Very Really Good #137: Cosmic Energy Freestyle

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all right hey guys welcome back to the podcast this episode i don't know what episode 136 perhaps or 137 who knows it's 137 okay i don't get it twisted it's 137. um i haven't done a pog cast in two weeks it's been it's been a little bit all right it's been a while because i took a week off from the pod um so potted me for that um but i had to take a break because i was i was editing uh of just a [ __ ] lot i had so much editing to do still and i just and also you know i just i feel like i've gone like a year without missing a week i feel like it's been a long time since i've skipped a week of the podcast so i just needed one man you know sometimes you need a break you know and then you can come back swinging all right you can come back swinging like you're freaking peter parker hold on i'm gonna wipe the lens really quick oh my god knowing me i probably put my filthy [ __ ] mitts on this thing um but no man been uh it was really busy with the new video that's why i wasn't uh able to do the podcast but um video is up it's done finally absolutely the hardest i've ever worked not only on a video but i think in my whole um like i'm it was neck and neck with that and like a busy like saturday afternoon starbucks shift that is probably on par with how hard i would work um yeah it was tough man because obviously i put like editing in and stuff i'm like filming scripting filming and editing it's it can be hard sometimes but i i never it's never like working like i've never like wiped sweat away from my forehead when i'm like you know scripting or editing it takes a long time sure but you know it's just like tedious right i've never never like had a bead of sweat come down my [ __ ] forehead when i'm editing you know but this video if you haven't watched it the video was just about speed running and how much i love video game speed running and i wanted to challenge myself to get a speedrunning world record so that's what the whole video is about i documented my entire process of you know i talked about my background with video games in my upbringing and how much i love video games and then i uh you know i talked about the process of like finding a video game to speed run and then all the runs leading up to the the world record that i achieved spoiler spoiler alert but it's in the title of the video so it's all good um but holy [ __ ] man it was like usually editing takes up most amount of time when i'm making a video but this one it was just filming i have like out like literally a day's worth probably of footage um of just me sitting here playing a [ __ ] game and like recordings of it and i'm just excited to delete all of it i'm excited to delete all of it i'm going to put in a big folder and i'm going to throw it in the trash and i'm stoked because i need to clear up space off my [ __ ] computer it's taken up a lot um but it's fun man it was it was it was annoying to to do to make that video but uh you know it's worth it i wanted to do it um almost didn't do it but i ended up doing it and that's the american dream man it's the american dream i'm canadian but that's it and that's the american dream that's the american dream what is is there okay also the american dream is you know it's kind of cringe the american dream is kind of cringe in itself okay what what what is it capitalism huh is that the american dream [ __ ] starting a [ __ ] starting a a business starting a landscaping business you know hiring employees paying them the least amount of money as you can legally not allowing them to unionize yeah no paid sick days is that the american dream huh i'm canadian i can't talk about this sorry the canadian dream is maple syrup [Applause] and maybe some poutine [Laughter] you know maybe a little bit of that or maybe the american dream is uh maybe maybe the american dream is or sorry maybe the canadian dream is uh justin trudeau so stupid okay um but yeah man oh dude speaking of landscapers man i uh we hired a landscaper to come to our house and uh landscape obviously to hang out yeah we wanted him to just you know come play board games with us because we don't have any friends and we're like let's just call up a landscaper you know that's the next best thing um then a friend you should all friendship is important but landscapers are just underneath them um you know because they lay the foundation [Music] poetry claps or snaps um but now he showed up and then was like you look really familiar and i was like oh do i um i don't know i just i feel like i've gone so long without getting recognized because i don't do anything so now that when it does happen i'm like weirded out by it i'm not used to it you know um and also it's like you know at my house you know which is like a little private i like to keep obviously very private um so i was like a little worried but uh he was a [ __ ] super chill guy but he's like yeah you look like curtis connor and i was like um i was gonna try to get away with it and i was gonna be like oh yeah i get that a lot so