[Vinesauce] Vinny - Sonic 3 & Knuckles, with Imakuni! (Part 2)

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05:41 That quote and the picture killed me.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ruusteri 📅︎︎ Nov 27 2017 đź—«︎ replies
VINNY: Woah. IMAKUNI: You know- [stuttering] IMAKUNI: Be careful. IMAKUNI: When I mean "be careful", I mean, it's bottomless pits. IMAKUNI: And... there you go. [Imakuni laughs] VINNY: And thus, the Sonic experience continues. IMAKUNI: Yes. VINNY: Uhh, this is Sonic... and Knuckles time. IMAKUNI: Time to go fast, Vin. VINNY: Yep, you know it. IMAKUNI: That-- that's where we were. VINNY: Okay. IMAKUNI: I was just saying that we have one life, so, uh, if you die, we start back at the menu. VINNY: So I should--okay. VINNY: So what should I do? Should I die? VINNY: WAIT, WOAH! IMAKUNI: Woah. VINNY: I didn't even-- [Both laugh] VINNY: I'm just-- IMAKUNI: You went without me! VINNY: I--I don't know what's happening already! IMAKUNI: Don't worry about it, just uh, just enjoy yourself! VINNY: Okay. IMAKUNI: Y'know, you just... [Imakuni laughs] [Vinny laughs] VINNY: No! IMAKUNI: Yes! VINNY: That's okay, I meant to do that, I wanted to-- to free the rings. VINNY: Tail, please. IMAKUNI: I'm trying to pick you up. [Imakuni makes a noise] [Vinny makes a louder noise] VINNY: TAIL! [Imakuni laughs] VINNY: [laughing] I don't pay attention-- IMAKUNI: I'm stuck! VINNY: YES! [Imakuni screams] IMAKUNI: NO! YOUR PASSIVE FUCKING PROC'D! IMAKUNI: I can't move, Vin! IMAKUNI: Is this because I put you into the fire? VINNY: Maybe. IMAKUNI: Is this how you treat me? VINNY: Uh-huh. [Both laugh] VINNY: Uh-huh! VINNY: Y'know... VINNY: Last time we did this-- IMAKUNI: NO-HO-HO-HA-HA-HO! VINNY: Holy shit. VINNY: Holy shit, that's four times in a row. IMAKUNI: You can jump! IMAKUNI: You can jump, Vin, please, I can't help you, I'm stuck! I'M STUCK! [Vinny laughs] IMAKUNI: I can't even help! VINNY: Oh my God! [Imakuni crying] VINNY: NO! [Vinny screams, while Imakuni laughs] IMAKUNI: Oh my God, another checkpoint! Look, there's a thing! IMAKUNI: There's a thing! VINNY: I...don't know what this is, do you want to do it? VINNY: Oh, right-- VINNY: Oh, no, no! IMAKUNI: Yeah, yeah-- [laughs] You did it again! IMAKUNI: You'll never, IMAKUNI: EVER learn that! VINNY: We're so close to an extra life, Ris. IMAKUNI: Here we go. IMAKUNI: Hold on. IMAKUNI: Oh, oh, oh, they're on the ceiling, oh, ah, ah-- VINNY: AAAUUGH! IMAKUNI: You still got hit! VINNY: Ah, no! All my rings is gone! [Vinny whines] VINNY: I'm not...gonna make loud noises anymore tonight. [Vinny makes a loud noise] IMAKUNI: You keep jumping on me! VINNY: I get it. IMAKUNI: That's all this is. VINNY: Quit hitting yourself! Quit hitting yourself! IMAKUNI: You did it! VINNY: No. WE did it. [Imakuni gasps] VINNY: Do you think Sonic could piss fast enough to put a hole in the wall? IMAKUNI: Yes. IMAKUNI: He's the fastest at EVERYTHING. VINNY: Oh, at ev-- everything? IMAKUNI: EVERYTHING. VINNY: That-- But there are times when that wouldn't come in handy. [Both laugh] VINNY: There are times-- and-and-and just the... VINNY: ...the sentence alone should hint at what I'm talking about. VINNY: I don't think Sonic... VINNY: I don't think Sonic is very happy. VINNY: It wasn't until he learned about the beans. VINNY: That he fully... VINNY: Embraced his sexual side-- [laughs] IMAKUNI: To put the beans on it? VINNY: Yeah. VINNY: Oh, I regret saying that! IMAKUNI: This is just slots. IMAKUNI: You're good at slots, right, Vin? VINNY: [stammering] I got this. IMAKUNI: You got this. IMAKUNI: Oh, you just got the worst. IMAKUNI: Congratulations. VINNY: That's not fair! IMAKUNI: Well, fuck you! [Imakuni laughs] VINNY: AAAAW! VINNY: I remember-- IMAKUNI: Alright, so you gotta go fast now. IMAKUNI: And when I mean "Gotta go fast", I mean "PLEASE go fast unless you die." VINNY: Okay. VINNY: I remember, in "Nick Arcade," they, uh...the host called Dr. Robotnik "Dr. Robo-nick." IMAKUNI: Yes, that was-- [laughs] That was a thing. IMAKUNI: I'll handle everything, you stay in the...You stay in the. VINNY: Okay. VINNY: Yeah, Tails. VINNY: Do it, Tail. IMAKUNI: I'll just do it all for you, there you go! IMAKUNI: I just don't want to lose on this! IMAKUNI: I don't want to force you to do this boss again! VINNY: No. Definitely not. IMAKUNI: All these levels, nope. VINNY: "Sonic got through." VINNY: More like "Tail pulled Sonic through." VINNY: Everyone's complimenting me on how I handled that boss fight. [Imakuni laughs] VINNY: Thank you, thank you. IMAKUNI: Yeah, you did so well, Vin. VINNY: Sonic is so athletic. VINNY: I bet he gets REALLY sweaty [laughing] by the end of a good workout! IMAKUNI: Don't start this, I just played Sonic Forces, it's a VERY terrible game, and they make a... IMAKUNI: "HUH-HUH! Sonic smells!" joke, and it's really fetish-y and weird. VINNY: If you're so desperate that you're turning granite into robots... VINNY: ...maybe it's time to wrap it in. VINNY: Pack it in. Wrap it up. VINNY: Wrap it in. VINNY: Like, what...what is your function? VINNY: Oh, I see. IMAKUNI: To push you! VINNY: I get it! VINNY: To push me into spikes! VINY: Even though this level does kinda feel tedious and shitty, it's... IMAKUNI: It gets worse! VINNY: It does? IMAKUNI: Yeah. Don't worry about it. VINNY: Good. Good, good. I was worried. I was...[stuttering] I wouldn't want it... VINNY: I wouldn't want it to be boring! VINNY: But I was gonna say, at least I'm like, dying less-- Aw, fuck. [Imakuni laughs] VINNY: Giorgio Tsoukalos is gonna have a fuckin' field day with Sonic pyramids. IMAKUNI: Ah, ancient aliens. VINNY: DOP IMAKUNI: Good thing that-- VINNY: YO! [Imakuni laughs] [Imakuni laughs again] VINNY: Did you acciden-- accidentally kill me? VINNY: That-- That was an accidental death? IMAKUNI: That- that was accidental. I was trying to pick you up and I slammed you. [Both laugh] IMAKUNI: I slammed you into the fire, I slammed you into the sand. IMAKUNI: (still laughing) Lemme-- lemme pick you up. VINNY: Apparently, I don't need your help because I'm...a--accidentally-- [Vinny makes a velociraptor noise while Imakuni laughs] VINNY: EAUH! [Imakuni chuckles] VINNY: I-I don't get it, IMAKUNI: Vin... VINNY: Why is it so stupid? IMAKUNI: Vin, just wait. BE PATIENT! VINNY: Yeah, but you gotta jump otherwise you di- oh wait. IMAKUNI: NO YOU DON'T! VINNY: Oh. VINNY: Ooooooooooooooooooh. IMAKUNI: Ooooooh, yeah. IMAKUNI: Yeah, Vin. VINNY: I like how you let me stew in that for a couple of minutes before-- IMAKUNI: Yeah. VINNY: before telling me. IMAKUNI: Yeah. VINNY: Oh sh-- IMAKUNI: You're at the boss. VINNY: The final? IMAKUNI: No? IMAKUNI: He's a golem. VINNY: Uh huh. VINNY: Ok? VINNY: Just let that happen then. [Imakuni laughs] VINNY: I don't know if I am supposed to do anything else. IMAKUNI: Are you? VINNY: Don't know. It damages me, so... IMAKUNI: But are you damaging him? VINNY: I don't think I am. VINNY: I'm not--I'm not gonna find out from the chat and I'm just gonna, I'm gonna figure it out on my own. IMAKUNI: Yep. On his own, unless he has to beg me. VINNY: Maybe, I'll just let him fuck himself. VINNY: Okay, so basically the ending of