Very Really Good #144: Ninja, I'm Sorry

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okay hey guys welcome back welcome back to the podcast this i believe is episode 144 um man 144 plus 44 the band mark hoppus i'll be there wiener horsetops beating you know what song you're a plus 44 my sister got me that plus 44 album for my birthday one year and i was like thanks you know because that's what you say when you get a gift a little life hack when someone gives you a birthday gift uh you say thanks all right um it's episode plus 44. um i wish also okay what is it with freaking blink 180 mark what is it with mark hoppus and these number bands huh this is what the podcast is about all right this is the main thing i wanted to address mark hoppus and number bands you got blink 182 sure he leaves you know takes a break from blink 182 to sort of i guess you know try a different sound even though it plus 44 sounds almost identical to a blink 182 song and you couldn't you this is your one chance to get a crazy name with no numbers in it and you and you go you know what plus 44 an equation what's 182 plus 44 quick maths i'm not on my calculator right now on my phone i'm texting my mom um 226. what does that mean mark hoppus i found it i cracked the code even though i don't know what 226 means was that the time you were born 2 26 what's going to happen at 2 26 february 26th 2 26 i don't know is that the last day is that the f is that the day we're all going to die mark hoppus mark hot piss how about that mark yeah he got freaking burned first three minutes of my podcast oh already getting burned yeah burned like i poured some hot piss on you mark mark hot piss plus 44 gallons of hot piss how about that make you blink 182 times oh brother how um okay how do i even friggin i feel like i haven't done a solo pod in a while man feels weird but it feels it feels good i'm excited we got a lot of stuff to talk about today man um what i do today man i is actually pretty chewy of me actually this is a little chug check all right new segment new segment alert chug check all right whenever i do something chugi i gotta i gotta fill you in okay i gotta i gotta fill you in on the chug all right chugga chugga chugga chug all aboard all right i [Music] i put down [ __ ] grass seed this morning you know what the [ __ ] dude turns 27 starts worrying about what his lawn looks like lily blew out the candles on my i didn't even have candles on my cake figuratively i blew the candles out on my birthday cake my 27th birthday cake and my first thought was oh man my my lawn's looking a little patchy sorry you guys keep partying i don't have a birthday party but you guys keep partying i have to go attend to something turn 27 i'm gonna start sleeping with my arms crossed on the couch i'm just old as [ __ ] man but um i'll get i'll definitely give you guys updates on the on the lawn if you guys want it you know because i had we had someone come and put some stuff down and make the lawn look nice because you know you need a nice patch of green in front of your house you know so we had someone come by and do it and then it was looking good and then it snowed because you know canada in april it's got a dude mother nature this dude mother nature in uh in april in canada [ __ ] you know every april april every april every april like clockwork you know we'll think you know it'll be a nice day you're like oh this is great this is the end of the snow finally you know it'll be like a week when it's like warm and you're like you know what we did it everyone we we did it we made it you know canada feels like it's all of canada is rejoicing you know it feels like it's a friday at 5 00 p.m after a hard week at work you know there's like camaraderie we're like we did it guys we made it it's [ __ ] summertime now right it's the spring time now we can party right and then uh mother nature or the boss at the at the office is sort of she comes in is like hey sorry guys sorry we actually we actually need you to stay for the weekend yeah we just got a bunch more orders and and and we need your help this is non-negotiable that's what mother nature does but with snow she's like actually sorry guys sorry sorry you're not done yet stop sorry not done yet no overtime either it's not gonna be enough snow to for you to like to build a snowman it's not gonna be fun snow it's gonna be bad so sorry oh i got babybel wax on my desk [ __ ] [Music] i was eating a baby bell i was fueling up i was fueling up on cheese before my [ __ ] podcast and i got weird wax on my desk dude [ __ ] i dude how chewy it is is it to have a snack too before a podcast like well i'm gonna get hungry halfway through idiot man idiot but yeah i'll let you know how the lawn looks it's uh it is weird how like i don't know i was like when i was even now it's like why do we have lawns why do we have front lawns and it's like if you have if you don't have a front lawn that's like nice and well kept it's like what are you doing right we've been conditioned we've been conditioned by society to want a nice looking lawn right just grass it's [ __ ] man that's that's like totally what like a lazy dude says to like justify him not doing any like yard work dude yo your lawn looks like like terrible what are you gonna do like this your weeds are going into my lawn on