Old Owner Will HURT ME If I Open This Box! I DID IT ANYWAY! Finds in Abandoned Storage Units 2021

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i've moved two bags and i already found cash that's heavy oh you ready yeah let's do it see what that box says touch and you die today we finally got a storage unit for the first time this week and there's something in there that could be masking a lot of money even though it's an hour away we took the gamble because i'm in that kind of mood so let's get on the road let's go get that [Music] so we finally arrived right here at the facility and guess what we only paid 90 bucks for this unit when we open it up i'm gonna tell you why i wanted to take the gamble but let's hope that pays off just get into it [Music] all right so the reason i wanted the unit is because in the picture all you can see is that and the only thing i can think of that's it's that size wooden and has hinges is a jewelry box so let's hope that pays off but first let's get to what else is in this unit i gotta say we just got here open it up and it smells very strongly of a plant that's legal in california and a few other states but not a lot of other ones if you catch my drift so let's see what we got not to mention how do you say no to a bathroom size yes come on this is worth like a lot of money i've always wanted a bathroom sign haven't you you know what's kind of weird to me i know this means handicap accessible but they act like handicapped to gender when they put it on there with the boy the man and woman it's like i don't know that's kind of weird i know what they mean but still it's strange what's in the green bag what do you think we have tape oh that [ __ ] is not a jordan though isn't it aviation what is an avia cheap cheap shoes look sunflower seeds pineapple chunks okay it's real i check every little can it doesn't fit in nowadays that is a crappy bag all right this one is a random wire bag everybody has one you know those wires you're like i might need that one day so you put in your drawer for 20 years and you never actually need it but you just don't want to throw it away because you know the day you throw it away is the day you'll need it and you'll be mad you gotta go buy a new one exactly hey look there's the match we got a whole like trash um what do we have in here the dog thing dog jacket jacket i would not put a dog in any jacket in california it's like 110 degrees every day out here what is this thing a bike seat cushion i think it smells like i don't want to smell it you guys smell it you guys let me know i'm not getting too close to it i think it smells like behind okay what do we have here that looks kind of suspicious um a lot of pills in here they're just actually it says 800 milligram ibuprofen so nothing scary but that doesn't mean it's not going to be somewhere else in you i've moved two bags and i already found cash look at that a whole time can't compete with that 10 cent bash all right what is that that's one of those keep my food warm bags delivery drivers use come here and this is just some sweaters i think and some weird tie-dye paint i wouldn't wear this that was debris flying in here i don't know what's in here though all right look at all these pills why do you have so many of these what is this they look like vitamin d dietary dietary supplement take with the meal plus digestive health promotes appetite suppressant and has high quality ingredients if did i look this up the other day i feel like this is like life i don't know lots of pills but nothing weird yet is this trash trash i feel like it's gonna be trash oh it's our favorite oh look food it's all canned food it's it's oatmeal and tuna and ravioli and tomato sometimes you just gotta wonder why people store stuff you just gotta be like look at it just have a long thought your hair like what the bad words what the crap yeah i'll say that this better not be more food let's see what's in this bag get out it looks lighter at least they got gave us bags no this has got some other stuff in it like hey uh dvd player my favorite i always can get what a couple people asked for dvd player the last they are too so yeah the one time we didn't have any in here what's that what is that thing um scheduled valve runtime i have no idea all right that there's another one of those and the other thing in here there's a couple books that and another ooh that looks interesting it's killing it cotton hill let's see what else is in the bag hey look we've got what's his name pluto okay i thought that was um garfield looking dog at first it looked like it then we got bart everyone knows bart and elmo is gonna tickle me aren't some of the vintage um tickle me elmo's worth good money i thought i think so but i don't think that's one of them it doesn't look like it don't they have like feet it's like where they stand and move and stuff like that i think they're electronic yeah this one's electronic he's got something in his stomach but i don't think it's a tickle me i don't know don't tell me i can't rock that shoe of course you can't look at that my size not quite and we got this little thingy cover your windshield during summer it would probably burn out here you know probably it hasn't been under 100 degrees and i think two or three weeks out here it sucks my favorite font ever got dirt yes actual dirt or potting mix but i bet you no joke that would be one of the first things it would sell when we have a next yard so there's a nutri bullet boxer i wonder what's in there oh i picked it up and i had