dream smp: oversimplified

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The video has a very similar vibe to “the history of the entire world, I guess” which is the best video on youtube hands down

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/SnooEpiphanies9019 📅︎︎ Jun 06 2021 🗫︎ replies

tbh I don't follow the Dream SMP anymore, ofc you have every right to be engaged with it but I think it lost its magic, nowadays so much random stuff happens that it's easy to get lost and not understand the plots.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/PaintingWide 📅︎︎ Jun 06 2021 🗫︎ replies
The Dream SMP is a Minecraft survival server,  and nobody understands it, so I'm here to help.   In the beginning, Dream created the heavens and  the earth, or actually, Minecraft did it for him.   He invited lots of people to come play with him,  and they built some stuff together, taking a few   breaks to go fishing. Dream moved underground,  Ponk lived with the chickens, and Sapnap and   Alyssa built houses by the lake. Also, BadBoyHalo  happened at some point. Mobs murder Dream's horse,   Dream and Sapnap murder George, and Sapnap murders  Halo's pet fish, which makes him very sad, so he   quits. "Will you come back if we give you more  fish?" "Uh, yeah, okay, I guess." George steals   Sapnap's horse, and Sapnap kills his own horse  trying to hit George, so they sue each other,   and surprise! Sapnap wins and George is sentenced  to death. Sapnap might join him if he feels like   it. Then TommyInnit joins the server. "Hey,  can I invite some friends?" "Sure, go ahead-   oh." He then commits multiple murders and domestic  terrorism attacks before tunneling into a hill.   He also steals some of Ponk's land and kills his  chickens, I'm sure that won't backfire on him or   anything. Punz and Tubbo build houses by Dream's  bridge, Fundy hides in a cave, and Purpled becomes   an alien. Dream is trying to listen to some music,  but all the best songs belong to TommyInnit,   who just killed Alyssa because Alyssa burned down  Sapnap's house, because Sapnap burned down Ponk's   lemon tree because Ponk... well, actually, there's  no reason, Sapnap is just a massive pyromaniac,   and Ponk was getting really sick of being  bullied by every player in the server except   Punz and Tubbo, those guys were angels. And Dream  is friends with Ponk and Alyssa. So you know what   that means; Dream should steal the discs! Which  he wanted to do anyway. So while everybody else   was busy committing various acts of arson and  murder, he snuck into Tommy's base and stole both   the discs. Tommy found out almost immediately and  teamed up with Sapnap and Tubbo to get them back,   but failed. In the meantime, Fundy logged on with  plans to kill Dream on sight, but when Dream was   nowhere to be found, he decided to kill Tubbo  instead. He tried drowning Tubbo while he was   eating pizza, but Purpled discovered him before  running away, giving Tubbo just enough time   to break out of the trap. But Fundy killed him  anyway, and then moved on to Purpled because he   wanted to test his cool new shovel. Purpled beat  up Fundy, then Fundy beat up Tubbo, then Purpled   beat up Fundy again, then Tubbo and a creeper  accidentally beat up Purpled's redstone machine,   then Purpled beat up Fundy a third time, before  they all talked it out in the new Socializing   Club. Oh, and Tommy was there, he set the club  on fire. They all agreed to truce if Fundy gave   Tubbo back his stolen pickaxe, so they went out  into the forest to find it. Fundy wasted their   time until Purpled started trying to kill him, so  he told Tubbo where it was actually hidden. Tubbo   took the pickaxe back and then joined Purpled  to kill Fundy, while Tommy joined the call and   immediately left because it was too L̷̠͂͜ ̸̩̄͜O̴̭̽ ̶̲̟̆̓U̶̠̟̒ ̷̘̮̎D̴̮͎̋ He still wanted to help Tubbo though, so he followed them and ended up killing Purpled in confusion.  Fundy stole the items and broke the truce when he   killed Purpled and refused to give the gear back.  