Very Really Good #142: Cheug Life

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oh okay hello hello welcome back to the podcast hopefully that isn't too loud sorry energy's up energy's up dude the energy levels are high um i figured if i tell myself that you know if i sort of speak it into existence then um i'll feel that way you know i'll uh i'll sort of if if you say something it's true you know manifesting the secret you know you know that movie the secret that dvd the secret that everybody was like you gotta watch it and you're like what's it about you're like it's a secret and you're like hey grow up hey you're in your 40s tell me what it is tell me what the secret is hey you have a kid don't keep secrets tell me what it is maybe is that it am i too old is that a reference that goes over my audience's head the secret you know oh it was a book i guess it was a book first i remember it as a dvd yeah it was also a film if you guys don't know what the secret is uh it is based on the belief of the law of attraction which claims that thoughts can change a person's life direct directly this was dude the secret was like it was like the secret walked so spiritual people on tiktok could run you know it was all just like dude [ __ ] if you think about it if you actually just think about it then you can then you can have it you know the only reason poor people exist is that they don't think about not being poor you know the only reason that poverty exists is because people just don't know the secret you know they're not they're not thinking about stuff you know it's a lot of horseshit man sorry i'm gonna go on record and say the secret is a bunch of horseshit now my freaking phone's going off um yeah there's like this huge the marketing around it was genius i'll say that the secret because you see it and you're like well what is it i want to know you know and the people who when you ask people who've seen the movie they're like i'm not telling i can't tell you unless it then it won't happen it won't come true and you're like okay so it's make-believe oh got it oh we're just playing make believe here okay that's fine with me 2006 it came out so um really really show my age here speaking of my age it's my birthday tomorrow it's my birthday tomorrow happy birthday to curt happy birthday to kurt yeah man i'm gonna be 27. the big two seven man it's huge it's so weird man i remember a few years ago i was watching a cody cove video um and it was he made videos he made a video when he turned 27 and he was like man i'm 27. i can't believe it and i remember watching that and i was like oh that's crazy there's no i'm never going to be that age i'm never going to be 27 and here i am 27 man it's crazy i'm in my late twenties i'm gonna be my late twenties you know because early twenties is like you know uh maybe twenty twenty one twenty two uh mid twenties twenty 23 24 25 and then late 20s you got 26. oh no maybe 26 is kind of in the middle right i'd say like 20 to 23 it's like early 20s four to six is probably probably better than seven to nine um that's like you know just a quick math for you guys but yeah i'm gonna be in my late 20s man and uh that's pretty crazy it feels weird um this feels especially weird because i literally a few days ago i had to deal with like drama on my minecraft server and hey i feel a little too old for that you know i'm 27 i'm gonna be 20 i'm practically 27 now i'm closer to it than 26 so 27 and i got and i got to deal with minecraft drama uh oh uh oh just me being like yeah i just it's you figure it out you know but those were just the those were just the problems man adulting you know adulting that's tough that's that's adulting for you man um but no i feel like dude age is so he's just so weird man it's like i don't feel 27 at all i feel like i've been 20. i feel when someone asks me my age like how old i am for a second in my head i'm like oh i'm 22. i'm 22. like for us first seriously for a whole second i'm like i'm 22. and then once it catches up like that thought gets sent to my mouth and by the time i realize i can like stop it by the time it gets out of my mouth um i go oh wait hold on hold on get back in here get back in here me saying 22. i'm 20 i'm [ __ ] 26. you know um okay so i found this article that was like 26 things i've learned in 26 years and you know first off list making a list that's so 26 that is so 26 of you to do that make a list here's a listicle top 27 toothbrushes that you need to have before your 30th birthday it's like why do you need you'll need one why do you need to have 26 of them they're like [ __ ] you [ __ ] you okay let's go through these i want to go through these and see if i [ __ ] look if i can agree with any of these you know um so this is what it took 26 years for this guy todd brisson todd brisson all right took him 26 years to [ __ ] to learn all this stuff he's got number one intimate relationship is important um yeah i mean i guess i mean not really you know not everybody needs that um so number one false many many many okay number two many many many people simply don't care about you um yeah i mean yeah that's true i'd agree with that you know even though i have a lot of people who do care about me luckily most people on earth high percentage they don't really care what i'm doing you know um dude and here we go here