It's All OVER! The REAL Final Goodbye!

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guys it is finally that time i look a mess because we just finished packing up everything in the house it's like 4 30 monday september 21st our truck is loaded just had a junk hauler guy get the rest of this stuff out of here super cool guy by the way it was really fun talking to you but it is finally time to hit the freaking road at like 4 30. so you know what let's get out of here see we get out of california in one night let's do it i know you guys aren't too excited right now i know i know you poor guys are too excited right now but guess what we'll be on the road very soon and they'll be in a new house you know what they're actually really well behaved once they get going right now he's trying to play houdini but a few minutes he'll be good we're not going to do a sad music montage here but you know what there are some good there's some things we loved here some things we hated here overall just not the right place for us to stay permanently but you know what again glad we came out and experienced it for ourselves it didn't take people's word for it it was a beautiful house it's got some beautiful parts in this state and also has some lesson beautiful parts but you know what let's get on the road guys we are gonna have to drive this big mama here all the way back across the country we came so close with packing we had to throw so much stuff away we even have some stuff totes that have to get inside the freaking truck with us because we couldn't fit it way overestimated our load baby jeevas mama james got our car right there they have some stuff in the back gonna have the cats back there let's get going i am so sweaty it's really hard to see me shut up gps we have been working for so long how you feel over there very hot and very tired but i am glad it is done have you ever seen this before look at that distance one day 18 hours it is going to be one heck of a ride so our goal right now is to find a truck stop grab something quick to eat and drink and then make it into nevada so we can get out of this i don't know what i want to call it state and kind of live like a human again go in a restaurant and get food kind of feel normal a little bit so let's see if we can do it on the road all three of us are good in the truck me you over there and our little son here oh look at him he's sitting up there he's not even buckled up i hope he doesn't get in an accident [Music] it is super dark and i have no idea if you can hear me over this sherman tank i mean box truck but we just crossed the state border into nevada or nevada whatever you want to call it officially out of california we're about how far from the hotel 21 minutes 21 minutes let's pop park there's a park let's park this big truck get the cats inside get their food stuff set up and we're gonna go out and get some food because i've eaten zero none of us have eaten anything the entire day and it's 8 o'clock p.m i am hungry [Music] what's up guys we made it to the hotel finally my body hurts i'm hungry i'm thirsty i had one water no food i'm so glad we're finally here cats are inside so let's see what they're doing it's to be kind of hard to save money here you know why why there's our hotel right next door oh gosh just ignore it you don't need this james you don't need this well we have finally got into the hotel room the cats have already found hiding spots so you got missy huh misty say hi to everybody missy's doing surprisingly good usually she's scared but she seems good right now they were good the whole time so we were so worried about driving them out here last time and they ended up being perfectly fine never used the bathroom never did anything they were perfectly good are you in my bed what are you doing okay well missy's on the bed dexter and needy are hiding they're trying to get under the bed where the bed doesn't have it under so they're just under the blankets basically but it's food time i'm so hungry what do you do when you got so much stuff in the car that you can't actually undo two seats well yep i'm sitting on the lap you kind of just gotta make do with what you got now jay where do you think you're going this is what we're gonna do now we're squishing in the backseat because there's so much stuff even in here the box truck in the car completely full but hey guy did you guys do my favorite we were so hungry i didn't even record nothing at the table we just literally forgot i forgot it got here and just devoured in two seconds but shout out to denny's right denny's is always that place it's always open late it's always super cheap so why not but you know what now it's time to pass out because we have been up for a long time doing nothing but lifting my body sore let's pass out see you in the morning i see a couple cat appearances here what is that oh he moved mom and what is this hi missy thanks there we doing man these two right here have to check it out before didi come out right guys make sure the room's okay all right dee dee's first appearance hi girl oh it's 6 00 am guys six o'clock in the morning i am not a morning person but you know what when i'm excited about where i'm going my body wakes up instantly if i don't want to go there doesn't matter how much i sleep i don't want to get up but we're about to get everything ready and get back out here again try to get all the driving each day thunder and daytime so we don't have to do that night again like yesterday so let's get out of here you want to know how cold we keep in your room this is our drink last night from denny's the ice is still there it still never melted over the entire night that's how cold it is in here make sure you get a good look out there so you can tell all the other cats about it don't look at the camera i know it's just a camera just continue looking out the window so you can tell all the other cats about your journey to