[Vinesauce] Vinny - Tomodachi Life 1-57 Extended Special

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It makes me sad that there are some Vinesauce fans who've never watched this. People who've never seen the Two Face drama, the Walrus breakup, the sloppy seconds brothers, the Jahnpocalypse and David Bowie's final sendoff.

For the year that it was running Tomodachi Life was my soap opera.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 42 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Confused_Shelf πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 31 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

As I felt that the "1-50 Special" should be (and perhaps always should have been) on the main channel, I asked Vinny if he'd want it. All he asked was I extend it out, and there you have it. There's at least one other video of mine I'm going to extend and port over, and depending how these fare, perhaps there will be some others like this in the future.

This is probably some of Vinny's largest and most famous work, and in my opinion this super-cut absolutely shines as a feature on his highlight channel.

Footnote: Vinny had only basically learned I even existed when I put out the original "1-50", i.e. I was not yet his editor, and I imagine otherwise it possibly would have been on his channel in the first place.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 34 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CaptainSouthbird πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 31 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

One and a half hours holy shit. Does this mean Tomodachi Life is the best movie of 2017?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Jacknerik πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 31 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Finally, The Tomodachi Movie is out. Thanks vin, vap and south.

Gonna eat some popcorn and drink soda.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 01 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

The best part about Tomodachi was how self-aware it was. After the great dimensional split that Isaac caused, things just got crazy. I was just waiting for the day when the game becomes sentient, jumps out of the 3DS and goes on a rampage.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 01 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

If you are new to Vinesauce, this is the quintessential summary that you should watch.

I started dating a girl a year and a few months ago and introduced her to Vinesauce and she became a fan. I can NOT wait to show her this. Thank you so much for making this a thing!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SilverBallsOnMyChest πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 01 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

It's a super condensed version of super condensed versions

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 01 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I did not know how much accidental self awareness there was until I watched this.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MacDerfus πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 04 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
here sits a little island in the middle of the ocean this place is all yours it just needs a name Vineland Island ok I'm outgoing social charming energetic comfortable in almost any situation makes new connections easily and I'm a trendsetter radiant and always on for a while this is just gonna be one of those weird streams isn't it confident and a brainiac she's very intelligent you bet Waluigi easygoing relaxed open-minded empathetic dreamer idealistic and romantic oh boy what's your problem we got to get these two together it went great thank you you're beautiful man why Luigi and Here I am just in the midst of all this crap good i thinkwe Luigi needs a sweetheart how about setting him up with which excellent idea excellent then I'll have to get them together somehow how did how did my character have anything to do with this it's totally incidental that he was even nearby me too let's hang out again soon it's the first kiss no [ __ ] I'm toothpaste easygoing in an optimist perfect fine fair enough I want to be friends with Renaissance Oh No [Music] I think my me found a match I think it's gonna be two-faced they're gonna have a baby is he related to me yes he's a relative I found shortly I'm a professional clean I'm plum I love being the center of attention but you do clown it's melting because you which one [Music] [Applause] [Music] I know you don't you can't telling you you don't want waluigi you want vine oh my god so disturbing [Music] no he's an artist yeah that's good that works makes it hard to think about chasing my dreams well you are 40 [Music] perfect it just gave her a bunch of [ __ ] which one feel like I might have something special with Luigi do what do you think about me and Luigi perfect it's that song well I hope we can become even closer who often gets mistaken for Venice on he looks he looks Spanish he doesn't look like tingle anymore just looks like a Spanish baseball player it begins this baseball career begins it's perfect he's a perfect member of our town so she friendzone