Using NEW TECHNIQUES to get high scores in Mini Metro!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to mini metro so if you haven't seen this before this is sort of like a traffic management style game but in the style of a london underground tube map oh and i've just noticed i haven't actually noticed this before look at the o the o is is a station look at that that yellow train's just pulled in and now he's awake that's cool i've never noticed that so anyway in previous videos we've conquered the london underground we then oops i didn't mean to click on that we then offended the french by taking on paris but today we're going to be rebuilding the underground tube system of new york city and i believe they don't call it a tube over there they call it metro do they call it metro subway no subway see i'm cultured i know how other countries call things anyway let's get into new york city so if you haven't seen this game before the idea is simple each one of these shapes is a station we can draw lines between them and now that's a tube line you can see on here this red rectangle this this is our train now as he's coming back this way you'll notice there's these dark shapes so this dark triangle by the square is a passenger and he wants to go to the triangle station likewise by this circle there's a square passenger and they want to go to the square station so if we on pause you'll see our train stops off here everyone gets on board and now if we zoom in you can see they are on board the train and i'm imagining there are a couple of blokes on the night out who are big fans of today's sponsors manscaped the manscapes are the global brand for men's grooming and hygiene products and they've just launched the new performance package 4.0 bundle which i have here all right so let's open this up so first off this this is a lovely box look at this so this is an all-in-one grooming kit and yes it's true your balls will thank you love it right this is the lawnmower 4.0 it's a waterproof cordless trimmer it has these replaceable ceramic blades with skin safe technology and a built-in led so you can see exactly what you're doing it comes with this charging dock which is usb type c so useful thank you and a load of different cutting height attachments in case you want to do some topo we've also got these two things this one's bull deodorant which is anti-chafing this one is a refreshing ball toner so the performance package 4.0 bundle now includes their new weed whacker which is a nose and ear hair trimmer and as you're getting older that's gonna be a thing unfortunately and for a limited time only you can get two free gifts so firstly you get these which are lovely man-scaped anti-chafing boxes and if we open up this flap you can see in here this is called the shed it's a very high quality travel bag if there's sounds of interest you go to today and get 20 off plus free international shipping plus the two free gifts when you use promo code real civil engineer at checkout so thank you man skate for sponsoring today's video let's get back on the train and see where these guys are off to then as this train pulls into the square will get off because he has arrived at his destination the triangle will get on goes to the triangle and then the circle gets on here sorted and that carries on like that uh top right we've got a new platform so we're going to put another line in down the bottom this shows how many lines we've got so we're going to go from the square i'm gonna go via that circle now it's not really ideal to have same shapes in a line as each other but not really any other solution here unless you put another line in right a triangle has just spawned so we can grab this little t end and extend so now this green line has one of every shape plus an extra circle then these trains just go back and forth taking passengers to the destinations they want to go you'll notice this green under the river there's a dashed line that means we've used a tunnel oh technically a bridge it looks like it's a bridge not a tunnel because we're already under the ground how does this work are we not underground stations i don't understand but uh if we want to extend this red we've now used an extra bridge i want to say tunnel but it's a bridge and here's the icon showing us how many we have left we've only got one bridge remaining because we've got two river crossings already i'm going to extend this red one up to there and then handily just he's just picked up a triangle passenger and he's taken into the triangle but it's the end of the week so at the end of every week you gain a new locomotive for your metroid so we'll say yes to that we now have two to use so we can add them to any line we want to and then we also get the choice of picking an upgrade so we can have an extra line so this will give us an extra color or we can up the number of carriages on our train i'm going to go with an extra line because we've got an extra train so that just seems sensible to me so in our first episode it was sort of a mess i didn't really realize how the game works or anything second one i got into the old looping patterns so rather than having this crisscross i've currently got i'd have like a circular line here and a circular line down there oh it went pretty well but today i wanted to try a new technique so i sort of noticed when looking at the london tube map apart from the mess in the middle it sort of branches out sort