CASHING IN 5 GALLON JUG Of COINS From Storage Unit! BIG MONEY! Cashing In Coins At CoinStar

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so it looks like the grand total and this is gonna be [Music] today we're gonna go to coinstar and cash in all the chains from the storage units if you didn't see that storage unit where all the chains came from you're gonna have no idea what this is about click here to part one click there part two watch those first but for now this all came from one unit it's 48 pounds so right under 50 pounds worth of change and there's a lot of silver and a lot of quarters so before we get in the car i want everybody to guess now no skipping to the end no watching the end then going down there and commenting yes look i was right that's cheating do it now let's get in the car let's go to the grocery store hope they have a coin store let's see how much we got [Music] so turns out publix doesn't have a coin store and we just awkwardly walk in with a jug of coins and all the employees watch us like we're stupid so we're not coming back here for at least a week let's go find another grocery store that hopefully has a coin [Music] star [Music] all right so let's get in this machine right here food line we got lucky with we're about the e gift card because if you get a gift card you don't pay no fee which is much better than their 11 percent we go with amazon because how much do we use amazon like literally what three four times a week easy so accept it you know what else they're doing they give you an extra five bucks if you put at least 30 in there for amazon so i think we got at least 30 bucks you ready no all right let's see it again you keep all other things guessing you cannot guess afterwards that's cheating you gotta guess before there's quite a few dollar coins in here and quarters so i think it's gonna be higher than you think cause last time we had 100 pounds and it was like 380 bucks right something like that yeah 380 bucks this one's less than 50 pounds so pretty much exactly half if the math adds up that would make it like what 170 bucks no 180 bucks 190 bucks something like that it's two it's like seven o'clock in the morning it's too early for math but that first call for already overcomes up look two dollar coins already 50 some quarters now there's actually more pennies than anything else surprisingly that's all right that's all right there's another one i just saw another dollar coin looks like a susan b anthony which surprisingly you would think they're worth money but they're really not they're just worth a dollar a lot of people always say to keep them but they've never had any value yet so why keep them all right with that we're at 45 bucks so far so one down get in there all right 45 bucks and that's how much of the jug we've gone through i know you people are thinking oh same thing i'm thinking there's more than other let's get it give me all the money give me it off remember actually no i know i'm not going to tell you what we paid for the store junior because if you've seen it you should know and if you haven't you should go back and watch it by the way we did kind of quickly sift through this i didn't see any silver quarters there was a silver diamond that i took out but i know every time we do a coin star video somebody's like did you get the silver out yeah we look do it but i'm not spending eight hours to potentially find a three dollar quarter in there now i look to it enough there's another one gold dollar so i think some of the jugs we found while sifting through the stuff ourself or penny so i think the beginning the top is going to be more pennies it's close though it's pretty even besides the pennies all right we're up to 80 some dollars it's kind of hard to angular all for one unit you can't beat that anytime you get cash immediately back you cannot beat that come on give me 100 do it for my own satisfaction there it is 100 bucks boom there's another gold dollar um look at that quarter looks silver doesn't it 1974 not actually silver but it looked like it [Music] you know what this one hasn't done yet started yelling at us yet saying wow you have a lot of coins relax slow down buddy i think it's annoying you're not a person don't tell me that i think my initial guess in the video of 150 it's gonna be pretty close i think it's gonna be a little over though i think it's gonna be like 175 180 now what are you thinking so quiet back there because i feel like nobody can hear it's just so loud what do you think um yeah but i honestly said like four or something and i'm way over shot but i'm gonna say like i finally did it i'm gonna say like 2 10. this starts getting annoying now all right this is the end of it what the heck is this oh well they just got a pill there's just a pillow net a little bonus for him you know for whoever has to catch all this take all this change out and move it there's a little bonus for you what's that sticker nevermind oh whoa there's a lot of change down there too like a lot like a just a quarter handful fancy let's see a quarter [Music] 160 dollars now i think it's gonna go over 200 can't beat that for real really can't what's that i don't think it's a coin something and it's