nevada oh there he is he's like wow look at all these drunk idiots coming out of the casino all the other cats are not going to believe this too low at an entire gas station with the one pump you pick just the one in particular is the only one that doesn't work you gotta love when that happens it's just great timing i am not looking forward to knowing how much it costs to fill big betsy up here right it's only like a quarter tank left so about three quarters of a tank let's see how much that's gonna cost it's a 35 gallon truck not fun nowhere near as bad as i thought we're back in california that would be triple digits but since we're out of that state kind of back to the u.s 60 only when three hours and some change yesterday a day and 15 hours ish left let's head out so we went in the gas station and found these delicious looking things bacon and cheddar beef sticks best combination bacon and cheddar those two things go on just about anything so you know what i feel like it's gonna be really good i don't know why i see a giant water slide off in the distance but i see a giant water slide in the middle of nowhere out in the distance that would be fun get out of the way man [Music] and we're only in nevada first complication no joke the tire pressure light comes on the freaking truck we get off the exit get to the gas station and now it cuts off this is very strange let's check the tires out first thing i noticed this thing doesn't have the plug on it so that's not a good sign but first glance this tire is still hard you know if it's enough to come on i would think i'd be able to tell my pushing on it i worked at a car play for two hours so i think i'd be able to figure that out let's check this side again no plug isn't that just great i guess it's a trend on the rental truck no plug again with tires at least hard and we got one one out of four 25 of having the freaking plug on all the tires feel good i don't know what's going on with this thing i guess maybe we had no extra fifth tie or nothing but all the tires are good the light went off so let's hope that's not going to be an issue so we checked all the tire pressures nothing's wrong with the tires i hope that light was just some kind of a glitch this is an old ford so they don't exactly have the best reputations we don't know but you know i'm a i'm a beef stick lover so i had to get this at the gas station the cheddar ones i love them out here i'm not even like hungry it's just they're so good let's hope that light doesn't come back on because i do not like lights on the dashboard that's never a good thing and this is why we love nevada you know nevada's kind of a weird state based on our experience here at sweden it seems like there's las vegas there's reno and then there's just this everywhere else literally nothing and a lot of sketchiness a lot of unmarked government vehicles and weird freaking military crafts everywhere a lot of weird stuff goes on here i have to say out of all the states i'm into weird stuff all right had to stop at pilot fill up empty stomachs and fill up stomachs possibly so let's get some gas how long have we driven 150 miles and this thing is already halfway empty already the safety gas guzzler is understatement of the year swiping the windows they're shot to the scenery they're looking a little dusty right now i need those shots to look a little better so gotta clean these ones what if you're not six foot five look how far i got it you're not this tall you're in trouble aren't you a lot better than it was windows much cleaner the shot should be a lot clearer pepsi max in hand what you got peanut butter chocolate chip quest cookie in a water oh keto cookies in water oh my gosh you healthy thing you got to get this caffeine in your system to be going all day let's get back on the road let's get through the state of nevada let's get into utah all right so we stopped and got gas one more time just in case because i know there's a lot of long stretches out here where there's absolutely nothing so far we still haven't got out of nevada and this truck has already ate up 120 worth of gas and we still have 80 percent of the us to go so i'm not looking forward to seeing that total number all the way back to virginia it is not going to be pretty can somebody please explain to me why they just love blocking off lanes of the highway it's been over seven miles and there has not been one single work vehicle anywhere sometimes i'm thoroughly convinced they do this for the sole purpose of just seeing if we'll follow it or not so aggravating [Music] now that we're into utah check out the salt flats thing they're usually super super white now they look dirty i don't know if the ash from the west coast fires it literally came this far but it looks dirty now last few times we passed it it didn't even look real now this looks like dirt look at that it's just nothing but road for so long we're trying to make it to salt lake city to go to a toy store because we're immature and then we're going to figure out where we're going to stay this is mystical liquid on the right on the dashboard is that what we call rain i haven't seen this in so long oh my gosh it's like water falling from the sky i forgot the stuff existed i know most people get annoyed at it i'm just like oh it's beautiful [Music] so we finally made it to salt lake city there is rogue toy so they had three stores we all visited in las vegas and we bought stuff at every single one of them so we're like we're passing right through here we gotta check this one too and see if we can find any more dragon ball stuff for the collection let's go see just left the little toy store i did actually end up buying two little thingies here for those of you to know anything about dragon ball z you might think it's cool otherwise you're gonna be like what the heck is that but old school gohan figure only nine dollars these are pretty expensive usually so i'm pretty