I Sold EVERYTHING I Had For $1! Swarmed At $1 Yard Sale! Making Money At a Yard Sale

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it's 6am guys still pitch black outside and we got to get all of this stuff in the garage like a rock full of stuff outside and get this one dollar yard sale set up and going remember everything we have is going for one dollar and every single dollar we make is gonna go towards buying toys for families in need this christmas so i hope we do really good don't forget we're trying to make december our most liked month of the last three years please leave this video a thumbs up subscribe if you're new because we have videos like this pretty much every day let's get into it [Music] one we'll do two three four yeah i appreciate it so do you have the ability to scan on here you just want to type in the name there's two dollars yes one whole dollar should have been paid all right got it awesome thank you have a good day well i have a venmo paypal and cash app as well or less everything one dollar or less all proceeds go to helping get kids presents on christmas all right let's see we got one two pretty much just gonna really count here uh 30 bucks sorry how much did you say there's twenty twenty okay that's fine i'll take it thank you so much thank you guys have a good day i'll hold it i'll hold whatever this is 16. are you guys all set so what from right here these two okay so one nope and all of them this this and all this all right so one two three two three four four one two i'll give you those for free five uh and the hamper how about ten bucks hey can you check my wallet for a small change here's a five and i still owe you five you all said you're still looking around three [Music] one two three four five [Music] and that's that's not that's given like a couple things two for a dollar too like the plates i did like two for one all right i can help you while they're shorting that out so three there you go thank you are you guys ready so we got one two three four five six seven eight let me do 15 for it all there you go thank you all right i'm ready if you are all right let's see this has been so much fun no problem uh so i'll do all those for a dollar one two one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17. um how about with the box and a few other things just 20. yeah is that okay yeah we clean out storage units um and then this is all going towards a big basically video idea that we have to help kids for christmas and families in need and stuff so we'll use this money and then go get a bunch of toys and do something special we don't have the full idea yet but i love it but i mean i figure we get rid of stuff you guys get a good deal we repay it into something bigger so it works out yeah i love it it's great good yeah i'm glad it wasn't too cold out today for people to come out i know like a treasure hunt too yeah i know i don't know what you're gonna find do you need help carrying that or you got it [Music] everything's dollar-less don't pay attention to that okay but even like so we'll do one two okay all for two ten bucks okay okay i got a bag for you if you have one box probably better this stuff too yeah i mean if you want it yeah put it in there all right thank you very much one two three four five mm-hmm six seven this one this one just did it not this this no that's not math okay you said this yeah all right so six one feet yeah this is the only one i can't see do i want it they're cute though i mean it's a dollar you can't go wrong i see a little chip to it i just was trying to see what cool can i mix with it i'm gonna go ahead and take this okay and six would be seven eight nine should give me this one yeah two four dollars can you shoot that dollar for this one sure okay so five six all right you want to put that one back you can have this one for free yep sure can't see you know okay all right all right are you ready okay all right so the shell one uh two three four five how about five bucks yeah wait do you guys say uh is the cash only our target oh i can do like venmo cash out paypal okay venmo you said yeah all right i can pull up that scan thing there we go you got to be up to date at yard sales nowadays for really not everybody has cash now we got to go to some estate sales like after this and usually they have like the whole like like card i'm like it's like older people let me go into that yeah because they don't have genuine that's interesting yeah all right yes i got it all right thank you oh thank you he's the smart one thank you by the time we got one two three four five two seven eight nine how about ten bucks for all the store okay can we hold something thank you ma'am thank you this is awesome glad you liked it good cause too yes thank you anywhere set it next to your dolphins all right okay so this is a one two three four you're doing this for church not through church it's just something we do like every christmas we always give presents to kids thank you so much thank you did i get somebody to help me with this yeah of course see you quick update guys it is ten o'clock and this is the first time that we have no one here and we have a chance to record a quick update so here's what we made these are all 20s and these are fives and ones mostly ones we'll give you the total at the end of the video but i wanted to go through and kind of show what we kind of left so some purses and stuff there was a whole thing of tools up there those are all sold a lot of vt stuff sold we have a cord a furniture here i think we had like three other tables we had a cube organizer that's all gone um some figurines two are gone not as much christmas stuff as i thought is gone but a lot of it has gone but a lot of it has these are what i'm really surprised that nobody's picked up yet like these turn on there's a little light that comes on in the middle i mean those are super pretty but i might keep those if nobody sells or nobody buy them a lot of shoes still left nobody wanted pillowcases come on people i think i saw like four random things with toys blah blah blah home decor i can't really