Hot Air Balloon CRASHES AT MY HOUSE! Hot Air Balloon Crash While Trying To Make Money!

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whoa it landed it did it it's down is it in the neighborhood or past the neighborhood [Music] today we're gonna be going out and trying our old dumpster diving route online today we're gonna go try the new dumpster diving route for the first time since we moved here a lot of you guys have been asking us to bring those videos back so we have a lot of stores around us i mean within six minutes of here we probably have 10 plus stores so we're gonna go out see what we can find we're gonna try to make this part of our daily routine again so whenever we find cool stuff we can bring you cool videos but for now let's go see if we can have some beginner's luck now we're here at bed bath and beyond i believe anything in these boxes nope bed bath miami used to have luck when we were i see something right here already when we were up north but a lot of the stuff they started either destroying or it was already returned and broken let's see what they have here that was just a lot of styrofoam so they have these pillows here um i mean they feel a little damp but i mean pillows dry right might as well use this box thank you bed bath me on box courtesy of bed bath me out let's see there's another pillow here i wonder if these got tossed because there was like no cover on them i wonder if they had covers uh this one doesn't look too bad i'll take it even if they end up being like non-saleable stuff we'll still like take the stuffing on used to shipping material let's see styrofoam what is this that is something very big so this i see right here says commercial display now i just gotta hit the face of styrofoam i'm trying to get out what it is so gillette labs heated razor like commercial display kind of interesting i see a broken mirror there and see if i see anything else down here guys if you do dumpster diving and you also do online selling definitely come to bed bath and beyond because they throw away a lot of packing material let's try to get this back in there probably can't even hear me over this all right let's check the other side so i think it's all broken mirror here too but sometimes they throw like little things away in their bags i'm just gonna toss this back see here's some return stuff here's a broken mirror here's a top to what looks like a crock pot inside in case i find the actual crock pot something's in here that is completely broken in glass i don't really touch that um bubble wrap i feel like i should definitely like come back here for packing material boxes too even advertisements more styrofoam another part to the gillette thing and other than that i don't really see much so i'm going to toss this back in there because i did not see the crock pot for that um so let's see what other dumpsters we can get into i believe right here is five below so let's see we've had really good hauls from five below before so let's see what they have well i can't really get into this one as you can see this is boxes from floor to ceiling on that side hopefully my breathing is isn't obnoxious it's pretty cold out here see a spongebob box but overall now i know where to get boxes if i need them if i blows all boxes in there see what's in here and more boxes come on five below gotta have some merchandise somewhere and boxes and i see some promo posters like right there um other than that i can't really get into this one and i think ulta is over there so i'll see you when i get over there just got here to what i think is ulta not too familiar with the shopping center like i said but hopefully this is ulta i'm judging by that clear display right there looks like it um and i see a couple like pink boxes which could be like perfume or makeup boxes but i can't reach any of that to be honest uh and this is their recycling that's gonna be a bust for now let me see what other dumpsters i can get into so i'm actually walking behind the shopping center dumpster dumpster uh easier that way and it's a new shopping center so just trying to get the feel of everything but the next dumpsters aren't until like over there but so i wanted this chance to get to talk to you guys for a little bit so i hope you guys are enjoying the dumpster driving video so far um this is a there's devas this is a shopping center that's really close to our house so it's going to be easy to either drive or walk over here um what do you want office depot dollar tree all good to go i just went back there and checked them they're completely open oh cool recon well you turn around and i'm just gonna finish walking to like right over here all right all right actually i see a dumpster right here but i hope you guys are liking the dumpster diving we're actually going around this is like early in the morning you can't really see me this is like early in the morning so we're trying to figure out a good route in our new area to dumpster dive so just kind of feeling out the area right now so this looks like actually shoe carnival let's see what they have well um this could possibly be an interesting bag all the other bags look like uh cardboard and honestly i can't really reach that but all of them look like cardboard i'm assuming that one is and they have a few other dumpsters over here they have one right over here the green one right there and then there's some other dumpsters right across the way some more dumpsters over there nothing behind here i think that might be a compactor behind there not a hundred percent sure where this one is it might be marshalls uh but yeah not a hundred percent sure so i'll go over there and see what the boxes say i guess and this says shoe carnival recycle only and it's locked on that side all i see is cardboard boxes from that side and it's locked on this side but that is a hundred percent recycle so let's see what's in these dumpsters up up here all right what is this what surprises do we have waiting over here we have a lot of empty boxes oh this might be petsmart i see a dog food container up there i think it's petsmart pretty sure it's not petco oh all right i see a a big dumpster here i'll jump straight in a dumpster guys let me see if i can get this door open not really try this side first okay big box big box uh nothing down there what's in here kind of feel