Very Really Good #121: The Best and Worst Christmas Movies

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headphones on all right the headphones are on what's up hey guys welcome back to my podcast it is episode 121 121 21 what's 109 plus 10 121 is it too dark no it's it looks fine it looks fine um hope you guys are doing all right it is early man not really it's noon but [ __ ] i'm tired and i just tried to put my hands in my pockets in my sweater pockets but it's a crew neck and green eggs don't have pockets up front they should you know i'ma make one crew neck with a little front pocket in front so you can have all the the the the hoodless style and and sleekness of a crew neck with all the off with all the utility of a hoodie uh and it's gonna be called a hood neck no hoodless c crewy a crewy that's crewneck and hoodie mixed together a crewy nick i got a new crewy put out a new crewy cruise sounds like it'd be like a harry potter character like an elf oh crewy is a free elf [Music] who's your favorite harry potter character oh it's gotta be creepy you have to say it like that too that's how it's pronounced that's how it's that's how it's supposed to be pronounced it's creepy like a quivering high-pitched little hobbit or not hobbit elf yeah crewy the hobbit is my favorite harry potter character that's the pirates of the caribbean song well we're off to a rocky start we're two minutes in and i'm already making no sense but it's all good um thanks for all the positive feedback on um the last episode uh man a lot of people like i guess people like when i talk about corpse because he's he's very popular right now so i just got to talk about him and i'll get views of my podcast corpse crips i guess hey guys welcome back to very good um but no it was cool i it's so funny because i put that in the thumbnail i put you know me talking about corpse in the thumbnail and i was like man if people don't listen to the whole thing they're gonna think i'm just being like [ __ ] this guy and that did happen got lots of comments being like um he's actually a really nice guy so it's not just his voice and you're you're just being mean it's like hey you listen at all did you listen at all though is the real question did you listen because i said i liked what he was doing and i said it was and i said i didn't have a problem with him i was just shooting the [ __ ] you know i don't know people just get [ __ ] mad about everything and it's all good you know that's fine uh i can't man you can't say anything anymore comedy man i man it's [ __ ] up you can't say i just can't walk around and say slurs all i want this is [ __ ] up [Music] people like that you know holy [ __ ] um it's so crazy that people like that exist you know who like want to offend me they want to make people feel like [ __ ] like so bad like why it's got to be like a deep-rooted like problem you know they've got to go to therapy if they got to do that because that's the most 40 year old in a leather jacket thing to say you know that's the most 40 year old leather jacket thing to say and he's like i can't see these pc [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] man you just come on okay also sorry i'm all over the place but last episode i bleeped i was swearing so much in the first minute it was i must have said the f word like 30 times and i bleeped it and i bleeped them because i didn't you know because yeah i didn't want to i still want to make money on my podcast because i you know i work at these um um but so many comments are just like it's ah it's so weird listening to a whole podcast with him uh with him swearing it's like it's like they didn't realize that i stopped bleeping or they just listened to the first two minutes and were like that was the whole podcast wow two minutes of two minutes out of 40 out of 45 that's the whole thing um i hope this doesn't sound too echoey for you guys does it well too late if it does um we cleaned in here and it looks a lot better um but the only upside of having a bunch of crap in here is that sound has stuff to to you know it could absorb on things it couldn't bounce off the wall so easy but it's all good we're going to figure it out i got to put curtains up and stuff and whatever this is exciting this is exciting man um if you guys see on the pod on the video if you guys watching the video i'm trying to grow a mustache all right trying to grow a mustache and um that's another thing that people get mad about is when i try to grow a mustache but i don't care i don't care i did care i got hair and i don't care it's because i feel like there's the left side is pretty is okay and then we get to the right side there's like one spot of hair that just it just doesn't grow it's like it's like a perfect circle where hair just doesn't grow and it's frustrating it's like is it ever gonna grow there can i ever have a nice mustache or am