my driveway can you do something about this man he's like dude come on bro come on really oh you're [ __ ] oh god you're sucking the man's [ __ ] aren't you huh well you're freaking oh you're just another you're just another freaking pawn bro that's why that's why pawn rhymes with lawn yeah [ __ ] you're a freaking pawn in the system you're nothing but a cog in the in the in the you're nothing but a gear and this is in this you're nothing but a cog in the clock of society bro me i'm a free thinker i don't cut my grass this house is like falling apart and [ __ ] he's like yeah you've been conditioned to think that you need a nice looking house and lawn his like head is covered in bird [ __ ] because there's like a hole in his roof the birds are crapping in it it's right above his bed too you've been conditioned to think that it's that bird poop is gross [Music] yeah just act like you're [ __ ] way ahead of people and then you can do whatever the hell you want um your hair has been conditioned to feel soft um guys let's change the subject i got some exciting news [Music] it's dude it's [ __ ] first dose day dude let's let's go got my appointment later today to get to get freaking to get all fizered up get all fizered up man i'm gonna wear a visor getting pfizer pfizer i hardly know her that's gonna be my caption when i post about it okay and this won't be up until after i do that so you guys this will be like an actual little treat you'd be like no i remember when you posted that um began man uh we had a um an appointment scheduled for later on but um vaccine hunters on twitter uh it's like this twitter account in canada that like posts out these things like go here the dose is available because government did [ __ ] job so people were like okay we'll do it instead you know um so i found a thing they were like you know spots available bucket so i booked it uh and we're going [ __ ] stoked man really excited uh i know i'm not like i feel like it'll be a while in canada before i can get like before everybody can get like second doses um but still you know it's a step it's a step forward you know it's going to feel good right like uh it's like the end is near right kind of it is well i mean it's never going to go back to normal but you know at least a little bit of normalcy i can maybe see my friends soon uh i don't know it's it it's very exciting i i you know shout out vaccine hunters on canada on on canada on twitter uh you know so crazy that the government is just like i did i don't know how to do it i don't know how to let people know that they can have vaccines and then p it took people took volunteers to be like oh we'll do it it's fine oh we'll do it oh hey we're in charge of all of of everyone now it's we got it well it took it's a group of like six volunteers that just like pretty much they they did everything and then [ __ ] what was it i think like the city of toronto like partnered with them they're like all right we're official partners now with these guys because they're actually like crushing it we're not going to pay them or anything we're not going to like do anything but like we're partnering with them what does that entail nothing at all uh but we're partners so we kind of took the we sort of did everything just taking all the credit for it but yeah man super excited get this vaccine um vaccine like and scene that's what i'm gonna say to the person who gives you my shot vaccine i'm gonna be like what like did you hear my podcast and they're like what the [ __ ] are you what podcast and i'd be like the one i recorded today and then they'll be like did you put it up today and i'm like no no it's not up till set up till wednesday are you stupid are you a dumbass come on and they get so and they're like fine i'm gonna take this vaccine back and they put the needle back in my arm and suck it back up and i go no give it back and i'd chase them around the and i freaking chase them around the um the the the pharmac chased him around the pharmacy and that like goofy music plays [Music] it's really funny and all the people in the clinic are laughing and they're just laughing it up they're you're freaking laughing so hard and um and i get a standing ovation at the freaking club at the freaking clinic and a guy coughs on me and i get coveted because i don't have my vaccine anymore um but yeah super exciting can't wait all right guys we gotta change the subject again this is huge actually okay i'll do a little okay we'll work up to this this is the i'll work up to it i this is what else this is this is also what i've been doing recently um i was talking to my buddy um because i've been wanting to like start trading like crypto currencies i know this is [ __ ] it's boring as [ __ ] um but i feel like i don't know i've watched videos about it and um to my understanding i think it's wise it's wise to have like a little bit in crypto right now um you know just going forward you know it's better to get in early um then you know better you know than to get in super late um case in point with like bitcoin that stuff was like lit with stuff what was a bitcoin was so cheap wasn't it how cheap was bitcoin in 2010 let's see wow okay okay the cryptocurrencies first price increase occurred in 2010 when the value of a single bitcoin jumped from around point zero zero zero eight