we go man number three dilbert comics were terrible what are you talking about gilbert comics were terrible what are you talking about man yeah it took me 26 years to just finally you're so brave man dilbert comics i'm not the best i'm not the biggest fan of yeah you're 26. you got to be at least 50 to like to even know what dilbert comics are dude also okay i'm gonna scroll down because a lot of these are just like dude milk is from cows one of the things i learned about when it took me 26 years to figure out dairy milk actually comes from cows yeah i thought it rained i thought it rained milk i thought there was a big titty in the sky that sort of rained milk and then there's a little milk boys with buckets and they run around and catch all the the sky sky milk and then they just and then they put in little and cartons and send it off but no i'm 26 and i learned that milk comes from cow you know you think that's why aliens abduct cows all the time because they just love that you know suckle it suckle the milk off you know aliens love milk oh scratch my neck and now it's red uh the most sensitive scene in the world okay number seven what do we got fame is hard yeah uh that's true fame is hard and that because every 26 year old is famous and that's you know you could be a nobody when you're 25 but if you as soon as you turn 26 famous and it's hard you know okay a lot of these are just like the most basic [ __ ] ever like 11. writing a book is a lot of work hey did you know writing a book is a lot of work yeah man it's a book it's hundreds of pages the [ __ ] literally number 12 could be poo smells yeah yes it does sir you're absolutely right about that who [ __ ] reeks um the return of the internet pop-up is super annoying okay man okay dude all right here we go here we go this is my favorite 25 i can eat eggs for breakfast every day that's one less decision to make sure and then number 26 except on saturday because pancakes are bae [Music] oh boo bad you're bad you're a bad writer don't this is why people hate millennials man this right here this is why people [ __ ] hate millennials man is pa dude calling anything bae like it's one thing to be like yo that's my bae or like yo bae what are you doing right like that's sure but to be like something is bae no no thank you you know sorry i gotta switch my headphone thing around oh that's better it's better when i can hear my own voice i gotta figure it okay but yeah when you call when you say stuff is bae when you're like okay that is bae right if you when you use when you use it as a as an as an adjective no thank you don't yeah here's 26 things i learned uh in my 26 years of being alive one through 24 okay how about this here's here's the list here's a definitive list of things i've learned in my 26 years of being alive number one uh you know get get some rest you know get a good night's sleep 25 times you know 25 times get it get some you know sleep as much as you can i don't follow that advice but you need it and then 26 uh don't use bae as an adjective and then and there you go there are my those are my definitive lessons pancakes are bad as [ __ ] no they're not the breakfast unless you're saying unless you're calling unless your friend michael bay as bae is being bae then yeah do that michael's bae as [ __ ] yo you're so bae right now dude this is this is my impression of when i if i ever meet michael bay yo you're bae you're being bad off right now dude yo that movie that you directed is so bad dude you're bae as [ __ ] yo michael you're bad as [ __ ] transformers you train you're transforming my uh my feelings for you into something magical that was my heart that was a sound my heart made when it transformed how'd they make that sound effect in the in the in the in the [ __ ] transformers movies you know i didn't get that sound effect on my [ __ ] soundboard dude whenever we whenever i talk about anything transformers related i can just go you know or if i talk about a caterpillar turning into a butterfly because that's essentially what they're doing caterpillars are transformers transformers caterpillars in disguise okay man all right not everything that pops into your head you have to say curtis it's fine you can just you can just let things go you don't have to say everything yo shout out to mo i'm drinking a folks i'm drinking a tim hortons cold brew right now they just got cold brew and yeah cold brew came out oh cold brew became popular in what like 2013 2014 so they're a little behind the curve and that's fine that's why we love them that's why we love tim hortons they're shitty they suck but you know what their coffee's sweet as hell and they're everywhere so that's why we keep going back and it's pretty bomb dude it's not that bad we got two of these and a bagel it was like 10 bucks starbucks that would have been like 25 you know and i know that because i used to work so work at starbucks unless it was so expensive and one time my manager got pushed [Music] one time my manager got pushed at starbucks um someone's at my door who could it be oh it's a postman wait oh yes wait okay yeah one time there was this guy who came into starbucks and uh he he needed to use the bathroom um but he came in like i forget he like swore at someone he was being he was causing a ruckus because he was downtown toronto um people beat cows and