that's what i said um and then i laughed at something he said and he's like even laugh like him too i think you're him and i was like yeah the jig is up um so i got recognized first time in like a year but it was chilly he was a nice guy he's cool um it was also okay was the time i recognized dude i got i was going to the city for a massage all right i was my back hurts a lot because i'm at this desk all the time um as i because my posture sucks um as you can probably tell in this [ __ ] podcast i'm like [ __ ] quasimodo dude um but yeah i we went for a massage and literally like the two seconds from parking our car and walking to the massage place um get recognized someone was very nice they were very nice but it's a it like took me off doing what like took me by surprise for sure because i you know i just don't do anything i don't go anywhere so it never happens i'm like oh yeah people know who i am it's um it's weird but i appreciate it whenever it does happen i can't wait till i can do shows again but there's a light at the end of the tunnel guys we're all getting [ __ ] vaccinated all right canada's dragging their [ __ ] feet how about that dude canada the canadian dream is [ __ ] getting a vaccine how about that because it's never gonna [ __ ] happen canada sucks for that america's crushing their va how many dude how many americans i'm googling it how many americans have been vaccinated for covet let's let's take a look there's 50 million people fully vaccinated if canada would do that we'd be done we'd be all vaccinated everyone would be vaccinated in canada because we have what like 40 million people [ __ ] l at least one dose is 91 million and let's see how many canadians dude six hundred and six hundred thousand 600 000 that's it because we don't have the infrastructure [ __ ] you 1.5 of population fully vaccinated ah we're blowing it dude i mean say we want about the u.s but their vaccination infrastructure is is is is goals it's goals man i need that vaccine bro i'm just gonna i'm gonna do a [ __ ] mission impossible heist on a hospital i'm gonna i'm gonna [ __ ] i'm gonna [ __ ] uh attach a wire to my back and [ __ ] break into the ceiling lower myself down into some [ __ ] fridge steal a vaccine i'ma steal a bunch of them man i'm gonna have them all myself i'm gonna give myself ten doses all right i'll be vulnerable about i guess everything uh yeah yeah but i mean they're planning to ramp it up hopefully i'll be able to get vaccinated by like summertime because um might be doing shows by the end of the year you didn't hear that from me okay you didn't hear that from me but it's possible if everything if everybody gets vaccinated and there's no [ __ ] variance that i work against that aren't you know that don't work what am i trying to say i don't know but if all goes according to plan and everything starts getting better i can finally do shows again man and it's gonna be so weird i haven't done stand-up in so long i think i've written like four new jokes over the past year and it's and i don't know if they're good because i haven't done them on stage so um so it's going to be weird man it's gonna be very weird but i'm [ __ ] excited uh i miss it a lot it's a big part of my life i always forget that uh it's like it's so weird when you're doing a thing so frequently and something you love so much and then you just like have to go and just stop doing it and now i've become accustomed to not doing it so now going back i'm like oh yeah that awesome thing that i like i'm able to do it you know um just like golf man i went golfing for the first time of the year played nine holes because it was [ __ ] gorgeous last week uh played nine holes and whoa whoa whoa was it bad news first four holes dude i was so lame to be like on the way to the course i'm like so excited i'm like yeah man finally i get to golf again this is like this is great summertime uh and then first hole halfway through i had to pick up my ball and move to the next hole because things were just not going well uh because i haven't played in six months so actually it wasn't six months it was like four months but no it was like it was like five months um but yeah man it's just that's what stand-up's gonna be like too i'm gonna be so excited to do it again and then i'm gonna bomb because i don't know how to [ __ ] do it what's a learning process that's in it it's a learning process in it you know it's gotta learn all over again stand-up is not i don't think stand-up is like riding a bike you know you never forget your elephants never forget how to ride a bike you know but it's fun just like riding a bike um what else what have i been up to man what else do i even [ __ ] doing um been uh been twitch streaming a lot um i have some really fun man been twitch streaming a lot playing life strange shoot life is straight life is strange too um playing minecraft with danny which is fun um but i started a gaming channel called curtis pogger which is a great name i'll say it i [ __ ] popped off with that um but youtube wouldn't let me monetize it because they're like hey you're using you're