i doomed because i can't i can't grow a beard dude i'd look [ __ ] sick with a beard man picture me but you but like half of my face is covered ah hot guy that's a hot guy that's why beards make dudes look so much better because you just you can't see half of them right it's like squinting you squint on anybody and they you squint at anybody and they look amazing right and that goes for anyone you know it goes for me or like brad pitt he squints at me i look okay you squint to brad pitt he looks fine too we're all it levels the playing field because you know if you squint it actually makes brad pitt look less attractive but if you squint at me it makes me look more attractive you know what i'm trying you know what i'm saying so a beard is a squint a beard is a squint basically um it's a it's a it's a cosmetic squint and and it just works if i if i had a beard man game over game over man or even so a mustache i can kind of grow one like ever since i was like kid i could not a kid ever since i was a baby i could grow a little dirt stash now ever since i was like a teenager um i could grow like a dirty little mustache and i had one for so long because i i just didn't want to buy razors because didn't have any money and if i did have money i was spending it on [ __ ] clothes at west 49 um [Music] which is a canadian where my canadians at you know west 49 great store i only shopped at west 49 when i was a kid when i was 14 when i was a teenager um but i just like didn't want to buy a razor so i was like i guess i'll just have this mustache and then all my friends started shaving and then i was like okay fine and then i asked my mom for a razor for christmas i got one and i shaved christmas day it was like crazy it was like noon on christmas day probably like 2010 and i shaved or 2009 probably doesn't matter there's not going to be a quiz at the end of the podcast when what year what day did curtis shave for the first time december 25th 2009. i know it not many people know that accidentally made a flavored coffee this morning doesn't taste as good but it's all good i say that so much but it's that's the way that's the way i live life man if there's if you're bummed about something just say it's all good and then your brain is like okay fine i guess it is um like another thing that happened this week ah holy [ __ ] so man okay this is so [ __ ] stupid i'm pissed off but so we moved outside of toronto we're not really in like the downtown where we were anymore um we're like outside of toronto and it's great we i think it was time you know we're getting older we're getting closer to like our 30s you know i'm 26. um right yeah do you guys ever forget your age i do that all the time literally sometimes i'm like am i 24 or 26 that's two years i'm 26. this goes to show you it doesn't mean anything but um 26 you know trying to you know more and more like every as older i get the more i want to be away from a big city um and i never thought i knew that was like how people felt and like how they aged but i never thought i would think like that like i remember moving to toronto when i was like 19 and i was like dude this is awesome the the hustle and bustle man it's so good it's like it's inspiring and now i'm just like ah get away get away from me nobody look at me please do not perceive me all right that's and i'm sure there are some people who are like yeah [ __ ] it i want to live in like in this in a big city for my whole life but it's not me by the time i'm 60 dude i'm living on top of a mountain with a huge mustache with a huge [ __ ] squint on top of a mountain it's far away from everybody um and kiwi's gonna be the size of a polar bear because that's how dogs age they just get bigger and bigger and they never die it's gonna be awesome i'm gonna ride kiwi like a polar bear it's gonna be sick but anyways um but now that we're like a little further outside there's um there's like schools okay because like kids live around here and they gotta go to school um which means there's a places where you don't have you shouldn't drive that fast and um i learned that in certain zones uh they have speed cameras uh that take a photo of your car when you're going a little too fast and um yeah i got like four speeding tickets sent to my old house and i my old landlord was like yeah you got mail you should go check it out and i got it i was like oh the court that's weird the court of ontario what are they gonna say and they're like hey go too fast you got to pay us money four times and those are just the ones from like a couple of weeks ago so who knows if i have more i probably do um and i wasn't even going that fast i was going like 48 one time i was going like 52 which is i guess is a little fast um but it's not fast that's the usual speed limit it's just on that one tiny [ __ ] road on the way to my house so i'm pretty bummed i'm pretty bummed about that