[Vinesauce] Vinny & Imakuni - Sonic 3 & Knuckles (part 1) + Art!

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[Music] classic sonic music some of the most recognizable and memorable music in the series history wouldn't you agree in mikuni oh yes most definitely so you're gonna be playing this game right yeah yeah we're gonna be playing sonic brah knuckles the Dark Brotherhood bro knuckles how do you predict illegals Wow crow knuckles what this is this is a really interesting and possibly dark day for me I've been looking forward to this I think and this is this is Sonic I have to turn this music I cannot concentrate I said to Marissa what's the worst Sonic music in existence that I can start the stream with and of course it was Sonic Chronicles it's funny because I've never played that game I've never played any Sonic game in full but somehow I know all about Sonic Chronicles music it's it's outgrown the legacy of its game maybe you should try it as like a trash thing on stream just once just to see how bad it is for like 20 minutes yeah well I don't know maybe next year's charity event maybe anyway listen guys I have I have a mikuni with me so II mikuni you may know from vine saw stream how she's not a baby believe it or not but um at the same time I also have Knuckles with us we're gonna be playing Sonic 3 & Knuckles this is my first Sonic game that I plan on actually playing all the way through this was a charity incentive so thank you for raising money so that we could do this I guess it went to a good cause though of course you're gonna enjoy it then I think I will I mean I don't know can't be that bad right I mean it's the good it's the good sonic game it's one of the good ones one of the best ones great okay so then we'll we'll knuckle it up I want to point out before we begin my history with Sonic is a long and storied one it started when I was a jealous kid jealous of my friend Sega's I didn't have one so I [ __ ] hated Sonic because I didn't have one in reality though I did actually play Sonic a little bit when I was younger and I liked it I thought it looked good and I watched some of the show with the chili dogs which one there is two of them pretty much every single with the chicken oh that was adventurous like the Hedgehog yeah I liked like that and it kind of turned me off a little bit because I liked mayro I mean I identified with Mayo he was an Italian I'm gonna dalian I had a better time with mayro than I did with Sonic because I just enjoyed the way you could take your time with the with the games but then I remember the commercials Sonic does what or sega does what Nintendo and that made me take sides up until then it was like I like everything and then it was like [ __ ] so I kind of for a long time I just didn't play any Sonic I had Sonic Spinball on the gamegear I'm so sorry it's not a good sign when the Sonic fan tells that tells me that but I have to say um is there light static in the back of the mic how bad is it too is the static really bad let's find out probably okay you won't hear it too bad one more playing so if it's if it's a little tiny bit of static it's gonna be really low but yeah I'm excited let's do this you guys raised money for the vine sauce charity stream this year and this is well this is it this is me and Marissa playing Sonic and Knuckles and Sonic 3 or something like that enough I'm gonna need a volume check from you guys to so let me know if this sounds good [Music] how's this in terms of voice plus music because goat sounds good so this is a sonic co-op game which is kind of cool I mean thank God there are actually a couple sonic co-op games another one being knuckles chaotix but a lot of people don't like it as much and uh it's very - fast-paced - to put that into a view I don't really think I'm down for the fast paced necessarily I mean you said that this will what you said that this one is a little more slow an exploration based right yes especially if you want to get all the emeralds which we have to make sure that he gets on the emeralds right shot no Oh 14 of them right oh I guess we start all the other buttons me no welcome to Sonic where the points don't matter and every button means no let's do it so I gotta say for a 1994 game on Genesis I mean I've corrupted this screen a couple times so I'm aware of it that's super Sayan [ __ ] but visually it's a nice looking game it's very bright so with knuckles just in a rock for all this time he was burrowing his Island all right we're right so I'm tails and you're going to the left yeah yeah I think this is how you play we got to go slow to the left and this I'll just I'll just fly to the left it's fine did I win I control you now please God take this Health Network you go I'm gonna get despawned but that's okay that's just okay that's how it happened however you want to come down here you don't want to go up there you want to go to left now okay so Marissa is going to guide me this is gonna happen a lot chat what is this giant jelly doughnut don't get red spheres do borders do orders no no no no no but you can't don't get put no Ben what did I do do I make a mistake do you see an emerald no there's no emerald no okay how do we get the emerald do we have to we have to beat the stage we have to beat the stage and come back you cannot come back that is now done until you beat the game what what if we just restart sure if you want me to do the special stage I don't know if I could do you want to do I literally put my controller down and Sonic is going to the left let's try that one more time no really I'm gonna do it never mind the fact that when I press left sonic goes left like half a second later I'm not worried about that I got this all right start a new one yeah you can delete it as well but we need a server the second one okay so here's the glorious intro again I see there's Sonic turning super Sayan and I knew how many people get angry when I mispronounce DBZ [ __ ] absolutely vegetables my favorite character glue that's the green character right vegetables' who's freezer who's that guy I know who he is watch this I know how to fast I can go 47 Miller fasts per second whoops oh there's a spring up there there is that's the second time that's happened and there it goes so you know right yeah are you ready here we go again alright remember outside borders always always outside course yes you'll see why I turned loose Oh which means all the insides you'll have to get gotcha you do not have to get all the Rings Marisa that was supposed to turn into a ring except that it's only the outside the fours do not turn into it so now you know that [Laughter] so we have to beat the game now yeah yeah okay I won't have any opportunity for revenge until then I mean there are a couple of different rings in the game that's just the burn oh did you snow its tubular yeah I've been on rollercoasters push that rock I know I know I'm helping wait I can go - oh okay you have to do the thing I also can't break containers for you really employer - yep oh that's what I hear I hear that song [Music] what the [ __ ] kind of wizardry was that do we miss the secret it's just a life okay go hit the big play or - you know what that was a jape all that hits on that doesn't matter it doesn't matter okay so wow the world has been destroyed now okay watch out here this is a more tragic ending than Chrono Trigger I [Music] don't I don't know what to do there should I go fast go back where look you see that there's a rock oh yeah yeah yeah Zana can break boughs oh yeah okay so this is there an emerald here yes there's always the giant rings are always please go please go didn't press forward again to go forward okay but now you're gonna need some help bud so this is um this is my favorite game the mini game of course you almost got crushed so wait a minute I saw something up here yep you can't get up there okay I could fly you there but there's nothing else like how you just keep dying suffering a player - don't worry I'm just here for the ride and you're okay with it yep I mean I'm gonna be helping you eight bosses so and well and telling me where to go yeah I think I see a secret oh so they're shields in the game I have to explain that as well so there there are three shield there's the electric which you have which gives you a double jump there's a fire which gives you like a dash forward and there's a bubble which makes you bounce higher so how do I break those blocks you get these browsers only knuckles has different routes completely in this game let me let me help let me help you there ya go this is gonna take forever isn't it this entire playthrough or on the first day did we win yeah wow that's pretty good moisés power we picked up the wet great we did it alright so that's it that's my sonic for the year it is now done and I can suffer only in my memories now what the Christ [ __ ] am i doing right now whatever you want Oh cuz I'm a bubble I'm a Buble [Music] okay so how often do these pop up it's often in these stages and gets progressively harder to find them you have to go out of your way to search for them yeah but you know they give you the freebies I would imagine it gets progressively harder to complete them as well yes so because you failed a couple times you're on a different stage and it will eventually loop around really yes but you still can't get the knuckle emerald no I mean if you beat it you get the Emerald and it'll just you know if it won't give you the stage that you complete it versus go on it's going fast yeah what do you think that's why I was saying like I'm pretty good at this do you think I if you can't do it I should be able to save yourself did you one better your you and better that's all I have to say as someone who's completely blind into this you can jump in it yes no no that's the wrong way so I actually don't get control until I land which kind of sound really so when you're in the air you're what an I respawn and I'm just flying I don't I don't have any control I don't go very fast that's fine you don't go that fast in this game it's more about the platforming there is such thing as too fast I agree yep this is for anyone just joined this is Emma Cooney Emma Cooney has been a vine saw streamer for seven years and a Mahoney's favorite like well I don't know if it's your favorite series but your specialty is Sonic yeah my specialty is Sonic but it's actually not my favorite video game series of all time so you have some favorite sonic characters we were talking about that earlier - my favorite is bat the girl yes so who is yours mine is mark the polar bear as a serious answer really as a non serious answer my favorite sonic character is my own Sonic OC mine's Jonathan the hedgehog I was telling you about Jonathan earlier yeah likes and dislikes you have to tell Chad well Jonathan is a big hot dog fan but doesn't like the meat he's just in for the like the hotdog experience so like he'll recreate a hot dog you know like go get the fixin's the bun but he will not go for the the meat at all he doesn't like the hotdog and he also loves the Beatles but he hates John George and Paul so he only listens to the Ringo songs that's it he's just a big Ringo fan there's an extra life down here but yet there is an ease on child support there you go there yet cool I'm stuck in the wall that's all right your life is inconsequential alright so there is another thing over here so just grab onto me oh I have to okay let's go Oh should try one more time already this one looks kind of fun listen you got the basic Simon already yeah I'll [ __ ] this up somehow [Music] remember jumping is a thing right there was an opportunity what kind of eight what did was that eight what happened there you hit a bumper which bumps you backwards so you went backwards did I hit into a red thing no you hit into a bumper the bumpers are the white flipped over so you can't hit bumpers at all you can't hit bumpers my pit bumpers you're just gonna send you backwards but why did I die because you went backwards into a red sphere oh oh I did go into a red sphere I didn't notice the red sphere I was yes you made a blue sphere red and then what hit the run for and went backwards into that same sphere which means you die kohn-ma are you chatting chatting what he's right here on the couch caught you keep watching quietly no listen yeah it's true Cano Mays here moderating from real life it's pretty cool I just looked over in chat I was like wait a minute what let me know but look look I can do it you can do it you can do it I believe in you if you can't then I can't just carry you alright okay Sun means to be abyss what else was I gonna say oh yeah that's my other like the red spheres that's my other Sonico see red sphere the Hedgehog loves red spheres dislikes blue spheres only eats at Sonic I don't know right right Oh seas are hard when there's the sparkles there's bonus stages there's treated from bonus stages that's dependent on how many was I supposed to do their [ __ ] for that special stage you're on orbs and you get to rotate the traction of it and you're supposed to go upwards oh okay and you hit immediately what sends you down Oh which means you die so I made a bump I can't touch the ground oh sure I'll let you touch the ground okay thank you here we go then just keep just keep running keep running wait a minute my name is Red Steel the hedgehog my thousand-degree hot glowing knife the Hedgehog sorry this these are bad Oh Sees I'll try harder next time I'm gonna die an autoscroller yeah yeah yeah being so hard you don't have to even jump you just have to really it's a false sense of danger yes you're faster than it yeah I'm a ball now you have a ball all right you ready for this we're gonna let you figure out this box I'm not helping you I have zero rings that's nice don't die don't die you and I oh my god you didn't I saw that ah evil doctor Robo Nick that's