using someone else's content and you can't do that um but it's but but it's my content you know hey you this curtis pogger guy i know he has a very similar name to curtis connor he looks almost like he looks exactly like him and it's pretty obvious that it is him and i'm not so sure i'm not so sure that this guy is who he says he or he doesn't say he is so we're not going to let you make money from this um which is fine but i was like i had to like send an email and like prove to them that i that i was me and it's like youtube come on come on guys you know i feel like they're youtube is so good at um worrying about and like putting time into [ __ ] that is like it doesn't [ __ ] matter right it's so funny like when the when there's like i don't know a [ __ ] it's like when i made a video about that prank that female viagra prank it's like two years ago um and they took my video down but the original prank that i was saying was bad was still up and monetized on youtube hey you got the wrong guy when i got that email my hands behind my back i was like you got the wrong guy i'm innocent medicine i tell you i didn't do it it's a youtube jail what's up guys what are you in for what's up guys welcome back to my jail cell um today we're going to be [ __ ] fighting someone um today we're going to we're going to do diy shanks um thank you uh but yeah man that's that's my life i don't do anything except well now it's weird i i've done my video so i'm like well [ __ ] now what do i do huh now what now what do i talk about now what do i do with my time i gotta make a new video yeah right um man okay i was gonna do a curtis corner segment you know where we talk about current events news but um it's sunday today because i can't record on my usual recording day uh because i got people coming over doing some construction stuff so it's gonna be really loud in my house um so it really sucked the whole time i was talking and it was just like hey guys welcome back to my podcast [Music] yeah so uh you ever talk about farts and poop and it's like i got a jackhammer in my house for some reason there's a bulldozer in my [ __ ] room um there's some like construction worker behind me like shoving me hey hey he just keeps pushing on my back hey where he hey hey we're here i'm doing construction shoving me while i'm trying my podcast i'm like all right can you go do construction he's like i am i am this is what i do i'm the podcast pusher guy um every construction is a podcast pusher guide but anyways we can't do a curtis corner segment because you know it's the weekend my producer's off the [ __ ] clock dude i'm working overtime right now um so we don't have jacob so it's not gonna be the same but we'll [ __ ] get into it okay [Music] just me still um so sad hey jacob what's up yo that's how we go um all right so guys we're gonna talk about this [ __ ] boat all right we're gonna talk about this boat okay you know this boat that's going on you know this thing about the boat it hit an iceberg and it sank and they said it was unsinkable um what was up with that um no there's this big ship that's stuck in the su canals how do you say it um it's been stuck in the canal or did they get it out hold on also kennel without the c oh sorry canal without the c that's anal dude how funny is that and it's backed up just like your anal cavity can be sometimes scrambling it's time to free ship stuck in sue's anal so days after the ever given became lodged in the canal its rudder has been freed and dredging is complete some salvagers hope it could be freed this weekend but the wait for shipping to resume continues so this big ship ever ever was it called ever given what it says ever given on the side of the boat says evergreen so so which is it but how does it how does it get stuck also how little is this [ __ ] canal dude wow okay yeah okay it's like the complete it is okay obviously don't have a ship that big go through a canal that little you know it's like you can only fit like one other okay this is the american dream is having a boat that big in a canal that little it's just so crazy how something like this could happen and then ever and then [ __ ] is just like shut down forever and i'm trying to think of what would cause it to just go straight you know just go straight if i was listen if i was piloting this ever given okay if i was piloting this at ever given i would simply go straight i would simply not get stuck in the canal all right [ __ ] pop what is it called pilot do you pilot a ship a boat captain i'm a genius if i was a captain like did hold on do the captain was he just like yo guys i know it's a straight shot from here to wherever the [ __ ] we're going but what if we went right what if we took a sharp right as sort of a shortcut over land and everyone was like well obviously don't do that you're gonna get stuck and he's like well what if we don't get stuck okay you ever thought of that never thought of if we if we just somehow turned right and we got there fast i think this is the right decision because i'm going to be turning right all right it would be called it