freezing again what's doing that look in here [Music] 180 dollars it's definitely going over 200 i think what's left in that thing let's get another handful out of here yeah all right well it's not anymore okay that's all that was in there [Music] oh it's gonna be close isn't it it's gonna be really close to 200 [Music] oh there's no percentage on it so yeah but remember for amazon it does give you an extra five dollars so we'll get over 200 bucks for it i don't know if that's including it already or what oh there it is 200 bucks without even the extra five bucks and it's still just flying out whoa it's not liking my nickels for some reason okay let's see this one's four foreign that's not a u.s coin but the rest of these are so machine you're going to take it whether you like it or not accept it they put some of it it's weird why doesn't it like these these aren't even like damaged anyway look at this they're just normal okay this one oh look these are stuck together a nickel and a penny can they even come apart yeah take it take it take these spitting them right back out you know what let's spit out those dirty ones again so you know what i'm gonna let them keep those dirty ones because i don't really want them let's just say i'm done so it looks like the grand total and this is gonna be just over two hundred dollars see if you take cash bouncer they take an extra what 24 25 bucks from you but since we do a gift card they take nothing uh totally not never used it once in my life you know what i mean i've never heard of this machine have you nope never and it's that easy let's see if they actually gave me my extra five bucks like i said or if it lied i wonder if it added it already i don't know we should have it on video maybe you might have added it when it hit 30. or it might add it once you put it on either way nope it didn't 201 52 right now but maybe it'll add when you get on amazon or maybe it's just a lying marketing ploy i don't know we'll find out when we get home i just realized my scamming brain just thought about this i'm kind of stupid if he gives you an extra five dollar amazon card for putting in at least 30 why didn't we break this up into six transactions we could have got 30 60 90 120 150 180 that would have been six separate transactions five dollar extra card don't have an extra 30 in free amazon credit just for breaking up the transaction if i would have thought about it but i didn't well i've been home we added the gift card and look at that it really didn't give me my five dollars 201 52 is the way it was on the slip anyway so that legitimately is just a marketing scam that is such bs now that we're home and editing and i know all these units will be have gone off before the video goes public so nobody can go pick me up i want to show you some of the units we're bidding on right now this is my favorite one as you can see right now it is at 540 it's only got 26 minutes on it so they're gonna go soon but it's uh what size was it 10 by 10 by 15 but let me just show you some of this unit as you can see right in the front this is what i love and hate it's a jewelry box right in the front love it because obviously there could be gold i hate that it's sitting in the front because well it could have easily been opened or it could have been set there as me you know what i mean when it's in the front and open it's kind of a little scarier than it being hidden that's number one let me show you what else i like in here these look like rocks or those gems and those gems like not gems what are they called crystals quartz all those rocks like that amethyst they sold very well for us last time so that's definitely a good thing in this unit we have some speakers here these are also what i want i want a few computer chairs and for some reason every time we select these things on facebook marketplace they go like this really quick like 20 bucks i mean that's easily like how many chairs if i take two there's like at least three or four more back there so that's easy money there's a couple other things i really liked in here let me see if i can find the picture one how organized everything is let's zoom in on this look how everything's taped double taped with this type of tape and the see-through tape tool boxes and amazon boxes good stuff same with over here the only thing i don't like is there's a lot of furniture but look at all these boxes they're extra taped which is always a good thing and where's the other picture i wanted to show you guys this one when you see the shoes and totes it usually means they take good care of them and also when you see the bottom of them being that clean you know they take very good care of them so that unit definitely looks the best right now it's super well organized which is why it's at 540 but we're still going to try to win it this one right here just a quick small one it's only a five by five but as you can see look there's mystery boxes all over the ceiling i wish i could give you a better picture but we all know the people that take storage unit pictures are like either severely visually impaired or they use potatoes i don't know which one it is but you know which way lots of mystery boxes we like it this is also another