Our Perfect Wedding! The Whole Ceremony!

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good morning everyone today is november 14th the official wedding day now it is 7 55 in the morning i'm outside of the hair salon that i'm getting my hair done with my hair looks like a hot mess right now but we're gonna get that fixed up forgot my camera so i'm gonna make do with my phone uh because i was in a rush and i was trying to think about what i needed to bring and i obviously forgot the camera not used to this vlogging stuff yet but let's see if i can get fixed up [Music] oh [Music] so we got the cut and layer done she's gonna go get products to actually do the styling so let's get that started [Music] all right all done at the salon i look so different to myself like i've never seen myself with makeup on i try to make it look as natural as possible and then she did like the curl yeah but um i wanted to shout this girl out because it was super nice she said that she was kind of like me with makeup like she likes the natural look so she knew what i wanted her name is jennifer marin and she works for studio hair and day spa in harrisonburg and i'm going to pop her into both of her instagrams one is her hair and one is her personal so if you guys want to follow her there and i mean if you're interested in that kind of stuff do so and she also said that if you're ever in the harrisonburg area you can get a 10 off referral if you say that you know i referred you so you could just say amber treasurer honey would give us referred you and she'll know exactly who you're talking about um because she subscribed new subscriber shout out to jenny thank you so much all right back at the hotel now my face is still like looking at it is just really weird but hopefully you guys like it again check jenny out if you're ever in the harrisonburg area but jesus has his tux my dress is right here we gotta pack the car we gotta get granddad and baby jeevas in the car and head to the venue so we'll see when we when we get there oh it's 40 something degrees out here but you know what everything's in the trunk look at that it's all packed away those fresh air force ones i have to stay in the nelly tone you know dress the tux the electronics we got the laptop we got the wireless mic there to get set up so you'll be able to hear the entire thing like i mentioned before so the only thing left to do is get everybody else and head over there i think we got to decorate the arch right yes decorate the arch before it starts it's like 10 30 now it starts at 2 o'clock it is so close and i have no nerves none i'm just so excited for this to do for this to do for this to happen let's do it what is this this karate before the wedding you guys taught me my own wedding yes i want to trap you in the elevator and make you go down there with a random stranger go i'll see you shut you in there [Music] what are you guys doing hey by the way you got something to eat stop eating that hat he stopped chewing to look at me like what hey hey he's close he's curly haired buddy looks like he has a perm so here's the cake right here it's kind of hard because we have a lot of light coming from behind it but here's the cake topper we have the heart with the two pictures and then goku and chichi here and then you can kind of see the galaxy color you can see it better from over here actually the color yeah the sun's making it kind of hard pink purple and blue with like the belt kind of going around each tier so that looks super nice so we got the wedding book here for those of you that don't know april 11th of this year would have technically been our 10-year anniversary we've been together that's been our plan for years to have our wedding we had planted it that day we scheduled it but then coveted came along and the place had to close down so we had to reschedule it for now but we just put a tape over and you know a little message because it messed up our you know messed up our date so had to be honest there and make it funny it wouldn't be us if it's not funny on this side over here you can see where everything is about to go down guys there's the chairs all set up walking right down to this beautiful arch what's the technical term for it they call it an arbor it's an arch to me yeah this has that farm like i love it i just i hate the fancy smancy stuff i wanted to be out and farm out in the mountains that what is the term for rustic looking rustic it just feels so us now about to decorate this up how do you feel what do you got so i have some tool to kind of wrap around it and then i have these sparkle stars and then also this ribbon to help us so we'll see what it looks like let's get going and finally we have the arch arbor whatever you want to call it refrigerated and we put these wine barrels on the side i'm probably going to grab like flowers or something to put on there because it kind of looks awkward just kind of i like sitting there but we are going to put probably both of our rings on like the respective size sides so his ring on my side i think i guess in my ring on your side sure i don't know i don't know how that works officially is going to take care of all that good stuff all right guys it's going down we have the darts match of the century brandon versus riley are you guys ready to see this you're going down and the wall is taking a massive hit can you get better nobody's that was pretty close that was pretty close that was brandon's years later right next to it come on riley you almost killed my tuxedo what are you doing jesus man i wanted to put up a sign hazard you may get darted you may not make it okay we gotta run they say ladybugs are good luck right look at what's on our wedding book right now however we come back