[Vinesauce] Vinny - Mayor Vine (Animal Crossing: New Leaf)

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an hour-long highlight of New Leaf is spectacular~

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/Alan87mk 📅︎︎ Dec 25 2018 🗫︎ replies

Zip zoom

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/homeless_deer 📅︎︎ Dec 25 2018 🗫︎ replies

I only watched the Southbird series. Does this have more "episodes"? I skipped ahead and don't remember so many Scoots. When does the new stuff begin?

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Deltaasfuck 📅︎︎ Dec 26 2018 🗫︎ replies

where i can see all the vine art?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/calacaelectrica92 📅︎︎ Dec 25 2018 🗫︎ replies
so when I left vine town for nearly two years Isabelle was doing all the work for Isabelle just making sure things didn't go wrong waiting for mayor vine to come back and what happens Oh Oh couple of MIL 13 mil not bad it's a lot of shekels so vine tell me where are you headed today stop Barb's create a great life for yourself in barbless oh [ __ ] its hopper you would arrive on this train and we've all been waiting for your arrival let's continue this discussion at the Town Hall shall we here's a map of the burbs so we've got Bella welcome there welcome to dubs got off the station earlier than everyone else because I really really wanted to see you let's talk later after you finish whatever stuff you got to do first eeks Jesus who is the Oh shrimp that Bob Wow it's the new mayor welcome to the burbs you swept into town like a movie star I just know you're gonna turn the burbs into an amazing place we're gonna be hopefully gonna be pals so you don't mind if I call you vine instead of mayor right good trust me but my title by Harper I know you work up to the bottoms [Music] all right make no mistake Tom Nook he knows what happened to those animals from the previous town he knows where they are I think we need to demolish some homes and build a great highway from violent to here oh you [ __ ] no no no it's not as hip as you think it is I swear to god it's not now did really did someone really just [ __ ] move in front of my house seriously cherry are you [ __ ] kidding me cherry cherry needs to be eliminated from this mortal coil is what needs to happen yeah it kind of sucks a little bit that um my house is still a tent but now like come on cherry cherry cherry why are you moving right in front of my [ __ ] house please man you're gonna be a fun neighbor I can't wait to have a [ __ ] battle with cherry cherry built her house right in front of my house [ __ ] pleased to meet you I'm cherry and you are oh wow I've heard about you your vine you're one of the reasons I moved to you so I could oh really so you could move directly in front of me so if we could just remove cherry you can keep scoot down here I'm okay with that I'm okay with being neighbors with scoot he's not that close ever met you it's one of the pigs wait gal is a pig - really - pigs I didn't realize that two pigs in town bacon bacon hey Timmy would you bring for me today tape deck telling you everyone's all about the 80s nostalgia these days the [ __ ] hipster Timmy is selling a tape deck can I sell the cherry that lives in the town Therese do you think like how much do you get for like I mean Tom Nook is able to like sell animals as slaves hey hey vine every weather for chilling outside seriously what what's come on Bob I was expecting more from you so my approval rating is only 36% I went from like 33 to 36% what the hell that's not a lot I gave a fossil to the museum I sold my town for like 13 and a half million and so every day Tom Nook just gives me a little bit of money which I'd like to think of it as the money earned in the salt mines being transferred into my account of course hey hang on a second just thought I'd do a little quick change there what do you think of my new outfit I don't know if I feel comfortable with mice getting changed in front of me so weird hello mr. scoop we meet again at last bite is that really you I thought I heard something about one of my rivals moving here turned out to be you know rivals Oh tomorrow the competition begins he wants to like do like a weightlifting muscle swole competition I can tell I know it first order of business as mayor is to selectively breed my favorite animals and also to remove cherry for blocking my view look at this look at this [ __ ] how the [ __ ] am I supposed to have any property my property will never increase in value because Cherry's stupid house is in front of it sorry I'm a little angry can you tell [ __ ] cherry if oh man if I could just find like a a white helmet like scoot I could like dress like him I have to study his motions his movements I have to study the way he eats the way he shits the way he [ __ ] the way he makes friends I mean and then I can be him and then we can be friends yeah I need to become scoot I need to wear exactly what he's wearing what is it doing is he hiding spying on me cherry what do you want you're leaving soon I dream about you the other night you lost your best base more best your bone like crazy I don't want bad luck or anything so here take this oh thank thank you cherry I mean it was really nice of cherry oh that's an upright bass yeah so that was that was pretty cool men it's certainly a shame that her house is right here because I like cherry now but I kind of want to demolish her house and leave her in the town maybe she can live in the trash here we go oh my god that last Hyrule is mine wait wait at hyrule go Ganon there goes the neighborhood a manifestation of absolute evil has moved in Yanks this game just got dark I [ __ ] apparently have like a whole like block here this is the ghetto block [Music] because everyone decided to [ __ ] move in right next to me so chary lives directly below me below me Gannon lives here now that I'm here you better make good old gun and feel welcome I got your shirt I'm wearing your shirt dude [ __ ] Ganon's in my town what's your problem what do you have tics you've got lice goddamn it get the lice out what an itchy for a while now I never thought it could be a flea thank you so much for picking it off me wait there are more let's keep just fleeting a little secret our secret what Mouse are do you have a flea eeks I've wanted one of those for so long trade you for my candle all right did Bella read the board who told Bella that I caught a flea I thought this was supposed to be a secret again with the [ __ ] fleas are you [ __ ] kidding me you filthy filthy animal you had this fun that happened in the three minutes I was writing a letter I just saw you promise not to tell anybody but I mean you know it's already too late the whole [ __ ] town