A DAY IN THE LIFE of a real civil engineer! Infra!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to emperor the game i get to do my day job in a game what why is this a game oh this is really cool this is literally like a civil engineering simulator so let's see how realistic it is oh look okay so we're starting in a conference room quite nice as this bald dude who seems to be in charge head the table although i'm the other end of the table so maybe i'm also in charge some other colleagues morning everyone morning good morning buzz warning boss in case the bull dude is saying we've got some buildings to survey some site visits going on later mark why don't you go ahead and start the presentation presentation uh wait what um okay okay all right uh okay so today we're going to be doing the pre-inspection briefing uh we're going to be assessing the state of keyword related infrastructure in the stormberg region oh feeling sleepy mark no i i was just trying to wake up and start the presentation i i had started that was the start of my presentation like i thought you were all listening and mark yeah i know you hate early mornings but seriously we have work to do i i literally was like if you just let me carry on hello right so as i was saying before this is yeah all right a quick recap of the situation you don't want me to okay that was awkward what are you looking at oh look there's a small pen on my table very dusty in this room a lot of dust floating about mark you can go ahead get your gear from upstairs and you can leave when you're ready i still have a few things to go over with steve carl and amit oh so i've just been kicked out the meeting okay well that was a typical sort of consultancy meeting uh terrible jokes me being unprepared being given a load of work to do basically i've got to go to a dam and uh inspect some stuff you're right mate ready no he's not in the mood today he's got quite a lot of work on older dave over there anyway back to my office so this is quite a flush consultancy oh god what are these lights bloody architect design these aren't they look it matches the frosting on the glass oh god i hate them i hate them yep as usual the company's cheaped out and we haven't got windows 8 we've got viewports eight oh god our fish tank and two very rare specimens over there feeling all right there mark yeah you're right john what are you working on got a drawing on there yeah what's up the world's strongest beer john please try and hide your your addiction you're in work man this is a very oh god what is that this is literally how most engineers work we just code in green and black matrix style coding on our pair mac computers now you can see she's she's oblivious i'm even here i could literally i could make a count of coke of her i could probably pull a ponytail she wouldn't even know she's in the engineering zone very dangerous we'll just back away from that all right so it looks like no one can see me so i'm just gonna sneak into here pick up this small pen i'm just gonna as we were so yes we work for the national consulting group who has this terrible slogan that's in a way that doesn't make sense that they probably paid loads of money to a designer to come up with it took me about five minutes to work out but it says excelling at engineering terrible but realistic what happened it's not like the tunnels are you alright guys what's happening all right sorry were you i interrupted something there's a lot of shifty eye movement going uh okay i'm just gonna back away sorry to disturb still just silence well that was awkward so bloody hell this is posh in it look at this this can't be a proper engineering consultancy we've got to be hiring the building from like lawyers or something oh my god have we got soda i mean yeah this is if you want to get into engineering guys this is pretty pretty typical of a normal office block a little canteen area down there and then just go up into a private sauna obviously uh get showered first obviously you don't want to be stinking in there uh and we have barbecues and crates of beers and showers ready to go oh yeah sorry i i've got the saunas this way the sword here's the sauna here's the sauna right but usually after i don't know every every few meetings we probably gather in here oh but naked and uh get swayed together because it's good for team bonding it's good for morale oh by a river that's a big ass bite look at that all right we'll take the lift we're on floor eight we're going to floor seven apparently i just came from floor seven but okay i wonder if these guys have started talking yet feeling all right there mark yep thanks mate i'm feeling fine how about you guys because you sort of just stopped talking for about 20 minutes uh you weren't talking about me were you never mind all right so we're going to take the fire exit down oh okay we're not we're not going to get the old heart rate going we're going to use the elevator and uh and be the typical office worker that hates any form of exercise so all right number seven so we want to go to i guess the bottom no we want to go up to floor 8 where we just came from ah floor 8 or home as i like to call it bloody you should have seen this the other day bloody kyle let's go for quick wires oh i have no shadow i don't exist that's terrifying anyway so this is my sort of office area uh this is our little kitchen kitchenette as we like to call it bloody i bet that's carol she's always leaving her dirty dishes about does my eden right this is my office over here so i am formerly known as engineer ziltanen but uh when in doubt just call me mark ah door opens outwards i forgot about that anyway so this is my lovely office uh someone gladly wrote on this a3 bit of paper in huge writing uh my to-do list so i got a pick up flashlight camera helmet keystone reception and the boss i'm not taking the boss with me i think it's from the boss and they left the company car sweet say camera keys where'd i leave my flashlight and helmet i can't remember oh i think it was in this cupboard yeah helmet flashlight sorted and here's just a little overview of what i'm going to be doing today so we're going to the hammer valley dam area we're going to come off the highway we're going to check the bridges we're going to start from the