Using SEGREGATION to beat high scores in Mini Motorways!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to mini motorways this is actually the second time i've done the intro because i forgot to turn my microphone on but don't worry we're in a good brain place we're going to get some high scores so my first video i did los angeles we got a score of 1400ish and survived until day 82. my last video you saw i was in beijing messing about with roundabouts also got around 1400ish and survived until day 82. however today we're in tokyo let's hope we can beat 1400 and survive longer than day 82 and if you help me out by booshing that like button we'll get an episode number four where we'll look at this level i'm not gonna pronounce it because i'm british and i can't pronounce foreign words right let's play tokyo so if you haven't seen this game before it's simple you start off with a supermarket and a house people want to get to supermarket from their house so you draw them a road and the cars leave the house and head to the supermarket this little icon here means that a journey is waiting to happen i like taking their bags of shopping upside down bags of shopping thinks he has this car pulls in the upside down bag of shopping goes from supermarket into the car lovely so quite a simple game you might be saying but as things go on more cars appear more supermarkets appear and different colors appear and you've got to keep an eye on that traffic now as you probably know from my other videos i've been a highway engineer for like 10 years of my life and god awful yeah that's not bad it was it's pretty good hey what's going on here i've got red uh game where's oh there is i was like where's the bloody cars so in this game as you get like these journeys pop up if you don't fulfill them quick enough a timer starts appearing and if you do not fulfill that journey within the time that's it that's game over that's how you lose this game so down here we have all of our tiles we've got 13 road tiles and we've got two bridges to use so what i'm going to do i'm going to grab from this house and you can just draw straight across oh no i can't a house cannot connect directly to a bridge okay then buying game we'll go where will we go go there first is that better game oh look and we've done a curved bridge anyway that's the end of week one now as well as a bridge as you can see down the bottom you can also add roundabouts and traffic lights roundabouts as you know are the most superior design option you can ever have in the world if it's up to me the entire road network would be a roundabout and think about it i've just described the m25 around london uh but traffic lights in this game not quite got the hang of them yet so i'm going to avoid them and just go straight for a roundabout we also get 20 road tiles so now we're on 29 tiles in total right so we have another red supermarket instead of connecting these up i'm actually going to do the scenic route so hopefully these two houses can feed into them if not i'm going to take this house around and then just connect it in there now this isn't looking the neatest of solutions but i'm sort of thinking it's critical to sort of keep the colors disconnected i'm pretty sure in a moment something else will spawn i'll completely ruin my plans but for now there's literally no bad traffic happening there's no criss-crossing of different colors or anything like that so at the moment i feel like we're looking good right we've got a blue over there again quite a long journey i'm gonna see i think doing diagonals as well rather than doing straight up and across i think that uses two roads so if we do diagonals that should use up less roads then if i connect these two like that then we've sort of got everything in place we've still got eight road pieces left and we've still got a roundabout to use but at the moment we don't need any sort of roundabout because all of our colors are segregated so i think we're on for a winner at the moment it's the end of week two which means we get a new upgrade we've got the bridge or the roundabouts now i've got one of each i'm not entirely sure what's going to be more useful i do see there's quite a bit of river happening so as much as i want to go for the roundabout i'm gonna select bridge so you can see here there's a lot of river going on we've sort of got an island here and another island there and i'm not betting man but if i was i'm gonna say something's gonna spawn on this big white area and also this white arrow sort of looks like a giraffe in like pink speedos is anyone else saying that or is that just me like that's his head that's his little nose that's his front legs and that's his back legs with the pink speedos no just me okay anyway we'll carry on with the game all right here we go right so we have a yellow and you can see that spawned onto this road already but we can actually take that a different direction we could have done but maybe not anymore because that one just spawned before i got there oh god that's gonna use two bridges that's all of our bridges gone here let's let's go back actually can we oh we can yes okay we can do that so only uses one bridge if we do diagonals up to there yes then we're still segregated we're keeping all the different colors separated so at the moment no traffic at all and that's the end of week three i think bridges are going to be key on this one screw the traffic light i really don't know if they're any good in this game but definitely bridges so we'll do that you can see in the top right 74 75 even that's the number of journeys we've made so far and that's sort of a high score so when the game's over our top score will go on to leaderboard and we can compare that to the rest of the world oh god that used two bridges oh i don't like that i don't like that at all i had diagonals diagonal it's all about the diagonals map but also at any time we can come and click this clock and we can actually pause the game so that stops all the cars moving and we can actually delete everything and rebuild it so if things are getting a bit stressful we can always do that because i am thinking i might need to at some point take these purples onto this yellow road and