Very Really Good #117: Making It Slinkee!

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all right hey guys welcome back to the very really good podcast we're here we made it dude it's it's a hundred it's 117 degrees somewhere in the world i'm sure not here it's cold here uh [ __ ] cool i have feel like i haven't done a podcast in so long um it feels weird i mean i feel when's the last time it was a week ago about a week ago yeah bobby schmerter wrote that song about the last about my podcast schedule was last time a curtis uh the very good podcast episode came out about a week ago so and then he went to jail for that because uh the cops were like why hey why are you writing a song about a podcast schedule um i'm just kidding anyways welcome back uh i okay i feel like i need to talk about um i took a week off the podcast took a break for a week because we got sponsors now dude we're real we're a real time uh podcast for a big time podcast we made we're in the big leagues all right i gotta i gotta chew bigly i gotta have big league chew i gotta have that in my pot um during my podcast all the time dude chewing gum during a podcast big league chew a a mouthful of big league chew while recording a podcast so oh my god what a puke just thinking about it no we're in the big leagues now i got we got we got sponsors did so i had to take a break because i needed a week to like uh now okay we we gotta do the podcast a week in advance like staggered a bit so the podcast you're hearing right now i recorded this last week i usually do like i record monday upload tuesday but that's just too quick you know because brands they need to watch videos and sometimes not saying that the brand i'm not this is just in any brand for brand deals i've done on my main channel sometimes brands take so long to watch videos [Music] and it's so annoying because the takes two minutes literally it's a two minute video uh so just watch it and let me know if it's all right for me to put on my channel because i'm uh stressing about everything all the time so please please take some stress off of me but it's all good um and now something new to stress about cheers got a coffee here 98.1 chfi dude this is the most radio thing i got a mug that says 98.1 chfi uh a radio station and i got a big microphone in front of me dude am i an am am i on am radio right now and then okay on this mug it says no dreamer is ever too small no dream is ever too big practice random beauty and senseless acts of love happiness is not given but exchange truth fears no questions dare to be wise laugh okay you're a radio station relax you play uh you play soft rock for people at their office so it's all good i don't think i've ever read this whole thing but i use this mug every day it's my favorite mug and i've never read it that's so crazy dude we're all i'm learning dude i'm growing i'm growing as a human being i'm finally reading mugs finally reading mugs took 26 years but we're here we did it ah [ __ ] what's what's new huh uh put out my video um i watched some of my favorite tick tocks it felt weird doing that video man uh because like i'm so used to putting so much time and effort into my videos where if i do a video that doesn't take as much time and effort like if i it still took like a cut like a full day of editing um like it was still like a little bit of work obviously but like compared to my other videos it was such a like a a light workload that i felt like weird i felt gross i was like am i like cheating out am i like taking am i like phoning it in right now um but no there's honestly some youtubers out there who just like eat food and they're just like they don't edit it they're just like yes there you go that's that's the video so i gotta stop you know beating myself up if i don't if i'm not spending 40 plus hours editing a video be like it's not good enough it's not good enough right because on vine i would film stuff in like a minute and it'd be up but i don't know um oh i i asked this on the last i think the last one but no uh guys i want to get more um guests on the podcast all right so come in any youtubers or you know funny people interesting people that uh uh you know that would like to be on a on my podcast or you think would be a good fit on my podcast because i have some ideas but i wanna i wanna see what you guys think um i wanna get neil breen on so bad that is my dream guest if i could somehow swing neil breen on here i'd the things i would do i would i'd give away all my life saving well that's not true but i would i would do a lot to have neil breen on the pod um oh yeah i wanted to talk about my new newest video i included a tick tock that um [Music] i wasn't aware of uh but it was people were telling me that it was like uh ableist and uh offensive um first off want to apologize if i offended anybody for with that one uh i didn't even realize it until afterwards um and i want to thank you for letting me know um it's always nice when people are like they give you the benefit of the doubt you know when they're like hey i know you probably didn't mean this but this is actually like pretty hurtful and like kind of offensive so if you could change it that'd be great i like that a lot i like that way better than oh really curtis really you just did that you [ __ ] you man oh you're you're done i'm not listening to you anymore or watching you anymore they