come back a lot confident he will actually come back because if he hasn't sat there and noticed me raiding the entire time I don't think he's gonna notice any more I don't think he's paying like a full enough attention maybe he's like not not his PC maybe he's eating food I mean he could have just got an FK for all I know and we'll never find out about it there's been a pretty peaceful rate to be honest I mean obviously what I do is since he is fully afk is just move it just completely move them into a different area and use the water to do it so I guess we'll see if it's actually gonna work I mean more levels of the sugarcane I mean I guess that we can just enjoy sitting here and letting some free money on the server we're at three stacks of sugarcane now not sure how much it's not seeking to sell for but know every little helps especially when you have to buy materials and things is he got more layers this is the last one all right we're the last layer let's grab all of the sugarcane there we go all I see though if this guy's in affection I my god she's like unaware why he didn't make a claim base it would have been ten times easier for him because then someone like me wouldn't be able to just come in and raid it we made $2,000 from that not bad at all and it's already mostly grown back I mean that's made some progress it seems like he is fully afk so let's go back to our original plan or my secondary plan and what we're gonna do is we're gonna block this up here then the waters only get a floater really Andreas get in there no other way there we go this is where we want you and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna have to funnel him into a different place so you want to try get him like I said we want to try get him oh voice crack we want to try it oh and race I'm so sorry he's on two hots okay listen I'll get pots of your back everything's gonna be okay no worry right everybody um I'll find you some parts gonna be some in your own base right this guy I need somewhere like fully afk raids because you can just mess with the player listen sheep now he's not the time but I see a water sheet it's a water sheep no it's not it's just a sheep and race you have no pots listen I'll be right back okay I will fully be right back everything's gonna be okay okay pots pots come on grab the pots grab the pots come on Alex a merchant we are gonna save this man's life obviously though this is a raiding server I know I say every video but when this video does like if it does get recommended to people that don't play the game everyone thinks like I'm ruining why are you dying okay andreas you're coming with me why is he taking is he like dying of hunger okay Andres you can stay there and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna block this up again with stone I don't have any stone and rest you have any stone brick I mean I guess I can just use this stone right I will do this will make me eight bits of stone break more than enough and then what we'll do is after us was just up blocking this back and forth okay Andres you need to shift out the way buddy there we go Andre asst you are doing a fantastic job at being afk honestly like if you were to come back now you'd probably be a little bit confused or see this is what people do in factions people do leave their computers and just not touch them at all so literally this guy is probably not a SP see I've mentioned earlier he's probably not at his PC in the slightest he's probably just I don't know at school maybe he could be working or doing something but we're gonna do is that you take him bar away from his base we'll just take him as far away as he can go without dying I'll tell what we're hitting with a pot instead I'm Andres this way and then we'll healing back up again there we go so right now we're good bit away from the base I'm not exactly sure how far we are chia-wei right now he's looking he's doing a fantastic job to stay alive Andres I'll be back buddy hey we're gonna need to get him into here maybe we could just make like a few signs maybe like a temporary base for him and just kind of like wait and see if he actually does come back I'm prepared to sit and wait okay he needs to go this way come on drive slowly but surely okay so now what we need to do is mine behind him there we go everything going fantastic we just need to make sure he doesn't die because if he dies I'm not gonna be happy cuz I've done all of this then for nothing because I just used a water bucket I'm not gonna lie it probably would have been like a hundred times easier to use water I mean we don't I sold the iron and I don't think I have another bucket on me if I pv-1 nothing you chest nothing nope okay not looking fantastic though we'll just we'll just keep doing our original plan and just keep you know hitting him just ever so slightly come on this way this way there we go so our old pots and now what we're gonna do is to block up this back bit here obviously I don't actually do this for a lot of people usually the guys are like online the people that I raid I like doing online rates more than just afk I guess the whole point in this right we can just just move him underground maybe we can find some diamonds together it's like a pair I'm gonna take him with me but andreas stole from Y&Y NWA is me and him are gonna be best friends after he watched this video finds out he got raided and then probably isn't very happy but that's what me and andreas friendship is all about isn't it buddy okay so this looks like a pretty good place right now so if we can like if we can pimp this base out for him oh and race you stay there I'm gonna I'm gonna sit home troll here