[Vinesauce] Vinny - Resident Evil 2 Remake

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[Music] all right you can walk past them I thought they were deaf we're blind or whatever this face technology holy graphics that's some of the best video game facial hair I've seen in a long time it makes me feel nauseous like I could just picture the burger grease in the beard Vinny how do you feel about chin graphics the most realistic chin I've ever seen in a video game why is Allianz jacket vibrating well now it's not now it is now it's not now it weird have yet to master the art of jacket physics we can get realistic chin physics we can get the best beards you've ever seen but technology has its limitations whoa arm someone wrote give up streaming in response to me saying help me make good decisions I'm gonna take that personal I'm not gonna sleep tonight I'm gonna be thinking about it for the next two weeks try combining guns come on don't know why did I try it what the [ __ ] is wrong with me why am I trying to combine guns double gun I was like maybe Leon will do dual wield he do wheel this nonsense again if this was Chris Redfield he just punched the steam you do I don't know what the hell that was my controller is still vibrating why are you doing this controller Raunak the perfect name for caucus destruction number 36 I don't think the weak point of a zombie is the [ __ ] sadly nope not a weak point eight amend Eze you got to come to my cousin's club it's called club president remember the dog in the Resident Evil movie whose head splits open Milla Jovovich kicks a glass at it we're not a glass but just kicks glass and then rich evidence like ascended to the astral plane with how [ __ ] hard he was laughing can you do a tldr about the original evil story alright well here's here's what I could do Milo Jovovich sees a glass like a shard of glass in the air and what she does is she kicks it into a dog's mouth a zombie dog's mouth and then she stabs a dude and then Wesker grows a spider out of his mouth I kind of love this I don't say that lightly I don't that I don't love that Oh oh [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] what happened did you just sucker punch Leon I knocked his hat off I believe that's a bingo space for the Red Dead Redemption - bingo really can things get worse for Leon right now I mean he could be covered in literal [ __ ] yeah that's one way it could get worse no stop the noises no loud noises no alarms no surprises beetlejuice [ __ ] hell [ __ ] oh god this is hot [ __ ] hell [ __ ] alright now Gordon we dug through your Instagram and we're gonna try to find some of the weirdest stuff that you have on there and we're hoping you can explain some of this [ __ ] help your eye Gordon [ __ ] there's a new ring on my [ __ ] [ __ ] hell I've got new [ __ ] yeah kind of lucky it was only that one was it [ __ ] really pop you sure this is the right way unfortunately well now we're covered in literal [ __ ] so yeah it's worse this game just became Sonic Adventure I'm just impressed you made it in one piece you smell a little though Leon [ __ ] you expect to swam through [ __ ] running from an alligator on steroids she didn't actually say that I'm inventing this scenario Vinnie I like that you clarified that she didn't actually say that like we weren't watching you make that up never know I mean I sounded just like Ada Wong when I did it don't ruin the illusion don't ruin the illusion ada don't do this you know this is like that game watch cats ah high CPU usage detected you may experience performance issues just from looking at the poop no now that that no no no that that's not why is that the default position that was a good one come on Leon Chris Redfield would have punched it to the side to rock something strange I'm just sick of this [ __ ] it just feels really good to do that sure I wasted plenty of ammo but [ __ ] them anyway I'm very happy about that Vinny did you see the dumb thick Leon tweet I did I've also noticed that shaggy memes are taking over everyone's life I laughed at a couple and then it's just now shaggy isn't like all knowing elder god capable of rewriting history and you know doing push-ups with his [ __ ] I didn't I didn't know this is where we were gonna start 2019 everything old is new again I'm just gonna scour old movies and TV shows and find the next big meme TM I'll be with you in a couple weeks here's one from movie the arrival this was a meme between my cousin and I back in the day you ready so it's Charlie Sheen in an elevator with an alien man and the alien mangoes would you like to see the ruins my friend and then Charlie Sheen later on goes would you like to see the ruins my friend there you go what it's not funny well [ __ ] we need your second meme oh I don't have anymore how about Crazy Legs Malone he's a gangster whose legs are crazy No if there's another one and I