just automatically assume that i have ill like bad intentions you know and i'm guilty of it too i'm i've done that before too but still it's like i think if people know who i am they know my content they know i wouldn't put something in there that's like offensive right um and also i had people uh messaging me about the the barf sound on here uh on my on my soundboard and saying that i i need to put trigger warnings for that and i didn't know that either um because to me i i see i guess trigger warning for puke and talk about puke but um if i if i see someone puking i i laugh really it's this i think it's really funny um and there was like so i had a lot of the tick tocks that i cut out of my favorite tick tock video they're all like based around people puking i just think it's really funny but obviously that can be a really triggering thing for people so i'm sorry for using that sound effect i didn't even think about that but i'm not going to use it anymore okay we're going to use uh different sound effects [Music] dude doing that after an apology video guys a youtuber apology with [ __ ] sound effects okay siri why are you coming up what did i say that anything what did i say that sounded like siri an apology video doesn't sound okay [ __ ] siri is on one hey what can i help you with nothing shut up guys i'm guys i'm hi it's laura lee here i'm i'm really sorry that i i'm really sorry that i sh i [ __ ] in all the makeup um it was i really sorry i poo pooed in all the in the in them in the mascara and then people put the mascara on their eyes and they got pink eye it was really really bad i'm sorry for the pink guy all right did i get i want this podcast this podcast this podcast could just be me pressing buttons and i'd be totally fine with it i knew i know you guys would hate it i know you guys would hate it but i would love it just sound effects a podcast welcome back to the sound effects podcast i gotta put new sounds on here too i've been slacking dude i've been slacking i've been uh i've been messaging my co-workers too much cause you know slack the app dude [ __ ] slack anybody use slack where they work that app slack so annoying dude i i used that app when i was at inkbox did i [ __ ] i hated it so much yeah just slack me yeah do you send it send me a slack and then i'd have like messages oh my god literally nothing more terrifying than getting like a slack message when you're like it's like over the weekend or something and it's like oh what did i forget to do did i [ __ ] up i mean i i i that job was great don't get me wrong uh but i i think it took me i think it took me quitting that job realizing how much i hate office jobs i was there when i was there i was like i guess i guess everybody feels this way i don't know does anybody really like office jobs i don't know but once i quit i started doing youtube i was like oh i didn't like office jobs at all i didn't like what i was doing i liked what i was doing i just like the you know the the format of it but it's all good that's the way it goes and i'm pretty sure office jobs are going to be gone are gonna be dead and gone from now on i don't think like driving in downtown toronto and seeing all these like empty office buildings it's creepy man cause everyone's just working from home now because you don't need to go in an office because it's [ __ ] everyone has a computer at their house it's gonna be weird i don't know what's gonna happen to them they're just gonna be empty now how about we put a [ __ ] theme park dude that'd be so fire if downtown toronto we tear down all those stupid ass [ __ ] um skyscrapers and then we build roller coasters we are no we know that things are allowed to be built that high because things that have been higher have been there you know skyscrapers dude that'd be awesome the downtown toronto theme park we gotta do it all right guys tweet at toronto make toronto a theme park dude i got a really funny story about skyscrapers i don't know if i've ever told the story in the podcast i might have but um there's is there is this game that we would play in in like i think it was in grade eight sorry eighth grade to my americans we're in eighth grade um and we had like this class where we would like if we finish all our work and stuff like on like a friday we would like play games it was super sick it's like [ __ ] so much fun when you're at school and you don't have to do school work huge probably the most fun thing ever uh but there's this game we would play where um you have to like say a word pops up and you have to say it you have to like make people guess the word without saying the word you know so if it was like banana you'd be like uh monkeys eat this um you know yellow fruit it was like that super easy um and my friend kurt i feel like i told the story but it's still so [ __ ] funny um my friend kurt his name was kurt my name was curtis his he was kurt um he is his uh the word that he got was skyscraper and then we're all like i think i don't know what we were saying but how he described skyscraper was oh the those guys that clean windows dude he thought the name the job title of like window clean of of like tall buildings of window washers was skyscrapers they're scraping the sky off of buildings oh god it's so funny what do you do for a living i'm a skyscraper huh um sorry you're a skyscraper [ __ ] that's so funny skyscraper dude