um it's [ __ ] i'm just such an idiot man i guess i've gotten so many [ __ ] tickets and parking tickets and speeding tickets and [ __ ] i'm such a and i and i said this on the way home from when i got those [ __ ] tickets i was like i'm not a bad driver but then i'm like well maybe i am maybe i'm just a [ __ ] bad driver because i got all these speeding tickets and parking tickets well maybe i'm too good of a driver because i'm going so fast because i'm like i i got it like that you know because i'm just like a fast like knowledgeable driver and i can adapt quickly my reflexes are like cats the musical and then like when i'm parked like when i'm parked it's like it doesn't even matter you know because it's like i should be on the road i should be on the open road parking what is that and the enforcer in the parking officers they know that they're like we're gonna give this guy a ticket because he should be out on the open road you know life is a highway don't put it in park curtis come on oh man sorry i hadn't done a sound effect in a while um but yeah i got [ __ ] speeding tickets but sucks to suck i guess you know going too fast [Music] living life in the fast lane i guess look out i don't go slow for [ __ ] nah nah i go slow for [ __ ] dude if you you know uh i'm trying to think of you know when you're like pouring like say for example you're pouring like a w like like milk into your coffee you go like a little bit at a time ah man i pour the whole i tip the whole jug upside down and it falls in super fast and that's it if it makes a mess i don't care give me a speeding ticket about it a cop giving speeding tickets for doing like anything too fast you poured your milk too fast how are you in my house that's not important you gotta pay for this fast milk milk too fast we're the milk police holy moly i'd watch a show about milk police you know all cops are bastards except for the milk cops um man what else happened oh i gotta show you guys a [ __ ] picture um so jenna it's so [ __ ] crazy so jenna um jenna's been shopping at these like vintage uh shops um you know for like pieces and like deck like furniture and stuff for our house and she's been killing it she [ __ ] did such a good job because if it was just me decorating the house this place would look like dog pee it would look like a puddle of dog a puddle of a dog's pee um because it would be kiwis pee and i wouldn't clean it up i'm just kidding i clean up my dog speed um but you know what i'm saying i'm not very good at decorating stuff i just don't have an eye for how how a thing should look um but for example i used when i lived with jacob our apartment walls had pictures of weekly chris and little caesar's posters because we thought it was funny um and that's a terrible way to live your life the feng shui was off for sure um but what was i saying oh so and obviously like jenna's been like you know posting here and there but yeah i got this from here you know just to like you know show love i guess right and then the vintage one of the vintage shops like sent this conversation to jenna i guess a follower sent this to them so i'll read it out because it's [ __ ] crazy um so this person says to the vintage shop um i've loved you for so long but i can't handle the gross deal between you and jenna and kurt kurt hey man not even my closest friends call me kurt don't don't call me that they could have properly shared it was sponsored really thought you would be more transparent and then the person says okay i don't know who that is but okay and then the person originally dm said yeah whatever and then the next person and then the the seller said listen if you're gonna come at me about something either tell me what's up or [ __ ] off seriously i have no tolerance for this type of [ __ ] and then this person in all caps put curtis connor and spelt my last name wrong c-o-n-o-r uh you're gonna you're gonna complain about what i'm doing you're gonna complain about what i'm not even well yeah we didn't [ __ ] do any of this but you're gonna hypothetically complain complain about what i what you think i did and you're gonna spell my name right get [ __ ] man curtis connor and the person responded i don't know what the [ __ ] you are saying oh my god he's a youtuber his girlfriend has posted your items more than once in all capitals her name is jenna allard and then they said oh okay yeah we did have a deal you're right it was basically like she paid me for my item and then i provided her the item wild right and then they respond you're a [ __ ] and so is she and so is he [Music] and then they said okay i'll be sure to let them know during our next and this is brand ambassador meeting get your frontal lobe checked dude that's so funny oh my god man [ __ ] you're a [ __ ] and so is she and so is he just being like oh okay jenna just texts me she can hear um so no the person and then the