and then I'll be back on mr. Andreas okay so we need to head over to maybe the UM guy no not the Misskelley - if enough guy maybe the deck or guide this here we go is where we want to be we're gonna get some wall maybe we can make this into carpet how do you make carpet carpet yeah we can get some carpet for his base oh this is gonna be absolutely fantastic we're gonna grab some glowstone we're gonna grab some whole maybe some hay bales I'm in with creative genius right now and be some bookshelves as well okay Andres I'm coming carpet here and we need more carpet I'm on Andreas don't worry buddy you're gonna have to move here we go and that we're gonna put some glowstone in the roof Oh Andreas you are gonna love it just flowing through right now everything is just looking fantastic we're gonna make him a brand new base I'm gonna leave a sign telling him to claim his other one if he ever finds his way back because if you guys don't know plane bases so much harder to raid me because you need TNT to actually do it unclaimed bases like the one I just raided or Andreas's base over here pretty much it's ratable maybe because there's no claims which means you're able just to mine into it it's like no effort whatsoever I'll put some glowstone here maybe some more bookshelves wow this is art okay and then maybe we'll put do another line of another line of bookshelves at the back and that maybe we'll keep that bit of stone because it looks you know quite quite quaint and then what we'll do is we'll just bookshelf this side again in him we'll leave him a sign just kind of explaining how he kind of teleported I mean in his mind he's gonna teleport it but for us we've kind of dragged him this entire way actually while you're here deme him see our new friend what do you think so Andres had a base Andreas then got moved to a new location because we kind of had a fist fight the whole way here he's been afk this entire time so I decided why not make him a surprise when he comes back so I've made him a new base do you like it yeah I decided he's gonna need to obviously breed so readings quite important so he's got his books there he's got some light because obviously he'll need to you need to be able to see and obviously he's just right now he's not reading he's just oh gosh I'm sorry I've just punched him I just punched on you friend I'd say well I'll give him some armor as well when he comes back we'll give him one bit of glowstone I think he's quite happy he hasn't complained so I mean you're to see the actual base his actual base looks all full compared to this I definitely gave him an upgrade not after reading his own base but he needs to learn that you can't make unclaimed bases alright because it doesn't work you just get raided but look at this this is his old base so these these are whether spawn is worth this is where Andreas was and then if you follow there that's where I pushed him he's all the way over here now there is you can see his name by led to it back to you eat a crisp can I have one yeah please all this pushings got me hungry what are they what is that that's not Chris why have you got healthy Chris what's wrong with unhealthy Chris alright I think this is where we're gonna leave Andreas Andres my friend you have been fantastic but we do have to do is actually leave a sign for him just to eat she knows what went on and he doesn't like get completely terrified that what just happened but me and andreas I think we've gone through a lot honestly you can like the fact I made him a new base if you guys do want to see more like trolling type things please do let me know obviously if the guys aligned its ways if you guys do want to see kind of more trolling with bases instead of absentee reading straight away but that's doable that's something I'm down to do that's something I would definitely look into it's obviously a bit difficult to do trolls in factions when you're reading because it all relies on you being invisible and stuff but we're gonna leave your Sinus a that could be leaf sign okay hey friend bye we left him as signs we said hey friend you had an unclaimed base naughty naughty Andreas so I moved you into this new crib OOP you like it okay because that's what people say when they're really good friends like me and Andreas over here so really leave Andreas I hope he has a brilliant time I'm sorry about the spoilers buddy this is how the game goes it's factions so we're gonna head over to slash born we're gonna leave you to it our request was censored okay we're gonna go home base and we're gonna leave and race to it goodbye Andreas I hope you have a brilliant time and here we go now let's leave I think that's where we're gonna end this video guys thank you so much for watching if you guys did enjoy meeting Andreas having our adventure you guys do like and subscribe if you guys aren't new and turn on post notifications so you guys so much for watching I hope you guys did enjoy and I will see you guys tomorrow
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 91,975
Rating: 4.9034786 out of 5
Keywords: factionsraven, factions raven, factionsraven raiding, raiding in minecraft, mine craft, minecraft, minecraft factions, raven, minecraft video, minecraft funny, minecraft tnt, 1.8 minecraft, trolling minecraft, factions trolling, trolling afk players, trolling afk players in minecraft, spawner raid minecraft, troll, trolling, funny trolling minecraft, trolling in minecraft, factionsraven troll, this regular Minecraft Player was AFK in his underground Minecraft base.. (RAIDED!)
Id: qQmVAIjH5Mg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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