i wonder what kurt's up to that guy was so funny the guy would kick that was the kid who got like kicked out of every class because he was just [ __ ] goofing around all the time and he disrupted me all the time and i didn't get any work done but he i was laughing so it's all good so it's all good because i was laughing and i passed school so it's all good and look at me now i got a podcast i got distracted sometimes in school but now i got a podcast so what are you gonna do now who's laughing now mrs uh mademoiselle gallagher that was my french teacher don't look her up well maybe she's madame now i don't know who knows uh what else has been going on dude oh i [ __ ] dude last week i golfed with uh well not the whole round i played a few holes with uh some nhl players that was [ __ ] we're like these guys are playing up on us behind us pretty quick so the last few holes were like we let's just let's just join together we'll play last holes together um we all had our own golf carts we stayed you know we kept our distance um i'm not being a [ __ ] idiot and it's outdoors i'm being safe um but yeah they uh just looking at him i was like these guys gotta play sports right they have to the one dude dude they were like six six at least and the guy was like i'm like i'm for the people just listening i'm buffing up my shoulders they were huge and wide they were tall and wide like a skyscraper the building not the employee um not the job position it was crazy though it was like i felt like i didn't know them at all but i felt like they were my big brothers just because they were so big you know i felt like a little brother and i wanted to you know play catch with him i was like hey guys let's let's forget about this whole golf thing let's let's throw the old pig skin around and you can teach me about uh puberty like the one guy was like hey he was so handsome it was [ __ ] you know those types of guys who are like so tall and strong and like chiseled i'm not chiseled bro i'm not chiseled at all i'm like i'm i was dropped you know i wasn't chiseled out of raw of like stone you know i wasn't anything like that i was i was a piece of clay that that was dropped and it fell down the stairs like a slinky i'm a slinky okay i wasn't sculpted i'm a slinky boy okay fishy fishy fish making it slinky and that's all good i'm a slinky little [ __ ] boy push me down the stairs because i'm a slinky little boy um isn't that cool how slinkies used to be like the the go-to toy now it's like ipads and ps5s you should be just hey this is a coil that i push down the stairs it's so crazy yo did you get the new slinky yeah it's [ __ ] sick yo did you get slinky five um [ __ ] that's so stupid what else happened today huh today nothing because i just woke up into this podcast um i wanted to talk about the debate and how that fly that landed on [ __ ] uh mike pence's head or whatever i wanted to talk about it but like it's gonna be old news now because it's a week from now that you're [ __ ] listening to this and also it's like people were [ __ ] freaking out about it so hard like every tweet i saw would be like fly ahead fly on head fly head head is on fly fly head it's like all right man we know maybe we can talk about something else for for like a second i don't know there's a fly on his head i don't know that's a i don't know can i say i don't know one more time i don't know um that's the thing about doing this podcast weekend maybe we'll change it up but i honestly if i say there's a fly that landed on mike pence's head by the time you hear this you're going to be like oh yeah oh yeah there was that's going to be that's weird that he's talking about the fly on his head because in the last debate a raccoon landed on his head it just gets each debate he has a bigger animal that lands on his head all right all right guys let's talk about the elephant on my head uh guys let's talk about the elephant in the room okay the elephant on my head i know there's an elephant on my head uh the entire animal kingdom has found solace on my noggin i found solace on my noggin the animal kingdom found solace in my noggin because i'm uh mike pence [Music] all right well [Music] that means we're changing the subject all right so we're gonna do a quick curtis corner so curtis corner we're gonna talk about news current events and when he mean current i mean last week so let's hit that theme song huh [Music] and jacob is here what's good what's good hey not not much that was that like you sounded like a like a hype man that was cool you know i from my time zone record these monday mornings so yeah i really feel like i gotta bring the energy or it's gonna be snoozes right what time is it there right now 9 30. it's 11 30 but 11 30. you're a piece of [ __ ] like me and you go to sleep at 4 00 a.m every night then yeah it may not be like seven i'm all so i'm an hour ahead of you um i like how you said in my time zone it's monday morning like it's not that here well it's noonish yeah okay yeah that's true 12 30 afternoon okay i'll i'll i'll i'll give you that big own on the time zones yeah i got lion by my own producer shout out getting phoned um all right i got some news stories for you okay so we're gonna start out with one that i know you gotta you gotta take on and i'm interested to hear your take uh okay we got some celebs some famous people oh yeah they're naked for the