in here that is all recycling let me move these and try to get in between boxes boxes there's like a cured box in there so maybe it's not petsmart maybe it's like a grocery store but i don't think there's a grocery store in this shopping center what's in here oh no this this is definitely petsmart okay so like this display thing right here this is like the little hamster cage like bedding um some of the display shelves i want to get under this dumpster over here but it's not cooperating let me open you give me one second okay so i got it yeah all i needed was two hands to move this out and lift this up who knew two hands would have helped anyway i don't see much besides like them cleaning out um the cages and then this is like the uh what do you call it the barber i'm completely drawing a blank bear and then i see these little pouches the groomer these little shiva signature broths but the expiration is august 23rd of 2019 i was going to give these to dexter because he's like he likes real juicy food but they are expired and i don't really want to deal with that last time i tried to get like hard food out of the dumpster it ended up having maggots in it so be wary of hard food that you get out of petsmart or petco and definitely check for something like that especially if it's expired but even if it's not make sure that there's no maggots in it all right i wanted to take this time to also say while i'm walking to these miles and miles apart dumpsters that um sorry it's a little awkward when i'm behind a shopping center it is cold jeebus is not with me uh he's going around trying to see what other dumpsters we can get it get our hands into so i'm trying to look to make sure nobody's around me i feel like i can't talk in general so i'm kind of awkward on camera but i missed you guys i feel like we've put out like a couple unit videos obviously no dumpster driving in a while but i feel like i haven't got to talk to you guys in a while we haven't done live streams which is like our prime place to talk to people so i missed you guys i hope you're having a great day our move was great i know a lot of people have been asking about that as far as the house goes we you guys gave us some tips on like some of the figures in the house we did end up putting black poster board behind the pops in the window so they don't get sun damaged and as far as the stuff in the kitchen we haven't really figured out a different place to put that kind of stuff so we're still working on that but you'll get you guys saw the new glass shelves we got and we put the black poster board so that's like the only updates on that kind of stuff but i'm at a new dumpster so let's see what we got and i'm pathetically out of breath after talking all that and walking at the same time i'm pathetically out of breath all right so what is this i see starbucks so this might be barnes and noble i know there's barnes and noble in here but that was all nasty stuff um barnes and noble usually throw out in boxes but every barnes noble could be different so nothing there but i saw something right here as well so let me see what's behind a door number two or door number eight i don't really know how many dumpsters i checked at this point let's see what's in here open hi what candy uh in a minute hold on a second so this is i don't even know like shredder paper garbage this is the same thing it's like food and shredder stuff i don't know where that came from maybe maybe pier one that was like obnoxiously loud and i can't close that so whatever all right getting in the car now we'll go find more dumpsters there's a hot air balloon look out we saw this like so far away before we went dumpster diving and now it's like right there i have never seen one of these in person let's see hi that is like one of the strangest things that is amazing i want to see how far i can zoom can you zoom in on them i can see a person in there but i can't really like focus focus on it that's like the closest i've ever seen a hot air balloon i've never seen i've seen one like way off in the distance on the highway before but that's about the extent of it that's awesome all right let's go back and get those pillows there it is even closer holy crap he looks like he's gonna land on the roof where are we i don't know the magical land of oz right now i know hold on oh there goes the fire hi that's awesome good morning that is like way too close to the screen for my comfort and i'm not even in it look at that look how big this thing is i can't see it now but me and it's way too close to the trees there's the pillows pillows don't really know i'm grabbing them i'm grabbing them and throwing pillow i hear the fire being released from it all right let's see let's go see if i hear a giant explosion in a second we gotta go up there and u-turn real quick all right let's go find the balloon we're gonna go play balloon chasers balloon chasers whoa it landed it did it it's down is it in the neighborhood or past the neighborhood it's like in the neighborhood yeah we gotta go see it we gotta go find this thing did it just land on somebody's house like are all these cars going together there's like three cars oh my god hold on um is it in this cul-de-sac or is it further up well if it's not we'll just kind of go further in the neighborhood everybody's stopping everybody's stopping to see this is it crashing are they trying no i think they're landing look this car in front of us is like taking pictures i think they're trying to land it but what if what if what if that's not like where they're trying to land i can't see them trying to land that big monster right behind the house that's kind of sketchy man i'm not gonna lie there's people like right behind us on their front porch good morning i don't know hey you guys never seen that before right i don't feel like it's supposed to be that low oh i guess he's trying to like crash land on the shed i'm trying to zoom up [Music] that thing's going down i know i wonder if he's like trying to go the next neighborhood over try to go up that street all right let's go all right let's see if we can let's try to get a better view of them look everyone said this guy's coming out recording oh there it dude look at everybody here good morning hot air balloon morning keep going sorry guys i'm trying to get the best content possible here i've