what they call them on Nick arcade I remember that I remember getting mad as a small bad I mean I figured it out it just couldn't follow through all right so now that you figured it out I'll help you I mean like most sonic bosses you just wait for the right moment and hit the guy right is that is that accurate yeah [Music] for some of them you just keep on hitting them [Music] there's like so much pent-up frustration and anger that I have for the series and yet now that I'm playing it it was all justified I slowly looked at Marissa this is just the first stage no this is pretty good honestly well I think we both [ __ ] up well I can die as much as I alright yeah that's right yeah [Music] now we only have one more life please don't die on this boss unless we have to do that from the beginning [Music] yeah and Fitz in fact I'm gonna let you handle this all right you something jump over things though Vinny why do you hate Sonic I don't really hate him I just explained earlier it's at this point it's just become kind of a joke communicate on the stream but it started with a lot of goodbyes I'll spawn in a little bit it started with a lot of anger about those commercials that Sega was putting out and the fact that I didn't have a Genesis and also the fact that when I did play Sonic I it was too fast and I kept crashing into walls and I know what you would say good scrap but I was just crashing into walls I guess it wasn't my pace my type of pace and I know that there's been a lot of debate on whether Sonic is too fast but I think this game so far seems to be pasted a little bit more appropriately like water levels nope well too bad you're getting no one now so we're gonna go down to the Hydra City for dinner the Hydra City Diner Detroit Rock City hydro city now did Michael Jackson compose the music for this game that's actually that turn out to be true right yes sure you will definitely hear influences once you once you hear it so I mean I just want to point out I think Michael Jackson had some great tunes and he truly was the king of [ __ ] a pop and he was he was good rest in peace Michael Jackson if that piranha thing is on you you want to go left and right really quick like oh oh I see I see yeah there's uh some rings up here yep one thing I never understood about the Rings was they white like why do you have to lose them all like that was a frustrating thing for me with with Sonic because if you get all of them that's a 1-up but in mayro you could get all of them and I and it's yeah you don't lose them when you this is different thing I was just used to that when I was a kid so I didn't understand the Rings you saved yourself and you don't even know it the bubble shield has another property which is it reflects shots like that I played bball now [ __ ] I forgot that there's air that's what that sound was right don't the music yeah you see now that one I heard that I remember like meme videos from like the earlier days of YouTube so I subconsciously knew something [ __ ] up what's happening but I couldn't tell you what it was what's over this way that was the other path okay so that would go directly downward again [Music] 48 Giga fasts later we'll arrive at our destination destination if you want to go back up there or if you want to take the loops it's up to you how long does bubele last for forever until you lose it I lose it by doing stupid [ __ ] like that by hitting an enemy you're not supposed to like if I have spikes right here it's fine just don't lose it again it's a good thing that you don't have you you tails don't have to live oh no looks like you [ __ ] up I think I [ __ ] up oh come on that was [ __ ] like a medieval torture device but hey I'll say this though yes as tails you tale do not have to breathe back and forth day you have quick oh yeah I forgot about that guess it's the best we game over now before we get too far yeah do you think tails has gills no no all right do you think he is too [ __ ] so yes I do yes I do [Music] come on down to the hydrocity diner [Music] so now is it's confirmed hydrocity right that's that's the correct pronunciation it's debatable Sonic fans have been debating Wars have raged for years trying to figure out how to pronounce this [ __ ] level okay no-oh-oh text-to-speech address of the splatfest I don't know Ike I'm kind of a fan of the splatfest of a little bit more dubious proportions you know there's been some really intense debate about splat fests topics lately my favorite is poop versus pee pee I know it's very controversial teen poop do you like how I am I would try to go left and I just gave up I get kind of uncomfortable watching sonic grab on to those things like that you know I mean what does it look like to you it looks like the beginning of an Eiffel Tower don't worry about it sonic I swear to [ __ ] Christ made good things is that I can pick a brace free how do i how do I not die how do you not done yeah I mean we're about to run a bear yeah thank God I have a player too for this I think you'll need it yeah you we're not going fast enough so now you haven't going fast enough so has it been is there official or as to why the animals have to are being used for robots robots what why can't Robotnik find a more clean and efficient way to power the robots like coal we uses their souls No you're gonna die or am I gonna die but there was wasn't that bubble yeah and you ran past so how do you get the bubble it's it spawns oh you have to wait over it yes bold move to put a water level on level 2 and in this game usually get like water levels what like level 3 level 4 but sonic 2 you had a water level in the second level you know I can be an [ __ ] and steal your bubble how do I get something to it [Music] so you played this game when it first came out yes I had Sonic 3 but I never had and Knuckles my my nted ok cuz you were a young bad one this came out oh yeah yeah I was young bad when Mario 1 came out I know what the [ __ ] I was doing but I tried to play tit I tried to play it anyway it took me years to beat it but it was rewarding sure similar for you with sanic unless you were just born amazing at sanic games for some unknown reason I was very terrible at Sonic we hit this forever there's no point except getting points or are you kidding me I think having a chance of one of the containers okay obviously I love points she practically spin dashed out of the womb someone just so then you might wanna play one second here you have to pay attention to this part especially yeah one second okay sorry I was just checking checking my portfolio you know stocks and bonds trading from Helsinki to Geneva you gotta be a businessman I've got to figure out how to get them hot dogs without the actual meat on them you should do it I can't believe you're right now I can't believe you what we're stuck maybe try going to the left what the [ __ ] did I just do Marissa came in general has clips and which some are very hard to do usually they align it goes through walls yeah and stuff like that sometimes I leave you to dead ends where you can't do anything which I'm pretty sure situation we're in and some of them leads you to the end of the level depending on what your coordinates are my passive front it did I can't believe you our stuck so how do I get out of this restart the game [ __ ] to have to do level two again the first level yeah as anyone see restarted we have to do the first act again yes that is correct I hope it was worth it [Music] use the Crouch trick I was told I could use the Crouch trick I don't think that wouldn't work what about timing out is there a way to time out wait 10 minutes 10 minutes had a fast-forwarded I think it would have just been easier to just do this this is fine whatever oh my god I hope it was worth it for the twitch clip of me clipping and you freaking out but hey I know now I was meant to be a speedrunner yes I zoomed out of the room you are going to be a wonderful Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles speedrunner [Music] who's dying I am oh good I'm always dying on tails [Music] look underwater get out of here yeah I was just freaking out so it's like I was just trying to jump and do the invincibility frames during that whole thing and little did I know man not a good idea the question I have is who really died that thing I'm so pathetic I have to quote my own memes okay okay got all my rings back this is the first time in a video game that my sonic voice like freaking out where I go how is actually appropriate at any other time it's just been pointless and pandering now it's actually this game seems well put together it's because I I think it's something like the box wasn't loaded because I was off screen and then it loaded so push me good just do another clip no oh you can go through those [Music] why am I so good at this it's okay I do so many good things do you want to take the spring up there what you just bring up here but I don't think you can go there just yet can you fly me over there I doggy paddle in the water so I'm I don't think I can I always about to get us some rings because we don't have any [Music] there you go get blue Spears oh wait can I I can only jump oh god this is gonna be it doesn't even matter if I jump or not to be honest [Music] Marissa what what in the name of God is happening it's close fear is get the blue spheres you can go around those you know don't don't jump into it you're gonna have a bad time in I make some fun noises when I play this game so this level is really really tricky so you know how you jumped into those before jump just keep on going you have to jump over red spheres there's another path and then uh yeah just keep on going there's there's four sets of nine and then there's another nine somewhere like another path I have to jump over Marissa this is too fast for me I can't believe I just did that I was trying to turn around yeah I want to turn around so I could jump I wanted to dip zoom you can't you're trying hard though you almost made it almost almost isn't gonna get any Chaos Emerald Marissa I know but don't worry even though [ __ ] okay emerald is don't want it so you get seven of them they're like Dragon Balls they were literally an homage to Dragon Balls and then get them you go super you're invincible we're we're destined to play this lover lover for the rest of our lives nah you jump over and once I spawn remember your iframes [Music] I got that for you so you're just gonna spin us in the water it doesn't do anything one no washing machine do a save state in case we click again I would at this point if you have to use save States especially if you want to try to do save States for the special stages I would not be upset even though I don't know my I mean the special stages I want to give you the special stage next time alright but I'm so maybe your controller even so I know I'm not sure how I feel about collecting all 14 of camera cameras emerald you are too slow I tried to do a wall clip again okay to be so lucky [Music] [Music] I just won't get the Karma everyone thanks to the game is gonna be lenient [Music] [Music] what oh thank god I thought we were gonna get locked out nope [Music] good yeah wrong way rod leg dopes it go right go right that's not all of sonic he's go right but in this case it is go right this bin okay it's a water park this you've got up the hand grab yeah let you feel it up a little bit all right I'm gonna be grabbed by Ghoulies Sharpedo don't tell me that's actually the things name I don't know what the things that might as well be Sharpedo it could be I know some of the Mario villain or enemy names are as ridiculous as shark pedo so wouldn't be surprised are in this area but I will let you know where one is definitely sure should I go left I forgot if there was one over there so it's fine let it carry you up put enough secret no secret it's kind of like a cheap thing over there I can never find the way to get it shark pedo is a Pokemon oh yes right so we were talking about this earlier but your thoughts on Sonic mania Oh mania is excellent like as far as 2d sonic games go I'm so glad that we got an actual good one for once yeah I'm pretty happy for Sonic fans it's nice to see Sonic fans happy and also you know I mean Mario hasn't had too many missteps but Mario's had his share of fuck-ups there's been just been a couple all right so we're here I believe let me let me carry or you getting you get to a high ground and I will carry you up so like slugs whoa okay yeah jump over there okay all right so now I'm passing the controller to Marissa all right which which stage is this okay it's this one so this one's kind of difficult because there's like a specific way that you have to do it yeah I can see that unless you have to do like perfect double jumps over some of them yeah that doesn't seem like it would be very accurate thing to do at all times I'm lucky I got a double jump earlier my first and last one ever now I can still mess up on special stages even though I've done a couple of these pretty recently yeah I would be I would not be surprised these are hard and then it starts to get real fast oh yes [Music] all right so [Music] [Music] I also just got us continue oh yeah as Conor McGregor said you got composure on the third round undeterred round things was going great but I've never seen you more composed I I had to play to mania anyway they put the same stages in mania and it goes faster really yeah as a controller exactly the same or it's controlled exactly the same get back on up here I got tired I'm sorry it's only like eight years old so give him some credit I can't get up there I thought I could what's this going this way I mean that way is interesting and can crush you so be careful that's okay just click through the wall if I need to so the good thing about continues is that it's different than lives you run out you get you over with the continue you