person blocked the seller man just coming out with a a an allegation with no with no [ __ ] evidence just an assumption and then proving and then being proved wrong and then being like well whatever you're a [ __ ] and she's a [ __ ] and he's a [ __ ] you're blocked man how do you live like that how do you call someone a [ __ ] off an assumption that is so [ __ ] crazy man i mean i'm not gonna i mean they're all right about one thing i am a little [ __ ] but but that's it all right everyone knows that everyone knows i'm a i'm a little baby back [ __ ] that's common knowledge holy [ __ ] like i like when i see [ __ ] like that i'm sh i'm gear like i i'm pretty sure it takes like 10 minutes off my life at least like i could have made it to [ __ ] 7 15. and now i'm going to die at 7 05 at some point in my life how crazy would it be if i died at 7 05 now whoa what time you think would be the best time to die it's a good question um maybe like four a.m when i'm sleeping noon on christmas day mid-shave mid-shave death probably dying in your sleep is probably the most cash money way to go out right you know you're just sleeping like and then you're dead and then you're dead you just go to sleep and never wake up and then you guys cry we covered that last episode you guys have to cry when i die and i'll know and i'm haunting anyone who doesn't i'm going to show up in like hereditary that one scene when she's on in the corner of the room like in the ceiling i'm going to be there when you're sleeping and then i'm like why haven't you cried yet why haven't you shed a tear for old curt huh and then you'll cry because but then if you don't cry i'm gonna play um i'm gonna play um oh what's that song dude what's that [ __ ] song christmas shoes i'll play christmas shoes you know that song christmas shoes dude that song is so [ __ ] sad if you don't cry for me i'm gonna play christmas shoes i'm gonna be a ghost and i'm gonna use my iphone my ghost iphone i'm gonna play it on the speaker i'm gonna play christmas shoes and then you'll be crying if you haven't heard christmas shoes [ __ ] hold on to your hats when you listen to it it is so sad sir i wanna buy these shoes for my mama please it's christmas eve and these shoes are just her size could you hurry yeah that song is so sad it's about a kid on christmas eve his mom is dying and he wants to buy her nice shoes because she's going to meet jesus he wants her mom to look hot as [ __ ] when she meets jesus when he's dead i want to make my mom look bad eh all right that's that's [ __ ] up yo my mommy look my mom's like bad af when she meets jesus tonight yeah and why does he want to do that i want my mom to date jesus i want jesus to really think my mom is hot somebody go to the christmas shoes and of course someone made a movie about the [ __ ] song in 2002 the christmas shoes starring [ __ ] rob lowe dude why is rob lowe in so many christmas movies is the real question problem raw blow that's uh when cocaine isn't cooked raw blow [Laughter] thank you thank you pablo yeah thank you thank you okay that's enough all right this episode is sponsored by inkbox yeah that's right they came crawling back after last episode if you don't know what inkbox is listen up inkbox makes tattoos that apply in one to two minutes and last around one to two weeks and these aren't those lame temporary tattoos you used to get when you were a kid these are high quality tattoos designed to look like permanent tattoos without all the commitment and pain of a permanent tattoo they have thousands of pre-made designs to choose from on their website and they work very closely with a bunch of artists like my tattoo artist lee stack for example to bring you unique creative pieces for you to try out they recently released a collection with rupee carr and they're just always pushing the envelope for what can be done in the tattoo space and i really admire them for that they don't just have pre-made designs though no no no they have a custom platform where you can upload any design you want and they'll ship your custom tattoo right to your door they also have freehand ink so you can draw on your own tattoos if that's what you're into whatever you want your tattoo to be inkbox has got you covered you know whether you can't get a tattoo because of your religion or your age or your health problems or if you're scared of needles or if you're just testing out a tattoo before you get it done permanently inkbox is a perfect gift for anybody and i say gift because it's that time of year right don't take the easy route and just give your mom a candle that's a that's a weird gift come on spice it up get her a tattoo of bon jovi moms love that guy so click the link in my description and get yourself some tattoos seriously you won't regret it they're a great company run by great people and they make a great product and i can say this confidently