Virgin on Campus

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I kept waiting for something to happen...

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/sciarrillo 📅︎︎ Jun 22 2011 🗫︎ replies
you're like I wrote this rule that you know you had 0% chance with them either they were already in a relationship or they were unapproachable welcome to community college for a year after high school and the girl at my Community College her name was Nadia me and my cousin's changed the carpool of school every day and we get on a bunch of different topics and when they were young public with girls and he looks at me and he's like blondie you still a virgin yeah why I'm not having sex and so I'm married it and it gives me this look like I've been infected by the Resident Evil umbrella zombie outbreak and we get to school and I'm thinking to myself I wonder if Shane is gonna say anything to anybody a few days later girls start approaching me a left and right out of the blue random and I couldn't figure it out until Nadia approaches me it never spoke a word to her and she just walked but introduced herself and one day in the hallway she pulled me aside and she was like donde can I ask you a personal question yeah there's this rumor going around that you're still a virgin is that true yeah and then it clicked okay so shane has been busy I see apparently when some girls turned out to a virgin it becomes their quest to deflower you Wow well you know I wish I could say the same but I can't and I'm trying to closer to God so I think I'm gonna do the whole born-again virgin thing and it would be so nice to find a guy that can get intimate with and not have to worry about him pressuring me to go further this is annoying and then she's like you know what the church I'm going to the pastor is so amazing and his messages are so powerful and you should really come with me one of these days she picked me up the next Sunday and she was a lion like that pastor was pretty amazing like I was thought you're supposed to be boring after hearing her pastor I was like dang so at the church Nadia comes back to my house we're in my bedroom we're just talking and I said something and this girl just disagree with me for the sake of disagreeing with me and poked me and I poked her back next thing you know we're doing my fourth favorite thing I like to do with the girl we wrastlin now obviously got a lot of noise as her wrestling and I make sure it any third person parties in this case my parents know there's going on in my bedroom so I leave the door wide open and I don't think it worked out too well because every time I pass my dad in the kitchen late night going in for a snack he's always like high-fiving me after news for about a month Nadia starts to show up in my house on the weekdays to him nothing lives about 30 minutes away from me and one time I got a call from her hello what are you doing just you and my parents just left five minutes later as soon as I open the door this brothers we magically like to fight gravity have you roll up the stairs and into my bedroom one of the hottest girls in school is straddling me right now yes you wrestle for good Alba the Sun Goes Down and I was pitch black in my room never rolling around her tongue Briggs is my neck I'll count this as a warning shot but if it happens again it's going down I'll pin her and then she'll pin me and then she licks my neck a second time this crap just got serious once okay accidental twice you trying to set it off up in this piece girl I've my palm on her face and turned her head and exposed the whole side of her neck and that's my canvas and my tongue is the brush and I just go to work all her nailed it digging into my back I hear a toast curling into my rug the after a while it sounded like the Discovery Channel what was going on in my room so probably indicting that nobody was going after 10 minutes of builds up I'm like okay it's time to kiss as our lips touch this girl goes Tasmanian Devil all over my face I remember when this heat of the moment or what would this girl's saliva it all over my face was like in the Alien movie when those fake buggers jump out of the egg that's exactly what it was like every time I attempted to kiss this girl from that point on I actually started to think Nadia was casing that house because every time my parents would leave she would just randomly show up Nadia would come over we have for played for like two hours I wasn't pressuring her for sex she wasn't pressuring me it was a nice little arrangement until she started posing herself homeboy tonight now we have a problem the time that I set aside for my friends like that's their time it was one Friday she came over and my boys called like okay all right did he walk nine o'clock and Nadia is like I want to go to the interest she got there she just threw off the dynamic of boy tonight I caught on to the fact that she was planting herself at my house every Friday now she's starting to suffocate me just a little bit so there was one Friday she stopped by and I just sat her down like you're an awesome girl we should just be an act like friends and also for boys right this time I set aside just for the fellows Fridays it's gonna be me in the fellas and the monkey MMA stuff that we do should probably stop if we're getting intimate and we're not having sex and I can't kiss you this is not gonna go very far so then she's like so no wrestling we should just be friends and nothing physical you guys went to the movies tonight right yeah they're showing a final fantasy adventure in the theater at City Walk so we're gonna go watch it you can come but after tonight like so I'm boy tonight it's normally me bandit born and VP banned in a warrant to work that night so DPS doing let's go to my house so we all jump in my car I'm driving them to City Walk VP says something in the back Nadiya turns and starts arguing next thing I know she jumps into the backseat and starts wrestling with them once their heads disappeared from the rearview mirror they're yelling and arguing turned into leave the movies and the entire way home they're in the backseat I don't see anybody's head all I hear is a bunch of mumbling in the back whatever four days later I got a call from DP and he's like hey is it cool if me and Nadia start talking bro it's broke totally okay you're good to go all of a sudden every Friday for boys night yeah VP is nowhere in the equation man down so a few pages mean the boys are out at like Downtown Disney and we see Nadia and DP walk by and kind of like I make it a point to anytime that I run into VP to totally ignore Nadia like the whole passive-aggressive thing I don't know I just I talked to him for 15 minutes and they are two pilots it later and then leave without saying a word to her and what I like to do from time to time I'd like to reflect on my own actions and seven months later I was kind of doing our little reflections and I'm like dude just hold ignoring being somewhat sprinkly pseudo mean to Nadia that's not really cool or Christian like you to a value like that it went on for a while I'm not gonna lie it was a little bit Shady I shouldn't have been acting like that just she didn't do anything wrong technically I was making it painfully awkward for her and I manned up I gave her a call it might not sound like much in a story but it took a lot to you know swallow that pride and go you know what I'm sorry Nadia so I squashed the middle school passive-aggressive thing I had going on and I'm gonna leave you guys with this the relationships that we have around us are super important spend more time building bridges instead of building walls [Music]
Channel: sWooZie
Views: 12,595,638
Rating: 4.9216104 out of 5
Keywords: swoozie, adande, college, girl, story, university, student, school, community
Id: E4cHSuFoXvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 21sec (441 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 20 2011
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