so today we raided one of the richest factions.. for EVERY SPAWNER they have! | minecraft factions

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so guys we're here obviously where are we gonna be you know so at the main rate or like II just the raid and today we have to move quickly we are grading this faction if I F through Crayola the thing I couldn't eat is a child these guys are worth thirteen million dollars and me and Ryan are currently one will await from their base so wanna see we need to go quick Ryan's over at the walls I'm obviously at my lovely little device in Canon because I cannot be anywhere else cuz I can't be trusted I think we've got one shot and maybe two more after that I'm really not sure lose track of basically everything if you guys are enjoying this video or enjoy my videos in general make sure you drop a like I'll be I've turned on cinematic mode I fixed it no issues there everybody no issues at all right now I guess we have to do is wait for Ryan until we actually just go for it because then won't we go for it then we're in the base so you know it's all going to be good in the hood eventually hopefully we and you get all the spawn is from today if we once again have a look again these goats are worth 13 million dollars with twelve million dollars in spawn us with zero of them aligned for now so hopefully and I mean I severely mean hopefully everything works out a grunted and everything works out brilliantly I mean we'll hope and pray but if it goes bad then we're gonna find out okay the sense already yeah I'm just waiting for you at this point okay alright you ready do make sure to go check out I'm a cool guy I was just coming to have a look but you know I ended up falling so now I'm just taking a little swim it's only you didn't grab the spawn us the spawn is that are right open next to it you silly boy there's an open coming here it's just completely open him your if anything help me by the way we have to do a full stack no but that Nietzsche means they have 0 inches just chess oh that's probably wearing that rest of like it can't be much it's not much yeah they could have like a load like it's basically spawn as making them bother you but like we can get I mean you grab those um you grab the slimes right you have those okay thank you okay so which we got all them because we've got three yeah not bad that's pretty good we're good we're good yeah alright you ready I am gonna just fire okay okay I have fires oh my god it's so loud I forgot how loud it was and tell me if that works yes come here you're in the wrong hole actually chunk info before we mine see how much we're getting that 800 K right here okay I'll come down and watch the fireball on these yes but then again we know there can't be any decent chance like not amazing nothing [Music] I got like right here yeah I did I didn't get anything okay oh is it a face full that's we can't even get it no I didn't get any of it I think it burnt oh okay right doesn't matter we can get it I wonder afraid for I wonder if things I want to start building the gun safe for max can we teach Chuck another shot through yeah fired a can it'll be too ambitious I think okay alright shots coming down okay no we don't have the single clipping issue great no no I got it I got it listen you have done so much work just rest your little head okay so we don't want to go up there yet because that's where all the good stuff we don't want all the good stuff yet because we have to get through January how much scent you reckon add you have to stack thinking about it logically very much like a couple of rows or I'm already three rows I should be enough they come online we can like they won't have enough time to react so we can definitely mine those boys out GG work okay more chests you know what their value is incorrect that value is definitely not correct you won't know why why oh my god they've got a wealth room inside here what they've got annihilation cause that's like a million dollars that's 800 K unless they don't count oh my god I didn't know what I got given out I'm gonna think I deserve it I'm not finding anything in these chests regions below but that's literally so basically when you killed mobs it'll just Auto sell for you I have to yeah well that's a very handy thing down here was more region so I guess no we didn't know we much he might have we did oh my god let me get in yeah definitely you have any I'd partner you gonna if you got a spare one Chuck on my way to help me dude you don't even want to come I regret everything that's how she's really sickened in the one box we gain to practically nothing in it anyway no because it's water covered I'm not sure if there's literally any way possible if it was a wooden door open the door really fast place a second you know I hate hate this it's ruined my title okay there was one block we could pull up from the side of this and I've blown a hole in it you reversed it okay so we've got lovely over here which is worth a hundred K okay the main bad boy is right over here honking for creeper oh my god that shouldn't work well we just should I can't I'm not the level million heads are meant to drop like that but they just did no I've got this I just need a pole but that wasn't me barking that was there'll be two of us right so we can both catch them nine million right here let's do this lovely there we go