[Vinesauce] Vinny - Sonic 3 & Knuckles, with Imakuni!

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It really warms my heart when non-fans treat Sonic as something other than a joke.

I could tell Vinny was really struggling with some of this though. I hope if he ever does more Sonic that he chooses Colors or Generations. They seem more suited to the way he talked about wanting to play games.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Shaddy_the_guy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 05 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I will hope for Part 2 if Vinny confirms it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Lemon_Line πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 04 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is truly one of the greatest Vinesauce streams. There better be a part 2!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/se7enfists πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 04 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ItsKipz πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 05 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm glad this highlight video was uploaded because I legitimately could not watch the original stream all the way through. No fault to Vinny or Ima, I just can't stand when people complain about a game while simultaneously being bad at it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Rixor14 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 04 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I hope they play more games together, this video was perfect

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Frimano πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 05 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
IMAKUNI: So remember that thing about spin-dashing? [Vinny makes a weird noise] VINNY: [grunts] IMAKUNI: You should do it. VINNY: [grunts] IMAKUNI: Spin dash. VINNY: [Sonic voice] I can't do it! How do you do it?! IMAKUNI: YOU JUST CLIPPED THROUGH THE WALL! VINNY: Yeah, I'm clipping! IMAKUNI: WHAT?! VINNY: YEAH! IMAKUNI: YOU'RE ZIPPING THROUGH IT! VINNY: ZIP ZOOM, MOTHERFUCKER! IMAKUNI: WHAT THE FUCK?! IMAKUNI: YOU ZIPPED THROUGH THE LEVEL ON YOUR FIRST TRY! IMAKUNI: WHAT?! VINNY: I have Imakuni with me. VINNY: We're gonna be playing Sonic 3 & Knuckles, this is my first Sonic game. VINNY: It started when I was a jealous kid. VINNY: Jealous of my friends' Segas. VINNY: I didn't have one. VINNY: This is me and Marisa, VINNY: playing...Sonic & Knuckles & Sonic...3. [Imakuni laughs] VINNY: Or something like that. IMAKUNI: Close enough. IMAKUNI: Yeah, I think this is how you play the game. VINNY: [Sonic voice] Gotta go slow to the left! IMAKUNI: Yeah, I'm just, I'll just-- I'll just fly to the left, it's fine. VINNY: Did I win? VINNY: Am I g-- am I good? [laughs] IMAKUNI: Yeah, you're goin' this way, big boy. IMAKUNI: I-- I control you now. VINNY: Please, god. VINNY: [laughing] Take me away from this hell! VINNY: What is this giant jelly donut? IMAKUNI: So remember what I was talking about? IMAKUNI: Don't get red spheres. IMAKUNI: Do borders. Do borders, nonononono! IMAKUNI: But you can't-- don't get the-- no-- IMAKUNI: Vin. [Imakuni laughs] VINNY: What'd I do? VINNY: Here we go. IMAKUNI: Remember, outside borders, always. VINNY: Always outside borders? IMAKUNI: Always. Yes. IMAKUNI: You'll see why. IMAKUNI: They turn into rings. VINNY: [gasps in horror] Oh. VINNY: Gotcha. IMAKUNI: You do not have to get all the rings. VINNY: Gotcha. VINNY: Marisa, that was supposed to turn into a ring. [Imakuni laughs] IMAKUNI: Except that, it's only the outside. The fours do not