Spelunky. IMAKUNI: So, you want to have the light on at all times, if not, ghosts come out and they--they touch you. [Both Laughing] VINNY: I don't want that! [Imakuni laughs] VINNY: I can think of at least three places where the ghosts would not wanna have a good time. VINNY: Please ghosts, leave me alone. VINNY: Oh COME ON! [Laughs] VINNY: I don't...know if I actually hit the switch. IMAKUNI: No! You did not! Vinny: I didn't? IMAKUNI: No. Vinny: Oh good--YES... VINNY: Oh! I'm so happy I didn't hit that switch! VINNY: Um... [Vinny Noises] VINNY: Oh no! Imakuni: They are not going to get you yet! VINNY: I need to get the lights on, so I don't even care. I'm gonna go back down. VINNY: Spooky... ...GHOSTS! [Both Laughing] VINNY: OH NO! [Imakuni Laughing] VINNY: Eh, I got it this time... VINNY: OHHHHHHH! [Imakuni laughs a lot] VINNY: I love my life right now. IMAKUNI: All right, are you ready to hit it? IMAKUNI: There you go! IMAKUNI: PLEASE GO--NO NO NO! NO PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! [Vinny laughs] IMAKUNI: *fsshaaa* [Vinny Laughs] [Imakuni Laughs] IMAKUNI: Yeah. IMAKUNI: So... VINNY: Woah... VINNY: That was cool! [Imakuni Laughs] IMAKUNI: Yeah! How did that happen? VINNY: "Sonic & Knuckles" is a very forgiving game! IMAKUNI: Yeah it is! IMAKUNI: Oh look at that, we're at the boss! IMAKUNI: Oh, which you run into immediately. Vinny: [Laughs] Oh nohoho! No! VINNY: No s—No fucking— IMAKUNI: Nope. IMAKUNI: I'll—I'll handle it, I suppose. IMAKUNI: There we go! Yeah! Oh my God, Vin! VINNY: Thank you everyone. IMAKUNI: You're too pro! IMAKUNI: You're scooting me along! VINNY: Thank you everybody. VINNY: Thank you for the applause. [Imakuni laughs] VINNY: I know. VINNY: Woah, that was confusing. VINNY: That was equally as confusing. [Imakuni laughs] [Both laugh] VINNY: I—I was waiting for the bet with the chat. I was waiting for the bet. IMAKUNI: No... VINNY: How long will it take Vinny to figure this one out? IMAKUNI: Alright, you want that extra life again? VINNY: Yeah, bet I do. IMAKUNI: Alright. IMAKUNI: Well, wait for me to respawn. [laugh] VINNY: [Laughs] Why—why am I trying to go? When there's so much lava? VINNY: What? What is wrong with me? IMAKUNI: Cause, I don't know... VINNY: It was a shortcut. It was a...damage boost. Damage boost. It was a legit speedrun tactic. VINNY: But here's—again, here's where people get shitty about Sonic. And here's where I've had my... ...problems with Sonic. Which is that, you're led to believe... ...that you gotta go super fast. IMAKUNI: No. VINNY: And that no one's ever fast. IMAKUNI: No. VINNY: Unless you're Sonic the Hedgehog. Then you play the game, and you find out there's plenty of levels where you have to be very calculated and cool. And I think it's more of an expectations— I'm not saying the platforming is bad in Sonic games, I'm saying that it's an expectation thing, where you expect to go fast all the time, but sometimes going fast will get you nice and killed. IMAKUNI: Yep. VINNY: So... IMAKUNI: That is, uh, exactly how it works. VINNY: That's fair, you'd say? VINNY: As a Sonic fan? IMAKUNI: Yep. IMAKUNI: Oh God. [Vinny laughs] VINNY: Bumper hell. IMAKUNI: Aw, shit. [sigh] VINNY: Huh? What's happening? IMAKUNI: That's—tha—tha—that—that's—uh—heh— IMAKUNI: That's not how the game works! VINNY: Oh yeah? IMAKUNI: That's not—that—that—that's—that's—[laughs] Yeeah. VINNY: I got this. [Imakuni laughs] [Imakuni giggles] IMAKUNI: WOAH! VINNY: [Clown voice] WOAH-HO-HO-HO-HO-HOH! IMAKUNI: [Laughing] Goddammit Vin! [Vinny laughs] VINNY: [Radical voice] Sonic does what Ninten-don't! [Imakuni