Purpled was no match for him without his gear, so   he decided to fight the battle another day. Tubbo  went to help Tommy steal his discs back by using   an X-ray glitch to find Dream's secret base. They  failed to find the discs and decided to just trade   away the chestplate, with Tommy stashing them away  safely in his ender chest. Then everybody decided   to stop killing each other for a little while and  they became peaceful farmers for a day or two,   until Purpled built a trap in the socializing  club for Fundy and accidentally killed himself,   Tommy, and Dream in the process. A bunch of bees  die and then Wilbur and Eret join the server,   I'm sure that won't cause any drama. Dream commits  genocide against Tubbo's villagers, causing him to   relocate to a jungle base above the nether. Wilbur  decided he wanted to be rich, so he started a   drug empire with Tommy until Sapnap found out  and tried to have them arrested. "Screw this,   screw you, I have a right to sell drugs, I'm  making a new nation!" So all the europeans got   together and formed L'Manberg, to which Dream said  "wait no, you can't do that, we own everything"   and challenged them to war. L'Manberg fought many  battles, some of which they almost didn't lose,   until Dream got bored and blew up the entire  city. "dude leave us alone, will you leave us   alone if i give you my music discs, ok thanks bye"  So they continued their drug empire, inviting Jack   Manifold, Quackity, and Niki into the city,  while Skeppy hid away from everybody else,   and also maybe traded a dead horse for Tommy's cat  disc. Speaking of horses, Tommy's horse is dead,   and so is Tommy, and Tubbo, and Dream. Purpled  and Jack attempt to establish capitalism and fail,   while Dream, Tommy, Quackity, and Tubbo are busy  asking for Twitch subscriptions. Hey, you could   make a religion out of this. Sapnap decided  to kill everybody's pets until they got mad   enough to kill his pets, until he got mad enough  to declare war and massacre nearly every animal on   the server. Hey, you could make a religion out of-  no don't. Karl Jacobs joined sometime in between,   he collected music discs and built a pizza  parlor like the saint that he is. It's time   for who should rule over l'Manberg? Usually  it would be Wilbur since he was the founder,   but the parties of Swag, Schlatt, and Coconut  decided they wanted to try, too. Surprise, Schlatt   and Quackity both win, and they immediately exile  Wilbur and Tommy. Technoblade watches Karate Kid   and decides to become the Mr. Miyagi of Dream  SMP, mentoring the two in Pogtopia until they   become strong enough to reclaim their homeland. In  the meanwhile, the entire universe hates Schlatt,   Schlatt is on life support, and Manberg has  taxes. Then nothing happens for a few weeks,   except demons and animal abuse, nothing unusual.  So to make everybody angry again, Schlatt hosts   the Manberg Festival, and everyone's ready to kill  him. But he was suspicious of his right-hand man   Tubbo, and asked Technoblade to publicly execute  him in front of the crowd. Techno agreed, then   killed Schlatt, Quackity, and half of the crowd,  sending the entire server into chaos. Manberg   still hates itself, Pogtopia started hating  itself, and everyone else hates both of them,   eventually teaming up to create the Badlands.  Tommy travels back to Manberg with the intention   of assassinating its leaders, but Quackity was so  mad at Schlatt's disrespect that he killed him,   resigned, and joined up with Pogtopia. Also,  Wilbur went insane and tried to blow up Manberg.   Twice. Schlatt ends up dead after trying to  attack Tommy and Quackity, Wilbur discovers his   explosives have been destroyed, Dream reveals  there is an impostor among them, and the war   begins. Pogtopia and the Badlands meet at a large  stick and have a tea party while discussing how   much Manberg sucks, and a bridge is built between  the two kingdoms to help them destroy each other.   Karl and Sapnap ignore the war and create their  own faction centered around bagels and rutabagas,   shortly before they change their mind and  join up with Dream and Schlatt. Punz duels   George over a firework until he climbs up a tree,  then George duels Sapnap until they're separated,   then Sapnap duels Tommy until both their pets are  dead. Is it war time yet? I think it's war time.   