knows now especially that mouse the mouse must be eliminated kill kill kill the mouse [ __ ] the bees wait a minute Galla got the fleas Bella took the fleet then gave it back to gala Bella is a plague rat is trying to infect all of the burbs with the Black Plague I for one welcome this I think this would be fun we need some you know spiciness spice it up a little bit no saying spice it up with plague Phyllis does not give a single [ __ ] it's me Phyllis you do it yeah don't let the door hit you on the way out yeah you [ __ ] I was at a undisclosed drive-thru and some lady could barely get around my car and yeah and I there was plenty of room but I heard her out of her window was rolled down she was driving to the side of me so she could get away and I heard [ __ ] CAW while she was looking at my car and there was plenty of room for her to get around me there's plenty of room so I had to go in reverse back a bank go oh there he is don't alert him don't make eye contact don't let him know don't let him know I can't I can't talk to him right now I'm busy hey Bella you got fleas I'm thinking I want to spread the good word about our town elsewhere I could do that by moving away yeah by leaving the burbs I can make it more famous I'm going to leave on the 17th of this month eeks all right that leaves more room for ducks I love cat and mouse cartoons that's Bella getting chased out of town it's my favorite TV show the mouse dies getting the cat gets brain-damaged I'm talking to Bella not long ago she mentioned she was thinking about moving I'm like just be a joke but it might not be she could be seriously considering moving when you get a chance could you go check on her good we need to make room for more duck sorry and cocoa sorry Bella I'm just like you scoot you see I have a helmet and a beak together we are one is this [ __ ] [ __ ] hell drink so now we've got two ducks living within 20 feet of each other nananananana duck town even though he's a mallard Hey who are you oh you're the volume of out nice hmm helps look like it's made of candy great if it was I would love to live in a candy house maybe sit in a candy chair Oh what are we talking about something just now oh yeah let's be friends quack Oh trike what the [ __ ] are you talking about hey are you still in you're still here what are you doing here I really need a new catchphrase fine tell me one right away sure so I get is that what you meant yes so plague it is that right it fits me to a tee yeah no [ __ ] it does you got fleas oh what a surprise you've got fleas your dirty [ __ ] caught some people have said that this is way more fleas than they ever see I'm telling you it's it's Bella and the one spot I want it to be secluded look everyone's here now medleys here there's a whole other Island that you guys could move to only scoot is welcome maybe drink a medley so they say do you stop by and visit I'm still thrilled that you wanted me to invite me here in the first place I'm here to get back to unpacking so let's talk more tomorrow okay medley is kind of more bird than duck but but she's allowed here does medley jerk you off with her feet yeah that's a vine what if I've ever heard one and the answer is yes it's nice to meet you I'm Coco Coco so [ __ ] creepy looking but I love it move you're just the tiniest of snakes the burbs doesn't have any vacancies like Drake for example what do you think know what Drake just moved here Gannon will be moving out of town is that all right no I kind of like hopper was all right no god no later just between the two of us cherry is all set to move out tomorrow keep it a secret okay Shh again allow me to point out one more time cherry did nothing wrong cherry was a cool villager but this [ __ ] real-estate my house is worth less that cherry is here like what do you do in Cherry why are you following me and why are you building your house so close to mine maybe you've got this figured fine but I gotta leave town not I want to leave town a weird little guy named wisp told me that a pal of mine from way back needs my help don't know if I believe it but I just can't leave a friend hanging right it's are like going on an adventure to cure yourself you hear me what wisp lied still can't believe how every [ __ ] villager that moved in is just concentrated just on this Crescent of the island pearl he's probably gonna go gal is definitely gonna go because I have more ducks to move in so cherry lived right here so guess who's moving in over here Coco thanks Coco uh yeah yeah so this is my life now zip zoom [ __ ] zip [ __ ] zoom hey Drake it's me scoop what's going on buddy just me your fellow duck friends definitely not the mayor this is my house now this is where I live Cocco just standing there is some of the creepiest [ __ ] funny story actually I kept hearing this voice it kept on saying who moved to the burbs normally I wouldn't give it a second thought but I don't know there was something about it I couldn't shake hope you don't think I'm an oddball or anything oh I'm definitely not odd well we do Tallinn just because a voice told me to you get to know me you'll see I'm really quite level-headed nice to meet you doink she's just like hanging out being a gyroid I'm gonna get Molly because Molly's a duck hers okay no I'm - scoot will not be moving out that is incorrect okay wow that was quick finally ready to move to a new town I thought it over for a long time and I did lots of research and I don't want to be bacon here in this town you know it's weird I have more pigs in my town than Ducks ganon curly gala that's weird we're tipping the scales and medley is not a duck well this is I guess kind of bad news even though it looks kind of cool it turns out the next villager is moving directly in front of my house thanks guys really over populating my area [ __ ] Bob didn't even give me a chance to get him to stay Isabel was like oh by the way vine we got some bad news bob is [ __ ] off to a new town because bob is secretly sick of your [ __ ] and wouldn't give you a chance why you do if you want to live your own life someplace else Bob you can leave I'm not gonna even eulogize you you're gonna have to just figure that out yourself you're gonna have to find the people who loved you who will miss you which probably is no one in this town now that I think about cherry the [ __ ] are you doing in here thought I'd come see the shops for old times sake cherry knows what's up you see cherry knows where all the stuff is I'm assuming other benefits aside from being thick did you notice it seems like curly and medley are always cooking something up they look more like conspirators than pals if you know what I mean zip zoom be planning a major prank I better keep an eye on them mmm what kind of conspiracies