MOST INSANE Abandoned Storage Unit ON YOUTUBE! You HAVE To See This Bought an Abandoned Storage Unit

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you gotta be kidding me [Music] today we want a storage unit i've been trying to win for almost an entire year whether this ends good or whether this ends bad i guarantee you this is gonna be one of the absolute weirdest storage units and weirdest stories you've ever seen ever in this business so if i lose money i don't care i just gotta know let's get in the car let's go see what we got [Music] so we just arrived this was legitimately over a one hour drive when you see the unit you're going to call me an idiot but we paid 10 for this unit 10 bucks the minimum bid you can get online let me open it up and then judge me i know right now you're probably thinking i'm suffering from some type of severe mental disorder but in order for you to grasp this you got to listen to the facts first let me explain that before we get into this so before we get into it i have to explain to you the facts because if you don't know this none of this is going to make any sense so pay attention here i've been trying to get this unit for seven months in order for a storage unit to go up for auction you have to be three months behind on your rent that means you didn't pay rent three months in a row and when that happens they put your storage in enough for auction when they do that you have two options you can pay your entire balance back to the storage facility if you do that you have access to your unit the auction's gone you get your stuff it's all good option number two is you give them a partial payment you pay one month if you own three you pay one what happens is your unit is saved from auction but you do not have access to your unit which means it'll go right back up for auction the following month if you don't finish paying but you can use that you can pay one month and buy yourself say a few weeks to get the rest of the money to get your stuff back that's perfectly legal but again if you do not finish paying off your entire balance your units going right back up for auction again so when i'm saving trying to get this unit for seven months what i mean is every single month right before it goes off the owner has paid a partial payment to the storage facility meaning one month's rent to keep it safe but because they never paid the full amount they were never able to access this unit again the pictures have remained the same month after month after month after month at one point this unit was up to 110 dollars and i think it's because there's other people out here that notice the trend just like i did that it just kept going up for auction so let's break down what that exactly means it's a five by five little unit right the cheapest one you can get at that facility is 99.99 and if you rent there you have to insure your unit the cheapest insurance they have is 12.99 so at a bare minimum they are paying 113 a month at a bare minimum and if it's been up for auction seven times that means they've made that payment seven times of course the initial rent was that again so overall eight times they made a bare minimum payment of a hundred and thirteen dollars so do the math in your head that is like over 900 close to a thousand dollars to save what's in the unit that gotta bother you and boggle your head if you're like me because it looks like two little boxes i'm nothing right but then why would they keep paying on it it's gotta there's gotta be a reason to it there's gotta be something that makes sense and it's bothering me that i can't figure it out with that i want to get another point across if you abandon your storage unit and you just don't pay and they send it up for auction it's not like you go home scot-free and everything's good when you sign up for that you sign up with a credit card or a bank card and if you don't pay you don't just walk away they send you to collections if whatever the store you just sold for it doesn't cover what you owed them let's say you owe them 500 and the storage unit sells for 490 they are legally required to send you to collections for 10 bucks but most of the time if they are abandoned like that for 30 months you owe them hundreds if not thousands depending on the size of the unit so usually whatever it goes for at auction is not going to cover that at all so in this case why would somebody leave two boxes behind that are that big that could have fit you could have walked out with them you could put them on a bike you could have put them in a car you could have carried them both with one hand why were they in the storage unit why didn't the guy just take them out of the storage unit you know what i mean something here doesn't add up and i'm super glad we got this unit for the price they did because as stupid as it sounds i was willing to pay a lot more than that just to know what was in the boxes because it has been in the back of my mind for almost a year now let's go see so knowing that you have to understand how curious this has been to me for the past seven months why would somebody pay a g to try to save what's in two stupid little boxes i guess let's see what's in there right right let's pull out the first one please let's see oh what is that ew look at that what is it what is it it says salad palette turkey harvest gross pull it out that's gross you know how long it's probably been in there oh oh wow that smells really bad