then back off just because i've used a lot of raid there and two bridges which really isn't ideal but yeah we'll carry on we'll press play oh look so now we have to integrate our colors we've got this sort of i don't know what color is that it's going to say move but it's not moving the slightest it's um ham i'm going to call it ham it's old ham colored if you ever had ham in the fridge and you've like forgot about it for a week or two so it looks like that i think yeah how many oh god we've only got five road pieces left as well this is getting pretty critical if i'm honest but it's now week four and we've unlocked something new a motorway so motorways are really cool in the fact they don't use any road pieces but you can have them as long as you can and they sort of saw like a flyover so they go over your entire city now the downside is you only get 10 road tiles when you select a motorway whereas if i do roundabout i'll get 20 and only having five left i'm a bit worried 10 won't be enough but i got a sneaky plan on my sleeve so i'm gonna go with the motorway and we're gonna we're gonna leave things for now but when i get in trouble what i'm gonna do is delete all of this road from the purple housing estate and replace it with a moose week so then i get two bridges back and all of those road pieces uh planning ahead though in this game never ideal oh god why did you do that to me game oh no okay okay that's fine that's fine that's pretty good actually so we've now added two pink houses onto the purple and ham colored road but to be fair these pink ones are only going to be going along there so it shouldn't make too much of an impact on the rest of the traffic i mean i've literally i've like segregated one color in my previous games ever so the fact i've still got all of them segregated pretty much means things are still going well i'm happy oh god just connect that house in but if you look over here this supermarket has upgraded to an imac cinema and unfortunately all of our pink houses are still spawning over here so we'll have to keep an eye to make sure that three pink houses are enough to satisfy these two buildings they might not be in which case we'll have to try and connect all of these pink houses up we've got a load of blues going on up here so let's connect them in i think as it's housing a state i don't mind having a crossroads there shouldn't be too much traffic coming from that as you know though i'm not a big fan of crossroads very inefficient uh right motorway or bridge another motorway would be useful but i haven't got any bridges at the moment solid motorway motorways are fun i haven't actually used one yet but we probably will do soon depending on these pinks right we've got a blue down here you can see there's no blue shops anywhere near they'd have to cross quite a few different roads so i'm just going to leave that just to do nothing there's no sort of penalty if you leave a house on its own uh you just might feel sorry for the people that live there because they can never leave their house they have a drive to nowhere i got another blue supermarket i'll just poke that straight down although you've got two houses down oh now we've got three houses down here i still don't think i'll have to connect those in at least yet we've got a lot of blue houses up here and demands is sort of being met i have to keep an eye on the imax as it is a bit dodgy aha and we've got a new color we've got the dark blue yeah so i'm going to take this up that way and cross oh no we've oh no okay okay let's pause let's pause okay we're gonna have to think this through because everything's going a bit pete tong at the moment so we've got another ham colored supermarket in there we've got a load more ham colored houses up there so they're gonna have to connect in but more importantly i've got two journeys already waiting in this dark blue one but no way to get these houses across because i don't have a bridge so my master plan from earlier i'm actually going to initiate that now so my master plan is delete these roads connect the ham in and connect those together and then i'll take a motorway from this corner and i'll take this so sorry supermarket you've now got a motorway above your shop we could have gone straight we could have gone straight but uh the architect demanded curves so we've got curves right and then we've got 20 road pieces to use and two bridges so i'm pretty sure we can do a super long bridge there that only uses up one bridge piece so that's now connected and i could just add some of these ham pieces and we'll do that one straight across so that we don't make a crossroads there we've got staggered junctions so hopefully things are still smooth right let's press plate you can see our motorway the purples are now flying over the river that doesn't use any bridge pieces or any road pieces that's just single motorway so now do you go for the bridge or the the other motorway i feel like motorways are going to be the saviors i do have one bridge already but i'm tempted by the extra pieces in the bridge let's do motorway so that you only live once don't you only got 20 pieces i'm keeping around the on the light blues so i'm i am worried we've got three houses disconnected if these two supermarkets upgrade to imax cinemas it only takes one good movie to come out and we're in trouble oh god okay so we've got a blue here so i'm gonna connect that there and then we're gonna have to connect these houses in i didn't wanna do this but uh no choice and then this light blue one we'll just do that oh god i didn't even connect it there you go connected now right and oh god we've got yellows so we're gonna have to connect those two roads together just so the yellows do have an option to get up to there oh no that doesn't even get up there that's the wrong run that's delete that we want to connect over to there so yeah so if you're a yellow you come from the housing estate around here over that junction turn left down that slip road turn right oh god it's a long way i'll tell you what i'm gonna have to motorway it because look look how many we got five journeys already so i've paused the game as we as as we got a few spare motorways about i'm going to grab them