MGK & Megan Fox are so weird - Very Really Good #164

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hey before we get into this episode i just want to let you know that we have a patreon uh where we do bonus episodes every week so if you want to support the podcast and get bonus podcasts every week just check out that's very really good okay enjoy the episode [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey guys welcome back to the podcast is episode 164 dude [Music] it's it's been a while dude it's been a little bit i um i'll keep it um okay i'll keep it i'll keep it 100 if you guys want you guys want me to keep it 100 exactly 100 i want more one less um took a little bit of a a little break a little trip okay and i was under the impression that i was you know i was like i'm gonna film the podcast still i'll record it still it's whatever um but this just didn't happen man um you know as much as i wanted to it's like just wasn't just didn't feel right you know and i think it's nice for me to actually take like a real break you know because i've never i haven't really done that um and i didn't really when i was away but i took like enough right it's like enough of a break that is that will suffice okay i have a confession dude i uh i was acting a fool i was acting i was acting an absolute fool on uh on twitter as one does because it's not real you know none of it is real really um so yesterday i tweeted i said podcast won't be up tomorrow but it'll be up later this week sorry for the delay which is true it didn't come out today cuz i'm recording it today i got back today a couple like two hours ago and here i am all right back to work all right i got home at like dinner time it is 8 30 and i'm recording a pod and i'm gonna edit it right after man i'm back i'm [ __ ] back dude okay um but anyways i tweeted i said podcast won't be up tomorrow it'll upload this week sorry for the delay and then uh danny responded and he said no worries uh because you know that's funny because uh it wasn't really directed at him and he almost ratioed me holy [ __ ] but he didn't thank god but danny said uh danny gonzalez my my friend who i saw in chicago who i was with who i hung out with hung out with danny and nick it was a fun time he said no worries and then i responded and i said i said oh great now people are really gonna think you're on the podcast this week and then i did a winky face and uh yeah he's not on the podcast this week i was [ __ ] around so sorry i mean i wasn't wrong i didn't lie to anybody i said great now people are gonna think you're on the podcast this week because he's because he's not you know so i thought that'd be a funny little joke and i know saying this right now you don't know it but it's funny sure people there's a bunch of tweets being like i can't wait for the episode i can't i can't wait for the episode with danny dude it's gonna be so funny i've i've been waiting for this um and it's it's not there this is not gonna happen maybe i'll have them on soon probably it's been a while and it's always fun but no i didn't we just didn't film any content when we were there we just hung out um so sorry for gaslighting on or pranking you know those words are the same jesus but yeah sorry i've reacted a fool there but um i'm i had to entertain myself man you got to keep it fresh you gotta lie you gotta lie on the internet dude that's one thing i've learned in this job in this [ __ ] job you gotta lie um but no man i was in a i was in america it was weird weird i've never i mean i've been there before but it's been a very long time since i've been to america obviously because of covid um and like travel's slowly starting to open back up again but uh yeah i forgot how like in your face they are you know what i mean not like literally but it's just how they act maybe and i'm generalizing like crazy because i know there's actual like or like nice regular people in america but like especially dudes like over 40 in america you guys live such a weird life you guys act insane you know one thing i saw is uh i was walking and there's like there was like a parking garage by the airbnb we were staying and like i feel like when i'm exiting a parking garage that you have to drive through a sidewalk to get onto the street i feel like i would like creep up slowly you know what i mean i'd like i'd move up slowly so i could if so i could see if anybody was um was was coming right and if anybody's walking i'll wait you know no problem i'll wait they have the right of way right and and then um and then and then i'll go but dude this was the craziest thing i've ever seen i was walking and then someone from inside of the parking garage i could hear them like just holding their horn they were like as they were driving out full speed didn't wait they're like well hopefully they hear me coming you know hopefully they hear me coming or i'm gonna kill someone it was the craziest thing i've ever seen like i don't think that's allowed i don't know i don't think now