Twitch Girl Gamer

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my friend Bianca comes over we're on my couch in the middle of our conversation this girl randomly busts out wit you sure you not day y'all know I'm a thug so I say honky why do you think I'm gay 98% of your friends are girls yeah okay yeah because I listen I'm not gay I ain't gay okay yeah but you love Disney like a lot and you're a guy I'm on skype with my other friend from New Zealand and I tell her all this she goes no you're not gay I figured all this out is very easy the reason you surround my girls all the time is because you're funny if you can make a girl laugh you're instantly ten times more attractive so a few days later I'm watching my boy Eddie monster on Twitch and I somehow stumble onto this goal just straight up this girl was just point sheets go had no business on Twitter like what are you doing on my screen she had like 13 people watching her within two minutes I already didn't like a hole deep dive Instagram Twitter we're looking for any signs of a boyfriend I'll see none she's basically preserving herself waiting for me and I catch myself watching her for multiple nights all of a sudden so fast-forward this girl starts building her stream 13 viewers turned into a few hundred viewers a few months later I fly to this gaming convention not gonna say which one cuz y'all are a bunch of detectives I'm walking around guess who I see standing right over there yes her there's no screen holding back our love for each other you know let's just call her ray cuz she may or may not like Star Wars and I'm like you know this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I know in life if you want something you make it happen you go get it so I walk over to her and I'm like yo how's it going I just want to say I'm a big fan oh thanks wait aren't your swoozie you wait you know me yeah I found you off your Disney confessions video you're freakin hilarious as soon as you said that I remembered what my friend had said on skype girls love do make them laugh so now I'm over here like so this guy walks into a bar right I'm laying on the sauce so then part of me is like rah any other guy right now in this position would be thirsty AF you gotta be the opposite I say nice to meet you may be and I'll see you around at one of the parties tonight I'm out and walk away now my plan was if I didn't see her later please believe I would have slid up in them diem was like yo girl wassup well later on that night I go to the twitch party sure enough guess who was up in there yeah ray right over there so I go over to her we talked for a little bit get her number so munis girl start texting we like the same TV shows we like the same video games and I was getting ready to start planning our wedding date but then she kills the mood by talking about some boyfriend that she has I'm keeping him low-key and keeping him a secret I don't feel that no I have a boyfriend so I dial it back a little bit cuz she's got a man then a few months later I think I'm working out with my boyfriend [Music] yeah it's it's complicated I don't to talk about it so I decided to do some CSI investigation on find this dude on the socials and he is the complete opposite of me skater doesn't have massive bulging muscles and a chiseled six-pack then a few days later she texted me she texts me and my boyfriend are taking a break so then we start texting erryday and then she texted me she texts I want to fly to see you so bad but I don't have the monies now if any of you guys were in my shoes and your pee oh I tells you this what do you do is this girl trying to finesse a trip because that seemed like a test the way you said that because if you say that to a dude that can afford to do this he's gonna be like oh I'm popping bottles with models so then I texted her I texted it yeah if you came and visited me bet money you wouldn't want to leave so we keep texting few more days later she hits me with me and my boyfriend got back together and I'm here like fast forward a few months I get this text from her and she was like oh my god my boyfriend proposed to me I said yes eventually we just don't be texting I still be creepin on them livestreams though one day out of the blue random she texted me she texts hey Casper listen so much is going on I got to update you what's up I was unhappy in my relationship I shouldn't have got back with my boyfriend after we broke up so I called off the wedding so you called off the wedding but y'all downgraded to dating again call up the wedding call off the engagement and I broke up with them and I'm here like and wouldn't you know we get back to texting and talking every dang day and then this girl texted at me she texts you know I've never been to Disneyworld you love Disney what you mean you ain't been to Disneyworld I've been to Disneyland in California but I never been to Disney World in Florida my mom took me when I was like 2 but I don't remember let's go we should go but right now I just don't