a freaking ladybug what are the chances of that guys we set up a trap here see we have cokes and pepsis in here we set it up so we know whoever chooses to grab a coke over a pepsi we're gonna have to ask them to leave because we don't want them here no more that's just too much [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] you may be seated we've all come here together in this beautiful place to witness and support the wedding of amber and stephen this wedding is a celebration of marriage as a gift it is a celebration of their promise to be loyal to each other without reservation and without end it is a celebration of a new time of life and its responsibility for passing on the beliefs and values that you two hold dear to the generations which will follow you amber and stephen want to begin a lifelong and a happy marriage today and that is what we desire for them as well amber if you want to set your bouquet down there hold stephen's hands there you go amber steven today you are blessed as your family and your friends gather around you because of their love and affection for both of you go ahead and take a peek at those folks that [Applause] they are all here for you we gather to give support and blessing to your marriage to renew and consider our own covenants of love and because we want you to know that we covenant with you today to continue our relationship with you in the days ahead as you live together in the joys of marriage in marriage two people always different in many ways are drawn together by love and take relationship to a deeper level you too have come to realize that well after living an entire lifetime together that you don't want to go it alone you want someone to walk alongside of to walk alongside out to help you up when you fall to keep you warm at night someone to stand with you and fight for you when times are tough for the rest of your lives you have chosen each other for that you have found the love of your life and are marrying your best friend i think you have both chosen well and the people that are gathered here today think the same stephen today amber is declaring her love for you today she declares that she is and always will be yours because she loves you and she loves you for so many reasons because you know how she's feeling because you are there for her when you when she needs you and when she doesn't she loves you because of how you embrace her you are her future and amber today stephen is declaring his love for you as well he loves so many things about you how kind-hearted thoughtful and nurturing you are you are a loyal determined trusting dependable and beautiful woman in his in his eyes and the list goes on today the two of you proclaim your love and commitment to each other before us through the covenant of marriage as you live as husband and wife continue to appreciate each other every day of your marriage and you will go far together continue to hold hands like you are doing to look into each other's as you are doing and tell each other every day just like you are doing today that you need each other and that you love each other continue to live life as an adventure together as you have already been doing if you do you will become the family that i know you both long for it really is the greatest blessing to have someone that you can count on to walk through life with and now you do congratulations so before uh you repeat after me your vows um do you have anything that you would like to say to each other um i wrote out something would you like to read okay you're my best friend and soul mate i really want you to know how much i appreciate the love and protection that you give me you make me stay strong when i'm feeling weak and you make me laugh when i'm feeling down we are literally the definition of offices attract you're very smart and ambitious and driven and i can and can achieve anything you want in life because of that i love that we can just chill together and be together all the time without feeling the need to have some time apart that is real love i remember keeping school pictures of you that your mom would give my mom in my closet just to be able to see you sounds creepy sounds creepy i know but it's the truth uh fast forward to a birthday party at chuck e cheese maybe around 14 and 15 years old and i finally got a hug from you when i was leaving i never thought i would find someone to spend a lifetime with and i can't believe i found you at age 16 after i asked you my junior prom i still think that it is funny that after i had sent that message to you you replied with yes in all capital letters our first day was great 10 years ago we went fishing and then went to wendy's where you insisted that you would pay little things go a long way that is just one example of how we are easy to please as long as we are with each other we are and always we are and will always be a package deal never broken by anything lastly we have been together for 10 years now i love what we have both become and what we have built together i'm excited for our future and i'm excited to officially be a frasier and i am excited to finally be called your wife i love you i love you and i really want you to know that i really do appreciate everything you do for me i promise to love you no matter what and stay by your side through whatever it is we encounter for years to come i love you so much first off i love you i just gotta say it's been a long journey it's been 10 plus a year 10 and a half years i never would have thought this would be how it ended i mean not ending it's about the beginning but i feel like it's been going on for so long it's not the beginning it's a wedding beginning but you turned me from the quiet kid didn't want to talk to nobody so