Overengineering UNDERGROUND TRAIN LINES in Mini Metro!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to mini metro the puzzle game where you get to make your own underground tube maps last time i had a little bash at london i d i did do the best but it was my first ever go now today we're going to be heading to orpah wee wee wee no i'm not leaving that and that's terrible that is terrible the only bit of french i know is in very uncultured british which is jedor le fromage oh actually you know i do know another one from school a very useful phrase jemmy love monbite i'll let the french people in the chat translate that one for you anyway let's let's get into paris all right so in this game you have different stations uh they're these white shapes and you have passengers up here so you can see at the white station we have a square passenger so he wants to get to square so if we draw a train line from that you'll see the square is on the train and then he's got off the train and now i've got one point you see on the top i'll then extend my line up to triangle and then we'll pick up the triangle person drop them off at triangle pick up thought circle person and bring him all the way back to circle now we've got a we got a triangle spawn across this is a river so we're gonna have to use a tunnel you can see in the bottom right we've got four tunnels go underneath you can see the tunnel is in dash line and again we got it we got a new station on the right so i can drag this like that i've just extended the line so now we go all the way to there i've sort of learned quite a bit from the comments of my first video we want to try and do circular stations and ideally not have any of the same stations like in a line so if i were to do yellow up to there that probably wouldn't be great so i'm gonna do i'm gonna press pause i think we're gonna come back with those we're gonna make this a circle line so that's all three shapes that we've got and meanwhile we'll have our new blue line it'll come under here and go like that i'm not actually gonna link those up just because having two triangles in a row is sort of pointless all right so now you should be able to see we've got this circular one so these will just keep going around in a circle that's way more efficient than like going to the end and coming back now this one down here i'm gonna drag that down see i learned something else from the comments you can just drag lines you don't have to redraw them and ideally yes we'd get another shape up there so now we can make this blue line a circle as well so it uses up two tunnels but it means this just keeps going round and around the only thing i need to worry about here is the square shape because there's only one square so it's the end of week two we have a new locomotive for your metro that's fantastic we can either upgrade our lines to have more trains on or we can just use them on the other lines that we unlock we also get to pick between a new carriage for one of our trains we're unlocking more tunnels i'm i sort of feel like i might need a tunnel just in case like these two islands if we get a station appear on there that's likely to be two tunnels to get to it we'll do tunnels for now and if things go wrong that's probably the reason why i cocked it up look at this train is just going around it's like there's no passengers i'm pretty sure as well square is like the rarest of these starter shapes so i think that's quite a good idea to have both your lines meet at that point all right this yellow line i'm going to extend that down cool i think this is looking good two circular lines sort of no no issues at the moment i almost felt like maybe i should have gone with the extra carriage though and that's the blue line because it is quite long oh look out look out right we've got another shape up here this is quite a rare shape uh so i think this one literally is going to do a new line to the square station so if any plastic yeah you can see there's a plus or cross waiting at this circle station on the blue line so i'll be taken to the square where the green train will take it oh god tell you what this green one i'm actually going to go around because i can see a plus there and it brings us down to this one oh i don't want circles in the light why there's so many circles over this side of the screen you know i think we should probably pick them up as well right the end of week three we get another locomotive i think that happens every single round so that's pretty good now we can decide to unlock a new line or an interchange and an interchange i think is a larger station so it sort of increases the capacity so the number of shapes that can be stored there i feel like a new line will probably be more useful at this stage i might be wrong but we'll go for that we've got two trains and a line ready uh we do have another square here so as we know squares are pretty rare so that's quite good i'm a little bit worried about how much some of these are stacking up so i'm thinking maybe i want to do some different shapes and we'll keep it going for now we can we can we do always have the option to pause and redraw lines you are really in the wrong place though why why up there okay i think we're gonna have to do a bit of that extend the yellow to reach it i probably could as well move this green one back i feel like another line to there is not gonna be a bad thing because that keeps stacking up likewise this one not great oh yeah i think that time is going yep that time is going down now i think we just about saved the day there oh this is not good come on hurry up trains