happy with that little micro figures because we're trying to collect the whole dragon star series and i didn't have these yet so you know what two cool little toys i'm glad we stopped but now we're on the road i think we're about an hour away from crossing over into wyoming so we'll update you when we get there [Music] [Music] we have made it to the hotel in evanston wyoming i think it's called super small town with like nobody i think pretty much almost everywhere my own is a super small town it's one of my favorite states to go to i love it out here but let's get inside the hotel room and go chill out so we finally made it into the hotel look what i got in my bed again hey why does this thing stay in my bed all the time you know why because she wants to sit by the air conditioner next to the bed who's that over there what he's like crap i don't want to be on camera you get my bad side but anyway over there you know what's the only bad thing about wyoming is there's like no regular businesses there's like two mom-and-pop diners in a whole area and they're both closed already so we don't really know what we're gonna do all right so it is early in the morning the next day and this hotel sucked one of those air conditioners that just cut off every two minutes so everyone's roasting the entire night the beds weren't exactly comfortable but you know what everyone's sore everyone's tired so let's hope we just get through this day and i don't know i'm just irritated right now you know that feeling when you wake up and you're supposed to feel well rested and good instead you feel irritated and tired that's how i'm feeling what is this sensation i'm feeling outside i don't know how to react to this anymore like shivering a little what is this is this what they call cold i don't know whoa i haven't experienced this in so long you know what it actually feels good but you know you could tell i've been in the west coast too long sleeveless shirt and freaking slides and it's like probably 50 degrees out here i gotta readjust to like seasons the season's not just being summer and last summer so far this thing is at 161 dollars in gas before we even put this tank in here and it's only like just into wyoming we're like maybe five miles into wyoming we still have the whole rest of the us to go the thing online calculated about 800 bucks in gas and i was like no way to be that high but you know what i don't think it's going to be that high if not more i'm getting a little nervous not lying so the truck took another 30 dollars in gas it's up to 190 but if you've never been to wyoming you do not want to gamble it with the gas trust me there can be like 150 miles of absolutely nothing so we definitely had to top this thing off if my memory is right i'm pretty sure wyoming followed by nebraska are the two longest stretches of the entire drive they're just super long states good thing about wyoming at least most places the speed limit is 80 but this truck can't even get up to 80. it gets up to like 74 and that is pedal to the metal it kind of sucks kind of makes everything go even slower but what can you do you know if you're in a negative situation you can't change it why be mad about it and all you can do is deal with it and get through it so let's get on the road [Music] great now we have another problem guess what our little thing that we used to plug in and charges their phones charges the laptop it allows me to edit and everything on the road is now not working joy so now we gotta find a walmart and try to buy a new one normally no problem right but the issue is we're in wyoming so literally the next town with the walmart is 70 some miles away so now i can't even get my editing done in the morning well let's just keep going until we reach that walmart after seeing many many billboards on the highway we are here at little america travel center so let's see what they have inside they even have crystals rocks you can buy charging cords ice scraper mitts other car stuff oh look at this rainbow bear check him out whoa hi buddy stuffed head mouth 500 they even have these things that you usually find like cavern gift shops these little magnetic rocks and a little tray of rocks over there these rocks that you can grab i remember finding these in that collection rio vista jacket sweatshirts wyoming i like this one because it's blue and purple tata baby clothes oh look a little baby lumberjack more baby clothes socks boxers even decorative salt and pepper shakers cookbooks more salt and pepper shaker holders kitchen stuff here this place even has a little hotel and a playground these little signs here we go no trespassing we're tired of hiding the bodies i feel like something that's something we would hang in our house oh hot sauce big selection of hot sauce here succulents candles scentsies look at this little rock thing over here so this little america thing you just fill a bag for a certain place it's good for kids they like picking like the different color rocks and stuff but i always see when they're like this may look like a hotel but wait for it this is actually the entrance of the bathroom so here's the bathroom here and you have a little stalls down there but a little sitting area right in the bathroom that's kind of odd what'd you get in there okay so no drink because i already have one but i grabbed this sausage egg and cheese biscuit whatever it's on but i'm gonna take that off and put it on the fronds keto white bread that we found at walmart last night look what we finally made it to the walmart now next step is crossing our fingers and hoping they actually have what we need well that walmart definitely did not have what we needed that kind of sucks and i'm pretty sure there's not going to be any other type of store like that for who knows how long i doubt we're going to see anything like a best buy out here just my guess so you know what i guess we're kind of well sol this is a