ruckus is down there and um yeah my my manager um who she was like i don't know like four foot nine like she was very short um but she was like you need to leave you need to leave she was like you need to get out of here and then uh he pushed her into the into the [ __ ] pastry case um she was okay but you know she was like whoa [ __ ] pushing a bunch of pastries you know nothing like getting shoved into a [ __ ] a [ __ ] lemon poppy seed loaf i'll tell you that nothing like getting pushed into a love um man i'm losing my mind what's been going on lately streaming uh streaming a lot you know dude [ __ ] actually some [ __ ] going on you know i got i got my i got i got a beef you know i got beef with twitch right now dude so i'm gonna i'm a twitch affiliate right now um and i i want to be a partner okay but i'm not streaming enough i need i need to stream for 25 hours in the past 30 days so i was like sick here we go right yesterday i streamed for like four hours because i was like i gotta get my time up right i did the math and everything i stream for the right amount of time and some and i still because it's in the 30-day period it like subtracted it because 30 days ago like the time that i had it like dwindled down because i streamed you know what i mean so i still need four more hours which is a pain in the ass but it's all good you know these are the pr these are tough adulting problems you know [ __ ] man let me be a partner come on let me be partners i mean be a partner howdy partner come on you know i just gotta do a bunch of like [ __ ] random ass twitch streams just to kill time so i can be a partner and they'll never know because you'll never and you'll never tell them don't because i trust i you know i trust you guys um yeah i've just been been streaming a lot streaming minecraft which is a lot of fun um uh what else been going on [ __ ] not much man i haven't been doing anything um actually big news big news actually actually big news apparently it all goes to plan um i'll be able to get my first covet vaccine dose by the end of may by the end of this month hey yo what's dj vaccine in the house put your arms out put your arms out put them in the air wave them around in a circle get that blood circulating why are you hating get the blood circulating you know dj vaccine pfizer i hardly know her you know so i'm excited i'm very excited to get my freaking vaccine so life can go back to kind of normal and i cannot and i can like see my [ __ ] friends again man i'm so excited i can't wait to get dose the [ __ ] up man one in each arm you know hey dude straight up if they had to put put it in your eyeball i'd be like okay there would be no hesitation no hesitation at all i'd be like yes do it i'm 22 years old put it in both my eyes yes i'm 22 put it both my eyes always sorry i'm 26 i ca yeah i just had to get it out you know oh man but that's it man same old same old pretty exciting stuff i'm 26. um you know what let's change the subject we'll talk about some news stuff really quick so i've been seeing this i've been seeing this uh this trend sort of on twitch speaking of twitch um and and tick tock people have been talking about on tick tock um so there's this thing that people are doing on twitch called um hot tub streams um where okay i'll just read the title of this female stars raking in cash from hot tub live stream craze on twitch a controversial trend of hot tub live streams on twitch is making female stars plenty of money buzz but it has its critics um yeah so apparently so girls will um you know they'll hang out in hot because apparently twitch guidelines say you're not allowed to like stream in like a lingerie and [ __ ] but if you were in like if you were like swimming or something um then it's okay to wear like a bathing suit because it's like a appropriate setting right so some girls have found like a loop a loophole if you will right um so they're streaming in hot tubs or like kiddie pools um so they can like wear bikinis and stuff and and yeah people are upset because you know when girls are you know comfortable with their sexuality and their and their and their and their you know their show you know they're showing their body because they want to on their own terms when girls do that people get pretty upset um because you know misogyny um especially on twitch bro it's [ __ ] gamer nerds dude um do not do not going hot tub not allowed not alone i want to see your boobs but not like this not with your consent you know [ __ ] dweebs bro i found i said like dude i saw one tick tock i saved it um you know because it was just classic misogyny here we go hot tub streamers yeah so it's a bunch of hot tub streamers and then it's a guy and it says me a small streamer chasing my dreams [Music] yeah so there's a lot of that that's like one of the main critiques is like it's taking away viewership from like small creators who want who are trying their hardest to achieve their dreams and it's like bro you think someone going to a hot tub stream to see a girl to see like a pretty girl you know do her thing right you think someone going there is gonna go watch your [ __ ] stream if they're not there no no [ __ ] way dude well it's either it's either go watch this uh twitch streamer who i think is attractive or funny even who cares like it's not even an attractive thing they