that i'm saying it i don't think it's like an american thing i think that guy was just [ __ ] crazy but um i'm not saying all all americans are you know vehicular man slaughterers that's not what i'm saying that's not what i'm saying i also brought back a bunch of crickets from america i know they have good qrikets um but no that was crazy that was a crazy thing also i want to apologize to the people in chicago uh who was when i was walking down the street they said to the they one person said the other person oh my god is that curtis connor and i kept walking sorry if you're not if you don't say hello to me and initiate it i'm not gonna do it because how sad would that be you know i overhear someone saying oh my god is that curtis i go yes yes it is it is me it is i curtis connor the youtuber would you like a photo would you like a photo with me i'm true it you true the gods shine on you today the the love of the gods shine on you today because you had the luck the luxury to be graced by me a youtuber that you maybe weren't sure if it was me or not i could i'm going to be serious i could be most guys you know brown hair white guy whoa eyes okay yeah that's him that could be him could be me something whenever i watch super bad and like michael sarah pops up on screen like when was i in super bad like oh it's just f it's [ __ ] michael sarah you know but who knows man maybe i am michael sarah just kidding i'm not that'd be pretty crazy plot twist though also i got more america bits i got some so many so many observations about america dude see what happens to the podcast when i leave my house i have so many things to talk about this is weird um also man i'm setting up my new phone and it's been at 45 minutes for like 45 minutes so that's that's pretty cool um whatever dude um so america i guess i don't know if this is just like a chicago thing or an apartment building thing but um i forgot that like garbage disposals were real things you know i thought like i'm aware of them i'm aware of their existence but like i did i forgot that they like actually exist and people have them in their homes right because like we were i was doing dishes and like water was like clogging up like it was filling up the sink and i was like what the [ __ ] going on like like it's like our first day here why is there this already clogged that there's a piece of [ __ ] a piece of [ __ ] a room we're staying in you know what i mean i was ready to march down to the front desk and and flip it over and flip it over i said our our pipes are clogged you know what i mean but um no i was like and oh yeah there's got to be like something there right because i was like fishing down there with a fork and i could like feel the food i'm like there's something stuck there and i saw a light switch and i was like oh and then a light bulb went off in my head i saw the light sweat i saw the switch it's not a light switch i saw a light switch for the garbage uh disposal and i was like and then a light bulb turn on my on my head and top my head i was like oh yeah and i press it and all the food was gone if you guys didn't know what garbage disposals are because canada doesn't have those at least no house i've ever been in or my friends houses i've never seen that and again like no no [ __ ] shade or anything like uh like a little bit to like america as a whole i guess but um it's so funny like canadians are like no let's we're gonna do we're gonna we're gonna compost everything you know whatever we can we can reuse it recycle reduce reuse recycle you know um i have a cut on my thumb oh that's wrong bars check that out dude a little cut on my thumb i hope i'm okay the [ __ ] is that from probably my scissors probably from a scissors what's it talking about yeah so i stuck my thumb down the garbage disposal and the [ __ ] cup made it um you know canada's like we're going to try to re reduce you know reuse the food that with the waste we're going to try to help the environment you know put in this bag put in your bin put it you know put it at um at the end of your driveway city will come take it it's great it's fine we're doing our part but america's like nah let's shred it up let's [ __ ] kill it let's pulverize it okay [ __ ] it pasta down the sink chicken put it down there i don't care if it can get [ __ ] up it's going down it's going down the sink um it's just sort of like a commentary how america is just so destructive you know it's kind of like their first it's kind of like their first thing they do it's like the first conclusion they jump to it's just violence really makes you [ __ ] think you know it makes you [ __ ] really makes your brain absolutely throw it back you know [ __ ] man um i also saw a fair fair amount of like people who just don't wear masks it's crazy man it's really great sort of like a culture shock in like the weirdest way because there's like a new mask culture is like a new thing over here i guess but yeah it's like just there's signs everywhere that's like you had to