me [Music] there you go I hope it's a long fruitful friendship Brainiac I've got a lot on my mind okay who is it I got feelings for Lambchop I got to tell her yes you do have to tell her okay I'm ready time to gather my courage and tell her how I feel I hope if you were to look if you go out with me sure Wow okay what do you think about me and the rest well you two are sweethearts no I hope we can become even closer and he's a designer of course perfect please you too you two need to stop hanging out it's bad it's a bad omen even it's perfect even the color is perfect oh that is a horrible voice get Oh Oh who's she in love with who you love with the best part will you be my sweetheart [Music] no craggy there's just some water on my face I'm not crying don't ever talk to me again two-faced we're done you're a bastard walrus she's a charmer perfect he is a go-getter perfect a mobile ROM corruptor for iOS oh my god it's perfect my name is Mac I like to think big and dream even bigger look at this [ __ ] [ __ ] this jerk-off just playing his stupid guitar in his stupid music room damn it walrus oh [ __ ] a puck is in love with someone I'm feeling kind of stressed yeah should I confess my feelings to both at the same time you can I'll get ready and then do it will you be my sweetheart refuse clown refuse oh [ __ ] rejected [Music] yeah [ __ ] did you buy it would be really cool if we started dating I'm just saying oh no maximum sadness achieved I'm finally ready to let them hello and welcome to the evening edition of meetings the 17th of this month self-proclaimed Olympia D anything on Delta this time Klingon said I wasn't watching where I was going and I fell through cracking the polyps she added but since I'm down here I suppose I should stay in check your order top and some mentioned there's a sponge an optimist I don't know about called being an optimist escargot they'll it'll be good for you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] gross what's going on with you I've got a lot on my mind what's what's wrong groups I want to propose two lamb chops yes you should yes you should absolutely okay at the time I'm going to propose my darling will you marry me yes [Music] oh my god all my sweet ever-loving Christ what have I done [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what was taking this picture of [ __ ] security drone entertainer trendsetter okay with that voice you could be a singer my instincts are good serious pure gold can I tell you something impressive about my darling okay well luigi is as strong as an ox he's really handy too so he also has a soft side also he knows about all kinds of different things and has gorgeous features too one time I was hit and he ran into the kitchen to cook me up some tasty soup and what a gentleman he always carries heavy things for me and insists on opening doors so yeah that's why I can't stop thinking about him I'm such a lucky girl you should propose to him please don't hit it off please don't hit it off please don't hit it off didn't go that great yes oh what a shame okay what the [ __ ] why is Klingon hate me so much is this a male or a female oh that is a horrible voice oh my god that voice it's terrible [Music] [Applause] [Music] a parkas in love with who oh no it's with me isn't it [Music] wait who could it be I got feelings for Wallace I got to tell him you've got it oh I'll give you some salmon uni Arequipa lab with me I have feelings for two things I thought to tell her your beauty shines like a summer's day will you be my Sunbeam look they're so perfect together why is walrus dating two-faced if he's spending more time with our pocket whatever man was this the boys hangout what do you think of me be honest I can take it I still get you two confused sometimes gothic dress whoa I just spent five hundred dollars on a dress you like your new home [ __ ] [Music] will be punished Taurus yeah [ __ ] you walrus it's got the V mouth his flesh will only live if he is encased in pure ice and the temperature is really really really low I can see myself living happily here otherwise his true form star ignite starts to show this this is a new level of shitty voice here you go here's a $500 dress see do you see how I treat you god dammit dammit he's a leader he's a natural leader a charmer a dreamer yeah that works but I guess I guess you scream you're even more beautiful than the view from up here I really think we'd be perfect together you should definitely go out with me he saved up to buy candy corn are you kidding me Ralph was that the best you could do a plate yes yes in the field yes love has been acquired to talk about me into it do you think Chris really likes me it's time to get a divorce I forgot that I even had hot dog in the town but why is hot dog green again I might even hot dog at some point I'm not feeling hungry I'll have a talk with booth oh [ __ ] we're getting a divorce are we seeing a divorce my feelings have changed let's go back to being just friends you're gonna propose to apakah aren't you I want to propose to alpaca do you think I should you should why partly will you marry me I'm sorry [Music] bond Z's gonna give a pocket a virus alpaca is gonna have some really weird like bastard child I really want to see what it looks like though I definitely think it's gonna