hurry up i'm gonna have to extend you down this one over here really not ideal i think we might have to think about re-jigging some stuff uh oh i don't know what the best bet is that's horrible that looks horrible but it's week four we got another another locomotive and another line so maybe it's time to start splitting these up rather than being huge single lines get a few more colors involved so we've got loads of tunnels as well so i think we'll sort of hit pause i think we'll just we'll delete everything absolutely everything we'll try and do this again so what we want over here like i know i know you want to avoid having two circles in a line but i can't think of a better solution i feel like we always want to come through this square or at least that square so if we go maybe like that and that's all of those covered then we'll try and do something with these lines so we definitely need to link these two so i'm thinking we'll go to this square line green also come down like that meanwhile the final color will come all the way around these like that's a really not great in terms of how many circles there are in a row but is there a better solution i do not know uh we've also we've got one more color actually so we could provide a bit of a link so maybe if we come if we do that maybe we can do a third line that comes across there i'm sort of thinking just like a straight through line to like help all of these out so hopefully all of those people get on board this orange train yeah nice and they'll all get off that one grab a few of those pluses are waiting for the green people yeah i think i think that's quite a good idea actually linking up all the circular lines with the orange oh no we got another shape we got another shape i think yellow just gets put onto that one okay i think these are coping if i'm honest i'll tell you what i won't have that one on there i'm going to move this purple to go on to that triangle this green one we already had two triangle stations in a row whereas the purple line didn't so that should help us that that isn't ideal though because both green and purple lines already have two triangles in a row so i'm gonna i think that's all i can do really add the orange onto it all right it's week five we got another metro thank goodness and we can add another line in or we can go for a carriage i think lines are probably the best thing still how to get this circle involved yeah basically there's just lots of circles in a line already what i'm gonna do i think i think we'll disconnect that one and then this orange line from here will go to there and straight down so we're not actually stopping at that triangle station it does look like it but we're not i've just extended the yellow line down to pick up this circle station i'm sort of thinking about where to use my extra lines and trains at the moment trying to look at any lines that aren't creeping this purple one not great there's another timer down there we've also got a new shape up top cause a bit of thinking going on in this there is a bit of thinking i don't i really don't know what the best solution is i think green line is coping so maybe we can do that purple really really isn't they do i just add another train to it or do i try and get another line in i think oh god no it's all good there's timers everywhere i think we'll wait for this train to come down see how many it picks up no it hasn't even helped so i'm going to add another train going in the opposite direction i might have to do the same on the yellow line so a train there going that direction so that will stop that timer you see purple timer now going down this yellow one everyone on board timer now going down just about save the day i think but now we have a line with no trains to go on it i don't think we can undo the train stuff i'm gonna bring this purple line down now we've got two trains we can expand this a bit same with the yellow come on top right oh get on board yes they're all on board right i think we're in a good place i think it's not too bad it's week six yes we got a new locomotive i'm not gonna bother with another line i'm gonna upgrade a platform when i need it i think i'll just save that for when i'm about to lose the game oh look at that you would do that wouldn't you why why okay it's racking up quickly i'm just gonna do a new line just like that for now yellow we can bung you up to there that's no problems we've got two trains on that line okay this square platform looks a bit dangerous not gonna lie really don't like how many circles you've got in this bottom corner it's like six in the smallest space ever all right this middle station is about to die come on orange save the day oh no the green is on its way what's gonna happen do i have time yes green train save the day i can always put an interchange in if i need to save it but orange is on its way back as well it's got space for three people few oh no it's going back up right that's that's got to be an interchange there's no trains nearby either so you can see that's now a bigger station it's a big big triangle an engineer's dream and this green line i'm going to do a bit of that just to include this new station there's also one in the middle so we might come down there instead so we can probably get rid of this square now because there's already a square on the line and maybe we'll pass through that triangle so that's picking up two lines worth of squares if needed yeah we have quite a big problem there as well so i'm gonna add that train and hope that the purple yeah see that purple saved the day uh oh no people look at this one oh