wear a mask that's like the mandate you have to do that and people just like i was at a starbucks and a guy walked in didn't have a mask his biceps were the size of footballs and he had like that uh he was wearing like a kid's small tank top like one of those guys he had like some [ __ ] hat some trucker hat he was like more wide than he was long right all arms that's it use arms and dangerous that's for sure because you know no mask but he walked in and the guy and the guy working at starbucks was like hey man you're a mask he's like nah nah how how do you not have one how long has it been he's like okay well let me give you one here holy [ __ ] and then you put it on wrong nose fully out you can you could you can [ __ ] bench press six million pounds but you can't have a little piece of paper over your face crazy man it's absolutely mental um but no it's good to be home good to be back i'm back for like not that long what day is it it's the 13th i'm back for six days five full days and then i leave for new york for my shows my six sold out shows at city winery it's whatever it's whatever dude oh come on guys it's not that impressive it's not that impressive to do six sold out shows with the cut on your thumb it's literally no big deal it's a little ah [ __ ] okay well we're gonna talk about some [ __ ] fun stuff today that we gotta really chit chat about but first let's get some man this would be a good curtis corner segment if it was still a thing shun we miss you man i talk to you [ __ ] several times a week but i still miss you on here man um where's the wrong one where's the change of subject one dude i lost my [ __ ] rhythm jesus i'm gone for a week can't find a [ __ ] button to save my life dude all right meghan trainor all right speaking of guys that look like me [ __ ] meghan trainor's husband a guy that could be me for sure someone's walked by that guy and i was like is that curtis connor and then he kept walking dude if someone ever walks past me is like that juni cortez i'm gonna freak out okay so meghan trainor is married to the actor who played juni cortez and the spy kids trilogy the original spy kids trilogy the kid the little kid juni um and now he's married to meghan trainor i think they have a kid too which is wild they have their own spy kid i guess he's a spy adult now well just a spy i guess a little redundant i guess they called sp they had to call spies spy adults because of spy kids yeah i'm a covert cia spy adult hey my phone went down from 44 to 43 it's gonna be done when i'm 43. [ __ ] you know what i mean okay um but this is a this is they're in the news recently okay because they got uh they're [ __ ] weird um this is the title meghan trainor defends her side by side couple's toilet with husband daryl sabara sabara i don't know the couple who pees together stays together okay let me read this [ __ ] look we get it being apart from the person you love even for a few minutes can feel like an eternity and when you're soul mates you do everything together dine play sleep even bathe together so when singer megan trainer meghan trainor i hardly know her okay there we go so when singer megan traynor revealed earlier this week that her and her husband daryl sabara used the bathroom together it obviously made a lot of sense in the world right right they're being facetious okay so this is the tweet from meghan trainor herself to clear things up we pooped once together you guys have only pooping once and it was together to clear things up we pooped once together and we laughed and said never again but he will hang out with me if i'm [ __ ] cause we soul mates and i legit miss him when i'm away from him and we pee together obvi all right the fact that so that she was like all right to clear things up don't none of our business it's your business literally i feel like just keep that to yourself right all right everybody listen up we [ __ ] together once okay i don't care all right hold up this whole debacle began when the all about that bass crooner man [ __ ] articles you know just say meghan trainor just say when she i know they gotta do like seo stuff or whatever but and like you gotta i don't know spice up for your thesaurus use i don't know maybe they have a monthly thesaurus subscription that i really got to [ __ ] use use up you know admit it on nicole buyers why won't you date me podcast that the recent home renovation included the addition of side by side lose ah why we just got a new house and we did construction nobody knows this but in our bathroom there was one toilet she said nobody knows this but in our bathroom there was one toilet yeah believe it or not believe it or not guys you know this america you should put garbage disposals disposals in the [ __ ] tube of toilets and it's in the water too so it's like you it's like you press a button it goes [ __ ] makes a huge water explosion splash your butt in brown water man and have two of those because you're married to meghan trainor uh a lot of times in the middle of the