fact that i feel like a lot of people need to learn so i feel like i'm going to include it in this video for educational purposes that is not a broken tail light that means we're turning or switching lanes pay attention to it here we go again with this stupid tire pressure light on it just cut back on again now watch us get off the highway to go check the tires it's going to come back off again guys you can't even make this up look over there you see gloves we get off to go to the truck stop to go check again now look over here at the dashboard notice anything look it's gone again what is going on [Music] first sighting of gas under two dollars and i can't even tell you how long that's weird to even see all right so you see all these windmills question if i were to go over there with a rope last saw one of them on the bottom and it went up what did hey throw me like a freaking bug because it's super strong or b are they relying on just slight wins so they wouldn't be that strong and wouldn't be able to stop it by rope i'm curious on everyone's opinions [Music] we're in nebraska all right so we are officially in nebraska now and this drive has just sucked because wyoming is a lot of mountains and this truck has about the power like it has been like about four horsepower or something i swear but it's going up a mountain we can't get it to go above like 50 it sucks the speed limit's 80 and you can't get above like 50 or 55 it's going straight now we can go like 74 right up a mountain we're going like 50 something i used to get mad at like 18 wheelers that would go so slow and they had their blinkers on now i understand now we get it yeah these things are horrible i can't imagine how the big trucks are anyway my freaking mom and brother in the catch are what 150 miles ahead of us now because they got our car speeding going 85 probably so we're so far behind let's get some nebraska down guess what i just realized look at our time now it is officially under 24 hours we still got quite a little ways to go for that we get to the hotel like what two hours right yeah so starting tomorrow it's gonna be about 21 hours you know what not bad at all hey you want to get behind this truck i do why not one of those things final destination right there yeah i did not think i was ever going to get to this bed it is 9 30. well take into consideration there's also another time zone change what are we in central time now right yes central time we've been driving since seven this morning and it's 8 30 now so a little over 12 hours and then box trucks makes it so much more stressful real quick i wanted to say right before we pulled up the hotel we stopped at a travel plaza literally like a minute from a hotel and we had a subscriber fan girl in the doorway of the gas station so sarah if you get this far in this video and you see this we love you thanks for the support and nice to meet you that made the day so much better after suffering for i know i just said it's 8 30 and miranda shows me his phone it's actually 10 so it drove for 13 hours i messed up my head it's after 13 hours in that box truck that made my mood a lot better so guess what they have a piano in the lobby here so you already know i'm making noise see if i get this on first try [Music] you know the most amazing part about this is we've never owned a piano where did you learn what i learned by youtube myself ordered my own keyboard to talk myself it's on your phone right yeah my phone too taught myself everything myself all right what else you got what else do i got well i'll do my other stevie's one this is one now that we're at the hotel we are so stealing our actual car for a little while so i can sit on a cushion seat not a leather box truck and go find something to eat hopefully at ten o'clock we're gonna hope somewhere's open oh i'm such a bad drug out of guys you know the stress got to me i i i i'm in mcdonald's i know i got bad food i feel so bad like i'm like no i don't want to eat it but it's so good and then like and i keep trying to justify it and i'm like i'll just go on in like two days like literally good food bad food is just like a straight drug like you just when you're stretched you want it you know what i mean yeah i don't smoke nothing i don't drink nothing i don't take nothing else but god i like food well we just got some bad mcdonald's food don't tell nobody it's just around the world no matter where you go it's just common facts mcdonald's is just super slow they're lucky their food's good all right guys 10 24. it's been 23 minutes we finally brought it back but what always happened to mcdonald's they forgot an order of nuggets two orders of nuggets two ordered surprise 23 minutes and they still get it wrong sometimes i literally feel like it's like they're trying to troll me in there i don't understand i really don't 25 minutes two trips to the drive-through and guess what we finally got food no way that was so much more complicated than it needed to be always is this morning is a much better vibe than yesterday morning i can tell you that these beds are comfortable this ac kicked good all night everyone who was asleep the entire night they had hot breakfast when we got up just got out the shower man feeling a completely different person today but what part of nebraska are we in right now uh got goatenberg gotham gothenburg something like that that's made me think of batman but we're gonna be driving out of the state today i have a couple cool places i've seen in lincoln i'm hoping that the gps is in line to me that i want to check out when we get over there it's about three hours away so let's pack up let's get back on the road so far this is definitely the best hotel we stayed in going back to our big betsy over here right now i always get nervous parking this thing at night that's like all of our belongings in it so i'm always scared somebody's gonna break into it but you know what nebraska i think