know there's another one I'm just gonna run past it [ __ ] you oh [ __ ] you rest in peace great job on that boss Vinny alright well look at you the master of unlocking yeah well you know what they say to a toe Wong's don't make a right I'm at negative 2 wait are you guys keeping score of like bad jokes all right then keep your secrets now I'm at negative 4,000 that that wasn't even appropriate there is no reason for that jeez got a ticket too bad you know our out that one no you know we wrote it together John don't worry about it though it's fine tell people whatever you want Vinny stop it with the music thing someone just wrote how dare I my name is porky Minch and we should stop the music discussion that I just make a miracle happen then II they have the t-virus all right okay I got to get my letters right that was my worst subject in school letters so the regular zomb abs have have T G creates like the real G's like G is is like Birkin G I'm going to create a virus called the B the B virus and I'm going to create the ultimate burger flipper five heads father I wish to be symmetrical Oh G five heads is optimal for flipping burgers that nap room kind of looks like some of the hotels that they have where it's like just a little bunk in the wall I have a friend that slept in one of those and you could hear everything everyone did all night so if you heard someone slurp while they were sleeping like you'd hear it Vinny what if someone was jackin it next to you I hesitate to answer such a question but I'm going to try my best going to say that you'd probably hear imagine if a couple was trying to do the deed in one of those tiny pods next to you know when you say do the deed you mean summon a doc Lord employees must use an ID wristband there are three levels of access visitor general staff and senior staff who's boosted the visitors family members honey I got to take you to my underground sewer research base where we well what do you do there honey well we um well we try to cure cancer that's so noble of you honey so how come there are monsters in your job oh no you walked past the monster room it's just someone doing that with their voice what anyone here let them test the g-virus answer serious enquiries only $30,000 if you get injected with the g-virus but only a little bit just the tip will we turn into a zombie you don't know you might not it's untested you might just grow like a like a like a tentacle that you can grab things with and that's it it could be it could be helpful you could also turn into a zombie you could get thought rot you could get scrote wrote there's a million things that could happen you won't know but you'll get $30,000 then a 30k isn't even enough to cover my [ __ ] student loan yeah I mean it is possible that you'll get like anal hemorrhaging from this but you could also maybe nothing will happen like there could be a 1 in 10 chance of something bad happening maybe a 1 in 5 chance maybe a 1 in 3 chance or you could end up like Billy Birkin and just become like a superhero and you can then like do construction at like as the best construction worker of all time the most realistic goddamn can sound effect I've ever heard in my life oh yeah no no two knives means double the CQC like I said you take the t-virus or rather the g-virus and you get a tentacle [Music] then you can try weald did he just get much more slow 7 hours 18 minutes 42 seconds 50 saves it's a nice number B rank hmm [ __ ] it let's do it is it really that bad is it is it like it's hard for mode like that [ __ ] up here we go this is where this is where Vinny almost kills no zombies and I'm already almost dead and I'm Undead oh I'm so pleased with my choice are these things supposed to be doing this it just looks like meat globules what not you might not want to say that too loud [Applause] [Music] my hunger mr. axe dig okay that's good just let mr. X beat the [ __ ] at his omni's for me [Music] look chat what's happening why what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] [Music] what what what happened something didn't load properly it would not let me go further I'll check this out now nothing's happening very good mr. X punched me so hard that my game glitched and crashed Wow X call gave it to me it's the fun never ends in resident evil 2 maybe if I use some misdirection mr. X won't find me I think the neighbors like mr. X stomping around upstairs all the time imagine living below mr. X in an apartment thing is you can't even complain about mr. X because he'll just stop you no point right at least he respects the rules of the safer everybody knows Lu including him are you ready for the kind of death you earn little man what the [ __ ] we run into a dead end for some fun with that mister This Is It this is gonna be the one [Music] he doesn't know I'm here right I lost them you scum he's [ __ ] scum you dumb sick someone just wrote in chat