laughs] VINNY: I don't know what that means in the context of this, but— IMAKUNI: [Radical voice] Woah, we got a continue! Woah! [Laughs] VINNY: Oh. VINNY: Oh, wow. Wow. IMAKUNI: Got it! There you go! IMAKUNI: We have all the emeralds now. VINNY: We do! VINNY: We do, now we can— IMAKUNI: Yeah, we do! VINNY: —we can form them into a Chaos Cock Ring. IMAKUNI: Yeah, that's right! "Sonic got all Super Emeralds." VINNY: Now I can go Super Seeyon. IMAKUNI: Uh, all the waaay— Yeah, that way. VINNY: Is that the boss? IMAKUNI: Yep. Yep. Yep. VINNY: [laughs] Ther—there's a platform. IMAKUNI: Yep. You'll see. VINNY: Oh. IMAKUNI: Don't get hit. IMAKUNI: Just don—D—D—D—D—N—NO! [Vinny laughs] IMAKUNI: Ya fucked it, ya fucked it! IMAKUNI: Now you fucked it! VINNY: [laugh] No! IMAKUNI: Now, your job is dodging. VINNY: Is the laver instant death? IMAKUNI: Don't stand there! [Vinny exhales sharply] IMAKUNI: And, it is not instadeath, but you will get hurt! [Vinny inhales] [Vinny sighs defeatedly] IMAKUNI: Aw, but Vin's doing fine now, don't worry! VINNY: I like how it took me three lives to learn this lesson. Silly Eggman. VINNY: [laughing] Ha—ha—wha— IMAKUNI: Uhp, don't stand there! VINNY: [laugh] Ah, oh no! IMAKUNI: Don't—you shouldn't— VINNY: I pressed— IMAKUNI: You shouldn't have thought that! VINNY: NoOoO! IMAKUNI: You shouldn't have—VIN!—VIIIN! VINNY: I PRESSED THE WRONG BUTTON! VINNY: I just wanted to jump once, but I pressed the other [stuttering] fuck! VINNY: This is the crystal of the Chaos Emeralds, isn't it? VINNY: ...wait wait. The PALACE of the Chaos Crystals, that's what I meant to say. VINNY: I don't...I don't think... IMAKUNI: It might be. VINNY: I don't think I know what that means entirely, but... VINNY: I can't interpret my own self...tonight. VINNY: I think... I think I'm allergic to Sonic the Hedgehog. VINNY: Oh, that's cool. IMAKUNI: Yeah, Knuckles is here. IMAKUNI: Oh, no, he's dead! VINNY: Good. IMAKUNI: Knuckles... IMAKUNI: ...is just reduced to Knuckle. VINNY: [chuckles] He's been... he's been de-knuckled. He's been declawed. VINNY: Oh, here it is. IMAKUNI: So now he realizes that, uh... VINNY: When did he get a claw machi-- oh, oh, Robotnik had double-crossed him. IMAKUNI: Mm-hm. IMAKUNI: That's right. VINNY: So we're all on the same team now, I think. IMAKUNI: Yeeah. IMAKUNI: That's right. It doesn't matter, you can just let him...die. VINNY: Aight, bye Knuckles. This is like a—a more moving death scene than Zero in Mega Man X. IMAKUNI: And welcome to one of the best levels. VINNY: Oh, it's a good one? Okay. IMAKUNI: And coolest, in my opinion. [Vinny chuckles] VINNY: Leave it to me to try to jump off the level immediately. IMAKUNI: Yeah, they—they, they, they... ...give you a little bit of a... ...give you a little bit of a... VINNY: Thank god. VINNY: Okay! VINNY: That was a quick boss. IMAKUNI: Alright. VINNY: Woah! What is this, Mecha Sonic? VINNY: Woah! What is this, Mecha Sonic? IMAKUNI: That is Mecha Sonic! IMAKUNI: That is Mecha Sonic! You are correct for once! VINNY: Oh wow. IMAKUNI: Ummm... IMAKUNI: Do you know what this boss is? VINNY: Ball? IMAKUNI: Yeah, the ball! VINNY: [chuckles] Ummm... It's the— It's Robotnik from early on. IMAKUNI: Yeah! VINNY: Oh, there's some rings down there, that would be enough. IMAKUNI: Yeah, there--there are. IMAKUNI: It would be... IMAKUNI: Do NOT! [Vinny inhales] IMAKUNI: Be careful! VINNY: How do I activate? IMAKUNI: Double--double--double-tap A. VINNY: OOOWOAH! VINNY: YESS! YEAAAASS! IMAKUNI: Look at you! IMAKUNI: The pro! VINNY: Yep. [Imakuni chuckles] IMAKUNI: I think he likes