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all right guys we just went out dumpster driving we checked a few dollar generals couldn't find anything but this is loaded we gotta get in here before we get going [Music] come over to the dumpster real quick and you can see all the stuff in here these right here are full i'll find a box for all these look at this three boxes um here's another what is this um pizza and pepperoni flavored sausage what is this i don't know but i'll take it i'll see if i can if that has a good shelf life and the expiration doesn't matter there's two more boxes of snack cakes guys i'm gonna grab like the majority of this stuff and then we'll do like a full recap of the back because or at home because we're gonna check a couple more dollar generals before we go home because if this is their throw out night then we have scored we've had ho ho's check that out look at this pile on the ground already now i need help here more snack cakes like i said i'll find a box for this stuff oh we have ding dong caramel oh look little trees watermelon too yep so but i gotta find a box [Music] all right guys i'm gonna um go through this dumpster real quick i'm gonna get as much stuff as i can and then uh we'll do a recap at home or i'll show you a little bit of what we fill our trunk with before we get home sorry guys i got as much of the stuff i could mama davis is helping me load it here but i just want to give you guys a glimpse of what we found right here so a bunch of crossword bugs hair stuff um dessert and boxes this is all hostess but there's a couple boxes full of like i guess decor stuff that i have no idea what it is so we're gonna get all of this stuff loaded in the car sorry i'm so out of breath i just came right literally out of the dumpster and load it into the car and we'll see you if we go to the next dollar general we'll pick up there if not you'll see us adding a quick update so we checked a few dollar generals like i said one had an 18 wheeler right by the dumpster and i didn't know if anybody was in there so we didn't check that and the other one didn't even have a dumpster we looked like all along the back and literally none of the stores had dumpsters just the gates where the dumpsters would be so that's kind of weird so we know not to check there anymore but we came to this other um we came to this other shopping center we have a dollar general and i also noticed harbor freight right there if you've never been to harbor freight it's all tools and i've seen people score there a few times so i figured i'd check went back there dollar general found a few more things which i'll show you guys at home and harbor freight i wasn't sure if i found their dumpster because i found a couple more dumpsters behind there i found like the beauty store dumpster which didn't have anything and i think total wine too i found their dumpster but overall nothing back there except like an old two old singer sewing machines that were completely broken a shampooer that was completely taken apart and broken a couple tubing bags or whatever so nothing useful back there but we're on our way home now and you'll see our huge haul from dollar general see you then finally home finally got the car empty and all of this stuff all around me i feel surrounded i feel cluttered but it's a good feeling because we got a lot of stuff today i felt like this is vintage jeevas gaming treasure hunting with jesus because we started with dumpster diving so i was like super super stoked to get a big haul of dumpster diving again because i feel like we haven't gotten one in so long but it was a rush i missed the rush so let's get into this by the way stay tuned for we have one two three completely sealed boxes so let's get into this box right here so we have uh all of these this is a coloring book and then we have a few of these challenging word search puzzles books aubry all of this stuff is brand new we have a couple of lisa frank super coloring and activity book jumbo coloring and activity book another super we have a super and jumbo coloring book and a jumbo coloring activity book disney princess we also have a jumbo pets 2 coloring book another disney one a marvel frozen two so most of the stuff looks like coloring books in activity books so coloring color by number advanced coloring for all you advanced coloring people out there i didn't know there was like an advanced coloring thing i guess if you're just you know not a kid then that's adult coloring we have a clot cleaner is this an actual book yes this is an actual kids book not a coloring book coloring birds and another advanced coloring color the bible we also have lost kitties create a scene sticker activity pad so yeah we have some like bright stickers on here and the kids more little stickers and then i guess they just fill out these pages look like a kitchen scene and they put the stickers and make a story frozen two again um another mickey mouse actual book two unicorn coloring books should send those apart it's in pirate colored books another big uh junior disney one that's a really big color but big stack of coloring books right here another like this one another just regular kids book another kids book