are they investigating my my salt mines go ahead and open it absolute favorite denim jacket hooray there's also a letter cool to future Gannon I'm putting my best outfit in the time capsule in case of some sort of emergency so future me are you in need of your best outfit right now is the world bleak and scary kinda but also dad is the one who makes the world bleak and scary so I mean I owe you some things here have my unknown machine what the [ __ ] we're gonna make the world dark and scary with this unknown machine ganon's gonna have me flip the switch on the machine and some crazy shits gonna happen Gannon can no longer rely on magic Gannon has to use machines this is a good room I guess for this just an unknown machine huh should I do it do you think what will happen if I press this button I mean it's it's a present from Gannon what could go wrong hey get it well really though what could go wrong I mean it it's like the world's gonna end [Music] okay I don't know what that was but something tells me oh god the 21st that's two days later yeah I might be jumping the gun thanks for everything you've ever done for me well that's a this is an emotional moment I hope you'll be friends with me for a little while longer slushy it's so emotional I'm gonna go rob his house now look what I have at all times I can spy on scoot this is my scoot control tower so I know what he's doing at all times his heart rate where he is how he feels his dilation of his eyes there is nothing scoot can do that I will not know about [Music] oh is that scoot can you say it again I brought it dung beetle scoot is this are you really giving me a dung beetle it'll be the world's most athletic bug this is an interesting turn of events I'll take good care of him on you I'm so sorry scoot I keep giving him like garbage just what did you drag me into this time vine I know you've been slave trading with the other animals bear vine there seems to be some trouble in the salt mines what is it Isabel well the workers started rebellion and are getting out of control it says here they're being led by Jerry [ __ ] why her what we gonna do mayor we have no choice look II can't handle this on his own give her what she wants you don't mean mayor she knows too much what if she talks I never should have agreed to this she won't Oh a number six cherry you're out I missed you I've missed you too no one escapes me twice well you come back Jerry you I've freed you from the Salt Mines come come and come and live with your fellow animals just don't build your house like right next to mine what are you doing scoot why is scoot staring at my house what is he plotting that's weird dude I don't believe them I don't want to believe them he likes you scoot it won't hurt you you have to dig up the truth but how could find what I could find ever again into they they're my friends aren't they I mean just know I'll put my mind I'll put it out of my mind - scoot no what the hell oh I know what's happening scoop he's looking for the bodies he knows that if he comes back he just digs up like the he wants to dig up the bodies in my basement guys why are you naked that's weird he's naked and got like a tattoo of a little yellow chick on his stomach strange it went strong too much long t zip zoom what that is good Cyrus took care of me at retail the other day he is so cool trickling sweat rugged hit what the [ __ ] are you talking about right now scoot he's a true master of his craft and so well this got weird there's new Secrets Revealed wow I didn't know you felt that way scoot oh here we go oh look at this cherry moved like over here so there's another like lower complex of houses no one wants to move to the left Island cherries new home all that's left over here is curly which you know Carly's not gonna be here much longer I don't think Santa coat okay so I have to do up 420 I have to do all of the Santa stuff right after where I have to become the Santa yep a right [ __ ] many years later the world became a safer place so a bunch of animals and humans start coexisting and then things get kind of weird and then dead bodies are found in my basement really really weird oh hey what is this what is this weird button in front of the pizza do this yes that's a good idea yeah Santa Claus he worst Christmas ever just consuming Santa's body well Christmas has been ruined and with the press of a button everyone's Christmas has been destroyed happy [ __ ] holidays the bodies now I have to figure out what my villagers want it was like well what is this a duck committee this is like an impromptu duck meeting they're gonna plot to take down the rest of the animals in town medley was not invited because medley is not really a duck anybody know jingle oh I guess that would be jingle happy holidays I'm jingle the black nosed reindeer wait a minute that's not as good this is the bootleg version of Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer everybody I'm here intend to do something very important but it's a guy sneaked into everyone's houses and leave them presents I'm gonna set up cameras in people's houses disguise this presence I'd like to help me out Santa since I can't believe it president I got oh [ __ ] no I don't have one sorry oh I see maybe I wasn't as good all years I thought you were fine but badly what Santa you're still here can I help you with anything oh nothing I was sort of hoping for a present and jingle hasn't come by my house yet at Santa I'm so excited I [ __ ] I don't know what what they want I mean what if I just get them beaks of scoot wants something yellow okay here scoot want something yellow or was it Molly it was Molly that wants that you know what who cares I'm an orange jacket scoot put some [ __ ] clothes on you're like naked holy holiday hamstrings it's a present I'm gonna open what I didn't ask for an orange jacket forget it you're the best Santa you made toy day perfect I hope you get all your work done tonight well I just ruined toy day for scoot so thus my toy day has been [ __ ] ruined can't have a banana Molly maybe maybe this is what Molly wants I wonder what it is should I shake it first to smell it I'm just gonna open it right now it's a banana huh not that I'm ungrateful or anything it's very nice I'm having a [ __ ] quack right now guys I what would gain and want a bat umbrella definitely right because Gannon likes bats employs them at his service and in the castle Oh a bat umbrella my wish came true yes I did something right wait I didn't want to make cannons Christmas good hey medley I got a delicious banana for oh wait no nevermind I don't have that anymore you get jasmine bonsai hooray it's no [ __ ] oh hey Drake I got something great for you a retro fridge it's not exactly was hoping for but