POLICE AT AUCTION! FOUND GUN In Storage Unit! I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit!

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really good it seems actually gun case I'm scared no there's actually a gun welcome back to treasure hunting with Jesus guys today we're going on the road to give you guys another storage unit so once again we're gonna be driving over a 100 miles because there's just no storage units going off in our area so please do us a favor leave the video a like and let's hope it goes good like last time last time we left here we found a whole box full of awesome money so fingers crossed we can't repeat that now further ado let's get on the road [Music] alright guys so we just got here this with a little bit weird I've never had them do this to me they literally after I paid they handed me the key to their lock never had this happen before I've all the units we've done we literally on how many you think like eighty hundred or something close to it and they handed me their key so I guess let's get into it [Music] all right so we've paid a little bit more than we wanted to with this one it actually cost us $150 everybody's still you know a storage unit buyer come their tax returns just came in so everything's going way higher than it should be right now but you guys need video so we just have to spend more money the main reason I want to buy this at first that's all man and when the sheriff has a tool case for a gun case but unfortunately it looks like it's right here let's see what it open nope you're right both sides that's a weird toolbox and even though they had this stuff in there that's got a drill in a few bits I mean it looks like it's actually missing a lot probably came with screwdrivers and everything but got a little it's dad most likely and does it take battery or charger I'm not sure but we got that and three little sets of it's disappointing but sorry surely you say let's start these artists alright good this I don't want to show that but if I could figure how to get this open this looks like something you buy that guy Matt your steady and then it let's even get it open or they magazines let's see what's in the bag if anything looks like just a bunch of paperwork personal files things like yeah all that of the wallet boo all personal stuff yeah you want to sit there and watch us about the paperwork for two hours so we'll let you know at the end if you do I mean we can what's in this envelope nothing like a Garfield that's pretty nice that you're on that drawing on their head is so made you Garfield not bad it's a big boiler I wanted to look into make sure it's not nothing too interesting a tub is the cover I said they look like a best set when we opened it to offender oh great do something they like give you a new person it's all like a whole bunch of it's a Hall handwritten letters I'm alone most likely locked up I'm assuming that's the same thing we got our restaurateurs I was like I'm not gonna show their name let's see we got and what was it for I don't see when it's more in here it's just like the paper they please give you yeah hold on released of authorizations there we go this I was looking for yep and this is for doesn't specify Oh drugs I can show you the paper that came with it yeah yeah stealing drugs again eyes always I guess that's that's what's listed on there this whatever the heck that is so many some of that the scientific name for I'm guessing some type of pill probably but yeah that's what's on there even again I save it's good for guys like in our area I get it there's lots of drug dealers but is it the second time now we've gone way out I mean our to two hours away we still just get stored units they're owned by drug dealers why that I mean everything in here is probably no I'm gonna wrap her up it and you did like the expensive bag shoes down there all in good money we have hats and everything little honey cap hey my rifle this looks like everyone who plays a video game this is what every like sniper we're done having our army game I guess we keep the Sun out of your eyes get a hat like that Jordan put their Nikes they're not bad shape either or this one hopefully gonna have another you know just single shoes boss I really don't see the other shoe like an can hashtag P hashtag gross as that Steelers yeah that's Pittsburgh but still yeah I thought I had an opportunity to make fun of the Steelers you hat yeah there's one shoe again I get people saying to be an amputee but what is the chances of running into this many it's like the fifth unit we've had like that with just single shoes what's in here more Pittsburgh I think we have they seem to find a lot of Steelers hey military belt oh snap is that army that looks like army can't what doesn't it don't worry fool Virginia Tech grass yeah sure this that's a she right here I'll see if it's the other one oh no it's another shoe what are those what are they whatever they are gross looking yeah they look like skater shoes but in that condition enough they have no value anyway so neither that look around those are not actually nice-looking but they're kind of dirty I mean not too bad don't you then wait up they may be 16 or 20 dollars yeah we can find the other one there yeah yeah at least we have somebody with both pairs of shoes this tire both shoes in a pair [ __ ] there we also got the other one of those whatever that is another that's the original making we found there it is so at least we have they complete shoes I have a few pair of shoes so started making the money back at least here know the rifle bag well the shoes in here Martino coy does look fancy I was hoping they were gonna say Salvador Ferragamo they