because i actually used to work there like full time for like a year and a half so i wouldn't lie to you guys but yeah links in the description click it check it out give it a try tell them i sent you all right thank you inkbox back to me all right guys speaking of speaking of uh christmas movies i had an idea we're gonna do uh we are gonna do a tier list of christmas movies okay um because um me personally you can obviously you can [ __ ] a lot of you guys probably don't even celebrate christmas and that's all good you can do whatever you want but my podcast i love christmas um i'm not religious or anything i just love christmas movie i like the spirit i like the idea but especially i like christmas movies um like jingle all the way and home alone too um are up there like that's my favorite movies of all time and jack frost they're so good um and i just love christmas movies a lot um so i thought we'd do a tier list i'm gonna record my screen um and here we go okay so hmm okay [ __ ] it let's get into it so we got christmas carol i don't think i've ever seen that so i'll put it in the never seen one uh mickey's once mickey's once upon a christmas i don't think i've ever seen that one either okay this is not off to a good start okay jack frost i mean that's gotta be s that's s t or for sure dude jack frost is so good that's a [ __ ] movie i'll make a cry too dudes [ __ ] michael keaton he's a snowman that see that scene where charlie is like he's he's shoveling the the driveway and he's crying man it's so sad dude michael keaton's a [ __ ] gun that guy's awesome s here for sure the j shot okay man there's so many good parts of that movie jack frost is up there santa buddies that's like what is that oh it's like i've never [ __ ] seen that look like a santa buddies dude it's like air bud but like christmas okay santa santa claus is coming to town those old one of those old [ __ ] like claymation ones uh i remember see i've seen that like once and they kind of creep me out um i'll do i'll do f [ __ ] [ __ ] that one man never seen that one i didn't know disney made so many of these weird mickey mouse christmas ones okay charlie around christmas that's beats here that's b that's all right uh like it's okay like i've never been a big charlie brown guy um christmas story okay i used to really like this one uh i mean the ending is uh the ending is pretty racist you know that whole pharah raw thing they do whoa man hey that's crazy um i would put in b but for the racism i'll put it down to c and this one is cropped so i don't even know what this one is so i'll put that down there uh hmm okay um bad santa i think i've seen that one once i'll put in d i mean don't try to make like a raunchy christmas movie you know i want like wholesome [ __ ] right santa's got a [ __ ] huh he's gonna fill your stocking with his [ __ ] gifts and he's gonna be drunk he's gotta be santa's drunk huh [ __ ] that man i want santa to be a good guy elf there was a time in my life where i was like alpha's overrated but it's so f dude will ferrell's so funny will ferrell is so goddamn funny and that movie is it's timeless it's great it's a great christmas movie um four christmases i think i saw that one once uh i'll do d you know like come on have a little bit of magic have a little have a little bit of christmas magic in it okay i think that's okay frosty the snowman that's a that that movie that movie [ __ ] dude rush this snowman's got a pipe dude he's smoking out of a pipe that's awesome okay home alone s i'm alone two yes easy oh i didn't even take a second guess i didn't even i didn't even think about that more than two seconds dude home alone i think i like homeland tube a little better um because it has two of the funniest scenes the one where uh uh marv no harry when harry gets uh electrocuted right it's hairy right am i am i an idiot no marv okay sorry when marv uh marv gets electrocuted and he turns into a skeleton for like a quick second and then when the birds at the end sorry spoiler alert oh what the [ __ ] is that noise what the [ __ ] was that why are you putting ads on a [ __ ] tier list dude anyways and the scene at the end of home alone too when uh he gets attacked by the birds and he just screams uh it's so funny um two turtle doves okay have a grin still christmas the animated one that's b that's a beats here it's a solid christmas movie it's a classic and then we got the jim carrey grinch that's gonna go a okay i might that's pretty controversial that is pretty controversial to put the live action over the original animated one but i'm biased okay jim carrey is one of my favorite people of all time he is so dude jim carrey is so funny it's [ __ ] it's it's actually upsetting how [ __ ] funny that guy is and he could he could do no wrong in my eyes um and one time i was at this theme park i think it was universal studios um where there was like