be amazing [Music] [Applause] now this marriage will last forever Tori I don't want to be without paka my character does not need to be with our pocket at all I don't like hot dog I think I'm gonna if this funny face isn't outstanding then you were getting removed from this town goodbye he's an adventurer yes good good good good it's always funny when you're around please be the light of my life wait oh I love you two-faced who do you choose oh my god we got burned so hard I don't give a [ __ ] I'm like chillin okay I am not comfortable with a meme existing on vine sauce god forbid but we have to we have to exterminate the memes [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hey hello I'm interested in both I'm choppin Seabiscuit you should I confess my feelings too they're both the same height that's why I chose them we make the best couple you should totally wait oh [ __ ] Ralph is interested I love you - I love you poor lamb chop who do you choose I'm so glad oh [ __ ] so the Buffon's they go oh [ __ ] let's get married friendzone at the very bottom you see that it's gonna end with me nuking their moment somehow Donkey Kong Ponder's the meaning of his existence in this virtual world he's the only one that knows he's in a video game [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay it's time I'm going to propose darling will you marry me oh my gosh no of course I will [Music] [Applause] [Music] do you take this witch to be your lawfully-wedded thing which you're gonna cast a spell on him [Music] they even look alike they're beautiful together [Applause] so it - I see what's happening [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and he's a go-getter that's what he does he go gets he's an adventurer yeah that's good I like that oh my god going straight to hell if there is one it's it's - its - of course walrus is there I was one do you like playing video games yes glad you here I hope you love this game - oh this game Oh God hamburger knows her and Donkey Kong are now the only ones that know they're in a video game who's interested in both Seabiscuit and hamburger she should I confess my feelings - will you be my sweetheart oh [ __ ] this could have been my life oh well I need to get my hands on $30 in 59 cents right away you [ __ ] walk really you're the best I won't she's a mooch she is it well thank you so more do you need it for our new favorite [Music] whoa wait a minute what the [ __ ] just happened oh no all it was just a dream [Music] none of what we've done today is [Music] everything we've done is gone my feelings for Seabiscuit you make me feel like this will you be my leading lady wait oh no wait whoa Seabiscuit who do you choose so what do you think about us becoming sweethearts it saves me the trouble so there's been a split and there's a whole like there's there's dimension one and dimension to this is dimension one dimension 2 has its own story that's playing out right now all the characters are doing different things dimension two hot dogs just keep moving in over and over and over again [Music] she's an optimist another Islander with a really horrible voice this is the face of someone that can split dimensions asunder I want to propose to Ralph oh gosh I guess yeah you should my mom will you marry me marry I hope sponges his best man [Music] oh there is since there [Music] which does not look happy he is not pleased [Music] [Applause] [Music] there you go thoughtful and introspective great at thinking things all the way through and analyzing issues from every angle heavy [ __ ] man sure who who can help me Isaac but I'll go visit him maybe he has some advice for me maybe he can we can fix this there's sleeping Isaac can't help but whoa how did clowns just walk through clown lady Oh God I understand now clown is dead he's in heaven that was proof right there like they're visiting they don't know he's dead only sponge and clown lady have the power to see clown I want to propose to Ballard oh do you think my shoes the truth is I have something important to ask you did you say something the truth grave had something important to ask me the truth is I have something important to ask you it's next huh go ahead I'm curious my day everyone's dead did you say something oh not really nothing important just everyone on the roller coaster died screw man Bert nope I don't say anything [Music] but that's a simple forget it it's nothing [Music] I'll give you an engagement if you go up with me wait clown two-faced who do you choose what a shock she just tried to propose to walrus the love is too strong the bond is too strong she's an entertainer it's an artist I think face needs a sweetheart he contemplates how we can leave his house and cause a ruckus and infiltrate my life I agree I have the best time to pick me - let's hang out again soon they're gonna go real far they're gonna be boyfriend and girlfriend yeah buddy [Music] so now we have three Jenner in the town it's inpatient I don't know what's gonna happen with these characters triple Jen and what is this Jen wearing you always wearing his helmet it's me which you is it how do you like differentiate between the John's you don't congratulations one of the experiments I want to do with the John's I just want to know how they evolve and maybe they change a bit I'm so