start from the same act you were on basically I think the same checkpoint - there it goes 104 rings about [Music] honey worlds are there in this game with the final stage 13 and we're up to number two yes there are some seniors that are only once each we're never gonna complete this I mean this this might be a two-parter it might be but uh happy ok for the night is young and full of terrors exactly you might get good [Music] Vinny is vine sauce named from the vine app before it was deleted yes no we came from Vsauce oh right we were from Vsauce and then vine came out and then we did oh it was based on the Olive Garden they had a dish where there's pasta in a white wine sauce so over here I need to get you up there all the way up there but it's gonna be difficult how do so go back down all the way and you got a spindash and just go back all the way and then let momentum carry you all the way up again I think that'll let you do it maybe I don't know if you get high enough guess you all but you have to land on that right we need to get up there [Music] where is Joel I think he's in Sweden no he's right here man okay I'm playing those knuckles man every other vine saw streamer that isn't me is actually Joel I don't know if you knew that no no okay so wait for me to spawn you want to get on to one of those platforms there but I'm gonna carry you up specifically I don't know sonic cannot jump up there hold on let me win [Music] bring me to the secret zone just passing it off again I hate this one this one does not look fun besides Frank who's your favorite always sunny character oh it's gonna be the implication I mean Charlie's the fan favorite but the longer you watch the show and you get to see Dennis turn more and more into a sociopath well here controller I can see little little latency sort of things is there that might also be the emulator I mean the legit sega system ah yes yes but yet dennis is fun to watch [Music] descend into madness [Music] I uploaded those Game of Thrones impressions a couple people got angry this is a view games thumbs down and then they left but it's full discussion is on my full sauce channel if you want to hear all of my two hours of thoughts on season seven and there's some participation in the comments - we had some good discussions hizzy mikuni at your house yes he's trapped me here plus said I flew her in from New Jersey she took a flight to Staten Island I have to play blue sphere for him it was a three minute flight yeah I've cat I've helped a mikuni she has to complete all blue spheres and then she she can get ice cream and free it's pretty much true no it's true yeah I've got ice cream don't feed me nothing but ice cream I've got um wait a minute that could get weird but I know I have I have ice cream that I bought for the four Gil right yeah sexy man right here alright so you want to go all the way to the right it's that way that you were going go to the right yeah you almost got crushed again I know no I'm clipping you're clipping yeah yeah it's that that prosonic skill that you you just naturally have [Music] I'm a dime oh I'm gonna push switch ran where are you his knuckles Joel yeah [Music] so this is a boss [Music] robotnik looks like a Jen from the top of the moustache forward [Music] you can jump onto that and then try to hit them or you can try to but you have the right idea I think if you do that right and the bombs they can send you up a few jump I'm trying to get you ring too [Music] fun recycled ring over and over again all you need one right can you combo if you do that muting god damn that picked up bunny McCune he's microphone very jockey there's a little spit those little spit that's that's also nine years of smoking and despite me having quit my coughs still sound like dying cattle hey man we have one minute to beat this boss unless you time over but you did it you kidding me I got this um so some good sonic Sonic's okay go this way all right we rescued Buster bunny and his many clones I think Asia - there's little seals oh yeah there you go Bugs Bunny of course would [ __ ] a lot right yes and also welcome to the worst level who are you ever attracted to Bugs Bunny when he put on the week no no this level does suck [Music] good thing about it is that it is amis this amaze yeah so you okay do you know how to get out of here yes but you are going the right way but eventually it becomes a meze don't go there don't go there you crush [Music] [Music] - yeah don't you love this already this is only one the beginning of this level really in one life yes we do we do have a continue so oil you I think you jumping I think and I that applies everything that makes you sink in this game so there goes that can be perfectly good continue we had yes because we're back at the beginning of a level with no checkpoint anyway and no more continues right correct great I can always get more that's no problem [Music] you see another thing that I forgot to mention is that you earn continues in bonus stages and special stages every time I hit that [ __ ] thing and in order to get into bonus and special stages is that you have a certain amount of rings and hit a checkpoint and then you'll see the sparkles jump into the sparkles there's three different types of bonus stages oh my god so that is actually a spring enemy you can jump on those no Jake no Jake no Jake jump on it no jape and everyone saying Jake I got killed by the by the projectile not not the actual spikes like hey maybe this time I can avoid the thing that keeps killing me every time I run into - every single time possibly the worst enemy in the history of enemies possibly ever that's the second time I've done that all right yeah you're right but you have to determine which ones are spikes and which ones are fakes Jeep serious yeah so okay those go back to that there you go oh so it keeps the spawning that's really weird okay tops keep holding forward you go fast you can control it if you let go of it you you drop a little bit which is actually kind of needed you on the ground you're gonna subdue them all over the place it's a touch the ground or not wow this game is [ __ ] unforgiving yes but once you understand how it works it becomes very easy like but stuff that doesn't garner our response it doesn't deserve one oh this way no as I remembered the ground that bit the ground that's down this one right here and then you can pull up the go or just jump or whatever okay don't don't don't don't get cheap you want to go up to go down if you go down if that's the mace it resets and then you just keep going in a circle [Music] generally in the sambal you want to just keep on going upwards or whatever so those are orange trees what's the significance of the orange trees is there a lure sonic likes oranges I don't know hmm I'll accept it I'll buy it it's probably probably not the best move how about this you got tails or that and you have tails again are there any lemon stealing enemies in this game there might be I'm sorry I'm just I'm the worst right now I you know what I'm not gonna blame Sonic necessarily but I'm at my worst tonight in particular potentially because I'm playing Sonic I'm not sure so as a general rule at the top follow the trail of rings [Music] holy [ __ ] yep [Music] [Music] so yeah this isn't Michael Jackson yet is it no he only worked on a few specific songs but um his producer did a lot of the work okay yeah because it's it's reminiscent of Jaco forgot if there's anything up there it's the right way left to right I always I was checking if there was anything up to the left but a little bit too late [Music] [Music] the credits theme is pretty much stranger in Moscow yes I love that song yeah straight up it sounds exactly like it's awesome [Music] tame impala did a good cover of stranger in moscow if anyone in chat is interested so that'll instantly crush you well that goes then yeah you have to be very quick on your spin dashes in this game what's the spin - again you don't say charge it up for very long either even just a one tap or two Top Spin Dash is the Facebook yep am I going the right way I have no idea just keep on going until you hit something gosh I want that you can't why would they put that there they're evil reminder that you have zero rings I was like one pixel to the left yeah it's what crushing in this game does you have your pinky toe right warts shouldn't be you're dead I can see that at least we're back at the beginning of this yeah I guess wasn't marbles own in the first sanic yes well this is marble garden what's right right which is technically in a similar air and when it's like so it's still grease but just in a different spot yeah you're learning you're not learning you totally almost died there it's a lot of um getting stopped I'm just gonna I'm just gonna ride around on Mira I know that's fine just fine there's real estate yeah there's there's room there's room at the top they are telling you soon number when I told you not to go down oh yeah yeah yeah so it's cool if I just regard that right [Music] I'm not even sure I'm alive anymore sorry it's okay it's not your fault one surpasses all men hey that's Hedgehog don't die tails I'm not I'm just getting a little tired just a small Babb [Music] I'll just collect some of the Rings so far we are going the right way yes I'm sort of guiding you okay and which this she'll do again double jump all right [Music] and it clicks rings as it's other property guys you probably figured out phases [ __ ] spikes [ __ ] sea horses so cute I love them for pure [ __ ] pufferfish Springs for everything now [ __ ] mace [Music] remember this is a crush the area [Music] [Music] alright good that's where we died last time oh you're actually farther now I think this is just good you're going the right way I got to bring the top with us never mind [Music] where we go checkpoint [ __ ] I think I made it good yeah you you you made it good all right let's just [ __ ] all to get one of them rings I'll let you handle some of this while I oh yeah spikes no rings I got it though all right cool good [ __ ] you should see the smile on Marissa's face she's happy she's happy in play sonic with you it's a historic moment what other games should I play that I don't like or here's a better question what other series should I play oh this is gonna be bad no they're gonna be thousands of suggestions well what games don't you like all of them you get on the point oh I see [Music] yeah yeah it pretty much the answers I was expecting so miss blouse is actually gonna be really interesting as well for 2-player I don't know how it's going to hand it evenly pan out yeah when we get there you'll see okay [Music] there's checkpoint over there you see that that glowy should go into the glowy [Music] don't get it we have to wait a second you're in orbit and you have to wait until you're going upwards to go up all right Marissa gets the next bonus stage there's different ones like you haven't seen the other two one is just say um a slots casino like thing you want to get off you don't want to be there but um the other one is like a capsule machine and you just get power-ups from it and extra lives and stuff okay so that that I can do you can do that one [Music] I think for that down there if you didn't spin that I think that there might have been a ring down there but I forgot oh no there it is you found it I'm still giving it to you son these are only getting harder to run again you know I already handed it off no no no you doing you knew the next one get us to continue the only perfect it out perfect it or do whatever you need to perfect it it's fine poker Smith is easy hopefully I'm just checking because it does go no you gotta check for ya you gotta get your bamboozle Insurance ID this first [Music] [Music] I'm addicted to blue sphere god yes my dream the entire time for Sonic mania there there's a thing where you can it's an optional thing to get all perfect I got all of them art never crazy jet collect all the Rings see we got it we got to continue nice nice nice and perfect easy it go away faster [Music] so there's how many Chaos Emerald 14 there's seven in the first one so we're still in the first half of the game so there's only me seven and there's an additional seven got you all right great great oh my my knee hurts I kept might like my knee in one position for too long because I was afraid to move I didn't want to miss anything in this ear sonic game I was so excited I'm getting excited already because I I just remember what the next zone is cloud zone that's what it could be if you know me as well as you know me and you do know me well those words don't even sound like words anymore after I said them that many times but if you know me like you know me then yeah that's it's definitely clown zone or scoot zone ah he's great so there if we didn't latch on Tony's game oh we would have been stuck in the maze yep we got to go around for another loop for another week yeah trapped forever in this level [Music] I want to go up do not go that way so I think just invincibility but that's about it there you guys forget it now [Music] I'll fly you out what's the major malfunction here I want that one ring so we got safety I just got really lucky I feel like this is the same level or the same part of the level we were at earlier yeah it just looks similar right yes that's why it's whole thing is that it's maze so it looks very very similar kind of kind of [ __ ] horrendous was that a chicken that popped out of that left one yep do you want to know the the chicken's name sure the official official sonic Lord's name is cocky aren't you get in the caucus I got some nice some nice flower for you and some herbs and spices oh it's just turning into [ __ ] wine delta they're called cuckoos maybe I'm pronouncing it a little bit incorrectly on purpose that said cluck so you just continue doing that [Music] ya know