tell you you know what's sold in these kind of boxes because they're all random you know what was in there this is something else that i'm surprised that nobody's grabbed there's a bug um i'm so i mean this i don't think anybody wants but the monitor isn't a surprise um some blankets another random box i mean it's definitely thinned out a lot from from this morning for sure i feel like most of the people get like the little figurines like cups um a lot of home decor has sold a few pots and pans a few glasses other than that everything else has just been random stuff that we've had in a box but 10 o'clock we have two more hours left so let's see how much more money we can get for these kids on christmas all done thank you have a good one sure thank you i appreciate it you guys need help with the table or you got it okay have no i mean like this was nine so i'm at three let's do it separate i'll buy mason's toy i ended up bringing more stuff let me go yeah that's i think that's it well what if that's free i bet if this is free he needs it trucks or whatever three four five six how about seven that's good don't put nothing back i mean he just kept hitting me with it he don't know what he's doing oh yeah yeah maybe he does no signs weren't lying thank you very much okay got some good stuff all right so let's see if we can come up here so we'll do one two bucks for that stuff too yes that's what you need mckenzie all right how about 40 for all of it let me count through it and i'll get right back i'm serious i think i mean it should be but i just want to double check and see what all we've gotten to see if there's anything that we don't need yeah but i i for these boxes like i was just like three yeah i know there's three i don't even feel like looking through it how much we got at the moment all right to make sure we didn't get something we didn't need yeah so just let me know okay call me back over are you ready honestly the best posse there you go okay thank you thank you you need any help or you got it oh i got it okay i like that your boots match your shirt perfectly thank you so one two three four five bucks yup thank you the signs didn't lie everything's bad all right you go thank you you have a good day me too thank you that's it it'll fit enough yeah one two three four like even when even taking all the packages are falling apart hello sorry i'm talking about food no that's okay i think we got 10 items here all together all right i'll trust you 10 bucks thank you so much yes merry christmas thank you one two three four about five bucks thank you all right what do you got here one two three are you trying to we'll do this and those two for a dollar the one two three four okay there's nothing up here right no none of this stuff thank you thank you the one how about three everything dollar or less so i said three thank you thank you so everything for those of you that just got here one dollar thank you so everything's a dollar less and then all the proceeds are going to getting uh christmas presents for kids with families in need a bag yeah here let me give you a box did you come to ours last time i remember you i've seen so many familiar faces today all done yeah what's that i think it's a neat yeah it's like a shoulder system you know how people like have like they hinder their arm they have it up like this and they like keep them up like that so two dollars thank you very much you're welcome you said you're going to repaint them yeah yeah good project make them all pretty thank you very much thank you guys you too the boy he's a boy he's 106. what's his name my spot his father's got a spot on his left side and looks just like him what a puppy my name is body spot oh my god three boys and three girls are you far thank you i have my car right here oh no but i was doing my walk was that some students i hope you're not going to just carry that a block down the street how much is it just this yeah a dollar okay it's very pretty yes have a good day thank you merry christmas you got the picture down there yes ma'am that cost the one dollar yeah let me plug it in there's some stuff that i know 100 that works and some stuff that i'm not sure the heater we checked because i contemplated ready yes so so here's the next one this i can't hide from you i got some stuff in there too yeah i see it uh how about four bucks virus yeah but now you know i said you know i need to get out of here back to my yacht ceiling well you always got to come back to ours are the best yes and you know i think the last time you were saying that you have a youtube channel yep it's for a good cause this time so i mean it's it's not my personal game one two you're welcome if there's any toys that she wants just go ahead and take it i won't i won't charge you for it no she's in me that's right for you all done five bucks three two three [Music] and so it should be 45. some of the ones might have stuck together all done thank you all done yeah all right what you got one two that yeah i was hoping y'all had a christmas try no we had two this morning figured that we didn't even know we were right thank you you're welcome thank you guys are you still shopping for the bed so everything's a dollar [Music] uh double a so one two three four how about 10 bucks for it all oh you wanna you want a big classifier so okay if i give you some ones okay okay make sure count that again make sure nothing's stuck together good okay all right thank you thank you have a good one me too look i have five items okay like five bucks personally i'm stuck but you're still working thank you thank you fine you look at me kind of concerned we'll do five dollars whatever you want oh she's got a whole row of money though these are all one thank you thank you and some of your signs have blown down i just noticed that one i'm glad you did yeah yeah all that's just trash so if you see something nike box might work how about five okay so i said five right yeah is it okay if i give you some ones yeah you could don't you give me four or five whatever yeah i'm gonna give you two fives okay yeah thank you i