Revenge of the Disney Employee

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great ending.. Vista Waaaaaaayyyyyyyy.

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/Anotymous 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2011 🗫︎ replies

Heh, he's a pretty good storyteller.

👍︎︎ 49 👤︎︎ u/DJ-Anakin 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2011 🗫︎ replies

These stories make me want to visit the Disneyland resort more than the rides and attractions.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/OMGMitchMurphy 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2011 🗫︎ replies

Bahaha, i lived at Vista Way for a few many memories...

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/Wonderlandian 📅︎︎ Sep 29 2011 🗫︎ replies

I lost it at "Why are we still talking? Get in the car right now. I teleported it. Let's Go."

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/bad_neighbor 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2011 🗫︎ replies

So wait...Disney rents out apartments to college kids? I'm assuming a lot of very un-Disney stuff goes on at night.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/worskies 📅︎︎ Sep 29 2011 🗫︎ replies

A little anti-climactic. I was expecting revenge, not the walk of shame.

But it was a nice and unexpected sequel to the previous video. Disney should really find a way to compensate this guy. Despite his criticisms, he's given them some really nice publicity.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/hourslater 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2011 🗫︎ replies

I stayed at Vista Waaaay for about a year. I interned as a Lifeguard for the Crappier Disney Hotels.

We Called it 'Vista Lay'. Maybe I'll do an AMA some day.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/SexualZergling 📅︎︎ Sep 29 2011 🗫︎ replies