of like spider legs so i'm going to try and aim to do something similar and that we just extend these lines out so i'm sort of making everyone come through this square in the middle but i think it might work well i think it might work well let's bring you up there and i'm also thinking we get rid of this arm and then we do an extra color down there so basically this square is our hub all right that is slightly annoying in that we've got square over there i'm going to extend this dark blue one up there but things aren't going too bad if you look at the top right 125 this is how many journeys we've made or how many commuters we've moved and this is a sort of high score game your aim is to get the highest score all right so week three we get another locomotive oh and we can either go bridges or another line we've currently got one bridge but looking at this can you see there's a massive river in the background and a lot of space over there i think we're going to be spawning there next so i might actually go bridges just for a bit of safety we've got a new station i'm going to extend you down that way all right a circle there so i'm going to grab this line and put it onto there so now it passes through it quite handily there was a square passenger waiting so that's fantastic oh another triangle up there why are you doing this to me game is it worth doing that doesn't look ideal in this game the steepness of corners actually slows down your train so i think even if there's no passenger say for example this triangle a train passing through there will have to stop because it's so steep um right so this one over here we're gonna bring you up like that and also you'll notice this corner here doesn't slow the train down at all if that was a steeper corner it would actually slow down which isn't great oh god things are getting a bit a bit heated over here the green's going all over the place we've got bridges but no lines there's a lot of circles in our line as well which really isn't ideal if you have the same shape station it means generally people who get on that platform aren't going to want to stop in the one adjacent to it but it's the end of the week four we'll grab another locomotive and we'll grab a line we do need another line i think so you'll notice for example on this screen you'll never get like a circle passenger weight at a circle station so having these two in a line is really bad and we've got that in quite a few locations on the green line and we've got it on this red line as well so really not ideal but we'll keep going oh look at this we've got a new shape so some of these shapes are pretty rare like this diamond one obviously a diamond is rare uh sorry i might use an extra line to go down there i'm thinking if we come along here and down there and that's moving people from this square down to this circle i can see there's a bit of a backlog there between squares and this has started a timer now so if a station is too full for too long you'll get a timer like this thankfully it's picked up all the passengers so the time is going back down but if that timer were to fill up that's the end of the game alright there's a circle platform over there so i'll just extend you to that mr purple and it's the end of another week we got another locomotive and here we can decide between another line or an interchange now interchanges are good they allow you to increase the capacity of your station so it might be worth grabbing that because this square is a big sort of changeover so that might be the place to put that i'm gonna save it until we absolutely need it but that could be the place to put it right so this timer in the middle really not ideal i'm gonna think about adding an extra train onto there i'm just gonna wait for the blue train to come back and see how many people it picks up yeah not not enough so i'm gonna send this train that way now you can see that time is going down and then as the blue train comes back there's loads of triangles which is the next stop so they'll all get on so i think we've saved that one now you can see the middle now now massively struggling so let's press pause and with our interchange we'll put that in the middle so now you can see this is a big station the capacity is bigger which means there's now no timer because there's not enough people queueing oh god absolute carnage i think the green is a bit of a mess oh god so is this orange thing all right this green one is absolutely cooked so it's gonna need another train and there's no point making it face that direction because then it will just go down to this platform which is just a circle so we're going to make it go that direction that's the good thing about when you add a train you can literally put them wherever you want so put it that way and press play and that will go and collect a load of people all right and i think we've just about sorted it i'm gonna take this green one up to there instead and this red one up to there i don't think i'm doing pretty well here this purple is struggling again i'm actually gonna remove both of those guys just to make it shorter oh week six thank god all right we got a new train we definitely need that uh it's whether we go for a new line or an interchange i know an interchange will save us a line won't necessarily now we've also got no bridges which isn't ideal let's i don't know what to do let's go for a line maybe i don't know let's go for an interchange i