big boy this one's obviously less organized which is why it's 400 cheaper even though it's at the same facility it's the same size and i would say it's even more crowded or more packed than the other one but i still like it because you can see way in the back there's still boxes and furniture and stuff back here there's totes boxes it looks like it's a little more messy which means they probably didn't care as much about their stuff but you never know the alaska i packed horribly and he had money everywhere so that's another one we're very interested in this one right here i don't know what's wrong with these pictures all right he has one normal picture here right okay then you go to the next one it's like this weird half cut off half what are you doing what are you doing the only reason i really like this unit here is let me show you what picture is it in hold on one second there's an old looking treasure chest right here you see that i love those kind of chests they're really interesting other than that the unit's kind of junk so i don't really know if i'm gonna bid on this one because it's already at 100 bucks and i don't think spending 150 dollars for just the chest is really worth it so that one might be a no more but it's there this one is at 10 bucks and i was literally only going to bid on it because well it had a jordan box there if it goes for 20 bucks or less i'll gamble with the jordan box if not there's not really much else there but for some reason people do buy other people's trophies i don't know why we always sold them in california if i get two months for the trophies that's my 20 bucks here so even if the box is empty who cares so that's the gamble one the ones i want the most here this big boy right here and this big boy these three really i really want these three and they go off in 28 minutes 29 minutes and 20 whatever minute 23 minutes so very very soon let's see if we can win them all right guys we're down in the last three minutes and i tried a bit beforehand but we didn't get the camera on time so i'm gonna have to be one of those douche nozzles a bit under the last three minutes and extend the clock all day because apparently i'm a douche now this one is the one i really like right now because i'm thinking about it our cap on this one wanted to be 750. it's already at 8 30. there's a lot of furniture it's not going to be much content for us this one on the other hand is packed so it's at 280. let's go hit them with a 410 bed right now let's go take this one from them obviously it's a proxy bit so it's going to bid right above what they did they're at 300. see their high bid was 300 so that'll go up to 410. this one's quick and easy too let's hit them with the 210 right here because as you can see there's a lot of boxes to the top it goes all the way up one two one two three four five six seven eight probably 9 10 11 12 boxes tv tote surfboard it looks interesting let's hit them with the 210 rip real quick boom he's probably a 200 billion 180 dollar bid okay so this one i'm going to keep it up just because i want to see how high it goes but i kept all the 750 you guys know we buy storage units but our in-car main income is youtube i want the most content for the smallest price that's my goal when i'm looking at these this is a great great unit for a reseller that focuses full-time on reselling that's not us right now so i'm going to let them fight for this one i'm just curious to see what it goes for this one i do want they're already beating me up let's see did they take me up on this one anymore 50 bucks so somebody capped out at 350. gotta also realize that we're probably gonna have to rent this back because to go through it like we go through it on video it's gonna take way more than the 48 hours they're gonna give us so definitely gonna have to run it back um this one i'm just on the fence about this is the one that has the treasure chest in it like that looks cool right there i like the treasure chest i like right here where is it at what picture was it this guy's pictures are horrendous they really are as you can see right here there's a bunch of sims games so they might have other video games in the unit too which you guys know something i really like but the only bad thing is is come on stop freaking out fix your camera okay whatever i don't know how to find him over here there's a mattress and a dock spring like a whole bit so i don't know about that what do you think i should just close this one out yeah i'm just gonna let that one go you guys can have the chest this one is the crappy one that goes off later i told you to put 20 bucks on it if i get it for 20 i get it if i don't who cares but oh they all bit me already they're at 420. what should we go for let's go 560. i figure like most people bid even hundreds and fifty so i always try to bid something 10 or something 60 because i feel like i'm always going to beat their bid by 10 bucks that's just my assumption that could be wrong let's see whether or not in a big boy they're almost at a thousand on that 970. i'm telling you like the rule of thumb on online auctions is add up all the value that you see in the unit double it in bid that's usually how i see them go down