this underground Minecraft Base was COVERED in LAVA & looked EMPTY.. until i saw their nametags!

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so you guys may be sat here wondering what is going on there were multiple numbers in the chat yay 83 43 Heike you may be wondering this isn't over Lord now if you've seen two Ryan's video the link will be in the description if I remember if not someone yell at me but basically we are on warlock realm right now to do a bit of a challenge basically we're already number one on overlord ramp so we're gonna try to have as much fun as possible on warlock room obviously this one its own biotech is though Matt we're not stealing anything I didn't bring a picnic set to do that with my hand but guys if you guys come across our base feel free to raid it no way you're gonna know where our base is if we just move the numbers away from the chat there we go I don't know what's going on if you see a gold block above something right here and you flick the lever it will open up into our secret Overlord HQ so we're gonna head down there let's set hump up here and when you guys drop down you will come into our fate and you will come against the evil overlord there he is he's easy on fire I don't know what he's up to but I hopefully there should be another gold block otherwise we're gonna be in trouble and if you guys see this sigil here the sigil of the evil overlord you guys know you're in the right place there without further ado I'm gonna replace this and then we are gonna continue on with today's video without anybody knowing we're just gonna transition into the day's video I hope you guys do enjoy thanks for watching and whoosh okay so for today's video we have maybe maybe I say maybe found an unclaimed base now this base did have a lot of entities if you guys don't know what entities are if you go to a new two factions and they've literally just found my channel entities are these things right here it's the things going on so right now there are a load of entities in this chunk and it's psycho there are no natural spawning borning mobs which basically means that these four entities don't usually happen because if I go over to another chunk you guys can see they go down to one basically means there is a hundred percent something here we're not gonna actually gonna know what it is until we get there let's go back at the home rage so we actually know whereabouts the whole was finder base we're not exactly sure but it's good to hope it's good to pray so that's what we're gonna do we're getting quite close now to like bedrock level we usually don't dig straight down in Minecraft so we'll like will double it why not there are two names right below MIT is Rodrigo gamer and Chango 9 they're not in a faction ok let's take this nice and slowly this lava is it a love face oh my god we need fire risk I don't have enough money okay we need to go to shop like now because if you guys don't know we don't have anything on this server so my balance is $700 which means we don't have anything we don't have any money we don't have I basically ran out of money buying inves pretty much buy raise it's $200 okay we should be able to buy it then then we go drink up its head back and let's go full invisible right now I always love going full of his books it means something fun's gonna happen hopefully okay so I'm like god it's like perfectly covered people would miss this space normally people wouldn't notice this is there a way in I can't see anything if we region my screen is just red and we're coming across some blocks see I see a hole here okay it's a base um there's a guy with a sword okay no no this could go severely wrong very very quickly on my gob Aaron we're actually in set home braid we're literally right behind this guy right now I don't know what he's doing he's got a sword how he's gonna kill me Rodrigo listen I never meant any harm to you I don't know how actual we're gonna get in we might have to mind something but I don't want to do that because he might turn around and just swing if we ext - he might not notice okay he notice you know it's Rodrigo notice did he notice he's hitting around what's he doing did he not notice he's killing Rabbids there was Portis down there dude everyone would have missed this base it's so perfectly covered I don't know if he knows there's someone here we're gonna set home raid in this corner what's he doing does he not know it's me Rodrigo dice and see if we can smash 800 likes for Rodrigo right now not actually being able to see me like that means their spawn is down there which means he's active if we go down oh okay okay stay calm stay calm oh I've just realized we don't have a silk touch oh dear if we try open a chest I'm not sure if he will come upstairs so we'll give it a go okay there's there's p4 in here which actually means there might be stuff but Rigo is not moving which means he might not have like any sound or any particles at all okay there's more p4 in here okay we're just gonna we're just gonna NAB it there you go obviously this is a raiding server so this is the idea of the server is that you to raid people's stuff so anybody being like oh he stole his stuff you know it's it's the premises of the server Rodrigo I'm so sorry I don't have video we're gonna have to go slay Rodrigo home raid where's die Rodrigo die okay um kill the kill afraid we lost our pickaxe and everything oh dear what do we do okay um this base I don't think we would have seen it if I claimed it set home lots at home f claim s1 willness uneasy faction f create Raven is cool they caught me ten characters Raven is COO Killip boy named out Ravens ku F claim s1 okay there we go we have the chunk now Raven is qu owns it which means we should hopefully now I don't have a pickaxe I don't know anything oh I just realized Rodrigo had all my stuff okay there has to be a pickaxe or something somewhere they've got some fish as some got a sharp for salt we'll take that they have we lose we lost all the P for assault didn't we oh no we lost all the stuff oh dear okay we're gonna take his fish for money cuz actually we can sell this for actually a lot of money but I want to check out all these chests but the issue is I don't have a pickaxe for these foreigners I can't get them button we're just gonna have to use our face and just go across I can't believe we actually lost most of that armor oh my god okay there is a load of p4 in here some more crapples lovely pickaxe it's got a silk touch we've come in handy take this borders take them one rabbit lovely that is now ass that's P V one that they've got leaked to another that guy's head again I guess