[Vinesauce] - Vinny - Rewind 2019

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I feel like this goes way too fast and nothing has enough context. Like how the mobile game with the horse boy immediately shows the horse boy and the Vinny scream without any sort of buildup. The guardian ape is a good example too, it's already laying headless on the ground, it gets up seconds later, and then Vinny starts laughing at something that didn't have any of the context required to make it funny. If I didn't already know what the guardian ape and its fake death thing was, then I wouldn't understand what's happening at all.

A lot of the best Vinesauce moments come from the build-up to a reaction, not just the reaction itself. I feel like a video like this doesn't really capture that well. I imagine it'd be way more difficult to actually edit the streams into clips manually though, rather than just compiling Twitch clips, so it's understandable.

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

It was okay, but it felt more like the best of the Highlights of the months. Which is fine, but it seemed very squished.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Troschka 📅︎︎ Jan 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

Binny play baby Gam

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/mlg360noscopy 📅︎︎ Jan 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

God this year has been such a wonderful trash fire of a year for the stream (in a good way!), I love looking back on these. Here’s to a great 2020!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/EscheroOfficial 📅︎︎ Jan 02 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] we have to wait for a second while they get things ready so now that you've got a hot banana you could now that you've got a hot banana you can edit from banana flavored ice cream then he talked about the Illuminati I'd love to talk about the Illuminati so did you know that we have overlords and that they are in fact watching and monitoring try combining guns come on don't why did I try it what the [ __ ] is wrong with me why am i trying to combine guns double gun and then explain the joke so it will no longer be funny and and it'll be stupid the other side meaning death that's a good way to advertise go back to that that's a really great advertisement it's perfect now let me call dog he loves to play fetch no there's a dog in this game I love dogs they're cool oh we found the sunday stream intro everybody time has come for a little child abuse excuse the [ __ ] me that's me what am i doing in this it's like a puddle of ice cream with a cat face sticking out of it it's cute then you get a cute one every day [Music] this is trophy Sparkle oh my God he's really are [Music] excuse me what the [ __ ] oh you're a severe weather warning wait Vinnie twitch men inhales you've got to speak Vineet which man is crushed by a collapsing roof like I said something's going down something big with behind role generator better more the [ __ ] is happening someone informed me that one of my videos got copyright claims because of crickets cricket noises [Music] Oh what are you doing no no no no no no stop stop then he you can [ __ ] too nice I'm in here great blast away since days of yore let it be so forever more so on the left is the Mortal Kombat Joker and on the right is the porn parody film Joker yo you were gonna cut me up what the [ __ ] yeah what the [ __ ] help please help guess I'll just die oh my god there's still a chance get in there get in there Kirby get in there no get in Oh burps for the rest of the game can you eat the boy on the pie sickle no how did you make that you did it was a boy on a bicycle my spirit is leaving my body does 64 modded in bungee Oh God this kind of looks like bungee god damn it I can't wouldn't wait what grab the gun yes where's your Pippin now [ __ ] [Music] so what'd I tell you about my deli stories it's that every time you show you this the blood of some people but the people want drugs and now I'm a wizard here's a full loop of it even get Michael Douglas shaking his head really enjoying himself you see it works and you get a new aunt that aunt wasn't originally in there I added that aunt that last one I'm just new boot goofin [Music] this the book this is the bike you're very quick you you you didn't find boy baby boy right away but then how could you why was this recorded go to the bathroom now or you gonna [ __ ] yourself Louis or level Mario come on one more level Luigi the shit's coming out your ass help I'm stuck in a computer I need to get out of here J listen I need your jabs of Josh my Benz would you who you'll now be able to buy my scary parts to geez up that basic what are