i bet you this one goes for at least thirteen hundred dollars that's my guess but if we're from california what do you think would go for five yeah five thousand all right it's still a high bidder on this guy right here at 210 now because they they capped out at 200 so we're literally right at our top bid right now this one we're still oh we just went to 510 they're trying to cost us you're gonna make us pay aren't you but that's okay i think how much how many videos we're gonna get out of that how much hidden treasure is in that that is literally 10 by 15 feet of boxes and totes everywhere and you know what it's almost december so i'm not mad about seeing the christmas tree this time i'll take it you know let's see what the big boy's at now 9.80 they're all like jumping right now thinking who's gonna put a thousand in first they're all kind of freaking out but we'll see oh somebody got me on this one shall we go higher on it [Music] what do you think um or should we just focus on this one do like maybe okay let's go ahead and stop 300. yeah cap it at 300. 300 bucks and we'll crack out after that which is already so much of a gamble because what they say they don't want you see i see a tv and snack packs you can't do that online like you just can't no more you literally see nothing else you see boxes what if these are all clothes and you got a broken tv 300 to go to the dump that's the scary part you know what i'm not going that high that's stupid 250. 250 bucks that's it if he updates me or he has to already update me because he's at that we'll go 260. 260 that's it if they all bid me it's theirs let's see nope 250. so or 240. so we're top right now still got this one at 500 bucks or 510 bucks oh it's at 560. now i just refreshed it all right we're at the top on this one too people aren't flying up there goes thousand sixty dollars people are wild man look at this they got me on this one now these people are crazy no i want this unit let's go 610. [Music] i hate we have to do this like if i was in person bidding on this in person i guarantee you that would go for like 350 400 bucks so because it's online everyone's like stupid at home i don't know why it really is painful they update me on that one you know what i'm done it's all yours i'm not going huh you got to stick to your limit sometimes you got even i do it so you get in that egotistical bidding war and you just want to show them who's boss but it's like at the end of the day who are you showing who's boss if you're like i'm going to pay 600 for 300 worth of stuff take that you're not tough you're an idiot so let's just stick to it i'm trying to this one's now over a g this one's still at 580 let's refresh it because sometimes it doesn't refresh all right so well we got the three minute countdown now six ten stopping it man then you're trying to make me pay uh it just gets to a point where you're just like you kind of just wanna stick them with it and make them keep it because it just gets to that point where it's like how much money that's going to cost already but ah 610 right now maybe i'll just stick with my little 10 unit right here and they got me again look at that six hundred and twenty dollars for this it's crazy they fit so much like there's nothing in this picture that you can see that's worth fifty dollars yet alone a hundred there's nothing worth 50. it's a complete gamble you're basically at the craps table throwing the dice at this point there's no logic in this whatsoever you have to throw all thought out the window like you cannot do this and think at the same time what should i go for 660. uh this is crazy um we're high bid again somebody at home is sitting at a computer too like oh my god who is this guy this is why i like it live you know what i mean when they have when you're like face to face with people they don't bid like this and they can see it in person they just don't they did like this on the computer and i don't know why i really don't but like i said for us this is content no matter what and just who knows you know what i mean i like the gamble but that's a real gamble that one's at 1100 now i said what did i say 13 or 12 1300 is what's gonna go for yeah that's my guess and i guarantee you since that jewelry box just sitting awkwardly at the front like if this was hidden i would be more intrigued but the fact that sitting right there just scares me it's it sucks that this business has gotten to that point where you have to be constantly worried about the managers going through everything constantly it used to be like you know everybody kind of knew the shady facilities and you kind of just stay away from them and don't get by anything unless you can see it with your own eyes but now it's like everyone's shady you just don't know but i will say extra space storage is one of the only facilities i haven't had trouble with yet every other one i've had this game cubesmart is by far in my opinion the most scamming online auctions ever everyone i go to they open this box they open the jewelry box to open this keep smart sorry i just don't like them at all public storage i've had a few most of them that were live when they were live everything went great now that's gone online it's