yummy just why like you just gotta ask yourself just why well then is this food it's all food some rice barbecue chips you know what's fire let's see when do they expire on the front where is it uh yeah they're inspired expired january this year makes a lot more sense all right so hold on hold on hold on let me refresh that if they inspired january of this year chips are good for like what a year or so probably probably at least so how long has to stop it in here longer than i even thinking yeah i don't know that's weird but i gotta say good taste you know i'm doing the whole keto thing now but this is my favorite candy in the entire world and again this inspired february 2020. all right so again i don't know what this dude is doing i really don't i'm really still curious and i'm hoping there's at least one thing in here somewhere that'll give me a name and give me some type of information to go off of so i can do further research because this is making even less sense now what else do we got another box of cheese is this all food too look at this it was just like dressing and stuff oh look at this oh frappuccino look at it but it's bad for sure oh why in an apple pie our bean pie bean what is a bean pie look at that that's all food all right next that's just grimy more starbucks things if you look in there ah rollo's are good and it's just a whole box of food in starbucks that makes it so much more annoying you're telling me somebody paid a thousand dollars to protect expired food something doesn't make sense there something makes no sense but i guess let's see what's in the other box you ready to see it's in the second one yes it better not be what does that say california tomato is that the boston rotting tomatoes i hope not we're gonna be fighting right now okay don't lift it no you can lift the top don't lift the box because i don't want the surprise to be ruined you gotta be kidding me it's an empty box yeah well like i try not to cuss on youtube but what the do you know what why just why this was you can see that stuff's been there nation's 2019 at least and it's been saved from auction seven times so like i said this dude did not have access to this unit since at least january that's almost one thousand dollars poured into trying to save this unit from auction for rotting food i'm at a state of i don't know right now i'm gonna see if i can find some information either on the receipts maybe try to talk to the managers i don't know i want to figure this out because this is just mind-boggling so this story is just very weird but as we approached the manager after the unit we were going to ask you know what do you know about this what can you tell us obviously they said they don't know the person's name which is a complete lie they just can't give it to us i get that that's part of the rule but the fact that when we approached them they wanted to ask us before we even ask them what was in it got me even more intrigued i'm like why are you so curious so we asked them that why do you want to know what's in there so bad and believe it or not this person the only thing they knew about them is that they would call the office up to three times almost every single week talking about their storage unit so obviously the manager was just as curious as we are but legally he's one of the good ones did not go in the unit and could not look in the unit because that is against the law other people out there by the way you can go to jail for that you should but they asked is oriented and we told them it was just that nice guy let us throw it all in their dumpster so we'd have to take home rotten food it was cool but again this guy was calling the facility up to three times every single week complaining about this but like he said every single time before the union will go for auction within the last two or three days sometimes even the last few hours this person would call the office they would pay online they would just they would always save it in curiosity we're here we're all humans here we're all wondering what the heck is going on with this guy including the manager here so if anybody out there that watches video can come up with any crazy theory because i am it's just beyond me i've been thinking about it since the ride home stuff got home for hours now so while i was editing the whole video i just don't have a theory for this i really don't nothing about this makes any sense unless somebody's just completely mentally insane lunatic i don't know why any human being rational or even irrational would pay nearly a thousand dollars to save riding food if you've got a theory please enlighten me in the comments below but anyway that's all we got for this video hope you enjoyed it make sure you leave it a thumbs up subscribe if you're new and until next time peace out [Music] foreign
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 26,332
Rating: 4.8712373 out of 5
Keywords: i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit that belonged to a drug dealer, i bought an abandoned storage locker, i bought an abandoned antique storage unit, storage unit buying, storage unit finds, storage unit finds 2020, storage unit finds 7.5 million, storage unit finds money, storage auction finds, storage locker, storage locker auctions, storage locker finds, storage lockers best finds, jebus
Id: Q9Wl_v4fL_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
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