Everybody meets to decide whether they support the  rebellion or whether they support not supporting   it. Surprise, most of the world supports it, and  they win! Not sure about Manberg though, looks   pretty messy over there. Now that that's over,  L'Manberg rebuilds, Mexican l'Manberg copies their   idea, Eret overthrows George and becomes king,  and Tommy is exiled for disturbing the peace.   For a little while, everything was calm again.  Homes, restaurants, casinos, towers, bridges were   built, and new faces tour the land during the  ceasefire. Somebody found an egg in their base,   I'm sure that won't cause any problems. Mexican  l'Manberg was blown up before being turned into   El Rapids, Australia just became itself, Gogtopia  simultaneously became itself and killed itself,   Tommy wants to destroy himself but Dream beats him  to it, and everybody wants to kill Technoblade, so   they do. You've got mail. It's from Technoblade!  He found you living under his house and asks you   to be his friend. This also got forwarded to  Philza. They all decided to be friends because   they had so much in common. Meanwhile, money.  Manberg holds a festival which is secretly an   assassination plot against Dream, but Dream  destroys the community house and frames Tommy,   who denies it and flames Tubbo before apologizing  and betraying Techno by switching sides,   with Techno then leaving with Dream who now had  both music discs, and therefore, all the power he   needed to destroy Manberg for good. After several  days of chaos, they return with Philza and an   army of hounds, and the fighting begins. Withers  destroy the players, TNT rains from the sky to   destroy the land, and Techno's team are there to  clean up what's left behind. When it was all over,   everybody split apart and made some cities and  stuff. Ranboo forgets who he is, Ghostbur takes   a vacation to purgatory, and Tubbo makes a small  team dedicated to taking down Dream, and producing   enough nukes to destroy the universe if they  fail. Surprise, they succeed, and Dream dies twice   before being thrown into Pandora's Vault. Wouldn't  it be nice to control the world, which right now   are puppets, with no one controlling them? The  Egg empire, or Eggpire, wants to gain control,   but Eret stops them and says "wait, no, you can't  do that, I'm the king, I have all the power." And   the Eggpire said "how bout I do anyway?" And the  Eggpire invaded more and more and more and more of   the world, and was planning to invade the entire  SMP. Tommy decided to visit Dream in prison to   talk about life, but there was a security breach  and Tommy got locked inside with Dream while they   waited. While they were trapped together, Tommy  decided to annoy and argue with Dream until they   got into a fistfight, permanently killing him.  This makes a lot of people sad, so they build   some statues and shrines to honor his legacy. Jack  takes over Tommy's old hotel to try to gain power,   while the Eggpire actually does. They make  Puffy mad in the process though, so she joins   Technoblade's team and they become the Syndicate  and become more and more powerful. Wilbur and   Tommy briefly debate how cool it is to be dead  before Dream resurrects Tommy to prove he could,   promising to revive Wilbur to create chaos. They  remain trapped together for nearly a week until   Sam returns and rescues Tommy, now discovering the  world covered in blood vines and his home stolen   by Jack Manifold. Schlatt decided he wanted to  make a return as well, so he asked Quackity to   steal Dream's book of resurrection, which he  has yet to do. The world is covered in blood,   the dead are coming back to life, everybody hates  everybody else, and we're all gonna die. Bye!
Channel: MCBYT
Views: 6,138,966
Rating: 4.9146061 out of 5
Keywords: dream smp, dream smp history, dream, technoblade, tommyinnit, dream team smp, dream smp oversimplified, history of dream smp i guess, history of the entire dream smp i guess, bill wurtz, history of the entire world i guess, history of japan, oversimplified, minecraft oversimplified, dream team, mcbyt, manberg, pogtopia, tubbo, punz, ponk, sapnap, georgenotfound, dreamwastaken, ph1lza, philza, badboyhalo, wilbur soot, eret, skeppy, quackity, schlatt, jschlatt, ranboo, what else do i tag this video
Id: O3qIk3lrBqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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