we're gonna have a good time here we go [Music] go up yeah there you go Sonic but you have to avoid that there you go all right the old ball and chain the spiky ball and chain oh that's a let's do want to go back up there yeah you can we go back up there people started clapping in the chat they started they were like yeah he did it and then just abject terror [Music] but this isn't up to sound that's fine fine get the fire shield for the first time try it up I had this once did you yeah I didn't really get a chance to use it properly but now you got to it's gonna pop up right there so like I was saying it's gonna be interesting because how you're supposed to do it is that tails carries you and you control tails and sonic at the sea oh really so you've never done this co-op no this particular wall no you also want to keep moving because it is uh it's lowering down on you more okay fire power up is coming very handy for this section [Music] they go in the birds do they have a special name that's gonna make me um have my regrets about asking you put their name [ __ ] flicky clicky clicky tricky what did you say flicky the just the Bluebirds yes wiki's oh okay so I think I'm gonna have to control you and I think all you get to do Carly I missed a bonus yes yes you did so don't fret you're gonna fall down you cannot die by falling down okay do I control you yes I do all right so so I really can I can hit him just you can just stay there and I can just kind just take care of this thing I have a feeling you have a feeling it's safer if I just don't press anything at the same time I can't hit him in certain ways either this is a good time for me to have some ice cream if you want ice cream go for it all right I got this I only have a minute more to beat it by myself so I think I got this there we go they did it just me solo I wish I could drop in there we go just drop them right there we're a carnival night zone there's clowns all right so for this level I will not be helping you with the level itself hang on a minute now Merson does not want to help me for this one right so I have to figure out how to do this on my own and the way I can do that is listen to the music while I eat my ice cream he's got a patient though tails is yawning he's gonna fall asleep all right fine let's do this balloon this really is some sick clown music though now was this the first Sonic game to have clown environment or was there as far as like cloud lycée no oh no casino is gonna think since - since - and that was it like carnival zone or it was casino night so carnival zone this is the peace this is the first time I showed up Wow yes and in Sonic mania is there clowns or is there clown zone there is not clown zone and Sonic mania I can tell you that however there are they're magicians their positions yes those hacks not nearly as interesting or funny as clowns so you can get on the wheel this is a mechanic you can't go that way it's telling you that people keep tweeting pictures of the [ __ ] clown motel to me like this has been happening are you gonna buy it yes seriously but no people are like driving by there I think they're like going to their clown Mecca and they're just like trying to find out what it's like and of course are immediately disappointed you can get on me if you want to see what's up there there might be something up there I forgot [Music] oh yes yes SS there is something up there look there's a ring there's ring greenie don't cut me is it [Music] this is a good time for ice cream I get to play blue sphere and when you get to eat ice cream I say that's pretty win-win dimmer it's actually cream ice cream ice so yeah it's like kind of little lighter than ice cream it's the best ice cream in the world it's graham crunch from Ralph's ices if anyone on the East Coast knows what that's all about [Music] where's the Polish polish water-ice well it's in the fridge we got mango we got rainbow we get cheery and that's all real we have that we do I can't wait to eat it later I got us another continue to tell you noises though we got the best on the boardwalk come on down they'll never be well done hear that we were talking earlier about which means people like turn into memes like well which things which phrases which things have become popular and it's totally unpredictable like neither of us had any I told there really is there really is latency I should have just like not gone ferla continues and stuff I am sorry but you know I think that we need to continues a little bit more I can always come back later for emerald grinding if it comes down to it okay sorry I'm not eating into the microphone anymore I didn't think you'd be able to hear me eat my ice cream into a microphone but then I realize I have a [ __ ] compressor and it takes any of the little like tiny noises and turns them into an avalanches good but no I was gonna say we don't you know it's it's like kind of impossible to know what people are gonna pick up on Marissa and I had no idea that um the B's thing was gonna become a thing for example and I had no idea that the [ __ ] Polish water ices from the boardwalk who was going to be repeated so frequently on the stream okay I don't like this I need a ring I need a ring in my hip my fix isn't that a Michael Jackson thing I believe there was like a video about the music and that that that dented dent was in a Michael Jackson song I don't know it doesn't matter we got clowns now that's all that matters Michael Jackson was almost a clown [Music] he was like just a couple years away from truly looking like one unfortunately yeah I have my my deep empathy for that dude I have my question heavily some of this [ __ ] that happened to that guy Wow so these levels here's the problem I have with Sonic and it's not necessarily a huge problem but it'sit's a thing that I have to adjust to it's that I never know where I'm going yes I really the levels are so big I don't know if I'm going anywhere near the right direction most of the time I know there's multiple paths that take you to the same spot eventually but it still confuses me because I'm used to going right and continuing to go right so I get a little bit confess I let's most platformers you know it's not just mayro it's like almost every platformer is go right with some degree of predictability Sonic isn't as a linear people make it out to be doesn't seem very linear in fact it seems like there's a thousand different paths which would give me if I was younger oh I see so I couldn't get a ring yeah I couldn't get one either and I was able to ride that was that it should I stayed on there no so the trick for this is that you have to make it hit itself you hit it it opens up oh thank god you just did that yeah I know holy [ __ ] however this next level like I said you have to figure out yourself Vinnie if Sonic was more zoomed out it would make the game more fluid and less infuriating while Sonic mania Sonic mania makes it it zooms out a little bit stretches it yeah he has to eat his cream ice yeah it was right it was really good you're all wasting precious I'm sorry I'm not gonna finish the game tonight just so they can get some more ice cream later or next time but you know I'm happy to oblige we will get some more ice cream it closes soon though it's out of season real soon remember even polish water ice doesn't stay open all year round you can only be the best on the boardwalk three months out of the year so you don't want to be on the spikes there yet to keep going right keep going up music the [ __ ] music is JP music and the level is japes yep I think someone you actually got up the right way and you're gonna fall off of it I think someone um did it when I did corruptions for this game I think there was some corruptions on this level I have a vague familiarity with this level for some reason I don't know why okay I gotta be honest that just looks like a pulsing [ __ ] hemorrhoid it does I know it's supposed to be balloons but you know you can okay hold on let me let me hear you up tails I'm your little helper buddy what you're supposed to do is go back and there's a little path this way oh [ __ ] that there ways if you did not bounce all the way there ways a ring there yeah so we go back and get it yes by going through this section again you can be all the way down however you have that bubble now and then if you wait a little bit and then jump you go higher but I was on the platform which I don't want to be so what do I do if you go a little bit and then you just fall naturally well naturally what why why God was that because pawn let me let me see if I could fly you us onto it yeah so we want to you know it's not easy to stick to these [ __ ] wheels is it no be on the wheel would be bad right now I'd say stay where you are oh but it's gonna knock us around a lot you were on me I know let's try again fly with all your might miles nope say I remember that that's no I remember that naturally again because eventually we're gonna time over which is bad I remember watching one of the sonic shows and one of the big reveals was that tails his real name was miles yes what show was that if anything it was probably Saturday morning sonic because in the cartoons or actually an Eddie of them he was like oh miles I hate that name call me tails and said okay yeah there was that was like the American lore I seem to remember there being some kind of reveal and everyone was like well miles is your name just like okay it was just part of the show yeah what the [ __ ] all right I will fly you up again all this ring so instead here's what we're gonna do yeah don't it isn't it jump to now doing all right I'm not gonna go for perfect or anything this time yeah I'm just gonna get the Emerald [Music] [Music] what you doing over there men check on my phone now you're fine yes now imagine if you did this by yourself if you're forced to do this with no safe states how well do you think you'd fare after a while Oh with with savestates or without what the hell oh yeah no no no mate there's no way it's not an easy game it really isn't [Music] makes it look easy look at it another emerald Wow Wow so I want to change I said I've been playing this for 20 years and I'm still not this good I know I make it look easy - all right so one more time do that section sovan we're gonna run out of time yeah we're gonna run out time eventually the time limit is ten minutes once we time over we just go back to last checkpoint okay that's really no big deal all right so what were you gonna say I was gonna say did you know that there's actually a duck official sonic character no yes he is the best character what's the what's the character's name I'm not making this [ __ ] up his name is bean that's my new favorite I told you he's green he's a green duck that there's bombs he's green - he's green when did this turn into Donkey Kong Country it's been like that for a while we're like Donkey Kong Country in mania a lot of barrels a lot of barrels and they have like foreground/background mechanics as well blowing bubbles so this is the part where chat please be quiet Benny has to learn this is this is the passage of getting good at Sonic you have to figure this out by yourself have fun I'm gonna sit here maybe you shouldn't because tails is kind of [ __ ] me up I have nothing I'll stand off of it here you oh it doesn't matter if you're on it yeah this is the barrel isn't it this is the barrel I heard about the barrel you know how I know as soon as we started the stream people in chat were like the barrel I'm letting AI take over so whatever you jump the AI is jumping so chat do you think VIN is gonna time over [Music] it kind of sucks doesn't it no don't know what to do with it trying to let it go down I'm trying to use the momentum right that's what it's all about momentum that's cute no that's real cute there's another trick yes can you figure it out in time though no the clock is ticking Vinnie you only have only about a minute dirty to figure it out until you die I see [Music] right I'm enjoying this so much you have no idea but just [ __ ] my mama Tiffany no one more minute no yes he's struggling the time is flashing warning you you only have about 30 seconds left Merce I hate this you hate this why do you hate this is this one of those things where it's easy as soon as you figure out what the hell is going on yes [Music] what do you time when we're do you want me to tell you yeah don't worry you know what all right don't tell me yet okay don't do this to me [ __ ] this yet again [Music] infuriating alright ai-ai-ai-aight as my honor dictates I have to do this now my honor as a member of the Babb crew mm-hmm I will do this what the [ __ ] like I in any way shape or form I needed more than one ring yeah I guess so yeah oh yeah all right we're gonna go that way yeah which is why it is the rite of passage you must figure it out or die but but why does it have to be Springs cocking me at every moment we'll just rather have bottomless pits because that's what the other Sonic games to no I think I'd rather have this than bottom bottomless pits yeah okay you know I played a lot of Sonic fan games I've had shitty Sonic showcases I've seen it's funny I have to go under it don't I maybe listen when this hits minute four then I'm gonna ask you to tell me I'm gonna try to figure this out until then a minute for four minutes okay yes thank you for the clarification girl [Laughter] come on come on you [ __ ] [ __ ] blue [ __ ] [ __ ] rodent [ __ ] Road you'd be roadkill if this was the real world son I really really you hate this don't you hate it yeah you're gonna scream so loud when I tell you I feel like if you're saying it like that and then I must be you're gonna say that your dingus right you're probably right I believe that all right I can't figure it out all right you ready yeah I guess so you want a hit first yeah hinge please welcome to barrel