Mystery Girl

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yo so before I was a pro gamer I used to work at the Hard Rock Hotel Gavin sat down here face to face and told you guys a story in a while so I figured this week would be a good time to do that see Hard Rock Hotel used to hire a bunch of good-looking people for example I got hired at the Hard Rock Hotel I'm joking but seriously even the guys in the daycare center was like GQ model status okay I get out of work one day my shift is over a clock out now you know what let me go how are my boy that works in here in the restaurant I walk into the restaurant round the corner and there's this new hostess standing there that girl has been running through my head for the last two or three years I saw the physical manifestation of the girl that had been jumping in and out of my head I walk up to her and I'm just like is Gary working today and she's like I'll go check and she turns around and walks off him just like you've got to be joking me comes back with Gary like hey Gary um you getting out of here anytime soon he's like dude I'm done let's go and as soon as we're in the clear I'm like dude you have to tell me who that girl is if she has a man I need the full rundown right now and he's like ah I'm gonna be bleeping out her name um and he's like yeah dude no trust me you don't want anything to do with that girl I'm like why she got some psychotic boyfriend or something he's like yeah she does have a psychotic eggs she's single right now but trust me dude she's not the kind of girl you want to get involved with she's cool to have as a friend but she's the kind of girl that doesn't return your phone calls doesn't return text messages doesn't even comment you back on MySpace I mean that's the kind of girl that we're talking about here I'm just like listen Gary um I don't care did you not see how how did you guys see your face you see how you didn't see that do we need to go back because maybe didn't get a good look at this girl's face and this girl is just gorgeous from head to toe you did not see you didn't see you didn't see that so Gary's like okay you know what I know you don't like girls who smoke she smokes and I'm just like so the next day I go into work and I'm in the office with my boy John and I'm like John there's this girl who's a hostess over in the kitchen bro this girl is visually stunning and he's like oh the twelve yeah I know he were talking about I'm like the twelve he's like dude the day she got hired she came out to the pool and like all of us were out there and it was unanimous on a scale of one to ten everybody said this girl's a twelve I'm like the twelve I like that that's gonna be our code name for her the twelve so then my other co-worker friend Jackie she walks in and she's like what are you guys talking about I'm like Jackie there's this hostess girl that works in the kitchen and she's like who thought girl and I'm like song girl everybody has a code name for this girl why are you calling her thong girl she sits out in the smoke area leaning over the table smoking and her thong is sticking all out for everybody she knows she's doing that she sits up by the smoke area with her thong hanging out and she's like yes it's so disgusting oh my gosh I'm like this not cool that she smokes I'm joking now Gary was right Gary knew me pretty well he knows that the instant I see a girl smoking it's like a switch that goes off in my head I can't explain it it's just pretty girl smoking attraction gone but a few days later I'm walking into work and the smoke area is right outside the entrance for the employees and perhaps there and she's smoking and as I get closer to the building I see her smoking but the attraction level doesn't do the whole downward spiral out of control it none of that happens and she's there smoking leaning over the table so as I enter the building I kind of look up and it's kind of like this me another lifeguard we're talking one time and it was just like dude I hate coming into work and seeing because the rest of my day is ruined and I'm like you two that happens to me so fast-forward to that little window where Florida was getting hit with hurricane after hurricane after hurricane some of you guys remember that time our hotel let us stay in the rooms for free me and all the employees just were hanging out but you know you get cooped up in that room for long enough get a little bored so everybody hops on their phone they're just like meet out by the smoke area so I walk out and Gary standing there and so is the 12 aka thumb girl whichever you want to call her she was standing there too and Gary's just smiling because he knows the internal battle I have going on really spoken too much to her you know I talked to her in passing but we've never really had a sit-down talk so now all of us are sitting out by this table me Gary Murray a few other girls and the twelve and I don't know where Murray busts out with I need some action tonight you know what it's been like 11 months since I had some action I need to hook up with somebody tonight I'm just like Murray come on now you know exercise some self-control there's only two types of people in this hotel tonight okay coworkers and guests now I know you don't want to hook up with the guests and I'm pretty sure you