glad you think so one chocolate I have becoming a baby why is everyone thinking about [ __ ] I'm so glad you think so what's that [Music] yeah sausage look alive guess what we might the main rebound what do you think plays Fonzie buddy in town I should have removed him puck is gonna have to raise this baby alone my love for you is deeper than the ocean [ __ ] Roundy bull Viet eat what clone I'm so glad you feel the same oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] clown got the [ __ ] game you make me feel like a star will you be my leading lady wait wait whoa another person Kenny I'm dying [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm interested in both two-faced and Klingon who should I confess my feelings to I don't think it's gonna go either way I think you're gonna have problems but you should you should be romantic to tell her good luck they're so sweet I don't need too much sugar to my coffee will you be my sweetie whoa what he [ __ ] did it I can't believe this he took two faced away from Morris I want you to come and now I I kind of hate him it's not weird he's depressed he's super depressed I don't think you will buddy dong has stolen the happy times [Music] whoa whoa whoa it's kind of creepy I'm sorry Morris you got me kind of feel bad for walrus now [Music] it's [ __ ] music it's like the end of gladiator [Music] no I really love you I really love our tests have proven that was a lie it's still happening type of thing why is it going so like so long well sorry I wasn't paying attention she's living up to her name two-faced [Music] she let dung sweep her away from the one she loved the most [Music] oh my god this is gut-wrenching [Music] [Music] Ceri Hasbro another place it's time for her to leave then that's the perfect mix [Music] Christ my name's Levi I wear my heart godly on my sleeve my name's Haley I'm not being the girl in charge I've never told a lie not ever don't you believe me no I don't actually goodbye bonzi buddy everybody wave goodbye he was only 19 years old and he already had a child [Music] what what are you Dolan tell me about yourself friends will you be my sweetheart both just out of relationships walrus a long-term one and I'll pakka out of the marriage it's perfect she's an artiste you're gonna be a doctor no matter what I'm prepping you for your future as a doctor you coming around for it all right it is time just all day looking at graphs TPS reports theory is always nice stuck slave to a computer stuck in your office all day I feel so young and carefree is a dreamer Wow has grown up so fast hey Jackson him to leave the death the world must know of this glorious man shouldn't say anything special when he meets new people my face hurt ever I need someone new yeah that's his travel gear [Music] she loves the gents so much that now she's trying to be just like one of them she loves their band look she's even got their CD she loves their whole everything she became at Jan fanboy [ __ ] peas at the net I want to propose to banana do you think my shoes oh yes you should darling will you marry me oh my god [Music] she is stunning the mouth assist I level with back no it's eyebrow level with back [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Wow get all their friends [Music] [Applause] and thus a new journey begins for littlemack uninteresting above clown lady and I'll pack up which would I confess my feelings to I think I I think I may have sabotaged I may have sabotaged this she didn't even show up I want to be friends with to face no no you're making a mistake I had a fight with two-faced I feel a lot calmer now I'm going to try to patch things up I'm sorry about what happened oh my god two-face what the hell you've been this massive massive [ __ ] to everyone in town this what happens when you spent too much time with walrus burn walrus were in a toxic relationship oh you look like a chimpanzee oh my god Judd hasn't learned all of the common phrases I mean yeah I'll [ __ ] say are you asking me if your matter [Music] Jesus I don't know which Jan is which should we experiment with individuality you get purple suit so this is purple suit Jen and you will be red this is now captain Jen you see I'm there telling him I am look the pact is sealed power has been transferred to this Jen you got to do this group get that grease loose fix this [ __ ] well you could do it grace I believe in you the moment has come right you guys are okay now Bruce do you [ __ ] ever do anything right yeah I mean yeah my feelings have changed let's go back to being just friends oh [ __ ] want to hear something cool about my wonderful husband well luigi is really smart and excels at every sport he's ever played he's a real sweetheart but he also knows how to be all rugged when he needs to be a lot of husbands are high maintenance but not my mister he's the opposite he treats me like a princess and he's a superb house work in your group god only proof this is proof that relationships can work [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Norville's come home [Music] [Applause] [Music] so the more telling thing is who was not invited to this wedding [Music] sorry you okay I can fix this [Music] [Music] fully erased I'm finally starting I'm not gonna tell her that I enticed small face to break up with her he's a