we're good 45 more dollars in the truck it's up to 255 dollars so far which isn't as bad as i thought it was gonna be because we're about halfway to the drive now so if it stays the same the other half it's only 500 bucks and the thing estimated 800 so you know not too bad all right so we finally arrived here at lincoln nebraska and we stopped at the shopping center because it's so cool check this out over here you have a place called toys from the past by selling trade you know we want to go look at toys then right over here there's a comic shop comic shops also usually have quite a lot of action figures and things like that over here i don't know what that is yeah gauntlet games and down here is cool and collected so you know what i think there's a lot of cool stores here let's go take a break and see if we can find any dragon ball stuff to add to the collection all right so we just left the toy store you know what i am super happy they actually have one of the last three figures i'm missing in this dragon ball dragon star figure collection i am down to two more figures left i'm just not the type of person that likes to buy them online i like to go look in stores i like that surreal of finding it in person it's just more thrilling plus you don't have to worry about getting beat up and shipping and things like that they actually have a second location that we might be heading to now before we get back on the road because i love my toys and another toy store delivers again for us guess what we got super sand gogeta exclusive i didn't have this one this one wasn't even on my list because it's one of the exclusive ones and this whole little cake tin just full of like random little old-school dragon ball figures which is pretty freaking cool we'll find a way to set all these up i know that's pretty cool old school dragon ball z stuff if you find it in units well first contact me of course but it's also very expensive so you know what i'm really happy with these two finds i feel so disrespected guys so we just crossed over into iowa and i'm sitting here like waiting for the little welcome to iowa side and there's no sign still i waited we're like two miles into the state now i still haven't seen a sign you know what that's so disrespectful but right before we cross the border we stop the chesters grab lunch now we're literally going through iowa for like i think 15 minutes and then we end up in missouri so let's see what happens then that was my sad attempt at capturing the missouri state sign but it came too fast that his window was just too dirty so i couldn't get a good shot we're officially in missouri i just found another collectible toy story because you know i'm 26 going on 12 and i'm only visiting two more dragon ball figures to complete my dragon star collection i don't care what you collect if you had like 67 or 68 out of 70 this would annoy you too so we have about an hour to go to get there let's see we can find i don't know i thought this was cool where we're driving right now over here is missouri but actually right on the other side of the water over there is kansas i'm kind of mad because kansas is one of the states i've never been in even if i just walked over there got out of the truck stepped my foot down and got back in at least i can say i've been there but i don't think we're gonna pass it bye kansas i knew it was bound to finally happen the first time since we've left there's traffic gosh there's not many things in this world that annoy me where the traffic honestly is so aggravating but it was bound to happen eventually right to our right over here is kansas city i don't know anything about this place other than the chiefs were from there other than that that's about it and here's some weird rich thing we're about to go on there but we're about a little under two hours from where we're staying at tonight so let's keep on driving straight i see smoke coming from the forest don't you take a portal back to california that's his truck his truck's on fire holy crap look at that whoa okay now that's kind of scary to see burning truck out there in the middle of nowhere i felt like i haven't recorded much today but if you've ever driven through nebraska in missouri it's just a lot in a lot of farmland and open grass there's not much scenery nothing to show you guys it's pretty to look at what you're driving at but i don't think you want to look at fast motion shots of people's farms for 30-40 seconds but right now we're about an hour and 11 minutes away we're getting to our hotel in columbia missouri for the night i think that's going to put us about five hours away from kentucky then it's just get through kentucky get through west virginia and then we're back in virginia so we're on the home stretch now it's thursday night now i'm thinking we're gonna probably be there one saturday we have finally made it to where colombia right columbia missouri not the real columbia but oh it is dark out but we are at cracker barrel their food is so good let's go get some dinner and let's go hit that hotel room you know guys i'm kind of mad here we came here to play checkers outside right there you know the tables are usually outside the cracker barrel but the checkers tables are gone now because of covid why is this virus so particular why are you okay at your dinner table but at the checkers table it's gonna get you have you ever had a virus with this kind of mind it's like you know what if you're at your dinner table i'll leave you alone but if you go to the checker table i'm gonna mess you up so here we are columbia missouri look another super eight you know what's even better since we're not gonna get much sleep they have like a harley davidson thing over here going on where they have a live concert going and our room is on that side you hear it yeah oh yeah uh-oh oh we're to get good sleep tonight we're going to rock out baby let's go see how the rooms look all