the barrel is spinning look at the barrel shapes what did they say the barrel shapes yeah there's triangles on them up and down yeah so don't jump don't jump and press up and down the best part is you don't know it's working until like the third or fourth up and down press yep so you don't know you just don't know you have to you have to really commit to the up and down thing if you're gonna get there yes most people think you're gonna jump in here crushed carnival [ __ ] nightmare [Music] [ __ ] I'm just so happy this was for charity why why there don't put it there you [ __ ] it's deceptive because the jumping does the trick - yes but you're also holding up and down most of the time when you're doing that or at least landings yeah [Music] how far down can you go spikes hey everybody this is Shuang Danielson I'm here to deliver the news tonight's news Vinny goes insane playing Sonic the Hedgehog 3 and knuckle and just one knuckle I think it would have been ok with his name just being knuckle [Music] it's like you know tails you know yes at the end of the word tails but it couldn't just be easily be tail or Sonic could be Sonics s o ni X I'll actually know if there's anything up there okay so you can just keep on going that way but uh you know water be quick 6666 viewers coincidence that that would happen during the satanic part of the level I think not this one you can't manipulate it no their umbrellas you can manipulate and some that are just static definitely not confusing yeah that one you can manipulate though I'm so sorry fun yet no no not even a little oh yeah yeah I'm having I'm having fun for in a general sense right now no I did clown japes own [Music] anything down there swings it looks like but you keep you know pushing yourself back into it so maybe go ahead go down there and you what's up dude I love it [ __ ] God you got that ring I'm so happy tails can pick up rings for the team I'm not completely useless no you're definitely you're definitely useful especially during bosses so we got the power back on which means more japes why don't you go into the okay never mind it's good yeah just keep on going mr. secret there was a bonus stage you keep missing them it's it's it's too late however I don't know if there's anything up there so let me go check I didn't see tails go through anything so do you need to carry you probably can you just carry me through the whole game it's only okay we're good [Music] is there something up there hold on wait there might be something up there [Music] doesn't look like it no all right so just go low [Music] oh good then there there we go yep there you go all right if there's not a clown boss there there should be something up there hold on let me let me spawn let me spawn you're not allowed to support don't go that way you have to go up that's why I'm China yes there is there's I do remember the spot I mean I do have a double jump I might be able to utilize maybe now you're not high enough there you go get them emeralds I'm trying [Music] this intense concentration from me I wouldn't want to distract you okay you can talk to me okay get a chance to I tried to turn there I don't know if it's your d-pad either but it's something's [ __ ] up right something's a little [ __ ] up cuz my feel is a lot cleaner hang on just one second sure get the rollers with Marissa I'm trying I'm sorry Charles I've let you down yeah don't let Charles down and also muffles worse the butler don't let him down he was here during the german stream he's he's off tonight but you don't want to let him down [Music] [Music] this is the way you're supposed to Charles the new mainstay of the vine sauce crew Charles is the new vine sauce dreamer [Music] so what you think it is but yes yeah it's a little something know what I think it's just time to go probably go back this way right yeah he's in the centipede chamber and make him say pooper Geist all right yeah I should do that people would tell me to do that the other day hey were you here for the pooper Geist thing for you you were okay yeah yeah it's good good moment and that's that that's not I know where that is it's not where we're supposed to be at all I remember I think I don't know if you looped back around I think you jumped off at a point Sara Charlotte so many bumpers in this game get that yo go get that gift get but we're gonna time over and go backwards you cannot go and get it now we had to face the boss and we're not gonna have enough time do you realize that I was trying to get it but I had already committed to going fast to the right yep we're gonna get killed by cutscene really yep so there's no chance we can defeat no I don't think so I can try really fast we've got 30 seconds I'll try to handle it you're doing pretty good you did it yeah oh my god I can't believe you did that by yourself because I can't I can't hurt him you had to do it this time good luck five all right get in the cannon hi guys I'll just wait outside Oh [Music] I know I know this music yes why do I know this music the jetsons hard times that is the original song it's um this wasn't a number of like YouTube videos - I think probably some extreme sports on behalf of sonic legend of oh my god rappy knows what it was from bows from The Legend of sanic ocarina fast it was what I did the sanic thing I put the music in there Jesus how the [ __ ] do you remember that oh thank you hopefully I don't mess this up this time you won't there will be no distraction oh [ __ ] no you cooked out of me sorry sorry okay I can't click out I can't click out you know what that's why you got killed before cuz I clicked out did you I didn't realize that oh my god I figured I'll just go click on the internet real quick and see if I can get Charles to say poop or Geist and then bristles loses control this is the one I [ __ ] up on before - I think right yeah I think there's there's probably a function on bizhawk so that when you click out controller still works I wouldn't be surprised [Music] all right that's another one down there as you know that's where as one emerald I'm gonna do a quick save state just in case I [ __ ] something up but I wonder if there's a way to do this config customize a few settings no does anyone know on bizhawk if there's a way to disable you losing control when you uh click out I guess doesn't matter I mean it's not a huge deal but yeah I figured it would be great for me to just like type in poop or Geist and [ __ ] like that you want to type in poop buddy you can take poopers no there isn't okay that's fine here let me let me do this then [Music] by popular requests poopa just he said poo purchased yuki you're the only one who couldn't hear it there's there's one person in a world who can't hear ya it's it's kill everyone in chat can hear it desert has a solution he says click file open a cold one can you Sonic for a moment sure I'll sonic for a moment do you want me to Sonic oh there is a way customer hang on a second config customize accept background input nice go ahead I'm pausing play so you can still play I can so play there we go we figured it out now mercy kill them lose fear [Music] hoopha just poop legit I spelled it a little different I reverse the I in the e who purchased he goes pooper I'm a grown-up I'm Pete no no I'm gonna go get a cold one just for a minute yeah desert alright you go open a cold one and I'm gonna I'm gonna do this I'm gonna do this puzzle [Music] I found the other special stage because I knew where it was I'm gonna go play it this CEA's yeah just just hand them over I'll just eat him while playing no probs [Music] [Music] I wouldn't let me turn again that's a [ __ ] that's not your fault there that's just me probably a stroller I'm blaming the controller Charles is Charles in the controller making me lose okay yeah I guess the good news is that we're your only two away like emeralds away into getting seven there [Music] we are like almost halfway through [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay I'm ready all right let me just do this section for ya okay let's do this all right they got on pause and we are okay looks like kill penguin from Mega Man X just a bunch of little chill penguin fellas [Music] hold on I [ __ ] up I can't I can't use tails Carol that's the AI you've been did you switch it on to 1p mode try now I can't okay what am i drinking um the stupid cider thing I don't really know what this is woodchuck hard cider it's just been in there for like a year [Music] it's my one called one that's good it's fine all right let's see if you got tails power you got boost power we will never know I know what happened I clicked out before you negotiated the terms of the contract of you entails yes so you wanna user an idea but don't do it on there [Music] you have the right idea then yeah do it from here yep that's exactly correct I [Music] thought yeah I thought we had a checkpoint [Music] what was that killed who I did yes I guess I did that earlier so yeah that's cool there will be another one soon No [Music] [Music] have you figured it out yet oh I thought I was just supposed to watch and enjoy I was like oh this is a cool cutscene it goes on a little long but nothing and been like it would have taken me a while [Music] [Applause] [Music] [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] tails getting tired will excuse me tails oh god no you're too shared [Music] [Applause] [Music] worst comes to worst I might be able to fly you up all right what the [ __ ] I try to use the momentum alright I got it this time [Music] see I'm still a little nervous about that because there's obviously why do you want to use the continue my no whoops [Music] this is this is going well yeah it's fine [Music] jump over the Rings real quick [Music] someone in chat said I think Vinny has never actually played a video game before don't be funny you finally you know that you've got AI [ __ ] you too mad angry Messi once again where's their bonus stage ok so let me let me let me let me let me show you let me show you yeah you see you see back here there's something called the checkpoint you know sometimes it glows and there's red sparkles around it right that's right there you told me about that yeah that's the thing do I just break the level no let me let me spoil normally stop get me out of buffer hell I can't help it I'm tails right now [Music] okay [Music] the short answer is I've never actually played a Sonic game before and I am invested in the game emotionally at this point not just physically but emotionally I have sexual feelings towards this game I think they're a little unhealthy so I'm gonna stop playing it now okay I'll figure out how to do it just just let me just let me bang ruffle all right there we go [Music] Jonathan the Hedgehog and he also he's got some other interests he likes to he likes to rowboat that's a weird just only rowboat just rowboat yeah he likes ta likes to rowboat it's like motor boating but just a lot slower than from a little bit okay that's what I should have done before I was sorry I was a pixel I was a pixel to the right last time [Music] johnathan the hedgehog also likes M&Ms but only the brown ones much like van halen he knows the difference make no mistake he knows [Music] because we're gonna be waiting here for a while yep you are not fast enough my friend you gotta go [Music] Oh death around every corner I think I'm gonna make a new sonic OC after you what's yours what's mine yeah are you gonna figure it out over in time you're gonna make it out to make it up for you eventually his interest is obviously does Jack Nicholson the hedgehog is it to acting I can't get down on that likes all the things that Jack Nicholson likes dislikes all the things that crabs like the self-loathing creature [Music] is that really like is that a big part of the OSI community for sonically you need to have likes and dislikes yes that's a big thing yes of course how could you character build without it I don't know I guess make them do things you know judge them by their actions no spikes I know it's my favorite part of the game [Music] come on let's take you back yes no no I got this time this time I got it [Music] [Music] yes I got it this time my guys assign I agree this come on here we go then we got it we got it this is blindly run and okay here we go all right we stay here this time I have to be super fast super fast the hatch oh that was you yeah you just were I just said that to show you what to do [Music] no yes no don't do the end [Music] here Oh I'll lead the path for you thank God that is there anything else up there I don't think so uh-huh you found the thing and I was gonna wait for the red thing to appear the sparkles you don't have enough rings oh I made you need a lot okay as long as I know no I remembered okay is that normal no I'm zipping around what [ __ ] qpu are we in now I was just trying to go fast here we go I can't push it cuz I'm tails all right on top and you're gonna go backwards and I'm gonna crush you we have to reset it [Music] so yeah just normally do this [Music] so you're gonna to yourself Jesus [Music] I'm afraid of everything if this game wants me to be afraid of every single object in the game its succeeded I [Music] should warn you maybe here I forgot if that they're not nope it's just a loop okay as long as it's not deaf I want to see Jonathan graduate I need to see the graduation before I before I go to the big jelly don't get this guy alright okay alright I'll let you do it I'll let you do it he'll let you help [Music] here you go you can't go that way but I brought you here [Music] what color is Jonathan the Hedgehog that's an important question the human eye can't see sir all the colors you know there's some people who have the ability to see colors that are not of this spectrum that's how edgy he is is so edgy you can't see the color white just passes right through him [Music] thinking