don't want to hook up with a co-worker he's like self-control I know you get this way 280 come on now come on now okay mr. big talk almost last time you got some action I'm like define action she's like sex what was the last time you had sex hmm mr. self-control I'm like never and then everything at the table just stopped you're the needle on the record suppress it be like just say I'm like never so then like I'm looking at all the girls faces that are sitting across from me and it's just blank expression what wait so then thong girl speaks up she's like way way way stop stop stop stop stop eighty you've never had sex and I'm like no so she responds with you're not lying are you you're lying aren't you I'm like no you see this process it's not there for fashion I'm just saying so then thong girls like I don't understand how somebody as ridiculously good-looking as you it's still a virgin and I'll just like it did this girl just did this group to say that ridiculously good-looking so the conversation goes on and then Marie leans over and whispers in my ear she was like you did hear said right that you were ridiculously good-looking now is your moment you should go say something to her that's what I do you know I scoot over a little bit and I just start chitchat and she was like I thought it'd be more exciting hanging out with my friends here for the hurricane but everybody's just drinking snot a whole lot of fun and I'm like well I mean you know me and the boys have an Xbox up in my room and she's like are you serious do you guys have halo and I'm like you you play you play Halo she's like well I don't play too much halo the game I play most is Dead or Alive the okay nice try nice try you know that did Gary tell you to say that Gary told you to say that didn't he she's like no I'm like yeah no yeah Gary Gary I you know what okay I'll tell you what name one character and name one stage in dead or alive she's like well you're talking my dead over life three right and I'm like cuz that the time that was the most recent DOA and like yeah I'm talking about Dead or Alive 3 she's like I don't know a lot of the characters names or the stage names but I know there is that one stage where you're like fighting in the forest and like you hit the trees and the leaves come down and the character I use I'll use one person and I don't know her name but she's this purple haired girl with the short purple hair that's the one I use some like um yeah I am I happen to have dead or alive three in my room and it also is my my favorite game so she's like you know you mind if I come up to your room I'm like oh she's like I cool yeah I'll be by in about 15 minutes so she pulled out her pack of cigarettes and I'm just like ah why why do you smoke she's like you know what a tea I've been trying to stop the last few months off and on and I finally stopped but I don't know I just keep picking it back up and I'm like I'll tell you what give me your cigarettes just stop right here cold turkey just give me your cigarettes there is no stopping just stop so she's like you know what you're right she hands me her pack so goes back to the table she stands me up she never shows up to my room but it's okay you know cousin you know once the hurricane passed and we all got back to work me and her talking all the time I got her number I would text her she texts me back and this girl's leaving me myspace comments it coincidentally now all of a sudden were taking our breaks at the same time it was magical it is also around this time I got the phone call from DirecTV about the championship gaming Invitational the first one so now I'm telling her like ah you know these guys about to fly me out to San Francisco to play DOA on TV so I go to San Francisco do my thing I get back and Gary sees me and Gary is like dude I got bad news for you well you know that one guy that works in the day care center yeah him and I were dating now and I'm like but I left for four days and she's dating this dude the whole weekend all she's been doing is talking about this guy's just like I told you not worth your time dude see how much she was talking with you and then next minute boom I tried to warn you and it did sting a little bit it did not gonna lie yeah so now you might ask swoozie why are you telling us this story well a thon girl was a 12 there's this girl I bumped into a few days ago who is like a 15 and you know I really thought I'd be able to tell you guys the rest of the story but I can't bring myself to do it it just hurts too bad so I'll tell you what my friend will or William in Sarasota he knows the rest of this story William the only way they're going to hear the rest of the story is if you get on and make a video and explain the way you heard it because I can't sit here and tell it again I thought I'd be able to turn the camera and talk about it again but it just it hurts too much I know you have a camera I know you can post video responses so you know if if these guys can convince you in the comments I can't do it right now it just I'm done
Channel: sWooZie
Views: 1,261,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: swoozie, adande, myspace, video, blog, vlog
Id: Vr0JmjcsxW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 02 2009
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