just gotten so shady and the people that are writing descriptions are like youtubers they put on their like mystery boxes stacked to the ceiling hidden treasures like what are you doing you watching youtube too buddy it's crazy it's crazy so this one's still at the eleven hundred dollar mark this one's we're still leading at 6 40. but you know if they bid now it won't extend the clock so they want to wait till it's under three minutes to bid so we all have to sit here longer because well there are idiots in my mind sorry that's just how i think about it like what other why would you do that why do you sit there and wait you know what i mean i want to go like smack them a couple times in the face let's see getting 15 seconds down to the three minute mark and i bet you they just bit again didn't they because i'm about to six six sixty now you know what blows my mind the most is when i'm looking at these in my head i'm like they just outbid me ah i'm gonna beat him for the mark before the mark did i hit it yeah extended he's still higher it's like i see these and i'm like i know what i can make on youtube and i still see it as just so much of a gamble they're literally bidding on just reselling that stuff thinking they're gonna make more how you know what i mean just how i don't get it i really don't what do i do now keep going do you think i mean as far as the resale wise i think we're already losing 200 ago but i don't know it's a gamble and like we said with the one-line auctions now you literally can't you don't buy them to make profit no more like that those days are gone you just don't let's just go 760. come on how deep your pockets buddy how deep are they [Music] what no no oh this is the problem right there is the problem oh my god i can't i'm so glad we're recording that so no one thinks i'm crazy you know what's messed up this went off at 9 45. if this douche nozzle wasn't bidding me and extended the clock it would have went off at 9 45 and this would have been done and over but no because he wants to play ego battle now nobody gets it and they paid it off and they paid it off you know what that means there was something in there there was something in there i can't believe that just happened i'm at like a loss for words right now i just got cancelled that is some crap well now what do we got i can fight for this one i don't know i don't think our cap was 850 on that one 750 oh 750 whatever yeah but i'm at a loss for words now i don't know what to do that's crazy it really is crazy where's the other one we were bidding on it's gone too it already went off oh which one huh which one the one with the treasure chest it's gone let's see if i can go find it again right now let's see let's put in a zip code two three zero five down 100 miles only lean units come on come on come on check search let's see if it's going yet uh this is not it but it looks interesting maybe you want to look at this one it's only a 300 sounds a lot nicer oh look there's a toolbox right there too why didn't i see this one what do you think um it doesn't look as interesting as the other ones no i mean it looks like it has a toolbox but it looks like a lot of clothes on top of that we'll leave it open but let's just go through a couple really quick here's a 5x5 for only 30 bucks what's that look like um looks like trash there's food in it nope you can keep it uh there's the big boy i have 1100 right now that's garbage that is that the chest one i think it's the chest one hasn't gone off yet it's at three hundred dollars though i was about to say 150 seems stupid for this remember the first clip like 150 dollars is stupid for this and they're like oh you think that's stupid check this out 310 yeah no didn't keep it for that sorry we gotta stick to our guns a little bit here we gotta have a little bit of common sense with it um let's see let's see let's see what is that at 11 40. they're still going on it well that one's gonna be extended for a while this one let's see what this is and i was just thinking also even if we would have won that other one that just got canceled only we were bidding on yeah they could have they had up until we got there to pay for it so realistically that that would have been more hurtful than what just happened yeah because we had been on the road and they probably wouldn't have called us they would let us drive the 45 minutes there and be like guess what it's cancelling middle finger to you like that's kind of messed up but okay let's check out these couple enrichment really quick since we got the freaking camera rolling now we might as well keep it going right it is oh god that's just exactly what you it's wow who bid 30 bucks on that it's a used mattress and a pile of clothes who wants that all right that let's see that's all furniture i looked at that one yesterday this is another one i was looking at to look decent but not as good as the other ones look at the furniture and stuff like it looks more high-end it looks alright but it doesn't look like a lot of furniture is the problem but we are having a yard sale tomorrow and this one's a lot closer to us so maybe that's the way to go maybe we get this one and we can take the furniture to the yard sale