literally everybody everyone in the neighborhood's out hold i'm gonna call my mom are we right over there yeah shoot i think she'll be able to see it i'm gonna call them oh sorry i feel like it's going to crash man good job guys i don't know if it's gonna it's like freaking probably five feet above the house and the next street up you don't see it ah i don't know how to tell you where it's at sorry guys if i'm like all over the place but i'm trying my best everybody's talking to us there's like everybody on all the streets are outside with phones it's all there like right down the street this guy was outside these guys are outside guys we found it we went and got mama g was the baby g was there in the back seat to see this but is that coming from him or is that that's the truck that's the truck all right so they're like right here they got they actually landed finally over here i'm coming in go that way i am looking keep going watch out oh look hot air balloon rides they're literally like they have rides oh they go a little off course though i guess so that's awesome i don't think it was supposed to land like this i don't yeah i don't think they were supposed to land in the backyard but you guys are all on camera now that's crazy man check that out this is the fire station right here yeah this is the fire station cool all these cars coming in to check it out a bunch of people following it hot air balloon rides 804-798-0080 now here at vitamin shop never really checked vitamin shop before but was kind of curious what they had in here and it doesn't look like anything i see some bottles down there but i literally can't get in there and even if i could i would not set foot in that like five inches of water down there so next dumpster all right now kind of down this sketchy long delivery truck ramp we have office max and there's also dollar tree right across the street what do we got some apple gift cards but they're probably not activated i see a bunch more gift cards over there what is it though i'm not sure i see giant gift cards i feel like they're not activated though so what would be the point of taking them let's see please don't make no noise quiet all right see what this is oh that was yellow that came out of there what is this a broken chair there's a tote see what's in it nothing but i mean it's a good tote i'll definitely take it um that is just advertisement this whole bag right here what smells like vinegar gross go away that whole bag right there is apple store gift cards again i'm going to assume they're unactivated and not worth grabbing so um i'll just take the tote and go on over to dollar tree maybe ask jesus about him and see what he thinks so i asked jesus about the gift cards and you 100 think they're unactivated right i mean that was my logical guess but just to make sure i figured i'd ask activate the register usually waste i mean you can use it for i don't know what but something not apple stuff right here dollar tree i literally saw employees out front but see if there's something really fast uh broken food food all i see is nasty food stuff and a couple carts back here so we'll try to find another one so right here we have our game stop this is the closest gamestop we have to the house so let's see what they got we got some onions and lights and let's see see what's in here double bag but ew it's gross it's definitely food why does gamestop always have to be next to food places we have a lot of oops bach decided to jump out guess it doesn't want to be in the dumpster get back in more boxes more boxes and literally no gamestop bags unfortunately all righty so now we are at big lots let's see what we got all right some dressers with no drawers there's a little bookcase over here which it's kind of moldy smelling to be honest it just finished raining for a while here's another dresser with no drawers uh at least this big lots is open i feel like the last few big lots we had were never open for us to like get access to there's some drawings on here please don't be obnoxious see what's in this bag here feels like light plastic stuff so it's probably just boxes and it's literally like these it's like little stuff and empty boxes and like use stuff it's like used toothpaste thing in there and toothbrush it's kind of gross let's go back over here make sure i didn't miss anything see popeyes and a bunch of random trash like a broom head there otherwise nothing but i'm really really glad that this is open and we can check this from now on well we didn't really find too much got an empty toe for storage a couple of pillows we'll probably just end up using the stuffing for packaging that's honestly they're a little wet and dirty i don't know what they've been used for but free packing material but that is one of those stories that we did not have a camera with us everyone would have caught us crazy for life imagine if you just got home and said you know there was a hot air balloon over the shopping center went over the neighborhood almost landed on somebody's house at the trees nobody in their right mind would ever believe that i was like is this normal out here we're asking people in the neighborhood is that normal no they've never seen it around here that i'm just so glad we went out that's a story that i'll remember for a long time put down in the comments have you ever seen a hot air balloon almost laying on somebody's house in your neighborhood i bet you haven't i really bet you have it put it in the comments if you have hope you enjoyed the video leave it a thumbs up subscribe if you're new and until next time peace out faster you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 29,449
Rating: 4.8857527 out of 5
Keywords: hot air balloon crash, hot air balloon crash 2020, hot air balloon crash albuquerque, hot air balloon crash caught on camera, hot air balloon crash china, hot air balloon crash compilation, hot air balloon crash fireworks, hot air balloon crash into crowd, hot air balloon crash into power lines, hot air balloon crash power lines, hot air balloon crash virginia, hot air balloon crash wyoming, hot air balloon, hot air balloon accident, hot air balloon ride
Id: 99AWBywNSuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 17sec (1397 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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