yours in my stupid maker Mario level if it could blocks that make music so you can jump all over the place sword of me [ __ ] lame for a deck you are stupid posh cone try me may I'll make sure your pockets dry is your taint or I've done poor bastard on the manager of test couch god I can't do it I'm the manager of Tesco Eddie of God alright geezer I just want a bag of grapes I'm going to create a virus called the B the B virus I'm going to create the ultimate burger flipper five heads father I wish to be symmetrical I used to be able to honk like a goose I can't do it anymore colonel I'm trying to sneak around the clap of my geese feet keep alerting the townfolk Mary oh it's me mouse' please do not kill me or my children and then Yoshi comes along and just [ __ ] destroys them Mario says don't kill children especially not of your enemies show them that you're better than that Yoshi says [ __ ] you may Yoshi destroy we're going previous Liam give asthma so weird Ameren where are you going so weird hey where do you think you're going what a bimbo guys do not go to Alexandria on February 6th 1800 worst mistake of my life so the propane tank has exploded and half the kitchen has been eradicated but at least you still got your passion it's all that matters hi everyone tonight's dream is brought to you by the vanity Vinnie can you do Elmo impersonating seth rogen doing Beetlejuice impression of Tommy was L making fun of dan aykroyd trying to sell you crystal had vodka under the floorboards with Harrison Ford [Applause] [Music] the rock you must crush and make it a rush my pain I mean it's a great movie Jack and Jill I saw it's terrific really I mean I loved it yeah I mean it was just only oh my god I mean of course we're in it I saw a car it was parked I'm sorry I meant to do an impression but I had a stroke along the way why do you play best move I would say to continue to watch do you look through the by the window Jamie I'm frozen power Jamie give me the keys Jamie Wow all right that's enough of that okay and yet I'm laughing at it still for some reason exercise session I'm getting winded fighting the dragon daddy okay back in my day we fought real dragon daddies with swords and shields and maces you little [ __ ] won't know a good exercise unless it hit you over the face you [ __ ] entitled twice you know Nintendo could collaborate with another company and make some extra money off of this if they really really wanted to you know which one I'm thinking of get on the floor and do the Dino soar you crawl off the floor and onto the ground you begin to wiggle your body around trying to move yourself closer to the dragon you notice that the dragon is actually asleep another dragon I'm fine you slowly approach the dragon and start licking its neck what [ __ ] no you notice the dragon stirs slightly when you do this run past dragon and never lick a dragon again you snuck up on a big bro from behind I could have gone my whole life without seeing a big bros ass for some reason I like being talked to from behind like that oh it feels like sonic from what I remember sonic feeling like which is soft and tender let me tell you something sonic can rim better than anyone what don't say that anal sphincter the muscle that keeps the anus shut but opens when you go poop peek vine sauce tonight focuses what the [ __ ] the text is at least pretty funny but the actual download wait that's wait a second oh thank god it didn't scroll any lower than that thank God Johnny Johnny yes papa running copies no papa telling lies no Papa open your mouth like this good boy what someone in charge is rockin smelly flowers for Yoshi's crappy world here enjoy the stink that is a corn forest while you deposit smelly flowers into a robot's thrusts see or do the mario order what take it one step what the [ __ ] no no no no no wait a minute Ben incoming Vinnie no it's so sumed in it's fine it's fine everybody trust me whoa oh [ __ ] oh well I was playing smash but okay Joker can you really can you not can you jump up there no the girls snarl does he move to touch her [ __ ] me I'm going to come No let's see what Vinnie I am sorry oh oh wait what was that on my screen for a moment there that was the poor bastard whoa holy [ __ ] yep that's what I thought I saw Jesus bath water okay listen chat we need to have a little talk you can't just say Jesus bath water you can't I just have to bend down and check off the scoreboard Miss Piggy what are you doing no no put some underwear on you're gonna get banned what what does this face your mate what is what is that that's the old face it's stuck in a loop of orgasmic ecstasy and this line begins to grow rapidly then bursts into a burst of color everyone watches as the