Does this guy draw for Cyanide & Happiness? Some of the characters look exactly the same.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Sonu9100 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2011 🗫︎ replies
if you haven't seen confessions of a Disney employee click this video right here and then once you watch that then come back to this video and I know there's going to be a handful of you guys who don't click it and haven't seen it and insist on watching this one first it's cool I get it you're rebel you don't like people telling you what to do I like that I mean you would have been good friends if you worked at my attraction at Disney let's do this another quick confession before I got the job at Disney I went to MGM Studios to be a part of the live studio audience when they were filming one of the episodes of Mickey Mouse Club at the end of every show the cast members would spell Mickey's name and the music would start playing and everybody starts dancing so I went there with my boys Paul and Josh and we're in the audience and the cameras are rolling and the episode ends and the cast members are all singing lights start flashing everybody gets up and starts dancing but for whatever reason I just wasn't feeling it so the song finishes and the production guy comes out on the microphone and he's like ok good job guys but we need to do it again because we're picking up some people on camera who aren't dancing everybody in the audience kind of giggles a little bit and looks at me Paul and Josh and just then I look up on the stage and I see this blond kid who's one of the cast members he leans over to another girl cast member and whispered something in her ear and they both look over at me and just start laughing out loud and I'm like oh y'all got jokes ok play the music again see what happens ok we're gonna start it over again remember guys big smiles look happy and don't forget to dance ready 3 2 oh I get up and every time I see a camper with the red light on I do my best to kind of lean in the frame with my hands folded staring back to the cameraman looking like I hate my life I get home and they finally aired the episode I was on a few weeks later and you start to see my elbow slide into the frame and it has cut to another shot when they finally show the master shot with everybody dancing and they superimposed Mickey over me Paul and Josh in the background turns out that blonde kid that was laughing at me his name was like Justin Timberlake he got a record deal and made a Christmas album but yeah I only active rebellious at Disney when I felt disrespected to be honest with you guys the night that I snuck back into the park and rode all the rides and ate all that food that was my kamikaze mission cuz I knew my face would have popped up on somebody's camera somewhere nothing happened nobody saw me but I still knew that I kind of had to quit like any of you guys ever had that job that you loved or just really liked but there was a supervisor or manager and they just made your job so stressful for no reason but it was cool I already made the most out of my experience working for Disney or so I thought because one day I going to take five that's the cast member employee break room lunch area and I overhear some of the college program kids talking and for anybody that doesn't know the college kids from all over the world UK Australia Canada they all come down they get assigned to work in one of the Disney parks Disney provides housing form and in Disney automatically takes rent out of their paychecks and the only one I kept hearing about was Vista Way for some reason like I would never get details but all of you people saying this the way and they always say it like that like they're getting a massage while they said like Vista Way I'm at take five these college kids next to me they start talking and I'm eavesdropping now and their conversation opened my eyes remember how I left House of Blues early and went back to Vista Way yeah well I was walking to my room and I kinda ran into Ashley and we ended up making out dude no way she's so hot and I made out with Taylor - no way dude I've had a crush on her for like ever I know I still made out with her but it gets better cuz you know Pam made out with her two to three girls in one night like we we like room hopping and making out with all these girls no I made it with all of them at the same time hmm so now I'm doing Google search trying to find blueprints to Vista wait see how was that seventeen year old that had still not kissed a girl and this guy over here is making out with more girls than I hug it in a single day and the only way you can get into Vista Way is if you get signed in by a cast member who is staying there now we had people that stayed at Vista Way who worked at Indiana Jones with me but none of them really associated with me because the black man you know we're gonna call a black manager Ron Ron would go out of his way to Punk me in front of all my other co-workers so none of them want to really associate with me but one day we get this new girl aim really cute asian girl and she had a really awesome personality and that made her even cooler and me and her just hit off instantly anyway so me and Amy started doing we started Park hopping just to find hot spots around Disney parks that had really good food fast forward a little bit amy has the day off I'm standing at greeter in front of Indiana Jones and this guy comes up to me hey are you a donde yeah hi I'm uh I'm Brandon I'm French with Amy and uh I'm one of the characters oh hey what's up well you know any friend of Amy is instantly a friend of mine what's up could you possibly maybe give me a ride home yeah no problem you sure it's okay cuz I I hate to ask I just don't feel like waiting on my stupid bus yeah no it's not even a problem and like where do you live Vista Way what this the way why are we still talking get in the car right now i teleported let's go I'm driving and he's telling me we're turning in my head oh yes I am kissing at least one girl esta noche we pull up at the entrance and the first thing I notice is how fortified this place is they got three security guards motorized gates dogs with lasers on their heads watchtowers with spotlights it felt like I was pull up to the entrance of Jurassic Park these guys seriously were acting like they had velociraptors up in here talk to the gate guard stopped me uh how can I help you yeah um I'm just here taking my BFF Brad Wren Brett Brendan Brandon I'm taking Brandon my BFF home right inside there I'm in building 301 okay you get out here walk to your building I can't drop him I mean he's been standing all day sir what kind of a friend I mean I wouldn't be a good friend if I didn't go inside there past the gate and drop him I am NOT happy as I leave I pull away and I'm sizing this whole place up you already know what's about to go down y'all know what I'm thinking cuz I don't care if I got a shot shank redemption my way over or under that fence I'm getting up in here over the next week and a half I'm just thinking about anything I could possibly do to infiltrate this but one day I just kicked back into my I don't care mode and I was like this the way no Vista way I don't even care anymore but I could feel my last day at Disney was about to happen like some of you guys what I'm talking about like when you have a job and you kind of feel you're about to be like fired or you gonna quit so I kind of took matters into my own hands with this whole last day business I went and got both my ears pierced I knew there was no way I can go into work with both my ears pierced I am quitting to day I go in some manager is about to get my name and my name tag imprinted on their cheek our first show finishes and we're cleaning up the theater and then suddenly I hear scrub the ground what is this music doing playing at vision and god this is my last day so I don't even care I just stop cleaning and just walk off I go to investigate I just follow the news and I turn the corner all I see is an explosion of children everywhere for any of you cast members past or current watching this video that have ever worked at Disney for a year plus you know exactly what I'm talking about when I say the cheerleaders every year is a national cheerleading competition that tell at Disney World and thousands of high school cheerleaders from all over America invade Disney for three days I had never seen so many girls in one place in my entire life I felt like I was in a music video and these girls did not look like they were doing any cheer routines I had ever seen before these ladies were dropping it like it's hot my mind was blown I instantly run back to Indiana Jones to tell my co-workers my guys there's like 500 girls here adonde men they've been here since Thursday we even hung out with some of them last night after work bro wait y'all are messing with me right nope where'd y'all go what did y'all do you know what man don't even worry about it there are hundreds of high school cheerleaders here I am getting my first kiss too they get to wardrobe I get a beanie run back to the greeter spot guess who comes strolling around the corner yep a manager and it was a new manager never seen this guy before and I'm just like crap he walks up next to me and in my peripheral vision I see him look at me then look away they looked at me like he's gonna say something he's like ah and looks away and then he finally speaks he's like hi hey how you doing today fine so why are you wearing that winter capped when it's 90 degrees outside reasons medical reasons and I know this guy was not gonna just drop it just lift it up the right side of my beanie and show to my ear ring oh no no bless my stars you have earrings no Rodriguez to any manager by epic and I'm like no this is my moment right here thug life this is red shirt uh yeah um I got a code um I've got an employee uh situation okay 56 me at the nose I turned the corner and there's this female manager I'd never seen before and Richard now when it comes to managers that hated me Richard was number two in command right behind Ron so soon as Richard season it's me that comes around the corner he just starts smiling this big cartoonish kool-aid smile on his face we get over him and he's like what's the problem the manager doesn't tell him he's kind of looks at me and at this point you're not minding to say anything to any of these people I just raise up my beanie and show my earring Oh a dog you you know better than this okay you know what we'll just make this real simple for you we're gonna send you home don't come back until you take your earrings out and you guys know when you take a piece of paper and you crumple it up and you throw it into the trash and miss I have to do that walk of shame pick that piece of paper up and throw it back in yeah amplify that by a million and you have an idea of what my final walk-off Disney property was like cuz they were high school cheerleaders everywhere I'm walking down Commissioner Lane and I saw something that almost had me ripped my earrings out and run back in the werk there was like five white girls all doing the Tootsie Roll I thought I was looking at CGI cuz I didn't even know this was possible for white girls we do the Tootsie Roll this good and even to this day that was the last time I stepped foot into a Disney park and I went home and just never came back the Disney managers had the last laugh or so it would appear because when I made the first Disney Confessions video and you guys had no idea but you spreading the video around a lot of doors for me guess where one of those doors that opened up was that you got it I was up in the pools I was up in library I was up in the rooms I was there all day I saw three guys and I'm not gonna stop there once I get rich enough I'm gonna run out these parts cuz I want you guys to experience what I experienced with all this free food and all the rides open and I'm going to have an open invitation to whoever wants to come on in even you picks our animators yes I saw you guys tweeting the video and I appreciate that I'm gonna have you guys come to this thing too when I get there I'm gonna pay extra to have the Disney Managers carry me around on a big throne like Prince Ali I don't even know much gonna cost but don't make it happen I give you all my word is the managers be afraid we're coming done life
Channel: sWooZie
Views: 18,112,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Disney, animation, confessions, mickey, world, orlando, florida, swoozie, adande, mgm, studios, employee, cast, member, mouse, work, disneyland, hollywood
Id: iGb1UHsVUDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 28 2011
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