turn into it. IMAKUNI: So now you know that. VINNY: Uhhh... VINNY: What the fuck kind of wizardry was that? VINNY: Did we win? IMAKUNI: Yup. VINNY: Wow, well, that was...that was pretty good. VINNY: Moist...power. VINNY: We picked up the wet. VINNY: Great! We did it. VINNY: (about Sonic characters) Mine's Jonathan the Hedgehog, I was telling you about Jonathan earlier. IMAKUNI: Yeah, what are Jonathan's likes and dislikes? You have to tell chat. VINNY: Well, Jonathan is a big hot dog fan... VINNY: ...but doesn't like the meat. VINNY: He's just in for the-- like, the hot dog experience. VINNY: So... VINNY: Like, he'll recreate a hot dog... VINNY: You know, like, he'll get the fixin's, the bun... VINNY: But he will not go for the, um... VINNY: ...the meat, at all, he doesn't like the hot dog. VINNY: That's my other-- like, the red spheres? That's my other Sonic OC. VINNY: Red Sphere the Hedgehog. IMAKUNI: There's, uh, the...the sparkles? IMAKUNI: There's bonus stages. There's three different bonus stages and it's dependent on how many... (Imakuni laughs) VINNY: What was I supposed to do there? IMAKUNI: [Laughing] Oh-- I didn't even get to explain everything, shit... IMAKUNI: Don't die. IMAKUNI: Don't die, you're gonna die. IMAKUNI: Oh my god, you didn't die. VINNY: You saw that? VINNY: Ahh. VINNY: It started with a lot of, um... VINNY: ...anger about those commercials that SEGA was putting out... VINNY: ...and the fact that I didn't have a Genesis... VINNY: ...and also the fact that when I did play Sonic, I-- it was too fast and I kept crashing into walls. VINNY: But I-- I think, um... this game, so far, seems to be paced a little bit more appropriately. IMAKUNI: Hey Vin, do you like water levels? VINNY: Nope. VINNY: Please-- please, god. IMAKUNI: You can press forward again to go forward again. VINNY: Oh, okay. VINNY: What now? IMAKUNI: Ummm... IMAKUNI: Yeah, just-- VINNY: Just-- [Imakuni laughs] IMAKUNI: [laughing] You're gonna need some help bud. IMAKUNI: IT'S NOT 'HYDRO-CITY', IMAKUNI: IT'S 'HY-DROCITY'! VINNY: S-so we're gonna go down to the hydro city for dinner. IMAKUNI: No... [Drowning theme plays] [regular music resumes] IMAKUNI: You saved yourself and you don't even know it. VINNY: I forgot that there's air. VINNY: That's what that sound was, right? IMAKUNI: Yep. VINNY: Tha-- the music? Yeah. VINNY: I...subconsciously knew something fucked up was happening, but I could't tell what it was. VINNY: How long does bΓΌbbel last for? IMAKUNI: Forever, until you lose it. VINNY: ..And I lose it by doing stupid shit like that? IMAKUNI: By, uhh... hitting an enemy you're not supposed to. IMAKUNI: Like if it has spikes, like that. VINNY: [Laughing] Aw, fuck. IMAKUNI: But there's another one right here, so it's fine. IMAKUNI: Looks like you fucked up. VINNY: I think I fucked up. VINNY: aaAUUGH COME ON, THAT WAS BULLSHIT, that was like a medieval torture device! IMAKUNI: I got tired, I'm sorry. [Vinny noises] [Vinny grunts] IMAKUNI: Tails is only like, 8 years old so give him some credit. VINNY: [Kylo Ren Baby voice] I'm only eight years old, [unintelligible] VINNY: rrrrRRRRRONK IMAKUNI: You might get good. VIINNY: [noise of doubt] IMAKUNI: It's that way that you were going... VINNY: Go to the right? IMAKUNI: Yeah. IMAKUNI: You almost got crushed again. VINNY: Ah- no no no, I'm clipping. IMAKUNI: You're clipping, yeah. VINNY: Yeh... IMAKUNI: Yeah! VINNY: Robotnik looks...like a Jahn. VINNY: From...the top of the mustache forward. [Vinny coughs] VINNY: 'Scuse me! Muting. [Distant cough] VINNY: That picked up on Imakuni's microphone, guaranteed. IMAKUNI: [laughing] I'm sorry... IMAKUNI: Hey Vin, we have one minute to beat this boss unless