this grinch ride and there was a guy like pretending he dressed as a grinch i knew and i and it was nice and i liked it so that goes in 18 it's a wonderful life um [ __ ] i have seen that one once i'll put it in c i mean i don't really care for it but jingle all the way that's ass jing all the way is so good it's double time tata turtle man dude there's so many good lines in that movie and sinbad is so funny in that and arnold schwarzenegger is amazing in that and young young anakin is great as well put that cookie down now oh that is so good i don't know what this one is oh is that uh what's that [ __ ] movie they they cropped the [ __ ] title of it uh sorry i'm googling love actually love actually is a [ __ ] great movie i forgot that was like kind of a christmas movie and liam neeson's in it pee in his pants do you guys know that there's like a bunch of pictures of liam neeson pee in his pants you guys can look that up for yourself miracle on 34th street i don't like that one i remember watching it i watched it once when i was a kid i was like this is boring this is dumb this isn't turbo man okay i don't see the title for this but i know the the cover this is a national lampoon's christmas vacation and that is a nastier movie that is so that's another [ __ ] great one um chevy chase amazing in that one uh polar express i remember everyone was [ __ ] hyped on polar express right like it looks weird and not even can you remember what happens in it they go to it the the north pole and and then they're on a sleigh we'll do d i don't really [ __ ] with polar express rudolph rednell's reindeer that's a because the [ __ ] herbie the elf or whatever he's a he's he's one of the best characters ever i've never seen scrooged i've never seen the muppet christmas carol either oh okay this movie with [ __ ] seth rogen and joseph gordon love it uh that's just a typical i'll do that c i mean it's whatever in terms of comedy movies it's okay but this is about christmas okay nightmare before christmas s amazing movie groundbreaking even okay the santa claus with tim allen i really like it i mean the premise is insane remember danny made a video about this movie but um i'll put it in b i'm gonna put it in b it's a it's a solid christmas movie and i love tim allen um white christmas i don't think i've ever seen that one uh christmas carol i don't think i saw that one either i don't know what that is i don't know what that is santa claus 2 we'll put that in b as well oh and this christmas okay my mom keeps telling me to watch this movie i guess it's kurt russell he plays santa claus and my mom really loves kurt russell but i've never seen it i've never seen this one i haven't seen that one oh is that christmas with the cranks is that what that one is christmas with the cranks i saw that one in theaters that is an f movie f absolutely that movie is [ __ ] garbage that movie sucks christmas with the cranks but things are gonna get kinda crazy it's gonna get pretty cranky huh are there families nuts that's every [ __ ] movie like that frosty returns i don't remember seeing that one i've never seen prancer what the [ __ ] who's that i never seen that one either okay so there's a lot of movies i haven't seen most of them i haven't seen um but that's my list that's my list in s we got jack frost elf home alone one and two jingle all the way uh national lampoon's christmas vacation and nightmare before christmas those are i'd watch those every day anytime i don't care what i'm doing i'm watching those movies nice that was fun that was good that felt um therapeutic [Music] uh hmm what else all right what should we do what should we talk about now i did ask i did ask you guys to send me uh topics to talk about and i screenshotted some some of them are questions some of them were just you know you know rough topic so um okay we got one one person ask well my friend devin asked how to be employed in comedy wow good question how to be employed in comedy oh wait we gotta change the subject sorry i gotta find the sound effect okay we're changing the subject now um okay so how to be employed in comedy uh be very lucky i think i don't i don't know man it's i remember going to school for i took a comedy writing program and i remember like before i got there and be like okay so once i'm done this program i'm going to have a job in comedy that's how it goes because that's what i was led to believe for my whole life you go to college and you get a job um but no it was quite the rude awakening once i started doing comedy um and realizing like comedy isn't a it is it is not it is rarely a job it's it's a thing that you do that brings you a lot of joy and creative fulfillment but in terms of paying the bills it is very very difficult for that for it to do that um and if i never did any internet content i i i would never made any the most i made doing stand-up like before