advanced mazes they have like every puzzle jeez check that out i couldn't imagine doing these let me let me get are you guys into mazes like would you be able to do that kind of that kind of thing uh fashion diva stick and play by the way like this video if you haven't already because this is crazy and again we have these mystery boxes at the end another stick and clip i feel like this would be good for riley what do you think stick and play riley do you want this if you're watching this i'll probably set that aside for her because i think she'd like that she's being our flower girl so i feel like i gotta give her something uh sweet cheats sweet treats advanced coloring coloring book um kindness matters advanced coloring more advanced coloring books i feel like i'm slurring my words cause i'm like excited i'm trying to like talk fast really exciting if you guys have never been dumpster diving before the rush that you get it because like cops could show up you can make it really awkward but you find all this stuff that's free that you can either keep for yourself or donate and do a good deed so the rush of getting it is crazy another marvel two paint box princess and my little pony books two more jumbo frozen oh this is also a sticker activity one few more down here another unicorn another disney junior another my little pony paint thing another marble yeah there's someone in here two more unicorn ones see if there's anything under here this is just actual trash and under here it's literally just like those things they put in the plastic on the shelves to kind of decorate it but that's it for that box next box i have over here is a variety kind of a variety stuff but more of food so let's see what we got food wise um so we have devil's food zingers all of this is hostess by the way so we have a i forgot the word hostess of hostess i don't know awkward uh birthday cupcakes four or yeah four boxes of vanilla wafers can i ask a question here what why do they make birthday cake flavored cake like what is the cake flavored cake literally like birthday cake flavor it's just like put sprinkles in it and then it's birthday cake next thing we got our new cheeseburger it's a cheeseburger flavored cheeseburger right try our french fry flavor fries they're great right so triple chocolate brownies posters we'll give you guys a count at the end of this too just to tell you how much we have um another brownies more azingers zingers more cupcakes birthday flavored cupcakes yes cake flavor cake devil's food zingers about to go get some water flavored water up here birthday cake cupcakes more birthday cake cupcakes caramel ding dongs fudge covered cake with caramel cream filling that sounds amazing actually is it bad on 26 and i still cannot not laugh at ding dongs and hoes yeah i have to here's how hoes the ding dongs were together so this uh is a pizza with pepperoni flavored sausage i don't it just says like lunch makers i'm not quite sure like is i don't know if it's i don't know i don't know if it was like kept in the fridge section or what so i just grabbed it i'm not just not sure might as well grab if you're unsure more birthday cake flavor cupcakes a couple more food things in here and then a couple random things more cupcakes more hobos we have more ding dongs for the hose nope all right these next few things i found a couple um things of these what are these true living essentials clothesline 85 feet so clothesline two of them a volume 101 sudoku book 126 logic puzzles one answer can you find it um little trees uh what is this watermelon cinnamon little cheese we'll put this in the car the best yes blackwell um a box of 13 gallon storage they actually probably threw away these because of the open box but we don't care we'll use them and i found a bag of temptations now these i know i showed the expiration these are november 2020 so they're still good and i know my cats will finish this before the end of november so we definitely got those for them we also point out for future dumpster divers this is not a movie once the date on the back passes it does not turn to green mold and disintegrate it's still fully edible and fine yeah so don't believe the boxes there's a lot of tips when you're telling somebody about dumpster diving one that just because it's past the expiration date especially if it's like shelf food like this does not mean it goes green you can't eat it um two dumpsters do not fill with green slime they're not filled with green slime some of them yes they're disgusting but most of them like this i mean it the dumpster was fine like i literally got in it it's just cardboard packing paper um most of the nasty stuff is in a bag so that's you can just bypass all of that i gotta say storage units are far nastier than dumpsters yes i would definitely say that far nastier that is actual way nastier man not even comparable all right next box we have is a full box of these 13 count gallon storage bags let me see one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven eleven boxes of thirteen count gallon board jack so we'll definitely use those next let me get all the stuff off the table first and i'll go into the next thing next thing and this doctrine just keeps