I Can't Believe HE DID THIS At The Flea Market! Flea Market Selling! HUGE PROFIT!

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4:30 a.m. zero hour just leave actually I'm lying I know it you know what I'm energized yep pretty tired ready to get strapped over the GoPro get that night vision shot let's go what do you guys think are we full to maximum capacity look at this even off the pallet higher like this van is packed as much as you can get let's go make at least $300 I'm hoping cluster of four or five minor let's do it [Music] all right um five bucks it really depends on how many you get don't wanted hell with DVDs I was going okay okay you're like oh no two for a dollar so one two three four five six seven eight there's a lot of people this morning thank you no military stuff in the back of the van you guys can't see about 35 okay yeah all right 18:05 but yes to okay you asked to for that all right thank you three I don't know understand I don't understand a lot of people got that military stuff yeah what about the disco lights any about that yeah ten dollars [Music] and from 10 five what would you give me for this [Music] how much would you give me for that me three thank you you're like five bucks for the wind charms and $2.00 all Barbies sold 40 bucks [Music] probably 30 for the box it's like two dollars a piece on the big nutcrackers and then yeah those they're small and medium ones in there that was a good collection yeah we'll have to come back together yeah I'll move it for you appreciate it maybe holy moly yeah I'm gonna take you but is too I experience 15 thank you any other thank you this is what I thought matched it but oh it's not quite the same do you want for that one like two dollars you take this one just needs a little wipe down the inside like Clorox wipe or something thank you thank you guys all right okay appreciate it again 12 people talk to me that's a pretty good size it's not small I think it might have been used like once or twice we need five this one like three no it's just made that way I don't know why did you want this okay a few of them are all of it what you do problem 25:25 stop the video we have had a ton of requests for new merchandise guys so we went in and we did all kinds of new shirts storage auction shirts resale shirts entrepreneur shirt everything you could think up for you other resellers out there that are just like us brand new being released today so if you think these shirts look sexy which we know they do go check them out link will be down in the description below get it first like we said just released today back to the flea market if you like this - very helpful bucks like two dollars that seemed like solid nominee in order to make sure I asked you thank you thank you all right like hey how about 20 bucks thank you oh cool is it the same color yeah - I don't even know what I have half the time I have toys I got someone well you know what give me some change it doesn't change yeah go thank you awesome I hope you get it yeah well this is the stockpile of let's go home right yeah downpayment of $2 all right all right okay fortune 50 but is it forty forty's the less the least I'll go that's roughly $1 apiece on a lot of things that's already cheap about 35 thank you you in a bag well how much it's everything nine pieces looks like five okay okay what I'll tell you three thank you yeah three five morning a dollar I buy a lot of weed with you huh there's so many faces I can't remember I remember my like morning customers oh yeah yeah you bought the the Navy blanket or a marine blanket or something yeah I know as a military blanket yeah I don't know he's got a look around you know you know we've sold a lot of stuff already good Thank You mr. Kay five bucks you got it you let me get your change we don't know anything - I'll do these and that thing that you picked up for five dollars so two and three for that yeah I'll just three four think you thinking look the miraculous just happened devious bit of sale you had a sale all $5 thank you yeah thank you everything's a dollar so you have that for a dollar sir everything's a dollar okay dolla dolla dolla everything $1 [Music] [Music] for all this give me five bucks give me seven you take your watches everything one dollar dollar dollar yeah everything's a talent maybe do the gun of all I think the whole demon no not like that now oh yeah Dallas used RV thank you oh yeah this isn't really pay or five okay this 206 yep one two three four five and six you said the shampoo or two right thank you in this tote [Music] [Music] we got a runner [Music] [Music] look at these advanced farming tactics out in California they literally have a helicopter flying like ten feet above the ground to water the crops I don't think I've ever seen that before that's that is cool just imagine you missed while they get hits boom guys it is only 8:30 and we are out of there cuz literally we had nothing left besides a dollar a couple dollar items that were like sitting there for two hours for a dollar item so we just went everything we're gone we're on the way home you know what we did really good today really good this is fifty one dollars right here in small change within the big bills we have geez Road most tax dollar in the country they can't even keep a road straight eight hundred fifty two hundred twenty forty sixty eighty three hundred 20 40 60 80 400 420 plus 51 so four hundred and seventy dollars after we paid 20 for our spot plus I got a few bucks and change my pocket so almost five hundred dollars we got here like six and left at 8:00 8:30 two and a half hours five hundred bucks that's how we do things around here guys don't forget to like the video subscribe if you do and until next time peace out [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 34,774
Rating: 4.944407 out of 5
Keywords: flea market selling, flea market selling ideas, flea market selling tips, flea market, flea market finds, flea market flip, flea market madness, flea market sales, how to sell at a flea market, selling at the flea market, selling clothes at the flea market, farmers market, buy and sell, garage sale, garage sale finds, how to make money, ralli roots, sell on ebay, storage auction finds, storage unit, swap meet, video game hunting, yt:quality=high
Id: TRhx_Ea90hg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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