just like them right it's like either that or this small streamer playing fortnite uh it go either way you know it's just such a shitty take like like what do you want you know this is like this is what confuses me the most and i talked i was talking to sean about this too it's like on tick-tock even it's like when girls are like you know showing like their body and stuff and on twitch now people they're like showing off their body which is fine because it's theirs right they can do whatever the [ __ ] they want and they're making so much money and that's [ __ ] sick for them right but like what do you want don't you want to see that so why do you were like shaming girls it's like it's just so weird because like the same people who are pissed that like what's this girl's name amaranth or whatever if her like the same people who are pissed that she's doing this on twitch if her like nudes got leaked they'd be [ __ ] all over it man they'd be [ __ ] jerking the little wieners to it because it's all about like if a girl shows off you know if a girl is being comfortable and showing and you know in charge of her sexuality she's showing you know her body on her terms then no no no you're using you're using your body for dentin and you can't be doing that but then when someone else is like someone when someone violates them essentially and like shares their body that they don't want out in their way it's like well that this is cool now you know just say hey women and go you know i don't know it's just another way to like for people to hate on women you know and if it's like you know all the power to him it's a [ __ ] it's not hurting anybody right i honestly don't think there's way worse [ __ ] on twitch you can [ __ ] look at you know i don't know dude i want to see i wanna see like the main criticisms but um okay with some viewers being too sexual um went on twitch and seriously got confused as to what app i was actually on wouldn't the actual [ __ ] happen to twitch i really want to know all right man and this xqc xqc guy the most watched broadcaster on twitch um dude also whoever wrote this broadcaster yeah you're [ __ ] nice broadcasting live from twitch um he weighed in calling the trend the most pathetic thing we've seen on twitch and forever whoa yeah man there was a guy who went okay yeah i just like it's so i just wanted to talk about it because it's so frustrating it's like um what are you pissed at right people are going to watch it if they want to watch it you don't have to and if you're bummed that you know that you're not getting anyone watching your [ __ ] twitch streams it's not because of them it's not because the people doing [ __ ] hot tub streams man right don't i don't blame them you know that's so weird these girl these girls weren't in hot tubs i'd be [ __ ] i'd be number one on twitch man [Music] it might be number one you get on a hot tub man if you're so [ __ ] bummed about it you know get in the hot tub for yourself don't hate the player man hate the game um all right we can alright let's move on let's get a nice pallet cleanse okay so this is the main thing i wanted to talk about this this week um it sort of ties into you know me getting older and my age group there's um there's a term that has been coined um wait where's the article i lost it um oh okay hold on i'll find it i'll find it okay so there's a term that's been coined um and it's it's and it's it's become my favorite thing all right i'm i'm a big fan of it and i think it's a lot of uh i relate a lot to it i think it's very funny uh so you've probably you might have heard of it before but it's called chugi have you guys you guys heard tugi um new york times actually wrote an article about chugi um a new term to describe a certain aesthetic is gaining popularity on tick tock so chugi um sort of describes okay it's not quite basic okay which can describe someone who is a conformist or perhaps generic in their tastes and it's not quite uncool it's not embarrassing or even always negative chugi can be used broadly to describe someone who is out of date or trying too hard and while a lot of chewy things are associated with millennial women the term can be applied to anyone of any gender and any age so the little collage they have up here they got like or were these like sorel boots i think um i got a dunder mifflin t-shirt a minion um pinterest logo eos [ __ ] lip balm a girl a mug that says girl boss there's an instagram called chug life where they post things that are cheeky um okay cruises cruise ships are definitely chugi you know chug mobiles that's like yeah you got to be like to genuinely like plan to go on a cruise yeah you gotta be like that's pretty chewy to be like yeah we're gonna we're gonna go on this big boat full of other people and just kind of move around for a while um dude this font okay there's some okay there's a lot of choogie fonts on especially in like places like home sense like the really this font right here the really skinny font [Music] that is so chewy that and like the cursive one the big cursive one that says like whispering is like your heart crying and you're like yes dude put that on my [ __ ] wall but the thinner the font is like this the true gear you are right like if i went over someone's house and all their stuff had this font on it dude you better watch it like it's like