trendsetter mom then he put me in Tomodachi life my name's Todd I'm not being a guy inside sworn there was another Islander in this apartment hmm maybe not probably just my imagination yep inspiration and masturbation in theaters soon hotdog once hey sure I don't know why you want to be friends with Tucker but just you know listen well what Tucker actually made friends with a hot dog be Jen you know saying talk about alien things and [Music] being a doctor advanced medical techniques that Haley can apply you know how to cut someone open without using a knife for example implants alien implants I could rule the world with this kind of talent Oh God doesn't know no stuff she's twenty kids as of today she's 20 we gotta send more memes to the meme Lord in hell [Music] hey Jen [Music] I must feed my John's do not worry my [Music] name's Jen I love being inspired by the world around me oh how may I serve I'll get them strong [Music] you want me to be Vineland Islands new president I don't know what to say I distinctly remember another Islander living here going on right Jen all these these foolish Whois earthlings soon this soon there are a lot of strange rumors going around about to finish sauces look alike but that's all I can say about it witch and Satan want to be friends it went great the pact has been sealed what should I say when I'm happy personally yes the plans I'd like some new clothes something casual would be great so that you can blend in and not be suspected of any treacherous activity a mild-mannered lumberjack Dana Scully Fox Mulder what is what has been happening on this island it's clearer now that you're here I think how did when did Mulder and Scully get here I feel like a weight has been lifted off my mind guys where did some of the Islanders go alright guys I've been told from spooky Mulder what has happened it turns out the Jen's we're looking for some chicken cutlets and they went to Darrin first and he didn't know what a cutlet was so then they came to Vineland Island and they may have gotten a little carried away but they're sorry they left mulder got rid of them but there is apparently one holdout there's um well there's this gen lumber gen he apparently wants to be human and he's sick of being he's sick of being a gen so he's gonna try real hard to be human - Oh sauces look alike great to see you again so I'm gonna let him stay one particular rogue gen aka an old Captain John was using a mind-control thing Ori about that stupid and anyway everything's okay now but from what I understand a number of us are dead but it's okay he's got avocados he's got his chicken cutlets everything's fine no one's dead well few people are dead they returned one person from what I understand according to Mulder Baro he's a little [ __ ] in the head right now but he's gonna be okay wait what's this [Applause] [Music] wait a minute okay hang on a second hang on a second you're not [ __ ] fooling me I want to become amazing a hobby that nobody even knows about okay so you think you're hiding it from us alright well I'll tell you what you've been discovered and you're gone Europe it looks like we're building the top to a rocket ship out of sand maybe Klingon wants to go home we lost the other child so Hayley is the only child remaining on the island guys vine schnozz is here from the corrupted world [Music] have you heard what they're saying about PE you think you know a person incident in the theater it's perfect I have feelings for Klingon I've got to tell her for Klingon that's it guys is that a bird of prey wait Jesus wait what [Music] Houser Klingon yes yes screw you two-faced I got Klingon truly it is a great day [Music] this time the power over who gets to stay is in your hands each episode will reflect on the ways the characters let us down and none of you are vocal determined we will get evicted I know where my votes going I feel lost in this matter and polite pretzel is having problems pretzel is having existential problems since I've been gone yes I'm getting these weird transmissions in my molars which are made of metal and I heard someone talking about how people were gonna watch us and then kill one of us yep we've got mime lady now she knows that mimes aren't funny oh I'm so sorry I don't want to see that well you let me down back when you were stealing two-faced but I feel you though bro good stress reliever no all right so we've learned that Haley's a screamer broccoli fuck'em and that's it he wants it he wants to be assimilated into this culture into this world all right maybe a simile is the wrong word maybe he wants to be integrated and he can't do it I'm most relaxed when I know the rules I know what's expected of me he's very by the books he is a Jen after all we need to see what's going on with Pinkle show me what it is inside your soul go and the name of the photo is oh [ __ ] love love with all God dears is in love with someone really liddie you can't get worse than number one on the [ __ ] list but congratulations you just did what they're wearing to two idiots oh god no two of the most hated islanders are now a couple you can't be with a mime as soon as she became a mime no one wanted to have anything to do with her no one wants to be friends with a mime I'm sorry mime lady you you made a bad decision today Jesus is gonna