feel like an interchange will save us because we're very close to dying at two locations like this one especially come on train oh it's gonna be tight it's gonna be tight all right everyone's on board thank goodness now we can extend this line to do that i think maybe we just need to add another train onto the purple line yeah let's do that do a train in that direction all right so down here we've got another triangle is there a way of doing this sort of a bit more sensibly where we don't just do circles in a row well i can think is that which isn't ideal because it means we go back on ourselves but at least we take a load of those passengers all right this one is still building up not ideal at all come on train get back otherwise we're gonna have to use an interchange oh i didn't even stop there right we're gonna have to interchange that one oh no no there is a train coming there's a train coming how many people can it pick up not enough oh god yeah okay we're gonna have to change that one it's the only way to bring that timer down oh purple line is killing me all right i've also moved this down to pick up this station and oh god there's another one over here right we're at the point where we really really need a new line especially as another platform has just spawned a star and like this one is not good at all we might even have to bypass everything so if we delete all of those and then we say just go straight there mate just oh he's not even going straight there oh i think we've cocked it i think we've cocked it oh right week seven we might just be able to save this if we do that and then we can have a line or a carriage um we're gonna have to do a carriage so press pause all right so this train is going all over the place so let's just draw that back in and right so we've got to save the reds by adding a train i think we're gonna have to go there and then it's just a question of where do i put the extra carriage that should save stuff but i know if i put a carriage on as well that's even better because it'll grab more people from there so if we press play oh people just about got on that timer nearly nearly ended the game now you see that train is absolutely full of people it's a double carriage wow we really did need that i'm glad i did that in the end all right slight problem with this line in that we don't have enough bridges to get across we're gonna have to take the orange off if we do that with the orange instead yes we do have three of those in our line but uh it's a lot less bridges so hopefully that would be okay oh god look there's another timer here thankfully green is stopping off can you save the day green no you haven't at all there's another there's two green trains coming please please we've hit a thousand points though that's sort of that's not too bad in this game a thousand points uh come on train come on train there's two trains come on come on come on come on is there enough people getting onboard yes time has gone oh but there's a red one down here balls that train's not getting back in time that's the end that is the end uh that was really really really rough that was really hard so yeah not the best though we got in the top 40 which i guess isn't bad for my first ever go maybe no it's pretty bad isn't it yeah but let's check out chicago i'm not quite done today pretty easy start i'm not sure whether i want to try the spider again i don't feel like it worked as well this one's sort of calling for a big loop at the moment like i sort of just want to connect them together another one over there so i might use this opportunity to sort of do that okay we'll extend this one up i feel like squares could get screwed though because say a square comes from the orange line it has to go all the way around before it gets there so i'm sort of thinking if i were to do parallel lines i can't do parallel lines because we are out of bridges so fair enough we will ignore that then i might just link this up to there all right week two another locomotive and we're gonna pick some bridges so yeah this orange line absolutely terrible because it's just all the same shape stations in a line but at least we've distributed where the squares end up if they end up at this one then they're a lot closer than if they end up there nice i feel like this is going quite well actually the double loop uh down there i'm just going to extend the red because we've got a square and then a triangle so there's no circles in a line going pretty well i'm just wondering whether i need to think about my third line or maybe even extending the orange to go to the square itself all right we've got a triangle up there i'm gonna just do that for now i am actually i'm gonna do that i'm gonna extend the orange i'm going to loop it up the downside is i've just used up two bridges but the positive side it's quite easy to just add that guy in all right we've got a rare shape up there so that's probably a time to add a new line oh it's the end of week three though so let's grab a locomotive and then yes a new line i think right i might delete everything i have right so this is my layout let's fresh slate we got four lines we're gonna got three trains now let's think of the best solution here so i'm thinking if we do a simple line up here do that as a big circle and do a line i think squares are quite important so if we do that and that and ideally i need another train to do a green line but we don't have a train so