the movie get out but with chug yeah dude the masked singer the max singer is very chewy i feel like there's like it's easier to be i'm sure there are younger chugi people right but so i feel like most chugs are um like like my age or older um like this all this [ __ ] is stuff that was like popular when i was in high school you know i don't know if it's still popular in high school because i'm not in high school anymore but all of this [ __ ] was like this is like the most 2012 stuff ever yeah yeah man these dude these bikinis so chewed man smirnoff raspberry i just think it's like it's such this i mean literally if i was scrolling through this page and i didn't know what chug was i was like oh this is like this could be someone i went to high school with because it was all this man anybody who goes anybody who like stays in the town that they went to high school in for the most part there's a higher the longer the longer you stay in the town you went to high school in the the higher your chances of becoming a chug are you know you know it gets chew gear the risk of chug it increases yeah lana del rey she's pretty cheery she [ __ ] date she's dating a cop so that's the most [ __ ] cheap thing you can do i think um okay they have like the chug life instagram page they posted uh captions that are choogie i'm feeling 22 on 22nd birthdays i feel like that's fine i feel like everybody does that i feel i think i did that um but i think i did it ironically but i still did it so you know doesn't matter dude this was my favorite i did captioning something i did a thing after dying or cutting your hair dude that's this dude i talked about this before in my podcast i don't know what episode like a while ago i remember i remember being so pissed off whenever i see people say like i did a thing he did a thing would you did you do be say what you did you know that or like or like po posting a an engagement photo captioning it like she said yes you know or he said or yeah or i said yes that's so chewy she said yes to what [Music] dessert she said no to the did she say no to the ring i gave her she said no to my proposal but she said yes to dessert so i mean it's pretty sweet yeah so that's like yeah i guess it is a it's like an aesthetic name sort of for like girl bosses you know millennial girl bro girl boss um but it's it's a i feel like it's so interesting to me because like being chooky you know being shooky it's like growing up um sort of like the internet when i grew up was so it was so weird man like it was such a different thing and i know and i literally know it was not that long ago like i'm saying that's like it was 50 years ago but the internet moved so quickly that it literally kind of was like people just said whatever and they posted whatever like you would just post like like a [ __ ] like flower that you saw on the ground you'd be like and you put a instagram filter on it that's it you know it was like so different and like i feel like it's like i'm only i only like deal i feel like the only reason i'm not very choogy is because i'm like i'm a youtuber and i'm like and i sort of like have to try my best to stay current right so i can like talk about relevant things but man if i didn't do comedy or youtube or anything like that i'd be chooky for sure i would you know if i didn't have the part of my brain that was like i need to make videos i need to make people laugh i need to make dumb [ __ ] you know if i didn't have that i'd be chooky i'd be stupid i'd be the most [ __ ] chewy guy ever man i'd be wearing cargo shorts right now you know because male 2 exists too you know it's not like it's not it's not i mean again this is another way to like for people to hate on women i guess but i want to i feel i feel like male 2 is worse you know dude like i say man cave like man cave font like what's that [ __ ] font you know it's like wood anything wood burned anything wood burned yeah dude wood burning is so choke if you have a [ __ ] wood burn sign that says this is like the man cave dude what happens in the man cave stays in the man cave oh dude chug overload yeah give me give me give me 20 cc's of trendy dude this guy's over this guy [ __ ] odd on chug yeah man oh man yeah like anything most like having too much wood in your house that you don't need that's chugi bass pro shops you know v for ven dude v for vendetta masks that is mail chug having a v for vendetta mask on the wall dude what else is mail chug you know because that's the [ __ ] that's that's bad news dude henley's henley shirts if you see a guy if i see a guy in a henley i'm crossing the street you know i'm feel danger i feel danger from this [ __ ] from people who from do's and henleys you know just have a polo wear a polo man looks way better who's the girl who came up with the term her name on tick tock is uh webkinz [ __ ] 143. so that's a great name um but i think they're so it's so fascinating to me man i got i think i hope this term like catches on because it can it encapsulates like so much of like a group of people that just didn't have a name before right literally everybody i went to high school with old navy that's old chugi there's like a lot of overlap with like i don't know just early internet like or like 2011 2012 internet stuff that sort of just like and people just like didn't keep up with internet