have something profound to say I guarantee it let's clean the park sometime yeah never mind about that the Almighty dunk to the question to you guys is who is the worst Islander who is so insufferable they need to leave dears with one two three seven votes it's a lot of [ __ ] votes to get rid of someone tears we hardly knew ye r SG well the [ __ ] iasts of the [ __ ] with the worst voice rest and piss she knew so let's let's have a moment and reflect upon this Islander [Music] okay the moments up and dears is now gone forever this may be hard to believe since you look up to me but I get lonely easily I look up to myself and I I get lonely easily probably because I look up to myself walrus's home eating alone while his wife all pakka is out gallivanting that's what I'm saying banana here you earned yourself a nice pop I know how much you guys love Berto [Music] so much personality God your voice so cling on me looking like a mess of jabroni mime lady and Bowser are doing like calisthenics at her house kappa [ __ ] done i quit you [ __ ] Baldy Roundy Headey [ __ ] mink you know Bruce I think it's time you had a bit of a readjustment we're gonna make him a Japanese schoolboy this is all like symbolism there there's definitely symbolism and probably embolism as well what if he's been a secret Satanist this whole time and we just didn't know all right thanks Kelly I think you're pretty cool too what do I like best Damon I would ordered a pizza if I didn't just eat I'm like hit them they're smart they know that people are getting voted off wow that is extremely self-aware I mean I guess you're here more often because you and Boris yes sorry it's a loveless marriage so she spends a lot of time at her apartment in this particular apartment she can she can have an affair with whoever she wants taking a few swings with my baseball bat is my favorite way to in mind it's cool bro who are you swinging at though doesn't DS hair look great you know it is something I would also probably admire Lenny his former lover lover was kicked off the island I'm told I work best when I'm under pressure let's not test that theory is that a threat I need to give him some Brussels sprouts so he'll chill the [ __ ] out we're going sprouting tonight we should get firm they're like making hamburger uncomfortable because everyone wants to eat hamburger I think we have a pretty clear-cut winner guys or should I say loser here are your totals Berto with 750 for rest in peace you will never get the new clothes that you wanted [Music] so today we may be doing something a little special and maybe a little mean we should vote to off today Christ we don't know how this fight happened we don't know what started it is which still a Satanist after this clown is dead and is a ghost Scully is investigating it went great because Scully has to figure out what the [ __ ] is going on here oh [ __ ] this there's a battle happening Bruce and Karl oh my god the two friends they were the above the [ __ ] sloppysecondz brothers [ __ ] okay we need to get these two back together I'm sorry thanks for your help and now they can try yet again to peg the same woman that's her father by the way Ralf is her father Wow well Haley knows that she's Ralph's daughter I really have no idea congratulations you're now a motorcyclist [Music] I can't stand to watch the news why do they only report the sad stuff I agree with that actually what is this what what yeah what is morning you got on your mind lamb chop has fists on her mind to a random geek so dagger alright that since two faces native language GSXR - how does she know the language of the Jen's that's what I want to know I don't know no knowing your track record that's [ __ ] weird I think chef Gordon needs a sweetheart he pissed get put on her sexiest dress for this size or sang the food you eat is [ __ ] grass hay oh gods you've got terrible taste in food your palate needs to expand here try this dress risotto how about I take you back to my place and show you what it's like to have a real meal beautiful Kenny did it oh hell I'm telling you snoop smoke the dank ass [ __ ] and he didn't want to tell me he didn't want to tell me that it was bad weed but I got him sick something I should have done a long time ago I gotta sell some stuff guys I gotta sell my old treasured possessions like this old paint bucket so I really want to make sure I have enough money to take the trip to outer space I'm now broke because of lynnie and I still don't have enough money to send them to space the top two votes is the character the two characters that are removed from the island that's right it's two characters this time guys 567 votes broccoli blini in second with 297 two-faced in third money will be wasted 8,000 8,000 dollars guys do you know what this means that means we'll never see a Tomodachi character go to space the top two characters the characters that will be removed are both broccoli and two-faced goodbye broccoli you were worthless before we remove two-faced because I I may have influenced the vote a little bit because you guys were gonna vote flynny off but then I said that space and all that stuff about going to space I'm gonna leave to face this week Too Faced is currently in like severe limbo and only because I may have influenced the voting I want her gone