cents to eight cents um and now it's like sixty thousand dollars for one calling so if you invested a hundred dollars in bitcoin in 2009 you would have okay you'd have like 50 million dollars okay yeah see what i mean so i think it's good to get in soon right so i put and obviously you only put in like what you were prepared to lose because you just never know right um that's like that's how it is with like high risk investing right um and even so it's like long term i know that but um i put in like i put in like a thousand dollars i was like this is okay i did a thousand dollars of ethereum and i was like this is great i'm gonna be making money no problem off of this real quick and uh yeah i lost like 300 already um so that's cool i like i like this crypto thing you know i think i'm gonna keep doing it um i also don't know anything about it either i like text my friend and i was like what do i do what do i do how do i do that um i don't know so and all my tick tock i think tick tock knows that i did it which is weird because all my page all the videos i get on my for you page are like crypto bros being like dude this is the next coin this is the next coin bro have you have you bought gooch coin have you put gooch coin it's going like crazy right now man can you what is it gooch coin like yeah you know the part between your butthole and your balls imagine a coin between that yeah it's gonna be worth a lot of money it's like how much is it now it's like well it's a fraction it's like point zero zero zero zero zero zero two of a cent but [Music] if if elon musk shows his gooch on twitter one day oh man i'mma buy me a house gucci house you know just so weird it's just all people it's it's weird because like you can just any i could just make like a i could make like a gooby coin you know anybody could just make a coin it's [ __ ] crazy so there's all these people being like this is it this is it this is the one and they're like trick people into thinking that to like put all their money in it and they just like do like a pump and dump or whatever right i don't know watch me next episode be like guys gooby coin it's out get it if this is the one this is the one that'll make us rich [ __ ] jesus christ curtis coyner curtis coiner how about that i'll put a coin call called curtis coiner and um we're all going to get rich so stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned um dude that's true as [ __ ] too talking about investments bro what am i doing uh okay uh folks i think it's time we switch gears okay let's change the subject we're we're gonna talk about something that i've this is very i hold very close to my heart okay this is um probably the funniest thing i think i've ever seen on the internet and i'm gonna talk about it um if you guys don't know um there if you guys don't know the the popular streamer ninja um he's very popular he was insanely popular at one time he was like the most subscribed to he had the record on twitch before ludwig did his uh streamathon thing um millions of views millions of dollars he's a rich he's successful he's a gamer he's an epic gamer you know he sort of made gaming really uh an esports sort of mainstream which is cool um so you know props to ninja bro all that you know i [ __ ] with it um but whoa did he just have did he tweet the [ __ ] craziest thing i have i have ever seen in my 27 years of life it is so [ __ ] crazy to me i cannot get over it um so i'm just gonna read the tweet to you because i like the day after i saw it i like woke up and it was like the first thing on my mind i was like ninja ninja tweet why do you tweet that so this is the i mean i could say it i've memorized it but i'll read it um so this was tweeted may 11th 1 58 p.m which is [ __ ] so funny uh i'm in the middle of carrying a league of legends game about to close it out and my braless wife brings me a sandwich not asked for with chips as i get a double kill bot lane so how is your day going and there's a gif of a guy he's like drinking an espresso he's like yeah like a boss dude i straight up there will never be anything funnier than this i'm sorry i'm sorry you can still watch my videos you can still listen to my podcast you can still watch my videos but just know that nothing i say ever no matter what i do come to my shows fine but just know for a fact that nothing i do will be funnier than this tweet that ninja did i'm in the middle of carrying a league of legends game about to close it out and dude and my braless wife bring okay let's go guys we're gonna go through this all right be prepared okay fair warning i'm gonna spend a lot of time on this okay so he's the middle of carrying a league of legends game about to close it out um that's normal right he's you know humble brag about a league of legends game he's carrying it right gamer terms he's you know he's he's he's the one who's like top dog he's doing he's he's he's pogging out for sure right um and my braless wife brings me a sandwich okay this is probably my favorite line of the tweet cause like he doesn't even say like topless right he doesn't say like shirtless homeboy says braless like you're not bragging like is that is that a brag yo dude my wife is comfortable in her own home uh i mean yeah that's kind of a brag i guess i mean that's kind of that's good for her just say wife