small what we're going to start from the small peepee that can't be coincidence like seriously we're starting from the small people i literally cannot see one on that map do anyone see a knob on there i just had a little knob somewhere i feel like the other guys are playing pranks on me again yeah this is the most important part of any engineer's day job it's the flow chart that will get you through any problem you ever come across so uh you start off does it work yes or no if it works don't with it if it doesn't work did you with it if yes you're an idiot does anyone know if they don't hide it but if they do you poor bastard can you blame someone else if you can't you're in an infinite loop until you find someone to blame in which case no problem and over here you can see some of my favorite books of course i've got four copies of extreme structures and ten copies of the third section of the encyclopedia because yeah anyway we're going to reception to get the car keys okay middle elevator this time down to floor one and we're just heading down so yeah it's pretty similar to a normal consultancy i think this thing it's a bit a bit posture than what i'm used to i'll get used to it i think oh what the hell oh out of order oh god look at this ah so we're gonna have to use our engineering skills to get out of this one so what does an engineer do it uses this handy instruction in case of emergency so we've got to hit fuses b2 and b3 there's a little scribble of b there so i'm gonna guess two and three of those which ah there you go and this door is open now so we can gently squeeze out being careful not to uh fall down there or do a resident evil and get cut in half look look down there that guy can you see him okay he's an architect he works on floor three absolute douchebag ready no i wouldn't i'd never do that yeah so currently on floor three we do want to go down the stairs probably just to get down to reception i'll just give you a little guided talk this is a sim chick them cheek some chick they're planning and development they're in waste of space really overpaid uh oh there you go here's the joker vision architects the one i just spat on and we got we got a cafe like a buffet one pretty nice does a job oh a lot i think i should be able to use the stairs over here that's fine so as usual the emergency staircase uh please keep clear isn't clear no way of getting up there if there's fire everyone will die especially now the lift's broken so just because the building's posh doesn't mean it's any good oh this is the uh smoking area i'm not exactly sure where i'm going or why oh yes so i'm going i'm going up here to my uh my beer stash oh crap i literally just died i died at work oops so it's only tuesday so we won't we'll leave those beers where they are that's more of a friday friday afternoon treat that all right so reception's over here hold up doris manser front desk good morning mark hey darcy i have a letter from the city authority it's on the counter go let's revit worry it's not a parking ticket looks like it's just some keys right cheers doris we're up to uh this evening doris got any plans just wondering maybe wanted to go uh one day feeling all right there mark yeah i was i was literally just like um just wondering if you wanted to maybe i don't know you're not doing anything else like um i'm not doing anything tonight i just wonder if you were but are you rolling your eyes okay right never see it doris cheers for letter leia one day one day she'll be mine yes time to find my car oh there's my car the trusty pickup truck we could have had the oh it's not quite an audi it's got it's got squares rather than circles so no no copyright broken there could have had a novo definitely not based on any other cars of similar names like that is literally just a golf and someone's nick the volkswagen badge but uh but anyway to my pickup truck and am i going to drive this oh god it's left-hand drive i'm only used to right-hand drive all right we're in let's try not to mess this up right we've arrived on site let's get out into the fresh air and go take a look around so in the real life if you come to site on your own obviously you've done all the paperwork the loan working assessments the other risk assessments you've got site you'd let your contact know that you've arrived so i'll whip my phone out no that's camera so i'll whip my phone out and i'll give dave from the office cool just to let him know i've arrived oh i am i am literally calling him i was joking but fair play game that's realistic all right so my boss just said i've got to take photos of any defects on any structures and any technical documents so i'll keep that in mind right so here's the bridge she's looking a bit a bit old but not too bad nick uh oh though what's that down there can you see i can see rebar patch shouldn't be out stalberg is like this bridge old crumbling can't really read that it's really dark and full of alcoholics that says alcoholists alcoholists is that a word alcoholist someone that does alcohol anyway this is this is a bit risky not gonna lay this doesn't look like the safest of gantries under here but uh the old services looking good nick oh god that was a bit of a shake that was really vibrating i'm quite high up as well i'm a little bit nervous um that's definitely a defect oh god that is shaky as cars come over you can see the top of that pillar that's like a bearing so that allows the bridge to move obviously as different temperatures and things occur the bridge will move expand slightly oh god that's very shaky yeah i kind of want to get off this that bearing just allows the bridge to like slide very gently pretty cool that one over here yeah again good nick not bad oh god that is i say the bridge is in good condition well apart from that it shouldn't be shaking like that surely surely uh but otherwise it's not looking too bad see more bearings at this end nice okay so we'll head down here oh look at the mist coming up oh that is lovely i might have to uh grab my sandwich and stop for lunch here i think this is very nice oh more rusty rebar poking out yeah that's pretty messed up that is very messed up uh i've noticed this this is like a i'm guessing it's like a flood warning system is it the alarms on should i take a photo of