in some ways and I don't want her gone in other ways but I feel like maybe it wasn't completely fair we have unfinished business there's gonna be a battle royale Lennie vs. to face one of them will go while he's been working on a funny face I'm impressed that you got your eyes above the socket in which they sit yes we may not thanks for your help Satan just forgave someone maybe maybe there's the character development that we've been overlooking maybe it's Satan that has been really just making tremendous strides in this game Scott had like a [ __ ] strawberry and heshes eating strawberries think about how many people are gonna be upset if she's done people in the participating fantastic good photo that's me guys that's me 10 and a 10 big fancy chef you think you would like a nice slice of New York Pizza he likes it but not as much as instant noodles what's going on here show me when you have the bamboo I need to see it not not to act the baby when you're pregnant roll on the floor like so it helps just ate the baby take all of it go go to space Wow oh look he took rope with him I'm so high in this time Marcus all right and just before his big battles ended up we went to space you voted to handicap Too Faced will now start with 30% damage okay to face not looking so good 67% damage right off the bat lynnie easily countering anything to face TAS right now keeping the damage high oh the it's heating up too - face down - to stop think about all the things that to face is done think about all the people she's disappointed me specifically to think about the other people she's disappointed think about walrus remember how we hated walrus taken and then walrus was cool because we felt bad for him this match determines everything Lenny possibly the one in charge of the entire John invasion aside from being one of the worst characters ever introduced the Tomodachi there is a good chance that he's why so many of the creatures creatures why these so many of the Islanders were removed [Music] that might have been enough that was enough lynnie with the skill preventing her from getting back on she's down to one stock and that handicap is doing her no favours this could be this could be over soon it's almost as if she's fighting my pent up my mieze pent-up aggression towards her in the form of Lenny a clone the personification of everything that Vinnie stands for he was wronged by two-faced and now she's removed from around here good day sir oh um what's this what's this a new challenger is approaching Flynn II may yet live but maybe not you don't flynny I'm down to one stock Liddy has immunity goodbye the battle royale is over but now there's another Pole now guys I think we goddamn well know who lost this week guys it looks like Seabiscuit has been removed against Seabiscuit look at that Gordon's gonna be alone and she's friend-zoning groose if you needed more fuel anyway those were her final words they're gonna be besties forever unfortunately that won't happen you're you're out of here Seabiscuit you will not be missed by me because my ears do not like you I can't top last times episode well how can i top it how can I make it bigger more incredible more weird we don't have to do that well check in on the characters and then we'll say goodbye it doesn't need to be any more than that the pole will be who is your favorite character simple as that and what we're starting with a baby I think she's a charmer yeah you guys are on your own sorry good news which since this is what it is on this day gonna make you look sexy 55 episodes she has not worn a single different outfit I noticed which never had her own fan club no one ever draws which the same way they draw Too Faced and and peach and Klingon well how about now huh how about now my favorite is a day off where I have nothing planned that is true freedom you are adapting well posing [ __ ] photo shoot for a magazine it's called natural human I find your face really comforting pinna sauces look a lot thank you that's that's a nice compliment coming from pirate Bowie he's going back to his Aladdin Sane face here we go he's now genie Bowie he's gonna rewrite his hit song Jeanne Jeanne sponge Potter me it tastes just as good that is that is perfect for his character so here let's he's gonna eat a PB&J alone and you know what a PB&J is exactly the perfect alone food [Music] professor sponge he look like almost the Russian scientists something in Severnaya there you go been drowned after fifty five episodes finally grows up permanently oh it's like that child star that should have never got old premium adult outfit with cars on it I think very close how could you turn that down although eg is so happy with her oh hey Mario to maintain a relationship with but I've got my bike an apartment you know I can relax a little bit [Music] I never tried to do a sponge voice or a pretzel voice sorry just chilling bro you know what that mean don't get too low though because that's we don't want to touch my things sponges full name is actually spun - in his native crash catelleya I'm in pretzel so when I go to the movie theater I like to dress warm and we're a big overcoat do you know what I like to wear under the overcoat hey where you go no people like Klingon I like Klingon have a travel ticket treat yourself to a nice vacation