right i just say wife do you ninja what's hold on what's her name ninja's wife okay jessica gosh okay her last name is almost gooch wow gooch coin okay her last name is gotch do you jessica take a ninja to be your husband i do and do you ninja take jessica to be your lawfully wedded braless wife i do i [ __ ] absolutely do dude see that see my wife see that wedding dress no bra yeah she's braless holy [ __ ] like it'd be i feel like it i i to me he's trying to brag that like his wife is like you know her boobs are out my wife got boobies and they're out you know they're out my wife's boobs are out they're gay my wife's boobs are gay they're out um they're openly gay boobs um yo babe you're [Music] oh my gosh um so he's trying to brag um that his his wife boobs are out i guess but just braless so he can maybe see a little bit of her boobs which is so f dude that is so funny you know i almost saw my wife's boobs today during a league of legends game nonetheless almost maybe one day ah frick at least i got my sandwich though didn't even ask for it but then she brought it to me not asked for can you believe it yeah also did not the the next part not asked for in brackets is very funny because if he was like i guess that's also a brag being like didn't even ask for it you know i don't even got to ask for this [ __ ] my wife just brings me a sandwich even though i just ate a i just ate a whole chocolate cream pie before i had a whole chocolate cream pie right before she brought this sandwich to me i was stuffed i didn't want the [ __ ] thing i didn't want the freaking sandwich with chips dude this okay this is actually the most gamer tweet of all time this is it this is it if you want to know what a professional gamer looks like right here right here that's it with chips ah hey man with chips it's like you're a kid at a birthday party with chips really i thought i just had this i thought i was just allowed to have this sandwich didn't ask for it by the way but i could also add chips whoa dude it's for he for sure had like cheeseburger doritos too you know those were the chips you guys are have cheeseburger doritos you guys definitely had cheeseburger doritos right yeah it was like a limited time thing it tasted like cheeseburger um okay so back to this tweet he says um with chips as i get a double kill bot lane i don't really know what that means because i'm not i don't play league of legends but bot lane i'm sorry i'm a google bot lane see what it means what the heck what the hell is this [ __ ] dude what the [ __ ] are bot lanes someone made a [ __ ] in league of legends that's awesome holy [ __ ] dude i swear to god if ninja dropped this tweet as like an nft dude i i would spend so much money to have it and i know nfts are terrible for the environment but so is his tweet okay this tweet was bad for my inventor and this tweet was bad for my mental environment holy [ __ ] please ninja please so i tweeted obviously i tweeted um okay yeah we'll move on that's the tweet so i quote tweeted it obviously and i was like no exaggeration this is the funniest tweet of all time um this is the funniest we've ever seen in my life um and you know people are responding they're like what what the heck this is crazy you know um so i sort of like just copy pasted it i just tweeted the exact same thing um same gif and everything also i just had this all i had to do was search sipping to get this gif which is which is really funny um so it's very funny to like to think of ninja tweeting this how much you wanna betty [ __ ] tweeted this from his desktop too dude this was a desktop tweet for sure send enter send tweet um so i copy posted it like late at night um i think it was like one or two a.m or something then and then i said i'm going to bed now when i wake up this better have more likes and ninjas tweet it actually did it got more i think the original tweet got like 15 000 likes um mine got like 30 000. i mean sorry i didn't mean a ratio i didn't mean a ratio like that ninja i'm sorry seriously ninja i apologize for that okay um and i guess i'm also sorry for um tweeting it again the next day and i sort of i memorized it i thought it'd be funny to just vocalize it right instead of just because it's very funny on in text but when you read out loud it's even funnier okay so i'm in the middle of carrying a league of legends game about to close it out and my braless brings me a sandwich not asked for with chips as i get a double kill so how's your day going dude how's your day going does your wife have boobs um hold on and then i'm trying to find [Music] okay so okay this is what we got this is what we got to find all right so and then drew responded we'll watch drew's video dog that is absolutely nuts cause i am in the middle of clutching a league of legends game when my brawless wife not asked for brings me a sandwich and chips not asked for and then i get a double kill so how's your day drew crushed that one knocked it out of the park just clowning on this [ __ ] guy and then we got uh danny made a video too we'll watch that brings me a sandwich [Music] is [Music] wow yeah you could sing that like a talent show and you were in first place dude um so everyone was responding to that to these tweets with the copy pasta of ninja's tweet and uh the tweet the tweet was deleted um because i posted