tomorrow i don't know i'm just i'm reaching for straws here i can't believe that just happened in front of my face i really can't i'm gonna leave that one open all right i think it looks good let's just go through a couple more really quick garbage garbage garbage what about this one it's only a 10 bucks so i'm gonna assume it's garbage too let's see oh yeah it's garbage is that yep food and spices definitely garbage um well anything else going off today or that are we at the end about mattresses ooh who wants a unit with all mattresses that's beautiful garbage garbage this is a 20 bucks 10 by 20. you know it's gotta look horrible for nobody to bid on it it's all furniture and that broken ceiling fan missing a blade yep didn't keep it um let's keep going i'm not seeing nothing else these are still going off today though so let's go to the next page to see if anything else is going off today nothing garbage garbage garbage garbage seems like a pattern doesn't it how about that what does that look like oh look at that chest that looks kind of interesting doesn't it oh but this you think somebody will take it for free at the yard sale maybe you put like a free smack a free sign on it put it at the yard sale like here it is come take it we'll just leave it open we'll see but right now i don't know let's just keep going until we get to the here's my high bidder 10 one until we get to units that are going off the following day which at that point obviously we'll look tomorrow but so far looking like a lot of junk this one is all the boxes are open it's trash in there i looked at that one yesterday yeah i don't think we got much other options here i really don't so let's go back into the big boy yeah we finally got to the one that said eight days yeah all right so that's a 1160 they are fighting to the death to that one gosh i can't believe that you're the hotbed or final hothead do i get it i can't believe it got cancelled all right this one looks alright i mean it looks decent like i said it doesn't look as good as the other ones but it looks decent what do you think i mean it does i just maybe it's like a max at 500 type thing i don't even know if it's worth that well then don't get that oh that's the one with all cl what looks like clothes it's got a tool box but the rest of it does look like clothes yeah i don't want it let's let them keep up then we got this one going off in a few hours which looked at this one this one looks like it has some stuff in it at least you know what i mean it's all right just got a lot of furniture but these look like either tvs or art either which way not gonna complain that looks alright we'll leave it open then that one and then that's it so yeah i don't know should we just crap out like 100 percent be out of this one yeah i think so ah i'm so scared about that yeah like i'm saying i'm i hate the furniture because if i can't lift it with you then we're screwed i don't get it in there one way or another i'm not worried about the lifting i'm worried about the money is it can we make that much money back that's the question but look some of these boxes are labeled misc items a little bit of everything bedroom knickknacks 200 20 20. oh 20 20. okay um looks like a mini laptop type thing there i just don't know i just don't know i'm saying if you have like the right crowd to sell the furniture to i think 1100 is fine but for us i don't think it's worth it well just let it sit there for a second let them fight i guess our only option is to go for this one in a few hours huh yeah all right well you know that was a very anti-climatic crappy ending to this video i was planning on recording us winning like three units but then one goes stupid high the one i want the most gets cancelled and we didn't get any of them but you know what i'm still bidding on three more than in a few hours but we don't have that much time to keep this video going for that long so you'll just have to come back the next day and see if we got them before we end this video a lot of you guys have been messing us about merch because it's black friday teespring is one running a little black friday sale so you answer this code here on the screen and it's 25 off your order between now and cyber monday so i don't i guess it ends midnight monday so within those three days you want to order something for 25 off go ahead and do it but for now thank you for watching leave it a thumbs up subscribe if you're new and until next time peace out [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 65,580
Rating: 4.9177265 out of 5
Keywords: cashing in coins at coinstar, cashing in coins at the bank, cashing in coins at walmart, cashing in coins, cashing in coins 2020, cashing in coins coinstar, cashing in coins for cash, cashing in coins for money, cashing coins at coinstar, cashing in 26000 coins, cashing in a bunch of coins, cashing in my coins, cashing in quarters at coinstar, cashing in silver coins, cashing coins at the bank, cashing coins, coinstar hack, biggest coinstar cash in, coin machine bank
Id: 8mAty6T6uGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 51sec (2091 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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