that no it didn't seem to care but uh looking in here it seems everything's off so that measures the water flow so you i think you'd expect all these to be turning so i might flip all these back on like do them a favor i know it's not really my job but uh there go alarms gone off now and these are all moving so they're measuring how much water is coming through here obviously as the units go up the uh the things are moving slower of course this is measuring water i'm guessing there's some sort of thing downstream looks like water's going that way so i'm guessing we should probably head over there next that could be the dam they're on about uh let's just check there's nothing dodgy going on back that bridge i think we've covered it i think we covered it so we shall head down to the dam god it's so shaky it's really not good all right so that's where i park my car main road above and then i think we're heading this way towards the dam so this is like an old toilet and there's flies buzzing around this bucket oh my god what are they are they turds have i picked up a poo [Music] i've picked up a poo can i throw the poo oh it went flying are these actually poos how far can i throw a poo oh my god where's poo i've i've lost my poo oh there's one there's a turd all right i'm gonna launch inside cars it's driving back this is just standard standard site visit bound to this is uh find a turd you throw onto the live carriageway that you're trying to make safe oh god that didn't sound good anyway back to the job at hand all right so heading down here looks like that door is barricaded up oh look down here oh okay so i think that's the culvert where the water enters the dam that's blocked so i'm gonna take a photo of that yep i got the noise saying i did a good job there oh i can't actually go down oh this is dangerous i wouldn't do this on a real site visit although we're down here now it's about there that's called a pen stock so it's not completely flush with the bottom it's slightly up to allow water to come through and you can raise and lower it to allow more or less flow into your structure so it looks like there's a little motor there that will raise that up and down cool that's quite interesting uh that's leaking does that need a photo no apparently not leaking air con is fine apparently all right we're going in unlock the padlock all right so this looks pretty run down not gonna lie uh pretty damp looking there is a fuse here lights fuses of the main hall's lights are broken so turn that on oh crap that's not good that's now smoking we probably should have left that oh no no lights did come on down there okay that's fine sweet oh look we've got a cheeseburger that was here many many years ago and as you know mcdonald's cheeseburgers they never biodegrade so there's flies buzzing around hamburger still completely edible so i might have a sneaky bite of that later so take a photo of this that's the maintenance log just shows has been maintained in a long time anything through here some old rebar hanging around because you never know the mold cobwebs hanging around because you never know ah we got some bolt cutters and some batteries ah so the batteries are for the flashlight and for my camera the bolt cutters are to cut bolts all right so we'll head down here oh that does not look good lads these are like the main sort of turbines so i'm guessing as the water goes through that pipe which i'm gonna take a photo of uh it spins like a fan which powers these turbines which creates power which goes along there into this oh look we've got we've got an arrow i'm not going to lie i probably wouldn't touch any of this but as it's a game i'm going to you know what i've turned off i've turned off the wrong one i think i want to turn off the broken one so i'll put that one back on turn that one off so for some reason i'm not just inspecting this i'm completely in charge as to how much electricity it makes so i've turned this one off because it's leaking it seems and it seems like it did a good thing no more error warnings so jobs are good and i saved the day again half the country now doesn't have power but we're all good all right f to get my flashlight out oh batteries yeah not a lot else in there it seems right so we can use our bolt cutters on this nice we are now free so this is the other side of the power plant this is all the water that's come through the turbines nice i don't think the conditions too bad i mean there is some growth in there maybe that should be fixed no game doesn't really care about that fair enough and then we got these power lines running along here above my head i'm guessing we'll just follow these down oh it looks a bit wonky down there can you see there's a bird up there oh oh did that bird just get fried did anyone see that oh my god okay wait wait that cause that's now cropped completely a bird just got annihilated smells like chicken okay i'm gonna guess we come back that way because this doesn't seem to do anything maybe we use that later don't know so oh yeah so this is the wonky pole so that's definitely not good let's get a good angle on that look how wonky that is no good at all hilarious morning wood company like it more batteries oh more batteries i got some paperwork here matt oh my god they know my name all right so we'll take a photo of that essentially the hydro plants company when our business couldn't afford to pay anyone there's a sawmill down here somewhere that accepts logs or something and they couldn't anymore and i don't know it was all disaster blah blah blah blah but yeah so basically everyone just buggered off and left the place in a bit of disrepair and we've got to sort out what's wrong i can't go down that way okay we've got this sort of log stacking thing i think the sawmill might be up there logs come down sit here for a bit and then i don't really know what happens there's a chainsaw without a chain i don't know if that would be much use if i'm honest across a bridge pretty bridge but i've noticed in the background there's a good bridge coming up another toilet there more flies i don't see any turds around this one which is always a good sign here we go look at this bridge look at that a proper classic truss oh i assume we've got a we've got to inspect this one as well it looks