would be called wrong if i was going to go oh we'll go right that's right this is right i'm right and he turned the wheel and it got stuck and he was like well at least i had the guts to go for it just spit on my camera at least i had the guts to try something new all right because like the only reason you have like a when you i'm like when you're driving the only reason you would ever like swerve if you're going down a straight road is like if you if like a squirrel or like a cat like ran out on the street you know so maybe this guy saw a fish maybe the captain saw [ __ ] fish in the canal and was like yo you [ __ ] rip the [ __ ] whip the real wheel around real quick [ __ ] whip the wheel around real quick and was like what are you doing it's like i saw a fish dude i saw straight up [ __ ] koi i saw [ __ ] grouper dude i had a [ __ ] swerve sorry my fish and then i saved that fish's life you know and also can't you just it's in water i feel like i could push it right things are so light when they're in the water you know you just give it a little nudge break dude fly me out there fly me out to the [ __ ] [ __ ] what is it called sue's anal fly me out to that anal and i'll push the belt all right let me put you know that you know that meme let me draw the boat how about how about this let me move it up let me move the let me move the boat let me move the boat all right i i would [ __ ] save the day they're like okay finally it's uh we we've lost we've run out of options we can't move this boat um we're flying we're flying in our last last resort and it's just and they're like what is it going to be is going to be like the super like crazy new like tool this new machine and it's like this big like armored vehicle that pulls up so no it's a limo it's a [ __ ] white limo dude and [ __ ] fireflies by l city is bumping through the windows and it pulls up to the soos anal the sioux c anal and i pull up and i walk out of the limo everyone gasps i'm in a full wedding gown [Music] everyone gasps i'm in a full wedding gown i look beautiful i'm in high heels i'm in stilettos all right i have my hair blown out i look [ __ ] gorgeous okay and my butler who who has been provided who they provided me with wasn't my rider my butler my rider butler he pulls up he rolls a red carpet right from the limo to the [ __ ] boat and i and i just [ __ ] strut i strut over and i you know i put my water wings on and i get into the water and i simply push the boat and it goes straight stops on a dime right in the middle of the canal the rudders [ __ ] start spinning and it goes forward and i save the day all right and i win miss congeniality soos herself comes up gives me a hug and was like you know what my anal was backed up and you and your gorgeous dress and water wings save the day let me let me push the boat let me move the boat um so that's what i would do in this situation um so if you guys are if the boat is still stuck by the time this podcast comes out um one fly me out there i'll save the day two don't put a boat that big in a canal that's small you know oh this 18-wheeler couldn't tightrope walk what the [ __ ] how could we have ever guessed that how this 18 wheeler can't [ __ ] balance on a drive on a balance beam this is horseshit so that's the kurdish corner i guess um that's not where i was expecting for it to go but um all right let's do a quick little browse through the the subreddit see if we can find anything we had a lot of good uh um we had a lot of good fake uh dorian gray covers so maybe we'll go through them but okay the thing at the top uh this picture of uh babe please have sex with me i'm so horny and then someone says i have to beat 11 and there's opinion of wildlife country club on the tv that is very funny um does anyone know what mike curtis uses oh for this scene i forget what they're called they're they're cardioid mic i forget the brand though so i hope that helps yeah the picture door and gray ones were [ __ ] great i wanted to go through them last week because that's like all okay yeah they're one of that one's actually really funny this one the portrait of steve buscemi the portrait of steve buscemi if they make a dorian dorian gray uh um movie cast me as dorian gray and the cast the portrait as steve buscemi that would be really funny um yeah okay i wanted to talk about this it's not really like funny but i mean shit's been going crazy um i wanted to talk about this uh david dobrik [ __ ] um because it's i'm following it a lot and uh it's pretty [ __ ] crazy um yeah i guess this uh that this vlog that came out um a couple years ago which they were practically joking around um about dom that dirty dom guy being a a creep and a pervert which i guess was like a weird character to have in your vlog and for you to be like yeah i make girls uncomfortable and that's like funny yeah i don't know hey that guy's always been a [ __ ] weirdo um and then for everyone to be like joking about it and then that [ __ ] came out that like he actually um did do some [ __ ] gross [ __ ] that night um and then people somehow like defending david right but