you time over. IMAKUNI: But you did it. VINNY: You kidding me? I got this, I'm so s-- I'm good Sonic Sonics. IMAKUNI: Okay, gotta go this way. IMAKUNI: It's going fast? Yeah! What do you think? That's why I was saying, like, I'm pretty good at this? IMAKUNI: Do you - do you think I...if you can't do it... (Vinny grunts) IMAKUNI: I should be able to help? Yep, there you go! (Even more Vinny noises) IMAKUNI: You saved yourself! You're doin' it! VINNY: OOOOOOOOOOOOH VINNY: Eeeeee... VINNY: AUUUGH IMAKUNI: [laughs] IMAKUNI: Don't go there. Don't go there - you're gonna get crushed! [laughs] IMAKUNI: So...oil? VINNY: [laughs] IMAKUNI: You have to keep jumping, unless you sink and die. IMAKUNI: That applies to everything that makes you sink in this game. VINNY: So there goes a [stammering] the perfectly good continue we had. IMAKUNI: Yes, 'cause we're back at the beginning of the level with no checkpoint anyway... VINNY: And no more continues, right? IMAKUNI: Correct. VINNY: Great. VINNY: B-b-buh-buh-but... IMAKUNI: So that is actually a spring... IMAKUNI: ...enemy. You can jump on those. VINNY: The spikes? IMAKUNI: No-- no jape. No jape, no jape. Jump on it. VINNY: [laughs] IMAKUNI: [laughs] VINNY: Auuugh! IMAKUNI: [cackles] IMAKUNI: You go fast, you can control it IMAKUNI: If you let go of it, you, you drop a little bit, which is actually kinda needed. IMAKUNI: You land on the ground, you're gonna zip-zoom all over the place. IMAKUNI: So touch the ground. IMAKUNI: Or not. VINNY: Wow, this game is fucking unforgiving. IMAKUNI: Yes...but once you understand how it works, it's... it becomes very easy. VINNY: Like butt stuff. [silence] VINNY: That doesn't garner a response. It doesn't deserve one. IMAKUNI: Uh, oh uh, uh, ah... VINNY: WHY would they put that there? IMAKUNI: Because fuck you! VINNY: They're evil! IMAKUNI: Reminder that you have ZERO rings. VINNY: [chuckles] I know! VINNY: [laughs] IMAKUNI: [laughs] VINNY: WHAT HAPPENED? IMAKUNI: YOU GOT CRUSHED! VINNY: Ssssson... IMAKUNI: [gasp] You're learning! IMAKUNI: ...you're NOT learning! VINNY: Nope. [laughs] Nope! IMAKUNI: [laughs] IMAKUNI: Oh God, I'm getting excited already, 'cause I - I just remember what the next Zone is. VINNY: Clown Zone. IMAKUNI: [cackles] VINNY: That's the only way I-- that's the only one it could be. VINNY: But if you know me like you know me, then, yeah, then it's definitely Clown Zone. VINNY: Or Scoot Zone. VINNY: Was that a chicken that popped out of that left one? IMAKUNI: Yep. Uh, do you wanna know the chicken's name? VINNY: Sure. IMAKUNI: In-- in offficial, uh, official Sonic lore, its name is Cucky. VINNY: Get the fuck out of here. IMAKUNI: [laughs] I'm not...I'm not... VINNY: [Col. Sanders voice] Why don't ya get in the Cucket? IMAKUNI: [laughs] VINNY: [Col. Sanders voice] C'mon, just get in the Cucket! VINNY: [Col. Sanders voice] I got some niiiiiiiiiiiiiice...some nice flour for ya, and some herbs and spices! VINNY: [normally] I dunno, it's just turning into fucking... IMAKUNI: [crying with laughter] I'm sorry, chat, I'm just reading, it's just "Cucky" everywhere... VINNY: Cucky? It really is, isn't it, yeah? IMAKUNI: Yep! IMAKUNI: There...there go the birds. VINNY: Do they have a special name that's gonna make me, um... VINNY: ...have my regrets about asking you what their name was? IMAKUNI: Flicky. VINNY: Clicky? IMAKUNI: Flicky. VINNY: Twicky? IMAKUNI: [laughs] Fuck you. IMAKUNI: Do I control you...? YES I DO! VINNY: This is a good time for me to have some ice cream. IMAKUNI: If you want ice cream, go for it. VINNY: Alright! IMAKUNI: I got this! VINNY: [In Mayro voice, moving away from the mic] ALRIGHT, A-STEEEEP RIGHT UP... IMAKUNI: I wish I