blob becomes a beautiful young woman wearing nothing but white lingerie and holding it enormous you say we did it boys and the slime laughs happily if she's as she takes see you later see everyone's jumping verses tell him that's toy wouldn't no no it did not just say people to eat again no why is this purple Kong so powerful look at what it does to the enemies look how powerful he is it actually kind of works limiters doing God's work right now everybody no oh please God no camera angle guess we don't have to worry about that yo why is BB massive [ __ ] that's how it fire looks like in this game the nostrils are like flaring look this is this is Yoshi on like super coke what makes a dab ultimate there are some questions that should never be answered yo what is this doodle dip doing yo get away from me what the [ __ ] yes yes this is all I've ever wanted and it's gone yes ok so a bee flew into Germans iced coffee and it actually really happened and someone made a map about it is that please choose your shoe size [Music] you've got some big-ass feet his head is hydrophobic so the clearly wet poop just slid off which is great because that would have sucked otherwise I'll show we got some III leaks here everybody thank you for that now the Terminator is coming to Gears of War 5 there's gonna be a foot that steps up are you no [ __ ] off [ __ ] off Kyary but what is Keanu Reeves gonna walk out on stage it wouldn't even make sense if I played it I'm sorry did something happen I stepped away from my computer for a moment I am so happy we can finally confirm the release date of challenger pac-3 banjo today is it and the release thing is it's now murray underscore official in chat hello Vinnie thank you for playing no man's sky I appreciate you being an original supporter for the Kickstarter yours truly Sean Murray well I've got some news for you original Kickstarter Sean Murray I did not support this game in fact I played it the day it came out I got a refund because it sucked [ __ ] thanks Sean Murray official DMC 5 Nero just said take a picture of her tits alright Nero ok I know that's what you would want Nero DMC 5 Nero based on your character and your role-playing clearly think about how many chat members wanted to eat her ass last stream people were all like all made me so cute ate the spider ass everybody I don't quite know what I was expecting but I did laugh in real life and not just in mind a couple times while watching you guys defile the sacred image of me some physics that I didn't stop [ __ ] linking me to this Oh stinky stop it chat oh wait if I say stop it people will do it more chat please link me to Oh stinky every chance you can get here's the supposed re 3 leak this is gonna be a Oh stinky Oh what was that stinky mm-hmm Vinnie found some tips for the hatred demon that I think you need to see is that a Rick role or is that a gnome what do you got what you got for me [ __ ] and ball torture cbt is a sexual activity involving torture of the male genitals ballbusting genital flogging Yuri throw play or even kicking ow Vinnie my mom said you sound like her type and in quotation marks now do you want to hang out young robot boy gets [ __ ] by which milf why did I read that what why did I read that out loud then he eat the clown okay so hi I'm gonna talk to you oh hello did you want to be friends oh god no and we weren't really on the right track damnit oh did you have to destroy my chat oblongs not wrong fad Earth Society I'm a drop of magical ball energy the rubber ball spell you can use ball energy shouldn't be funny I'm 34 [Laughter] it's just such a weird show and made me think about the universe [Laughter] No [Music] imagine look wow this is an amazing freeze-frame what the [ __ ] happened to his face oh my god I gotta see the face just killed me eat me gun against busy trigger nice day sorry Cara Hitoshi no Toshi God Nagar a day yato Wadi aru no yo Rennie cream oh no we don't like that [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let DMC to is the best don't they is good and best in game play game please din T please bleh DM beeps - yeah joe i mean the weird thing is I was just my finger with rigor mortis on the shoot button oh my god Peter that's absolutely stupendous you wanna hit up get up the clam yeah and OH time's up all right great well that was DMC - thank you for watching and I hope that it was worth it for charity I hope you enjoyed are you kidding me God why don't you have no health left you had no health up I do have some nostalgia for secretive ever [ __ ] you Ridley [Music] what my hunger I like the car segment better in half you know you listen to someone's [ __ ] you listen to someone [ __ ] for a while you know you hear the walls