no weight too unless it weighs like nothing let's see just the top the rest of it might be in here somewhere though you never know it could be in the units though so don't count it out yet this was another reason i really liked it they look like comic boxes now that i'm out here they're a lot flatter so they could be cards but we'll see what is this i don't trust stuff made of this material yeah when i find stuff made of that material i don't trust it at all i don't know about that yeah i don't like that what's this oh pen needles my favorite oh these are probably to like uh i don't even know they look like the things that go on the tip of the thing to test your blood sugar i don't really know maybe it's that maybe it's not in the back here hey look there's the other shoe yes i can rock them now oh yeah so check these out some jumper cables always super fast cellar again i've got five bucks for these every single time i find them like within minutes of flea market yar sale it doesn't matter somebody always wants them and they want them fast so that's good money or easy money to say not necessarily good money what's in here what's this thunder valley casino resort let's go on this guy um not much else in there besides some vice grip ply here so yeah that'll go to the tool thing everything else kind of meh all right ew what look at the corner what is it ew is that a rotting apple or peach or something gross like a rotting apple i don't know should i open one of these boxes yeah let's take it up oh yeah it's heavy i got a good feeling i know what this is these are going to be some type of cards please mtg magic the gathering cards are so much easy money and there oh yeah look at that a whole huge stack of cards a lot of them are even in protectors here let's pull a couple out and see what they are let's get the ones without the sleeves star trek the next generation look at that i don't think i've ever found star trek cards have no idea if this is a gold mine right here or if this is try to get ten dollars for somebody at a yard sale yeah i know i have no idea but i gotta do some research oh yeah if any of you guys collect star trek cards let us know there's ones that we should look out for that's annoying ocd put them straight it's too insane probably try to keep them separate i'm not going to go through all of them because well i don't know what they're worth and whatnot so that could be a gold mine or that could be nothing i have no idea right now so it looks like we got a few books on top of the next box there get feisty i sell this bring back such weird memories of like elementary school yeah they used to have these like all the different colors this that does but these especially they had like every single kind of this you know like dinosaurs rock minerals rock bike everything was so cool let's see this is heavy too oh yes it is and it's a bigger box god it's super heavy all right let's see if it's the same thing or something different this time looks like more star trek doesn't it based on the back there that's the same back there that's all star trek cards so again i'd i we could be sitting on a gold mine cards are crazy man one car piece of cardboard could be worth a thousand dollars you never know again if anybody collects these kind of things give us some info down below because we're gonna have to do a lot of research when we get home i bet you didn't accept we come across a freaking ferrari f150 now 488 still a ferrari in a storage unit that's pretty nice looks like the battery's missing now though so maybe it'll be somewhere else inside the unit who knows let's keep digging this is shirts this jeans why do you have so many usb wires they're all just charging cables it looks like one hdmi hey there's an hdmi but so what's the big one over here charging block just a bunch of freaking wires okay this thing what kind of jacket do we have here any north face or anything nanya nona no idea all right let's get into this box here this has got a little bit of weight to it what's this let's see that's empty in a okay ew i don't want to know i really don't there's that what's that can't tell look at that yeah with one random figure in it this is just a sheet hey look this is probably the controller to the ferrari yep just gonna find the battery yeah i'm just missing the battery right now this is a makeshift cat toy isn't is it that's what it looks like to me it looks like a makeshift cat toy what is this curling wand okay thanks i'm so glad you said that i got really bad impressions from that first look i might keep that looks better than the one i got the yard sale always happens just a cheap jacket i think what brand is it champion actually so probably five bucks well i guess i wanted to come down now let's see change your tires a couple blocks [Music] send me oh look at the hand the second hand no four seconds that's probably garbage let's see what else is over here what is all this stuff these like knee pads yeah razor these like skating biking knee pads are like i work on my knees all day or no there's not like skating like rollerblading skateboarding all right is it like a little mini baseball glove okay what's this a giant oh he made me take the owl they put this in there for on purpose i would have to take it i took it out i'm mad look at this little guy he looks old doesn't he kind of he's like that weird figure he stopped like a gumby figure like this when i was little but like that the rest of what we got in here is a lot of books so i don't think i'm gonna go through all