on my instagram story too i posted on my tick tock and then ninja deleted the tweet um and i feel i feel partially responsible um it wasn't just me clowning on them everyone else was doing it too but i i definitely fueled the fire a bit you know i feel like i sort of uh i poked it i poked to the fire for sure um so ninja this is my formal apology i'm very sorry you know i think i was just jealous you know you know i never get a double kill bot lane you know it's just so [ __ ] dude i just can't get over like genuinely if that is a genuine tweet and he wasn't trolling i just can't picture tweeting something like that like genuinely you know like people wrote like articles about this yeah some seem confused that ninja pointed out that his wife wasn't wearing a bra at home as it's very normal for women to do so others have particularly stuck up for ninja saying that his flex is justified so what exactly are people vexed about with ninja sandwich and gaming tweet sounds like a good ass relationship to me i can't understand how anyone is offended it literally harms nobody is it just jealousy commented one fan another superfan added it's easy to mock ninja for his cringe-worthy tweet but who amongst us among us yo that's us but who amongst us wouldn't love their significant other to bring them a sandwich not ask for i'll never say no to a not asked for sandwich best sandwich to be quite honest you're all focusing on the wrong part of the tweet in my opinion yeah man it's it's just so weird to like like your wife is just like doing something nice for you right bringing you a sandwich not asked for um and then his first thought was just be like oh man i gotta [ __ ] flex on my 12 year old fans real quick they're not going to believe this [ __ ] babe thank you [ __ ] off thanks thanks for [ __ ] off send tweet nice hey can you take this sandwich away i'm not hungry i had a whole chocolate cream pie yeah thank you i had a whole chocolate cream pie before this so uh wow man so how is your day going i guess conclusion ninja's epic and um yeah we're all cringe i guess and i'm sorry ninja i'm sorry for cyber bullying you but you know let's just uh that's just the way that's just that's just the way it is man may have ruined my chances at well does he even stream on twitch anymore because i feel like i may have ruined my shot at becoming a twitch partner um he very well could just message someone at twitch and be like hey um you know this curtis guy i noticed he uh i noticed that he um he streams on twitch and he's an affiliate and he's been wanting to become a partner uh yeah i'm ninja so do not make him partner okay don't do it even though he went to mixer right where does ninja does he stream on twitch again i just [ __ ] straight up don't know oh yeah he does oh he's live right now okay yeah i'll donate to his stream sorry sorry for roasting you about your brawless wife um dude it just like ruins it for a wife too man for his wife too it's like why'd you gotta say i was [ __ ] brawless man doesn't matter oh man okay well let's [ __ ] move on i could talk about this for another 20 minutes but we'll move on how about we um how about we get into some advice how do we do some advice um um we'll give you some advice damn i need a jingle for my advice okay this is the advice segment this is where i give advice about stuff people send their advice to and i you know they ask their questions and i try my best to answer them even though i'm not good at anything but try my best so this first one is from obviously we're not i'm not doxing anybody here um this one is from doxycleopetra from austin powers so okay hey curtis really enjoyed listening to your podcast and i was wondering if i could get some advice me and two of my closest friends are planning on living together when we move out we're all minors in high school currently okay okay nevermind i thought you're like minoring in something we're all minoring in high school um we're all minors in high school currently but we genuinely have a really strong connection and really good communication we've been planning on moving in together for a few months we've even chosen a good apartment complex to move to it's kind of pricey though but we're all planning on splitting rent plus only one of us is interested in going to college i was wondering if there was any advice you could give to us we've never gone and moved out together before and i'm really trying to listen to what more experienced people have to say thank you so much for your help and keep with the good work your podcasts are really entertaining and you're a really funny person thank you thanks for that i could have left that part out of it but i want other people to know the thing that i want other people to know that other people think that i that i'm funny and my podcast is good all right cause i'm only healing and i have low self-esteem okay so you're moving out that's lit dude that's lit you're minoring in high school you're majoring in adulthood soon um that's exciting man um i think living with friends can be either the best thing ever or the worst thing ever so you know i think it's uh but i think it's kind of up to you guys to sort of you know dictate on which what it's going to be right because you got to know living with someone who you're friends with is you know