we'll take a second one an actual pickaxe for us this time there is nothing in these bottom chest it's how many touch me we can mine this that means oh dear oh dear oh dear there we go problem solved okay we can't mine it cuz this back one here let's go in nothing okay not looking great in that side let's have a look in the other one see what's going on cuz we hopefully do want to hopefully get some stuff from this raid now obviously um oh it's looking looking pretty empty I wish I had my my faction member Ryan with me but you know you win some you lose some and we are definitely about to die from fire oh dear oh dear ACK we can open these right no we can't okay if I just minor cross the top oh the rabbit Flopsy he's alive Flopsy I'm sorry okay I don't know how we're gonna actually get these okay we can open a few of them if I maybe like spam blocks across there we go we've cleared most of it it looks like it just seemed to be a little bit lava here oh yeah we can still open these chests near enough so we should actually be okay we need to block over here and here there we go so we can open all these now doesn't seem to be much in here apart from that one chest down here it's got sharp five in it we're definitely taking that it's got another P fort would take our people another sharp four would definitely take that got a fishing rod it's got some fused Alexis some ender pulse all stuff we need to starting out on the server and basically if we go our is a see if there's anything left in the chest we obviously I'm trying to think how we do this okay okay I feel like we will give this back to Rodrigo after we'll give him the ruined face but this face is so well hidden honestly I don't think anyone else would have found it if you're just generally like mining or looking just because of the lava on the top it shows the way I could go up there and show you guys again fully but I don't think I have enough money for another fire-resistance tete will do will go sell the fish and we'll get another fire assistance and I fully want to show off the fact that you there was no way anybody would find that out seeing a name or like noticing entities let's grab ourselves Archie let's check off this daily armor and we'll put on the p4 there we go probably make us a lot more safe I can't believe that Rodrigo killed us okay let's slash back there we go fire resistance and we will walk out of here and let's have a look I didn't even tell the fish so this actually who would not notice it maybe the lava a little bit but I honestly don't think if you were a player like strip mining or doing something you wouldn't be able to see it like if you were all the way like mining like here and you came across this you'd literally think it was another lava pool but from Raven is cool that coming up in your screen that might give it away policy Rodrigo that is crazy okay Rodrigo you are a king you're my friend now even though I raided your base but that's really not the point where do we get in from around here there we go the F unclaimed s1 let's put the stuff back in our PV I don't know if ITP Rodrigo he's actually gonna be friendly so we might want to maybe put the stuff away let's put all this away we don't lose the silk touch or anything and then we're TP a here Rodrigo gamer and we'll see if Rodrigo does actually want to come back come on Rodrigo you've got this I will wait all day for you my friend okay he's a cool guy he said it's part of the game I really I feel bad for him well give him back his spawner at least just because I feel like we've kind of done a bad thing and a good thing obviously the p4 and stuff we got was nice but giving it back the spawner it kind of I don't know make any enemies on here I mean obviously we did this raid his base but if I can be nice to this guy then I will take it and I think that's where we're gonna leave back to the evil overlord HQ we go if we go home we are outfit CIT Rodrigo we're gonna del home raid and we will be out of here and boom there we go and we are now back at the top which means the evil overlord base has to now be opened because I didn't set my home in the bottom they're gonna be waiting a while which means Oh No okay let's go for all the stuff away as for all of these swords all this armor and stuff and we actually will go sell the stuff I know I've been saying I'll sell the fish we're gonna go sell the fish okay the wish we've got most of that people out but I'm kind of happy with what we did get we need this blocker go we need this and we need nothing else he's prismarine shots back up to home base set home base to down here so we can delete the home at the top and see if you guys do fight the magical golden block you know where their base is home base to Dale home base and let's go grab the rest of this fish from my Peavy and we will go sell it and hopefully it will make us a little bit of money let's go to spawn and then we can obviously oh no it's at shop let's head over to shop and then what we can do is sell it hopefully make a little bit of money for the server so we need to head over to the Fisher merchant over I think he's this way I think Fisher where is he oh he's here okay so let's sell all this we have ourselves one enchanted salmon which is worth $5,000 okay we have ourselves one arcane fish which is $10,000 okay we've made 15k from this you've got two salmon which won't sell for that much everybody $15,000 so far just purely off selling this man's fish if you guys do see a lot of fish when you raid a base actually on the head hunting like 2.0 realms definitely sell it from at least sell it because it's gonna be worth a lot of money we went from like $200 17,000 but I think that's gonna be it for the rest this video if you guys did enjoy it make sure you guys you like and subscribe I will see you guys tomorrow with another video thank you guys so much for watching let's see if we can smash 821 and a half million likes and I will see you guys tomorrow good bye
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 176,075
Rating: 4.8528676 out of 5
Keywords: factionsraven, factions raven, factionsraven raiding, raiding in minecraft, mine craft, minecraft, minecraft factions, minecraft trolling, minecraft pvp, minecraft tnt, factions, 1.8 minecraft, minecraft raiding, raven, minecraft video, minecraft funny, no cursing, kid friendly minecraft, this underground Minecraft Base was COVERED in LAVA & looked EMPTY.. until i saw their nametags!, minecraft base, old school minecraft base, underground minecraft base, i found this kids
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2019
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