night when he when we're with the baby we gotta pee at the same time so i was like can we please have two toilets next to each other like like obviously if you live with someone like it's not gross you know like people [ __ ] it's fine you know but like could you imagine getting up like in the middle of the night and you're like man i can't imagine that dude i think [ __ ] is so sacred right it's like if i if you get it dude i'm picturing like getting up in the middle of night after like you went out to the bar or something you had like nine beers you know and you go to the bathroom because you got a crap and like it's one of those man it's one of those absolute barn burners like the one you gotta take your [ __ ] [ __ ] like you gotta take you gotta undress you ever had those poops you gotta strip a strip for your toilet you gotta do lap dance for your [ __ ] toilet dance you had a [ __ ] crap dance with your toilet dude you get naked your butt ass naked and you're like sweating you're like gripping onto your [ __ ] counter it's like making a new hole because there's so much poo coming out and then you're and then your wife walks in you're like hey i got a [ __ ] too man not ideal know i'd be like no offense no i love you but please no as you can see i'm a mess right now foaming at the middle trying to get this out of me okay and like getting mad it's like you wake up and you're like talk you're like hey good morning babe how's it going love you just doesn't respond you're like what's what's wrong did i say something she's like i heard the toilet flush last night he woke me up and he's like oh sorry but sorry to wake you up i just had to had to crap and she's like oh really really you had to [ __ ] and and uh i didn't that's uh that's funny because i didn't have to [ __ ] and usually our stuff lines up perfectly we eat at the same time we lit we drink the same amount of water we live in the same what's up what's up you seeing someone else are you [ __ ] in someone else's toilet like no it's my i have a lot of [ __ ] today i'm [ __ ] a lot huh interesting all right it's funny that they call number two because we're i'm now number one we're single now if i'm breaking up with you celebrity couples are like so [ __ ] weird man you know like it's fine that you're dating each other but like shut up no one [ __ ] cares you know i mean i do because it's fun to like make fun of it and like have content and have content and make fun of people oh we're down to 42 minutes folks um but other than that it's like i don't care i don't care you crap next to your next to your [ __ ] boyf you know um speaking of weird celebrity couples let's get a friggin oh yeah okay how's that for a segway dude um i gotta get that sound on here bro can i do it right now mid pod can i [ __ ] around and add that oh yeah sound effect oh tell me i won't tell me i won't tell me i won't i will i'll [ __ ] do it right now i just gotta find it hold on guys stand by stand by stand by hold on i'm i'm gonna find it don't worry okay oh yeah here we go dude all right here we go you ready yes dude new sound effect i mean my best season is new sound effect era um so speaking of weird celebrity couples bro we gotta talk about machine gun kelly and megan fox we gotta do it okay we have to do it because they were in a they did like a gq um [ __ ] article i guess interview thing because you know when your date when you're a celebrity and you're dating someone it's a press opportunity okay it's press okay you get to press your bodies up against each other at night but you also get press in the [ __ ] media okay and then curtis me i get pressed about it okay so you get all sorts of press um but they've they've said some crazy [ __ ] they they're saying weird [ __ ] about their relationship and i want to read some of it and we can goof on it let's get to these photos all right oh we gotta talk about that one last okay so they did this like interview thing and i want to preface this by saying like i'm i'm happy for them okay like i i know uh mgk said all those things in the past you know he you know almost called that girl the n-word i think in the interview and then he said you know he wanted to you know have sex with kendall jenner even though she was like 17 at the time so you know it's still kind of [ __ ] weird you know it's [ __ ] weird but they seem happy maybe he's changed i don't know i'll say i'll preface that they seem they like they really love each other but like that's fine and all but you know keep it to yourself you know they're so weird they're like so corny it's like if drake dated himself that's how that's how he would act if drake was dating drake they'd post [ __ ] like this right this is a quote from machine gun kelly even our first kiss she wouldn't kiss me we just put our lips right in front of each other and breathed each other's breath and then she just left not a kiss then that's not your first kiss then buddy i mean i'm sorry i'm sorry for being the kiss police all right that's those