like i couldn't live another day and man i can't talk you cheered me from a quiet kid i didn't want to talk to nobody to a kid that felt like i didn't want to live another day without you by my side it's been like that for 10 plus years it's gonna be like that until i'm gone i want you to hold hands alright stephen you repeat after me look at her i promise to love you amber i promise to love you for the rest of our lives for the rest of our lives with all my heart with all my heart and mind and strength i promise to be faithful to you the promise will be faithful in thought word word and deed indeed i gladly accept the responsibilities i gladly accept the responsibility as well as the joys as well as the joy of becoming your husband becoming your husband i promise to love you stephen i promise to love you stevie for the rest of our lives for the rest of our lives with all my heart with all my heart and mind and mind and strength i promise to be faithful to you i promise to be faithful to you and thought in thought word word and deed indeed i gladly accept the responsibility thank god accept their responsibilities as well the situation as well as the choice of becoming your wife of becoming yourself now traditionally the passage to the status of husband and wife is marked by the exchanging of rings which you will do today these rings are a symbol of the unbroken circle of love that you share lovely love freely given has no beginning and it has no end no giver and no receiver for each is a giver and each is a receiver may these rings always remind you of the vowels that you have taken stephen why don't you reach back there and grab her ring put it halfway on her finger set the box over there put it halfway on her finger and repeat after me look at her with this ring with this ring id all right put it on her finger there stevie's finger all right and repeat after me with this ring with this ring i be wet by the way wonderful may your love be forever intimate your life be forever warm your world be forever expansive and your adventures be forever limitless you may kiss each other [Applause] i'm happy to now declare you husband and wife enjoy your day take it all in have fun and let loose this is your day to enjoy each other and all of those in your lives who care most about you go ahead and grab your bouquet turn around and face your family and friends all right there you go family and friends this is mr frazier [Applause] [Music] oh you're really throwing it up [Music] oh [Music] [Laughter] everybody's talking about it they came up to me and said steven you did a tremendous job the greatest one you've ever seen [Music] how does it feel to be old enough to have a daughter that could get married shocking we got two of them you having a good time today oh having a great time uh enjoying everything isn't it weird to see these two finally getting married after all this time would have grown up as little kids well because they've been uh together since birth you know i mean 28 27 years a long time you know so we got papa amber here mr dale we got uncle david over here uncle david hi you having a good time today yes i am david's gonna dance for us later we're gonna show it up on screen you used to better break dance i think you still got it in you so what are you thinking about the wedding today i think the wedding was beautiful too people that deserve each other been together long enough you know that's what they wanted they made a beautiful couple and i just pray they'll have a beautiful life together and maybe mom and davis will get some beautiful grand babies i want some children me too amen to that we got mama amber here how does it feel to give away your darling daughter yeah it was absolutely wonderful but i don't want to cry on camera quick kelly what did you think about the wedding you enjoying yourself yes it was beautiful i love them both weren't they a wonderful couple they're a beautiful couple don't you remember when there was two little teeny kids holding hands at little parties crazy i love them on to kelly loves y'all and charlotte and mississippi charlotte that's right you guys having a good time at the wedding beautiful ceremony you know they're youtube people so we have to record it so they can cut up clips and use this in their oh really you're gonna be on tv show you gonna be on youtube okay okay that's okay i don't know where you think you're going christy yes congratulations i love you guys it was a beautiful wedding it was congratulations stevie and amber don't change a thing you're doing great keep it the way it is love you wish you many many years of happiness and lots of kids that's what you're saying michelle meant to say have lots of babies for me that's what she wears that's right look at the kids jazz and riley and alana hey guys turn around and wave at the camera wave say hi guys say congratulations stephen amber congratulations stevie those are my beautiful girls or whatever we got riley my niece and jazz my niece and a lot of my grandbaby over there do a back flip oh he's got a wonderful wonderful woman named christine i wonder if he needs to put a ring on that book he needs to lock that down guys [Music] maddie [Music] coming all the way from pennsylvania to witness this union here that's right and good good chicken that's right good chicken we know how to live it up and underneath a chick-fil-a so we get both the best of both worlds that's right i'm just watching my carbs that's why i'm not eating pizza look at that look i have stevia and amber show me the marines put them rings up girl look at that look at that get my bag get my booty back get my burner put a little priscilla here [Music] i'm tammy's sister-in-law congratulations congratulations to stevie and