no i think that's game over it happened so quickly what if we extend this can i grab this train yes i can grab this train right train come over here pick them up quick quick quick he's there he's there ah that was so close i was literally about to lose that game now week seven we've got a new locomotive thank goodness i don't think we want a new line we're gonna we're gonna add a new carriage so what line would be best i'm wondering and we gotta extend to that one i really don't like there's so many so many circles in a line i think maybe the green line could use an extra carriage so yeah i think i think we'll do that you can see this tray now it's got two carriages so plenty of space to take everyone quite a lot of diamonds on board so they're going to get off here same with the squares that's going to save that station excellent right things are looking alright again i've got an extra train as well now we're coming up to a thousand points i can't remember we got in the first video i don't think it was very good we could even think about changing the end of this like lighty green color maybe it doesn't need to go all the way over to there we'll have to see oh but maybe it does now because of that one sorry sorry light green you've got an even longer journey oh god it just dropped off loads of people there well the original green save the day yes it has that is a good train i'm worried about this blue how many people can get on board okay that's gone down orange one over there is also sorted okay we're just about hanging in there oh i've just noticed we've got a station not connected oh now it's got a timer as well oh dear oh dear i mean to be honest probably worth doing blue down there as well they're both the shapes in a line you see all the triangles getting bored and then off there so i don't think that's too bad we managed to get to week eight another locomotive excellent i would love a new carriage but i'm completely out of tunnels so that could screw me if i don't take them but i feel like maybe we should gamble or just go for the carriage it's more capacity so it's definitely good we've already got a few crossings right yeah so that we're gonna gamble we've gone for a carriage this could be a mistake are you tit just instant regret oh balls right okay we're going to have to re-jig i think there is a way around we can this light green one we can come back come down to the teardrop maybe maybe via like that platform now we got no more bridges this other green color we could bring that down or maybe as we got two trains we can just bring this one over i knew that was gonna screw me i knew that was gonna scream here oh god we got a star up here as well so i need to think about my extra locomotives and the carriage i think my only choice is to use an extra locomotive there because i would take the triangles from there over to this station already all on board oh we could even we could even go via that one do we want to do that i don't know soda we're going to we are going to all right massive emergency on the blue line i'm going to grab a train onto the blue line in that direction and i'm also going to up the carriages on it because i can see there's so many waiting there so you may have just saved the game with that move uh quick oh that was close that was so close that was clutch as anything uh somehow save the day though so i'll take that i'm also thinking this green line maybe i don't want to connect to this triangle maybe you want to connect to the bigger triangle so if we take that one off and put that one on i think that's better because we want more people using this one we want them waiting at the big triangle because it's got bigger capacity like maybe we want to even drag this purple to there we want everyone to like switch over there now but the purple seems to be working so i'll just i'll just leave them as they are problem with the yellow down here there is a train on its way though oh no there's oh problem in the middle as well you can probably take the blue off that circle and on to that one now they're both really far away though so is the orange so no point extending maybe the yellow will have to save the day if that's even possible it's not they're all full up they are all full up i've done that hoping this blue will get down and save the day come on hurry up hurry up they're on board oh they're not on board they were just getting on board oh well that's the end and we nearly got 1400 points which i feel like was a lot better than we did previously so that's how we ranked in the bottom 45 this time we're in the top 30 i've improved yeah so thank you commenters because all your tips really helps out there circular lines dragging lines from the middle etcetera very helpful and i've improved a lot not nowhere near the top ten i'd have to do ten times better but top thirty percent from a second ever go i will take that anyway au revoir everyone i will catch you next time peace love and bridges bye
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 409,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mini metro (video game), strategy video game (video game genre), mini metro, mini metro gameplay, mini metro strategy, mini metro tips, mini metro high score, gameplay, strategy, tips, high score, gaming, game, puzzle (video game genre), mini metro ios, mini metro android, mini metro london, mini metro guide, mini metro tutorial, minimetro tips, real civil engineer, rce, mini motorways, real civil engineer mini metro
Id: e9LAfZRkN7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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