i'll just do that for now with the intention to get rid of this yellow line there we go we got our trains back right so let's delete those let's put that line in right i feel like we might want an extra train i tell you what actually this this orange line i'm going to detach it from that one and we're going to go around to this one instead so we got that sort of thing it looks like a sort of crappy kid's drawing it's like look mom i drew a snowman in orange because yeah all right this green one will just extend you so it goes there you've got three circles in a line which i'm not a big fan of uh but what you're gonna do what are you gonna do all right yellow you're getting extended over to that so now we've got our sort of like ring road area and then the spider legs are coming out of it i think maybe that was what i messed up with last time i didn't do like a circle line connecting all of them so hopefully this will work better it probably won't but we shall see we've got an extra carriage as well it's important to remember that and i'll probably put that on this circular line i'll probably do it now actually so you can see there's a timer down there so once this one gets sort of over the opposite side i'm gonna put this in it's like now oh it's the end of week four anyway so grab another locomotive and grab another line and then we can think about where we want our blue line to go i'm going to extend you up to there or am i i could do the red up there instead yeah i feel like green's got a long way to go so let's do the red up there instead it's rather than a triangular line it's now a square line uh this station really is not happy i'm thinking of doing an extra line down there now well the timer is going down again it's mainly because there's such a long route round for the squares although they could get off at that one oh look there's another square here i don't have a bridge though that is the downside i don't have a bridge i've extended the yellow for now i don't really want to keep doing that i want an extra color coming to the squares but it's the end of another week we got another locomotive and we got another line so we've got two lines to play with now it's time to use them i think we don't have any bridges though so we are a bit limited but i'm thinking this line if we do that sort of thing at least there's a way for all these squares to get to a square pretty easily then i'm also thinking of maybe reducing the yellow and doing that as a separate line so if we bring the yellow back to there all right basically i just made this blue line a circular line there the idea is to just try and extend where it goes this red one we're going to extend you up grab that we've just passed 500 points and things aren't looking too bad there's no timers there's not really any cues anywhere i think going with full extra lines everywhere was a good shout if i'm honest i don't like how many circles there are in a row over this end the map all right this one shall we extend you up there that's really not ideal we could extend the green oh it's the end of another week so we'll grab our new train and we'll grab our final line so now we've got a pink line i'm sort of thinking what's the best way of doing this we don't have a bridge so we can't get across we need to sort this one out i'm thinking maybe if we disconnect some of these and then our extra line can come through these ones maybe just to that line all right it looks a bit of a mess but i feel like it could be better all right we got carnage with squares up there i don't think i can fix that without a bridge oh god it's not good the timer just keeps going up and up yeah this orange train it's completely full already oh god right how can we fix that we need a route to the squares there's literally no way of doing it without a bridge i think we might be screwed it's cause all the squares are down here like on this separate island if we rip up the pink maybe we can do an emergency we literally can't take them anywhere maybe we can just take them to there and that's at least one platform down oh i didn't even pick up any of the squares pick them up train just move them oh it's not doing it it's not doing it i think we're dead all right instead then pinks what if you take spacey squares coming from everywhere else if we do that instead maybe maybe that'll put these on that line but this is too late it is too late i thought that was a bad spawn i don't feel that was my fault it probably was my fault but chicago's hard man why is chicago so hard yeah that went from going really well to really not very quickly we're in the bottom 50 i've got a lot to learn i was beaten by a dung beast anyway guys peace love and bridges i'll catch you guys next time bye [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 345,542
Rating: 4.9396167 out of 5
Keywords: mini metro (video game), strategy video game (video game genre), mini metro, mini metro gameplay, mini metro strategy, mini metro tips, mini metro high score, gameplay, strategy, tips, high score, gaming, game, puzzle (video game genre), mini metro ios, mini metro android, mini metro london, mini metro guide, mini metro tutorial, minimetro tips, real civil engineer, rce, mini motorways, real civil engineer mini metro
Id: UA1fq8e3fl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 23sec (1163 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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