this, guys. VINNY: I got--Well, I got it now--I g-- --I can fi---I figured out how to play the game. VINNY: I finally figured it out! VINNY: Oh yeah, I like this version of Sonic much better. [Vinny laughs] IMAKUNI: Heh--yeah! Yeah you do, don't ya?! IMAKUNI: You are a... IMAKUNI: You are almost out of rings. VINNY: Noo! IMAKUNI: Which means you go back to being lame old Sonic! VINNY: Noo! I don't wanna be blue! IMAKUNI: Soo... IMAKUNI: Unfortunately, this is one of the best levels, but umm... ...it's one act. VINNY: [chuckles] Of course. VINNY: I was really enjoying this, too. IMAKUNI: Well, now you go into Death Egg. IMAKUNI: The last stage. IMAKUNI: Sonic was originally called Mr. Needlemouse, and he had a girlfriend named Madonna. [Vinny blows a raspberry] IMAKUNI: And it was--it was literally... ...Sonic basically as he is now, and a human... ...blonde female. VINNY: Mmmff, that's weird. IMAKUNI: I mean, they eventually did it with Sonic 2006, so what's the difference? VINNY: I guess nothing. IMAKUNI: Don't fall off of those. IMAKUNI: Alright, just go for it, Vin! IMAKUNI: You gotta just go! IMAKUNI: Bottomless pit. VINNY: What was that? [Imakuni laughs] IMAKUNI: Like-- [Vinny stifles a laugh] IMAKUNI: --around--around right now. IMAKUNI: Oh n-- IMAKUNI: Killed yourself. VINNY: Wait what? IMAKUNI: You killed yourself. You didn't move. VINNY: Oh, that wasn't just a cutscene? IMAKUNI: No. [Imakuni laughs] VINNY: Hey, remember--remember, how did Captain N... ...get through his situations? VINNY: He used the rewind button on his power glove. IMAKUNI: Jump over the fire, when it happens. IMAKUNI: Hit his nose. IMAKUNI: Hit the emerald, and then jump. IMAKUNI: You got all that? IMAKUNI: Alright, keep on moving, keep on moving. VINNY: I'm going, I'm going. IMAKUNI: Alright. IMAKUNI: You got this, Vin. VINNY: Okay. IMAKUNI: Just go for it. [Vinny inhales] VINNY: Oowoah! VINNY: Back here. IMAKUNI: You can fall off there. VINNY: Okay. IMAKUNI: The Doomsday Zone. This is your special...treat. VINNY: This-- IMAKUNI: You must play this alone. IMAKUNI: This is the last stage, because, you collected all of the emeralds. VINNY: Okay. IMAKUNI: Yeah, mash, yeah! VINNY: YeaaAAAAHH! VINNY: Aw, get fucked, Eggman. IMAKUNI: Yeeeah. VINNY: Maybe. VINNY: God, my fucking thumb hurts! VINNY: Jesus. IMAKUNI: You can do it, boy! VINNY: Think I did it. IMAKUNI: Hey, Vin? VINNY: OooOOOAH, boyee! VINNY: I got-- IMAKUNI: You're not over yet, you thought! VINNY: But I got-- IMAKUNI: YOU THOUGHT! VINNY: I need more rings. VINNY: They're my life fuel. VINNY: Where--where are they? It's like my Mountain Dew! [Imakuni laughs] VINNY: I took a--a lesson from V-Dub. IMAKUNI: You did it! VINNY: I did it, yay! IMAKUNI: YOU DID IT! IMAKUNI: Vinny beat a Sonic game?! VINNY: You should tell them what my face looks like. IMAKUNI: He looks very depressed. VINNY: Can you pass the Pocky? IMAKUNI: Yeah... VINNY: Give me banan. IMAKUNI: Oh, look at him now! He looks so happy! VINNY: Victory Pocky. VINNY: When does Knuckles come back and have a happy ending? VINNY: You have to beat the game with Knuckle first? IMAKUNI: Uhh, if you wanna know Knuckles' path, you have to play as Knuckles. VINNY: Ooh, okay. IMAKUNI: He has a different ending. VINNY: Wait, the island is...floating? VINNY: Oh, cause they deposited the jewel. IMAKUNI: Yeah, because--because-- IMAKUNI: --because the Master Emerald makes the island float. VINNY: Yeah, of course! IMAKUNI: Yeah. VINNY: Thank you everyone for stopping by and watching this insanity. VINNY: And, uh, I hope you--Listen: VINNY: Genuinely, I enjoyed