thanks anyway all ducks disappointed all ducks and bird disappointed all right listen Koko you scare the [ __ ] out of me sometimes but I have a gift for you tall lantern you seem like you'd enjoy that and hoping right now it's a tall Lantern [ __ ] of course I can get into the mind of Ganon I don't know what the [ __ ] duck wants or a living gyroid have a itchy tile Merry Christmas this is exactly what you want I didn't ask for some kitschy tile oh well say wow he just called me Santa bro here's your present inkwell it's a mini circuit guaranteed to blow your mind holy holiday hamstrings yeah no [ __ ] you didn't ask for it no [ __ ] so all in all I'd say it was a successful toy day the only person that was satisfied was the person who's trying to destroy the world pretty much the exact you know the exact thing I wanted to achieve today hey jingle I did your thing goals I'm gonna go ahead and just absolve my own responsibility for this situation I'm gonna say that jingle should have given me a list or did it himself what do you mean impeach the mayor that's traitorous I'm a good mayor I don't know what the [ __ ] this is I don't know what I've become but I'm okay with it Katie hello mister are you from the burbs what no way you're the mayor hi mr. mayor I'm Katie I'm on a big adventure traveling to all sorts of different towns by myself but I'm starting to think about where to go next I just don't know where to go yet oh right mr. mayor how about you take me over to some other town No Oh Inc well said that he wanted to leave and I'm not stopping them so Inc will Inc well well inkwell Inc will Inc will the squid is leaving inkwell looks wistfully alright now this is a [ __ ] sight to behold a squid is fishing what do you have against what do you have against your species well kind of kind of a random question but if you have it a million bells what would you do with it probably we pay loans like the Tom Nook that's so responsible but what about our dreams zip zoom what dreams like our dreams together scoot what the [ __ ] how do you know I mean I'll [ __ ] it Ganon's making a beeline for scoot Gannon just saved me from scoot I think scoots getting a little obsessive lately maybe this whole time Ganon's been trying to save me from scoots like overbearing this lucy Ganon's gonna go have a talk with scoot like dude what are you doing don't let him know I wonder if there's a way to make my room look cooler I know fine you have any furniture you could recommend to me anything will do I touched I trust your taste quack Oh Oh where's Drake what'd you do with Drake where's the body oh [ __ ] I mean where where is the character Drake in this village at this present moment it's good have you seen Drake no I'm not treat cheating on you with another duck okay I'm seriously upset Drake was just here just a minute ago are you fishing am i blind I'll wait I'll just I'll wait observe [ __ ] what do you want what do you want I was waiting for Drake would you be interested in buying a banana okay could you imagine that hopefully I wasn't too pushy as a salesperson I think you'll enjoy the banana did she just regifter the thing I gave her on Christmas that's that is a ballsy move Molly she sold it to me all right well don't rub it in semantics gave it to me sold it to me whoo check out my awesome soda case you're into stuff like this right I knew it I'm gonna give you mine don't you yeah I guess what you're not excited come on just take my stuff you know you want to anyway I don't remember where I got half my stuff so it's not like it's a big deal to me this couch just gave me a wait wait scoot is like coming on to me real hard you'll notice that I was pursuing scoot for a very long time and he was kind of like neglecting me or investigating me to find the bodies in the basement and now scoot is giving me stuff and telling me how much he loves me and everything what the hell's going on and he's just trying to butter me up so I don't hurt him but why would I hurt a precious creature such as he Oh catch up she thinks she goes with everything but she really really doesn't board to the wise do not eat any of the pizza that she offers you what's what's wrong with the pizza you know I feel really like I could make a name for myself in a town like this I'm clearly destined for fame the only question is when you should live here no for real that's like exactly what I hoped you were going to say I just love this place okay just as soon as I get home I'm gonna start packing up for the move biti biti I went shopping with scoot the other day on impulse I got my sandbag on I thought about what I'd done I realize I have no use for that type of thing fine I'm begging you please buy it okay why you're really gonna help me out like that I'm a lucky dude hanging out with school this may be our last interaction Inc well so uh it's nice knowing you really didn't get to know you that well you weren't a duck or anything so you just stay there and stare out to the distance motionless that's fine you could just keep doing that are you okay sorry I mean I wasn't gonna ask you to stay if you wanted to leave yeah I know I wasn't the best friend I didn't I didn't visit you I didn't talk about you I didn't really it's just having a moment all right excuse me oh do you see where I'm other duck has moved other duck is all the way like reclusive Lee on the other side of town well inkwell wait a minute inkwell you're supposed to leave on the 13th my house just doesn't have enough stuff it's too empty your pal bring me some furniture wait a minute did you decide to stay scoot like I'm worried about scoot sometimes he just stares into nothingness for a while at least Cherry's like looking at flowers inkwells got somewhere to go look at scoot what the [ __ ] is he doing it's a pizza duck it's a duck after my own heart the song is a little slower Oh fine there you are you remember me don't you you like invited me to live here as promised here I am moving here with such a totally awesome idea I just love it here I can already tell that the best times of my life are gonna happen in this little town bitty oh wait wait wait wait wait bitty we got to change that right away are you all ready for the fishing Tony this Saturday vine it's gonna be totally epic all right I'm already done with this [ __ ] duck I'm done that's it you're a disgrace you're a disgrace of the duck well maybe she'll grow on me so your sea cucumber yeah I've had my eye on that mess for a while now here have this what are you gonna do with that he's gonna put it in his mouth isn't he how'd you even see that in my inventory weirdo I want your sea cucumber from curly moving day has finally come to be honest I'm a little uneasy do you think there's a good gym in my new town