votes oh right yeah so uh yeah but it's one of these like compilations of celebrities being like please vote um and this time they're uh they're all in the nude thoughts uh are you calling them thoughts because they're naked i'm calling your thoughts thoughts okay yeah okay all these solidities are naked thoughts um uh no i okay so from my understanding they're doing this because like you can they're promoting like mail-in or like no not even they're saying you can vote naked right that's what they're saying it's um so if you submit your mail-in ballot incorrectly it can be called a naked um ballot trying to raise awareness for submitting your ballot correctly okay i misunderstood i thought they were saying that like you can vote naked because you're just doing it from home and i was like no you would have to walk to the post office or something and you'd be naked i think they're saying you are legally allowed to expose yourself at a polling place okay way better i agree with that now it makes sense so okay so they're saying just like you gotta fill out your ballot correctly or else you're gonna be a naked celebrity yeah you might accidentally find yourself in the hollywood spotlight damn it i'm naked amy schumer god damn it um i don't know it's like their hearts and god bless them you know their hearts are always in the right place but i feel like whenever celebrities do this stuff it's it's like when they saying that imagine is that the song they sung yeah when they did the when like the global pandemic was happening and then from their like multi-million dollar mansions they were like look at all the people like what is that doing um i don't know they all they always mean well but since they're celebrities and they're so out of touch with everything it's like can you just like can you just make a video being like hey guys vote like just do that you know yeah i definitely um these are always pretty silly and they come out every election cycle but i mean hey if it gets people to have worked yeah yeah you know that's that's all that's really important and um this week or i guess last week when we're recording this a bunch of us states start early voting and a bunch of u.s states are already early voting so damn yeah you know um this video does have good information so make sure that you're that's true yeah correctly but if i can't see mark ruffalo's hammer then what's the point you know you know um i won't be voting by mail i'm gonna do it in person however yeah i will be thinking about that big hulk meat you won't like me when i'm voting you won't like me when i'm naked that's the hulk being insecure on his wedding you won't like me when i'm naked you love me now with my little with my little purple trousers but when i'm naked the hulk's practically naked already does the hulk's meat grow proportionally or do you think the hulk has proportionally bigger meat it's funny that you say that because i think i've talked about this on my podcast before no kidding i feel like i have um and i think the conclusion i came to was i as fun i really wanted to stay the same size because i'd be so funny but i feel like it would grow to like you know to match his other uh you know proportion that's true okay but hear me out yeah the hulk is a lot wider and stockier than bruce banner who's like kind of skinny yeah you know um so i i like to think that his penis grows in girth but not length it it definitely comes in some length um but i think the most significant growth is in girth is girth yeah so it's yeah okay yeah so it's like um so it's like a loaf of bread right like that's what a baguette yeah instead of baguette you get what i'm saying yeah absolutely yeah it's it's like a green moldy wonder bread yeah it's like a nice sourdough it's all sweaty too so it tastes like sourdough well uh speaking of long snakes nice we got a little we got snake story snake story [Music] snake stories are back [Music] this one takes place across the pond uh okay over in england um here's what happened okay man uses live snake as face mask while boarding a bus okay specifically he got on a bus from swinton to manchester yeah he got on the bus with a a big ass live snake wrapped around both his neck and mouth oh yeah okay i see the photo right now oh my god it's big too dude that now that yeah that is a [ __ ] snake dude that is like a i was picturing like a like a garden snake but this is like a boa this is yeah it's not like a snake that your friend has and it's like yeah this is a real like snake from the wild holy [ __ ] i think if i saw this happening in real life my assumption would be that the snake is controlling the man yeah that's what it looks like the snake is using the human as a mask yeah that's a good question who's covering the snake's mouth exactly a smaller snake that'd be crazy do you think the snake is effective as a tool to uh contain the coronavirus i think uh well in terms of well boa constrictors like their whole thing is like blocking your airway right it's like they choke you so if if a bow is like giving you a good choke then you're not going to get covered because none of it is going to go into your lungs because you can't even breathe anything right so if you're if you are killed by a snake but if you're killed by a bogan stricter then you are staying you are protecting yourself from covet because you can't get coveted if you're