have them money there's a very similar text of what you said months ago this girl's trying to test me to see if I can provide for our family let me kill any doubts you might have in your little head with a boss text all right so I went CEO level on her I texted her I text yo get yourself to Florida I'll take care of the rest she texted me she text okay let me save up one or two paychecks and I'll buy the ticket and that's exactly what she does so I asked some of my friends for advice I tell him the whole back story you're a girl if you say this to a guy what are your intentions oh please believe it's going down yes she wants you some friends told me what they would do and I can't even repeat it on the video blog hashtag demonetised the day comes she flies to Orlando I pick her up take her straight to Ale House by the airport we're sitting there and then out of the blue random this girl says oh my god there is this guy Tony he is so hot and his muscles are Justi ah we've hooked up like twice it doesn't go past kissing but like oh my god his body it's just so hard like his chest is hard his arms are hard everything you touch is just hard see I told you this girl was trying to finesse you and I'm sitting here thinking I talked to you erryday never once did you bring up this Tony dude and then all of a sudden once you hop off the plane and mission accomplished we talking about Tony so you guys aren't talking you're not dating I don't think he wants a relationship like I don't know Tony ain't bout the top of stacked on you I don't want to hear nothing about no Tony guess who's paying for yours spoiler alert not Tony might take away this girl is single that's all the information I need you see something you want it you go get it you make it happen check her into the hotel side note four hundred and thirty four dollars a night next day take her to Disney we do a few parts day after that we go to Universal taking her out to eat every night I'm giving you a preview of all of this this could be us but you play in during the day while we're hanging out I'm not getting any romantic advice from this girl at all when a girl likes you they give you signs they like you they touch you unnecessarily they'll set up scenarios to when y'all are alone or under the stars none of that junk is going down she's throwing that ice at me like sub-zero Frozone bro zone so on her last full day that I take her to Blizzard Beach we're jumping in the pool we're in the lazy river we get a Cabana in the Cabana I don't know how we get on the topic but she mentions she's never seen edge of tomorrow that Tom Cruise sci-fi movie and I'm like listen okay when we leave here let's go back to my parents house my parents went out of town house is empty let's watch edge of tomorrow I got it on blu-ray we leave Buzzard Beach walking to the parking lot and on some sporadic stuff I toss her the keys to my car you're my uber now let's go we leave Blizzard Beach and then I take her to twisty tree in Ocoee so we get some ice cream we're sitting in my car this is our last full day I'm making a move on this girl we're watching that Tom Cruise movie we're not going to be watching Tom Cruise Tom Cruise is gonna be watching us and she looks at me and goes so I have a question and I need you to be a hundred percent honest mmm oh this is gonna be good so do you like me or what you mean do you like you know what I mean like do you like me I didn't want to be like what you think so I sort of panicking I just say why do you ask that since I got here I've been texting a few of my friends and I've been telling them what we've been doing like I tell them that you pay for my food then you take me to all the theme parks and that you let me drive your car and they all say you like me what do you say to that yes this is the moment look straight up we like the same TV shows we love the same movies we love the same video games you mentioned this Tony dude I don't know what that's all about I don't know what's going on there but if you were ever trying to date I would I mean I wouldn't be mad at it okay I don't feel the same way at all I don't like you at all I'm not attracted to you at all she says all that and then goes back to eating her ice cream like it was nothing and I'm here like I don't feel so good mr. stark let me just tell y'all that was the most Awkward movie I had to sit through back at my house and honestly she didn't owe me anything I don't do nice things for people with expectation like you've what's in it for me but this whole experience definitely left me feeling vvv finessed the next day I drop her at the airport we go our separate ways anyways this experience has taught me a lot and I'm happy to report that I've only been finessed by two other girls since this has happened
Channel: sWooZie
Views: 8,011,337
Rating: 4.9409385 out of 5
Keywords: swoozie, adande, twitch, stream
Id: CWK4L3FuTb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 16 2018
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