youtube and everything was like i don't know maybe like uh like 20 bucks i got paid to do a book show once and they pay me 20 to do like 10 minutes after the thing and i was like that's [ __ ] awesome and i spent it right after on like two beers so i've obviously made money from stand-up after youtube and stuff because people are actually coming to see me and because they like want to see me because they know me already but um it is very hard i think before youtube and everything in the internet and netflix and all that it was you do the club scene the club circuit or whatever and then you're on like a letterman and then you just have a career and then you're booked um but now there's so many different ways to get there and it's really the best time to be doing it so there's it is a lot easier i guess now um because there's more ways to do it um but at the same time it is it's not easy man it's [ __ ] not easy it takes a lot of work um and as much as i you know i don't like congratulating myself on anything and i have a lot of imposter syndrome type things i do work hard and i and i can say that pretty confidently um especially when i was not even doing this full-time like when i had another full-time job and was still working on doing this it was it was a lot but it's worth it because it's fun and it brings you and it brings me you know a lot of joy and um i guess the answer to the question is uh how to get how do they be employed in comedy is to just make as much as you can you know try everything you know make the things that make you laugh and uh if you work hard and you're consistent with it then you know something will happen hopefully i know no guarantees obviously but um but that's a good that's an interesting topic i only i don't know if it's an it's interesting to me but i don't know if people are actually interested in it but i don't know um okay this person asks a pretty i like how these are pretty much as questions but framed as topics but this one says what it's like becoming famous of youtube and if it changed you at all uh i don't i don't think it changed me really and i don't i would never call myself famous i feel like that's a weird thing it's a weird thing to call yourself i'm famous wow wow i'm famous um i'm famous yeah whatever i'm keep booing i'm famous [ __ ] you i'm kidding um i don't think it's really changed me i mean i i get a lot more nervous when i'm in public because uh and because i'm always nervous someone will like recognize me and and like know me and then maybe i'll be doing something like embarrassing or stupid and then they'll take a fake picture of it and then everyone will see i don't usually do anything embarrassing but i don't know maybe the one time i slip on some chocolate pudding i don't know at a [ __ ] um at a grocery store and then someone stops a pic and then everyone's laughing at me i don't know and i've also like i've never been one to like have a bunch of friends and like be outgoing i've never been an outgoing person but ever since youtube kind of took off for me i don't talk to anybody new um unless they're like i don't know there's obviously exceptions and stuff but for the most part like i don't i just i just don't like people's [ __ ] reactions to it when i tell them what i do because then they like ask [ __ ] from you they're like oh can i pick your brain can i take can i like can we go to coffee and i pick your brain no no man you pick my ass and i don't mean to sound like mean i just don't like it's it's just it's not genuine people do that [ __ ] whenever people straight up when people want to go like can i pick your brain on stuff it's like can i can i get a faster way to to to do what you're doing i want to do what you're doing and i want it to be and i don't want to uh work as hard as it it takes that's straight up that's straight up what it is man they're thinking that i'm gonna have some crazy [ __ ] insight on how to do how to do stuff i don't [ __ ] know i don't know what i'm doing ever man can i pick your brain if you want you're gonna come out dumber you're gonna come out of that brain picking session a whole lot dumber bro and that might make me sound like an [ __ ] but it's it's not trust me it's i'm just i've i've i've gone through so much of that and it's just [ __ ] exhausting so i don't know maybe it's messed up my social abilities because i'm just constantly worried about what people will say about me or so maybe it's bad but i don't know that's just the way it goes i guess no new friends right the drake song oh i forgot to mention this earlier [ __ ] um i put out holiday merch uh it's it's it's it's a curtis you can get holiday merch now i meant to talk about it before i did the the tier list but um it's good it's a good time i like it a lot um what else can we talk about huh that was a jeopardy song i just remembered alex trebek [ __ ] um so can we talk about