so this small faction base looked empty.. until we got into their SECRET CHEST and found these!

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last one hello gamers I'm never doing this again so welcome to the raid today now today's raid is a little bit different because obviously this isn't the kind of men you normally use it's like a little bit bigger shoots a bit more TNT it's a bit more you know like scientifically accurate but before we get into this raid the raid owner you know the owner logged on it was like hey if you don't get 300 likes I'm gonna I'm gonna mind all the spawner so we need to hit the rate of likes okay I'm totally not joking right now please like the damn video thank you and subscribe we've posted vacations if you guys are new but today's raid we are gonna be ruining the function demonics lives and we are gonna be raiding these guys for probably nothing I'm gonna be honest we're dis aimed for a really big box aimed it's two regions because like we thought like why not at the end of the day they have spawner stored if we hit it we hit it if we don't we get a big open box so either way it's it's definitely a win-win scenario if you know I mean and we bought out beyond 40 stacking like I said with writing today so what we're gonna do right now is we are gonna just fire through the last of the wall and then we're gonna we're gonna hopefully get into this place so I will see you guys I'll see you then push that's my transition noise Ryan still isn't muted I'm by myself I'm unsupervised why is this I've been left with the cannon but myself how do I get down I'm scared of heights I don't know he both crying I'm scared of heights I got really distracted yeah we don't even need to say anything no one another another boob maybe it's a good thing we did all right we got a parade another who are we in another boob I'm already fired as a slap bust is it not working not an epic game no they don't yeah epic not epic at all no never take my work no particular instant I only have 61 yeah I'll drop you five there you go it's instant you're welcome we raided a base enhancer probably about 48 you sat in a chest so that's your fault today is how I'm claiming PPI from Zico I've just injured myself there we go epic movement coming in and we're probably in trouble I might have to reshoot to get to the ones above I'm gonna have to so check the bottom first and then worst-case scenario well I got it no ethics right please hello yes I got six of them yeah government right nothing nothing nothing I mean we're gonna try no we should be fine if not I'll just lower all right it's coming you're welcome not what we wanted where are we they could be sitting in here no okay they could be either feeling they're right in here I should be able to fix Go Go Power Rangers English is my first language so we need to raise it that's a good idea this is rich and this looks amazingly rich okay that's probably that's probably a good idea before I even oh we got some people right I got like three people helmets some other stuff yeah happen now Oh FBI damn it oh not with doors again I found so much rich stuff we will trust me do you trust my cannoning have I ever let you down there they're a chest up there so much fish yeah that's a fair point this guy's trying to be sneaky with a secret chest Ryan I found the culprit no I just found a secret tip well sucks to be you look yeah Oh 2080 okay right I'm gonna go fix the cannon oh Jesus I'm just gonna lower one and then just fire and just hope it works takes to help you man no faith not yeah there is more but like there was no problems it was absolutely nothing oh I shot through there great sure oh yeah we never blame the content oh there we go excited for nothing pretty much there's so much stuff I wanted to keep my p2 legs I'm already on did you go through okay fire again is this gonna work are we going through okay yeah we are we're just clear it look it's got rid of all of this you think I have oh I can't get in there we're going through $8,000 the worthless re nothing else we don't last ones only asset no it's not looking right I'm gonna be honest yes there is the last chest the last chest through everything but I thought you were trolling me or you I thought maybe you found a head for more okay that's it yeah 54 9 18 yeah we got the skeletons we got a skeleton yeah we definitely got them I saw a good punch six million dollars we got one point seven million dollars in the cows snowman's I only think I got one should I go I say we managed over 70 were stored and they have 134 isn't oh no I just found grittier books I sold one for 30k maybe maybe more I'm close all right Rayden it's about atolls it's a cheap cannon I was just kind of frustrated the fact that I thought maybe like where else could they be if they were if they weren't gonna be in this bonus I was like okay maybe they have a second base and in prison three from the five not so she no but now it's a normal fish I wish oh we checked all those chests they base looked a lot richer like I where where's all that value because like 15 million dollars in sports five million dollars in life should be like a lot of like obsidian or tea and tea or something like that but where is it funny thing is about five seconds before I recorded this outro I press start streaming instead that's funny guys I hope you guys did enjoy the video I know it was a bit everywhere I wasn't sure if I had to you feeling uploading this but I thought hate videos better than no video right and honestly I'm so so happy with support recently we just hit 26 thousand subscribers which is not to run away to the thirty thousand which is way more people than I actually know thank you guys so much for the continued support let's hit 308 if we can make sure you guys subscribe my notifications and I will see you guys tomorrow with hopefully a very very good episode of fashion if not oh well you'll get over it right I'll see you guys then
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 32,585
Rating: 4.9158225 out of 5
Keywords: so this small faction base looked empty.. until we found a HIDDEN CHEST and found THESE!, factions raven, minecraft, mine craft, creepersedge, creepers edge, raiding, minecraft raiding, saicopvp, minecraft action, missing block, rich raid, pg13, raven, factionsraven raiding, hidden chest raiding, factionsraven raid, creepersedge raid
Id: Z3unnoqrJBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 12 2019
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