away from there yeah we're going to completely ruin that we're going to completely ruin that pink guy's house but we can actually get rid of that road so if we press play you'll see this road does stay in place just while those cars are still making their journeys that's because there's no other way for them to do it but because there is this motorway they can come back that way oh god we've got a purple imax cinema and thankfully we've got another purple house so i'll just connect that in there there's another purple up here but i'm gonna try and keep that separated for now another yellow you can connect like that oh no okay so we've got a purple here and no way of connecting thankfully it's now week six uh you know what i'm gonna do is it's another motorway so i'm to press pause before we get too far so we've got a load of purples going to this imac cinema we've got to get them up to here one way we could do it actually it's a little bit cheeky but i feel like we could use this number two motorway that the yellows are using so if we just went straight across and then these houses here rather than going down i'm going to make them go up because that will save me an extra road piece like so i can delete that one and yes we do now have a crossroads but we do have a roundabout so i could dabble with that like that does look quite nice there you cannot deny me that so you know what i think i'll do it let's press play and see what happens we've still got this purple house on its own i don't think i want to connect anything up to it yet no oh god i've got another imax and we've got another purple so i'm gonna just take this onto this arm because i don't think we really want a house going onto the roundabout it will just slow things up a bit but where they're spawning now that's fine a bit concerned about the number of ham colored journeys up here there's four racked up already where are you ham cars they're all the way over there so you maybe i need a motorway from there all the way over i don't know we'll keep an eye let's quickly connect these houses up dark pink i think that blue one just spawned but already connected so that's good oh yeah i think i think things are okay i don't want to jinx anything we've just crossed the 500 point mark i don't think things are too bad at the moment it's quite it's quite chilled out level this i'm enjoying this all right we've got a dark blue house down here no way of connecting at the moment without using a lot of roads i think to be honest the number of journeys is covered by these two houses it spawned another one next to me so i'm worried they're gonna put another dark blue supermarket somewhere probably gonna be this side the map just to like kick me in the nuts right week eight we get to choose between a bridge and a roundabout uh oh god they're both really useful i'm gonna go bridge though just because there's a lot of river about they both give me 20 tiles so see what happens all right trying to scan everything making sure i'm not missing everything keeping an eye on this making sure it doesn't turn into a bloody imax all the imax cinemas everywhere there's a lot and i mean a lot of pink going on in the middle i might have to motorway it across yeah sorry i'm going to do that am i am i going to do that all right i'll just press pause because i just want to work out how many pink yeah pink's still segregated on its own yeah that will not do okay i really need a motorway in there we've got two motorways thankfully so i'm just gonna go from the end of this housing estate i don't really know the best position to go i could go there maybe bang in the middle because then it's equal journey to each yeah let's do that and then we'll take this pink one off that main road and just send it that direction all right there you go so i've minimized the number of connections to this main road so that should keep everything moving quite fast along there uh let's press play let's see if that will help out it should be there's another pink spawned which i like very much another ham colored one up here oh and another blue down here you can see the journeys in the pink are going way down now there's cars for days in there it's busy but it's fine oh god here we go god damn it all right let's press pause let's press pause okay so we've got a light blue down the bottom what's the best way of getting them over to be honest i'm thinking motorway it's my last motorway but if we go straight over the top i think we'll put at the housing estate side and then i might need to look at sending these two up there but we'll just keep an eye on it for now see what happens oh no there's three houses down i'm gonna have to arnie oh good good game you're nice to me sometimes sometimes connect that in and i'll take this house back that way just so there's less connections there we've got four houses down here do i need to connect them up i would rather not but i might have to oh dear we've got more ham colored more moldy ham yeah so the obvious thing to do would probably be just connect over to there like that and then connect these houses up oh but it's the end of week nine so roundabout or traffic lights of course i'm going for the roundabout dark blues oh we've just got a new imac cinema numbers are still down for now but that really might need to get connected it's getting closer i may so i'm going to connect them up sort it there we go oh no there's always more why are you always doing more games people just love shopping oh i don't know what is going on there that's a lot of tarmac we really need to connect this light blue up thankfully i think i can just do that and then all of these cars should just go straight up there i'm going to take this one off the main track and go up that just keeps this running and a little bit smoother you see there is a bit of congestion with the ham people that are going to this area as they're coming out it sort of holds the traffic up like that one there oh we've got a purple here why here all right let's just pause oh god i've got a new ham imac cinema all right so first things first let's connect this ham house to there i think the hams are okay because people can just come down straight through and over there and