like he knew the whole time right and just like didn't tell people that that happened which is [ __ ] um to my understanding but i don't know i just feel like that whole it is such a weird thing to be in in that like group where everyone was just like if they just didn't care what they really said they wanted to just say the craziest [ __ ] so they could end up in the vlog and get like attention on their own channel and [ __ ] i don't know man it's [ __ ] weird i guess it worked for a while but obviously when you go when you do gross [ __ ] and you have that weird power dynamic with people um because you gotta know right you gotta know posting on your [ __ ] story being like yo whoever [ __ ] down come have a [ __ ] force them with me or the [ __ ] you put in a story you gotta know that no matter like sorry no matter who responds um or shows up there is like a weird like power dynamic there i just i feel so bad for the [ __ ] the victims who had to go through that and like still like see everyone who was there like just continue to be successful and like like just prosper you know there must be even [ __ ] that must make it like even worse and then still making jokes about it like i don't know man thing thing thing just rubs me the wrong way i don't even know what else i could say about i just wanted to like i mean it's already been pretty uh dissected and stuff but um i would i was like fully i wanted to make sure i wasn't on the [ __ ] famous birthdays page for the vlog squad anymore because me and danny were on there for a while for some reason um but i checked and i'm not on there anymore [ __ ] thank god i am not a part of that i hope that [ __ ] dirty dom guy um goes to jail it'd be great because that's where you should go and not just youtube joe real jail um [ __ ] what else i want to talk about something else too i forgot oh okay okay i've been wanting to talk about this for a while we'll change we'll shift gears okay because i don't want to um hold on i gotta find it we're gonna do shitty it was not shitty tick tock of the week but i guess shitty uh video of the week i guess shitty instagram video of the week i gotta find it dude okay okay okay so if there's a you guys know that cody noel video they did that that's cringe about the the you it's called you they talked about that girl and the guy um it's really funny obviously but um the girl someone sent me this girl's like instagram video she posted and dude i love it so much um so i'm just let's just play and watch it we'll talk about it because it is my favorite thing to watch from my head to my toes i'm dripping in gold cosmic energy yeah you know the kind of light that shines with the warmth of true love love that heals in a single touch yeah would you like to taste the liberation drips from my lips and swirls through my hips as my womb paints my wrote in heaven making dreams come true in a single kiss it's my birthright to anchor a life like this maybe dude i like i don't want to play the whole thing but you get it dude bars bars i genuinely am so jealous of of someone who can post that and genuinely think that it's sick you know i'm not being a sarcastic or i'm not trying to be like mean or sarcastic here but to have the balls to like [ __ ] play an instrumental is is that off the dome i don't know no i think she wrote it and to recite that and be like this is sick post that's something i will i will never have the confidence to do something like that and she's got in [ __ ] space dude [ __ ] whoa imagine pulling up to the pull up to like a rat battle and then one guy is just [ __ ] going nuts popping off like an eight mile seeing an eight mile and then eminem claps back and he's like cosmic energy feels my fuels my soul crystals [ __ ] in my bowl vibes in in [ __ ] smoothies and all my head looking at looking at my bed um everyone lose their mind if you [ __ ] sick dude that's like one that's what happens when you got too many too many crystals in your room start start freestyling like that dude oh man i will play a little bit more or who knows maybe i remember to be the one who chose to grow through the pain through the break through the fall of these walls dissolving separation through the impermanence of this human destination i cried saltwater rivers so i was empty inside letting go of everything feeling achingly alive but one day the clouds parted and the sun filled me up i let love crack me open till i overflowed my cup i didn't let fear win this tired old game yeah i mean she could like it's it's i mean she it's bit hey she's been honest right being vulnerable that's great you didn't need to beat you know [Music] because it's not doing any favors it's not doing any favors you know also i love how like like is this rap right that's rap she's rapping yeah she's rapping i like how you know say like they talk about their like a [ __ ] like kendrick lamar right rapping about like really serious topics that have like impacted him and his community right and then she's like hold on hold on what about cosmic energy though you know i don't what about cosmic [Music] you know what