Sonic 3. VINNY: I know I give a lot of shit... ...to Sonic, VINNY: I didn't grow up with it. VINNY: I think Sonic 3 was a very good quality game, and I think, um... ...it's not still my favorite type of platformer... IMAKUNI: Yeah, that's fine. VINNY: Uh, but I don't gel with it as much as I do... ...something like Mario or Castlevania, but, playing Sonic 3 opened my eyes. And I realized that Sonic is a good game. IMAKUNI: Yeah, it can be. VINNY: And it can--it can be a good game. VINNY: And I think, um, I feel bad for the fans of Sonic that had so many... ...weird, bad games in between. VINNY: Because you had to wait a while for really good ones. IMAKUNI: There were a lot, yeah. VINNY: Yeah. IMAKUNI: At least it'll be great for a nice death montage, huh? VINNY: Yeah. IMAKUNI: Just keep running. IMAKUNI: Just keep running! VINNY: PUH! VINNY: I mean... VINNY: Honestly. VINNY: [radical voice] WOAH! VINNY: Because--you have-- IMAKUNI: Remember the back-and-forth thing real quick? VINNY: Oh yeah, I forgot about that. VINNY: But there was--wasn't that bubble? VINNY: [laughing] OH NO! [Imakuni laughs] IMAKUNI: Don't go there. Don't go there, you're gonna get crushed! IMAKUNI: So, oil... VINNY: Those spikes? IMAKUNI: No jape, no jape, no jape. IMAKUNI: Jump on it. [Both laugh] [Vinny groans loudly] IMAKUNI: So that'll instantly crush you... VINNY: [laughs] I know... [Both laugh] VINNY: WHAT HAPPENED?! VINNY: See, I'm still a little nervous about that, cause there's... ...obviously spi-- [Imakuni laughs] VINNY: Wot, eh.. IMAKUNI: [laugh] You are not fast enough, my friend. VINNY: What fucking QPU are we in now? IMAKUNI: Uh, I don't know. VINNY: WOOOAAA! [laughter] VINNY: No...no! [laughter continues] VINNY: NOOOOOOOO! VINNY: It's alright, mate. [Vinny laughs] IMAKUNI: It's okay, there will be other chances. VINNY: Oh my God. IMAKUNI: There's... ...bottom. IMAKUNI: When I mean "be careful", I mean, it's bottomless pits. VINNY: And that--that's the same vo-- [Imakuni laughs] [Imakuni giggles] [Imakuni scoffs] [Imakuni exhales sharply] VINNY: Doctor Robonick. IMAKUNI: Yes, that was-- [laugh] VINNY: DOP IMAKUNI: Good thing that-- VINNY: YO! [Imakuni laughs] VINNY: [bab voice] Kylo Rena-mena-mena-mena-mena... IMAKUNI: Aw yeah, it's right before the boss. IMAKUNI: Don't-- VINNY: But that's instadeath. IMAKUNI: Yes. VINNY: You knew? [Vinny grunts loudly] [Imakuni laughs] VINNY: --pressed--NoOoO! IMAKUNI: You shouldn't--you shouldn't have thought that! VINNY: I PRESSED THE WRONG BUTTON! IMAKUNI: You shouldn't have--Vin!--VIIIN! VINNY: Wow. IMAKUNI: Oh God, we survived. VINNY: Every time. VINNY: Every t-- IMAKUNI: Yep. IMAKUNI: Uuuuuuuuhh... IMAKUNI: You wanna get off of that. IMAKUNI: N-n-n-n-n-n-n-no! IMAKUNI: N-n-n-no! Vin! VINNY: No no, I got this. [Vinny stifles a laugh] IMAKUNI: --around--around right now. IMAKUNI: Oh n-- IMAKUNI: Killed yourself. VINNY: Trying to like blow up the missiles near him, and— IMAKUNI: No. IMAKUNI: That's not--not what-- --not what you do. IMAKUNI: Gotta go fast. VINNY: If I go too fast I'll miss the rings! VINNY: [cough] Aw, fuck. VINNY: Oh no. [laughing] This is weird already! [Imakuni laughs] VINNY: I see nipples! Okay, alright, fine.
Channel: vinesauce
Views: 247,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vinesauce, vinny, corruptions, weird, crazy, insane, stream, vine, Let's Play, imakuni, sonic, sonic the hedgehog, tails
Id: 96rchbg-wRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 4sec (1204 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2017
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