where would Klingon with if cleanup could go anywhere in the world where would she go we're gonna find out she brought me to Hawaii good [ __ ] that [ __ ] jabroni bowler hat I'm wearing some one-inch I just had a nice fedora [ __ ] that's a bowler hat I'm most afraid not nothing's in there of course Tucker why are you not surprising me no you know nothing I'm afraid of Isaac do you see what I mean about these characters being self-aware that he knows Isaac knows nothing is impossible I mean [ __ ] he jumped through the game to crash the system the winner of the best character in Tamagotchi life here are your favorites so you guys really really like sponge he's amazing I agree I love sponge and he got a full twenty six percent that's five hundred forty five votes for sponge and and poor clown lady no one cares you know I actually had a potential idea to revisit Tomodachi and see and check in on David Bowie I had some people request that I release him from Tomodachi and save him from the memes he was sponge his best friend he really does soak up all the sadness he's working yo-ho-ho TV last week it was just a movie David whatever happened last week was just a horror movie wasn't the news or anything [ __ ] game is so meta course expunged is the first one [Music] now peach is heavily invested she's been listening to a lot of 90s rock she's been listening to a lot of her mother oh god sorry pretzel like potato chips but [ __ ] irony good pretzel like potato chips at all sponges hanging out watching them so the merry-go-round and [ __ ] what should I take a photo of a dog face isn't that nice what's a call David I don't know what to say there's a thousand things I could probably say but I'm just not gonna say anything release or leave this is this is crazy this is really [ __ ] intense do we keep David Bowie on the island or do we release him it's over he's being released release him won by about 30 votes I like a lot of his music and we've had some good times here in Tomodachi and he will be missed but we have to release him goodbye moon man I've got a lot on my mind I want to propose to Klingon do you think I should the truth is I have something important to ask you [Music] I'm curious my dish I think I probably would be on the ring it really that's nice and we had yeah yeah right sure thing I'll try to do a better job with my proposal next time can you can you say in Waluigi source can you say too bad waluigi time go bad why are they G - go for sponge sure and there you go there's the ending you wanted sponge finally gets together with someone right here finally he found some happiness so even though he loses his friend he gains a girlfriend I was like hey wait a minute what if I tell them they're gonna get Tomodachi and then they actually do I like that I like in April Fool's where you actually get something good oh hi babe I have a thousand red roses oh you know me I always charm the fun thing about life is that you never know happiness that sounds like one of Tommy's tweets how you know he's a real sardine a change of scenery is always nice now you can look at yourself all day now we're done [Music] kangaroo court he's a leader come on we gotta go Morty all right this is Rick and Morty go Hawaiian but Marty's already dead here we go please turn me into a kid again all right here we go this should be fun [Music] I'll just leave him tiny Rick for a while I decided to date Klingon because she's so clever and gorgeous that's that's why I hopped back back into Tomodachi to see Vinnie brag about his relationship what should I say when I [ __ ] the pain away good enough what should I say when I feel done you know yeah you know perfect sadly unable to see because joseline has a mouth where her eyes should be joseline is only able to get around this world by sense of taste it's a very very difficult skill because some things taste a bit crusty fine schnoz is looking for David Bowie he thinks he sees him he needs purpose fine schnoz has no idea what he's doing here [Music] taking the title as the most inane banal stupid character or sorry banal character ever devised and added to Tomodachi life come to town you do that you do that don't know what you can give her you gotta give her a room you gotta give her a real nice gift oh wait aren't Haley and vine school friends is he like scoping out the situation what why I thought you were friends he does not approve so what do you think the problems become sweethearts it's real good and thus the tale of Tomodachi life concludes yet again it's better if it's louder [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jan named lunges and planted we must ourselves for life with effect means no longer to 4x5 food covered 35 [Music] where we can plan but not today probably must see in another two years Tomodachi life
Channel: vinesauce
Views: 2,172,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vinesauce, vinny, tomodachi life, groose, karl, pilkington, vine, highlight, stream, live, dumb, goofy, silly, crazy, random, sloppy, seconds, game, nintendo, 3ds, cling on, klingon, sponge, vlinny, twoface, two faced, twofaced
Id: tVKHNmmaFkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 25sec (5425 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2017
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