what if my new rival is better than me oh man Carly's moving when the [ __ ] did this happen fine I'm seeing a lot of you today what's going on hey so this is kind of out of the blue but would you what would you use to replace a bra what what is it what the [ __ ] I don't know what that is I can't answer your question I'm thinking of switching my bra millat Jie with something that is that a brassiere cherry just stalking who's he with new Isabelle oh really you're gonna toy with my emotions like that well fine but what the most true statement jerry has ever made [ __ ] she should have said hey fine vine vine by my mother let's think of something new to call you all right go for it try this on for size bro all right yep all right then henceforth thou shalt be known as bro I feel like I'm your king or something now zip zoom Cyrus took care of me at Rita what did I tell you about scoot trickling sweat rugged hands he's a true master of his craft what the [ __ ] are you telling me scoot trickling sweat scoot has a crush on Cyrus you know Cyrus is married right scoot you've you lecherous duck you and as usual I can't fit any more presents and what the [ __ ] is this what are you guys doing I leave my house there's like a brigade of villagers they're disgruntled they had stuff to tell me you know what they were gonna do they were gonna complain that the town is garbage and they had all these like strongly-worded things they were gonna say to me you know they had it all planned out but when they saw me they chickened out they were unable to comply with their original plan that was a strange look you just gave me scoot what's what's the problem here it's been a while bro hope you weren't slacking off on your workouts just because we haven't been connecting how bro what you need now zip zoom what's up what if those guys are plotting an escape from this water tank I know I doubt it how could they scoot first of all there's nothing in these water tanks there's a starfish what the [ __ ] scoot are you ok get the [ __ ] out of my town Bella we don't need any more of your fleas I made a trip back here just to run around so good to see you KK sliders gonna have fleas by the end of this KK looked right at me he's so cool leeks gotta come to my new club it's called plague brat no no Hopkins doesn't just go camping to sit in his van and play video games he also drinks orange juice sitting there do you live here what what time is it I'm Hopkins and I love green curry okay you didn't know this but I have a driver's license I made it myself is either that or fill out a bunch of papers it would have taken forever I love Hopkins it's pretty sweet photo huh it's like you can't just do that you can't just draw your own driver's license Hopkins was way too busy to actually take drivers ed like are you kidding me you can't do that think some people want you to live here that's an awesome idea actually I was just thinking about how much I like to eat the food you're super delicious just tastes better you know enough chat I got to start to prep for my move thumper all right Hopkins I'll see you manana about it something in mind for something in yours let's do it then how about my rubber apron for your mr. flamingo yeah I don't care get an apron for my cooking endeavors hey that your cook is here Oh fine it's a relief haven't seen you in a bit so I thought maybe you got mixed up in something Shady no now definitely not selling any drugs to the other animals check it out you no match for my string fish tail attack best movie line ever what movie is that from pretty good right heroine said that in this movie I just watched it's a perfect tough girl line what I need now is to study a string fish to learn this Tail attack thing but there's not so easy to catch goddamnit you tricked me I thought this was going in a different direction I thought we were gonna I don't know exchange movie quotes on the couch or something but now you're telling me I have to go catch a [ __ ] fish I need to get tomato vines base without arousing any suspicion but how I know hey cherry wait up cherry can you do me a favor zip zoom sure I guess go ahead what string fish aren't they like super rare though hey your cook is here Oh fine I haven't seen you in a bit so I thought maybe you got mixed up in something Shady good to see you're OK what what nope that was definitely not selling drugs to other animals fine you're looking at me weird talk to me check this out you no match for my string tail attack best movie line ever what movie is that from tough girls line but I need now is a string fish to learn it to tail attack thing but they're not so easy to catch hey you're good at fishing right god damn it you tricked me but this was going in a different direction I thought we were gonna know exchanged booby quotes on the couch or something but now you're telling me I have to catch a [ __ ] fish sorry to bother you but I really have no idea what it is you do all day are you just super sly or am I just not paying attention let me go ahead say I'll do it and not do it so a medley left something in my place and I was gonna go find her to return it okay the real question is where's medley where is medley Drake can you help me find medley you know to do your task oh I'm sorry you couldn't walk three feet all right that's cool yeah Drake has a thing for you in reality he's just nervous because he likes you okay sorry medley by the way the item that Drake is giving you is a love bracelet and it's got Drake pheromones on it does it work like that I don't even know but if you accept this gift you will be bound in marriage with Drake what I forgot to take this home oh it's just a shirt never mind I lied it's positive that I'd lost this what a relief good duck hey scoot it's me your friend there you shake that duck ass that's bad my cab he wants to have it dance-off and then he stops dancing [Music] well don't stop dancing just because I'm here now he's staring at a wall my poor defective duck friend plague rat plague rat alert alert danger what is this a town for husbands [ __ ] Bella Bob hey vine I got something for you to do so will you bury this time capsule in my for me I've written down my life story or my life's goals in a letter to my future self we'll just tuck it into your letter slot okay this is a letter and attempts to communicate with those in the minds below the town help is coming do not lose hope you will be rescued by Drake Drake is making sure I do the deed try to look inconspicuous but he's paying attention he's making sure that I I dig that [ __ ] and get that letter through to those miners hey there look at those bumping into each other again quack Oh totally random wasn't paying attention to what you were doing just now still