keeps giving what do we got in here by the way these tops right here three orange tops also found kinda heavy but three totes so i'm assuming they were just halloween themed obviously black and orange and halloween is over so they decided to toss them i feel like like why can't the store use them oh well i'll take them we'll use them you know what happens if you try to use a green and red one after december they blow up and disintegrate whatever's inside of them it's pretty crazy don't try it all right more food this is a mix of a lot of different things so let's see we have triple chocolate brownies again another brownies more hohos we have a really bad ratio of ho ho ding dongs they need more ding ding-dong there's a lot of ho ho's co-hosts i don't know or brownies all right what else now random pair of flip-flops these are obviously brand new size small five to six and they were six dollars pretty sturdy it could be like dollar tree or not dollar tree dollar general more crossword puzzle books another crossword puzzles but it's volume two and these are volume one so this thing i wasn't sure exactly what it was when i came across it but here's another one we found quite a few of them but um spicy auburn reviving colors nourishing color and shine relaxing color same day with shea butter all right so i guess it's hair color i don't know if it's like full over here color or if like you want highlights of that color i guess it could be both right we have dryer sheets which we'll use it smells so good this next thing is a um teenage mutant ninja turtles like color book it has like stencils and stuff in it too this is a hashtag squad goals color pack includes 20 coloring pages one sticker sheet and four crowns this is smooth and hold edges nourish and restore shea butter argan and coconut oil sleek style more hair color here's an avengers version of the same tnt thing i just found a couple more of these books so all these are sudoku puzzle books we found this we don't really have the the main part to use it for but maybe we could sell it at a yard sale for like a dollar um a crisp and clean plug refills and this last thing is which i didn't even know we got hot dog minnie's canine carryouts so don't you nothing to do with these but sell them new york so the finale of this dumpster diving video are these three unopened boxes which i like mystery it's like going to a storage unit i can see what it's labeled obviously but i'm not quite sure what it is so let's get into these boxes so this now obvious it's hosted so it's probably going to be more cakes but let's see what kind of cakes come with some ding dongs for all this oh baby jesus cupcakes these are literally the ones that he was asking for the other day like from the gas station the whole season a whole sealed box of these things that is crazy a nice heart attack diabetes so one two three uh three so we have six total boxes in this box yeah so that's a lot of cakes for baby beans to get into almost knocked over literally everything don't do that all right next thing i'm kind of curious about these so on the box where did i see it core framed art i don't know let's just open it and see again if you haven't liked this video yet please do because i just this is like vintage like channel here i was like so excited to get all of this stuff again all right let's see what this is pull that one oh so these were eight dollars like family um wall decor so that one says family let's see if they're all the same or all different this is family there's one over here that's different color but this one says dream i dream big i think that's the only two style oh no here's another one cherish cherish cherish dream family faith i guarantee you easy five bucks a piece of yard sale safe easy it ran down that's crazy like i i thought that being in the boxes and then throwing it away like i was gonna pick it up and just hear like brothers even like opening up and seeing wood like i thought it was going to be completely broken stuff but it isn't and that's good yard sale stuff actually so this next one says core framed art again but it's a different shaped box so let's see what we got here all right what you got first thing i'm going to open it up my way so i can see it first cheating happiness blooms from within so it just has like a flower here sorry holding out too high there you go jeeva's behind the camera directing me down down down my problem is i watch it youtube i don't even watch the camera and i look down like crap like i'm just interested to see think happy be happy amen this is good things take time amen hard work forever is like so so good yeah grow where you are planted no thank you i moved away from where i was planted a little bit not far but james was planted you play it live your best life i'm doing that and b b-e-e time to people that's good yeah that is good that is all so let me get this stuff cleared off and i'll have a big recap set for you guys okay so change of plans as i was setting this stuff on the table i realized that we have a very small table i think it's like the four foot one so there's no way i'm fitting all this stuff on that table but quick recap all of these art decor stuff this big bin full of random