amber and that crazy guy that's an auto footage that's his mom that's my mom what else are you going to say this is my son kenneth they know me shouldn't kenneth put a ring on christine's finger for someone okay beyonce i think there's probably about five or six that should be putting a ring on the other finger i've been telling him when i put danny on this cartoon so look i have alana and john johnny one is my grandbaby that's heather's husband johnny what do you all got to say about the wedding for today it's great i loved it i loved the area everything worked out perfect it was fun uh-oh i hear somebody saying did you have fun you haven't found awana barely oh we better get out there and have some more fun then all right you two people we're gonna go ahead and watch uh the mister and this is cut this cake mr and mrs judas come on come on come on people you gotta see the cake okay let me get it look at this pretty cake look at that goku and chichi that is how a cake is done this is how winning kick is supposed to look right pictures on it i want to eat the cake off and go through his feet but i feel a little weird in front of all these people all right crazy all right ready all right ready all right what are we doing this way whatever you want to do all right let's go now we're going to both take a piece you feed her cut that in half nope ready wait eat it cut it in half eat lady in the there you go [Applause] you got a big old piece on your back i never thought your back would look so good well i know i wasn't there but i cried anyway right here watching you so you could count me in as one of the ones that crowded you out and you're the most beautiful blood ever seen and i know that you're gonna have a very very long happy meals [Music] [Music] goodbye [Music] well [Music] y'all hey guys just want to say congratulations on your beautiful day um so sorry that i couldn't be there but many blessings to you positive vibes and cheers for all of the happy memories that are to come i love you guys congratulations stevie and amber i'm so happy for you guys you guys deserve each other i love you guys i'm sorry i couldn't make it there have fun take lots of pictures so i can see love you amber and stevie what's up guys uh this is your big weekend man you guys um i love i love your guys's story to be best friends since childhood growing up as being each other's best friends learning to become adults growing together becoming adults and end up getting married it's like a love story this is actually a fairy tale in the making how often do any of us get to be with our significant other that long to be able to enjoy each other's company and now you guys are getting married this is amazing i'm sorry i can't be there as you guys know i have a house full of children and a business to run et cetera et cetera it's hard for me to get away but i will always be forever indebted to you guys there was a time not too long ago when we first met my life was in shambles and pretty much you guys are the only ones who really actually helped me out of my whole life you guys allowed me to come stay with you when you were visiting and i got my life on track during that small period of time that small little chunk of chime allowed me to change my entire life and i am forever indebted to you guys and i just want to say i hope you guys have an amazing day and um i know you guys can have an amazing rest of life shout out to you guys much love in the whole fam i love y'all what's up jesus and amber congratulations the cats in the background you guys probably appreciate that locker nuts here uh sending you a video congratulations i'm so sorry that we couldn't make the wedding we really wanted to be there but uh as janet said we're there with you guys in spirit so um i hope it was a wonderful day i i started the video i'm gonna look forward to finishing that this morning and um because at least then we can experience it through video and hopefully you guys can experience our happiness for you guys through this video as well yeah well you you both looked amazing we're so happy for you guys you're such a fun and awesome couple you guys compliment each other so well i love your guys's sense of humor and if we could just give you a little maybe wedding advice i love these wedding videos because they always go around give some advice to the newly married couple and i thought to myself oh that's fun so i would just say um at least be patient and forgiving and have a good sense of humor i'll tell you one thing that i i do love about you guys is that you are such good friends and that you guys have fun together and i think that's like one of the biggest parts of being in a successful marriage and you guys got that and uh what a fun life right i mean you guys your whole life is an adventure pretty much and you guys are just pursuing your dreams wherever that takes you living the dream lucky for us who was to california for a short while so we can get to know you but um yeah what a fantastic adventure you guys are set on and today um you guys will never forget yeah super thankful for the time we had with you in california hopefully it will not be the last you guys will have to come back and visit your whole family is amazing uh brandon your mom we love you guys all we wish you the best um we hope your dave is just just exactly what you wanted to be we love you guys love you guys [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 28,267
Rating: 4.9649024 out of 5
Keywords: wedding, our wedding, perfect wedding, our perfect wedding, love, marriage
Id: E6_Eizat0OY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 14sec (1934 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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