about hot yoga have you ever have we ever talked about this [Music] how about that oh man actually that'd be that'd be sick uh if she put out a uh a bobby shmurda song parody of his of his have his hit song hot uh you know not gonna say the [ __ ] title of the song but if it was that song perry did it and it's called hot yoga and it's just about going to hot yoga oh wow and if you win a home get up on my chakra yeah that'd be epic so she's watching definitely do that definitely do that and it won't backfire at all um i haven't done advice in a while so we should do that and then uh and then that'll be they'll be lit um uh we'll give you some advice for my advice for my advice for my advice segment okay all right uh this one is from jort uh i'm in a situation i really don't know what to do i'm dating this girl for the second time and both times have been really short like a few weeks long okay i don't want to be mean and break up with her again but things are getting really just boring and monotonous and now she's even leaving me on red when i ask her how her week was should i try to fix it or should i just end things again for good this time i don't want to hurt her feelings but i'm hahaha exhausted um all right wow well jortz the fact that you put dating in quotation marks i feel like that's a pretty dead giveaway that you know it's not really what you think it should be you know it should be it should be uh it should be more epic and less cringe so yeah if you're bored and monotonous no if you're bored and it's feeling monotonous and they're leaving you on red dude get out of there all right if you leave it on red if they're leaving you on red listen to what i said get out of there or start leaving them in red leaving them on red in real life all right hey whenever they talk to you just stare at them they'll say a thing actually don't do that that'll make it so much worse um um there's one more that i saw okay these ones are always fun this one is from uh joe boxer hello you probably have already gotten this question but how did you get so successful i want to make similar content as yours but can't find out where to start thanks um how did i get so successful this fat ass this fat ass obviously ah that's not true although it did help but it's not the the main factor it wasn't just the cheeks um but i think uh well thanks for thinking i'm successful appreciate it um and this is the thing i always say man i want to make similar content to yours but i can't find where to start this is what i always say um people don't know where to start people don't know how you just you gotta just do it you know with anything i think this is the problem a lot that a lot of people face is that if they get too caught up with figuring out or think about how the right way to do it um they don't know where to start or how to even go about doing it um and they end up in that phase for so long that they don't actually do it you know and then they lose motivation and then they just stop and you know you're never gonna the best way to learn how to do something is to just do it um and i'm a firm believer in that okay obviously it's good to have [ __ ] like research i guess but i mean with this you can't really do that you know you just have to start um but in terms of success i mean i don't i think that's a that's a few questions there right it's like how do you make money doing the thing you do if that's what you want um or just how do you get an audience right um i think it's what's important is that you just you you're doing it for the right reasons um right because people can see through that pretty quickly i think um like when you watch like when i watch someone's videos i want to know that they're having a good time it's like it's what they love to do right um you want to be able to like feel that but if you're just you know making videos about the most like whatever's trending that week just so you can get clicks and views and stuff i don't know it's fine i don't like do what you want but um i don't know i think i think if you want to be successful in terms of like turning it into a business and in your living and just sort of like personal fulfillment you need to make sure that when you do when you do it you're doing it because you love it right because then if you if you don't like it and then you do blow up and you get a bunch of views and subscribers and stuff and you're making a bunch of money um if you don't like it then then then what are you doing right now you're just now it's just a job right obviously there's aspects of this job that i don't like obviously with anything but the pros outweigh the cons like so much but um like sometimes people will tell you to shave your mustache you really don't want to even though it doesn't affect them at all even on the same person i just have a mustache people will tell you and they'll be pretty mean about it too which is uh pretty [ __ ] annoying um but that's just that's just what it is it comes with it comes with the the territory it comes with a job you know uh like could you imagine i'm sure it does happen