dead but if you want to stay alive then no i don't think it's a very good idea you could just get a mask because it's way easier and you can put a mask in your pocket uh that's true there's several benefits to a mask you don't have to feed it yeah it's not frightening to anybody do you think do you think a snake is the best animal to to use as like if you don't have a mask like what animal would be ideal to use as a mask instead instead of a snake because i don't i think there's better ones i think maybe like if a koala like hung onto your face yeah that'd be cute and like kind of like kind of warm and soft i was um i was thinking like uh a jellyfish like without the the the the the you know the electric parts the the stingy parts just like i mean this guy clearly isn't worried about getting hurt by the animal that's true yeah yeah just walking around with a jellyfish like frying the hell out of your face i'm actually using a fire as a mask i'm lighting my face on fire i don't care about danger and it should be effective stop the spread yeah i think ultimately the snake may be effective but perhaps too effective yeah too much too effective what if that was that the this the the [ __ ] what is it the sea i don't know whatever health organization they came out and they're like guys we were wrong though the only way to protect yourself from a covid is a big big snake is a big ass big daddy snake if they said that and i was certain that the pandemic would end if i started wearing a sneaker in my face i would do it i'd do it too i beat oh yeah i'd be we'd all be snake faces for sure because i i'm over it also pretty [ __ ] up that they put sorry one more thing they put a black bar over his eyes to hide his identity but they didn't do the same to the snake and i feel like that is uh unfair and you'll you'll notice in the second picture that the snake unraveled from his mouth yeah i know so it's not even doing what he intended it too yeah so final ruling on the snake it's pretty badass but not very effective all right we got a final story here okay um y'all really thought that we weren't gonna do a poop story [Laughter] think again clown clownery okay i'm just gonna read you this headline and then i want you to hit me with whatever questions you have okay poop transplant cures man's disease that randomly gets him drunk [Music] okay okay uh what i okay was he born with this disease um i don't believe so i it's as far as i can understand it's a stomach issue like fungi and bacteria have started fermenting inside your intestines and they produce alcohol oh my god yeah oh that sounds terrible so it looks like he developed it in his 40s so he just randomly he's not like always drunk he it's like just sometimes that happens yeah it just happens randomly but you know he could be driving oh my god he could be yeah yeah doing whatever poor guy boom drunk yeah i yeah it wasn't terrible i know being drunk is only good when you want it to to happen if you're just randomly oh god yeah that would suck being drunk a lot of the time isn't even good when you do want it that yeah that's yeah good point uh okay but then a poop a poop transplant so correct me if i'm wrong but a poop transplant is when they put healthy poo into your like intestine or like your colon or something to like make your trick your body into thinking that it's like all is well and good yeah you get new poop and um the poop doesn't necessarily have to be inserted through your anus oh you can eat it also be inserted through your mouth or nose oh i was just joking you can actually eat the poop you can eat the poop yeah and that works wow [Music] so um guess who gave him the poop uh the snake from the earlier story it crawled down his throat with the poop in its mouth no um it's it was his own daughter oh that's nice yeah hey you know it takes a it takes a a lot of character yeah to give your dad your poop hey dad here's my poop i'm gonna do that next time i see my dad i might have a big tupperware container i really just in case just in case you ever need it here's some of your son's crap it's gonna be great as soon as i read the story i um pooped in a fedex envelope mailed it to my dad with instructions on how to transplant eat please eat now [Laughter] um and the whole thing worked no way he doesn't have spontaneous drunken syndrome anymore that's amazing so does he have to do like is it just good he just had to do like a one or like a couple transplants or does he have to like continuously do it i believe it was a one-time thing but it's nice to know that if it comes up again you know as long as his daughter has poop in her tummy he's got no alcohol in his liver it's crazy that uh could you imagine him like going to a doctor's office to like explain what's wrong he's like i don't know what to do like i'm getting drunk at random times and the doctor's like eat [ __ ] and he's like hey [ __ ] you he's like no eat eat [ __ ] that's what you need to do to be better that's my that's my diagnosis this is my medicine for you imagine um getting a prescription written for your kid's poop yeah true do you just you just hand that to your daughter like a doctor's note and yeah and she's like um we'll call you back in 30-35 minutes we are currently filling your prescription [Laughter] [Music] eating like a burrito [Laughter] so like when he ingest this is probably really gross for a lot of