Freaky/Weird Dreams

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you ever had a dream where your friend did your dirty in the dream and you wake up mad at them like they would do me dirty in the dream and then they'd call me and I'd look at the phone like oh they're so shady bro you're gonna really call me after what you did I'm like ready to cut them off after what they did to me in a dream and you ever have any like reoccurring dreams the reoccurring dream I would always have always involve the cops you know it would be your standard traffic stop of racial profiling and the cop it walk up and be like do you know why I pulled you over look at him and be like yeah I'm black and throw a Molotov at him and then like peel off and start a police chase and this dream would happen to me so much that eventually I was able to like start controlling the dream like I get in so much trouble and then realize like wait a second this is this is my dream again and I have run out naked in the street and lik like taunting the cops as soon as they pinned me oops vanish I'll just wake up or what about have you ever had a dream my brain does this to me sometimes we're at the end of the dream you go to bed so when you wake up you're like see that happened to me sometimes on my rear crank police chase dreams so I'd be all like and I'd break away run home jump in bed and go to sleep so when I wake up I'm like yo was that it to tell a dream is that real be looking through the blinds like either that was a dream or they haven't found me we all don't know how many times I just be going through my day waiting for somebody to just be like very ends my dreams are very vivid and they get so freaky and weird sometimes I don't even really want to tell my friends because y'all know our friends judge us off of the dreams that we tell them I mean let me not even get ahead of myself cuz even I've been guilty of judging people based off of a dream they had there was a girl I was dating and it was long distance so we would have like these Skype slumber parties where we both go to sleep and leave video skype on one night she falls asleep and in the middle of night she starts talking to herself and she's like rolling up being like squeezing the pillow and she's like mm-hmm she's smiling and she goes oh stop you're so dead oh my god dead asleep talking till she wakes up I'm like yo so you had a dream last night huh how did you know don't worry about that what was your dream about well I mean me inside the indian guy from lost beeper like stranded on an island together a word you cheating on me now you know what it's over oh and here's another one have you guys ever started an action in the dream and then finish that action in real life when you wake up like you're pushing something real heavy and you like fall out of bed now that my friend Robbie's house they had this dream that I got in a cab and I do tried to kidnap me thank you mm-hmm i kidnap you and then and i ransom you back to your family and while the dude was monologuing dream me pull back his foot and i started charging it up like it was about to be nighttime for this dude and I start kicking and Robbie is like right there and I woke up and I did like a flash kick anxious from his face in real life see at that point I had to stop spending the night at my friend's house be at a slumber party and start hundred hands slapping everybody at the party like a Honda and then blame it on a dream like I would look crazy there was one nightmare I had I will never forget it to this day I was so scared I got a bed one night and in the dream I wake up in bed and I look in the hallway Optimus Prime is there like just staring at me with like his eyes he's not saying anything this is a completely dark room dark hallway and you just I'm like no I need the Zima same things back it's like an hour you're not scared I was cuz you're blocking my only exit so I wake up like mm-hmm ran into my parents room and jump in their bed and they already knew what was going on so I get my parents room fall asleep I wake up in the dream and hop this is in the hobby wait I woke up in the dream again and Optimus was still in the hall you know I'm just cutting you off Optimus we used to be cool but how you gonna how you gonna do me like that in the dream bro
Channel: sWooZie
Views: 13,114,072
Rating: 4.9651952 out of 5
Keywords: swoozie, adande, sleep, dreaming, lucid, rem, funny, animated, cartoon, vlog, story
Id: 1M2TMJ87ZF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 5sec (245 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2015
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