right guys so talk about joining the snack machine you want chips where do you want laundry detergent you know since we actually they don't have a washing machine here but for some reason they have laundry detergent in the vending machine and you know in case you're hungry advil crest chapstick all kinds of great things but you know what i think i'm gonna snuggle all right so these hallways legitimately smell like somebody purposely did not wash their arms for about two years and took this shirt off pushed our arms up ran into the hallway and got that funk everywhere for a couple hours uh let's see how these beds are let's see god god i think i just broke like two bones oh all right what do we got in the bible drawer i have something great to show you this is an amenity that come with the hotels only lightly used chopsticks oh sweet lightly used chopsticks exactly that's great let's look around misty what'd you find hey we'll go with this this is nice actually this little thing actually let's see how the bathroom looks because i've heard some things can i show them something oh my god it stinks look look at all the stains on there 100 was not washed it smells funny too yeah that was used to watch somebody's about crack whatever 700 look at those nice things on the toe we got a winner guys we got one winner of a hotel i want to show you guys my favorite feature of this hotel it's called a security system and if anyone breaks in you just hit him with his wood with nails sticking out of it that's just in the closet hey my knee dad you might be look at that splinters i don't want to know what this is dried up on the carpet right here i feel like it's a shot of some kind i'm not going to go in any further detail maybe they got paid they paid the person a penny to do it i don't know these are all amenities that were included oh man they really got it over here didn't it somewhere oh all over the carpet one's imagination can wonder but i don't want let it wonder like mine is because i have very bad thoughts about all this the hotel keeps getting better so we go to pull this curtain off get to the blanket there's no blanket you get a curtain or a sheet you can choose whatever you're choosing at least they give you a variety most people like you know here's a blank in the sheet here you can choose between the nice curtain or the sheet don't forget big variety perfectly square one pillow oh yeah look at it but i mean it's got to be a quarter inch thick at least right there i mean if you close your eyes and imagine it it might feel like a pillow you just got to have a really strong imagination early friday morning dede how do you feel okay missy missy she's not answering dexter how do you feel over there i'm standing soon it's disturbing he's like wow what are you doing there okay he's not moving ahead he's looking hard look at all these cats all three of them friday morning you know what as much crap as we talked about this hotel last night everyone actually slept pretty well surprisingly what not not what i disagreed oh i did i slept good at least that was by the ac maybe that's why but anyway it's friday we're getting out of this state i think we're gonna end up in kentucky today if i'm my geography's right but we'll see when we get in the truck let's load up and get on out of here look at this mysterious liquid all over the car is it that weird water that falls from the sky again us people that came from california have never heard of this it is really weird to see rain again though that's kind of cool all right so we're back in the truck again we just filled it back up again it only took 27 it seems like the further east we get the cheaper gas is getting it's only like 1.70 something here i love it love it so much better than california but anyway we're about 70 percent of the way through the state of missouri and then i think it's illinois and indiana if i remember correctly correct me if i'm wrong and then the next long stay we're in for a while is kentucky we pass through just a little bit of illinois a little bit of indiana and then pretty much the whole state of kentucky then through west virginia and then we're finally back into virginia which should be sunday we could have probably arrived tomorrow saturday but there's like a little town in western virginia that we have a lot of memories with and we're probably gonna end up staying here i'll explain more of that tomorrow when we get there but for now let's keep on driving you definitely need that big truck to haul that little thing right there right look at the size of this the whole bed all that right there you know what that must be a really heavy toy truck okay now i'm talking about whole life even when i was a kid in virginia i don't i cannot remember the last time i've seen gas for 149. that is the cheapest i've seen in years do you see what i see off in the distance the st louis arch over there and the rest of the cities wow that's bouncy roads hiding behind these trees over there but that's actually the first time i ever laid eyes on the arch i think we'll be able to see it a little better here oh yeah look at that there's the city there's the arch first time ever passing through st louis i think we're just about to go right into illinois well look at the bridge cool this one's a little different yeah the state lines are here state lines where like right in the middle of the water oh is it all right we're just to keep this camera going let's talk about random stuff so how's your day how's the weather how are you guys doing how's everyone doing look at the height of this thing that's a big boy right here really big three two one listen for the oh dps right here illinois state line you know how you can tell you're getting closer and closer to the east coast green trees green grass nothing's dead in yellow brown weird color that it is on the west coast look everything's starting to look green and pretty and alive