could drop...Vin. IMAKUNI: ...there we go. Just drop him right there. VINNY: [distant] Just, like, "I wish I could drop Vin as a friend." IMAKUNI: [laughs] VINNY: [distant] "I'm sick of his shit..." IMAKUNI: Look! You're missin' it! VINNY: Oh! IMAKUNI: We're in...we're in Carnival Night Zone! VINNY: I'm getting ice cream and there's clowns? IMAKUNI: There's clowns! IMAKUNI: There's a ring. IMAKUNI: There's a ring! IMAKUNI: Vinny, don't cuck me! [laughs] VINNY: Oh. VINNY: [laughs] "Vinny, don't cuck me!" IMAKUNI: [laughs] I thought it was like... IMAKUNI: Remember, jumping is a thing. VINNY: Right. VINNY: That was an opportune t-- VINNY: What kind of, uh, AI-- what was that AIDS? VINNY: Here's the problem I have with Sonic. VINNY: And it's not necessarily a HUGE problem, but it's a-- it's a thing I have to adjust to: VINNY: It's that... VINNY: I NEVER know where I'm going. IMAKUNI: Yep. VINNY: Really, the levels are so big, I don't know if I'm going anywhere NEAR the right direction... VINNY: Most of the time. I know there's multiple paths... IMAKUNI: Oh, you are! You definitely... VINNY: ...that take you to the same spot, eventually... VINNY: But it still confuses me because I'm used to going right, and continuing to go right. IMAKUNI: Sonic isn't as linear as people make it out to be. VINNY: [agreeing] No. VINNY: It doesn't seem very linear. VINNY: In fact, it seems that there's a THOUSAND different paths. VINNY: [exhales] IMAKUNI: Keep goin' up. VINNY: Oh-- aiigh! IMAKUNI: This...yeah! IMAKUNI: You like-- you like japes, right? VINNY: [laughs] VINNY: [moans] IMAKUNI: Git gud-- c'mon Vinny, why can't you git gud? IMAKUNI: Just jump over it! VINNY: The music... VINNY: ...the fucking music...is jape music, and the level is japes. IMAKUNI: Yup! VINNY: [RP Guy voice] What...the FUCK!? IMAKUNI: Alright, I'ma fly you up again... VINNY: This is The Barrel, isn't it? IMAKUNI: (to chat) You think Vin's gonna time over? VINNY [exhales] IMAKUNI: You just...don't know what to do with it. VINNY: I'm trying to let it go down-- I'm trying to use the momentum! VINNY: ...right? IMAKUNI: [laughs] VINNY: That's what it's all about, momentum. IMAKUNI: That's cute. VINNY: No?! IMAKUNI: [sadistically] Only about...a minute thirty to figure it out. IMAKUNI: Until you die. IMAKUNI: [laughs] I'm enjoying this SO much, chat! IMAKUNI: You have NO idea! IMAKUNI: One more minute, Vinny! VINNY: No! IMAKUNI: One more minute! VINNY: No. IMAKUNI: Yes! VINNY: Marisa, I hate this. IMAKUNI: You hate this? Why do you hate this? VINNY: Is-- is this one of those things where it's easy as soon as you figure out what the hell's going on? IMAKUNI: Yes. IMAKUNI: Once you time over, do you want me to tell you? VINNY: Yeah. IMAKUNI: OK. VINNY: Don't...y'know what? IMAKUNI: What? VINNY: Don't tell me yet. IMAKUNI: OK. [laughs] IMAKUNI: Let's let him time over again! IMAKUNI: [chanting] Ten more minutes! Ten more minutes! Ten more minutes! VINNY: Ughh... VINNY: C'mon. VINNY: C'mon, you fuck. VINNY: You fuckin' blue cock. VINNY: Fuckin' rodent. VINNY: You'd be ROADKILL if this was the real world, son. IMAKUNI: You hate this, don't you? VINNY: I do hate it, yeah. IMAKUNI: You're gonna scream SO loud when I tell you! VINNY: Alright, um... VINNY: I can't figure it out. IMAKUNI: Alright. VINNY: So... IMAKUNI: Don't jump... IMAKUNI: Don't jump. IMAKUNI: And press up and down. VINNY: [laughs] IMAKUNI: Keep on doing it! Keep on doing it! IMAKUNI: [laughs] VINNY: [laughs] Ah...yes! IMAKUNI: Yyyyyeah, you like that, don'tcha boy? VINNY: Yeah... IMAKUNI: Yyyyyyyyyeah! Yeah, you like it! VINNY: The best part is you don't know it's working until like the third or fourth up and down