up fine what's up you think I've got water in my can here vine no way it's tomato juice and don't even ask me what it's for Biddy you're weird but I like that at least you're not douchebag basically ketchup carries around a bucket of her own urine yeah wait a minute is it your inner blood here we go birthday party like three minutes of birthday party and it's just two people it's just ketchup yeah you came to celebrate with me I'm so glad you're here come and catch up just got here - she brought an amazing present with her it's not required or anything but by any chance did you I got you a real live birdhouse oh wait I haven't fed that bird in like months I just heard the best cake joke fine remind me to tell it to you on your birthday that's not helpful I never have birthdays I never aged I'm an immortal character I wish it was my birthday I'm glad it's Coco special day but I'm totally bummed out promise me you'll come to my next birthday party vine and bring me an awesome gift I can get you a dead bird in a birdhouse birthdays mean being one step closer to maturity someday I want to be mayor of my own town this birthday party sucks this birthday party sucks fine are you going already fun times always seem to fly by thank you for coming over I hear that ketchup is thinking about moving well it's sort of sad but she must have her reasons right I tried to get the whole story next time I talked to her quack Oh what do you mean ketchups moving no one likes Coco in this town and ketchup being the newer town member was like I'll give it a shot hung out with Coco all day got scared shitless by the gaping holes in Coco's face and was like I'm moving I'm done that's it I'm out I'll sit I'll sit here look I'll even come in let's talk yeah I was just gonna say did you know that scoop I mean it just you know it just really bums me out Carrie and I just kind of wanted someone to talk to and you know I've been going through a tough time being the mayor of this town and everyone's been kind of real mean to me and they're just using me to like accomplish their goals and like do ordinance related things and I don't know it's just kind of hoping maybe uh maybe we could um hey hey welcome to the all-night party the password is snooze button got it I just vented to you I poured my heart out I was just really really upset about scoot we're done yeah time to replace cherry I guess we'll meet our new uh new animal bunnelby or whatever its name is what's your name again rabbi rat Bob rat Billiam no Hopkins hey hey you remember me don't you Hopkins I was here at the campground and then then I know something important happened at the campground anything ringing a bell that's right you asked me to move in and I did good times now that I'm here we can hang out all the time my house is cleaner than you thought it would be right well no you just built it I actually just did a big clean thumper thank God for that comma because if that comma wasn't there I'd be really really curious as to what a big clean thumper is I kind of want to move around in front of ketchup you do like a mating ritual or something no I just need ketchup - like acknowledge me and be like oh hey I was thinking about moving convince me otherwise and then I could be like all right you got a duck that can lift twice his own weight with one flap all right and if that's not enough I can get you one tickets to the gun show his name is scoop you guys should make some french dressing or something No are you moving are you moving are you moving hello witness me on days like this it really should be skipping around town with some hot cider but that doesn't answer the question are you moving from ketchup the day for me to move is here but what if I'm really lonely in my new town hey you should come with me is that too selfish of me to ask never mind I guess we'll [ __ ] off ketchup I tried to get you to not move that ketchup was just straight-up gone it's like you think you know someone and then they're just gone I was like walking in front of her and [ __ ] trying to get her attention so she would be like oh I'm moving stop me get the inkwell is still here that's funny weren't you supposed to leave ink well someone's camping for the first time oh [ __ ] are you okay [ __ ] up into your face I'll be seeing you around for a little bit ouch wanted to replace catch up with another duck but then again I guess you know having your skin removed at the least I could do is move you in you should move here whoa where'd this come from I'm happy you'd invite me but I'm not sure I need some time to think about this Oh idea time how about a game if you win I'll move here if if you lose I have to get your ax I get to have your ax what rock paper scissors we'll play it once I'll lay it down all lay it all down on the line oh you got me that means you win the game deals a deal guess I'll be moving here soon so much to do that I gotta get start getting ready let's see your name is vine right pleased to meet you vine are you gonna do in the next what was lucky you gonna do with an axe [ __ ] God that is it's a weird item to request here I want you to have my bear costume in return for begetting the fruit why do you have this scoot what the [ __ ] Wow what are you doing with a bear costume always wanted one of those let's make a deal wanna trade my bear costume for my round cactus it's like a chode almost sweet okay then here we go Drake's been trying to get this costume from scoot for years a very strange thing to a 1 and then B give me still spreading disease Bella it's totally fine look she's wearing a skull shirt no [ __ ] you're wearing a skull shirt that's the [ __ ] symbol of death you bring plague cherry by the time you've read this I'll be long gone I gotta get a move on so I can scope out my new turf you know I'm gonna get everything I've got in my new town from gutsy cherry I I had nothing to do with this I had no inclination that cherry was thinking of leaving this is officially the second time cherry has left from cherry remember that time capsule you buried for me before I moved away so can I ask you to dig it up if you do you can keep what's inside I know what you put in there it's a [ __ ] bomb I mean you know you just try so hard to please these animals [ __ ] animals well I have to fix the overlay now got it got a move on in life you know what I mean Cyrus took care of me at retail the other day he is so cool what do you mean took care of you scoot look even Drake is like what the hell's going on did you see Drake's face he's like I don't think I want it to over hear that see what you've done scoot now everyone here is confused and staring at us we don't need this [ __ ] anymore cherry came too close to the truth oh look it's our new did cherry