I'm thinking yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh man it's really good question school on gasm long as ask long gasm I was thinking were a fumble fumble yes sounds very like fantasy is entirely too late to be screaming like this this is my one ring I need it don't take don't take the ring away from me you could take my dignity but they'll take the ring [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] from there it'll be fine let me play again so I can go get the thing where are we there's there's a part here where there's a Chaos Emerald spot I [Music] don't want to get better I don't want to get that here we go no I have another chance at this again Thank You VIN you're welcome let me get the tears out of my eyes I have extra hard mode laughing too hard [Music] poop again I'll try not to ruin discussion here oh [Music] my god [Music] [Music] okay last sixteenth I did it this time here you go that's good please same state again okay oh my god oh thank you we only need one more Chaos Emerald then you can go supersonic and go fast and be invincible I'm gonna go ice with tears out of my eyes have fun with this level okay do you need a dead tissue the fridge is the worst ever is so [ __ ] bad thank you but what son knuckles what is a knuckle I know what Chaos Emeralds are now but what is a knuckle is it enchilada isn't it it's okay Jesus [Music] or I'll get some nice ASMR tissue wiping ASMR the sound of a mysterious and the sound of my disappointment and failure tears and my mistakes and video games go hand in hand so it's all par for the course trust me at least I figure out how to do that part you're doing good don't even say that oh I'll go out for you hold on I'm just uh we just tails it up [Music] here you go [Music] there we go is checkpoint again yeah and there's the thing yeah I finally know what to look for I keep any jump immediate you're not allowed to hit jump at all don't let hit jump immediately that's the trick unless you're gonna die okay yourself spawning okay I guess I just kept thinking why would I do that I don't know it's you that can go jump on top of it too [Music] oh this is beginning to look familiar yeah I think you know this hotel I passed he remember oh okay you need to go penguin friend I thought I was tails no I I went forward a little bit to get get a ring for you and that made you go through the loop again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] right and then jumped out too early yeah mm-hmm I don't know the advanced tactics of this franchise I could always I could always fire you but when do you jump do you jump as soon as you get on there you just wait until you you get lifted all the way up like that that's the thing [Music] unless you meet in the spring which yeah you kind of have to hit yourself in John I see then you keep jumping again after that which is killing it yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] again I would say have mercy on me chat this is my first Sonic game but you probably won't anyway so okay here's the section [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay but there's no section what the [ __ ] that's fine keep a gun [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no no what have I done [Music] okay I just I wanted to use my iframes there that was a mistake no it's fine we got it okay I think because this we saw the continue to so good do you guys want anything to drink water just water would be fine you don't mind hey you see where they are huh there on the floor there I keep my water on the floor chat that's a puddle he has to grab a rag and then wring it out into a cup into into a kettle no no no you wring that [ __ ] out into a [ __ ] into a I'm trying to think of an antiquated form of measurement you enter a chamber pot sure there's got to be a better word for like kettle or something really obscure that only three people would know the definition of someone someone knows [Music] in into a goblet that works oh yeah and that's not overly obscure so it's good let me fly you up there into a commode [Music] what are they using in Thrones there's this thing on the books they call it a flagon yeah there it is a flagon a little bounce up here itself oh I got you you just have to start the process [Music] this is randomly committed to left yep which is the wrong way cuz I think that's not gonna take you anywhere okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] why left I don't I felt like I like being a rebel God takes all of your rings away oh is that what this deuce that's cool just good men hey here you go [Music] it's always a [ __ ] penguin around the corner oh okay you need to die [Music] let's go it's up there we can check I'm gonna assume that there was no red ring around the checkpoint uh it probably was really yes [ __ ] anyway once again hi Isis yeah alright if you think you can make it up then yeah with enough staffing probably oh yeah there you go y-you got a lot of height out of tails you have to match fast enough oh there you go amber down let's see if I can get it though oh it's this one okay that that like sorry sorry I'll not press [Music] [Music] I'm gonna come back for that one later don't worry it's just two by two did I miss two of them hold on [Music] okay yes I did my god oh my I just accidentally couldn't turn for a little bit and now you can go supersonic get 50 rings DoubleTap the true to your double-a no turn invincible you have a 43 right now and there's some there's some if we go back over here plunk so let me get some for you know 50 rings start draining so don't do it immediately just wait until I get enough [Music] all right I think like about 60 something rings is fine go ahead go ahead and do it well wait until we get to a sound you'll you'll run into something it's harder to play oh oh my god big boss you don't need me anymore so I am invincible now you are invincible I'll still die somehow like this you can only die by crushing what a convenient time to use so we got the first half of it done I don't do worry about emeralds yet until the second half I'll let you know what happened whoo but why are they trapped inside of a mechanical egg because it's capsule are gonna be roboticized so what's rings don't die if you want to be invincible that gives me incentive I do have to warn you about the final boss of this area as well when it comes to it it's a [ __ ] Death Star is that a Yoshi yes it's a it's a it's the death bass oh the Death Egg yeah so yes that was a Nintendo nightmare one of the best games I've ever streamed [Music] you can get crushed by that it says reference you got the dead star [Music] the sound effect of those the kids Ango is so 1990s it hurts remember criss cross not really it's like a like a pop hip-hop duo I remember hearing about them from Nickelodeon they told me I should like them you can get in the you can get anything else you want the invincibility why you just knew that was there yeah cuz I went over to it but I can't break it so it's like well you didn't want to jump out of that [Music] just let it be [Music] there you go okay [Music] spring got the word face babies go fast and they [ __ ] themselves some nice moonwalking courtesy of sonic extremely 90s extremely jag all comes back to mem Jake you can't get those don't die don't run into that you're scaring me Ben why do you want me to go super Fujita yeah yeah I do there's fire there okay thank God you said you see those you're getting the what do jump there you go keep on going up the lower you are when you jump up the higher you go so when its momentum listener yes at least you know how to do that now a lot of people will hold on hold on hon hon hon hon don't do don't you okay now [Music] gotta go [ __ ] real slow you can't cancel out of that can you sit down no should I do it yes well now you need to reset the or I should I should yeah whatever yeah how long is this last or until the rings right now tell the Rings run out you keep grab more rings you extended as long as you feel like okay good easy mode yeah exactly but it's incentive for easy mode yeah [Music] what is this I can't do it spin - what is this extra life no its shields so which don't work but I believe the lightning one does yes does so you're super and you're collecting race to you it sounds good [Music] I actually don't know if I'm going the right way but I'm going to assume that I am [Music] this offered students typing getting all those rings very good get back here our platform [Music] [Music] and knew it yep all right oh there's that [Music] head back to normal yeah but thou must you must go this way I was just going so fast before that I did not consider that I had limitations you do get out of here knuckles please I'm sick of your [ __ ] ya antihero [Music] [ __ ] Robotnik running away is this before or after he became Eggman he's always Eggman Eggman is his Japanese name teamwork I'm getting a little bit on the tired side we're halfway through the game right just about almost halfway point is next level you want to do you want to stop it to the halfway point we could if you want to um maybe yeah maybe see how you feel yeah all right maybe we can do a couple more levels but we'll see [Music] or you could finish the game three hours later trying to go let's go up here and send them around at least the paths give you some freedom I mean [ __ ] one area one set of jumps you just go down to the other one yep that's how sonic works unless it's a maze level like marble garden in which case eat a scrotum that's basically the demo of that level I warned you that that level sucks ass yeah that wasn't my favorite level but it's over now never have to play it again unless you want to play his knuckles knuckles is like both hardwood and easy mode at the same time he doesn't jump as high which makes bosses suffering but doesn't have as many levels he doesn't have as many levels nor does he have a real true end only Sonic gets ruined am I going the right way yeah you have to hit the thing oh yes Super Sonic is a little um this way down yeah dad is a little like the controls are a little more floaty well I mean he's [ __ ] floating so obviously but so yeah it takes a little getting used to Ben - to break those you could also go up there I know where you do that or you can do whatever you feel like [Music] or or go back down here it's telling you to go down yeah come on get in the bucket come on man so Carla to call you more [Music] nope that would've been cool for a second their spikes can't hurt me no only heartbreak you should probably just try going to there right again hey-oh and reset it resets once you move a certain distance away [Music] damn it we'll take too much time come on eleven rings ten rings come on right so this boss just keep on hitting them which I can just do you eyes tails nice you want to have those two rings anyway because guy getting the thing so this is a two parter boss oh it is okay so that was the first part and this is the mute a second part so sort of dick yeah a little bit he gets what's coming to him though look at that you do that Instant Karma mm-hmm he's dead now she never shows up in another game that would have been a bold move by Sega I was gonna say when Sonic is in his super Sayan mode the only thing that can hurt him his knuckles rejection hey do you want to go to the prom with me I'm only ten I'm only I'm only 16 years old no Sonic 4 I am a knuckle and Knuckles and Sonic's could not live together in perfect harmony well that really hurts all right so the only spot that you can hurt his head yes sir that's it avoid the other crap [Music] [Music] [Music] you got the easy cheese okay yeah you take care of this right yeah finger-pointing we met finger you're in love it was my first prom I had never been kissed before let alone by knuckles let's not see sonic high school sonic high school sonic high school protected the earth from the birth knuckle alright I'll stop finally in the end Knuckles part of the game and we're gonna see something really cool in a second this is the halfway point yep this is the halfway point yep [Music] [Applause] [Music] you can't get into my bedroom now you'll never find my magazines what the [ __ ] is this go into it because we collected all the chaos [Music] these are the super emeralds and you have the selection of choosing one of them if you want to pass one to me and I'll try to do it and pass it to Marissa let's do this one oh that's how this works okay what the [ __ ] oh oh it's got a little bit more complex yes these get a little bit more complex with bumpers and stuff like that I'm gonna avoid a lot of these and then go for the last one how do you know that those are gonna turn to rings the first two yeah cuz it makes it makes uh it makes a box three by threes and higher when you complete the edges turn into ring but you only hit two there yeah well the other ones are finished but other ones are surrounded oh I see I understand you just got to complete the box yes exactly I jumped right into it that's why always avoiding those these things happen as I like to do the last four like that there's like 16 this knuckles chaotix game yes what is this game again really fast it's um it's a Sega 32x game so you know that it no one ever played it it's it's literally a co-op game in which you are bound together by a ring that has elastic properties this is a good game or no I personally like it I think it's very underrated not everyone likes it and it's a pretty short game okay so the sequel to that knuckles dildo necks what's that one I'll tell you when you're older okay I'm too young oh by the way I should mention so when you get 50 rings for first super sync mm-hmm that doesn't happen anymore what does another Super Sonic only once per level no it just doesn't happen anymore because now you need the super emeralds so no I don't get it on any of these levels yeah