should hold up um inside that gate right there so 49. thank you you're welcome thank you he's got three things right there okay chain will change for you that's all right it's like money money i mean wrap trees wrap um you know stair banisters anything you can wrap we wrap around something like this decorate it how much you want for this box right here about two put that in will you throw that in yeah okay with that garland too yeah i may get it okay oh she's buying that one i'm thinking about it almost it's going towards that guy a bright column i hope i can get enough over here to do yeah i mean it's worth the shot can't beat it for a buck right all right what's up cindy what you got a little bit of everything are you done are you still shopping done one two three four how about five four that's two yeah i'll throw that in your subscriber you get a little bit more perks than everybody cool i have a 40 cup coffee maker at home whoa so this is perfect oh cool i touch amber's shoulder so you can rub that riley off on it i know y'all ain't rushing i can't wait a couple years i have two that i have no access to because my son has them in colorado i haven't met him yet one's 12. and the other one's 11. thank you [Music] [Laughter] because i don't feel like digging through it how about quarters from her i have a 50 will you take that for that yeah i sure will thank you you're welcome yeah okay i mean if you want to set that somewhere and still look around you can what do you want for these i'm trying how about we'll do a dollar piece for these okay three yeah and then four i want them to feel bad by taking them what she wanted them now i want them oh well i had i put them i had are you gonna take it i am okay i am they're going to a good home for ourselves but i don't think i have any more i thought i did but thank you guys you're welcome can i put them back in this piece of whatever it is they came out of so i don't rattle all over the road merry christmas cindy three dollars thank you all right one two three [Music] i have a good one all right let's see what we got so do one two three okay oops five six how about ten bucks because i don't feel like going through that thank you came back to see if you have christmas lights of course found other treasures thank you so did you get the toy box yeah okay i was like i'm glad you came back yeah i'm very very surprised happily awesome all right so we got let's see one two and she could have those so two bucks two dollars i like thank you thank you all right that's perfect all right thank you yeah you guys just make a pile and pay at the end three just three yeah you know i've had i've had a couple of people legitimately ask me that question today are you serious thank you all right so let's do one two three four five six [Laughter] how about ten bucks yeah thank you thank you it could be the blower mode if you're ready to go back yet you know the spider in the rock my grandbabies love dinosaurs all right i'll do a dollar don't worry about it all right guys last little bit of stuff this is the last update i'm going to give you on the stuff that we had at the yard sale so here it all is i'm about to post something on facebook to put it off for free and that'll be it and we'll get to the money part and let you guys know what all we made in a second see you then it is now after midnight we just finished the live auction and we finished packing everything up for the live auction right here so literally since 6am we've been going non-stop it's been about 18 hours now and we haven't even started to edit this video yet it's gonna be a 24-hour shift today no doubt but a lot of you guys are wondering how much money do we make on the dollar sale surprisingly a lot more than we made on the regular yard sale like what the heck and by the way our garage isn't kind to cleaned out it's empty everything's gone there was less than a truckload in the truck right now to take the jump less than a truckload which that makes me so happy and if you didn't hear in the last video our plan with this we're gonna take all the money we made plus maybe a little bit extra and we're going to buy like a truckload of toys we haven't decided what we're going to do yet but we're going to give them the kids and families in need we just don't know how we're going to do it yet but effect that video probably the week of christmas we're probably going to get it done sometime this week but we're also expecting a snowstorm so hopefully sometime this week but the moment you're waiting for the big wad of cash put it on the table really quick 100 right there 20 40 60 80 200 20 40 60 80 300 20 40 60 80 400 20 40 60 80 90 500 10 20 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 and probably around 10 dollars and change we just kind of threw in our change bucket right there so in bills right there 537 for selling everything for one dollar only that's crazy when we sold everything at full price we made like what less than 200 bucks right yeah then we sell it for a dollar it's like 10 million people show up and we make 500 some dollars and clear out the garage i don't blame them explain that i'm so happy though that's done auctions done time to edit and i guess we'll see you guys next time you enjoyed it leave it a thumbs up subscribe if you're new and until next time peace out [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 64,314
Rating: 4.9683032 out of 5
Keywords: yard sale, yard sale finds, yard sale finds 2020, yard sale finds for ebay, yard sale finds worth money, yard sale finds youtube, yard sale flipping, yard sale money, yard sale pokemon cards, yard sale profit, yard sale selling tips, yard sale selling tricks, yard sale tips and tricks for sellers, best yard sale finds ever, how to make money at a yard sale, selling yard sale items on ebay, things to sell at a yard sale, yard sales near me, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: U6sPpjKHsnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 49sec (2329 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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