have to move so lucky could move in southward here's where you would put the Tim and Eric clip of the mind-blown you just go and it's like the universe exploding bovine do you remember me I'm lucky back when I came to camp here you were like why don't you just move here so that's what I did I've been here for about a week now I'm glad we finally ran into each other ha ha ha what does that stop saying that scoot I know you just I know what you're doing I know you want to see Cyrus I know that he's a honky you know G jostles your duck feathers I understand that I get that he's got a bottle opener for your corkscrew I don't even know what that means either [Music] [Music] find all of you had promised this is bad vine got a package that was meant for inkwell I really want to open it and see what's inside but that would be so wrong you have to help me resist the temptation of snoop fine will you please take this package away from me and deliver it to inkwell what what are we doing lucky where wait what are we doing here come on inkwell yeah I was wondering where you were it turns out I have a package from three feet away what the [ __ ] is happening up here freckles oh hi kid freckles so oh wait a minute everyone moves to the same island but freckles decides to move up here of all places hey you've been talking to me at all recently don't think I haven't noticed don't start paying attention to me I'm gonna start doing stuff to make you pay attention to guys I'm scared look at the face what did you just threaten me Hopkins just the other day I was banging some pots and pans together the noise was terrible you wouldn't want me to do something like that again would you what's up wondering why I'm carrying a shovel vine this could go in a weird direction got big plans to connect our houses with an underground tunnel you don't want to be in my basement that's where I keep the bodies it would be the last thing you ever see Oh Gannon moved out I haven't seen you in forever did you come vacation or something I have lots that I wanted to talk to you about let's catch up soon Crenn and oh no no crane Ando is gone would you let me come over to your house sometime I'm a duck been studying new techniques mm-hmm Coco you've been so kind to me ever since we met please take care of yourself I'll miss you all that's Coco I left Gannon still here ah no [ __ ] damnit Coco well that kills the Bob [ __ ] Molly came to my house the other day and told me my room needs more decorations excuse me I'm sloppy seconds where's the vomit button boobies and animal crossing' that's probably worth it just for that alone tit is real they do look really I mean this statue does look real so let's get it [ __ ] really crazy what a shock oh [ __ ] oh yeah yeah we're going to go to flavortown today we're going we're taking a one-way ticket to [ __ ] titty city today have you heard of Peking Duck a little orange sauce cuz boy we could fry that up coz you know when you're hanging with scoop you're gonna have a hoot oh hey are you the vine I've heard so much about I'm freckles but you probably know that already don't you seriously I can't imagine the burbs without me you seem totally awesome I can't wait to make this friendship official oh hey I have a great idea why don't you come over my place right now duckie holy [ __ ] I thought I moved fast we could talk about all sorts of stuff you know like how much we love kugel and whatever a kegels like the exercise for your how bout it feel like coming over right now yeah cool let's go over to my place then lead the way duckie see this is what happens when Molly ends up hanging out with Ganon the night before and yet the thirst remains where do you live who are you alright yeah you're the outcast okay we're here wait for a sec I'll unlock my door make yourself at home where's the bed I mean it's a nice place you've got here looks like a bed right well it is but you know what I use it for uh oh well it was pretty bad right now all the other animals are gonna be suspicious I just saw a vine Fieri and duck duck Oh leave the house freckle leave the house together oh oh oh oh it's scutes birthday I gotta get scoot a gift he's hanging out with ink well you're finally here bro I bet they worked out together hey vine you ready for a birthday party right i bluffed the big hockey tournament too - over here they definitely worked out together if they do it yeah I got you I don't know I'm gonna return with a better gift no no I didn't flub I didn't flub I'm gonna get I got no bro yo I'm gonna give scoot you know what [Music] so this this is boobs it's beautiful it's artwork it's not distasteful but I'm thinking scoot is now old enough to see his first pair of tits I mean I know he's really into Cyrus the scoot fellow but I'm wondering if maybe he'd be down for so you know it's it's it's artwork it's it's massive artwork it is classic and beautiful and scoot I can't see your reaction god damn it it's a beautiful moment and there's a tree in the way [Music] that's you as the best he loved it [Music] things like this really make me appreciate all my bros and lady promise scoot you're you're wonderful look at this little strut he's like Carl no wonder I like scoot so much he really is just like karl Pilkington scoot looks like he's really happy I'm glad splat I feel like today brought us even closer together as friends you still work for my book I'll take extra special care of the present you gave me no one's gonna mess with it on my watch scoot wakes up in the middle of the night his little flap reaches for the art titty and then he then visions of Cyrus fill his head but I have to talk to Bob real quick well if it is an old vine I thought I'd come and visit the burbs today good to see you how you been babe it's fun to hang out on Main Street during off-hours Bob is a fascinating creature here in this Beast intersectional the game put up the gift I gave him yes this is the best moment ever he likes the gift enough to set it up in his little house and now we can have a come quack-job I'd like to yeah get your rod ready when a fish appears I know I know scoot new animals has moved in hmm which animals is this it's bill the duck were you practicing boxing the other day near the river I've been living here for a few days already I could swear I've seen you doesn't matter nice to probably meet you I'm bill yo vine I'm having deja vu quack Oh didn't we just talk what do you mean quack oh wait a minute that's not yours that's that other duck who's the other duck in the goddamn town I don't even remember the other duck quack quack Bert what's what's mmm not scoot the other one Molly's being nosy I'm moving out today I just wanted to say I'll always remember you and the crazy things we did together you