what's [ __ ] it's disappointing Oh what can you do [Music] yeah you basically give up the regular emeralds for the super ones I should also mention that the interesting thing about mushroom hill is that there are seven super rings there's define all of them it's possible to get it's possible to do the whole thing in this level both acts this seems like a like a large level that is your hidden high and low they kind of do it on purpose so it's like hey maybe you should find all of them [Music] like I think something might be back over there I don't know woopsy yeah well is there anything if you hold it it seems like that is a ring yes yes yes I believe it is if you go down yep and walk there you go I'm more than happy to pass the controller over to you I don't want to do that one right now I forgot which one is hell but I'd like to show off but let's try this one Oh God it was spinning before I even touched it [Music] and this isn't even the worst one huh nope and I saved myself I did it here you go you did it so easy what's the supermost look like they look like emeralds okay [Music] usually for anyone who is asking in chat usually when I have someone over for a dual stream I tend to be I tend to be a little bit more quiet it's just like it's like kind of a night off in some ways I get a chance to relax a bit I just want to relax in place some sonic just relax couple natty ices some Gamecube yeah a couple of cold ones I still can't believe how much the cold one meme has infected my stream not that I didn't feed into it but holy [ __ ] you can do it I became bottle [Music] you can change the direction to [ __ ] on up out of here with that [ __ ] [Music] I just want to roll around in the grass I feel the foliage under my naked toes I believe up here on that side there is a ring wow you have a good memory I do have a really good memory with this [ __ ] Dean I think it might be this one is this the one I'm thinking of no it's not I hate it all the same [Music] [Music] these graphics are amazing is the future the future of video games strictly checkerboard graphic with sphere sphere [Music] really there's some confidence to the way she hands the controller back it's very clear this is someone who's done this before many a times lewd school Grill Instagram there's like a notification on my phone what's this yeah I'm not really I'm not really clicking that that's the end of that if there's one one wait if you go back so if you have to spin - you get out of luck by the way so spin - backwards and go back down and if you stop before you you go up that entire area and run backwards so up and but not all the way up I see what you mean there's also another one you're gonna kill yourself that way I just want to get a [ __ ] ring man that's not gonna happen right now okay yeah yep keep on going to the right yeah you have to jump try it try spin dashing and jumping or I can fly if I if you stopped or sue the fly already if I don't uh flying to the ceiling I don't know if I fly into the ceiling if it'll stop for them [Music] you go down here oh okay I understand what's going on yeah and then if you go up and to the right there's one right there goodbye rings okay okay keep on going don't be afraid I'm very afraid I told you earlier I've been conditioned to be afraid of everything in this game don't don't do not be afraid God which one is it is it the last one No [Music] there's one in specific that I want to show off definitely [Music] Oh goddamnit it wouldn't let me turn like I think I'm like tapping it too soft too maybe that's probably what it is I had three more that isn't the stage though damn it's alright mate it's mushrooms on your pizza zone has there ever been a pizza zone in an in a Sonic game pizza zone um no not that I can think of so even if you die the big rings don't respawn right I forget if they do or don't but chances are you probably have to wait but there are plenty of chances and hell if you don't even get it in the first couple or even like the first time I could just farm it pretty much okay that's cool oh [ __ ] yep he's got an axe one don't be scared okay I hate I can't go without you this is one really really environmentally insensitive robotnik is a monster here I was thinking he was a misunderstood egg he's not he's just a dick bag wants to enslave animals and doesn't like them likes robots he wants to inflate animals in sleeve not employed but maybe inflates you I mean there's the one that doesn't Flay what's knuckles dog in this race like what's understand what right like what his knuckles have to gain from being a [ __ ] to Sonic oh no lore for this game yeah sure oh he's being tricked knuckles is being tricked he's basically saying Oh Sonic is the one who's trying to steal the Master Emerald and then knuckles is like not my emerald yes okay oh god I'm the whole knuckles thing I mean knuckles is kind of you know not the hero and this one but knuckles ends up being friends with Sonic sorry friends with Sonic later on in the series right yeah I mean do they always have like a vitriolic relationship with each other kinda I mean they're kind of like rivals and friends at the same time so how's their sex life probably great no no forewarning or foreplay I don't think they have foreplay in their relationship was notice a thing I feel it I see it I just don't know what it is can you go yeah okay it's just just a box I mean I got to keep the stream interesting and if that means being disgusting about it just hit me up with any questions about psyche the Hedgehog I can help you know god I don't actually have any real questions that I think about it why is big the cat called big the cat because he's a big cat alright cool thanks [Music] why does this [ __ ] exists on this planet on this you hurt you deeply can you just fly me up there cool no problem is it supposed to be seasons yeah [Music] there's something over there obviously what didn't you know it is a big pink pill one no it's not this one but hopefully I can beat it [Music] [Music] I didn't think I was gonna make that one for some reason good luck sped up right as I hit it [Music] asked her about our Lord and Savior Ken Pender's oh my god don't Doh doh-doh don't don't don't don't don't oh I have to like not be playing blues fear to tell you about Ken fenders alright alright after blue sphere then how are the hell is this [Music] I found it oh that's another one success race okay so he's the my club of Sonic yes once upon a time there was a comic called psyche the hedgehogs from Archie comics there was a man that was a writer and an artist he really loved knuckles really loved knuckles it's a point where he thinks that he owns knuckles like the rights to excuse me wait a minute so this is this a fan yes that is why is a comic writer he still is and he's making his own comics right but he's not about echidnas and it's like spelt like a kid no with like a why instead of an eye and an apostrophe yeah like like it like an edgy echidna yes and I need to show you the art for its horrifying oh my god who's the dude that draws the superheroes with the big chests Rob that's the one Rob Liefeld so I see the Rob Liefeld of the Sonic universe yes okay except worse like he's he's he tried to sue Sega over sonic chronicles a Dark Brotherhood for cuz he made a whole bunch of echidna o'seas for the comic and then when sega added more echidna lore Pender's what I did that first in the comic you stole my idea it's my idea also you should focus on just dodging [Music] but oh Jesus it's a mess it sounds terrible he has tried to do a lot of things like he successfully sued chooses his fan characters basically and get the rights them back it really is the Mike love ya Sonic yes why do people like this exist I don't know he's also he's trying fetish art before like foot fetish art like what in the realm of Sonic yes because he claims he claims it wasn't it wasn't a fetish or anything but he drew it for a fan for our contest for voting in the presidential campaign for a specific candidate and made it political commentary but that it wasn't fetish like for fetish stuff just beautiful human beautiful human it sucks that she's one of my emotes because she's a cheapskate as well I my $25 oh my god there's bottom yeah would we be able to save here and possibly come back to this at a later date it auto-saves okay I think I'm done okay we're a little over halfway through yes we are but it's it's a like 2:00 a.m. and we've been playing for a while so I'm good I'm good hello three hours for you that's a lot for me nothing for me I usually do two hours than another game and that kind of works for me but it's it's that bad game I mean I know it's not bad I knew sonic was not gonna completely turn me off it was pretty good a little frustrating sometimes you go too fast sometimes you get bumped around I think the bumping is fun though because it's like messing with you it's like oh you should just uh jump around it or just be patient instead of just going face forward the entire time yeah yeah snow egg has sexy feet can benders eat [ __ ] for life I put snow akin said of Sonic sorry no it's your new fan character under season that play on this on this yeah I don't know if it's online is the problem most most emulators do not alright luxury I'm trying to figure out maybe I can go to you next time just made easier we just knock it out real quick or no well actually now we have we'd have to do it here you could Dropbox it to me alright well we'll figure something out we'll make it happen but um it's a little bit longer if this is about a little over the halfway point I suspected two hours yes definitely yeah I can't be doing that sorry maybe a couple years ago but hey it was still fun and honest opinion about this game pretty good it was good yeah I think it was a good choice for my first Sonic game it's a little more forgiving than some of the other ones that I've seen and the coop is good so no real complaints like I can't say that I hated it frustrating yes and that's definitely because it has the sonic tropes that I'm not used to which is the like I said you say it's fun I I say bouncing is akin to being stepped on by a clown shoe but that's just me so yeah but the clown she was also honking no it was cool it was cool we'll do this again thank you everyone for watching we're gonna do some art now game is saved and what's this oh I know metropolis that hurts that's a straight-up hurts my ears it's great twice on stream I be in about five times total what sonic Chronicles yes because I hate myself the acceptable answer perfect all right well we've been turned into hedgehogs like seven or eight thousand times on the Burrow so I hope you're prepared for it yeah all right so we've got we've got some art tonight guys before I go just let you know tomorrow I'm gonna be doing me topia tomorrow I'm also gonna be doing hopefully some observer and Rabbids will probably be the day after so that's my schedule a mikuni do you have any particular things you're streaming at the moment you want to plug on your channel before we do the art right now I'm uh I'm doing Digimon World dusk which is a deus game RPG almost done with that and I'm finishing that Metroid Prime for the person you like it so far I like it it's just um the controls kind of the tank controls Gerdes me a little bit yeah they're dated it's very dated yeah I guess we're even then you know we both have our things we like and hate about our respective favorite series or well it's not really your favorite series but still I'll agree that Metroid Prime could do with a little bit of better movement I think the Wii version on the yeah slightly better I heard it's better but I have no way to do the Wii mote thing at the moment yeah so I stuck with GameCube well it's you still get a chance to experience it so that's cool so yeah check out a mikuni at what's your twitch channel twitch.tv slash IM aku ni yes there you go so alright here's the art from trainer mana here's some Klingons oh I did this the other day from rotten pie I have to look at the tag to find out what this is oh it's small face from Tomodachi follow these instructions when you can't remember which thing you are recyclable which things are recycle okay I don't think I get it this one's from on week Oh Oh God oh that's beautiful did you have to give rabid peach titties soon yes should I feel bad that this is one of my best artworks yeah yes you should it is really nice though it is really good from shy guy XXL and I can't for some reason drag this over I love when that happens sometimes when I'm doing the boo roof it gets weird have to close Firefox start it up again okay here we go from [ __ ] I gotta close Firefox entirely this happens like once a month or once every couple weeks and it's totally inexplicable I'm just not able to drag the art over to the xsplit all right from shy guy XXL vine eyes this one's no longer the spongebob reference yeah I think it actually I think it's pretty good it's good to like for corruptions when there's flashing colors when there's like a lot of [ __ ] up [ __ ] on the screen this is a definite potential for the future I like it it's pretty good here's one from shy guy XXL vine lore yeah people do like to spam the lure word whenever there is a new piece of lore in me topia or anything so also a potential some good emotes mate from enjoys great streams as the most generic name on the planet but yet kind of endearing The Legend of Sandler comedy of time you [ __ ] right off I got a fairy this one's from da GoDaddy one vine sauce coming right up that's pretty cool kind of scary here's one from healthy olives tank scoot saluting the flag this one's from oxy 1 2 6 why would you do that scoot likes to shoot people out of his cannon damaging their motor functions from KS player 1 3 3 7 scoot as a [ __ ] quack all right the cat a quack is that from sunshine mm-hmm from blood