people who arrest gene simmons those are the kiss police but no that's like that's not a kiss machine gun you're just breathing breathe each other's breath and then she left k if that happened i'd be like i'm i don't ever want to see that person ever again the hell was that you know what i mean yeah we kind of just gave each other coveted and she dipped it was awesome bryce kind of stunk too stinky breath [Music] stinky breath yeah what's making out if that if just breathing is kissing right what's making out like breathing so hard on each other's face you're like coughing and stuff like oh god hairs blowing in the wind just made it a second base dude yeah a [ __ ] for them is literally blowing blowing air into the tip of his wiener um and then another quote megan fox it's ecstasy in agony for sure i didn't say it was the darkest fairy tale for no reason there's also the demonic side [Music] hmm [Music] the fact that the interviewer was just like what you know sorry what [Music] there's also the demonic side sometimes we catch stray cats and we sacrifice them to the [ __ ] goat overlords you know your typical relationship stuff sometimes you know sometimes we possess a family and we you know we kill everyone in them and then we sacrifice all their bodies to payment you know you know it's just like that's what you do when you love each other you [ __ ] next to each other and you sacrifice [ __ ] people to satan okay because there's a demonic side yeah what else do they got there's this thing is chock full of [ __ ] quotes uh this one this is all from british gq so this is all with like an accent i guess making fox's love may be transforming colson baker into his higher self but it hasn't changed machine gun kelly i'm still a [ __ ] outlaw that's what he says machine gun kelly says i'm still a [ __ ] outlaw now you're not well maybe because of the stuff you said maybe the stuff maybe all the weird pedophilic stuff you said yeah maybe you are so that actually checks out actually actually good on you machine gun that actually checks out i'm still a [ __ ] outlaw yeah i don't think outlaws are on covers of magazines though you know what i mean because if that happened there'd be a bunch of detectives showing up to the gq offices being like guys you had him you had him in your studio he's an outlaw we've been chasing him for years and you guys are taking pics of them and they're like yeah sorry him and megan are just like there's like the demonic side and we want to like really capture that the detective's like we've been trying to get this guy for years and they're just like why you just go to one of his shows he advertises where he's going to be all the time and they're like genius you're a genius we could you know we could use a guy like you on the force and they recruit the photographer to be the next great detective what else we got what are the [ __ ] quotes we got dude that's all of them the demonic side we read that one outlaw okay and this is this is the one dude this is the kicker no we'll save it to the end okay how about so megan fox uh posted um like some of the cover of the gq thing they look cool they do look they look really rad um but the um the caption bro i got a i got a copy past of this one this is such a fire caption uh see if i can put this music on how about the you know the [ __ ] ambiance ambiance oh yeah all right this is megan fox instagram caption [Music] the tale of two outcasts and star-crossed lovers caught in the throes of a torrid solar flare of a romance featuring feverish obsession guns addiction shamans [Music] lots of blood general mayhem [Music] therapy tantric night terrors binding rituals chakra sound baths psychedelic hallucinations organic smoothies [Music] and the kind of sex that would make lucifer clutch his rosary [Music] dude that is a crazy instagram caption instagram you know the app that's she wrote that there like you guys are just dating you know this is almost high school [ __ ] this was a high school caption like these are the drama kids that made out in the hallway and like finger blasted each other like next to their locker this is them grown up and with internet access right guns not a good idea addiction shamans lots of blood general mate who's general mayhem i want to know that is that like they're like third wheel megan fox or sheena on kelly and general mayhem and that name's not crazy because his name's machine gun kelly so general mayhem is a guy it's not saying just general base level mayhem general mayhem is a guy he like he oversees the relationship you know make sure there's enough make sure they're treating each other well and he watches them general mayhem gets cucked by mgk and megan fox for sure general mayhem does because that's what he likes dude chakra sound baths psychedelic hallucinations organic smoothies yeah this is every this is every massage shops it's like every massage parlor's like menu on queen west is this [Music] queen west is in toronto it's very pretentious i guess or