people but this is fascinating to me but so when he ingests the if he ingested the poo like if he ate it does he um is it do they like turn it into like little pills or something or is it just like poo i don't i don't know it it doesn't say here but it's it the wording it uses is you can get the poop inserted through your mouth nose or butt so my guess would be that in a medical context they used tools to get the poop in him okay okay yeah that's but that's cool i guess would you rather eat one poo or split it up into a bunch of like of little pill sizes little pill poos well if you're doing like if you put the poo into like those little capsules you aren't going to taste it you know that's a good point did you just swallow like a hundred little kids or one long big sausage-shaped pill like i'm a yeah like i'm a sword swallower but with a some uh a turd i guess a solid turd i wonder if the consistency was a factor yeah i'm certain that so many people have absolutely on youtube the analytics are like sheer drop at minute 15 of the buckets it's like a cliff yeah so that's all the stories we got a lot of fun science in these ones nice not as not as sad either some we're we're getting happier we behind the scenes we've actively been making an effort to have less sense and i hope people can feel that i think so uh wow well great that was some good talks about poop and snakes and mark and and hulk dick so that was a good a good time uh poopy boy out bye jacob good curtis corner segment um okay i feel like i might have to cut to an ad right now so let's hear an ad this episode of very really good is brought to you by the ridge wallet again that's right they love the first sponsorship so much they came back and asked to do another episode and i'm down folks the ridge wallet is light sleek and industrial it's super compact and practical and won't awkwardly bulge in your pocket speaking of pockets the ridge wallet 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love ya back to me okay folks we're gonna do something fun all right we're gonna take a buzz feed quiz okay not just any buzzfeed quiz uh it's time to find out which popular commentary youtuber you are all right so i made a quiz and the little uh description is you are now entering curtis town so whoever made this quiz they're a citizen of kurdistan and i want to see which popular commentary youtuber i am if i'm not curtis connor then i'm going to be really [ __ ] worried it's like you are cody co i'm like and i just start morphing into cody co um your friend okay first question your friend wears a wack pair of shoes how do you respond uh don't say anything politely suggest that they change roast the hell out of them don't mention it but spend the rest of the day thinking about it okay so i'm gonna think like if my friend like dean were an ugly pair of shoes i'd [ __ ] make fun of them i'd roast the hell out of them um i'm not gonna politely suggest that they change hey buddy could you please change your shoes that's not polite if someone told me that i'd [ __ ] i cried like oh that's so much meaner than actually you roasting me um okay how often do you create art slash content of some kind not too often i like to put my all into my projects once in a blue moon pretty regularly sometimes i even make extra content on a very specific schedule every week every day okay i think on a very specific on a very specific schedule you know uh pick your least favorite internet trend uh country tick tock okay i wonder who that is i wonder i wonder who that's gonna be hmm it's like pick what your name is it's like curtis danny drew uh youtubers trying to become famous in hollywood weird children's content or fomo posters what the [ __ ] is fomo posters dude what the [ __ ] are fomo posters all right i don't know what that is um well i mean i guess i gotta do country take talk well it's not my least favorite though i actually like country tick-tock it's funny so all the youtubers trying to become famous in hollywood because [ __ ] you you can't do that no i'll probably wheelchair i'll do okay i'll do weird children's content uh okay what's your guilty pleasure trashy reality tv watching so bad they're good movies unironically making tick tocks or binging cringy youtube videos binging cringey youtube videos uh guilty pleasure i don't know none of these dudes um [ __ ] [ __ ] no probably cringy youtube videos probably my guilty pleasure um okay what's your relationship with social media i post a lot of tweets that i delete later i really only go online if i have a random funny post to make i mostly post pictures of my significant other and my pet i do a lot of stalking but not a lot of posting uh probably the second one and they go online if i have a random funny post to make yeah of these places which would you like to visit most canada london greece japan i'd love to go to canada one day what do they got there i don't know grace would be sick this is a long [ __ ] quiz dude if your friend is having a rough day how would you cheer them up have a sincere conversation about what's bugging them offer to take them out to do something fun invite them over to watch funny videos with me make jokes and try to make them smile um probably you know they're gonna do something fun that'd be fun you know we'll go to the theme park that's in downtown toronto you know that'd be fun what hashtag make