like there's a railway top of it the green light on we'll go underneath because we don't want to get flattened all right so it's a little bit rusty i wouldn't say this is why you shouldn't learn work people i literally died i fell off yeah be careful when you're inspecting this literally this is literally like good life advice if ever you're doing anything like anywhere don't focus purely on that one thing always be aware of your surroundings because uh i didn't notice there's not a barrier around this edge so very dangerous make sure you're in a safe position and then have a little look and then looks fine as you were yeah as i was saying before i felt my death this although it looks rusty you can see the rust is sort of like surface rust like the the original shape of the beam and everything is all intact doesn't look like it's lost any cross-sectional area or anything so i'd say that looks fine if i'm honest ooh look down there i think that might be the sawmill and then the logs come down yeah so the logs come floating down the river i think they enter the sawmill through there i think they were complaining they hadn't had any logs and i think it turns out it's because the damn company they've gone bust all right so come to their signaling pole i assume these are the light for this bridge so i can because i i don't know i would have thought all of this be arranged in advance maybe because i'm doing an inspection of the bridge i'm allowed to turn this off there you go i've turned it to red which means i can now safely inspect this bridge properly you wouldn't ever do this on your own you'd always have a spotter with you so if i had to go over this side for whatever reason there'd be someone watching out and they'd give me a call if the train was coming but i don't know maybe this is like this isn't the uk it's a bit different rules over here bridge not looking in bad nick if i'm honest don't if i can go down here and check these foundations oh there we go here we go that's not good more rebar poking out but actual bridge i think looks okay again not a bridge inspect myself so i'm only going off what i've heard from others oh so there's like a little crossing here quite a rural area uh we'll head up here oh no we've got a we got a collapsed tree good thing i turned the bloody lights off because look at that every photo i take uses battery up all right if only that chainsaw had a chain on it then i could save the day technically i have saved the day because i made the older light red but i am actually gonna have a look through the tunnel so i assume as it's sort of within my scope i should probably see if the tunnel's in good nick oh oh bollocks ah do you hear that do you hear that get out of the way get out the ah get out i'm out i'm out oh god oh it did stop it stopped because i saved the day oh my god would that would flatten me if i didn't do the red light they drive yeah so uh so i turned the lights to red because uh there's a tree down up there you would have you would have ruined it i mean here is a strong word but if you want to use it it is quite accurate i guess yeah yeah here's my boss's number if you give them a call let them know that would be appreciated remember i saved your life technically and all your passengers uh anyway i gotta go i got other people to save other inspections to make yep no worries no no please please don't call me a hero i i'm just doing my job i'm just doing my engineering job this gulley is filled with crap it's not gonna work someone needs to clean it so i'm gonna take a photo of that because that's definitely bollocks yep typical game does not care that gully will not work so it's full of debris water ain't getting in there so one point deducted game you should have known better oh here we go we're at the hammer valley damn let's go in again this building looks a bit ropey not gonna lie pretty run down doesn't like it's been used for a while i think we're at the log sheet so i think the logs come in well i think they just probably flow past but uh appears to be shut so no water is going anywhere that needs to be open i think don't know what this is it's like a toaster i've got a toaster where can i put a toaster oh look it was actually a fuse for the engine i probably need one for the brakes as well where should i look here we go here we go bung that in there so that's the elevator so i can flip that and i fixed the elevator that i didn't realize was broken i'm just such a problem solver here it is the elevator before we go we'll just have a little look oh look the dam is cropped [Music] that's a big ass crack as well that really ain't good cause that's not a small dam that's like golden eye size down all right so we're head down the elevator this is a bit oh god that was very shaky i think it's all right though pretty dark down here could do the old lights being turned on here we are bits of light which is always good oh no the the elevator oh no okay technically we would call that a near miss which means i'd phone up my boss straight away and tell him i'm getting the hell out of it it's too dangerous but it doesn't sound like that's gonna happen you can stop corruption oh and a band of beer company beer surely what is this hell ho anyway as we're stopping corruption i'm gonna stop the video there guys uh enjoying this let me know if you want to see more of this engineering simulator it's uh pretty good actually i'm getting into this being a hero hero of engineering but yeah as we saw some bridges today peace love and bridges i'll catch you next time bye [Music] guys you
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 735,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: infra gameplay, lets play infra, infra walkthrough, infra water treatment plant walkthrough, civil engineering, civil engineer, a day in the life, a day in the life engineer, a day in the life civil, a day in the life civil engineer, what do civil engineers do, what do civil engineers do on a daily basis, typical day job for engineer, what do engineers do, what do engineers do at work, what do engineers actually do
Id: w94IXPU2Aog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 46sec (1546 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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