stuff all of this kind of stuff is gonna get donated we might save like this kind of stuff for a yard sale um kid stuff like the kids books would probably definitely be donated like this this this is the whole box of all the kids coloring books uh we'll probably use the gallon bags i'm gonna give these treats to the cats actually before we end this video and again all of this these boxes right here are full of the hostess stuff so let me try to find the cats here so i had to give juvis the camera there so i can see if i get these cats on here one is already here hi mario say hi to everybody you're the brand new cat in here that we've actually had forever but we just got him from the other house now he's living with us he's the one that had like terrible cat anxiety he didn't go with us to california because we thought the trip was literally driving crazy but he's so freaking happy to be back look at this happy buddy treats upstairs cause she's fancy dang they're like this is their their appetizer trout for these if they love them then obviously i'll keep them the way who wants to go and scrabble guys if you're on xbox can you play grand theft auto online add treasure hunting with jeep it's capital t capital h lowercase w space jeebus and we will wreck some stuff over at that online [Music] it looks like the end of this is kind of turning into a semi vlog but we have some large flat rate boxes that just came in yesterday this is our computer room that we showed you obviously in the house tour but we ended up set we found uh some white shelves they're super cheap but they were like 12. 12 bucks at walmart so we got we picked those up we have two more we have to set up but we're getting there with the shipping station so once we hit live auctions and lists on ebay we're gonna be all into that stuff but we got something else to show you guys oh you want to see the storage ended up bidding on what do you guys think i do all right let me show you why i'm videoing on this one well i haven't video yet but look first of all it looks huge it's not that big it's 10 by 4 so it's kind of skinny but there's a lot of things i like in here the guitar which has a radio station on it i like that it has an apple sticker on it yeah and there's it looks like a custom built pc or one that's missing a side not sure this is the main thing i don't know what star wars cg is but star wars to me maybe card game no i'm just thinking collectibles and not to mention even i don't like minecraft i see that that tells me they're in the gaming stuff you can also see back here there's a turntable too so i mean musical equipment gaming stuff it looks like a good one problem is it's like an hour drive from us and tomorrow's wednesday we leave to go out on friday because the wedding's on saturdays we have two days to get that cleaned out basically so i think we better do it but it looks interesting it definitely does so finally done with this video hope you guys like the end let us know if uh you would like vlog type stuff more incorporated into the videos because we will definitely try to remember stuff like that because i mean it's only good for us and i feel like you guys kind of want insight into our life a little bit maybe i don't know the coloring books and food are all gonna get donated but like the art and like the flip-flops for example we'll probably put at our yard sale maybe the art for like five bucks a piece maybe we see make a profit i mean we didn't spend anything except a little bit of gas money so we'll see uh gallon storage bags we'll probably use those and obviously the cat treats are for the cats as far as uh this dumpster diving route will definitely start hitting this route more often because i'm hoping hoping that dollar general doesn't like notice that all this stuff was taken end up blocking so hopefully we can keep this route but we'll definitely start hitting this route more and incorporate more stores around here because we haven't really established a full complete route in this area yet so more driving videos to come lastly we get married on saturday so friday we're gonna start recording um and then obviously saturday we'll start recording for the wedding so we'll have a couple wedding videos for you guys a vlog and then obviously the day of type video so stay tuned for that but overall if you did enjoy and you haven't already leave it a like for it subscribe if you are new and until next time peace out [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 31,444
Rating: 4.9513226 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diving 2020, dumpster diving at apple store, dumpster diving at gucci, dumpster diving at ulta, dumpster diving at walmart, dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving gamestop, dumpster diving haul, dumpster diving makeup, dumpster diving money, dumpster diving money found, dumpster diving mrbeast, finding money while dumpster diving, found money while dumpster diving, how to make money dumpster diving, ulta dumpster diving, caught by security
Id: wBwHft31sUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 22sec (1462 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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