toronto a theme park what's something you like about yourself my ability to follow my dreams even if it's scary my artistic skills my ability to be a good friend or my deep thinking and introspectiveness uh i don't like anything about myself i think i'm my ability to follow my dreams sure i don't [ __ ] know what would you bring with you to a deserted island a whole bunch of junk food and end this library of music my laptop or my pet whole bunch of junk new to my laptop dude because then if i get a service if i get a quick signal i could get the [ __ ] off the island you want to go with a bunch of junk food on a deserted island a deserted island a dessert a desert island then i'll bring junk food because then i'll fit right in pick your favorite quality and a significant other someone who is kind and understanding someone who doesn't mind keeping our love life private someone who can handle my dry jokes uh someone who supports all my strange endeavors um i don't know kind and understanding i feel like that's what anyone would want someone who's mean and shitty what's your opinion on marriage it rules it doesn't seem necessary to be happy it's not a big deal my similar and i are practically married i see it somewhere in my near future i mean can i do all of those right i don't know [ __ ] jesus christ okay this is the last one i think what's the first thing people notice about you my height my flawless makeup my eyes my hair where's my ass why can't i put ass my huge but donkey donk this is diggity this uh biggity boy's a diggity dog i don't know probably my hair hey i got curtis i'm me this is real this is me i'm exactly where i'm supposed to be now why they have to use that old photo of me oh no nice well guys the rumors can be finally put to rest uh i am me so so that's pretty huge that's a big upset no one thought that was coming where do we where are we at [ __ ] 40 something okay we could do some i was gonna go through a subreddit but let's do some advice really quick i don't know if we have time we talked too much dude we'll do some advice and then we'll uh and then we'll wrap it up here we go um we'll give you some advice damn i need a jingle for my second jingle all right here we go hey curtis i've been watching your content for more than a year now and i'm really proud to be a citizen of curtistown anyway a couple of days ago my best friend came over to my house to watch a movie together after a while i noticed she's getting closer to me so i moved away a bit but she kept getting closer to a point where i had no space to move any further so we were really close and when she wanted to talk during the movie she'd look straight at me instead of talking while keeping her eye on the tv at some point while our heads were really close to each other i felt that she was going for a kiss but i ignored it right away and acted like nothing was happening after this i noticed more signs leading into the fact that she might be into me but the thing is that our friendship means everything to me and i don't want to ruin it also i actually used to like her before but i kept it to myself and i got over it after a while so i don't like her like that anymore i'm a girl and i've never been in a relationship with another girl so that's also a stressful thing for me do you have any advice for me like should i give it a chance or ignore it wow um yeah that's that's tough dude um yeah that's that's tricky because you don't want to ruin a friendship right um you know i mean i always say that this but you know communication is good um because you could just go forever and never know if that's what they meant or if that's what they want or what you would want it's like i mean don't date someone just for the sake of it if they like you and you feel bad right or if you don't if you don't like them like that anymore then you know you don't have to to date them but you could always just bring it up just be like hey i i noticed that you were getting really close to me the other night and it looked like you wanted i don't know because then if they weren't doing that then you're like what no what the [ __ ] so yeah that's really tricky um i don't think ignoring that is good either because then they might you know get hurt or something and then that's a whole other thing damn i don't know dude just kidding i'm so rude um okay i didn't mean to do that the second time [ __ ] uh yeah that's tricky dude i feel like okay your best thing you should do is if it happens again like if she's getting really close and stuff just be like okay we gotta talk about this you know you know and try to make it like a little you know like you know not too serious you know to like all right what's up what's you know what's going on huh you've been getting real close to me do you like me you in love with me or some [ __ ] well don't say it like that but you know what i mean you know be friendly and you know try to talk about it friend zone put put them in the friend zone dude just kidding but yeah best of luck uh sorry to the other person who asked question best of luck let me know how it goes uh okay dear curtis i just moved across the country back to my home state uh but i haven't lived here since i was seven i have some family around and have become friendly with some co-workers but i'm really struggling to find connections i'm pretty introverted and enjoy my alone time but