We Almost DIED! We Were SO SCARED! You Have To See This! He Wouldn't Stop! Sequoia National Park!

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we turn as fast as possible to get away from that area i'm not even joking that scared me so bad right now guess what guys it is 4 30 a.m and we are out here in the middle of i don't even know where we're at hotel right now because we're going somewhere super cool today where i can't tell you that yet but you're gonna get to see very soon let's get on the road let's go get it but before that you guys know every road trip is no good without stopping at a random gas station and getting drinks and snacks you don't need let's go do it [Music] so if you guys cannot tell right now we're in sequoia national park and the reason being there's supposedly supposed to be a crap ton of bears in this park and i haven't seen a wild bear in a lot of years so maybe we just drove four hours to go to a park to look for bears maybe you call that crazy you know what i call it a fun trip we have a lot of parks to explore we're bound to find at least one bear like standing up this fighting a freaking tree or fighting a deer or something right gotta find one let's go get em [Music] all right you see it too right somewhere in this park there better be a mama bear in two cubs and i will go out to slow down for them let's just go find them we're entering the giant forest let's go find giant trees and giant bears can i point out the size of this tree it's probably like 50 times my width and look at this god it's gotta be like 200 feet tall that is a monster of a tree hey what you got there buddy hey hey hey hey hey monsters i like what i see i like what i see so check this plaque out here 2 200 years old 700 tons look at the size of this bad boy no joke like the branches are the size of like full big trees just the branches gosh it's huge just for size comparison look at this giant monster behind me you guys know how big i am six six three hundred pounds look at this that is a big boy what do you think the circumference of this tree is literally i want to say like 40 feet oh no i say like 200 feet if you hollowed it up a nice little place to chill put a couch in there tv this thing fell 100 like a 8 on the richter scale earthquake right now hey amber you know you're on the ketogenic diet when you think it looks like a giant pork rind barbecue pork rind tree guys we're like a mile deep in this trail and everywhere you look there's bear signs and bear poop what do we have for defense guys fists feet elbows screams i'm gouging the eyes if i have to get off me mosquito but let's hope i don't know if i want to hope i run into one or hope i don't run into one like i want to see one but getting them all doesn't sound fun so the sign here says this tree apparently grew too big and too heavy for the soft soil and well that went boom look at the roots though it's massive somebody explained to me how a boulder in a tree like came together look at that they look like they're physically attached like the tree grew into the rock the tree's having a baby i guess the tree's having a baby it had a rock it's got some explaining to do to its tree wife it must have been messing around with a rock somewhere along the line hey look the catch phrase of california on a board out here swear to whatever god you believe in there was a beer back there he hopped the fence and we saw his head but we turned as fast as possible to get away from that area i'm not even joking that scared me so bad when my fitbit at 112. oh man i did not expect to come that close to on one feet no no no no no hey guys real quick we just saw a bear back there probably on the other side so just a heads up there's a brown bear see where that that the downed tree is to the right of the rock there was a black all right we're gonna head this way oh my gosh he's standing right out he's like well maybe he's walking away he's not walking away what do we do i guess we turn around all right oh we finally got back to the car that was the adrenaline rush i was looking for that was a little more scary than i thought i'm so glad i found a bathroom to pee at before i saw the bears or else i would have been riding around in it for the rest of the day you you don't really say it's funny we talked about how you know if you see a bear don't run from it you got to try to make noise but when you see it face to face you don't think no more your prime primal instincts take over everyone was talking about yeah let's just make noises and as soon as you see it everyone turns around takes off you don't know what you're gonna do that's just proof right there you don't know how you're going to react in a terrifying situation until you're in one but that was so cool i found another bear guys let's make a bear call now he's going he's going under the tree so he's done coming back i saw him for a second he's coming back around he's just eating berries trying to get our attention hey that's it we gotta get out get out of here no she's just going ham on that bush yeah i don't care i want this bush that sounds dirty stop eating bush dirty white tail look at the baby oh you've blocked my view i'm sorry there's another one oh look look look bambi bambi remember oh can someone explain to me why companies insist on doing road work during peak hours of areas it just drives me crazy you like look at their graph middle of the day weekdays and all day weekends when most people are here so what does logic tell you early morning late night now let's just smack it right in right in the middle of the day and it can mean everybody that's definitely what they want to do at their trip to sequoia not finally after no joke an hour delay from road work we find a little market they have these things like the best things ever for keto they're so freaking good and you can't go wrong with a diet dr pepper still cannot find the freaking diet prepper cream soda but one day i'll deal with this for now [Music] found a little group of ducks bye ducks all right guys we're actually at a hotel now we made it out of the park i know this is a very awkward transition because it is night outside and the last thing you guys saw were ducks at daytime but literally throughout the rest of the time we were in the park we got stuck in two more road closures overall the park is great it sucks that they had the two major construction in there and no other wildlife events happened which was kind of unfortunate but a lot of our wildlife moments happened like in the first two hours we're in the park we got there super early like before 9 a.m so just to go back to that bear event that was absolutely crazy i have never seen a bear even that close i mean like he said even on foot like just seeing it there in it being that big was absolutely terrifying crazy adrenaline rush everything like all the emotions were there and i want to say thank you to the the couple that we met we actually told them that the bear was going to be there and he was already banging sticks and they were being loud because they had seen a bear too so we figured bigger group of people let's just go that way and try to get out before we get possibly really attacked by a bear so super glad we got to see that the deer the ducks there's tons of wildlife there so if you guys want to check out sequoia definitely do so and go before 9am if you can
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 21,390
Rating: 4.9158077 out of 5
Keywords: sequoia national park, sequoia national park bear attack, sequoia national park bears, bear standoff in sequoia national park, black bear sequoia national park, sequoia national forest, kings canyon national park, national parks, sequoia park bears, sequoia tree, california national parks, moro rock sequoia, tunnel log sequoia, biggest tree in the world, general sherman tree, general sherman tree trail, kings canyon, largest tree on earth, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: uXFU7Dhfi5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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