do look pretty much new I'm not gonna get in there yeah I think that's they're gonna do this away oh yeah you know this is good for all right set it down on the street put the cardboard out start breakdancing like it's the 80s mean you're in New York what I stutter so many times that's what it looks like right there up in the wall Martha anarchy it's all phone cases look at that just an entire bra fitting dollar price tag on that sucker though look at that I mean it's literally I donate funds in here they're literally all phone cases and every single one of these are just phone cases not even a single phone this most likely clothes cause I feel Cortino dear me told me there's some people like to have guns and clothes apparently so oh it's been around too close that again we have that net laundry bag type thing yeah it smells like sweat maybe in the gym bag it does I'm gonna just set this aside that's kind of grimy where do we go okay hmm really good games actually gun case gun guard but it's super light house just ammo don't I open it do I open it I mean if it's a gun it's like a BB gun or something cuz it has absolutely no way to I feel like I'm gonna rush do it if I don't you know it now we're gonna charge you this it has to wait wait I got it we gotta make a dramatic yeah this guy's gonna they're gonna get I guess that has no way this is all folded again and if it smelled anything remotely close to the other bag we're gonna leave it in there cuz I don't want to smell it - it's gross like a camper bag doesn't it mm-hmm maybe if this gun did you tell wait like this bag has a lot of weight so if I don't see nothing in it I might just be like the way it's designed no it's got something in it that close it looks like a wire isn't it nuts of string to like a jacket or shorts or something all clothes again joy yeah I feel always this no you really can't get my hand inside yeah in order to bring you guys good audio we gotta put the microphone on top of the camera which means the light has to be held by hand and if we put the light on top of the camera then audio sounds crappy so it's like kind of got have to use two hands for this let's put it up here kind of heavy shoes bedroom [ __ ] grody oh oh oh no I thought those are beets these are definitely some ripoff beads I don't think that's real this whole bag full of like suit ties we got some text and a really rare container never seen that before my life another phone case why does somebody need so many phone cases oh there ya go all it Hey another $10 bill that looks like a $10 Alyssa did anything else in there feel like it's too folded up right oh it's right that's an actual $10 bill right maybe to find the rest of it that's the hit my pocket why you ripped a $10 like sometimes I find the dollars but I never seen it ripped up 10 I don't see anything else in your personal or worth anything so where's the rest of that $10 bill there's like a bunch of cans of the other in here army strong more army stuff it's gonna be it's probably you know it's probably a camera or magazine again oh my gosh walking up [Applause] geez all right that's there's masters keys we have a safe - another one you can have like the other half of the ten wallet well nothing with business cards why people have so many wallets without money in them why loves that a license yeah we found driver's license will return that funnel with the other in it wasn't me I am such a mess everybody always tells me in the comments end of it it's alright alright we got punches we'll be okay other than that huh feels like a grenade or saw the other what's up man what is that hold on hold on hold on look at that Shanee came around it should I focus on it can you see it well I did that I'm gonna see if they have any markings it yeah does something you'd written in it I can't tell it it says though there's a hundred percent uh I got the camera Sheffield focus is that well but there's definitely you see it on that side there's a marking in there I can't really tell what it says it's very rough okay no chance all right well we'll let you know about that anything else flash drive fast I was always interesting other than that looks like the Oder lucky the odor all right and let's go to the drawstring feels like food Oh clubs lots of gloves and a half surf in Siena rush it hats and gloves once your stuff it has a lot of weight another razor that bags got a lot of weight to it more razors razors is one man need I have one what about you guys oh that's got a lotta weight to it there it is now more razors why do you need to so many razors that's like maybe a barber drug-dealing barber heck of a career path subway that a gift card no maybe it is I don't know yeah check it for to a charger a razor so getting this now how we can get into oh it's like under that it's a dad bit look at this yeah yeah it does I'm wondering like what was under that tub because I was like actively hi hello [Music] was that close yes I'll get into this toe first see this we had a bunch of personal stuff in phones on your phone to phone the goal phone case now looks pretty cool look at that every time you find a new unit you're gonna find all the burner phones every time what oh my god like a thousand I mean either I went our past it I'm amazed at that Ravens who they're in there let's see if they're real Ravens I don't see any markings on NY ask collection it'll be in there somewhere no coins Adam the Office of Attorney General anything else what is that - Christmas 1996 look at that that's kind of strange here never seen anything like that Izod glass cases I mean these have the Ravens no not a chance just troll rescue blanket all right so we got two phones there's probably