again what do i see hiding behind a tree there welcome to indiana i think we're only in this state for a very short amount of time i think i can gross our window is very short amount of time until we get into kentucky but we're officially in indiana getting closer and closer to the east who knew this whole time santa claus is actually living here in indiana and not the north pole we've been lied to our whole life the final time zone shift has just happened it's now eastern standard time that's how you know we are getting super super close right now we're about 45 minutes away that's not a hotel it's actually a little store stop i want to take a stop at look for some cool stuff see we can find out here i think the store is in kentucky but right now we're still in indiana so let's see if we can find bear we're at a secret tunnel welcome to kentucky guys i haven't seen a state sign yet but apparently according to the gps we just crossed look at that water look at this rusty old bridge look at all that water over there first time in kentucky this is the first time obligated to get kfc i know nothing about kentucky when i hear kentucky i just think kfc and horse racing that's literally all i know i've never been in this state in my life there's that sign i was looking for welcome to kentucky and there's the skyline of louisville all right louisville yeah right you said yeah right like i was like right first time seeing it small but kind of cool looking city who would have known louisville slugger field would be in louisville never would have guessed in a million years actually trying to track this helicopter do you know how hard it is to track a flying object on this camera there it is oh i see it it's about to go in the clouds bye helicopter [Music] so we finally got into our hotel here in what part of kentucky i don't know kentucky so we're in kentucky tomorrow we got a hotel already planned out or an area already planned out stanton virginia it's just a super fun little town we've been to all the time when i was a kid so georgetown island georgetown that's where we're at so tomorrow we're going there we're going to finish off going to kentucky go all the way through west virginia and end up in stanton virginia and that'll leave us about two hours away from our house which will probably arrive to sunday but technically we probably won't be able to move in until thursday so i don't know what we're going to do right now one of our plans are to put the box empty the box truck we're allowed to empty the box truck in the garage and whatnot take the stuff out of there and then go back up to northern virginia where we're from because their public storage auction runs this week and then we're going to see you know if we can get some couches and dressers things like that super cheap super cheap out of the unit because most people you know don't want the furniture units because they're a pain in the you know what but this time we might need them and we have our big truck until the second so let's see what happens for now i'm going to bed good night so today is saturday and i gotta say i take back i set up the nebraska hotel this is the best hotel by far everyone's left to like 10 a.m it's like 10 30 right now you'll be getting up at what seven yeah eight yeah something like that so everybody just literally slept three extra hours it's not worried exhausted look at my camera's battery that's not good oh gosh it's dying it's dying but we're about to watch seven hours from the house eight hours from the house but we're gonna drive about six today stay and then finish it off on sunday let's get back on the road you guys have no idea how much i missed just being able to see forest grass all green open area not so overpopulated as you step on each other when you walk by gosh it's still kentucky almost west virginia but it's just so good to be back what is that sign i see look at that west virginia wild and wonderful west virginia we're one state away i love west virginia if there was more auctions out here i would still look for houses out here it's so cheap it's so pretty it's so empty it's so nice but we're gonna pass on through your next stop virginia sir you cannot just have a free ride you're gonna have to get off get off i charge uber fees get off my window he's a stubborn one isn't it get out get out okay he's just staying on there yes you're going coming all the way to virginia with us you ever wonder if bugs kind of freak out when they get on like in one state and they get off again it's been like they're like 100 miles away like whoa what is that sc off in the distance right there look at that welcome to virginia whoa we have made it guys and this is where i'm going to end this video because i can't let you see the house on this you guys know we gotta do a house tour and things like that plus we're gonna get there tomorrow on sunday we already talked to the landlord we can't actually move in until thursday so you know as we know what we're doing we're emptying the truck out in the garage which he's allowing us to do and then we're taking the truck up north to hit their public storage run and tear things up we're back on the east and ready to work like a monster ready to hit all the auctions to make so many videos go back to daily uploads if anyone made it this long in the video we love you so much thank you for watching if you enjoyed this crazy trip leave it a thumbs up subscribe if you're new and until next time peace out you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 65,921
Rating: 4.9330935 out of 5
Keywords: traveling the united states, travel, traveling, profit, business, storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit, travel the whole us, traveling the whole us
Id: 94eJloE4644
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 52sec (2572 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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