press. IMAKUNI: Yup. VINNY: So you don't know! You just don't know...you have to-- you have to really commit to the up and down thing if you're gonna get there. IMAKUNI: Yes. IMAKUNI: Most people think you're gonna jump and then you get crushed and you have to do it again. IMAKUNI: [laughs] IMAKUNI : Welcome to Carnival Night Zone! VINNY: Carnival Fucking Nightmare. VINNY: [laughs] Wha..why...why... IMAKUNI: [chuckles] What... IMAKUNI: Why, Vin? What's the matter? VINNY: Why? Why are there so many bumpers in this game?! IMAKUNI: We have to face the boss and we're not gonna have enough time. VINNY: We've got thirty seconds. IMAKUNI: I'll try to handle it. IMAKUNI: Oh...you're doing pretty good! IMAKUNI: You did it! VINNY: Yeah! VINNY: [laughs] IMAKUNI: Oh my God, I can't-- I can't believe you did that by yourself 'cause I can't-- I can't hurt him, you had to do it this time! IMAKUNI: Good job! VINNY: High five! IMAKUNI: Alright! IMAKUNI: Nah, it's OK. You can talk to me! VINNY: Okay. IMAKUNI: [laughs] VINNY: I didn't even get a chance to! IMAKUNI: So Ice Cap... VINNY: I know this music... IMAKUNI: Yes. VINNY: Why do I know this music? IMAKUNI: Uh...the Jetzons' "Hard Times"? VINNY: Legend of Z...oh my God, Vappy knows what it was from. It was from the "Legend of Sanic: Ocarina of Fast." IMAKUNI: Oh... VINNY: It was when I did the Sanic thing, VINNY: I put the music in there. IMAKUNI: That's what it is, then. VINNY: Jesus... VINNY: By popular request. CHARLES: Poopergeist. (pronounced "pooper-jist") [Vinny and Imakuni both laugh] VINNY: If you didn't know what he said, he said "poopergeist." CHARLES: Pooper-jist, pooper-jeh-ist. [Even more laughter] VINNY: That's even better! I spelled it a little different...I reversed the I and the E. TEXT TO SPEECH: Pooper-jeh-ist. VINNY: No, [laughing]. If the... IMAKUNI: I like how your solution for this is to get hit by the-- the-- the spikes. VINNY: I....no, it's my favorite part of the game... VINNY: ...so far. IMAKUNI: Hold on, I need to... VINNY: [RP guy voice] YES SIRRRRRR! VINNY: As long as I know now, I remembered, OK... VINNY: ...is that normal? IMAKUNI: No, I'm zipping around. VINNY: What fucking QPU are we in now? IMAKUNI: Uh, I don't know... VINNY: [INTENSE GRUNT] IMAKUNI: [laughs] IMAKUNI: Pfft. VINNY: GAHHHHH! IMAKUNI: [laughs] IMAKUNI: You can just jump! IMAKUNI: Just JU...[laughing] [distant laughter] VINNY: You can take my dignity, but don't take the ring! IMAKUNI: [laughs] VINNY: [grunts] IMAKUNI: [still laughing] IMAKUNI: Ya did it! VINNY: Bub... IMAKUNI: [laughing] VINNY: [laughing] No...no! [distant laughter] [laughter continues] VINNY: No...no! VINNY: NOOOOOOOO! [everyone losing it] IMAKUNI: I'm crying! VINNY: [groans] [more laughing] VINNY: [exhales] VINNY: Oh my God... GAME: β™ͺ Se-ga β™ͺ ! IMAKUNI: [out of breath] We didn't even use our continue... IMAKUNI: ...you didn't press anything... IMAKUNI: ...we have to start from the beginning of the level! VINNY: There we go, there's a checkpoint again. IMAKUNI: Yeah. VINNY: And there's the thing. VINNY: There's the thing. IMAKUNI: Yeah! VINNY: I finally know what to look for. VINNY: I... IMAKUNI: You keep hitting jump immediately. VINNY: You're not allowed to hit jump at ALL? IMAKUNI: No, don't hit jump IMMEDIATELY. VINNY: Ah, ok. IMAKUNI: That's the trick, unless you're going to die. VINNY: Okay. IMAKUNI: You have to let yourself spawn in for a sec. VINNY: I guess I just kept thinking... VINNY: Why would I do that? [laughs] IMAKUNI: I don't know. VINNY: Why would I do that?! IMAKUNI: I don't know! VINNY: Ffff! VINNY: Oh my God... VINNY: Oh my God! IMAKUNI: Here you go! IMAKUNI: And now you can go Super Sonic. Get 50 rings, double-tap... VINNY: Well, I'll wait until we get to a spot...no? IMAKUNI: No. No. IMAKUNI: You will r-- you will run into something. VINNY: It's harder. It's-- it's harder to play. Wha--? VINNY: Oh my God! [laughs] IMAKUNI: Go ahead, beat the boss. Uh, you don't need me anymore. VINNY: So I am invincible now? IMAKUNI: Yes, you are invincible. VINNY: I'll still die somehow, like... IMAKUNI: You can only die by crushing. VINNY: What a convenient time to get that fucking Emerald! [coughs] IMAKUNI: [laughs] [Vinny has a coughing fit] GAME MUSIC: β™« Go! G-go! Go! Go! β™« VINNY: Some nice moonwalking courtesy of Sonic. IMAKUNI: Yeah! VINNY: Again, extremely 90s. IMAKUNI: Extremely Michael Jackson. VINNY: Extremely Ja-- it all comes back to MJ. IMAKUNI: So that was the first part. And this is going to be the second part. VINNY: [chuckles] VINNY: What a dick! IMAKUNI: Yeah...lil' bit. VINNY: He gets what's comin' to him though, look at that. IMAKUNI: Yeah. VINNY: Look at that instant karma. IMAKUNI: Mm-hm. VINNY: He's dead now. He never shows up in another game. IMAKUNI: Nope! VINNY: That would've been a bold move by Sega. VINNY: [Sonic(?) voice] Ya can't get into my bedroom now! VINNY: [Sonic(?) voice] You'll never find MY magazines! VINNY: The fuck is this? IMAKUNI: Go into it. IMAKUNI: Because we collected aaaaall the Chaos Emeralds... VINNY: Ah, OK. IMAKUNI: These are the Super Emeralds. IMAKUNI: So these are what the Super Emeralds look like. VINNY: They...look like emeralds. IMAKUNI: Yes, they do! Thank you! VINNY: OK! VINNY: "Knuckles Dildonix." What's that one? IMAKUNI: Uhh.. IMAKUNI: I'll... IMAKUNI: I'll tell you when you're older. VINNY: OK. I'm too young. VINNY: This is REALLY really environmentally insensitive. IMAKUNI: Yeah! VINNY: Robotnik is a monster. VINNY: Here I was thinking he was a misunderstood egg. IMAKUNI: He's just a dickbag. Wants to enslave animals and uh, doesn't like them. Likes robots. VINNY: He wants to inflate animals? IMAKUNI: Enslave. IMAKUNI: Not inflate. IMAKUNI: But maybe inflate too, I mean there's the one that does inflate... VINNY: Knuckles is being tricked? IMAKUNI: Yes. VINNY: By whomst? IMAKUNI: So...by-- by Robotnik. VINNY: Oh. IMAKUNI: He's basically saying "Oh, IMAKUNI: "Uhh, Sonic is the one who's trying to steal the Master Emerald." IMAKUNI: [imitating Knuckles] "Not my Emewald!" VINNY [laughing] Is that what he sounds like? IMAKUNI: Yes! VINNY: Okay. VINNY: Knuckles...ends up being friends with Sonic... VINNY: ...sorry, "fwiends..." IMAKUNI: Fwiends? VINNY: ...with Sonic later on in the series, right? VINNY: So... VINNY: How's their sex life? IMAKUNI: Probably great. VINNY: [laughing] You didn't even miss a beat! VINNY: Honest opinion about this game: VINNY: Pretty good. VINNY: It was good. IMAKUNI: Yeah! VINNY: Umm... VINNY: I think it was a good choice for my first Sonic game. VINNY: It's a little more forgiving than some of the other ones that I've seen. VINNY: And, um... IMAKUNI: Most definitely. VINNY: The co-op is good. VINNY: Like I said. You say it's...it's fun, I-- I say bouncing... VINNY: ...is akin to being stepped on... IMAKUNI: [laughs] VINNY: ...by a clown shoe. VINNY: But that's just me. VINNY: So uh... IMAKUNI: Yeah, but the clown shoe's also honking every time it steps on you... VINNY: [laughs] IMAKUNI: ...which makes it fun! VINNY: It makes it fun, yeah, sure... IMAKUNI: [laughs]
Channel: vinesauce
Views: 549,454
Rating: 4.954649 out of 5
Keywords: vinesauce, vinny, corruptions, weird, crazy, insane, stream, vine, Let's Play, imakuni, sonic, sonic the hedgehog, tails
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 04 2017
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