in some places but can you imagine if you worked at like a grocery store and then your boss because you guys are basically my boss you guys make sure that i get paid you guys you know if i didn't have you guys i wouldn't have a job basically you guys are my bosses um like a boss um but imagine if uh you you're running out like a grocery store and you show up and then one person was like and your boss you you want to work and your boss was like whoa the [ __ ] is on your face you look so ugly shave it whoa you can make a formal complaint against them and have them fired so you know what i'm gonna do that to you guys next time someone says i need to shave or i look ugly i'm i'm gonna report you to corporate and you're gonna lose your [ __ ] job how about that all right so how do we keep the mean comments to a minimum to a minimum okay or two is zero how about that um okay whoa okay this can't be real i'll read it but this can't be real i think someone's goofing me this one's from uh a little beetle so yesterday i wanted to prank my mom and i know she doesn't eat hot sauce and i thought it was because she thought it was too spicy so i put some in her coffee when she wasn't looking and then she drank her coffee and she had an allergic reaction and i had to call 9-1-1 and they took her to the hospital and we had to stay with the guy that took our and we had to stay with the guy that took our toilet it was not fun because i don't like him but when she came back from the hospital she dumped out the coffee and saw the hot sauce and she doesn't know it was me how do i tell her hey what we had to stay with the guy that took our [Music] toilet it was not fun because i don't like him well yeah he took your toilet what the [ __ ] question is this man i'm shame bad question bad question that was so your mom was sent to the hospital and then a man stole your toilet stupid stupid thing to end on bad question bad bad all right well [ __ ] uh should we wrap it up there i guess dude [ __ ] stupid ass i'll find one more hold on okay we'll do we'll do one more because that last one was [ __ ] dooky dude that was a dookie question that's what that [ __ ] question was man okay this one's funny bro curtis my dude i just hop box my bathroom and set off the [ __ ] smoke alarm [ __ ] what do i do uh what do i [ __ ] say um this is really funny because your first thought when you set up the smoke alarm because you hot box your bathroom when i guess you're not supposed to be smoking in your house um you send an email to a podcast and this was sent six days ago so last oh or how many days was six days it's sunday so last monday so the very earliest i could have answered this on wednesday of last week which is two full days after you sent the email so it is very fun to think that your parents or something they're like the the smoke alarm went off they see a bunch of smoke coming out of the bathroom and it smells like [ __ ] weed and they're like banging on the door like that smoke alarms off are you smoking weed in there and then you're like uh and you send an email and then you just wait you wait in the bathroom for two days waiting for me to upload and your parents are like say say something you're like i don't know what to say just give me two days like why why i need two days like that's it's not important just please give me 48 hours and i'll have a response please just give me at least 48 hours yes i did smoke weed but i just just wait and they're like fine and you both just stand in silence for 48 hours and then i announce that i'm not even doing a podcast last week so you're still there to this moment so here's what you should say let's just put this all in the past let's go get some open face turkey sandwiches because we're starving because we haven't eaten because we've been standing waiting for a response so and then you should be good uh that's a great question hopefully we got it sorted out also don't hotbox dude weed smokers are the boldest people you're hotboxing your bathroom when you're not supposed to be smoking in the house you're insane you're asking for it of course you're going to get caught smoke a little bit and blow it up the window like a regular ass person or [ __ ] they're going to fight i blew weed in my mom's [ __ ] face and she found out i was smoking weed yeah i bet all right well let's wrap it up this was fun this is nice we're back in it um thanks for listening to the podcast this is episode 137 um yeah like the video comment subscribe check out curtis pogger channel if you want streaming on twitch all that [ __ ] rate and review posting on your story posting the message board send it to your papa i don't care um yeah let me move the boat and i'll see you around peace
Channel: Very Really Good
Views: 166,793
Rating: 4.9744043 out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, very really good, podcast, kurtis conner podcast, vrg, suez canal, freestyle
Id: USgKIWowK8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 40sec (3280 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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