war here's 3d gen and looks yeah dad's definitely you can tell it definitely came from Mike Stoke Laza this gen is [ __ ] done going through a [ __ ] massive existential crisis from feral soft look at the clown I've looked at enough clowns in my life from Oz Kai Aziz in a pickle okay it's a Chrono Trigger Plus pickle Rick reference good job it's I have in stream Chrono Trigger in a while and that one of the tags is not super related so I like that but good art if Toriyama drew pic dot PNG from where whiskey here's be happy there is no devil lace rabbit Vinny well I would have been happy but now I'm not beautiful from doctor oxyde vine sauce plus Rabbids streamed him battle I swear to God I will murder you you know I was talking about this earlier with you guys but the Rabbids genuinely aren't as annoying as they usually are no they tone them down there's like I did some comparison footage and they are super [ __ ] annoying in almost everything they're in except Mario vs. rabbits like they're much more tolerable and actually somewhat humorous you didn't hear that from me okay when I after I've done streaming tonight that was never said it's not on record from I own the mask - Oscar up shion's will begin shortly I use that for corruptions from rain Raven here's a little scoot fella I mean part of the humor of the Rabbids are the randomness it's just when it's just random for the sake of random and there's no other dimension to a character or to a thing it gets kind of old very quickly we'll see how we'll see how that goes by the end of Mario and rabbits so far I'm okay with it but it could get a whole lot worse who knows from gamer girl wow what is that name scoot loves Vinny know I've said this before but it's cute this one's from Academy and um what is this gif version comments that you can put the link in the source and then I can click it that's pretty cool Academy made this stream will begin shortly that looks good that's very nice-looking high frame rate this one is from me it's just dead me all right this one is from mustachio tuna a Vocaloid it's Mike Hatsune from yo annoyed to art is amazing seriously a really good job with this bloody shy guy made this stick around I'm setting up can't you make a duck noise with two pieces of tape I have no idea that before there was like a trick where you could like make duck noises with tape I'm no better than Rabbids from Katy Tron have [ __ ] okay thanks xsplit cata Tron made this and it's pretty cool whatever it is it is cool oh it's divine girl this one's from fart official and smella gence and it's um pixel BRB from cosmic topaz here's devil vinny and blini the angel and the devil the role the roles are kind of reversed here aren't they god help us all me especially from mr. orzo here's another devil of any in sexy lace outfit do you see what's happened I see that you've gotten into your your brony outfit the leather clubs are two blocks down [ __ ] you [ __ ] you Leatherhead why do we know this why do I know this because it is mine sauce floor part of our DNA the DNA of memes from neon llama Vinny's secret brownies I haven't made any secret brownies in many many years my friend but if I do I'll be sure to let you know I've got a couple pages we haven't even gotten to the good stuff yet when I say the good stuff I mean god help all of us it's gonna get weird from lemon line here you go here's the first one here's the first sock of the evening from northbound to fast [ __ ] Spears men I don't know from vapor lemon that's elude sexy rabid peach and I don't mean it like well whatever stupid sexy rabid peach from future pewters just enough room for Mario to exist I squeezed him in there he lived in there for a short time from link star so here's the lesson yeah I give you a whole lesson of how to get good you did it I know I haven't gotten good yet but I aspire to it from Spang Bubber way past cool lame Lightroom has good leg spank uber what's what's the what's the problem okay help you with from true see I identify with Mario did I really say that I think I said exactly that yes son I I'm pretty sure I said all right yeah I think I did say that actually from shadow of Magnus spin ik the hair hog Dorf and fists the enchilada thanks good characters quality Oh cease from true see here's some clips oom my best moment tonight of course clipping through the wall employing speedrun strats from silver hope Congrats on your first Sonic game thanks we'll complete it eventually from I don't even know 11 Benny play Sonic 3 & Knuckles and I'm the couny that's cool that is very cool from wanded up here's some art for the band what could go wrong just wait until you hear the next one mate you're Jacob's are gonna quake I don't know what that means from goblin father hello Chad it's me Joel oh it's you ear man there you go it seemed a Jolie this was from order to pound my OC Vinnie the Hedgehog not the first time I've seen this I saw the red [ __ ] I just chose not to acknowledge them from poo tuck I want that you can't from shadow of Magnus Killa meter crow cooks for second what spinach villain spin octa oh okay kilometer kilometer yes Hawk coccyx I think it's his coccyx yeah like the [ __ ] back your tailbone yeah per second for a second come on from tiny duck being the dynamite yeah that's actually what he looks like to really accept his Vendetta is usually red but that that's a vine sauce brand beans that is [ __ ] scoot through and through from rata Minh 8000 it's the whole thing right yeah cuz you see that voice come out of my face and it's just like that doesn't make sense this is why I think people that do any kind of voice work that is in any way wacky should just never show their face they should just be their cartoon characters I want to be scoot for example so I'm gonna turn this way now [Laughter] from SPO tulip like when I see what a voice actor actually looks like it kind of makes me uncomfortable there have been times I was like no that's cool I like that good job spo2 I like the 90s aesthetic background this one's from Sam I am sixteen yeah I think I think that's pretty much tonight's dream in a nutshell this one's from long boy snow ik this annoyed Hedgehog oh my God look at look at its [ __ ] teeth or it halfway down it's the hot dog like body this is what you made from mr. weird guy fast-paced that works on a couple levels but yeah fast pay where can I get some from curacy red sphere the Hedgehog likes suffering sphere jobs dislikes Vinnie blue spheres good ol red sphere from dark loogie Sonic 3 Sonic the Hedgehog and Knuckles there we are that's nice prime explorer made this Vinnie the raccoon I guess a good attempt at a nice new OC it's cute this one here is from artist long boy no I'm saying artist long boy but long boy and it's some towel very fast pal and it's just it's tails but there's the head isn't an arm he's also incredibly buff and that leads me to another story afterwards no yes from Liz Aurora yeah let's go fast what are you even doing crashing it to spikes all day look at the clown okay this one's from young boy deku you having fun VIN yeah somewhat animated comic here from toad ugh ketta hi there I'm Vinnie vine sauce i'm a streamer and this is my buddy bernardo our only thought is to entertain you did you make a 3d model of my head and then just shake it around a bit is this a parody of the first Garfield comic that would make some sense here's one from arc I don't know how they say that arch-vile and Lord Jabba will be pleased what a weird reference I like sonic encased in the ice he immediately went to Star Wars whoa there's Star Wars references and sonic it's fine it all loops back together there's so much about Sonic I didn't know it's a universe it's a holy city it's it's a cinematic universe from donut that's kind of cool I guess that's Vinnie the Hedgehog a lot of o'seas from Leslie the Luna past cool that art is very good really good it's just too late to be cool though we're past cool it's only it's half past cool whoops from mosh I know what this is there's a comment that says sit on my drill Sonic is there no bounds to what this loathsome heathen [ __ ] will do this mr. dink character we need to get rid of him that's why I still do the voice Douglas I want to get rid of him for a walkie talkie Vinnie's OC Oh No why does he have man tits maybe that's not the right question maybe there are other questions that could be asked first from Jota epic guy there's another nineties is that well I guess that's more clown's own casino zone or whatever the [ __ ] amusement carnival zone from Oh papa named Vinnie the Hedgehog likes memes dislikes video games accurate this one is from Elina d and it is a vine sauce themed cellphone case that's pretty good my phone is in like a big otterbox so i would not be able to have something cool like that on my phone from marshy here's a stream starting soon with scoot Klingon and pakka it's good be using that from me verse from bored man da yep the [ __ ] barrel as though it's called the barrel the barrel yeah people in chat were saying that they're like oh boy the barrel from marshy here's the characters on their own really nice art really nice little style this one's from on huichol and oh the character yeah yeah cool nice art this one's from venture side that's cute I'm saying that word a lot more often these days starting to regret it from tremendo blastwave Oh what am I looking at I don't I don't know what this is really it seems to be some kind of a tzaddik I think he went too fast you don't want to cross dimensions from script TC no signal check if streams starting soon - you don't have a cold one you [ __ ] nice really nice art whatever that is do you guys know what this is what it's supposed to be oh right oh the no signal why did I think of that Oh No from momento Moore's here's that bean its beans good being the scoot from citric acid here's us having a grand old time on ice level yeah helping me relive one of my most horrifying horrendous moments of all time from shark bits yeah okay look at the enthusiasm on your face as opposed to the stark lack of confidence and enthusiasm on mine from bored man da didn't we do this one yeah okay that's weird from scratch cat snork original character why not new characters can be born from typos from ssj ba t here's carnival zone carnival night zone with a little sanic this was from rusting a wolf Wow well-defined handsome chin you got there let's see and finally from DA hunts des hunts it is the vine sauce team final fantasized so good job alright that's the end of the stream thank you for watching and I hope you had a good time once again I want to thank Emma Cooney for hanging out and playing some Sonic and easing easing the pain of my first Sonic experience yeah no problem then but before we go there's one last thing that I need to show you hmm so talking about Ken Pender's his his magnum opus was something called Titan tails okay have you ever seen it before maybe maybe chat has shown you perhaps why don't you go google search like sonic archie Titan tails and showed a stream because he's beautiful no no yeah you see you see right there first so yeah yeah yeah oh no yeah no problem I've seen this before by the way yes I don't remember where or when or how but this is oh god that's the full page right next to it yeah that's the thing to that shot [ __ ] swollen as' of this character right now it is on every tails from every dimension in one character it's good to see the lore makes sense yeah [ __ ] hell all right okay is there anything else you want to show me or torture me with this before we go the contenders and we and uh so it's hell ie and - da I like the first link yeah why is Ken pender so hated I kind of just gave up typing can you do that one more time how do you spell her name Li Yin - da yeah we and uh and what am I looking for you see that one all the way uh one two three four five it fit the one they're really tiny one just that one yeah this limb that what is this that's uh what Ken Pender's that that was one of his Oh Sees and that's that the comic he's working on and the characters look like this he wants to have like multimedia he wants to have like an ass where it's like live-action and like CGI like that and that's why one of these characters looks like so when did sonic take on human proportions never only that only happens with better ok I understand now ok great great great great yeah this dude truly is the Rob Liefeld of the sonic world mm-hmm it is oh my god no I'm good I'm good all right oh god more buff sonic characters now I win hey we saw you've been searching for Sonic Oh Sees do you want to check out some fluff Sonic and Tails Bing rat porn no all right listen guys thank you for watching the stream I am I'm done for tonight I'll see you guys tomorrow with with a couple of things I'll see you ma road with uh let's see I think observer and me topia I think we'll be on on my docket tomorrow we'll see but yeah it was good hey Emma Cooney Marissa thank you Thank You Ben uh Kagome thank you for being here and if you want to check out Emma Cooney channel it's twitch.tv slash I am a Kay you and I Emma Cooney so there's the link in chat and check it out you'll like her streams she does a good job and maybe we'll do this again soon or soon ish whenever we can we'll try to resume and finish the game but I so far so good so all right good night good night
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 181,752
Rating: 4.9219794 out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Imakuni, Pelikuni, Sonic 3 & Knuckles, Sonic the Hedgehog 3, Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles, S3&K, Sega Genesis, GEN, Sonic Team, Sega, Platform, Multiplayer
Id: 2Rs35yd2Jg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 221min 12sec (13272 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2017
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