that's also helping the purple oh god there are a lot of journeys to be made there though i could even connect those two together it's another junction but at least these hand people can use motorway number three come across there and just around that roundabout okay so we'll leave we'll leave that as is we've now got a yellow there i don't think we want to connect those up yet purple this may as well just connect you straight down but we have the new purple supermarket and we don't have any motorways we do have a bridge we do have a roundabout or to be honest i could just take them up to there eight tiles left we'll do that for a little bit the end of week ten do we want another roundabout or do we just want the extra 10 row tiles i think we're going for rotar's for now because we do already have a roundabout we haven't made much use of them currently we've just got that one there purple do we want to connect you up yeah there's two of you now there's two of you now you've got a load of yellows there's a lot of yellows going on up here i assume there's going to be another yellow supermarket spawn somewhere oh we got another bloody dark blue okay we'll connect that to this motorway that's no problem cause people coming over here anyway the light blues are a problem now we've got 10 journeys on these two is there anything we can do about it we could i don't like this junction if i'm honest if we make this a bit neater is that nita did i change anything i think i changed something i might have changed something i'm very concerned why i've been given so many yellows up here so many yellows now but all the ones in the middle they're all connected and they seem to be meeting the demand so that's fine oh no we've now got pink down here that's not good that is not good oh no hang on let's pause let's pause look we got 12 bloody blues up there we got no motorways but we do have a roundabout so to get more blues in we're going to have to come across here from there right so that should bring more people over but there is a crossroads so i'm thinking can i put a roundabout in i want to do a separate arm for these hand people so i think that looks good like that although we do have quite a few hams up there anyway but still two separate arms isn't a bad thing i don't think let's keep that going and see if this blue goes down at all so now we've got all of these houses connected in there really aren't very many light blue houses though oh god look at all that traffic look there you go there's the timer so that one if this timer fills all the way up it's game over so we need one more journey which i think this car's making right that one's lost its timer so that's good and now this one's lost its timer i think we've fixed that problem okay it's week 11 how many weeks are there in 82 days that's what i'm trying to beat 82 days is my high score uh traffic lights or bridge we'll go for bridge again i'd really like another motorway right now i'm very concerned how slow this traffic is whether there's a better solution do i have a roundabout no i got nothing i've got nothing i could actually i've got a lot of roads i've got 40 roads yeah i'll tell you what i'm gonna do that so what i'm gonna do i'm gonna create another route up to the blue area so now these houses have a direct access to it so hopefully that will minimize the amount of traffic going straight up here now of course that's all theory at the moment though not entirely sure so i think the dark blues are all they're still so created they're on their own little road network right all these blue cars i do you just want them to go that way now i'm not sure how the ai works on this game like whether the traffic chooses the less busy route or just the shortest route i probably should have done some research we'll work that out first but we'll see what happens we've got a light blue timer that one's gone thank goodness but if we do that there's another route for the blues just to go straight across yes it's more junctions but i think these aren't too busy so if some blues can go that way and get get to those quicker we're all good oh no there's carnage on that roundabout i've done that really poorly come on blue start going this yes we've got one using this road he's on his own private road he is loving life now this time is looking desperate oh god oh no on the ham one as well oh no this is the end it's all it's all gone wrong it's all gone wrong oh week 12. we made it to week 12. what's 12 times 7. 84. i think we've beaten our 82 day record i've got another roundabout yes we'll do the roundabout right absolute carnage everything's got a timer light blue and ham is just a disaster no i'm gonna press i think that's game over look at this one i think it's game over oh no look the cavalry the cavalry's arrived one car knocked the timer down oh it knocked it down a little bit where's the other ones where's the other ones nah that's it oh 85 days 1665 commuters so i think on my third attempt ever at this game i am getting slightly better now that that was a stressful level i'm not gonna lie but a lot of fun four thousand one hundred and twelfth now i assume this is now open to the public because last time i was like in the top 100 easily but yes we'll leave it there for today guys if you want to if you want to see me attempt to pronounce the name of this place remember to give the video a like peace love and bridges i'll catch you next time bye [Music] you
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 2,953,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mini motorways, mini motorways lets play, mini motorways guide, mini motorways walkthrough, mini motorways lp, mini motorways review, mini motorways game, mini motorways gameplay, simulation games 2021, new simulation games 2021, new strategy games 2021, rts games 2021, puzzle games 2021, new puzzle games 2021, management games 2021, mini metro, dinosaur polo club, casual game, minimalist, city planning, highway, traffic control, real engineer, highway engineering, rce
Id: C2t_rjCB9uM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 19sec (1339 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 26 2021
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