take care of yourself don't forget your daily nap from lucky you like that lucky duck only town soon I'm really excited about the birthday present you got me it opens up brand-new possibilities in my exercise Molly stop being nosy and my exercise routine thanks for that your pal spooked see what scoot got me it's a work shirt scoot trying to send a message scoots trying to say stop this TV show host nonsense and get a real job actually has a fantastic sense of style for her she gets up to freely trouble here have a bamboo shoot why do you have this exactly that's uh nice thank you do you think she'll get mad if I just get rid of it where are you supposed to leave like four times oh you got an axe that's kind of a big boy tool isn't it I'm sure you can handle that be careful it's all right if I cut off a tentacle you still have seven more check out my awesome massage chair you're into stuff like this right I knew it you want me to give your mind don't you so you get in the chair and then a secret compartment opens up it just starts stabbing you in the buttocks it's to keep you alert you know just in case you start falling asleep on the massage chair it's just it's just a way to wake you up Pharaoh's outfit are you kidding me I get to be a pharaoh so now I just need to get the headdress and then I can be a real Pharaoh and I can subjugate my town I mean I can rule I can I can guide my town in a loving direction well okay then it's a cursed item for real or you [ __ ] are you kidding me is that a lobster that's a [ __ ] scorpion what are you doing what is this what is this O'Malley dives at the time Molly I'm running from a [ __ ] scorpion Molly it's the curse of the Pharaoh I tried to catch it could not catch it it's the curse the curse continues the curse of the Tutankhamun cold just take my lady palm and don't say a word about what the [ __ ] is this thanks scooter scoots just giving me [ __ ] thanks for being my super nice someone scoot it's so nice of you I know what you're doing you're trying to butter me up I'm raw one of these letters with my powers of prediction one of these letters will be that an animal has moved away and it's medley moving day has finally come to be honest I'm a little reluctant to leave this town and all the friends I've made here but it's time to move on I'll miss you take care medley is now cursed Oh oh this is the new place oh [ __ ] why is there like a little colony of people being built up here what the hell's going on Joey wait isn't Joey a duck too what do we got here today I'll buy the pig how much for the pig and do you have any knives so that I may create bacon hello ketchup hey it's totally Ryan ketchup looks like she's just been caught in some kind of like I wasn't supposed to no ketchup left town she thought she would never see me again and here we are you know when you run into someone that you just don't want to see you again oh here's here's Carl I mean Joey I am am I Joey a little bit living here for some time then oh you been kidding it's always nice to meet someone you see you around back cherry yo vine here shopping cherry this huge sound that stirs up my animal blood what what cherry she is my cherry pie download it and eat some chaos I'm heading to my super secret fishing spot right now so don't follow me okay it's where I go to spend a little quality time with myself fishing you're gonna go fishing right at the quality secret time spot what do you want Hernando I heard a rumor that Joey is thinking about moving out of town you know anything about that might just be a baseless rumor but I'm a bit curious anyway Joey oh no witch wait a minute that's the yellow one right oh no I can't I can't let Joey I just I can't let him walk around with fleas I'm always checking my calendar to make sure I don't miss any special special happenings like scutes Bar Mitzvah let's see the next event is a ways off yet it's good chat my fleet did you pick it off of me as my way of saying thanks please keep that flee as a present I'm okay with Joey leaving town I think that's fine I will attempt to summon a new animal crossing game by playing animal crossing directly before the direct so everybody get your animal crossing cards put them in a pentagram and pray and get your hopes up well this looks a little weird what the hell happened in my house what happened in my town hey scoop what can you tell me what's going on here I don't need to look scoot in the eye you're the new mayor I've been hearing about I'm scoot what the [ __ ] what scoot what who am I talking to zip zoom you zip zoom the [ __ ] out of here scoot what's going on here press a to shake a tree like crazy Huckle there's only scoot scoot confirmed for smash scoot confirmed for smash whose house is this it's it's scoots house zip zoom am I still sick do I still have a fever [Music] hi scoot how many scoots are there this is og scoot this is this is my dream come true I wished upon a star and it finally happened but hey I really don't want my old outfit you should take it as a moving in present oh my god what the [ __ ] this is a very cursed town now I understand what a zip zoom means I got zip zoom to the other side of the [ __ ] town from the distance look he's getting so sick of me are you really that surprised to see me doing some thinking that's kind of rude mind you better leave me alone scoot thinks what feels like a headache scoot scoot can't say thinking just like scoot can't say banana oh [ __ ] this scoot is thinking too oh [ __ ] there there's a global hive mind even an indoor glow global hive mind exists so it's not just outside scoots it's inside scoots as well oh my god this is this is weird because of how many scoots there are I can only have a limited amount of interactions give me that animal crossing animal prison yes it's real me magic is real everybody I mean it'll be banned soon but but for now me magic is real so welcome to the pizza experience [Music] here you go here's one for you south bird piston south bird has a knack for thumbnails let's just say but you should support the captain he's good god dammit screwed I'm gonna get something out of you even if I have to hack the game like south bird did B has a pretty amazing Animal Crossing video he manages to get custom text in Animal Crossing Beast intersection which is like you know Animal Crossing
Channel: vinesauce
Views: 997,702
Rating: 4.9630728 out of 5
Keywords: vinesauce, vinny, funny, silly, dumb, Weird, Random, Crazy, Strange, Odd, stream, live, hilarious, vine, animal crossing, new leaf, scoot, duck, welcome amiibo
Id: 5LP2Gdd371A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 50sec (4250 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 25 2018
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