more in there but no but that what is that other speakers they look like something you put your eyes up too didn't it yeah lost a few three seconds now what is that coming I mean that scared me large roots in equipment so those like guys gonna be all funky in there bringing anything you bring any closer that skin is dirty is it real yeah it's real thank you to goods on it rg3 rg3 strike Jersey fine a good fella all the time anything other than shoes clothes boring that's so disappointing except for these I don't know if these are have big value oh yeah this one's more mark Tino coy it's the one we call that first ring there's those Martino coy that's complete and there's the other one those so those are good brands that could bring some value that good alright so let's get this stuff organize really quick let's still we gotta make it more dramatic I hear people over here and I want to make sure nobody's here because if something's in there be right back all right you ready guys the moment of truth I'm really nervous yeah because if it's actually a gun Lee what do you do I'm scared it's empty no no there's a clip there's there's actually a gun holy [ __ ] don't touch it that one I've never actually found one in here nothing in it look at that now I like okay first of all you guys have been watching me I've been looking for this since we started this but - now that's actually here I'm like I don't really know what to do or probably have to call like no I want to be like a thief is possible but I don't want to get in trouble yeah especially because you have a record like the first thing you call it the criminal record so who knows that that's used for whatever brand is that sucker SCC why GPX 9-millimeter that's a pretty sick nose ring pretty good yeah well are most likely gonna have - yeah definitely gonna have to call somebody about that cuz I mean I'm skating now I'm like nervous so I don't I mean obviously we want to be able to keep it but if it was like use the bug somebody here something like that I think you get all the cops and they can run the serial number I've never actually this is our first time in like how many units I don't even know a lot but yeah we're probably gonna most likely have to contact somebody and get back with you guys so I think you were closed yeah yeah it really was vitamist yeah I would not have touched a different one because obviously like we said in fact remember I couldn't even use the shoot somebody or have somebody don't really know so I'll lock it up clean up and then we'll get back to you when we get to the car let you know what we're to do from there I guess so be right back alright guys so we just packed everything up we're leaving the facility right now when they gave me my deposit back they asked me was everything okay and I was like yeah they said they've seen this guy like walking in and out after he hasn't paid his bill like three months so they asked if everything went okay because apparently he's been like back on the property they've caught him on the property without an actual unit so at this point we're gonna get to do some research probably end up having to go to a police station I don't really know I didn't tell them what we found so we'll get back to you whenever we can I guess alright guys so we're probably gonna go into this police station right over here and ask I mean honestly what can we do hopefully fingers crossed we get to keeping everything but obviously I don't really want to get caught with a gun if it is used in a crime it's got a bad serial number or anything like that so I guess we will see you after we go in there I really don't wanna bring the camera in there I know people are gonna say you're allowed to pre corner police officer on duty but I just feel like a douche I really don't want to report people don't want to be recorded so we're gonna go in there and movie I can let you know how it went all right guys so we just pulled away we've been doing more research and we just talked to them apparently this is a lot easier than I had imagined so as long as you report the gun to them all the police station really does is just run it and make sure it's not reported stolen or it's not reported somehow used in a crime or something I don't know basically they just ran a number and all you really have to do is pay a $25 transfer fee and it's basically like the storage facility is selling you a gun what did they call it um FFL or something like that I don't know I never had to do what every gun I bought have been directly from an actual gun shop so I've never had to deal with this before but apparently all they have to do is just fill the paperwork pay twenty five bucks in the gun is all right so fingers crossed it's that simple I'll get right back to you when I can all right guys all the paperwork is done so guess what it is legally ours now so really when we get home we're gonna look it up see how much it's actually worth I don't know if we got like a decent dealer like a really good deal for those of you guys own guns or collect guns you know their prices can be crazy I have a Springfield I bought used for about $300 and I have a 1911 I just bought it was a grand so you just really don't know we'll go home and do some research on it we're gonna do a giant recap once we get there so see you then all right guys now that we're home we've gone through all the paperwork and all the legality of this we know everything is good I finally feel happy in comfortable I gotta admit I was a little bit worried I was afraid that the unit might get seized the weapon might get see there was just so many negative possibilities and luckily it was fine literally all you had to do for those of you to