we've got nine million over across the way we we have more zombies they are worth there is another nine hundred K here there's only three zombies this is insane how much chunk we have got $975,000 so would you say we raid the full amount yet I'd say we almost did I would say we got the full amount hello this is not possible totally possible do you feel everything creeper there we go okay right so let's grab the last bit of the value from the spawns anyway and there we go like would say this was probably the richest Raiders map it's it's one of the best ones we've done actually the best way like we are insanely rich the amount of money we spent in this raid to get this many foreigners with this little walls and stuff is actually really good this is some decent profit right here I'm surprised income online they seem like a really active fact and literally you don't want to be online the whole time probably a good thing they didn't because they did yeah we probably would have died a lot of time right so that is the raid early done and dusted it's one of a box that is really annoying me because you just don't know it's what you have seen at evade for a book like you know knock see if we can gain I'm just gonna say we should build another cannon but no nope not worth it not going for the whole of the thing I know how much you love you're making separate cannons right right but this is not time to do it sure I think it's ready it's fully done enlisted and I can't complain I can't literally convey a toy nothing worth our time we go nice and easy I did most of them most of the work as usual I just got well free I think I'm gonna use that oh that's the oh yeah I have two more than you like these things and you don't have to worry about selling a single layer there do it yourself Hey look at this well through well through banette more doesn't make it cool well Thrun alright it's a race we are on we are on journey to the grinder and we're gonna we're gonna see you takes a WL Ryan Ryan 2-1 where is he no I will get there first there we go I made it okay that's a big L for crazy Steve that is but honestly I think what we'll do is we'll spend the next few minutes car just showing off this well through like I said I have two of these which means I'm in be better than Ryan cuz Ryan only has one so with the Ralph Arun yeah I can't even speak anything that is a gap from killing mobs will be instantly sold and the money will be added to your personal balance so I'm wondering if this work will head so if I right-click I have my wealth room you would say all the items you get from grinding okay we're legit just grinding through snowmen and it's just instantly it's instantly doing we need to click ourselves the sea lantern that we're getting two thousand four hundred dollars wealth room there we go another one thousand eight hundred on a seat this is insane that this type of thing is in here because it makes grinding so much easier because you can legit just focus on the grinding you can be I don't know doing what I'm doing and just you know checking Twitter and just scrolling through and see anything anything's going on in the world it just makes life like a lot it makes it so much easier to do and we're making a lot of money I'm also now forgetting we didn't actually blow up the cannon so I might have to go do that after we've done this mainly for the fact that I don't enemies you know coming over and stealing my cannon you know I worked hard in my life to get that so just literally just grinding through and we're gonna see how much money we can get what I probably should have done is checked my balance beforehand and then take your like how much money I had into them this but if we look at a ballot right now we're at 234 K so I guess we'll go for just for the rest of the ten minutes and what I'll do is I'll cut back to you guys when I'm back and what we do is we'll see how much money we can actually make so from my adventure we made around a hundred and sixty thousand dollars which isn't that bad for just like ten minutes grinding by ourselves obviously if you guys would do it more efficiently like with like a god sword or like a grinding sword you'll probably get like a lot more if you like if you especially have duplicate five a hundred percent think if we had duplicate five we could have like doubled or tripled our money that's gonna be it for the rest this video I hope you guys did enjoy I said in the very beginning you know you gotta go drop a like for me and subscribe if you guys are new if you are make sure you guys subscribe with post notifications on I post every single day at 8:30 p.m. GMT most of the time anyway when I'm not you know being an astronaut or ever I do my spare time but thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you guys tomorrow
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 33,156
Rating: 4.9457459 out of 5
Keywords: factionsraven, raven, factions raven, minecraft, mine craft, creepersedge, creepers edge, raiding, minecraft raiding, saicopvp, minecraft action, missing block, rich raid, pg13, so today we raided one of the richest factions.. for EVERY SPAWNER they have! | minecraft factions, creepersedge raiding, raiding on factions, rich raiding, spawner raids
Id: gY7qrzBO2B0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 19 2019
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