it's different from just being friends with them it is straight up um i got very lucky like when i moved when i lived with jacob uh when we were in college um dude so chew give me to say that yeah when i was in college oh back in the college days we would stay out till about till wee hours of the night around one and then we'd go to bed um then we'd get some jedi okay um yeah when i lived with jacob it was like he was like the best like friend the roommate you know because he's just like a freaking easygoing guy his room had no windows and he was still the cheery like the the most chipper guy he was crazy um so i don't know if your friends are as like you know as just stoked to be alive as jacob is um but yeah i think you just got to take it slow you know you got to respect people's boundaries if they have if someone doesn't want to hang out with you one night you know that's that's fine you know let them have their space you know they're gonna be there tomorrow you know that was sort of a weird thing with um jenna's old you know roommates i don't want to speak too much on it because it was gnarly but they were like i don't know they were weird they would like get mad at me and jenna if we didn't want to hang out with them one night or like watch movies and smoke just so much weed uh but maybe you don't want to people don't want to do that all the time and you got to respect that you know um just make sure you're cleaning up don't sweat the small stuff because we're all human right like if someone left their dish in the sink and didn't clean it it's like yeah it's annoying but it's like if i can just clean it right obviously if it gets out of hand be like bro [ __ ] pick up after yourself right you know but it's just give and take it's communication it's figuring out people's schedules and what they like and what they're comfortable with and um just know that it's gonna be a little different it might be rocky at first you know might be a little bit rocky you might watch the movie rocky at first and that's all good um but i'm excited for you this is exciting don't stress about it too much you said you have a good connection and good communication so you're set dude you're fine um okay next one next advice question hi curtis don't know if you have any insight into what i'm going through since you're so damn hot that's not true i'm not even i mean i am brawless right now but come on um but i'm struggling with body issues yo i'm always a bra i'm always a braless wife okay sorry i you just told me a thing you're struggling with and i'm referencing a ninja tweet okay i'm sorry i'm an 18 year old girl i don't think i've ever been happy with my face or body i know my family had a heavy hand in it since they would always body shame girls on the heavier side and now that i'm lat weight they have stopped making jokes about it i'm very short so i don't see much of my body in a mirror um but i no longer can look at my face without starting to cry oh man it's hard for me to get ready because just looking at myself puts me to tears everyone around me is sweet no one has ever body shamed me but my mom but i feel like for her occasional comments i literally have dozens of of people and online friend of oh okay sorry i literally have dozens of in-person and online friends telling me they have my tell me they wish they had my looks in my body but i just can't see myself as anything but gross um and whenever i seek help from unbiased strangers their answers are almost always talk to god and he will make you feel better what the [ __ ] or have you read the bible what the hell okay i'm an atheist and hearing that sort of advice feels like it's only making my situation worse i'm sorry if this is way too long love you curtis thanks for reading okay yeah first off talk to god and he will make you feel better you guys [ __ ] insane do people think they're actually talking to god and he'll make you it's like a voice they're talking to that's [ __ ] weird okay i mean sorry if you think that and your religion if you're religion if you're religious sorry like god is like someone you just [ __ ] chop it up with and like talk to and he'll be like yeah it's fine dude just [ __ ] shut up dude you're fine i'll make you feel better how does god make you feel better have you read the bible yeah where what did it say in the bible how to deal with body image issues does it say anywhere in the bible well if it does okay but um i'm sorry you're going through this i i mean obviously it's i mean thank you for the compliment off up top but i mean i've struggled with you know body and image issues um you know my whole life right everyone's got stuff they're dealing with you know self-conscious about my dandruff all the time you know i joke about it and talk about it to uh you know to cope with it but yeah i'm pretty self-conscious about it you know especially because i love wearing black shirts so that it's a curse man i love black shirts um you know i'm self-conscious about my you know losing my hair because that's a thing you know dudes struggle with and that's the thing i'm scared of um everybody's going through it so don't you know don't think that i'm just like i haven't had any issue with everyone does right um so and i don't want to be like dude just work out just work out just [ __ ] hustle bro change