the books but yeah let's get that bag out the way looks like we have two headlights here or tail lights or something i wonder aren't there two how do you tell what's this say in there i can't see it it's too dusty it's a car person i know there's somewhere out there because look at that said oh that's to a ford 2006 f1 right off the bat by looking at it i know you're out there give me that knowledge a fish that's an ugly fish english fish ready kind of cool looking oh my god this is what i've always wanted that's the meme horse mask i've always wanted to buy one of these because they're hilarious and we kept the pig masks from like months ago and dexter loves it so i figured definitely gotta keep the horse mask too 100 let's see what's in the lunch box as well nothing's in that one but it's a little lunchbox this one got something in it no nothing miracle grow just a like attachment to the hose it looks like this looks like a jump box doesn't it yeah that's a jump box that's an easy at least 15 bucks right there yeah easy 10-15 bucks all day i guess the only thing is left to do is let's get to this stuff for the jeweler boxes so we have this thingy here property of that then a motorcycle helmet ooh that thing is locked look at that look at this an o'neill motorcycle helmet looks like a kid helmet though it looks small might be a small head guy what do you think's in here oh it's it's heavy but it could just be the wood oh you ready yeah let's do it no it is a dory box but so we were right on the hunch it looked like a jewelry box and it is a jewelry box but there's no jewelry in it that sucks but you know what it's okay we got this little thing husky this toolbox oh that's got a lot of weight to it cobra cable chain let's see if that's what it is dang i think that's what it is yep and last thing in the unit we got some boots and a bag other than that i think we've gone through just about everything really it depends on the star trek card that's the big money everything else adds up to at least what we spent so i'm not mad or anything but those cards could be a gold mine let's clean it up and let's go home and do some research [Music] all right so we kind of just wait a quick little sort through this is all the good stuff we're keeping out of the unit right here i figured we just showed this because it's a small unit only have like three bags of trash though that's not bad at all we're gonna get this stuff in the back seat then we're gonna go home then we're gonna do an actual recap all right now that we're home let's do kind of a recap first thing first i want to show something kind of funny in these boxes so i have no idea what this part over here is trying to say what does it say billy when you went to room something tried waking you up can't be back tomorrow or no can't be back love tim i don't know yeah whatever that says that that well this is the part that made me laugh look over here see what that box says touch and you die oh i'm touching it i'm touching it you're gonna die i don't know seriously we started looking through these and it's just gonna take a crap ton of look up so we counted them out we kind of like a stack of 100 and kind of did like a count like that very rough estimate very rough estimate there's around 7 000 total cards so honestly i'm thinking of just lighting them up in the lots and whatever we do we're gonna do one big live auction before we leave with some good high item stuff that we've been saving from little units instead of just doing it every week with just random stuff we have we're going to do one big one before we leave so we're going to probably just divide those up but again same thing i said in the unit if anyone collects those who know specific ones we should look for make sure you let us know so this stuff over here is just kind of the random yard sale stuff i'm calling it basically this actually is like 30 bucks on ebay but probably still just going to sell it locally so i don't feel like dealing with ebay right now i'm getting tired with the shipping and stuff it's just it's making me mad i mean the jump box jumper cables couple toys couple of random things like ferrari but we still never got the battery before dvd player and just you know nothing special but overall probably like 75 to 100 bucks right here just in resellable stuff but the big money is going to come from the cards and i forgot to mention did i tell you guys the vitamins in there i almost threw those things away they're 45 a bottle there's six of them on there that was like 200 bucks right there so that was almost stubble the unit price right there easy and we still have all the cars sitting there which could be worth who knows how much but that's all i got for you today if you enjoyed the video leave it a thumbs up subscribe if you're new and until next time peace out [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 41,657
Rating: 4.9061093 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned storage units 2020, abandoned storage units, abandoned storage units best finds, abandoned storage units car, abandoned storage units guns, abandoned storage units mrbeast, abandoned storage units shoes, abandoned storage, abandoned storage unit finds, best abandoned storage unit finds, i bought an abandoned storage unit, storage stalker, storage unit, storage wars, storage wars episodes, storage wars fight, how to make money, mystery box, reselling business
Id: z_63FcPYXAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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