how people turn liking coffee into their entire personality oh buddy could i talk about that all day because i used to work at starbucks and whoa people who worked at starbucks who liked working at starbucks they were something else man just loved their [ __ ] job and being like yeah i'm getting like these these chocolate notes on this coffee huh tastes like coffee you idiot i'm getting these uh i'm getting these these this woody this oaky smell it's like what smells like coffee maybe i'm just an idiot i'm for sure just an idiot my palate isn't very uh isn't very advanced i taste coffee and that's it it's either good or bad like this one it's pretty good you know but i don't know i mean turning something in your whole personality is fine if it's like if it's it's like racism is your entire personality then yeah [ __ ] you but if it's something like liking coffee i mean i guess it's not hurting anyone except they're [ __ ] because they're probably [ __ ] so much just the whole time they're talking just like yeah i'm i'm quick i'm getting i'm uh i'm picking up a nice floral uh um a little floral smell on there and um yeah it smells let me slurp it yeah it tastes farting the whole time while they're drinking coffee coffee coffee coffee farts making it stinky um that's so funny um do you think social media is just as addictive as drugs also do you have do you think it affects our ability to concentrate yeah absolutely i uh i think it is pretty addictive um i've been trying to like put get my screen time down a bit um but it's tough because it's like what my job is but it's tough because i also sometimes use that to like justify me you know using social media too much so it's tough um but i mean yeah i think like anything anything could be just as addictive there is no like i mean obviously there are things that are more addictive than others but for the most part if you just have an addictive personality you can you're going to be addicted to stuff like you can be addicted to you know to sweets you can be addicted to um um gratification from strangers online you can uh you can be i think they did tons of stuff i'm not saying that was me no no i'm not saying that was me at all but i'm just as an example just like a quick example um but yeah i think it affects our ability to concentrate dude yeah i'm so glad when i went to school like twitter and instagram was like just becoming a thing like i had to like text my tweets you know how crazy that is i'd like text my tweets to like a bot and then they would go into my and they would post it on my twitter feed that's how old i am man i sort of sms my tweets can you even do that still you must be able to right and like facebook was already kind of thing but not really that popular yet it was but not like as it is today um and you're not scrolling facebook at [ __ ] during school yeah i want to see what [ __ ] how everyone's farms are doing on farmville um the reason why you don't have a discord i did have a discord like two years ago a year and a half ago i had one i think it's still up right now i haven't been on it in a long time and i think people still use it but um it was just too much work i already get overwhelmed very easily and that was just like i always felt like i needed to be on there and it was just like i don't know and then there was a bunch of [ __ ] being like this guy's being racist you should block them so i was like okay holy [ __ ] which i did obviously but it's like i don't moderating a [ __ ] discord server it's like i don't i don't know i don't you can get mods and stuff but then i did and then people were like hey this mod is bad i was like okay holy [ __ ] let's just i'm just gonna not do this and then it'll be fine and it's been a lot less stressful for me um what else could we fur can talk about i mean i'm what are we at like 40 something 40 something okay i was going to talk about a um this trump supporter video maybe we can do that next yeah yeah i'll probably do that i'll probably end it here um well that was fun that was a chill episode i hope you guys enjoyed it um had some good laughs had some good uh good times and i think we made a lot of good memories along the way yeah um but yeah i hope you guys enjoyed it um thanks for listening like comment subscribe all that rate review um and yeah i'll [ __ ] i'll catch you guys next week um check out the new merch uh and that's pretty much it uh thanks love you guys and i'll and i'll and i'll check you later uh oh wait thank you thanks guys thanks for listening it's very it's very nice okay see
Channel: Very Really Good
Views: 196,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, vrg, very really good, christmas movies, podcast
Id: 4gFWq9QTrLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 26sec (3326 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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