trends so they were like i'm just gonna keep doing what i keep doing you know scumbag steve you know but the thing is man i say this all the time as well but you know someone who's like a you know an ultra chewy person are way happier than i am you know they have it figured out you know blissful ignorance man they are having the best time they have the sickest life they're so happy i wish i wish you know what's that [ __ ] book is it flowers flowers for algernon am i an idiot is that the right one yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay so it's about a guy who gets smarter right they're doing a doing an experiment on him to make him smarter right and as he gets smarter and smarter he gets like way more depressed right he's way more sad and like alone um because he can't form like like his relationships are just like falling apart he can't relate to other people right and that's the same [ __ ] this is modern you know this is an updated flowers for algernon thing we got to do an up i got to write a [ __ ] book even though i know writing a book is hard because you know i learned that in my 26 years of life but this is the same thing right the less like the more the less chewed you get the sadder you are right if you're chewed although if you're chewed up you know if you're if you've been chewed up i've been chewed up and spit up and booed off stage if you're all chewed up man if you're chewed if you're getting chooky all the time you know you got a man cave you know you know your wife works for an mlm dude you're happy you're so happy i'm not i'm making crazy general generalizations here i know not that's not true for everybody i'm sure they get sad too but as a whole you know i think you know what i'm trying to get at um holy [ __ ] um but i just want to get the word out there man i want to talk about i want to get the i and you need to embrace your chug you know there's nothing wrong with that i think we all have a little bit of chugi inside of us right and i think that's what we need to end it on right we all need to embrace it you know i golf man i go i like golfing that's embarrassing that's like the sport i landed on golf dude what the [ __ ] that's so chewy man i like having like like one beer you know i wear slippers right i'm pretty chewed myself sometimes and that's fine there's nothing wrong with it but it's just nice to have a term for it you know you got to take the good with the bad um i was just so fascinated by it and i hope it catches on i hope you guys use it you know um [Music] let's do let's use some advice um damn i need a jingle for my advice [Music] for my advice for my advice segment um also looking at chew on urban dictionary like c-h-o-o-g um and it says someone that looks like a crackhead so that's fun also poog was a slang term in in ontario poog means uh poog stands for piece of oshawa garbage if you guys so there's some slang for you because if any of you guys know about about oshawa if you guys if any of my listeners know about oshawa then you will understand oshawa is a lawless town a lawless city it's like matt it's like a city in mad max dude all right this is the advice segment you guys send in advice to very really good at and i do my best to help you out i'm not a professional but i do my best um all right this is fake names i won't dox anybody here uh this one is from martha martha stewart wow martha martha stewart hi curtis i'm really going through it tonight and i figured i'd ask for advice on since you seem like a cool guy oh advice on this since you seem like a cool guy uh do you think it's ever too late to learn how to read curtis because you [ __ ] can do you think it's never too late to make friends um i'm 20 years old and i spent a lot of time wishing i had a friend group or at least one close friend who i could talk to because of some weird circumstances and or bad decisions on my part i haven't gone to a real university yet just community college and by the time i'm planning on rolling i'm also planning on having my own place so it's not like i'll ever experience dorm life which is where most people my age seem to make a lot of friends all my friends from high school have moved on to their own friend groups and i'm just kind of chilling on my own i know the best way to phrase it do you know oh wait sorry do you think it's ever too late in life to get out there and have a group of friends no no not at all no i it's i resonated a lot with this is why i picked it but um i took a year off um you know between high school and college um and you know i was worried you know a lot of my friends i just stopped talking to um they got their own friends and then when i went to university i was in a dorm right for like three days i made friends with this guy named peter he was great he was a really nice guy um and i could i i know i could see a long friendship with him but he you know i left university after three days because i i changed my mind and i got scared um and i went to college i went to comedy college basically comedy writing um so and there's so much pressure man in the first like week or two you got to make friends because as soon as i told uh this guy peter that i was going that i was leaving he was like uh seriously man like i had all my i [ __ ] i was i was betting on you to be my university friend and then i left um you