shaking and rattling come on first try clutch or kick here we go clutch or [ __ ] what it's a picture you're going to handle coins and then you're gonna go eat dinner no get coin gloves then you won't have to worry about it your hands are fine because then you have no coin gunk and I'm gonna win this level now I may have just won maybe not God maybe not maybe not [Music] both mortis for this I'll take that please it is very over there very is all who's the big meat now I feel like such a [ __ ] dumbass [Music] oh god where'd that come from no I don't believe that's cheating who's hacking what have we learned to hack already [Music] yeah that's where you get all my have the turn tides it's going to rise from the ground this time I am extra Flemmi tonight that was not my intention and it wasn't painful I just wanted 21:03 step right up come on you know Vinnie Lemmy mentioned you really I love Lemmy hope he said something nice interesting AIE duncan to your own son then he tried it yesterday who's fit funny who the [ __ ] is Finlay Benny Fox funny I [ __ ] knew it [Music] mate mate oh my [ __ ] god look at him oh he's great look at the way rings oh I hope he holds her above his head yes you got Marin is this your big chance that was a necessary moment you can pet the dog in Luigi's Mansion 3 confirmed this is amazing holy [ __ ] why is this frog in a little car it's so cute he's trained more powerful than tree spoon imagine this is your day imagine this is what you go Oh spleen everyone spinning you dick sleep I wonder if I can spin I can I can see what the name of it is speed holy [ __ ] what influence have I had that something would be named snitches spins spoon I'm not really sure spin he heard me there you walk away what's that gurgle oh what the [ __ ] was that I don't like that why he died why he died and her friend is back I didn't see under friend where is this son of a [ __ ] oh one where's - don't go in the fire Ziggy Ziggy please no fire you were a good cat bit dumb you weren't real but yet I feel like I knew you for all of five minutes mono and jet just said meanwhile Vinnie kills five horses and countless other animals alright oh sorry beat your meat on stream someone donated - what the [ __ ] is this what was that what is this how do I get off how do I get off how do I get off how do I get off how do I get off you suffocated in a wall I've been heated again yes so thank you again everybody this has been awesome I love these minecraft streams and thank you for everyone that made mods for it and textures and everything this one's for dynamic afro hey VV let's find some girls and take a piss on the river dude okay I love that Vivi's just like a lump this is a fairly high quality version of of my face um what are you gonna do with this that's my question piranha plant you're finally in smash hey wait a minute what's what's that in your mouth scoot scoot [Applause] a trash cave what is that shoes it's gangster's paradise no Norman Reedus strikes me as the type of guy who likes to smoke a little bit of wheat you know have a have a game night with a little bit of a little bit of the we're all oh [ __ ] what the hell are you doing just try to play the game let's try to play the game you're not even playing a game the right way well one do I shoot trying to shoot I mean try harder this good oh my soul is as empty I am a husk I'm an empty shell of what I once was and therefore I am now Vinnie write out your darkest secret immediately draw over it so no one can see it good thing no one saw that there's a fine sauce related weapon in an Igarashi game look at it it's corrupted and everything it's great I am very I'm very happy at this present moment like I said this is just the random gram bag gram bag Graham this is vine sauce in a nutshell oh yes hey everybody I'm the club no I have no idea who this is gonna be it's cool to be able to just do a variety of different weird [ __ ] and not feel like wow this music is very emotional and not feel like I have to be obligated to stream one specific thing you give me the power to stream all kinds of stuff and that makes my job fun so thank you the viewer for all you do for me because without you I wouldn't be here [ __ ] slay clown with knife you look at the McConkey kill the bandits you look at them drink all the wine I've tears of my eyes
Channel: vinesauce
Views: 1,233,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vinesauce, rewind, clips, best clips, top clips, corruptions, trash, twitch, 2019, highlights, vinny, best of
Id: py1LFHktJYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 27sec (2307 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 01 2020
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