find guns in the future at least in Virginia I don't know of another States it's a very simple process literally just take it to your police station they'll run the serial number if it comes back clean you literally fill out a transfer form and I do a background check and thing like that it cost us $27 total in order to get the gun transferred to us now unfortunately the only sad part is this really wasn't an expensive pistol when we looked it up it sells for about $280 new so when it's all said and done we paid 150 for the unit after premium stuff like that more like 170 and then another 27 30 that which was will just say 30 so pay about $200 for it it looks pretty new there's a little bit of residue in the barrel you can definitely tell us been fired before but not very very much but anyway you know what I am so happy because I have been waiting to get a pistol from a storage unit since we started this like eight months ago how many do you think we've done literally it's got to be close to a hundred storage units I would guess 80 some easy so if anyone wants to get into this business they're wondering how often can you find a gun in this storage unit I'll say it's about one in 85 storage units if I had to take my guess but anyway this is an SCC why CPX to nine-millimeter I really like it I really like the black bottom silver top thing like that I actually don't own anything like this but we do own a couple now and it's just not with a black and silver like that so we'll definitely want to take it to the range eventually it's pretty sweet looking and I probably ought my other pistols I feel like I've mentioned guns a lot and people always ask me what guns do I owe and so I'll just pull out a few pistols on just to compare it this is the one we fell in today the closest thing we have to it is this roof it looks pretty similar but you know a little bit different the Grimpen this one's a little bit wider but as far as the size goes it's almost the same exact size as the Ruger we have here this is also a 9 millimeter so those almost look like twins out there except the newer ones a little bit bigger which is good for somebody like me cut my hand swallows that up that's hard to fire what else we got in the older gun so is it actually all 32 revolver this one's not too old but I mean it's pretty sweet 32 caliber like we said this one was actually my dad's he had before he passed away and I don't usually don't you shoot this one that much because of its age we usually just literally it's just a wall hanger it's on a magnet it stays in the wall but it is nice 32 my personal baby cousin I could see oh this is what I'll have with me 17 rounds nine-millimeter Springfield XD subcompact and I'm telling you we have put probably 1,500 rounds through this since the day I got it it has never jammed never missed by it so a lot of people are always like you know you have to get the Glock don't trust the Springfield go for the Glock this Springfield XDS performed flawless since the day I got it is extremely accurate never jams never misfire so if you want a cheaper alternate to the Glock this Springfield XD is a way to go it is beautiful and like I said no problems whatsoever watch if you guys been watching this channel for a little while you can see my personal favorite the most recent I'll guess this is now the most recent but this is my baby 45 ACP 1911 with the American flag paint job on it this is my favorite pistol I own but we don't have a holster for yet so right now just sits in a safe and sit for yeah except when we go to the range but it's a little bit big for a concealed carry as you can see a little bit quite a bit bigger than mine and Dwarfs that little thing like literally it's two of these but this one's 45 ACP this is my favorite one to shoot by far this is my old most reliable I'd said that I would carry this one ones just don't sale one day we just like you you know sometimes you just want a gun and that one I guess add old but that's pretty cool we don't have this brand but we're adding another nine out of the five pistols I own three of them are all in nine millimeters now so cotton I but anyway guys I feel like I'm going on too much I don't know much about the stuff we find in these storage units usually but guys are one thing I've done a lot of research on it's something I'm very interested in so it is one thing I do have quite a bit of knowledge on and I'm still happy we finally got a pistol in the storage unit and I'm really really happy to add a sleeper collection anyway guys thank you so much for watching you can enjoy it make sure you leave it a big fat thumbs up but for now I already hit that subscribe button for awesome treasure hunting videos all the time if you want to follow us on our social media links will be on screen just click links down in the description below make sure you follow us on whatever you have thank you so much for watching next time peace it up [Music] [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 127,050
Rating: 4.8157754 out of 5
Keywords: police at auction, found gun in storage unit, gun finds in storage unit, guns in storage unit auction, i bought an abandoned storage unit, storage unit finds, storage unit finds 2019, storage unit finds guns, abandoned storage unit finds, gun storage unit, gun found, storage auction, storage auction gun laws, storage auction guns, storage hunters, storage locker finds, i bought an abandoned storage locker, police called, i bought a storage unit and had to call the police
Id: y2nQkzXgTq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 40sec (2020 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2019
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