know i should hit him i should hit him up um but no there's so much pressure you know and i was scared too because i was like i missed out i miss out on the first week of college man i'm not gonna make any friends but you know just being in the class with people you're gonna make friends you're gonna it's never too late because i showed up late to my program i made friends you know i met jacob the first day and we kind of like you know we keep we became friends pretty much the first day and then my friends with dean like later on um and they're still my friends like now and they're always gonna be my friends um you know so you know i don't think i don't think i know it's scary but if you're just if you put yourself out there man you know scary but you will make friends i promise um but i believe in you you know if you're having trouble you could join like a club you know something you like you can find other people who also like stuff like that right like if you're into if you're into freaking comic books maybe join a comic book club or start one you know there you go and you already have something in common right that's huge um all right next one this next question comes from a colin thanks colin looky here kerdi boy i'm wondering if you have any tips on gaining self-confidence i always find myself comparing myself to other people online and in real life no matter how hard i try i can't seem to turn that part off that part of my brain off um do you or maybe even jenna have any advice on loving yourself i know that's kind of a vague question but it's become a big jump in the road when it comes to my relationships and self-worth i hope you're having a wonderful day stinky boy um i mean it's it's pretty easy when you uh when you're sort of wicked stunningly handsome you know so no i've never had a problem with that all right guys thanks for listening goodbye i'm just kidding um no man i uh self-confidence is tough man i have a problem with it all the time you know some days you know i get like little glimmers you know of what it feels like to love yourself right i get a little i get a little taste of it you know it's like only a little taste like it tastes like if i was like how little you taste like if you were like yawning at a party and then someone like tripped with a plate of hors d'oeuvres and like a shrimp sort of like i ran along your tongue the shrimp fell off the plate of orders and sort of graze along your tongue and you get a little taste of shrimp that's sort of what i feel like sometimes on my best days i'm like oh i look pretty good today i'm i'm a good person i've made good choices and um and i'm funny right that's rare i get a i get a i get a shrimp rub it on me sometimes and that's cool um and i've you know i think it's just learning to appreciate those appreciating the shrimp when you get it you know you know it's not always going to be a shrimp cocktail you know you're blessed if you can get a cocktail you know wait or please let me get a cocktail of my own you know that'd be great but sometimes you just gotta you gotta accept the shrimp grazing along your freaking buds dude you gotta accept the shrimp just sort of grazing along your taste buds and that's all you're going to get for a bit but to help maybe increase the frequency of that maybe you know i found the way that you dress can really have a lot of sort of it can help you a lot um you know like getting a nice outfit on you know we were wearing your favorite shoes so you look nice it's like okay all right this is what it's look at me you know that can do wonders even i'm wearing pants right now i'm wearing jeans i'm so sorry i'm wearing my chinos for the first time in like a week because i'm just wearing sweatpants every day and i'm like i feel great you know um but no just honestly dude remember everybody deals with this and the cool thing about you is there's there's literally only one of you man there's no there's no other you're the only colin so that's one thing of itself you know still there's only one there can be only one you know can you imagine if there was another one it'd be a nightmare constant competition no thank you you're only in competition with yourself dude then that's the [ __ ] real secret dude that's the secret how's that for a [ __ ] call back dude i'll wrap this up like a goddamn birthday gift for me cause my birthday's tomorrow all right guys i'll wrap it up here we're gonna get to recruit his corner segment but i was too focused on the tube dude um but all right i appreciate you listening this is episode 140 something 142 i think right i mean it doesn't matter it's the end of the episode 142. yep nailed it all right thank you for listening like and comment subscribe all that stuff you know check me out on twitch subscribe to curtis pogger ah that's it all right love you appreciate you seriously thank you so much for listening and um yeah i will see you next week
Channel: Very Really Good
Views: 197,890
Rating: 4.9641442 out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, very really good, vrg, kurtis conner podcast, kurtis connor podcast, cheugy, cheug life, cheug, hot tub twitch streams, hot tub
Id: -nkADf7IjsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 49sec (3289 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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