it's where the cool people go to shop so it was voted the second coolest neighborhood in the world but i doubt that because i've seen guys in jeans and flip-flops there so not the second coolest um yeah can i get the tantric night terrors massage yeah no problem dude and the kind of sex that would make lucifer clutch his rosary what's a rosary oh it's a cross okay what are they doing is that lots of blood are they just killing each other dude and then here's the real kicker dude this is like the thing that i [ __ ] lost my mind at so this is a quote from megan fox how they met megan fox says i just remember this tall blonde ghostly creature and i looked up and i was like you smell like weed he looked down at me and he was like i am weed then i swear to god he disappeared like a ninja in a smoke bomb yeah that's so weird i don't know i don't it's i'm like getting nauseous man it's such a weird thing to say in public if this is what if i ever said that ow if i was ever like i am weed and that got published wow man i'd burn h i'd burn gq to the ground i'd be like i didn't actually put that in the thing i don't know you publish that dude does gq stand for good question that's a good question because they do interviews right and every response has to start with the person going ah good question [Music] it's like jeopardy you have to say what is you know if you don't say a good question before you answer at gq they kick you out of there yeah good question that's so stupid um so yeah he walked up and she was like you smell like weed and he was like i am weed and then he disappeared like a ninja and a smoke bomb then he disappeared like ninja because his braless wife brought him a sandwich not asked for as he got a double oh with chips as he got a double kill bot lane you know what i mean that's the rest of the quote i'm sure don't look it up but it is the quote um he disappeared like a ninja he disappeared like ninja doing 90s in fortnite he disappeared like ninja after a victory royale straight up what does he mean i am weed i'm so confused by that what does he mean he stings probably probably [ __ ] reeks look at that guy uh maybe he oh you know what i think i actually think i know why i said that because like i think i'm an ingrown hair in my mustache that [ __ ] hurts so much man um i think he said that because weed you know much like weed like i think a little bit of machine gun kelly like you know maybe every now and then right once in a blue moon you know maybe you're drinking right maybe at a party you know you could dabble in some machine gun kelly and there's no harm no foul but if you're uh if you're listening to machine gun kelly every day like when you wake up 4 20 you know right before you go to bed you have a problem you're not you're not in a good headspace right if you're constantly listening to machine gun kelly you know you're talking to your dealer to get the new machine gun kelly song as soon as you're out of it right you have an issue man right a little bit of machine gun kelly's fine like weed teenagers love it he is weed okay he's right he is weed he stinks teenagers like him and too much of them is scary and you're wrong and it's bad and too much right i am weed [ __ ] grew out of this ground covered in dirt but yeah dude that is the craziest quote it's like what's that i feel like someone said about another couple but it was like everything i've learned about this couple i've learned against my will and it's the same for them i'm not no one's looking up what their relationship is like right man what are we at we're like 40 something maybe 30 something perhaps i was gonna check the the subreddit but i don't think there's anything really has been popping off too much lately but you know i haven't also been promoting it so you guys can check out the subreddit if you want um we can get that segment back going but um oh maybe i'll do that on the bonus episode dude all right we'll do another bonus all right i'll wrap this one up thank you for listening everybody this is episode 164 of the podcast thanks for chilling thanks for hanging out this was fun appreciate you and and we're back dude we're back um i'll do an episode next week for sure because i'll be here um yeah man like the video comment you know all that [ __ ] um go subscribe to the curtis connor shorts channel we're putting highlights on there okay so check it out and uh yeah man just uh keep on keep it up i appreciate the support thanks so much and uh yeah i'll talk to you guys later peace peace out i'm gonna go smoke machine gun killer just kidding that's it [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Very Really Good
Views: 397,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, podcast, kurtis conner podcast, kurtis connor, very really good, machine gun kelly, megan fox, i am weed
Id: 92_Qf2GUapA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 7sec (2467 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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