what you eat go freaking diet and exercise i'm not going to be that [ __ ] guy i'm gonna title of your life right but it's a journey man i think we're all it's a it's a process right the the journey bettering yourself isn't like an upward slope right it's it's got peaks and valleys man right it's like a hike sometimes there's hill sometimes it's flat sometimes you're going downhills right but when you finally reach the top you can talk to god no i think when you you know when you finally get there it's it's all worth it you know so i think it's trying taking it day by day you can i don't know if you want to lose weight you can do that but you know just know that being overweight doesn't or being yeah just being overweight doesn't mean you're like it doesn't mean you're ugly right it just means you have like a different it just means you have a bigger body right you know some people just that's just how bodies are they they're all different you know um you know so you gotta and there's only there's only one there's not to sound like a freaking fuckboy viner in like 2014 but like you know you're unique there's only one you so just freaking embrace it dude um i hope that helps i'm sorry i'm sorry that people are telling you to [ __ ] talk to god because what the hell's he gonna do right what's he gonna do [ __ ] nothing bro he couldn't even stop ninja from sending that tweet what's he gonna do nothing but just know that people were you know we're rooting for you we're on your side and you know you'll and and and you'll you'll get past this i just yep yep i'm getting word from god and yep you'll get past this um i thank you for sending the question i hope i helped i'm sorry um okay one last one and then we'll wrap it up hi curtis big old fan of yours could have cut that out but i want to keep it in you know yeah i got yeah people love me and that feels nice okay hi curtis big old fan of yours i wanted your advice on a big transition that's about to happen in my life i'm moving to canada for grad school yo more like rad school bro more like rad school sounds [ __ ] rad um i love to hear from a canadian like yourself about all the small or random things a person should know about canada yeah dude canada's pretty random um it's sort of a little crazy when you get here yeah we're a little nuts um well okay well if i don't know where you're going in canada but um get get ready for uh probably the worst weather like anywhere um summertime's great dude nothing like a toronto like an ontario summer bro nothing like it man you know because because it's so rare we get like three or four months out of the year that are like like beautiful um and the rest are just [ __ ] so brutal and sad and dark and snowy and dirty so be prepared for that if you aren't used to it um you know tim hortons is lit love tim hortons um coffee crisp great chocolate bar ketchup chips um putin all of that i don't know canada's it's nice just i think it's a big thing it's just it's you know it's pretty similar to america i guess but i feel like people are a little more um courteous to each other um but just like america there's idiots there's people who are jerks but i think the big thing is the weather unless you're from like new york then it's pretty similar to [ __ ] upstate new york but um but yeah man have fun in canada maybe i'll see you around it's uh it's good i like it i don't think i'll ever live anywhere else i like canada it's good oh and be prepared to wait a [ __ ] long time to get vaccine if there's another friggin pandemic i'll tell you that um yeah that's it i don't know canada's chill uh cool well okay i think we'll wrap it up that was uh episode 144 very good thanks for tuning in thanks for listening i appreciate it this is again i have so much fun recording these and um you know it's a nice time for me to just like freaking chill shoot the [ __ ] you know you can talk about stuff and not have to heavily edit it and stuff but yeah i got a new video coming out um if you listen to this day comes out comes out in two days friday um it's gonna be fun i've been working on for a little bit a while actually and it's gonna be a long one but i'm excited um you can like comment on this video if you're watching rate review it uh post on your story you know all that [ __ ] um because yeah podcast train ain't stopping chugga chugga chugga chug man um yeah we'll wrap it up okay actually one sorry there's actually one more thing i have an announcement pretty exciting stuff actually um it's actually actually found out about this like a few days ago but um yeah so i was uh i was in the middle of carrying a league of legends game about to close it out and when my when my braless wife brings me a sandwich not asked for may i add with chips also as i get a double kill bot lane so you know i just got to ask how how's your day going all right that's it well thanks for listening this is episode 144 um appreciate you take care and uh goodbye
Channel: Very Really Good
Views: 174,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, ninja, ninja tweet, very really good, podcast, kurtis conner podcast, kurtis connor podcast, crypto
Id: fKZnxRjty3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 29sec (3209 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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