as someone who grew up in a cult i've been sheltered and despite being 23 i really haven't done much dating or had many friends wow i find myself feeling very lonely and withdrawn how can i make friends or casually date in a new place without making a total fool of myself also in the middle of a pandemic wow uh first off i can see how that home improvement sound effect may have been insensitive that's not what i meant i'm not doing that at you i'm saying that i wasn't expecting that um wow sorry you had to go through that holy [ __ ] i can't even imagine um who grew up in a cult wow um i really haven't done much dating i find myself feeling very lonely yeah i can that's that's so brutal i'm sorry okay i think yeah in the middle of a pandemic is very hard obviously because you don't want to be like close to people making new friends is very probably the worst time to make new friends to be honest but um you know i think you can uh you could find some people online you're talking to you can even do like zoom stuff like zoom dates i've heard that that's a thing that's going on people are like doing dates over zoom you give that a try you know you know making a total fool of yourself i feel like that's gonna happen at least once right and you just gotta roll with it dude you gotta keep going just be yourself and um you know yeah just you know what just take a deep breath you know try to meet people on the online maybe through like similar interests or something you know um i've heard like bumble you can like find like friends on there right sometimes do like brand deals for them they said you could find like friends or something so you could give that a try you know um people with similar interests as you um but wow yeah i'm [ __ ] i'm so fascinated by that like people who grow up in cults and like leave i must be so interesting and like such a jarring thing i'm i know it's yeah i'm i'm really sorry but i mean i hope you can you know if you're comfortable maybe you can comment on this podcast um [Music] and then you can you know make some friends you know and and i'll and i'll pin the comment and then maybe some of kurdistan can be become your friends okay um because you seem cool and i'm [ __ ] sorry that happened to you and you know what we all need we all need friends i'm not going to say her name now because i don't know if you're down for that but yeah holy moly zoom dates is my advice dates where you watch the movie zoom with till tim allen you guys seen that movie zoom you still love that movie i think it's really bad now people it's probably really bad but uh whatever okay i'll do one more quick one hey curtis about three months ago i was dumped by someone and i still love them a lot and have feelings for them they were so great to me and i honestly don't know where it went wrong but i miss him a lot they are one of my best friends and i hate not talking to them anymore but i'm afraid to reach out and think it would be awkward we have lots of mutual friends still and i'm scared they will talk about me behind my back to my ex i don't know where to go from here because i'm still hurting a lot ps has ordered a vrg hoodie i'm very excited thank you okay uh yeah that's never easy if you guys have like same friends and [ __ ] if it ended on like if it was like a messy breakup then it might be harder but i mean if enough time passes you know there's no harm in like reaching out and being like hey i miss like you know i miss being your friend i'm just talking to you um you know and see if that is something that they'd be down um for but and also if you're worried about your friends talking about you behind your back that's not a good sign either uh because you know a real friend they wouldn't do that obviously it's tough when you're they're friends with both of the couples but that's a weird shitty thing to do um yeah just be honest be like yeah i miss talking to you um i know you even if it's not a romantic thing like i still like to be your friend of course um yeah i know it's that's going to be even like might be hard for you too if you still have feelings for them but like i said i'm no professional like hardly at all but you know i think honesty is in communication is pretty much the answer to a lot of these questions and if your friends talk behind your back dude making it slinky i'm gonna push them down the stairs all right if your friends talk [ __ ] and talk behind your back i'll push them down the stairs and i'm gonna make it slinky okay or okay let's wrap it up well guys that was episode 117. i hope you guys enjoyed it uh that was a good one that felt good um always a good time doing this podcast i appreciate the support um thanks for tuning in love you guys uh you know like comment subscribe again let me know who you want on this podcast and also if you want to send advice it's advice or it's just very good at um but yeah right in review if you're listening uh cool love you guys thanks for listening uh peace out thanks guys thank you thanks okay bye [Music]
Channel: Very Really Good
Views: 179,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, podcast, very really good, snake, face mask, mike pence, fly, vrg, comedy, commentary
Id: WWfluKBxGV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 22sec (3442 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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