this is sad son I want to see your flawless run of hardcore mode show me the video Konami decides to make a new entry into the Metal Gear series designed by committee and they just start like they just don't understand the game like no one on the staff ever actually played Metal Gear Solid so they just like my codename is small gear and that's large gear and they have like a [ __ ] like Special Forces space marine named sad his codename is medium gear like they just don't understand anything about what Metal Gear is supposed to be so that it's just thick Space Marines in a stealth environment finally they will lose their capacity competitive ethically that's all folks cape god if there's a movie scene that ever made me want to [ __ ] gag it was when Andy Dufresne Tim Robbins goes through the sewer and Shawshank Redemption to get to freedom and Morgan Freeman's like Andy Dufresne crawled through like a mile or two miles of piss and [ __ ] it's 500 yards or something people are saying it's yards football fields but whatever the monologue was it was a lot of piss and [ __ ] 500 football fields Wow it's like electricity it's like duck electricity electricity puzzles puzzles hey kids it's me stinky Wizzle teats Benny those were the stanky memes I subbed to you for really there is almost nothing of substance to that that was just stinky Wizzle teats I think the duct electricity was like probably what you would sub for that's the quality [ __ ] that's the good stuff the stuff you can't get anywhere else someone just wrote rol fizzle beef I did not say roll fizzle beef but thank you for the input you kidding me son look at its arms it does it like the arms the arm technology is not quite there yet please drum it's dead [Music] eating that ass AI is already pretty [ __ ] amazing and it's getting more and more amazing I don't think that robots are gonna enslave humanity but again this could just be the optimism or yeah as Dave said robots won't enslave humanity there's no reason to keep us around we like your music we cannot make music we will keep 14 of you around Drake Ariana Grande little bodega whoever the next lil is that's gonna be famous imagine going to work at that cushy new job that pays you a lot has great benefits it's under the city and then like you've become a plant but you know this whole time you don't mind because it's got an app room I just wanted to kill the plant before I came back what the [ __ ] is happening here legs Oh double licky what the [ __ ] moonlight I haven't seen moonlight but I'll probably watch it now that no I don't see I don't believe it's dead fully I think we need to burn the meat we need to carve the meat burn it grill it eat it if you think about it if enough people eat it and digest it like I'm talking thousands of people it'll be diffused it'll be harmless it'll be in like little pieces across all the sewers of the world so where's Clark keeping that minigun I didn't it was a rhetorical question chat see I did think eight hours though that's longer than Leon Oh No oh I know who's are you what is this hallway are you kidding me ha No I'll play whatever this game puts out I don't I don't care what it is even if it's just Leone pissing into a can I will play it I love this game excuse me [Music] what you gotta be kidding me I love this that's great but why well why do we need a meet look at it it's like it's like jelly well I'm glad this dudes that again and yet someone in chat is like eat its ass so mistakes are made all around yeah Vinnie I just came in why are you playing as vine Cleve it's so good isn't it Vinnie why is your girl look like a meat mushroom it's a spoiler I don't want to answer that you need to do all three to get no way out whoa whoa y'all gonna need a clip of this please I don't even wanna continue this is too good hang on I'll be here for a second don't mind me the jiggle virus [Music] I think I'm gonna get a shotgun this time nude bargain mod you have to leave you have to leave the stream you are hereby banished from polos village without proper sluices that parts a lot harder Oh II dip subway eat dick I think I think I'm in good shape and you know what the problem here is I remember mr. thick coming back by the way you know that little message if you subscribe to this twitch channel or any twitch talent you know how you can get like a little sub message it's like a little secret message for subscribers well you can't put thick in that message I just learned that today Vinny why did you try I wanted to say that this was the end of mr. Thicke
Channel: vinesauce
Views: 321,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vinesauce, vinny, resident evil 2, leon, claire, mr thicc, remake, capcom
Id: 8rfdp3a0yAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 39sec (1659 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2019
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